ls)4 Tarftbrouji, (Edgecombe County. X. C.J Saturday, November 7, 1833. Vol. XIJfo.15. yyjt. Tarbnroufli Pre. ,',1.iir,JrUv.8iTrfl Dollar-sand r' . -mi any ,,:"l'riP ar TWv-five Ctnts vr momU 5i on "ivinff no,i,,, 'i"'1 "i'1 ,n Is .if .. f". ........ in I li icvii-ini I v -it ;,.l",r"."h" lirl..irr. ' " .-lC,.iUfadi Lm2 !'"'p at thai rate f.,r ev.-ry lf lions. T' '1- be iuntUA the imhii f;orir.iM.S .fM.,ir.Ml,or.t,,y ill Im-i.,...-j' "'"i1 ise r,H-r.-il, and "' A-J ari.nli"Sly. f ad.i.voeJ to t!r F.tltlor must Im . ' ,',!, ..rti.ey m-v not b-ftit.-iwk.lio. ; 0r lU'd Roads. We learn f-om a iVieml in Greenville, thai tj,e contractors have already com menced work on the Greenville a,u! Koanoke Rail Road. Judg jr from the manner in which the Petersburg "ad progressed, w e think that this work will he iinish In 10 or 12 months from this (Jite. The whole trade nf the up p,r Roanoke will then not only leiecured to Petersburg, hut a clieuper and more expeditions joule than any other will In; otler tliotlie planter to bring his pro-dut-e to market. . In addition to the business of the upper Roanoke, the Peters burg Rail Road Company have taken such steps as will secure to them the trade of the lower part cf the river. They have two steamboats and a number of ligh ters, which, during the cotton sea f -n. will rim regularly to all the principal landing and hence forth the planter will be able to get bisection to market in as ma ty davs as it took months before. The travelling community also fee! the bentfil of our road, for the lumber of passengers this year thews an increase over the last. The transportation business of the Company is already so profitable as to enable them to divide from 9 tj 10 per cent. Judging from these results we cr-' confident all the w orks tmder Jiken on the great route to the tout!) must be profitable. In the course of another yeaf the Rich mond and Fredericksburg Rail HoaJ will be in full operation, and haw every reason to believe the rail road from this place I) Richmond will he far advanc ed. We will then have an uuin t'lrnpted line of communication b'tween the Roanoke River and Ihston, passing though all the Ijrge towns aed rides of the differ ent states and through the seat of l'ie General Government. In ad dition to this, it will he a line un rivalled for the expedition, cer tainty and comfort with which travellers can be carried. We hope that our friends in North Carolina will take these lcts into consideration, and add another link to this truly magnifi cent chain of improvement. We are almost certain, that as soon as jtne work is commenced in this Hate it will be taken up and car .ried through South Carolina. hi Georgia and Alabama they are '"ready constructing rail roads on u:e cret mail route, atid in a few 'urs we will see the line comple ted to New Orleans. The travelling in every part of slle United States is very great n"w, particularly where there are sc!i facilities as enable any imm- tar of persons to travel from one l'J"Uto another. Let but this reai inland route be perfected pissing, as we said before, through 'very large town and city, the seat Government of the whole uu und we have no doubt that it ill he thronged with travelleis. h well known that from 500 to 1 000 persons can be carried on a j;1'1 road as easily as 50 and irorn the success with which loco "iitives are running on our road, the visk of detention or accident! is so slight as lobe Unworthy of j uoiiee...ef. Int. t missed nis money, and at once Afflicting event. -We have to concluded he had left it In the hack, record the sudden death of a very: but as he had not taken notice ol worthy and respectable citizen, its number, he knew not w here to and the consequent and awful 'look for it. Whilst rontemplat aflliciion ot an affectionate wife ing what step he had best take to and three children. On Saturday recover his money, honest Rlake morning last, whilst Mr. L,dwaru -. i ....... i Creery, and a young man named Humphrey Miles, were cunnintr near Fairfield, the attention of both were directed to the same bird. WhiUt approaching the j game in nearly opposite direc tions, a twig caught the trigger of Mr. Miles's gun and the whole load was discharged in the breast of Mr. Creery, w hich caused his instant death. The event has j caused very general sorrow, Capt. i RirhnrJsmi's Artillerv dmumnv ! of which the deceased was the or-' deiiy sergeant, yesterday paid the ' usual funeral honors to the re mains of their fellow soldier. Richmond Compiler. CJMr. Amaziah advertises, in j the Georgia Constitutionalist, that ' a 1'OHiii' 111:111 named Roderick ' Merlon, has run off with his two ' daughters. That is outrageous, hat is the use ol two Strings to J one beau? I Editorial Apologies. The edi tor of ihe Methuen Falls CJazelfe. apdoLiies to his readers lor a lack j ol editorial matter, and oilers as at