,1 15.000 Dollars worth i Oj every description. For WIKJLF.SAl.IOor UK TAIL at heailv Cost, by Knight. Gar re it Cy Co. No.,1, I 'roadway. Tn'mro,' Apiil 30, i--s. Ilavon and Lard rfV. Suhserih.-r is imw ircriv- U. ... i .V r i iinu oil, r lor sii lom- Gnl Herrings. AUo, in ..ore, ;i fjuiinlily of prime IA( OA ami I, Mil). .. ir. COTTEX. arhnro. 1 lib M:iv. 1 .S3;" Jrl trtht Hut Murcn; r m:v vii:k. iliclu rd ,)!. Johnson, of :i!:Trn;v. "j""1 T has f liien to Hip hu.nVe lot of dc iin- W I t 'Jite.l 111 h.lC pesPil?rd lO til A m- n .in I'i- iji!, t i i ' i .; it in. i ot ' t'o- !: i:i i,ili " nf tin- nvo above name I hitihtv tli-I. J: ill h-.. I pr.ll to' If Citizens, vv ho.f Con- i I i . I i . , , llUUUItti ill t s DIIM, c Van i lev .ni .,1 in t best interests " 'n " ' fi.-vi luiiient I..!" le I lo lit ir desin-nion. as .i lesli iiimi V n i he . i . .1 1 i :i .inch t!i ir serv it es are i ae I l I'i oi'i.t: w uui thev line iftu.1, as cam.i !ale ! t iwu fi C ot!i rtitliin the i.'i!t o" ;. t i; y. i. , (i vri'V. and ri. ra-HMi nation. 1 !m-token of respect nw to lii woi U nJdiiioii.il imui iK lb.it fai'.i.l it Kt-r ice sli.ill ! " " not ;.:ir t-u'ded. jNKW AND FASHION A IiU Tin object ol t'ais appeal to tlip repubii- j "" t" can portion of oiti i. -U ciiizpu, i, i. ob-j C ?J i ( ! i JKl t' If y tVC tai, ihp'ir co oper iti oi in the rii lu'o.tion of ! , , , .-. evl'iiion ,t ltt.),U" vv.p..- ct !.., j. .nit i X a "I'IJD in- !'u ;i npiiv of ..! 15. 1 1 N V. ' liritl'.S i ' " Joi ins hit fricnils ami tln lill II AK! .M JOHN H)N, eol.r.t.l, rp- ! (1,.,; , i : , i . . , , . pt.ljlif in.U flu is now oppnini; fvtrv I. )'i' ui l.U iMiiiitiy, a.i'l i-lil' Imn- ' "' JJt'ii tt)ptt Ol' (0()(!, i.r.i'.N to the ,hs!inui!i. 1 en i.-u iiom ' a f non .r ncl may l)C found at WE T1IK I'Ki 11 K, liih ii. i !.;!! t.MiiuM lo ,,, , , ,. .... ., t I II. i . . . . , ,. ... m M tvi'ty article anplcibur to l'resiilom'nn'l Y'uv f.psui.Mii ot'tr.e ( n-i I l,t r IjiiIiios viz: Slates in thf tU-. um l Js;ifi 'I m we V u and t'aliCV colored patti-m Si!!; Sii.ill pi'rjiptualp llip pi im;i;lfH olMill-ixni, ! lJ-iiuit S tiic t hue been sn siiiitllv i -viv tl, n . l-.,,...,. -r, ,. .1 1 1 (y 1 , I .1111 I use. in, plain and open i'v 1 : t-.I upon, Hnd tkh;mpn tl cm-1 , , 1 1 ...11. . I traw do. lil oui lv Amuri v Jackson, who, s, hi - ' . .. . . ., , , "in a!! fl.Hfn, lo. w n nl.iou (...r the ;, :4',(, ' People, h, WII'l!Ll. VL PMl. a..d ibri. ,e- j 1 1 U ;;.,l ,ld Jimfd Silks and zptcliit rights, i-gnr il s their luii iot s, i S.itniN S r di vcs, wl. t-ilier rich or or; tlois reiiilt-rin I. is ' l'liisii and fiund IoI)!)iiu 1 1, Swiss Same and kkn )vx s tlm able as the i.vta- muslin, blond ("au.e, do. i.iMi.u iiiil." t Fancy taps, capes, Shawls, neck Th- ana. gcaiuit of the volu.ne bo : Handkerchiefs Veils, and si art's. ai follow,: ri;il,.l l.w,.. ..L.M.rw i...... . I.,... V I '1 viitiu.-, inn. I 111111, IM. 1st. Portrait (J :ii(rew Jackson, ' FiiHsand (Juris, in ijt eat variety, To w lioin the volume will b- mscubeo!, '. S'.!li :iIul t"":w cords and tas-eN. xvitli an adJiess bv the I'dblilier. : Kiiib ;is, Fl.) .vers, Cfv'C c'cc. in vreat Hi. Port rait of M. Van Ihiren, l J be loKowcd bv hi hi gi'aphy, ill r 5d, iotl idin seveiit! v.ilu ildp il. unis'til-, i.Mti-irative of l;i public cti.n.icirr, an ' x li.bi'i.iZ the magical powt i: o' Si is ,.. am ic ..i v:iu n na- pv 1 oi t-n o -te.! lo su,. alniiul ttic 1 , aml.it ari. u pi ic es. Tlio abov' (Hoods !:t:vi:.i In en jrircb t-f d on wt v otlv.mia ;'(ii. Icrins, :,nd sidhcit-d by I.