Tuvborough, (Edgecombe County; X. C.) Saturday, August 22, 1S35. Vol. XI No. 3 1, ... . ..'', rh r 'in ah Ve" " . .l.lf I Lll J rtP.Uy. at Tiro DMlnrs and ;r r ( f ' ' .. ... ., .. .,,:, .,i,ii!i f 1 1 l'. 1 -T: ,,:tr. for at.y -'" l" I' ",i4 V,.'s" ;.! l'I'filv l.Uontiniie ni "'"V:, ...viujr iio:i-- ilu'i-fof ami , rri, ihove re'i.li'ir ;U ;, ,iis ".'m ii.v:fi:i'lv J'-'.v ' rttlvriiirf. or ttJ,c ':',,n.ibl i t' '' " 'i vH-ioitv. 5 ivt. c-onr in 7 I , , ,,l .1 ;' ' tVUlS tllf II M Hi '! 1! M that rate l v. ry lt lim- f"fr rl Vn" ,-; imM ," ,l1,u, n,"u l'f'-'erti-Mis required, or ll.ry will be 1 uitil tiTwNf or.ltinl, and 4 ,..,! arrt.rhRly. !CI : ;t,r,a,ilr.-ea to the IMitor U I : I ihpv niHV !' t' HlK-ml.'O .v i . . I lOx-lVesident Aladi?on lius jtuii unanimously eUcttii Presi I ddit i-f tli5s Society, nre Chief j .,;ce Marshall, deceased. The i . . .iM.;.- s.n'iiv hv run- s tribunes of not more than a dol i jar each, tVom the bite inliabit 'Llt, of the Union, to raise a sum j. ,!,Mn;Ue to the erci'iion of h raon 'une'ut to Washington, in the met !r ,:v):if nndpd by him and bear name, vv li ic li shall surpass ;, magnitude and magnificence all , er similar monuments. Mr. : . in his letter accepting i . lj ! 1 1 I " w - IJ....."..I.,.,I rvLe.iut';fi:iy and justly remarks, i nniuiment reared by such I i::ea:?.vviil commemorate, at the i Tha Jlcksbunj- Gamblers. vine lime, a virtue, a patriotism, rrivin-r account of the hanging i and a irratitude truly national, aiKj tarring and feathering of five a;::, which the friends of liberty j tramhlersat V'iek!jo rtr, Mississippi n.ry where will sympathise, and XG "Times" at Fdi.abeth City, ' . i which our country may well be ! Pasquotank comity, in thi State, ;.:vj,j." The people of Poland j , emai ks " We find the names of i,ive erected, by similar means, a i f!VU who tiere hung, and among rr,;:rJ!P.fiit to the patriot Koscuis- j them those of M McCall and l., which measures 376 feet in.Mr. Callum. Can these persons L li'.ifitr ai :ue uase. irci m lci:'nt. an is said to be the most , . s:::peadous work ever performed Uince, as a Dentist and Minister of Lyhanmi haad?. The Society I i,e Gospel, and Xathamtl K. Lave lately commenced their op- j Kfllum, son of Howden Kellum, craiions with the most encourag-! f ti,e adjoining County of Cam nz success, and are taking tneas- (lfM), v ho w a also a member of ures hr extending them all over j i,e same Church, and went West :Sieeoatitry. iwciVi Star. j with AlcCall As they settled in I Mississippi, there is too much d Xt t of (lamttt rs broken w.1 reason to believe these are the -The Norfolk Beacon states that; very men, through we hope it may a enabling establishment was not be so.' ib. '.uke:i up in that Borough on the; instant, Ijy the activity of the Divorce Lata in JIainc. A :I - ice. The whole "stock of ac- j couple w as recently divorced in coutreuieiit,' consisting of tables, the State of .Maine, who had inn--s-junters, cards, tzc. "was duly i tually petitioned for a separation: t-tiiihited before the Mayor, and I the husband's cause of complaint iviucmned to the flames. The w as, that his wife smoked, day and -"it paper gives notice, by au-1 night which she had also done t'li'ritytn.m the Mayor, to sundry before marriage, but concealed it jer?o;i$ of the Vicksburg gang, j from him: the wife's plea w'as equal-; v,"' had ai rived there, to "depart ly strong; she proved that her .ifnmedibteiy, or abide the utmost . loving mate not only chewed to--tiity of tlie law." ib. bacco. but also ate. oni'jns! This t J was sufiicieul: the court cut asun- ' 4,;ie Enter. It is said there is' der the cords of matrimony, and negro !oy, about 0 years old, in both parties are now free to in- ;er comity, Virginia, whojdulge in these obnoxious prac- as Jten m u,e habit, for six '-loath or more, ol eating peb- j L,t. el ait even surface, some as you use the narcotic weed, in any ''r as the end of one's thumb. of its preparations! ib. '" liaUjeen known to void two " JI'His ol'tliem in the course of Frost in Liu ncombc. It is sta weeks; and yet he appears tolled in the Greenville, S. C. uPy good health. tf. Alountaincer, that ihe earth was fairly whitened with frost, in Bun- Jmand Michigan .It would 'combe county, in this State, on "I'pwr that the uiifnrtiiimto r.fli! the morniiurc nf stand 2d u!t.