the next session, .present me an excuse the fact that he has "a ! Con?'Jlutioti of the ivw Stale, ami job on hand." This excuse its admission into ibe Union, ,1wmt ;ic vnlhl nr.d s:i t i f;i i t or v :is!aul their admission lo their seats. ni thn uixiani editor, u ho ' said his wife had been baking and he had to pick op oven wood. I Suicide This (Thursday) ! morning, about six o clock, Mark Winslaw commuted suicide in Leverett street jail, by opening the iucnlar vein with a razor. ! lie was to have been conveyed to the stale prison ibis forenoon, to which place he had been sentenced for life. He left in his cell a let ter to his wife, of which the fol low mi: is a coin : Mv flwir wif'p (thou best of women) most deeply do I regret and repent that 1 had not lived j agreeably to your good and sound ! advice. If I had, I might now ! have been enjoying your good so-1 rietv, with iherest of my friends 1 Oh! how I could be hurried on, ' and unbeknown to you, I cannot j . . . conceive but, alas! soil is. I j Ireely forgive all my enemies as I hope to be forgiven; and 1 hope we may meet in another, and a belter world. . From your affectionate arid . loving husband, MARK WINSLOW. I N. B. Farewell all my living j friends. M. Thursday morning Oct. 15, 1835. Take warning ye who have good wives, and listen to their advice. Boston Bulletin. 07-At the recent laying of the corner stones of the Medical Col lege at Geneva, New York, a great number of articles were de posited within it, there to remain as memorials of the present era. One of the articles deposited was a rose, manufactured in Philadel phia, hermetically sealed in a bot tle, presented to the prettiest girl, who may be living in this country, in the year 4000, by Dr. E. Cut bush. Honesty its own reward. Yes terday forenoon, Mr. Farrington merchant, of Coffee House Slip, stepped into hack No. 39, driven by Thomas RIake, whilst siand at Park Row New York, with a package of 30,000 in b's -band, and rode to his residence in Fourth street. On alighting, he inad vertantly left the package lying on the seat of the carriage, sup- posing it was in his pocket, and entered his boose, and the car- riage drove off. Shortly after Ik drove up to his house, and boldly if i . . . . entered the door, rnonev in hand Mr. Farrington generously ten dered him tSOO :k -a rpiv:inl ftr his honesty, but though reneat- edly pressed upon him. he as re- peatedly anil decidedly refused its acceptance. We understand Mr. r . intends forthwith to presen tf? RIake an, elegant carriage, horses and harness; and should he carr such a resolution into elfecf, we doubt not that honest Rlake'.s coach will nrndure him suhstnn- tial evidence that "honesty is al- t ways the best policy." i A, r. Tines. CT'The People of the Territo-j last summer assembled in conven-j tion, and formed a Stale Cn.iii-: tiitimi nrnrprlt mi tli li Mint ' Gih instant, agreeably lo its pro-j visions, to the tlectimi uf-a Gov-! ernor, Lieutenant Uovenior, Aiem- i her of Congress. Men. hers of the I State Legislature, Jk.c. and when' the Legislature meets, itviliap- point two senators lo L-ongres, ; who, wi;h the Representative, wilij Whether the atnlicatiou will bet successful or iiot we car.not under-1 take to say. The usual mode oi'j admitliuir a new member into the! Confederacy is, first, by act id; Congress, to authorize ii lo f'i m a Constitution, w hich being pre-! sented and approved by Congress,; the new Stale is admitted iulo the Union or. the same footing as the; original Statt s. i Whatever be the fate of the ap-1 plication from ?dichigan at ihe; next session of Congress, it is the I design of the People, we under-! stand, no longer to recognize thei Territorial forms or authorities, with the exception of the Judiciary j branch but, in all other respects, to proceed under their Conslilu-j tioti and State Government as. though il had been sanctioned byj Congress. How they moan loj dispose of the Tentorial Cover- j w !' "VI.! nor, Legislative louhui, itie- gate, &c. we are not advi-u Artificial Stw. Coffins. t;ce ,as been taken ai v.:iu times in ibis p.iper ;o;d o:i;-. c5 of the successful use of a oiu;; s;rH or cement as or cemeui as a m'im.iiihvi for -stone and marble, in the n structiou ol cisterns, aquedt oisj vva'ler pipes, baths, lice. Aso'j stance of analogous quality Ins; been invented by Mr. John V'hire, j of Syracuse, peculiarly appTu j to the making of colli.'?, which1 will combine the advantages oil preservation, from uv;:;:v. a-ul sc-j curity against violation ;if the grave or at least, of making sociij violation fruitless, as il wiil Lie im-j possible to remove a body fromj one of tha cofti is witbrut break-! iivr it to nieces. The cofiin being! made in one entire j.'