- i m If, vie r in ;.;a caiiiidivir:! n ciini t.ii itao liinsot i.isroo.iuv. ..i,d i;-..-tL.ry ! mend ihem, a- br'in oi' rxn lienl J ' 1 1 1 V :imi lUr. tmv 11 il. i' .1 .. ... , I " " ' ii .1 i. ! S,t iilVi'o ix- ( XHIlio.ilMIl tl! "iif-m, as tl.ry cannot fail to plea-e. Tar'nni o, AJ i y , ,s: JiHijianj Store. MISS MITCH KM., in;,riJ) herlViri.tU ',f'-,ir'"i'A'ii 1 . ... VfnVl'-'J rini1 VV&y-& K'T-j? tI1.1t hi iias la ken YS ' llU S,0, I"."U-c Js nxl tit. or tu Mr. " Harris, Un met iy 'bo P.;in; ivlii'ic sbc ojvmis ll.c laiiTi-'-l mti-t p mini Issovtmcnl of Milium i) J.I. Portrait of !i. M .Unison, lo be li'i!)wp I bv bi Htoj rapli . (-iil,o ?ei in. biding viiii.. us Sp. ciin -. ;m.mmy M it. Hep kits. ami oilier .1 coi..-nts; i!.i- I trance of i.is !ot roniinai'il public life, .vi.ic'i hds ever b h devoo.-d ic the f..o.l ' ... . " 1 ul In- c no." ; 11. 1 In 1 1 1 1 j aa aoiheniic ac- : C'-i ' t t fiil of 1 be r iii.Mueii Indian ' i E' ' MJtll, oil I iie evpr laelliei a- ' lib .:.:.! of ()c! r. 1 l.'j v..:!i iia cnia- veil vew of i!n 1, u le ti- Id i Tbe will. bp ruinj'lttc in Oh' r7- ! i .1 I t i!.c in '(ial-sum of O.o- Dollar, li.iitlv bound .(itb tloih b.u k; or 1 ail mid ; tilt, wild the adtlitioiinl -jc jum.s. of bind. i:i!T 'I iie work, v h.tii is now m a slat.- of 1 pi -p n aiion, sliad be surd a to give entire ! &aii far ioi;; as it is in t' e h lld of p n;l-- ' laen v. .10 ha e fm 11-ai I v t I v y a 1 . b. n J p-r-iii;i!iy jmuI iioinoiU ly .0 tainted uiib I th" pi i.n.- and pobl.r life of mc abuv n;- UK-'I distil -(iisb'-ti ClU.en,. I I !.e c lera ed addros -f the Hon- j I h .inas 11 litrtitoll. ol MisMOili. In-.nin.' J... 1 . 1 1... I ... 1. - ! , '. v, . i . 'V fv r btou-bUfi ti.i, ir.aiket. Slit ' '" "ni spr-icn ol II. e . . . . lloi.Janie-. Ha t boor, of ir 2 in i.i. in 1 l;p I", j ""let's her(II. tblt Irorii llie b. -eiiaie. oi n a ing the rl.iv aiiy ol Col. klinv(.(l";i' oj btl-iio-ss ..fO'iirejl in .liiliiiir.il on ill.- O. 1,1 .....I ;.. 11... :i. I . ...... an nil- liilllHlh Ol t'ne nation, will ; e ; j ended lo the hoik. As there amnio.; our i publican eiii Zet.s, an ekieuivt popnl.,lioi, ,,f (ii rin.o, origin, the hoi k i!l appear -iniulianeotis-ly in both the I".. lisli and Hip German lan U'lais. It will. ttieit-o.iP, i. iieicsary for subset ibeis who ui.li t. b nc tlx oik in Hie Cer;iia. , lo signify the same on the Subscription book. 't in order to give prompt and f;x- tc iive eircu'i.tioii lo the tv, irk, be i. di p .'.-ab'e for n I Mibciibrs yay at (lit time of $uL$ni'.ii,ri moi.f-v to be at a propel time lorwanbd will, ti.p jt, G nilures lo the p-ihtishiii2 i-oinmif i,.4.l whicli will lw ib.lv made knovi, b a . tice in the Washington Cm obe. tD""einocialic edi!o,s (lis,,0spd lo n couraie the uo.k, uil contcr a favor, which will be gratefully arkiiue,.M., ,,v tlie Subscri'.er. in -ivintf puhliciiv o ih'e nbovcand r, eeiviP subvrripliuioi'ai then rep cioe nfli . $ i wllljfI1 a ie;,,..Hble per rentage be allowed. The Pe pie's obedient serv;oit, Washington City, June I, I8:r. Fur publishing by subscription. The Debates IN TMF. Convcntion of iY. Carolina JVhich usfvibtcd at Jtatcigi , June 4, 1S.;5, to amend the Constitution. a' consequence of the numerous appli cations 011 the sutj, rt, , e Subscribers hav.i !t It rmined, if tmHicieiit encourage ment be given, to publish in a m at volume, with a!i convenient dispalch The Ihbales in the Convention, AVlii. li recently not in this riiy. J'or jn,. purpose of asc- l.iiuiiig whether a sulllcient miinnerof Mibcribers can be "br. lined 10 j'lslilv the undertakinj, tiiese TroposaU are ii-m d. i bo volnnie. v!iicli will probably make from 3-,1'd in don paees. will be printed win. n bands-.me type, on f-oi.! paper, ami will be l.irmsS.d S'ilicribcrs, bound in CyUnK D''l!ars -W, payable JOS (J.lLKs 4. SQN Raleigh, wr. lsf ,s..