-i6. f r l... i "" "' tween this State and TW- 1 t0rv, is not y et at an end. An -med military force from Mich V1'1' entered Toledo o, ir.i. I;1-,1' le number of 250, and .ne;;.;isoners of? or 8 citizens Y " P'ace, under authority from "e a(l"g governor of Michigan SheT;1';1 u: l,,e priii-ofiice !;;-! Gazette, broke open fi' .ddimr, demolished forms .ft - w s- s-Ill&CHS ,, r' fcc and committed t.'er 0utrages in the town. Tob (do ter-;. Mluale n the disputed ii'iab""' ant 11 seems someindi 5 ot character preferred Jthe 'J daIrns J,Sai,,st citizens );; ' J P -ice, and procured judg- .Michigan justices of an adjoining county! by authority of uhirli property was seized in Toledo and otfered for sale; for resisting this procedure, the town and citizens were indebted for the visit from the Michigan battalion, and for the outrages they com mitted. These collisons of State authorities are greatly to be re gretted; and it is to be hoped there will not be a recurrence of them, and that the whole difficulty will be settled at the next session of Congress. Hal. Stand. Lynch' $ Law.. At is. stated in the Louisville (Kentucky) Advertiser, of 1 Oili tilt, that a brute of a fel low named Coleman, having en ticed a little girl, 8 or 0 years old, into a temporarily occupied oflice, attempted to violate the child; he was however prevented by the unexpected return of the occu pant. The citizens, indignant at the outrage, took Coleman to a proper place alter night-fall, ami there anointed his body with some two or three hundred lashes, washed otf the carcase with spirits of turpentine, decorated him w ith a suit of tar and leathers, and then sent him adrift. The beast of a fellow- richly deserved all this: but can't the Western people punish villany by any other tribunal, than that of j,, hvnchr ib. ih Unrtnr iri n w in incH throuL'h this place a few cars tices to their hearts content. So look out, Carolina matrons, bow o Public Eicculion. Pleasant Gillis, a free negro who was sen tenced to be Hung by our last Superior Court for an atrocious outrage upon a white female, was publicly executed yesterday; be ing hanged by the neck until he was dead dead dead. Pet. Cons. ttTlie New York Evening Star of the Gib inst. contains the following card, to which, we in vite attention. A Card. -During twenty five years that I have been directly connected with the public press, 1 have invariably sustained the rights, and supported the princi ples of the Southern States have always protested against any in terference with their constitutional priviledges, and decried every at tempt to create excitement, or produce unhappy difficulties on the Slave question. Kecent events in several parts of the Southern and Western States, satisfy me, that there is a fixed determination among a body of men residing north of the Po tomac, to agitate and pursue the discussion of immediate emancipa tion, and thus jeopardise the safe ty of the union, and the rights, comfort and happiness of our fel low citizens, residing in the Slave States. With the view of affording to those residing in that section of the Union, and also here, a chan nel in the North, through which they can be fully heard in defence of their principles, their rights, their attachment to our happy confederacy, and, in particular, their sentitnents on this important and delicate question, I cheerfollv open to them the columns of the KVKX1NG STAB, in which not only those rights shall be firmly sustained, but shall be happy to make the paper the medium of a communication through which their sentiment can be heard, and their wishes made known to the people of the United States. AI. M. NOAH. .Murder. We learn from the Bomney Intelligencer, that a hor rid murder was perpetrated in I Kandolph county, Virginia, a few n'uhis ago, upon a clock pedlar, by a tavern keeper and others in ! lus household. 1 he tale goes lhat ihe pedlar w as hung up by bis heels and bled to death by open ing the jugular vein. They were seen engaged in the act by a wagoner who had requested per mission to lodge at the house the sam- evening but w as peremptori ly refused he however encamped near the house, and during the night hearing the noise he was in duced to return, where he wit nessed tlie o nchision of this hoi rid th ed. Gazttte. jVcw Orleans. Leglike, the man arrested at Madisonvillp, on suspicion of being the munhrer til Marguett, the confectioner, and his assistant, who was found dead in their chambers, and who were at liist supposed to have killed each other, was examined before the mayor of New Orleans on the 30th ult. and confessed that he was present at, and after, the double murder, which hesavs was done by some individual only known to him by sight. This stupid admission and attempt at evasion was quite enough, and Monsieur beglise was forthwith committed for trial. Origin of LynclCs Law. As "Lynch's law" has recently be come almost as general as it is proverbial, and as the question is asked a hundred tines a day, "What is Lynrh's law?" It may be well to relate the following anecdote, which may serve as an answer: In Washington county, .Pa. many years ago, there lived a poaching vagabond, who, it was believed, maintained himself and family by pilfering from the neighbors around him. Though universally suspected, yet he managed so adroitly as always to avoid detection. At length a Air. Van Swearingen laid the follow ing trap for him, in which he was caught. Having a newly-born calf, he concealed it from his neighbors for several days then rode over to ihe poacher's and told him that a young calf had recently strayed to his farm, which he had penned, and was anxious to find the owner. The poacher asked him how long be had had it, its s ze and color, and being told, said it was his, and that it had gone off just at the time spoken of. Being thus detected in a lie with a design to defraud, Van Sweariugeii re proached him with it, and told him he would give him 21 hours to leave the neighborhood, adding that if he remained longer be would prosecute him. The poacher only laughed at his threats, while the latter went to consult with his neighbors as to what was to be done. At the ex piration of the 24 hours, five or si x of them repaired to the poach er's whom they found perfectly unintimidated. The party, how ever, proceeded to try him in due lonn, choosing one of their num ber, a farmer named Lynch, to be judge. Van Swearingen related th e oiience, which the poacher.of course ueuieu. 