Ta TBI Tavborough, (Edgecombe County, JY. C.J Saturday, October 17, i83j. Vol. XI JYo. I lJiHli "V 'Tnrh trail h Press." j... ,;;;,i!UiH 11 O W A I! 1, rt.-.-kly. t Tir DiiUatx mid IV, !.' .T"S. "if 't'-.UlO-.l ,M ,nr I-r ay p'HHi its it fire Cent p. r iuut!i :,:...-t It .1,1 i i V I O ir irotK therrtif :nl ti;- ;'" (1 "i;).j i,,v:nial)ly pay ' iulvanc. r ,-.iuiiill' ref-i -iu - i" vciiiily . ' ..I r ;iri !:!' ' llL. i ts -ilO'l at ."i 'uls the hi st nurr "'" .'m-.'hH fi'di c--.mi-"ifinre. Lu '.'.'"o'f at thai rate for rv.-ry lfi dm-. L.l.Vl-lirmei't in-t be iimked the imiii Jr,"',. in-f rti rf.-juired, or 1 1 - y "i'l 1" l''i'ui. 1 until otherwise ur.kitil, ;uui ',irMlj arcor.!ingly. Lt"'tf iv!'li ,,"e'J " t'',,,r n,,lit '" -! ,,.,(.), or they nny not le aUrmlt.l to. Willi' mk. vax bubln. The Augusta (Georgia) Cour ier of tlie -'Till ultimo, contain J,e following letter from Mr. Van j Burcsi, intended, it would seem,! ;;au explanation of his views and opinions on "the Slave question." Ou'iisoi, Sept. 10, 1 S35. Mv Dear Sit: Vour letter of he 22d ult. met roe at this place, ,.iiinv leturn from the Falls, ant! 1 bse no lime in replying to that part of it which relates to the cuntiiiued attempts to prejudice nv friends, as well as myself, in the estimation of the South in re pect to the Slave Question. li is deeply to by regretted that there should he found, on the put of anv, inducements sulli 'cit'iitlv strong to increase an ex citement, already so alarming, by a re.-i'it to imputations, in the truth of which no ingenuous r.;i.id can place the slightest con- j tijeuce. ine allegations wnicu i uitriLute to me view s and opinions liliat are so justly obnoxious to mi II 11 ' tin- stave holding States, are made in the face of declarations on the most explicit my part, denying all authority on the part of the feJtral Government to interfere in the matter against the pro priety of agitating the question in the District of Columbia, audio l':ie absence of a single fact, giving the h ast countenance to the un handed imputations. should prohahlv requite lite candor with which I have hitherto been treated U the trreat mass of mv fellow minis ot the South, were I to iiilotv myself to apprehend that '"'iose who would otherwise be ! ised to give me their confi ctuie, could, under such circum Muices, stdi'er me to be prejudiced 11 their opinion, bv the nnsup-J ported assertions of my enemies, however reckless or vehemently persiited in. ere those fabri cation?, therefore, designed to atWt me only, I should not hesit ate to leave the matter as it stands, loihe spontaneous action of my countrymen, But when it is in tended to reach, in this way, those "ho honor me w ith their friendship, 1 do not feel myself at liberty to 'vnhhohl any correction that may, '' possibility, he useful to them. ""I. this view I send you the closed proceedings of the citi zens of Albany upon the subject ,ul!- authorize vou to say, that I Jl,cur lully m the sentiments they 'udvance. I was absent from the city at time the meeting was held, J,Jt took an early occasion to :alv'eits call, and to encourage Wempi to make it, what it i been , a meeting of the people, p'tliout reference to their senti ij'itson any other subject than :!,,at which was discussed bef()re Connected with its nroceed- lMLrs are to be found the names of ; ,ur principal State oflicers, Lxe ' J:"1 and Judicial, including the ,,j:'vernor of our Slate, with an ''rr;,.V of private citizens which, '"personal worth and weight of I nr.,.. i - , "u ier, lias never, to my know ' '(i-p, Ijeeu excelled at anv previ l"5nipeti;i2:. It would be presumption in mi to add any assurances of my own, as to the shut riiy with which the sentiments they express are enter tained, or of their disposition to make them effectual upon the im portant subject to which they relate. May we not, then, hope that the proofs of an affectionate and just right toward the lights ami interests of the South, w hich have been brought out by this hitherto threatening exciteinent, will