is Jj It 1 ,. ,' I 'f ' ' i'i Miscellaneous. I FORGET Mr, NOT. Fernet me ho: thce.h brighter c es M.iy be:trn unh spark! hi fire; Fernet me ho t';ji,iih fairer terms M;.y cau-se hf c to admire. Within my bcsotr. beats a bear: Frum sin an : tolly tree, And in the bloom of - ..ti.fu! h-pc I gave that heart t thee. , Who left frr thee her h i!'; y hmc, ; And took thee a her u;,. j Who weald km for a v..t hi have s-:c ller st.tti .;i by thv sicit-r When sickness, racked thy lan-v; frame Who watched thy p tir.n.d bed. Who-e firi.rvri wet thy parched 'dps Who bathed thy aching head Whose silent step at midr.Uht hour, Who-e frm then met thy -iht, Whcne evt, when pain released its ptiWt r. E'er darkled with deluht Will prouder danie, with fairer t.-rms Thus rn thy sick-bed stay Should yru f-rf.i'se ceccitbi' hearts Cat mine," pure, aw:iy? ()! le.tve me not th ' bt chu -r eyes M iv beam ith sp trk'ii'.c rirr, I): leave :nc r.l th j' fv.rer f.nus M iy cause thee to admire Within mv b .s-m bea? .-. heart Fr m sin ltu! filsehr d fice, rl v, . v.: 1 f -,. .i- ) I hat heart, wr. e s es. l.-.rr.p shl! bu:n, : I cvtr beat tr thee. -GO-FORGET ME." 'Ferret y u!" D:es f!ie sn i :rg The appcinted hcur t r -c. Or do the stars forget the plcc. Fixed fcr herri in t'-.e skies. "F.:r i et . r u ' " D c the nicht forget ro'i';.;-'.vaf-i:iiiV. Or when we're Caed to i'.eep in de-n, Will w c : r c 1 1 rbey. N M-, r.:r I ::rjt I ..c d.-.-. ' I've s)cr.t with v:u, Until t.-. 'rr.trr. s-n i t:, A:.'J. ilea-;: c:a;r:. :ts d".:e. wV-r iori 7V)'' Foundry. 2acn-i r-ip-c?:-:.y m: rrn v.-r ir.t t -.-v r. ec-mlv . : a ari-v it N i L"t- ; -1 t-.C.Ii"' .'vf or ti r.t a i i r teitei-o! -' ' . i" i i'ia'i:isr ; r-vrto PI.I.TIG TiJij ; ir. t.--t ,i ,d vniy. j pc m..- ?-.siy L- o:j'-iii.e J j .- , '-. I'i ,.:.-r:.-.-r r t. i -r r-t . r. . v j I". ( nv H c : ::. ; ', r c F tr..r .ir A v r P.St- it S ip-ci ir ,ta 1 ti" ; L.l P; t j Fer. t ,r.:,n.'--- j 4 ; t f', r sr. Coi, o'h I j er ca'. 2-S I--:.c d, o " i.t Rirria d-) do C " It'ie It ic di d 6 '' SiiCf d Kox. d d i 17 " At.t q it di do 12 " lit a c it do do C 1 Ofn B'icV io do 2 V.r;p' C&?' . i do ' G'frnn T-X' do do 2 " Op-:. Iit 1) d 25 ': 2 P -n Cr, i'H -ire?. J 1 I 'ill . C ' l 2 f r.ii'!" Cp. vi .o js kind. 0;r, i' 7 l a .an Ca.;. and Fisf i;.-. i Of:nmf:'! L-"frfs, Kackdofe. M . '. I.-.r:ry Mjur-, P-tr e r i ac''on, ".: Auroriirxi.' sit t..l t ; . -r .-,?n. i '-' . Hrai Ru'.e.. Ornm-ntal !' I.- j Era',.rri'- e in.ut 2'" kind Jvvf$ '.c rr.vre b.-.u lo kt.U ol . f r f h i I b...,k-, r i;i ;.. ii i ii;it'f uoiks: r i-r r (rjt ( .-npojin fitif Us v. i.l ij- executed w it.1 Urt stock be.n' j I AO MIUCE b CO The silk Culturist. rT HF la i','t f.',r.Tm'u!f-f r,f '.he Hart f rd ,-.'jr.';, s,.k h r ,-'y . ,H e com r: - t?.o:' ' ') : ubikatiori, called the j k f.u'ur:s -r i Farmer's Mar.unl. 'J - e r'ifi '.f tr e publication -to di-- sr.- a ' r.'.roo Vt,',:sn: of the tul- j 1 1 -:. 1 4 f.eMiib-rry lee, in ell us -re-;'v Ti." ffjrir of hi k Wo'ins i.'.e p" '; jM.'n of l.'ocons ar.d il.e Hed- j ir2 ol s.:k. k. 