)Yhole Xo. 5M- Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, X. C.) Saturday, October's, 183 .5. Vol. XlJo. 10. 77,. uTitrbnmuh Press" j i:v eklv, mTw Dollars and ,,, , , t vt-iit . if in iulvaiH t'- ' :''rnf )hllfS M xh ,l,iri",.n 01,1 Tirff .-..iinii vent t'or any i'iotl I ' T.rrnhl lite Cents ixt inonili I Hereof sunt ,v lane MilL'f i"H i i,.v;uallv pay ivant i-, m i i . . ..i. ........... i n t l.i v i fini I v . l.e n ni jciMltSt'i'CH coin iir. ..0 ' .."hi that rate fur ev,-r 10 lines. l'r ... I... ...urkr.l tllO 1111111- 1 i : t .... Ti-Ui'lioiis require.!, or they l f , ,j anj ; I aionli"Sy i' ansa i.lr-s''i to the r.iitor nuit lie! po,l ,,..iJ. "' '''' m ,v ,,ot l'' il, ,)twa Trouble with the Florida In j:.., The St. Augustine Iler- ,' oF Vu-uiuJTlh, suites that an "-- means ol Ihacon aid of Ai'o i - I . itiaction of air, r fleeted by the oi-nress had nt an i t tl .it th.i.; a ex pre n,re Iroml'ort Kinu, with des-. pl.ue, in ii 7 n.t.lie- lnr n. Ufii. Clinch, juline.. i" rj , cjinmandinstlie U. fcutes troops; ; Florida, conveying inlonna-! tionof tlie murdeJ ot I nv.ite Lal-, U(I,,of the 3d Artillery, who wasj emnloveti in carrying the mail, from Fort King to Tampa la . He was met, on the evening of the Ctli inst. near the flillsbo muuli biidge, by a party of six Micasukv Indians. He approach ed them in a peaceable manner, when one ol them seized houl oi i the bridle of his tniiie, and aim- tlier shot him. He was then scalped, his bowels ripped open n-idthrortii into a nond in the vi cinity. The nude was shot, and the contents of the mail, and the saddle and bridle carried away bv the murderers. The cause al leged for the outrage was, that an Indian had been killed in a skir mish with whites, and his brethren uere determined to sacrifice the first white man they should meet. A detachment was forthwith sent out in. pursuit of the murderers, !mt rpturnpd without :innrehenflina them. A meeting of the Indian i chiefs was forthwith convened by the Indian auent, and it is proba ble the murderers will be taken and handed over to justice. A. Y. 'J 'im.es. C7The Aikin S. C. Telegraph of the 1 1 th inst. says: ' Judye Lynch, pinned it into a chap a few days ago, down into the Runs, in this district. We have not heard all the particulars. The fellow was found in the cotton fold with the negroes, and w hen detected feigned partial insanity, lhere were two others of the like ttainp ('elected about the same time in Oransreburtr district. We itam that Judge Hang presided l''ere and passed sentence on them." bing(ton, Fa. Sept. 5. Tho mas Hunt, confined in the Jid of Uuse County, on a ui uurii vadium i, un ti arRe of negro stealing and of! J'ng connecb.d with a gang of nP5i' stealers in North Carolina, Virginia and Kentucky, escaped horn prison on Wednesday eve r'inS, the 2nd inst. He had been committed for trial at the next Circuit Superior Court of Law ami Chancery for Russell County, !ich is to "be held on the third londay in the present month. Hunt is about 27 or 28 years of a5- ot lender frame about ix Icet high and of a very dark coroplexinn. One of his upper teeth has a piece broken off. i,e is one of the most consum ",;,,f! scoundrels in the country, a'id every exerlion should be used !u hi-iug liim io justice. Statesman. Perpetual Motion. A cor rp5ponJeit oftlie Huston Courier -Ues that the; long sought princi- j 01 perpetual motion has at j-''h been discovered by An 'rp,v Morse, Jr, a vounir me- in liluomfitdd (Me.) The " ,Jiiigi8 the description given 'f the general principle and con- chine. In this ae ot hoaxes ami tuimbogs, we he it to be purlieu larly recollected lh.t we express no opinion in relation to this mai lt' r. 'This machine is propelled by air, acted upon hjj the changes of temperance in the atmos phert It cousins of an air cis tern anil pi-Jon a reciprocating rack, with it pinion wheels for giving motion a drum, with its puilio; Irani which the weight ii imipI)iIiiI niul rriiiilpil rnT vvheel and catch lor maintaining I power whtels and axles, requir ed lor condensing the. air and levers for changing the direc tion of the power. The operation of this machine is produced as has been already suggested by means, of I he. con- o . tine. 13 v' tni p wer, .a weigh; . , ,s k r, constantlv wound up, so , .WiitialK- nn.l .mi. (()nn,v aa am i(eep jR m tiu any 1,,-, lo which it js .,,,.,1. n shoilf ,he clljlu, enlirey ,e r'uaicd by s own mot ion. " ll i added that Air. Morse in tend lu)rtly to embark for Kng lai.d with a view of claiming the twenty thousand pounds ofFued by the Hnti-h (oVernnieut for me coumi ucuon oi a sen-moving machine. jJMln a cao lately adj-onca ted ii 'h-' supreme L.tiuit ot Pennsylvania, the principle was laid down by Judge 1'ox, that an assign merit by a partnership firm of a part of their property for the bent lit of their erediloi-, and which slipu!a!