have the effect, in future to remove all unfounded impressions, and to put an end to every feeling and pre judice inconsistent with lite princi ples upon which the Union was founded? Karnestly cherishing this pleas ing anticipation, I am, dear sir, very truly, Vour friend and oh't servant, .M. VAN BUKLN. OyA person has been arrested J in New Orleans, on the charge of - disseminating abolition doctrines, and after an examination, has heen committed for trial. !f con victed, the punishment by the law of Louisiana is death. It is also contemplated by the anti-abolition society, to detect the agents and correspondents of the northern aboitiouits, and for that purpose to request that le ports be made by the Postmaster, and the masters of all vessels that arrive there, of the names of per sons to whom anti slavery punli-j cations ma be addressed. Singular Intcrrtnd'wn. List Sunday, as Kev! Mr. Vauphan I was publishing tb" iVohk of mar- j riage betwec.i two colored people,! wJ;cre isecoulU inar.e no ooscrva at the Lpiseopal Church in ibis j lion of what was p iling around town, the banns were forbidden i him. In this way he was carried in a loud Voice, bv a colored man ! dow n the Ohio river to a point in tbe gallery w ho claim, d the j woman as his wife. Sukm Ciaz. . itaUeu up a high oluli lit a ms- A Poser. -The Bevrrend l)oc-:'ance from the liver, and set at tor N. S. S. Be.nan, of Troy, is : liberty. He came to Cincinnati one of thennihtstrenuouspreachcrs on hit return, as stated, ami was of immediate abolition bu iug accompanied to the scene of the anathematized sdavehrdders for robbery by some frb-nd. Upon "selling the image of Jesus, and inquiry his horse, saddle ami bt i pocketing the price of human flesh die were recovered, having been and blood!"' In reply l his Itni- taken up almost directly after his ous denunciation of slaveholders, capture. Mr. Trotter is repre the Albany Lvenintr Journal very fitted to be a very respectable I ..." provokingly pubbnes two bills fv,l, ....-.o.mI t.v iIip :inii. Bev. ! Doctor, when he lived in Ceorgia, that arrangements had been made by which he sold, "the image of to rob and kidnap some p-rsons, Jesus," and "pocketed the price ami afier seiz'u.g him, the alterna of human flesh ami blood." I live was to murder him.or to pro- Phil. Her. rr'n.o U,,,!,,,, r..nr"i,r in publishing a communication from a Southern gentleman, on the sub- ject of Abolition, makes the fol- ' . I lowing statement: ' 4 We have but one remak to make as a comment on his propo- siiion a,,d that is, there is as would devote less of their space lo much probability that the legisla- politics, and more to business, lure of Massachusetts will pass a morals, and other matters lhat in law prohibiting the discussion of terest all." The Herald is light, the slavery question, as there is Our papers contain nothing but that South Carolina and Virginia politics politics politics. It is will emancipate their slaves.' j well enough in a season of xcite- i rnent to indulge in a political zeal; Emigration, We have all . but it is to be regretted that men along been convinced (says the should allow it lo became like the Alexandria Gazette) that the tide thirst of a drunkard, a perpetual of emigration to the South and arid prurient yearning after the Southwest, is already too great stimulus and excitement ofpolitic and loo rapid; and especially, lhat al debate. This disposition actu ofthe thousands of young men : ally degrades the American Press. who leave their homes to seeU t their fortunes in the growing Southern cities, many must be lisappointed. Our opinion is con-j firmed by the following article, j which we extract from the last! New Orleans Bee: "We cannot think of inviting I unmixed sentiment of disgust in attorneys, doctors or accountants; ; the mind of the reader. Why are for the market is already glutted not our people allowed a brief with such. Many clerks arrived season of quiet? hy are not the here last fall; of whom hundreds political elements allowed to