'be r;iot app'osed mefiod. j 'Ire itrpot tr. - cf this knowledge will ap i j er frf in t'r.e fict 'hat the r.ett pr,fn of j l-.nd t Med to tl'e ciilture of bilk, is J.ouLle. it oft triple, to that de lived from snv oti r tf p which tan be put upon it. It i also a fact, that everv moderate lar .-! r can 'aise sf-T-ral bundled ilolbir? wr r lb of S ilk w'phout intet t'trtir.g with bis ordinary ajrr cdotral operation?, lint in order ) avail himself ot this facility to r !-'ain competency and wealth, which our s il and climate havegnen bim, be must possess ljimef of information on the Mib ;ert for without it bis attempts will be Jiuit'fss. Jt is, therefore, the object ol the Committee to douisp this infoi maiion as extensively as povible, and at the cheaps est rate. The publication will contain a complete manual or directory from sow in the seed to re- li, ,he Jsilklo-rether with sin h facts and exjiei iments, a will enable 1 uiners to ra'we tSi". U. and prepare it for niaiU. I, wilhont further Unov If d-;e or as ol hut. It will iilsn iont!,i:i inu;iestiiii; ,.,,ttt i ..ii iijj' i. uliiir.. s-.l.j,.,-i5 frenei al U.HMX - I he CidluiiM ,ll. publmli. . n, n.oiilMv niiiiibeiH o FiRi (,,(,,!,, r.-fn, 'irV CVi n jNu Rub. ,,fI(,r..,,, ,ii l.t re.ivf iinlriiti pnid in a j ..,.. n t a., 'I f..r rod s ihuii i yi nr. M 'hit April, J lo 000 Dollars worth- 0p SOODS Of every description For VVHOLKvALK or RETAIL at nearly Cut, n A'ii--.. Garrett Co. 'o 1. Hmadway. Tarboro.' April 1535. Baron and Lard rPHE Subscriber i-i now recciv- JL iiirr nnit tdtV'rs fur fiitir hundred bitteL j . r i rr o Jlen iWTS. . - ANo. in store, a y Ot prime b.U () ant! LAM) J. U COTTEN. Tarboro, ' 1 ih Miv. 1 S3 5 NEW AM) FASHION A BLE .Uillinartj. fyc. JRS. a. C HOWARD in- ; forms her friend and the ; pt: h! i c ilnt she is now opening ! her Spring St'fp'j Good. .imor which may be found al ; must rvory article applicable to ! her business. viz: j Plain a:i 1 fincv cok red pattern Silk , Hnnnct,. ! Tancv T'c.-.n, plain and open j -;b. ' Mint's and cluidren d' . Plain, w ii ltd and figured Silks and i S it:ns t ij- dresses. I and hcurtd Ix-bbinett, Swiss . , - r, . v .... ..... n.rt I Handket rhief- Veils and scarf. i FhiH-ti Lice, t-dgittgs, inst-rtins, :c. Puffs and Curls, in threat variety, ."silk and s' cord and t niN, Hr"'"Mis. Flow ft s, eke. C in r.reat ' a'j'Kal.irK e, and at aricu prices. 1 The .ibove Goods hiving ben purchased on ver y id v ui!at;'mjs i leim', and seJecMt-d fiy heistdl, ( she ci!i vviih cordidmre rncom j ir.entl ih'-m, as b'in ol celh-nt ! rpj.jhiy and ai?o leniarkably ehedp. he in !'es an ex nniojtion o! j I'Pm, .is th"V cannot lil to please. I'jrbrrii.' May I. is .1.5. THE NSW Uillinartj Storr. MISS MITCHKLL, IU:f;s leive to infui m her fr i nils and ti.e public, she has taken tlie Store Iloue next ti' or to Mr. W. Hams, lor where she 1 rr-.rrlv th niy-rjs the !n:tl i: sjd,.IKj( Issnrtmeul of .MMinary i ever bro'ii;bt to tni n.nrkef. She ! H iltr-s b'-r s( if. ti, il from the kri'jwldt. oj btjsii.t.sanjijirtd in sev'T. yars empl' ni'Mit in the most e-erisie and ldsh;i!i;able p s t -i b 1 1 b m . 