( d fur a release a an equivalent lor the assignment, was faudutenl ami void, cv'n though the properly was the pri vate property of the isignu: s. Ho in icidc O n fSn t n d ay 'asl Ji'titrs ImiIIit, Joslmn W. Coelirun, Dovhs O 1 1 a n luti. Ja;in4s II. Myrovcr, John WatMil! and .Marcus Heard, repaired to tli liouso of J use? ill Ilubhaid, with the view of nri estirij; liiin, on a charge of a high misdemean or; and on tin attempt toes cape, several guns were dis charged at hirn, which killed him inmiediately. As the suhject will undergo u legal investigation, as putilic jonr ii.dists, we forbear to oilr any opinion on this melan choly transaction. A Coroner's Inquest was held on the body, on Satur day riicht. The verdict of the Jury id as follows: "thai upon the examination of the body of the said Joseph Hub- , , , I i I hnr hi'Y flml l,Klt 1,0 lin to his death by wounds re eeived by being shot, will) two buck shot, which ap peared to enter his 'chest, near the region of the heart, and one in the head, by some person or persons." Fay. Jour. flFive thousand dollars reward has been offered by an enactment of the legisla ture of Mississippi, to any person or persons who shall arrest and bring to trial, and prosecute to conviction un der its laws any person who shall utler, publish or circu late within the limits of that state, the Liberator, or any other papers, circular, pamphlet, letter or address of a seditious character. On conviction of such offender, the Governor is authorized to draw his warrant on the I reasurer for the same. Accident. As the loco motive on the Patterson rail road with a train, composed of transportation and pas senger cars, was approach mg the depot at Paterson last evening, an axle of the leading transportation car gave way, which overturned thai and the next car in train, nd threw. the third off the track. The loco-motive and passenger cars remained upon the track uninjured, though the passengers felt. a shock ny the concussion. Mr S.mnr fl. 1w,1l,.fnr (1f"V"' ne retraced ms steps, l,l, till lylIJ.IUvl.'l l I NT t , ' . passed iNewnrk on his way to the transportation car, a ve- Kew Vork.mid lodged on Lo ry industrious ant) sober day or Thursday . evenin-last f we man, was seated on the car at the break, and unfortunate ly was crushed to death un der the load. No other per son was injured. Curious Manuscript. In a list of ancient lih rai v ni.ni uscripts and remarkable manuscripts, recently an nounced for sale by the .Messrs. Southorby, of Lii don, is one with the fol!ow: irig title: A letter from the E;irl of Bath to Lord Norn s Mated April 16, IGoM being "A proposal for the sale of the Province of Now Jersey, a country almost as large as England, belonging to the late George Carteret, for the small sum of between 500U and 0000 pounds." Thus it appears I hat one hundred and filly-four years ago, the whole tate of New Jersey was offered for sale for l he sum ot about twenty five thousand dollars. l. Y. Gazette. . Melancholy fate of Matthias the Prophet.--'e have ju?t re ceived tlie melancholy pariiculars of the death of Matthias the Propl.t t, which we hasten to give the public. When Matthias had completed his imprisonment at Sing Sing, be came by stealth to this city. His first inquiry was for Mr. Western, his former counsel, He told him a piteous tale of his des titution.. 'I had' said he, 'only! half a dollar in my pocket when I left Sing Sing, ami that I paid lor ;ny 'passage down.' Mr. Western being a benevolent man, and having a kindness for Mat thias in spite of his imposlures, v-iy readily put his hand in his pocket, and pulled out three dol lars 'there .said he, 'Matthias, there's three dollars, leave off all vour nonsense, and t;o to work. You have 1 see cut offyour heard but your whiskers yet want a good deal of pruning." Matthias' heart melted. He gave Mr. Western his left hand. 'Here's my left hand to yon Mr. Wes tern, in token of my gratitude my red right arm I must reserve for my Father in Heaverr, whose work ham called upon to per forin.' Matthias then went to his wife and children. She would not re ceive him, she would not live with him, she utterly refused lo have any thiHg to do with him. Mat thias bore it patiently. He stretched out his left hand put it on the head of one of his boys and ejaculated a blessing. From this place, he went in search of Isabella, the black wo man who is still a believer ill his divine mission. They talked, and prayed and mingled their tears together. Finishing this scene, he tookiiU departure to Newark, to see his brother who lives there The fiublic papers have told us what befel him at Newark. He was compelled to leave that town; such was the excitement of the mob against him. From Newark he retreated into the country, and took his journe towards Lancaster in Pennsylva nia. One evening, however, in one of his dreams, he heard a call from Heaven as loud as the las trump, saying, "arise my Son, gird tip your loins go to Baby lon (meaning New York) that wicked city, bear w itness against the harlot w ho tn ; in her island, and saitb: 41 am mighty, who shall prevail against me?' " Per suading himself of die reality of I l. ! . . .'