set have been obliged to return almost j tie, and the lees to sink to their penny less and wholly disappoint-! appropriate place? Why are low ed. "Ifthev have no" specific pro-; born malevolence, sorbid abuse, mise of a situation before they ar rive, they can have but little pros pect afterwards of obtaining em ployment commensurate with their expectations; and when the;, find that their current expenses for liv ing here cannot he less than about -10 dollars a month, they should pause before they are decoyed and disappointed." Ertraordinary. Mr. Joshua Trotter, of Springborough, War ren ro. Ohio, has been absent from h't3 family for about two weeks. His absence to them was wholly inexplicable and excited great apprehension. On Sunday, Sept. 13, he came to this city on his return home, ami gave the fol lowing account of his absence: lie came to Cincinnati, Satur day, August 21), w here he trans acted some business and received a small sum of 'money. On Sun day morning. August 30, after breakfast he set out for home on horseback. On the hill road to Carthage, between four and five miles from Cincinnati, at a con venient place for instantly secret ing him, he was suddenly dragged from his horse by two foot men whom he had just passed. His horse was turned loose ami him self blindfolded, and silence en forced by threats of instant death; his money, about $100, was tak en from him, with inquiries iudicar ting that a mistake had been made in the person seized and in the amount of his money. lie was detained all day blindfolded, and at right conducted, in the same condition, to the river, where he " as put on board, so fitted that he was confined in an . apartment below the Yellow Banks, where, on Wednesday, Sept. I U, he was . I I f i- MM. - I man wormy oi oeuei. i tie soiu- lion ol ins story wotild seem to lc: ieeed. lie was captured ami mino- ' folded so suddenly, that he has im distinct knowledge of the physiognomy of the person w ho seized him. ( 'inchnnii tinzclte. . . r... In 'I T 1 I' I'olitics. J no I i!iiadeip?;ia Commercial Herald observes: "We wish the country papers We turn over many oi tne papers we receive with disgust. They .contain nothing but the loathly repetition of the stale and tnrice told calumnies of party abuse, which is violent without force, I personalities that excite only an and unmanly slander cherised, loitered and pursued as if tin eminence they confer were desira ble? Many of our editors appeal lo think that our people have no sense except the one lhat impulses them to luxuriate in the mire tit politic?; that they have no taste for literature or fine arts, no yearn ing for know ledge, no anxiety to be enlightened, softened or amus ed. They err. Our peopL are tired of politics for the present, and tlo not thank those amiable gentlemen who take such peculiar pains to lash them into rage. Philadelphia (az. fJCr'A lady in New York was, a few days ago, brought up before the ma or, charged with "biting ojf a piece of her husband's ear!" Breach of promise. Miss Ly dia J. Moore, Springfield, (Mass.) has recovered of Jonathan M. Boies JoOO, for breach of mar riage promise. The New York Star says .Viss Lydia laid her charges at $3000, ami would have obtained more than the $'500, had it not been shown, thar during the aforesaid engagement, she Inci been flirting with other boyi be sides Jonathan. J'er' nil! to b'gin with The' Lowell r'lMies, says, the wife of a yoeii' man in Maine has present ed him with five children in 11 months; two alone lime, three at another. Sh ock tug heid cut. I sid o re Gandnuin, an oh! French inhabit ant of this city, who kepi a small mi-ct lianeoiis riry goods and hat store, two door noith of our office, put an end to his existence ye.xi. rday morning, between 10 and I 1 o'clock, byk discharging the contents of a heaxilv chai ned nor seman's pistol into his mouth, and thus completely blow ing ofl'j were waiting for him to begin, i tcrivards 'aken anil measured al his head, which was scattered in ; His consternation and embarrass-1 mt,1 ,en eet n length. bloody fragments in all directions' about the room, a part only of the lower jaw miiaming. The de ceased w as a poor but honest, and it stems too a very sensitive man one who had perhaps seen bet ter days, and who being both in the wane of life and fortune, ami subject to total blindnefs and other bodily infirmities, took mel ancholy refuge in self-inflicled death,-from his accumulated share of the ills which flesh is heir to. The immediate motive, however, of this suicidal act, was probably the mere pro.