- (&Suhcripti,ls fo fheilbovr hook received! ui thu Uice, 1 sevM-. yt -firs mpl -vmcnl in ib rnosl cImisivo ami laIii.iiablt' p-labli-bm. tils in ( (',!v ()f New York, and firing vt II ac ipiiinled wiib t.iosi of tf,o .Miliin ;oy and Meir.u.iilti l'sal.i, menls in ibit city, slip is nahled to ptncbr oods low, am! Iiavt Imm Millitiary madi tij in a Mipf r'mrs?yif and on the nmi iva ona!de h riiK. A moni; her assort nifot will In- foniid titan) Honoris, (difl'erent sizes and patt ems) :it from $1,50 up to the finest made. A handsome assortment of North ern made, velvet, satin, and silk Bonnets. A variety of Caps, Capes and Tur bans. lilack, white, blue, pink and yellow Italian Crapes. Hlack, white, blue, yellow- and va riegated Ostrich 1- eathei'. Artificial Flowers, feather and vel vet Flcwers. ("old and silver do. Ul-ick and white blond Edgings nd Footings. Hair l'raid:s, Puffs and Cm Is, A few elegant painted lustring Shawls and li tticules. A handsome assortment of Hibbons, with many other atticlestwo mmie t ints to mention. MissM. respectfully invites the Ladies of HaJilax and the atljijin counties to call and examine hf r stock before purclnsin and amines them thai Io. uii every ariitle in lmr it(,s ,OW(.r , y other estabhshment in lhi s:(Minn of eounlry. N. B. She ha. pU, chased a new Apparatus for ;Mni ;( (J ss n lu1Mori,an(I S,raH Iionnets,.n the Non,eni s,ve Specimens ol her work, boil, iri that and the Dress Mu.o- m . ho seen at her Stoic, uh'(.lv iders will he thankfully rr. cciw-dnnd punctually attended to Halifax, Feb. 25. 100 Dollars K 3 mm F-CAPF.l) from the Sub sir ber, w hi p encamped a' ibe l.uii.e of Col. A VViitt.n Koi'kiuh on o uniy . ( s. C ) o,i the night of the Ubb May, ls31, ti negro man uam d lie ii about 'il years old, about 5 feet 11 inches hi;li; no m;o ks recollei ti d; bad n h homespun j.'ans long coat, and rum n thread and coltoti pantaloons, .lolm was puicbastii fiom Ardi'iald Forbes, in I'ilt county, near tircenville, and it is probable he will emb-.-ivor to get back lo Ibe name neighborhood. The above reward of 0? Hundred Inrs will bp paid n, any one who will hi pi. bend ami Kdt;e the Raid jNcgto in any j ol, so that the Subscriber tan get bun aaiu. I.etieig addie-sed t'J ibe under signed, at ii w Mi.if r.O. IJiickii'giiam County, (Va.) will receive immeoiale attention. JOHN I. MOH11IS .Tuno 2 I, INIJ3. 2b Bargains! Bargains! ma'-" Xenv Goods! Xciv Good!! Chenpt't of the Cheap, or a tcelle cheaper than Ihu chc:ipesl. nresume to ltilorm the I .Iltr Iwdipviofr ! siness jllliiin- i;i-ir,ieiiiji V th:it we ImVi an equal lihl with our iwihbors so lo tin,) ihnl vve have p't tettirned from New York Philadelphia, Baltimore, (and came vry near ouv to Boston,) where we purciiaM'd the Most splendid Jhsorlmenl nf inir mid summer flPlI K Suhscriher, who for sevoia yirs past ha -ci -u t naed in j The Gin Making business. In Kimtun, has est thlidipd himself VThere he carrier on the above bu- 11 :. . 111 aU US VUI M'U-i ...nn,nr. I . I All those who wist) to supply A c;i;i:at vaimi. ii''''' ' ,, every uest nl,!'ii( (. 