1 1 1 s in i ! i r C i ' v i . f ! j New York, and bein; well ?c ! q-iainfed with rnos of th- Millin- j aiy and Mercantile Ksi iblish- ments i:i :!iat cily, is enabled to putclu'se jods low, and hve j ! lo r Miiliiiiii v niad: 1 1 in a -une. i rior styh n r 1 1 1 (jii the most rea i unable lerrits. A motij her asorl- tr.ent will be found 2.30 Tutoin Hounds, (mnerrr. s:;:c and patterns) at . J" 1 si: .1... C. .. . l il'illl )k,J'J i.JJ l' l 111 IIIIC'l lllttIV. A har.dM.uie asf i tn.ent of North cn made velvet, satin, and silk lionnets. A variety of Caps, Capes and Tur bans. Biixk, white, blue, pink and yellow Italian Crapes. Black, white, blue, yellow and va- negated Ostrich reatheis. Artificial Flowers, feather and vel Yet Flcwers. Gold and silver do. Black and white blond Edging1 ind Footings. Hair Braids, Puffs and Curls, A lew elegant painted lustring Shawls and Ketticules. A handsome assortment of Ribbons, with many other articlestwo mime l ous to mention. Miss M. respectfully invites the Ladies of Halifax and the adjoin ing counties to call and examine her slock before purchasing and assures them that she will sell every article in her line, lower than any other establishment in this section of country. N. 1$. She has purchased a new Apparatus for cleaning and press ing Tuscin, Leghorn and Straw lionnets, in u. Noil hern :vle. Specimens of her work, both in that ami the Dress Making, mav be seen at her Store, where all oral trs will he thankfully re ceived nod punctually attended to. Halifax, Feb. '26. prospectus of T, Extra Ghbc. 'MU: iin.liT:gnd propose to isnie lit' t,rt i.unitif .-cf a ue series ol t e Kitri G'.jl.e, un .n.i .!j. the '2tS of Mny pe:. ami to ntiMish it wrt-kly f-r six monf's. waVinjr twenty -sit mmil.ers; ,He list oj onid n an inrfex tv the ltillbr r.r nt-.l n tM,. ,iM, a! n.irer. mAie I (j; in quarto form, like l!e K!r and j (illtr i.ihii1ied hv ns ear. J T-e 26nil;Lr$illn1ake41orovatqa,r- npajev . h will con'airt the principil original am cs ,.f i,e Dailv torMn and Joint sno .f n-tueoi tf e I ub ic met tu.; the chi ti..., and j p.iMic proctedincs m rtr- tte m tnej I ll'C'11, Ml THailOM ll r....r. I rteit I res'denc a contest iiich the itvh- cations ot tr.e present etr w ii go isr iu CfCKTt'. J 1 he 6rt n-jml er contain the I ro-( ceedn:s 'f -e Der.oi ratio .National Con-; " I. . I? .Inn ii till I he I ;.innh)n mouth. An enrl!n K.por- ter ra aireajy Deen riipr.. ncaied to report Troceeriiiies of the Convention, anl tne bpeecr-es whici. may be made on the oc- cion- , , , . - - j We tiqii'st the fivor of thofe iriend to hom trws Pio, pectus may be sent, to cir- cula'e it. for the purpose of obtamin sub - scriners. A cPy of the ork will be sent to th- newspapers tnat copy this Pi os- pectus. ub'cr.b'rs shoolJ forward thfir names in time t reach us before the 25'h May. If t h v d not. we may not be aid to ft r nish them ith all the numbers; bf cause the work is put at so o a piicr. that e cjih t atV'nl to reprint any numbers that may be exhau?trd. TEKMS. 