1 I mum Whole Xo. '7i Tarbarough, (Edgecomhe County, X. C.) Saturday, September 12, 1835; Pol. AT JV0..37. f i H j The "Titrhornuzh Press," by r.EoadE now Ann, Upnblilifi wrrkly, t'V or nw y-f'l Cer.'s "' v.-ar. if paid in H.lvHifre ''17 t liollars, t tin? i-xiiriiu , l,'' a yea1", l.cniin jirt v r- . ......... fivin-r iM'i- t 'ert-of ;oJ lilMIl r-vin. (Ml art'' i.lir imi invalidity pay H'Uaiu-p, ..: Iain, and was so notorious in the neighborhood of liis liirlli for acts of rascality, thai he found it con venient to fU his ostensible resi dence in the then new and unset tled wilds of the Western District, where he could more securely ma ture his plans, make proselytes, maraud the country, and run off property. Here he lived until outwitted by Stewart, successfully prosecuting his nefarious designs, taking long, secret and mysteri ous excursion over the country, and leagued with every villain he could find and manage in the great contemplated massacre and plunder above alluded to. His adventures in these excur sions, are lull of incidents, anv of MUkLL, which are enough to make the The rcnt W estern Land Pirate. blood run cold in the veins of all The adventures of this individ tul are '"1)vTii',,,,!'5- "! exv.Nl'ni!: In liu-. i:i',,e j.i.'.l at 5 on' tliv li t i.ier- Vxvnis t'cU foiitituuiiifp. Ij'n " '"!!" at that rale for every lt li .i ...iipm'H iihii t' miiUft llio Minn- ierol i'.i-ertins reqiiii-tMl. or lhv will li. j .J aiici.aiiSlv. , .;,' ortliev iimv not ljt I tiiltfl 10 I.eMi-rs truly oi a most dariur and I iiiitd hand ol robbers that ever i.ift'jted tlits. or any other country. John A. Murel is llie chief or ganizer ami great spirit of the lawless baud, which, by indefali- gable zeal and ability, he has been noses, r 1 1 s confederates are scat tered all over every slave holding Slate, and number in all about it thousand strong. They eon who are not lost to the feelings of humanity; take the following, unprecedented character. wlncli we select at random Iron) We liave just perused the pam-! l',e pamphlet: r.idet containing lis disclosures to 1 had been acquainted with i supposed confederate (Mr. Vir- j some old bands for a longtime, cil A. Stewart,) in which the rea-j who had given me the names of ier is let into the mysteries of onej some royal fellows between Nash- f the most daring and well disci-1 ville and Tuscaloosa, and between Nashville and Savannah, in the State of Georgia, anil many other places. Myself and a fellow by the, name of Crenshaw gathered four good horse, anil started for Georgia. We got in company able to gather together Irum all with a young ontn Carolinian parts of the country and put inj just as tve got to Cumberland inolion to serve his villanous pur-l mountain, and Crenshaw soon knew all about his business, lie had been to Tennessee to buy a drove of hotrs, but vhen begot there, pork was dearer than he sit of two classes first 'members! calculated, and he declined pr ol'tlie szrand council,' or robbers! chasing. We concluded he was ril a nrize. ( rmshaw winked at k strikers, or monsters not let iu-j me; 1 understood bis idea. Cren 10 the full secrets of the leader, ! shaw had travelled the road be- lore, but I never had; we had tra velled several miles on the moun tain, Crenshaw asked me for my whip, which had a pound of lead in the butt; I handed it to him, and he rode up by the side of the South Carolinian, and gave h:m a blow on the head, and tumbled Lund together by the most awful! him from his horse. We lit from and unholy lies and act in per-!iir horses and fingered his pot k frct concert hv means of siirns and ! ets; we got 1200 dollars. Cren- . I I I' -I I ' -l.... -..;.! Im l imtl- r f o ll!'.)l'i ie daring i sum im. ""' - where to hide him, and gathered him under the arms and me by the feet and conveyed him to a deep crevice in the brow of a precipice ptorsof the gaim and their nl- ad tumbled him into it he went ti m f nh .- I IC n 1 1 fiprn firm r rilioiout of sitiht. We then luinbh tl i!av?. ma:irrp nfth. vi -liitpc nnl 1 his saddle, and too f '-nler of the whole South. graph is revolting to our nature, .would avail them nothing to l collected all my friends about j equivocate, since they could calcu- i. Ui leans at one of our friend's bouses in that place and we set in council three days before we got all our plans to our notion; we then determined to undertake the re bellion at every hazard and maki as many friends as we could for that purpose. Kvery man's busi ness being assigned him, I started to Natchez on foot, having sold my horse in New Orleans with the intention ofsteal'mg another after I started. I walked four days, and no opportunity oiVered for me to get a horse. The fifth day, about twelve o'clock, 1 had be come very tired, and stopped at a creek to get some water and rest a little. While I was sitting on a log, looking down the road the way I bad come, a man came m Im kept a mere cat's pairs to do the dirty work and stand in the passes of danger. There are a- Inut 400 of the first and GOO ofl the latter class they have a grand place of confederation some where in Arkansas, where the 'mystic councils' are held are Kvens received from tl dividual under whose influence Hiey move. Men holding high puces in society, and heretofore unsuspccteJ, are the secret insti- sight riding a good looking horse. The very moment 1 saw him 1 determined to have his horse, if he was in the garb of a traveller. He rode up, and 1 saw from bis equipage that he was a traveller. I rose from my seat, drew an ele gant rifle pistol on him and order ed him to dismount. He did so, and 1 took his horse by the bii;:le. pointed down the creek ami or dered him to walk before me. We went a few hundred yards and stopped. 