2'"h Feb. ! iA MlhSC..berhv,p,.,,iiii,; pn -steil to caii ami :et:(. , , ' Ihe.nselves with (Jius of the bet )y s conveni.,,,, 'I'd i i w..., I I l . '-' i - I" '''fi i . i! j oauuoi be had, w ill trte a , , ,' Tarboro' CdMI'KLIIFxNSIVI' Commentary on the llihlc. 'JMlK Snbscrilnr having been requested to act as Agent lor this highly inter esting work, informs the public: that the first volume run bo. seen at his tdliee, where mi(ci iplious will be received. The first volume is a specimen nf the exe cution of the woik, editorial and mechan ical, it is to contain all thai is valuable! in the wi itir gs of those great lights in the ( Iniman Church, Henry, Scnll, pod (bulge, bll, Adam Claik, Falnck, Tool, Lowth, binder, and others! th.' whole dp. sinned to a d gesl and comhin moil of the adviiolain'S of ibe besl '. ble comuieiilaries. (n the whole, it is believed all niil admil tb.it I tie woik is what it has been piouounc- ed to be a credit to the couni rv ; and I lie! publisher-, and editors pledge ih. -nisei us .aid their character (au.l I hey can do no more; that every cll'.il I shall be pi, I fulli j to make it, both in i,e literary and me-! chani. ai parlv, l.!ti gly useful, and wm . ! my a noei.ii mi;. port, but to -ustam iln-m in so expeuvive an eiiferprize, ibe .nv pi ice lived for th woik rupnri s that it should bae an extensive sale, and no' pub lisher wi.nbl fill v. oi.i:ited in pio,erining the w o, k w iiiiuut a large subs i ipiion hsi; and, however un opul.ir mo 1, course in., v i.e in rei-a .J to ordi.iarv woiks. n be.i a li ni i felt in it stu-iii ; to ii In lb s case, so manili sfiy ueie.s.oy ;:ml ptoper. hey npp. :ii in coi.fi'!ei, e to n.p it ligmus public, and lo a!, wio wish in mc it cotul.Oe, tor their name and patronage. There is a b .pti.i edn mn. difiVring in no r e p. i i I fro ui the geiiei.il t-uiiioii except un liie i .hnrn.. nl l(iiili:ii, in relerence to wh'uli tin- K, v. Ji.spj.ii . Warne, IMilor oi I. e li.ipi s' i-daiou, makes t he follow ing remark, v;: All that was promised in ibe I).ijiii eiliiiun, ;is mi, n. was that whatever wa louud iu ihe woik as publj.hpd for I'ji dobapti-t- generally, w tiich did not cor- n pond witii tin- views of Jd( ti-ts. should be removed, ami the That ever decorated the shelves of any establishment in the ci'y of Tarborongh, (none excepted, and are now Selling off at nearly Cost, For Cash, and at a very small a 1 vat.ee on a credit. Knight, Garrett cy Co. No. I, Broadway. Tarboro April 'AO, 1S35. I $m UP. i aar rA MIAIjK leave this State shoi t ly all thoe indebted and ctioosi; TO p ?r r w w i hi rrrr v ! Will not have occasion lo com plain of piin a Constable, for eiviie of no advantage to them. J.I MRS U'KDD i:LL. May 'J d, 1 S :".' Oxford Examiner. Ji ilir. ubsi riber invites propositions to j , L!L Mio't'nl Ii i ni . a piinier alii r p'ipl r of l!ie "(Ixlord l.xa'iiiner," to taker (bet not sooner than the lt of-nett October. ; A piiiclit .il l'rinter could invesl a sm ill i sum to Co isidera'ib' advantage in this ' I'.si.ibli .bment. A- y gentleman poess. ing a lew bonis leiznie each day jioi:ht deoie tin in w.lh the ceitaioty of profit to i tlie coudiutiog of n pHper in ibis place. I he income has en ble.l the prest r I Kditor i to live comloriablv I r w. co m v No-Cal, Fe!,.- PPvOi'OSAi I'or pabliMiig m Iht tmr ,- ;; ' . M C.au-ttUy nuuttr";r' IVilm'uigttm Mrtr'hl quality, are re-pfclfully solicited to :ipply " hu uisrrmer peiou a'.lv to- bv letter. All ciders foi (ins will he piomptly executed.; From the Suhsci iher's long expe rience in his business, and from the approbation which his work has hitherto met with, he hesilales not -to promise entire satisfaction ' J I'1 ' Subscuber b Mii;. b all who may see fit to extend , in H. S)a,e ,, a.ij;,',!". " to him their patronage. Gins oul ' ISewspapr ca.iooi ht ,1M),( , of order will expeditiously re-! " 'S in ih,',.,;;" , , . 