0n Dollar per cop , in advance. Pleven copies will be furni-hetl fr tn dollar; tventT-to c p if f r tt ntv dol lars, i d o on in pi oporti.n. XT' The i ire of fit pap-r is so low, that vre nnn t .tiTord to open acrnir ts viOi those who i describe for it. Tberefore no atteii'i n vkilt be paid 10 any order unless the mont v iicrrimpani's it. ' BUUli HIVES. Washirg'on, April loth. ls.'i. INSTOKV UF TTIi: Kelt nhee .issocintion. ni'sr PtTJMSUPT), and for salf at the ofU'e of the IaMj r ' Pre. "A con ci Historv of the Kebukee baptist Asn- . " - , . ci.iti n. from its ori'jioal rie to the pre - ...... . ... ' sent tun' liv I. loVr Joseph nijs under 1 tne miter imoii tit a commrtee ' consinnr ' of Kldei s J os' u l aten(e, V' I' Hi -mm. and l.nke VNard, and biethreu Tdo B. Has.rll.) appointed ly the of lation.' Price jt 1 in li.or ."j I" pei dozen. October. Ho I. Ct.MPKKHE.IVi; ,,..,, u f , t act as Aceut n.r tins hijjhlv imer- e. tin work, informs ibe public that the f. r&t tolume enn be seen at his otfice. ,v!iere subscriptions will be received. Tb-fiiit volume is a specimen of the exe- cution of the work, editorial tnd merhan- ical It is to contain all that is valuable :.. ... ........ nftso rat linlilj . I, o ni,,i.c v. Iv.-. ,i- ( hii'Oiaii ( j.urch, Henry, Coll, Hod- ilrut;et till!, Adam Claik, Patrick. Pool. f.'.wth, tof der, Hiid oibet.; the whole de- al in;: labored under mh.irras io dl nfntil I i ;i dieestnml combination t,f t be u.Ivji i C-t Itlt'e exerti-m wtuld .idant.i'es of the best B'ble rrtinnentarie. (n li.e whole, it is believed all will admit t fiit tr,e work is what it has Keen pronounc- ed to he a credit lo the country; and the publishers and editor duor- pledge themselves IT ( and Ibesr can do no eff,rl shall be nut frtb nnd their charge! more j iht tvi rv effort shall be put forth to mke it. both in tlie literary and me (t.a'iical part, lastirgly useful, and w-t.r-I by a !ibei;, fupport. Hut lo 'Ustaio 'hem in so expensive an enierprize. the Inw pr."e fix. d fur the work rrquires that it si ocid i.ave an enensive sale, and no pub lish' r ould ftll w arrarm-ii in prosecuiin;: tt work without a Ure subsciipijon lisi; an 1. Miwever mi: opuptr such a coure mav t,e in rej; ird lo ordinary woiks. no besi ;i ti oi i, frit in re?oniu to it in th.s Cs.-, . rruii;lesi v necessity and proper. 1 io appeal in confi b iif e lo the if liioiis pn,u and to a I, who wish lo see it circulate, f o tnrir raines and patronage. 'I i, ere is a H-iptnt edition, differing in no re.p, t, i.o... .... ?r.n.i eu..r,M. y..V, ... Ilie i r o I lid n t. e oi i.) Mini, it. iciriou.r .j, which the Hev. Josej.h A. Warne, I. door of ire Baptist edition, makes the i, dinning i riiark, viz: Ad tliat was pr.mied in the li.tpti.t edition, as such, was that whaieter v .-i- found in the work as published for Pvdobapti-t generally, which did not r.or renpoini with llo- views ol Ja ti'ts, should he removed, and the maturest news of their own best wt iters substituted. It is confidently believed that no point con nected with wlidt is peculiar to the iJp list denomination, has been 'eft unguarded; and when il i considered that on no p. ."nils but those do Baptists differ Irorn Henry. Scott, Hoddiide, Uc. there can be scatcelv a doubt but that the denomi nation in geritral