1 hitched his horse, then made him undM-ss himself all but his hii t and drawers, and or dered lim to turn his back to me. He aked me if I was going to hoot him. I ordered him a se cond time to turn his back to me. He said, '"if you are determined to kill me, let me have time to pray before I die." 1 fold him I had no time to hear him pray. He turned round, and dropped on late on nothing but certain death. Their plan of villainy w as detect ed by disclosing it to a white man, and asking his aid in their diabol ical scheme. He declined their unhallowed proposition, and to gether with a number of wbitt persons, watched over their secret manceuverings at one of their uoc turnal meetings. Another Slave Jtrocily. The National Intelligencer of Friday, relates in detail the attempt of a ytmni; man, a slave of Airs. Thornton, widow of Dr. Thorn ton, to murder her, while in bed. Happily, in her room, slept the mother of the slave, who was a- wake, and saw her son approach ing her mistress' bed, with uplifted axe; instantly she sprang upon him, and held him, while her mis tress fled to the next house for aid. Meantime, the mother had forced the son out of the backdoor and locked it. He struggled vio lently to re-enter, all the time, venting, as "the Intelligencer stales, "the most ferocious threats, ami uttering a tissue of jargon, much of it a literal repetition of the lan guage of the im endiary prints." On the approach of assistance, he lie I and had not been taken. This is a clear instance of the terrible effects of circulating in the slave region, the abolition tracts. Albany Argus. premises. He placed the muzzle f his gun into his mouth, and discharged the contents by means of a string which be fastened to the trigger, and then connected it w ith one of bis feet. It is of rare occurrence that men are so intoxicated with suc cess as to be driven to madness, and it is therefore a very strange and extraordinry fact that in the immediate neighborhood of Mr. among his brothers for possessing themselves of a large partV7iiiis A fact for the Abolitionists. A free man of color, named Jen kins, a resident of Westmoreland Co. a. a few weeks singe, sold himself to a Slave Trader, and tianslered by bill of sale bis lib- his knee-, and I shot him through erty , for the sum of three hundred and filly dollars. So says a correspondent of the Richmond Whig. unietime in January. 1831, two saddle, and took his horse with us which was worth $200." On another occasion he bad r.eiro wu prn unln frnm :i nrpvniled on an old neuro mat). k' Mr. Hemi'mir, of Madison , his wife and three sons, to run ofi uuntv, Tennessee. Murel had with him to Texas, where he pro tcome a suspicious character, mised them freedom, on condition ji''-Mlien pretended home was in ' they would work for him one year. ''IJlS'MI Connie I bu.f n short i Whi p ilesceinblllf t lie MISSISSIPPI. j . , the old man became suspicious that we were going to sell them, and became quite contrary. We saw it would not do to have him with u?; so we landed one day by the side of an island, and 1 re quested him to go with me around the point of the island and hunt a Stewart came un cood nlace to catch some lish. IO I ime previous been tried for a si 1l:il!ar odenre. He was closely ! hatched. It was ascertained that had left home for some place 'ndie Mississippi river and pur- j t was immediately made by Virgil A. Stewart, whom "lrd liad never seen and would l r,t su ;nect. i - h liirn remained incognito After we were obscured from our came very familiar, spol n ofi company, l shot him through the 'ctinuant thieving in the couu- head, and then ripped open ins , not reproachfully but with ' r!ect justification and at length Reeded inducing Murel to ,kIlve hi,,, a 'rare fellow,' and fit l;'5lr,iment for his purposes. The j .jU'1 as, Murel began to feel of "nand venture little disclosures jWli Stewart seemed to take 11 lull confidence was given, esteemed ''Pte, taken to let in a full history, he. y lpn they returned, Stewart im- 'ately ,a,l Murel arreste(J and t,,J "'custody. "appears from Murel's disclo reN di;tt he is a native of Middle essee-that taught by hi C Id u,,eu a cl,i,d to p,,rer 1 ' nc soon became as L'rew up, an accomplished vil- a promising the 'mystic belly, and tumbled him into the river. 