1 ! totn lo abandon it until .,. paired. I he Sufwnber takes Ue;fair, .su.j. lie UvU . ,a '''"i'' liberty of calling the attention ol i age ailorded to him b !jI,11r those who wish to procure new : ''"r '!' i'ee vt4..: 1,,,', 'j jed, lo the expediency of apply iogj patronage win sOOII IKHWl att j to i in , 'tUi j.. I,,mi in i.mP. When all wait as. ,1'ai1 exnecud U cpaoie oi comiitcinig a At Hsp-.j,. i " . II . L . . ." I . I. I. i w iiwii'iiit. i ii i'i i.i. iirnii i i h win i. i , ,..v, . .. , v, i ies toe list oi sUKS'.ati.'prs u is wanted, it causes such a pres -j creased, (of which the ,.m ;, It UlUsl lie (llsCOilll.iiied Ol t,';. ' The editor may, indeed, uIiIhm.h i teuce and keep his estabJisMs,. ,,, j." 1 it but he expects timie linn in s iIM , ; f ir h.s services, as he rami, t ,..,51., j ur-ue any bu-iners u lalnj-ivas . I plexiug, witho'it the 1 "Sjii o ,, c , I t.-iice, wilhin a ri iiso.ihiiie h., 'these iii ciimstanci s (lie t. itn e j tbe-e proposals b,i l lie Adoju:ut . sure of husines-, tliat many arc obliged of necessity o submit to a longer delay than they wih. illiZiSZ TSSOrtT, In connexion with this est;il!is!nnent, car rie-i on Ihe Lock Guns mi th business Ho also makes Saw Mill Uoxes,1 Ju'r"; 1 V" lM" - i r , i i ' i Agncuione and i!,e tnm.il .,,Htli and Altlf Inks, and Uudgeons, d , rwth Caiol'ma; 5), iarsti(l; i,,ii,rils a c)mpisiiirm invented by Daniel j -ous:tent vid. the lutepon t.iii,ri.;' I j , r I j if1 with which it is belieteil thev mi,-,. 1 eek, ol lap jh liriSl Alill , i,-. , , , n accord. It is tuteiiiled Id he ,rr , Spindles, with Stfcl Collars, ty influence; a n! it is sit; H.-r.lili. tJ; (tor..eil ) These articles equal to ! position of ih.s c.haiatt. r ,n r . i .1 ir . I TO ui. sou et: rpiesiion, I ni.tr a i. v manuiaclured in the United , 1 ,', u . per Can be p i i:iaueut:y am! rei. .!, Stales. All letters ami orders must he directed to the Subscriber at Greenville. .In m.ii e than live i.uurest views of rHrsi sdlhounli lie commented and has all thtir oun hoi wiittrs subslituted. It is ;,,"ng laboreil under embarrassing t!is c. i i fi J 1 1 1 1 v b lieve.l thai no i.oii.t con- di ai.tage. Hut little exertion would in rtfd w nb w h it is peculiar to the 11 eiisuip a unite exlendt d palionaire li.t denominali, ni b..s been l.l'i i... ...... should an apidicati.-n be mailt' which -ml wlien it is considered that" on no wr-dd lik ly pi ove agreeable lo I he public, poinis nut those di Baptists differ from "bargain may be had. The establish- Henry. ?tott, Doddiidge, i:c. there c;tn '" ", ''bcined a peruianent one, as the best arcelv a doubt but that the d. nomi- P,"P1'- 'ave iiiiinife-ted a delei inmaiio.i to n .ti. ii in 'g uer.il wilt feel that Ihev have "ta''i a Press in their county I own. now a Commentary, in the rending of whicithey ;oesuie lo ftinl w hal w ill far.; tl.ert.nn - of love, and satisfy the appetite ; for t-utli, ai d this wiihout that diminution I o their enjnvmeot uh which thev were! xn-o tomed to meet iu reading the authors, aii.ing out of I h ir d. ileum view of a' cln islian oi(!iuance. i It. J. Y.iNCEY. ir. Oxford, Apiil 23. PUOSFKCTUS ok Tin: Inson Idrcrtiscr. Terms. t he woik will be comprised in f,v. voiuuied, avei.igii.g imt less than Hon p.iges per volume, royal 8 