1 lie case was submitted to the judge, who de cided that the poacher should be I " ri i lied up and receive three bunched lashes, "well laid on," and then be! given 2 hours to leave the place, under a penaitv of receivinr three! hundred more if ftmm after that time. Tlie first part of the sen tence was inflicted on the spot, w ith such g )od intent, as to render its repetition unnecessary. Tlie culprit made oil as fist as his lacerated limbs would permit him. I . (TTThe public dinner given by the citizens of .Mecklenburg to Messrs. Leigh and Alangum, on the (ith inst. at the Buffalo Spring-, went off in the happiest style. The preparations for the entertainment were on the most liberal and generous scale. They were in every respect werthv of the zealous and higbminded, de termined and patriotic Whit? par ty of that most respectable coun ty. The Speeches of Alessrs. Alangum and Leigh were in the highest degree interesting and el oquent. We hope to be enable to give the particulars in our next. Pet. Int. More Mobs. A mob obstruct-1 slaves and three Indians from the Je(t (t legislation. The Ameri ed and prevented the landing of: neighborhood of Fort Mitchell, can slales l,,at the children had mail and passengers from the j Alabama. The slaves and In-j only imitated the example of the Steamboat Ohio, at Cattskill, in dians had been brought to 1 grow" workmen, workmen and New York, on the 4th inst. by Charleston by the kidnappers. I women, who had struck, and pelting with rotten eggs, stones, s:c. The provocation alleged was, the ill treatment of a trouble some passenger on a previous trip. CyAlbe Dean, ore of the in dividuals recently hanged in Alis sissippi, formerly resided in Co lumbus County, in this Slate. He came there as a pedlar from Connecticut, opened a store, got in debt to as many persons as would credit him. and then ran olf. It appears that he passed for a Steam Doctor in Alississippi. CCA passenger in the last Western Stage slates, that as he passed through Alabama, he un derstood, that Judge Crawford, of that Slate, had shot a Alusic Teacher dead, for improper lib erties taken wilh his daughter, while- engaged in given her lessons on the Piano. Augusta Courier. More Murder. A letter from Nashville, Tenn. to a gentleman in Baltimore, dated the 18th ult. states that the body of a man of that place who had informed of some mail robbers having cut the mail from the stage, was found the next morning in the river with his throat cut and his shirt tied up over his head. More Horrors. The Louis ville Journal contains an extract from a letter dated Cayuga, Aliss. July 9.' The writer states that a plot was discovered in Port Gib son, to poison several families. Two of the leaders in the plot were immediately arrested, and after hey had confessed their guilt, were 'compelled to take their own poison. Both expired in ten minutes. The Port Gibson jail, the writer states, is filled with ne groes; and tdds by way of post script, that 30 blacks have been hanged in Aladison county. Impart. Among the late fash ionable imports were received 10,000 coffins by a fiat boat from Cincinnati. Our good friends of the West seem determined to bury us wholesale. What! Ten thou sand at one fell swoop! .'Veto Oi leans Bee. The way they do things in Jef ferson County. Warwick, the murderer of Air. Fisk, an aged man, both inoffensive and harm less, was tried this week at Fav- ette. On account of some tech- idealities of the law failing to be observed, the prisoner was dis- charged. He had no sooner, however, emerged from tlie court; house, then he was strinned of his clothing, and a plentiful coat of tar ami feathers applied to him. Hp ivjs nftprwanlc ulimitml ni.til - - ut uiivi " Ul UO l IllWUtU lllllll almost insensible to pain; and to restore bis failing senses, we un derstand, a large quantity of spir its of turpentine was poured upon him. In this situation be was mounted upon a rail, and carried through the streets of ihe town, amid the shouts of the multitude. It is said that during the execution of Judge Lyrich's sentence, the culprit frequent begged to be shot, but was told such a death was too easy for him. When the ven geance of the multitude had been fully recked upon him, be was l furnished with money sufficient to carry