1 returned to my compa ny and informed them that the old negro had fallen into the river, and that he never came up after he went tinder. While in New Orleans, he got in with a rich Kentuckian and de coyed him oft to a spot where he had stationed some of his gang. They were surrounded and rob bed of all their money. He says, "the Kentuckian was so mad, that he cursed the whole city, and wished that it vvou Id all be delug ed in a flood of water, as soon as he left the place. I went to my friends the next morning, got my share of the spoil money, and my pocket book that 1 had been rob bed of." The following para- .i i i . i . me uacu oi me nead. I i ippetl open his belly, and took out his entrails, and s'link him in the creek. I then searched his pock ets, and found four hundred and one dollars and thirty seven cents; and a number of papers that 1 did not tnke lime to examine. 1 sunk i he pocket book ami papers and his hat in the creek." Many other incidents equally fiendish and inhuman are record ed, but we have not room for them. The pamphlet is intensely interesting throughout, and wilhia contains 54 while and 328 Longevity in Yorth Carolina. It appears from a Tabular Statement, going the rounds of the papers, compiled from public Martense's dwelling, there is at present a gentleman confined to his room in a state of decided men tal alienation, the result of a pre cisely similar case. Penn$ylvanian Bernardo De Soto, one of the pirates under sentence of death at Boston, on the expiration of the reprieve lately granted him, re ceived a full pardon from the Pre sident. The cause assigned was the assistance he rendered the rew and passengers of the Amer ican vessel Minerva wrecked on the Bahamas in 1828. De Soto was immediately afterwards ar rested at the suit of L. D. Child, Ksq. for the sum of eight hun'dred dollars for professional services rendered to him before and after his trial, and for money paid out for documents, depositions, travel ing expenses, and translations, in the attempt to establish the inno cence of the pirates. The last Boston Post says, a few days afterwards, he was en tirely released from prison having procured the requisite ball, to be forth coming at the suit of Mr. Child. So much for the efforts of Seignora De Soto, the Spanish wife. She left Spain after sen tence of death hail been pronounc ed against her husband, first ob tained a reprieve, then a full par don, and now has obtained bail for his entire release from prison. Delaware Gazette. fortune. J he child was taken from the house on the pretence of going fishing, and carried into the woods. One of tfu3 brothers re turned to the father, bringing -, letter from the other who remain ed with the child, demanding a check on the Bank for $30,000, and in the event of a refusal threat ening to destroy the child and af terwards to commit suicide. I he father instantly complied with the demand, wrote the check, and hav ing but $18,)00 of the 30,000 in Bank, applied himself to bor row the remainder, which from his credit he hoped to do by the arri val of the Bank hour. He stated the purpose for which he wanted the sum to those of whom be bor rowed, the transaction took wind, and in a short time the city was up in arms. A body of citizens repaired to the Bank, where the brother who brought the letter. was receiving payment at the counter in specie. He was seiz ed, and although armed, made no resistance. He was stubborn for a length of time, but at last confessed the conspiracy and told where the child might be found. A com mittee of citizens embarked in the steamer Den Juan, carrying the caught brother along with them, who, after much subterfuge and unwillingness, carried them to ait island 15 miles up ihe Mobile, as the spot where bis brother and the child might be found. Con ducting him on shore, the party concealed themselves and ordered him to shout to apprise his broth er of his return. This he did, and the brother speedily made his ap pearance, and was taken inio cus tody. He was then required to tell where the child wa, and ac cordingly led to a hollow log, in5 which the child was found in air emaciated condition, but to the. great joy of the citizens, alive and CTJo Smith the Mormon prophet lias bought three mum- j otherwise well. The newspaper mies, and has discovered that they account states that the two broth- locninents, that there are in North I are the bodies of Josevh ( thtf sou ers dl- nt return to Mobile' Carolina tS white and 207 color- ! of Jacob,) and King Abimelech Private letters state that they were ed persons, of the age of 1 00 and his daughter. They are now hanged to the next tree a just years and upwards. This fact ; to be carried about the country to . sentence whether passed by mob speaks volumes in favor of the guli poor human nature. salubrity of our climate. Virgin- I 11 rati te read ny ail. l he recent con templated insurrection in Missis sippi, has been hastened by Mu rel's confinement and the publica tion of this disclosure. A list of about four hundred names is here published, among them, Cotton, Saunders, Phelp, Blakand oth ers executed in Mississippi. Sal tm Hep. From the Lynchburg Jlrginiaa. Another Insurrection wipprd in the bud...l will be seen, by tliefol lowing article, that another con templated servile insurrection has been prevented by its timely de tection: From the Shelbyvillc (Ttnn.) Freeman, Avg. 1 4 . We have just heard of