vn hiintl- 'JM'L Snbsciiher proposes to publish in die Town of Wadesborough, Anson r.ll..l. c.,..i:.n .. .. .,! son.ely primed on fi .e paper, and well j k.,J' -"-. " .y ,-aper oou-ut 111 sm rp, ami leiierrtl vvilh double lob . wili b tiguetie lilies, iiml several neatly engiiivnt map, with other illustrative wood cuts. &:c Copii s bouml in extra gilt spiing biitks, ih"0'i pln calf, 5o7". GEO UOtWiPxl). March 13 h. 1SV,. it li l lli- per volume. Tln-re seyeial en"' vines, lioiitisiueces. l o the J(jUcted. ....... ., ii . hi e ii i for the cure ol white sfilin:', iri scruliila and other Inmourt, soie legs ami ulcers, and Iresh woiimls, spiiiins, bruises, swell ings ami inllamm:: tions, &.c ice.' II ckwiih's nuli-dyspeftic pill. Kov;oul'.- genuine tonic mixture, a per fect en e for ague nod fever. The above valuable medicines may be had w holesale or retail on application to J. It' Collen, Agent br Tai borough. ls.T. uppoi lt d in ii. i. u.j; nil. If Millie ieut p .troi.iie i( nlVt ifi i,. , lir-l of llfcceinber n.-xt, the li.' AdvcrUiir will couaueiicc mi lir. January loliowe.g. Ii u .tj an.l fimu,;- 1 1 EMI Y ClIJIMnERLAIN. rtlt's !'r vv" )Oii ii win in; i emu eu iioiii .4 I o.) 1. 1 iim q mi .! r..u! inn. il n ii.n.:.... CottOll GillS 'nu' A.lveili-er.l.beil.esoM;:. t M ' the People's I'm ss, at i per ;iiii;ui:i,;i frlll- Subscriber has established able in advance. himseil in the house formerly Of eimicil he llw. Iii. 1. .....!, I n 1 , , - ':- -y-r- :cd.ior. Key, dec a, near tin river, and aj lbosc who iiil togive pMi.-eofu i i: .. i i ... i. i ... . :-.... i.. i-.iv.r . J Mini i oisi;tni-u neiovv nen in m i n ; " "s'-'o...uv .. M. Jackson's iore, wheie carries on The making and repairing iNu jiapr discnn'iiiued iiini' iiil arrf-' ges are paid unless at liie o;dw.io:: Beniamin I ; ,rni vviui.r ..i.. .( ' v" ji. ; i'or dial vear, ami by i tie sane uel .n ; su'-eepding vears. (nPer.ons holding subscription IV. are i'. tpiesled to toi ward ti.em oV.;.u... Cotton Gins. 1 by of icHl,r. All those who wish to supply THOM.'iS L0HISG. themselves with Gins of the bel 3T- tpiality, arc respectfully solicited 2?&i2?0Aii5, to ajiply to t'ne Subscriber person- j For piluut;nsitht!cxnfTl ally, or by letter. All orders for! .V. c. astvti-Moi.ihiywtrJut-x Gins will he promptly executed. ! vimilive LupUsl Gins out of order will be expedi-l ,;Dm:s) HV M IK bi:F.li, Hourly repaiteil. Wacksmithing, of everv tles criptioo. executed, in the bet stvle. (TJFwo second hand Cotton Gins for sale low lor cash. SJJMUP.E I). PROCTER. Tarhoro,' 30th Sept. 131. The Silk Culturisl. Si.v .Moullis iu (i Convent mUSSEl.L, ODIOItNF. k CO. have in press ami v il publish in a few t!av s, a new work, with the above title, being ihe iNart adve uf Miss Kt.br cm Theresa JUtd, who was under the inlluenceof the i tnnan Catholics about Iwo years, and an inmateol the Oouveni on Mount Benedict, Charles, town, nearly six mouths in 1831-2. The book furnishes a concise history of the rul-s and r gulations. die employments and ceieinonies f the Ur-ubne ordet; and as it is the first account ever given in thjs country ol a similar institution, the u Min nas confined herself strictly to a iiarialion of facts thai transpired under bet own eye, ami that were noted dow n after her escape. It will contain a volume of 200 pages, 18 tno. finished and bound in tlie neatest manner. btision, March 2, IS-vj. HISTORY OF Till: Kehukee Association. rji's'r PUBLISH!'"), and for salt? at the Q.I office ot Ihe Tailmro' I'resd, ' Co cise History of