will feel that they have now a Commentary, in the reading of whicb they are sure to find what will (an the flame oflov-and satisfy the appetite for truth, and this without that diminution of their enjoyment with which Ihej were accustomed to meet in reading the authors, arising out of their dirTcitut views ofa chi istian ordinance. firms. The work will be comprised in five volumes, averaging not b ss than 80O paes per volume, royal 8 v hand somely printed on fine paper, and well bound in sheep, and lettered with double tirlis, at 3 dollar per volume. '1 lore will be several engravings, frontispieces, vignette titles, and several neatly engiaved maps, with other illustrative wood cuts, Copies bound in extra ei't ipting backs, S45C f,lam ta,f- S3'"5- GEO. HOWARD. March 13'b. 1S3.V trinthvj; Tress for Sale. rv SUPF.R ROYAL Printing Press, on X the old mode of construction, can be procured on reasonable terms. Apply at this Office. January, lSii-4. iliarrrains liarirains:: w I f Xe-c Goods! Xeiv Goods!! Cheapest ot ,ne i-heap, or 3 t't r;,wr the cheapest c u i T V presume to HllOJ m aper than the cheapest. the ff public seiirraliV (believing I . . , ...;,L that WC IVe an equal Fl-ht our neighbors so to do,) that we j,ave jut returned from New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore, i liuj c3me very near fljoinj: to p0;i0n ) where we purchased the Most splendid Assort men of spring and & amine v ti... pvpr decorated tlie sllplveS . .. . . . . . i,mnn, ;i,;n. ui dn tsklIl, ... ... . Gf TarboroUgh, (none excepted.) and are now Selling Off (it nedYllJ L 0$t, - j- For Cash, and at a very small ad- V3fjCe on 3 Credit. Knight, Garrett &? Co. No 1, Hr Kd way. Tarboro April 30, 35. I" SHALL leave this Shtf short L ly all those indebted and CHOUSE TO ViT IMMEDIATELY. Will not have occasion 10 rom- plain of pin a Cotisluble. lor services of no advantage to tivm. J.1MES WEDDELL. May '2.U, 1S35. G70 Yes! O Yes!! c-a-v ,,?. i i. i .u rWhlt man or woman indebted lo the ' I mv . , . . . . 4U ."subscriber bv n-n account, are re . ,, ', ,,i nuested to call and sejtl tr e ame as ear lv as convenient, either by Csh or note I :i - eati w ould be preft rr d, but if that Cannot be bad, will take a note. Tarbnro'. No. Ca. 17th Feb I.'5. - - ; r Oxford Jbxamincr. i . -ubsrnoer incites prop., sitiotis to succeed turn as not kooner than the 1st ol next Uctooer. A practical Printer could inret a sci-dl um to considerable advantage in his r;stMllihnienf . Anv pentleman p issess. in a few hours leisure each .lay miht de.oie them Willi the certainty of pn t'.t to the conduUine of a paper in this p. ace. -I L. . . . - . . ... c.l..l , l.a ,.r..rt I l,lr , ll- II. I M,r l,nli,nu .. ... to live coinior! ably f-r moie than fue ers, all hmi; b be and I. as all ensure a more extended .alienage, hoiibl an application be ma Je which likely agreeable to the public, , a barpjin mav be had. The establish- :in. nt is kerned a permanent one, as the per. pie have manifeiel a determination to custiii a Piess in the,r countv lown. : Kustdiii a Piess in their county I own. R. J. YANCEY, jr. Oxford, April 23. Type Foundry. So SHF.RMAN h. 3. ECK LIN, hav ing purchased the lype Foundry established by the late J. Ilnne, have en tered into partnership, for the purpose of arrsinj " 'be Manufactory of Types. mder the firm of ."