. -'. I I I cannot discover exactlv which in a small house bv the way side. There he fell In with a couple of men to w hom he opened his mind, and wished to persuade to accom pany him to New York on a preaching excursion, as Jonah went to Ninevah. The men would not believe him. 'Well' said Matilda after a great deal of his fanatical nonsense, 'to remove thy w ant of faith I will show thee a miracle. Let ou and I jump from the deck of lite steamboat iotothe North Kiver, and verily I will save ihee and me from the wa ters.' He had so worked upon ti e imagination of one of the fel lows that he came along with him in PowJes Hook on the morning of Tuesday or Friday last. They both embarked for New York. "When the boat was half across the river, two men were observed to in nip oil" into" i be river. One of the men according to the account of the boatman, wore a frock coat curiously made, ami was slender in his person. This was poor Matthias. The other was rescu ed, but he did not recover his life. Ma". bias' body bus not yet been found. Thus ends one nf the greatest impnstei':; that has appeared for years. .V. 1'. Herald. Richmond ', Ay, Sept. 5. JWelancholy Occurrence. Judge Peter W. Taylor, of this county, in a fit of mental derange ment, shot his nephew, Tallon Turner, son of Harnett Turner, on Thursday morning last. The Judge's nephew, a promising young man, aged about twenty years, learned from a servant that his uncle was unw ell, and 'in coin yany with Samuel Coons a cous in of Judge Taylor's, immediate ly determined to go and see him. When they arrived in sight of his dwelling, they discovered him in the yard; but before they got with in speaking distance, he walked into lee house,, and as young Tur ner, who was foremost, stepped into the door, Judge Taylor step ped before him, and instantly fired a pistol at him without uttering a word, aud then snapped a second pistol at his cousin Coons. The ball entered young Turner's right breast, and passed out a little be low the point of the shoulder blade. The pistol was well char ged with a large ball and buck shot.' The wound is supposed to be mortal. Farmers Chron. Easton, Pa. Sept. 3. Most Melancholy Circumstance. It is our painful duty this week to record one of the most distress ing accideius that has ever occur red in our neighborhood. Two daughters of Mr. John Christman, of Saucon township, Northampton county, one aged 19 years and the other 13, came to Easton on Tuesday last, in a light wagon, drawn by one horse. On their return, when a short distance a- bove South Easton, on the berm dank of die Lehigh Canal, the horse became frightened at two men who were lying asleep by the road side. The way here is very narrow, and there is a perpendic ular wall of at least four feet from die surface of the road to die wa ter in the canal, which is here at least 7 or 8 feet deep. Over this wall, and into the canal, were the ladies; .together with the wagon aid horse, precipitated. Two men; fishing in the Lehigh neai -L (he spot, hut so lar below as not to see the accident, heard a terrific. scream aud hastened up the bauk. ..v I........ I rni I.. I. ..I.i iu iciiui nit? iTHiise. i uey ut'iiriU'e a bonnet floating on the water,-? and the horse, rendered furious b il the fall,' kicking and plunging inl ine most awful manner.. Assis-ll tance soon arrived, and the bod-f ies of. the unfortunate girls were-- taken Irom die water but life2 was extinct. It is supposed thatJ in backing off the wall the w agon ' and horse were precipitated upon them, and their deaths were no: doubt hastened by the furious struggling of ihe horse. "They . were lovely their lives, and in their deaths they were not divided." Gazette. OThe Fayette, (Mo.) Demo crat, of the 2Sth tilt, says: "Gen. o Ignatius P. Owen, of this plat e, i- was shot yesterday, aooul l x: -i o'clock, by Mr. Joseph Davis, with a Ville. General Owen, we understand, died immediately, thej ball having passtd through his.5 heart. As Mr. Davis is now ij . trial, we forbear further pariicu lars for the present." A few evenings since a -lad in Baltimore lei! Irom a lour story window, in which he had got asleep, aud landed on a brick pavement, without any more seri ous injury to his person thru that it awoke him. JX. Y. Star. Remarkable appeara7iie of thei- Sun. The