him beyond ihe limits of tlie State with the injunction that . adult proportions. If we cannot in five hours from the time of his rival British manufacturers with release he must be beyond the ! out imitating their heartless sys reach of those who were again tern of child labor, we had belter ready to repeat the dose he had already received. CyTwo individuals have been arrested in Charleston, charged with the crime of stealing seven Lynch Law in Connecticut. Some few weeks ago, at Norw alk, Connecticut, an anonymous letter was addressed to one of the citi zens of the place, informiiis; r.i.Ti, that some timber bcit:i t biin, that lav on his harf v.is in the way, and "must be removed.". Wythe Couoty, W The owner paid no attention to . "His family consists cf 3 chil the letter, thinking it was a hoax, dren, four of whom are the m st The next night the timber was gone. Another gentleman said, that he was not afraid of such threats, but to hi great surprise the next morning, his timber was also gone. A few days after- wards, a letter was addressed to the Town officers, stating that the Old Town House was a nuisance . to the place, and "must be remov- ed." This was thought nothing of, but the next night, the house i was removed, and the fragments thereof carefully piled up on the! opposite side of the street. The gang, who have in this manner, j taken the law into their own ' hands, sign their communications. "Lieut. Andrew," having refer ence probably to the well known summary character of our General iti Chief. The affair has made corresponding with the diminu quite an excitement in the peacea-! tiveness of their size. We under ble little town, especially ; among stand they are about travelling to the old women, w ho think the j gratify public curiosity, which U world is coming to an end. But no one dares to make it public, aim uie eauoriai corps for once, are completely puzzled, as the gang has given it out, that they will demolish the first press that lares to put the subject in type. We therefore do this service in their behalf. A. Y. Star. d'From Texas, to which we now look for important informa tion we learn by the New Or leans Bulletin of July 18th, that the Texonians had captured tlie garrison at Annahuac, composed of 100 nun, and sent them to San Felipe. San Antonie was to be vigorously defended and gi t at excitement prevailed in every part of the province; the inhabitants being determined to resist every altemot at invasion. ib. (?Mr. Ladd, editor of a pa per at Corydon, Indiana, on the 2i")th ult. stabbed his wife until he supposed her dead, and then slab bed himself to the heart, and died shortly after. His wife was liv ing at the last dates from thence. The N ew York American t;ives a distressing picture of the condi tion of from one thousand to fif- teen hundred children, of ages varying from seven to eighteen years, who have been for a month without vvbrk in Paterson, and i who are thrown into this destitute condition because they refused to labor more than eleven hours a day. We have seen accounts of the overworking of children in the manufacturing establishments of Great Britain, and the effects of it on their minds and bodies which make the blood run cold. To make a child of eight or twelve years of age labor thirteen bouts a day is brutal tyranny. It is a most unmanly and unnatural bar barity which not only makes a j slave of the helpless creature for the time, but which inflicts on it an injury for life, stinting the grow th of its mind as w ell as the j body, and in many cases prevent- ; ig it from attaining healthy : ourn our lactones, out a reme dy can be supplied for the evil, and if the flagrant violation of natural laws and christian precept 'a,,not he prevented by public I Pon, n snouiu rje made a suo- I gameu meir ooject, lor eleven 1 houps a dav A,,d et ,,,is U l0 , mucn for children Bait. dmer. Dwarfs. The Wy ihe Argus gives v';e follow ing account of the family of a Atr. Michael Walters, a pour b respectable citizen of highly finished dwarfs we have ever seen, or heard any authentic account of. There are two males and two females. The height of the eldest who is a male, and in his 25th year, is three feet six, inches, and his weight, forty-three pounds. The other male is in his. ninth year, and is two feet seven and one fourth inches high aud weighs twenty-one pounds. The eldest female is in her nineteenth year, and is two feel eleven inches high, and weighs twenty-seven pounds. The other female is in her seventeenth year, is too feet eleven and one-fourth inches, hinh. and weighs twenty-seven pounds. 1 hey are ol fine proportion, and handsomely formed the heads, feet, limbs and bodies all very great in all persons hearing- of them in passing the county. We wish them every success we think they merit. The curious will be amply repaid, and the benevolent will not regret the aid they have given in raising ihe un fortunate and helpless to coonpe teoce anu) independence."

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