an intend ed insurrection of the Negroes, in the neighborhood of Farmington, colored centennarians. It is law or not. It is impossible to paint ihe- An unfortunate thief. A fel- agony of the parents in the awful. ow in Annapolis, Md. named hours of suspense between hearing somew hat remarkable that the Jones, having stolen a hotr, tied of the danger ot their child, and largest number of individuals of its legs together after killing it: finding him safe in their arms! advanced age should be found in and for the convenience of carry- Nr can any one but sympathize- the Slates of Maryland, Virginia, I ig it, he let the hog rest on his with the noble passion displayed, North Carolina ami Ceoruia': shoulders while the rope with by the people of Mobile outbid New York population, with only her immense 'which it was tied went over his occasion. From the desperate contains 115 breast. On bis way home, find- character ol the brother it was not i . . . ..... . . .... -i.i i i . . i it persons of 100 years and upwards:' R bimsell fatigued, he laid the ouieu inai ue wouiu execute Ins whilst, 'm old Massachusetts, there! hog in the crotch of a tree, about threats. Richmond Whig. . .i... i ! i. . ri.:. .i i i an; bul id individuals who have u,e ueiuui oi uis suouioers, in or- altuiued to such an age. Raleigh Reg. ft8" Juice Heth, the dry nurse der to rest himself. But the hog rA most fatal fever has brok slipped through, the rope ihat was en out in Boston A number of round the man's breast slipped up emiuentrnen have fallen its victims, to his throat, and immediately ; of Gen Washington, aged Oie! choaked him to death; and in the' Commodore Elliott and Hundred and Sixty One years, is I morning they were both found General Towson have lately had . J J 'il l. I 1 1.1 . v now exhibited at Niblo's Garden ' (jeaa ine one 00 one s,e aua ine 3 correspondence which came ve New York. She is said to re semble in appearance an Egyp tian Mummy, so dry and attenu ated has her flesh become; she is withal an inveterate smoker. Bedford county, (Ten.) We ! Joice is a Baptist and was immers- have not beard particulars in rela lion to the manner and extent of their plan. Some ten or fifteen ne groes we learn, have been severe ly whipped, some of whom marie confessions of the whole matter. They stated that some white man, who refused to tell them his name, was the prime mover of the whole matter he has left the neighbor hood and gone to Nashville, as he told the negroes, to aid in doing something for the rescue of Murel. One of the most deeply implicated among the negroes, was sentenced by the Committee of examination to be carried out of the country. Some of them, we understand, protested, while under examina tion, that they would speak noth ing but truth, inasmuch, as it ed onwards of One Hnndred years ago in the Potomac. Petersburg Con. (David Crockett, one of the Tennessee Delegation who nom inated Judge White for the Presi dency, has lost his election to Congress by a large majority. Suicide. A respectable farmer named George L. Martense, resid ing at Flatbush, Long Island, blew his brains out on Tuesday morning, in a fit of temporary derangement, occasioned, it is said, by unexpected good fortune in the disposal of some of his pro perty at an extraordinary high price. He effected his destruction in an out-house adjacent to his; other on the other side of the tree, ry near terminating in a duel- inns, me unei miicu uic uug, jucKiiy, however, Hie partiescould and the hog in his turn hanged not agree who ought to stud the the thief. Bait. Visiter. J challenge, and in the mean time i,e 0lJr fQr (ie Constitution to Affair at Mobile. The child sail arrived, and cm ofi the con abducted at Mobile by its uncles, troversy by sending the Commo has been recovered, and the cul- ( dore to the Mediterranean. The pnts hanged. Letters and papers correspondence originated fi luruisn ine particulars oi me sto- cm ry as follows: There was a French Physician in Mobile, a man character, much esteemed, and who has accumulated a considera-j the biographical sketch of the Commodore in in a Boston naner. which the of excellent two English vessels. th Dpi; ' 7 " " and Caledonia, during the late war, a brilliant exploit, was ex- ble fortune by the practice of his clusively credited to Com. (then profession. The Physician had Lieut.) Elliott, and no notice was three brothers in France in indi-j taken of Gen. (then Capi.) Tow gent circumstances, to whom he son, who bore an equally gallant was accustomed to transmit mo- and distinguished par; in the fight, ney frequently. Last winter they Gen. Towson, addressed a letter all came ov er, joined him at Mo-jip Com. E. on the subject of this bile, and were affectionately re-; omission, in which he was some ceived and entertained. The' what piquant. The Com. repJi physician had an only child, a ! ed with great severity, and so the boy of five years of age, and this correspondence proceeded to iti circumstance led to a conspiracy j climax. Norfolk Herald -A m r i ; -; ' ' ' '! : i Hi (iA 'I :: ill. If' i i. VI 4 0 1H li VI f v 1 i j

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