?. F.ckhn Co. We intend keeping on hnd a large as soitmeut "f iyp-, especially those kinds ost used, which will enable us to supply I . Hers with the least nossihlp Hrhv uml , nf)W for R qian(i nf , best rpiality, (stock purchased trout the estate ol J. Howe.) and intend to make immediate additions to it. S. f.rklin ic Co. are now prepared to receive orders lor founts of every de scription, fiom Pearl to 22 lines Pica in cluding a variety of Ornamental Letter. We offer for sale also, an assortment, of (Jul, Hashes, Brass Pule, and other or naments, of winch specimens will he for warded to printers, as goon as ihey can be prepared. Mich improvements as the w ants of the trade and late may require, uili receive the earliest attention at this establishment. Printinsr Presses of every description. Printiiij Ink of thy most approved quali ties. Couiposiu; 'sticks, Brass and Com mon Cialiey's Chases, Impo-ing Stones, Paper and Press Boards, Standing Press es, Furniture, together with a complete assortment of all articles used in a Prin ting Office, will be kept constantly on hand. Small founts, suitable for Bookbinder?, in a great variety, may be had when called lor. Orders from :. II nn nf ih. .. :.. u ,.,,... ,,i ... c .. . ; 1 ... ,,,, ln,iM .ciieiuuy aitendeil o, and particularly iu supplying sorts for a! founts furnished by our predecessor. We re-pectfnllv solicit a s' aie of public patronage. 'Jo the former patrons of this loundry, we deem it sufficient to say, that they will be as well and promptly seived as hetetofore, should they be dis posed to f.iv..r ii, with their orders. I he of the Foundry will be conducted under the followin firm, and by the same person whown in fact the type lounder ui Mr. Howe's foundry. S. EC KLIN $ CO. Corner of Crown ami Callowhill streets. Philadelphia, Spt. 134. Constables' Blanks for sale AT THIS OFFICE. d d b I Remnants, Eemnnnls! ,A, ,V(.rV desi riplu'" ol (, will t'e Sold at half their value. J. WED DELI.. 20th Feb. I?3 . ' I To the .ifflicted. j GR Y5 invaluable Oiutraenf Air the cure of w bite swelling, scrofula bj other tumour, sore leg and n!rer. and frrsh uounds, sprains. bruie, swell- in?s anil inuji m...-, k.rUiii sMti-dvsi-entic pi'i. Rowand's genuine t-nic nixiure, a per fpftrure tor 8cu- sml levir. The above valuable medicines may hd wholesale or retail on application J. ;r Co'ttn, Agent for I ai borough. 1.S . HK Subscriber, who foreveial vears nasi has been eniiaed in 1 The Gin Making business. In Kinsrou, has est iblished himself I. CUEE.WTLLE, licit: lie taiiitJUii iiic a'wv. It- I -L. sir. ess in an us various orancnes. , All those who wish to supply II lt-lll sci c:s llll VJIII3 Ul nil. i-v:?v lie Will ilsfj Je!" quality, are respectfully solicited kinjr, to tbo-e tf. to Hjjpiv i me .suuei i oei peiMi a. IV or ty letter. All orders (ms will be ptomptlv executed. I ." , s.,,l,., ii r.r. r i n n ri in l.i Liuinnfj t.rl fr. i tnul in in-- -luw Hum . i ut: u:u I.: . 