-pect of pecuniary embarrassment, which he feared was g-.ilheriug about him, and which was a constant source of distress to l.m,-ol the sense oil (jrTlie dissection of the Orang pecuniary obligation, which he()tUang) uhill jied a few ias tti.i n...i u.M .iaige, oemg per- f M l! v intolerable to the combined pride at:d inmesty of iiis nature, four or five days since1, he alluded to his paiofui situation, in conver sation with a gentleman, and said that he would put an end to it by putting an end to hi. life and what wi then deemed a mere empt y ebullition of discontent, has now proved the fatal truth. (Charleston Courier. Ih athm Temples on Lake Erie. That bold-faced impostor, Joe Smith, ol'Goldm Bible and Mor mon memor y, has caused his poor fanatic followers to erect on the shores of Lake Erie, near Pains ville, (Ohio) a stone building 5S by 7S feet, with dormer window, denominating the same ihe "Tem ple of the Lord." We should think this work of iniquity extoll ed out of the pockets of his duptfs, as it reflects its shadows over the blue lake, would make the waters crimson with shame at the prosti tution of its beautiful banks to such unhallowed purposes. The Cochranites, who have re cently established a Convent at South Hadley, are likely to call down trouble upon themselves by their outrages upon the sense and decency of that community. Their convent is the common home of disciples of both sexes. The excesses of the fanatics are so gross, that the people of Hadlev ! forms us, just be fore its death, as are determined to get rid of them, t if conscious of lhat event. "peaceably if they can, forcibly i if they must." They are repre-'j Trial for JUurdcr. The Gos sented to be a set of rioters, drunk- j hen Democrat contains a report of ards and debauchees. ! he trial of Peter G. Ciiue, for the Col. Peter Quiu, of Holmes vi lie, Miss, has died from the wound received in a duel with Gen. A. P. Cunningham. The quarrel arose from politics. The parties had been warm personal friends. Poisoning. An attempt was made on Wednesday last, to des troy the family of Dr. Cole of Williston, Vermont, by throwing arsenic in his well. The sub stance was discovered by the neighbors, and the Doctor gather ed nearly two ounces of it off the surface of the w ater. It is sup posed as much as a quarter of a j pound had been thrown in. CTDr. Gesnard, the father of of the child which was recently kidnapped and rescued at Mobile, has lost two of his other children suddenly, by poison, administered by a negro, who is supposed to have been bribed by die inhuman wretches (brothers of the doctor) who had abducted the first men tioned child. A Soporific Parson. A rever end gentleman at Boston, a few (lavs since, tell ash-en in his tmloit before the lime of service arrived, and look a long and comfortable nap, from which he was w aked up by one of the elders whispering in ' i ' Ids tar. that the couereirntion mer.t are more easily conceiycdl than described. A portable church.