present appearance ol! the disc of the sun is somewhat w unusual; there are to be seen a-is . . . t bout twenty distinct spots on its0 surface, one of which is ery large; and towards the edte of the sunv' may be seen extensive ridges ol u whitened revation, w hich appear d like ranges of mountains. The e large dark spot above alluded to, may be seen to change its shape . ami size while viewing it, thereby fully proving them to be produc ed by the smoke of volcanoes., .May be so, and may be not 1 Providence Journal. Genuine JVit. The following i anecdote may be relied on as a fact: A gentleman from South ampton passing along a street in Baltimore, came face to face with a negro man whom he well knew, and who had been for several years a runaway from one of his neighbors. "Aha! Mingo," said Mr. "is that yon?" To width Mingo promptly replied,. "No massa, dis aim me;" and brushed past his old acquaintance in great haste. Norfolk Beacon. Cochranhes in South Hadley. For a year or two past, a small number of deluded persons have held eccentric religious exercises on the Sabbalhat South Hadley. Their singularities having become known, they now weekly attract a large number of persons from the neighboring towns to witness their absurdities. They partake of the character of Perfectionists, Sha kers, and New Lights, but a gen tleman of veracity informs us the belong to a sect known as Coch ranhes, the cognomen of their leader; Their meetings are o pened with dancing, exhortation from any one follows, singing suc ceeds and exhortations again are introduced and dancing with in struments conclude the exercises5 which are often protracted till midnight. . It is a sort of demo cracy in religion, w here any man who pleases is allowed to declaim and exhort his brethren. Cochran, the founder of this sect, u.ade some commotion by his licentiousness and the delu sions with which he infected the people of Maine aid New Hamp shire, a few years since. He was an officer in the army, an unprin- :,'Vd:nii'supj)iy of Spring Goods, Which for quality, .variety, and CHEAPNESS are not surpassed by any retail store in this State, and will positively be sold on as accommodating terms as any store in this place. J. TV. COTTEN. Tarhoro,' 14th Ma v. 18M5. VEUY BEST Cotton Yum and Twine FOR SALE. TM1E Subscribers feel grateful for the liberal patronage which they received the pasi year, and hope by assiduity anil punctuality in business to merit a continuance of past favors. They now have and expect to keep constantly on hand the Vtry best Cotton Yarns, From Nos. 2 lo 18 inclusive. lso, various sizes of Ihe best Cotton Seine Twine its dura bility and strength has been fairly tested, and the Subscribers feel no hesitation in pronouncing it inferior to none, if not superior to any in market. Both the above articles they expect to deliver to purchasers on as liberal terms as articles of the same quality can bp procured elsewhere, i hetisu d charge for conveyance will be made. Terms of sale for all quanti ties of Yarn over one thousand pounds, six months credit will be Mowed for any quantity under one thousand pounds, four months, the purchaser giving note (with out interest) at the time the Yarn is delivered, pay-able at the above slated times. The proprietors of fisheries will do well to apply to the Subscri bers for twine for the future, as a very liberal credit will be given. Messrs. Hassel & Williams will act as agents for the Subscri bers at Williamston Mr. Benj. Bell, at Greenville and Messrs. Simmons & Eure, at Halifax where Yarn and Twine can be bought on the same terms as at the Factory. BATTLE BROTHERS. Falls Tar Jan. River, 10. 1835. JVo less than SfSSS, Worth fl tttrntf Itart f f if I n tt 1 . strange. We were told the fol lowing singular story by a plan ter of high respectability on Fri day last. Early in the season he purchased work horses for his plantation, and riow at noon they feed in the open air. The poul try, as is customary, assemble where the horses are fed. A fe.v days ago, hens with their broods of chickens approached the troughs where the horses were eating, when it was observed that one of the horses left his food, aud by moving his head near the ground, collected the young chick ens in a huddle, and grubbed mouthful of ihe brood, which he actually ate. Nor did he stop at that, but before relief could be .'forded, he got a second mouth ful, which he also ate. The gen tleman added that his slaves have lost many of their young chick ens, aud the . horse is accused of having devoured them. This must be a Kentucky borse for Kentuckians are said to be half horse and half alligator, ami the one vve speak of appears to have ,nuch of the latter animal in his composition, with a little touch of die snapping turtle. Louisville Jour.