1 me appi uujuuii miilij in? wuitx nns niineiio met wnn, neiTaie"; not 10 promise enure si'i-Mi-nun to all who may see fit to extend to mm their paironage. Uinsout' I of order vill be exne-ilit iousl v le- ! tnirotl. The Subscriber takes ru,.,,. j .u ..tunimn 1 1 ' i i ui 1 1 1 1 1 iiic ituciinuu J t li'ie who i (tins, or to wish to procure new lave old Gins renair- ed. to the expediency of applying , to him in lime. When all wait as is usually the caf , unlil the work is; wanted, it causes such a pres sure of business, that manv are obliged of nr-ce"itv ,0 "ubmit to a longer rlelav than thev wish. AiiZifCisr tzsow, In connexion with this establiihiuent, car ries on tiie Lock& Gunsmith business He aNo makes Saw Mill Boxes, I V f I 1 f J I I ami JUKI, anU Lr HugeOHS, a composition in vented bv Daniel vi t Spilldle, tvith Stfel Colt(Ji i, fiur,jpd N These article- (Ooal lo M' any manUlaClUItU in the United Stales. f a II !nrc 1 . ' ill k. i i l n ritJLi i : i . . itiiii . ' "p UireCMU G reetl VI 1 le. o the Subscriber II EXE V CHAMBERLAIN. j July 12, 1S3-4. ' j Vl KsUllUIL JTc f y K Subscriber i,3s elahlNhrd X u i.- i i - ! nimell in Hie hOU-e lonnerl V himself in ihe house-formerly occupied by the lale Joseph Lac- )l01l crh io punctual cuoesr key, dee'd, near the river, and a Those wishing to nuiclise i sihjii Gi-.iance nelow iienjamm M. Jackson's store, where he t . . . . j:. it .. . i carries on The making and repairing Cotton Gins. All those who wish to supply themselves with Gins of thp best quality, are respectfully solicited to apply to the Subscriber person- nil I- m- ki, Lll.. All ..... I .. T ...... u , itri.iri- it i.t tie . . Gins will be promptly executed. Gins out of order will" be expedi- tiouslv repaired. Blacksmithin?, of everv des P. cription, executed in the best style. fly I' wo second hand Cotton Gins for sale low for cash. SAMUEL D. PROCTER. Tarboro,' 30th Sent. 1S34. Sia? .Months in a Convent. JfLTSSELL, ODIOR.NK k CO. hav WW press and will publish in a lew d a new work, with the t'nU ."imauve or Altss llrhprm llttr.r. J - "-- --fes,...,. ous, ,11C ciupiovments and ceremonies of the Uriuline order; and as it is the first account ever given in this M.nuar msTmu. on, toe w t iter ' na confined herself strictly to a iiarratmn nf f..,t. tl.,1 . I J-L- it.tti ii.tusp.ico uuuer nerovvi: eye and that were noted dov n alter her escape.' It will contain a volume f 200 paes 18 mo. finished and bound in the neatest manner. Boston, March 2, IS35. PillVIPXSIiHTS, Published and for Sale at this OJice. PATRIOTIC DISCOURSE th ISorth Carolina Whig's Apology fur the Kebukee Association and, A Basket a- irtgiurii'5. oy inr i.ev. .rosnua Lavvience. Also, A Review of Clark's defence and jus t 'fixation to the Kehukee Association, writ ten by a lay member of the Association and, Occurrences in the Life of Elder Jo seph Biggs, wrote by himself. Tarbwrough, Aug. 9. w ho was under the iutlueiice of the l ,aiij reduced price of 1' IVP H-. Catholics about two vears.andan intnateof! season, with t went) "ive Ctli' lownr1 " M,Mm; Groom in every i' town, nearly six iMonths in 1S31-2. I , , i , prmn-u The book furnishes a concise history of! 1 ,le n has already cvn Ihp rL. in.l r.....;.... .1 i .l 1 ...111 I ll.A hOttl- Piano Forte f or s,i havf: a v r - pi I A NO f.r vihinir to r.'