the Kehukee Baptist Asso ciation, from its oriinal ri-e to ,P pre. stut lime by Fdder Jooeph Biggs -umler the supervision of a committee (consistiurr of Elde'S Jns'ma Lawrence, v iiliam Hy" man and l.uke Vard. ami bietbreu Tho nris Bigg. Josejih l Bigs, ami Cushion B. Ilassell.) apj.oi.Hcd by the Association." rite. SI t aeb, or $ IU per doaen. October, 1S31. The Vinson ldvrrliser." Arcording cu toni, he prtceetls lo lay belore the public t'n aoalvis of the plan upon w hich his paper will be conducted, lis columies will be devoted tothec u-e of t'olitics, gi iciilture, Internal Improve ment, l.ileraiu.e and .Tienre in general. It is the iuteioioii of rhe F. .itor diligent ly and fairly to report the passing political H'.d other news of the day, and v liilp bp cannot. con-it ntly with his ptinciples itlvocHte tin- rourse pursued l, the pre ni administration, be assurs the , nblic ' .hat be feels every disposition to b full justice lo its merits. Ihe press will be open to both parties tho Ldiioi wiF . deavor to atlhei e sO itl v to principle nnd to iliresmtl all party i tluetic 'I tie ciitor intends lo avail himself of the atl vantage of m in v of the best publit atioiis on the subjects of atrneiilture amt inlcrn.il improvement, he of course will be able lo "elect and lay before his readers, a large numbev of F.says which cano .1 fail of be ing interesting lo every one who la at heart Ihe prosperity of Ins c-u-try. All the most important and inte.psting piti ccedings of Congtess and the -nne l.eois. lal uie will be duly reported, mid a portion of the paper will at all limes be devoted lo polite tin nature. TI. e snbsciibpr is aware of the ma"y difficulties lie must encounter in advanciurr ....I.l:.. . I. .. , " i tl. . 1 I: .1.- ... .. .... o. lenes greany upon ti.p l"r o in nog inr ruiK, loff.-fher with liberality always show n ly an enlightened s"cl' '':cts anil experiments, as will enable public towards enieip rise well ctnduct.-d, "rniers to raise Silk ami pr p,.re jt.f0 and assures his patrons, that no pains shall' j market, without further kmmlrdgt. ur as be wanting on his part to render his prtper i ''Uice. It wilt also contaiti inrerestinn- inaoer on axrrion tural suloeric ;.. ILhMb - Ihe Lulturist will be imhtisb Prinltd a;d Puhllkid bv U-.a 'I'HIi publication is princip1! lo defend l he old m In el I m e I i'V froiu lheiuu peti"is c' i'i'"'"'' bv dtl ided p.-r(.ns pro ti,i'.g '''t ' , l'-jilh, becau-e t'.iey tame'l ciic;nv Iv engage in li e vari,.us ii-i'""-1'" sc hemes of the day, osieu-id. I'. eit. promote Cl-.ristia.niy, but nim... t r tn to tles'roy O.e gieat ami lateia-i ; ei incipb's upon w-iicli it s li;if -i).v" ? . .. .. . . . .. ui.ll lJ..! f mnl. ,, . i ing a gam oi goiuiiu ss- - i I111- Lxeculive ( onimniee ot :r,r Ha, t. ! jr ,j,stillCv undtrsloo.l, aial ve a ' . ford County bilk Society, have c.m-, i,,i,nit at to Alaso..rv. 1 . i-iH '.i f. 1 f' j menceJ a n.ou'lilv publication, called tlie ! trilmtion of the bible, r the Wl ' ! bilk Culturisf and Fanner's Manual. j (.;0.pel but we do condemn the The object of the publication is to dis- cf professors and mm prutf l,i ' sem-eate a ihoiougn knowledge of ll.ecul- iwil i sncielies, ami the maki.ua 'C'- iivation ol the Mulberry Tree, in hll iis Gf reli-iotis 'iiaiieis, in ever? ":-'f-" varieties I he rearing of Si!k Worms foin whal-oever. , t liie prmlnction of Cocoons and the Keel-: Believing th-it llieological ?'"10;' ing of Silk, in the most approved method.: i,e, Mi-i-r , Tiact, ami SJ") The imnol tance of