-The good i "V"""" pe form- people of Ohio come nearer toair' d, and upwards of realization of the long promised: ilp(lllpr:illlin it f 1 1 15 n i m ir "r..o. 1 i . r r 5 i nel to fvprv ninn c wir " ili-n n,n,h.t., .. .r a .mil. v. c r Anniversary Lxercises ol Occr - ling College were held lately in a hhr p, rnal.lpnf ImW 'fMlMl i i r. . , 1 1 ii ri hit tin miinili tC A ii (Tit. f 'hwI i September in different dims of the Western Reserve for ouhlic wor- ship, where no stationary meeting houses are to be had. silce al Peale's Museum. oreent- ed, as we learn, no remarkable appearance in the morbid changes of structure. As in all animals of tropical climates, the lungs were particularly obnoxious to the cold temperature of northern latitudes, 7 ( audit was of pure inflammation of' these organs, without any particu lar destruction of iheir substance which caused his deatii. The general aspect of the different viscera, and their position, bore a strong resembl uce to those of the human species. The chief differ ence lies in the construction of the muscular and cartilaginous ap paratus about the upper opening of the wind-pipe, which is not so perfect, nor so far carried out in its development as in ihe human family. It is, however, capable, as we have before remarked in this paper, of expressing, imper fectly, certain articulate vowel sounds, such as Oh! Oh! he. Almost every person who saw this animal was struck with its as tonishing similitude to the ne gro its face lhat of an old man "u its eyebrows and mouth its body and limbs that of a thild, especially the naked hands and feet, and its use of those members in ating, thinking, Sic. and in embracing its keeper around the neck like an infant, moaning, and sobbing, expressive of its afit-ciion ami lender feelings. This it showed particularly, Mr. Beale in- murder of his wife. The principal wnne-s against turn were Ins own child ren, a daughter aged about J2, and a son aged about 10 years, in whose presence and that of their other children, the inhuman father beat and kicked to death the mo ther of those children! The details are too ieoliiifg and incredibly barbarous to be even rtftned to further. The Jury very properly found the criminal guilty, and he was sentenced to he hanged on the 6th of November. To tahe mildew out cf linen. -Take soap and rub it well; then scrape fine chalk, and rub lhat al so on the linen; lay it on the grass; as it dries, wet it a little, and it will come out at twice doing. Attack of an Alligator. yoi.ng man by the name of Nor ton, resident nt a place called Brandy Branch, about 25 miles from here, was bitten in the hand and arm by an Alligator, about two weeks since, and a bone frae- turetl. We understand lhat h j was endeavoting to get soaie wa iter from a stream, and while clearing the surface with his hand, the Alligator seized il, and he was, only savtd by troor"a the nni- 1 n i i i- II,,U s lTM" w,!,rn re,," cll,,:!,t(l "'ld The yom. lu ls ,m, h '"j". and il may l'f necessary to per from am- ; rtMa,lnL 1 he Alligator was al JckonvitIe t londa) Lourter Japping the ' ivcr. This crit- eight pints of diseased matter was extracted. A tube was left in the orifice ! ihroti"h which a pint of malier flowed daily for a week, i notw nlistanaing two pints baa ! , . , , r hw.n tMa"cd at u.lucn(oPf ! i patient IS rapidly ; recoyermg. jY. l.Siut. X Spanish slave schooner, M'aving on board 39 Africans, was kaptured some weeks ago by the. 15rilish bl ol w ir Serpent. (TTAn old sea captain in f peak ing. of Batavia, says 1 vas standing, at noon day, in the doou of the principal hotel, on one side ol the canal seventy or eighty yards from ihe pot, ami saw an alligator take a child oft from the steps, the opposite side and eat iu jVantuckct Inquirer. The Inquirer forgets 10 state, that the alligator afterwards washed its face at the hotel pump, and then called tor a glass o brandy and water. Spirit of the Times. The present S-chah of Persia in consequence of cruellies com mitted by the Camaikan or Piime Minister of his predecessor, has condemned him to be starved to death, and the property of all adherents, and relatives to be con fiscated Proper time for rising. A moiu; the curiosities at Apsley Ihjuse, is the truckle bed, in w hirh the Doke of Wellington deeps. "Why, it is so narrow,' exclaimed a friend, "there is not even room to turn in it!" "Turn in it!" cried his Grace, "w hen once a man begins to turn in hi bed, it is time to turn out."

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