.'b well to call a;.d ex-sr: i-,,-. ,T " ' C077v,v Mav 21 lb. Iv.;. "v Henry Jolin MLISCJIA.Nr J Anop HAS j,,sl nc,iv.,j : fci i- , iuik. rfs Jlt:, - j 0f Goods in his hr.M f,j fr ,.r, .:, ... L 'u be 'V " - UU.Z to, been bfOU-M to n.kM ! wtjiilil pat iieu!jfiv j,iV:,,4 men tlu! wji:'. Fashionable ar.d ('t lli it U To call snd exirtii is confident he Can U.'.-:n. I noin :i fpjjiuy III J pric.. has Ht'ije bsf,ilR...,.t . r , V-IOlli2 Ol J 1 1 InC ITlOst . .. colors, whu b hf u ;n I, i - 1 ' Sf II I- . j j0w for cah. or r u d .1,, .. ' loi,,,". - Hit n i r M i f -1 i I rnd' el,,.,,,, ' lor a intend- 'urr.ii, j- , 0 t,at a. VVell lis Ii,,!;,,,, ,," i i . - U: m l! -f. l. it.... '"'i uihck neiiVtr I 1 .A I ., t - um brelids, wi.iri, .ej i very lew. Hp- 1,1 hrt' hand and intends k ittpil.or a assortment c Heady made Clothe the M'le and trimmMi lv j- i!f ,.f Genilemen fni nui.,.vT "o.,.;. ' ' ui .. OA1! cloths. cn f.jve (.m n ;uir )., trimmed in li.e rr.r-st f ishi,.., ,i t manner, and t:.e l,oite r. lice. A fine riss(;Iirrai,t rI-. liemen's Stocks (,t , kinh tercel at n..i.'s, tltxl;0,i Brick store. Tirboro'j-h. Apr'l c:, MERCHANT TAILoII. p.-KK ibis opportunely c: iii!'injin ,bi cuslo!ie:! the public, he h:s j j -t i t-cer crl f.nn. Vr.,.. V .. ! I .. . . ! 01 cuuwui.ich a ui k. no -j uu, ; Simmr Goods, I i fl i JS lit.eol boinpssnnvst;i- innart04 ' ' Superfine blue, black and z:tl Clcths, Biue arid drab Ca-simeres : P,itn ur.t brown Cvmlef. firox.. - at . u,tr , : Linen dulls and summer Um. Hie res. ' Plain bLck vehct and figured Ves i lings j Linen bncns and collars, : Blick patent honibazuie Stocks, 5;c Together with his former Moc; ' .Jl oi which he Will lliMe I'lK 4 OIIilCIWie w in in pu c livino- lern.s fur rash, or Oil i YUSr trm fur Ca.-h. or . - .- i please to call, as ihy cm have ire opportunity to examine lor lhtfr selves. Gentlrmpn funk their own Cloths, can have tto made and trimmed in the r--'-fashionable style and at i!W5V est notice. All orders froaia tance will be lhankhillv rec?. . .V P'.;f and punctually atienued ! IU I Mil rtl V. i I , I a,)QVe ,he 1 ,an,er s 1 y .-. Broadway, opposite i .Store, where he wih be t- - tlaiy at his Psl' 'I' ... I ! . U ' Tarboro,' Tih Mav, 1?S5. Youwr Hanoi 3 . i-nV WILL a the present nt rny stable f J r ' FalUofTarRi;' ! at Col. Reni. Wilkinn' alC'; i i days"; Jordan Joiner, Sen r, alu"a:- d will be let to m.iie- .i i . ... eil anu win eun i"- ..... gust. Good seed cotlon ;j taken inpayment at t''e c.ish nrie.fs. inose""" cash . imnrru-ttllipir lrfk ofhu,P never have a more hivorab1 portunity. PEDIGREE , As to his pedigree it i (,e ;f necessary only Hi observe t' J is of the Arcbie ami ; ,? stock. The horse ami so well known in t')lS V" j of that it is considered ue,t give any further particular p ery care and attention vvl;'(., J paid, but no liability Ar flee-' J nnssEY wiiJ March 10 th, 1S35.