this knowledge ndll it . o -...:. .aim: ill !ir'' ' , ""i" union oot iei ies, . ear Irom the (act that the neit profit f ,1Jflillir . Hv.r none " j land devoted to the culture of Hlk, js ,(, , ...,.), tt , tovMinls Ht double, if not triple, to that derived from opposed to them, any other ri --p w hid. ran be put upon it. Some of l he children of k '-' 1 It is also a fact, that every moderate, far ! wj,h mid interspersed ainin', me r can iaise several hundred d ;,'Ja cMv's ol Missionary u ad . .liar xiO'" w.oihofSiik without interfering w i, , his ; denied the nappmcss of ci-vf ordinary agr cultural operations. nul j ,h)Seof Ihe same judgment. U;i." order i i avad Inuiself of this facility to ; grieved with beheld.ng co.mi'i";" . o.nain c.mpeien.-y and w ealth, whictiotir , tiospel. are not able lo sj'eak l"f soil n l climate have given him. be must selves. T his is des.LMid. '"'f' '"' possess himself ol information on sub-1 their relief We shall "' n"l"'.n" , .p c,fnr wiihout it his attempt, will be i please, the fancy, as to inform tliej" ; rV' ,. . me object of the more to afford tl i-r Comm.Uee to d.bu.e this info, .nation as i,,g comfort than lo 5ve. a , extensively as po,s.h,e, and at the cheap Lovv to ihe feclm. We ' est la.e. The publication will contain a I The cause of I. ulll ami of Chi. nw; ' Cornell le mattURl or ibrectory from sowing I is our cause. Ie. ph impre l; (. ., both a useful and interesting publication TERMS. The Anson Advertiser will )r printed on an imperial sheet at S3 00 per annum in advance, or S3 50 at the end of the year; the first number to issue as soon as Sev en Hundred Subscribers arc obtain ed: no subscription will be received for a less period than twelve months and the paper will not be discontinu ed until orders are received to that effect, and all arrearages paid up. Advertisements not exceeding 12 lines, inserted three times for onC dollar, and p cents for each subse quent insertion. Communications addressed to the editor must be post paid. tVIELLIM ,;. BIRD. Feb. 21, 1635. fd iii . monthly nionl ers .if Eight Q iarto I'au'es, at Fifty Cents a Vear. tN0 sub scription will be received unless paid in Advance, and f r rot less than a year Snb,p,iber.s received by F. G. Comsock Secretarv, Haiih rd, Conn., to whum.also' Connriunicali uis imy be addressed, which' if post paid, will be attended to. ' ' Hartford, April, IH'XV Published and fur Sale at this OJK PATRIOTIC DISCOURSE ,ht lo.... mi). S Apology for the Kehukee Association and, A Basket of Fragments, by the Hev. JohuR Lawienee Also, A Keview of Clark's defence and jus' t ficalion to the Kehukee Association r:t ten by n lay member of the Assoctal'ion-" and, Occurrences in the Life of Elder Ja seph Biggs, wrote by himsf. Tarboiough, Aug. l. ice. heliel tlialtlie uieMi ' - ,j is oi the Head of tne Clnu c!.. ,. selves upon Him. and s'"'1 t,a: ' Hvmg me i"" - ai.ro id, pr some joy to th .p mIiu aie in hiD'H . '. - . . . -t. . !,.;in:lu " and a liti'e icsi to oiosr TEKM". Tlie Primitive iaMst lished in super-royal -, ( lir. kl-.-OIIU lilt ' . ..f'. 16 oaires Saturdays in each nior.hb cing in January next'1" . ; : per year, pavable on r1'!,.: first number. Six cbji'- ; tooncFost-Oillceia- ntits!l'0" Five Dollars. , .;..' ' Communications ni" and dit tcted to the 1 jc.,r : 07-Editr.rs in the t , a lavor by giving die a- two insertions. c..uif $jPtrsoits hoMin? tion papers will ? to Geo. Howard 1-U tho tnUrtlp of Decrinucr October -J, l35. r

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