.ecr, thv lid which is also in one piece, is laid on, afler the ho ly has been placed within, and fastened with mat ing or thickness of the same cement, which soon hardens and indissobibly unites them. Pre vious to this, however, the air may easily he exhausted, and thus pre vent the mortal remains lrom knowing corruption. The cement when indurated in very hard and solid and may be stained and polished to resemble mahogany or any other beautiful wood. Specimens will be exhib- ited at the approaching fair of the American Institute Mr. White in forms us that the cost of an artifi cial marble cofiin will not exceed that of one made of rich mahoga ny. J Y. Com. Advertiser. 'All Rugg'igc at the risk of the owners.'' It has lately become very common for incorporated rail road and steam boat conpa nies to advertise conspicuously, in the above words, in order to screen themselves from liability, in case of the loss or miscarriage of any baggage entr.isted to their care. To test the legality in re gard to the operation of such an advertisement, two suits have re-, cently been instituted against the Camden and Amboy Rail Road Company, in both of which full and ample damages were given for the plaintiffs. An action was tried on Thursday of last week, in the Superior Court before Chief Justice Jones, in which the above company were ibe defendants, and Mr. Raizamon Relkuap was the plaiutilF, for the recovery of a trunk eulnised to. their care' for transportation to Philadelphia. h was uiged on the part of the defendants, that the missing pro pel ty had ;!Ot been left in the cite of any of the agents of The compa ny, but was merely placed h; the oilier, while the plaiutill' was pay ing his fare as a passenger the advertisement announcing that the company wtie not responsible, &;. was also lead in court. On the pari of the plainiiiT, it was contended thai although the de fendants did give r.u;ice that they refused to be it s;. )i;sible for the loss of prrprr lulling" into their o.-session in mh; itgular course ofiluir Lii: :;:e-s operations, under the s.mclioii and by the authority o iheii charier, et edicts were utterly futile, and of no avail, and they v ere liable, holli in equity and law, for the loss or destruc tion, under such circumstances, of any chaticls, or goods belonging toother persons. In his charge lo ihejiiry the learned Judgeioin citL'd with ibe arguments of the plaintiff's comi' il, ami ike jury awaided damages in the sum of three honored dollar, for the plaintiff. So that, all baggage is not ai the ow neb's risk. .V. Y.Adv. vTThough the cotton crops of the stale do not equal expectation, still they uro not so bad as was apprehended; and we may expect that our planters in general will be enabled to export nearly as much cotton this year as last: there r ere more pianiations during this than ihe lasi season. Even if the quaidhy does t:rt equal, the qnal iiy excels that of ihfeprevious year another lact lo console . our pi voters: for they will obtain a good price for their produce. Centrally speaking the quality and quantity of the cottcn and su gar crops of Louisiana, fir 1835, '.till be about on an average with these of 1331; although the anti cipations formed of either crop will not be realized in consequence of the comiuutd rains during the summer. jYew Oruans Bee. OCTOii Thursday, the mayor was informed that there was a ne gro on board the brig Roxberry, anived from New York, who had abolition pamphlets k, incendiary prints; and immediately sent the captain of the guard with some of his men to investigate. The ac cused was found with a print re presenting a negro in chains, with the words superscribed. Am I not a man? am I not your brother? and afterwards a stanza in En glish verse issued by the aboli tionists. The pamphlet was issu ed also by one of the anti-slavery societies, and was signed by A. Judson, and written by T. G. Whittier. The captain cf the Roxberry has been bound to give testimony; and the negro has been imprisoned. Xew Orleans Bee. Disgraceful conduct. We learn from the Rodney (Miss.) Tele graph, that the pilot of the steam boat Mazeppa, on her way from Louisville to New Orleans, was so enraged that the owners had tak en in tow a Hat boal, that he pur posely ran the boat against a snag, in broad day light, some miles below Madrid, by which three negroes (a woman and two children) and 23 horses on the fiat boat were killed. C?Jim Dyer, the black fellow who assaulted one of the New Bed ford Hoard of Health some time since, for exposing, in his official capacity, the lilihy state ot his (Dyer's) bouse, and who was let oil lor a trilling line, made an as- located, and the nose of one bro saultou Dr. Green, on Friday, ken, together with the eyes nearly for ihe sarae cause, by entering his shop and hurling two stones, weighing three pounds each, at Ids head; fortunately neither of them answered the desired end of i The man was in a better condi the assailant. He was immedi- j tion than the wotren, rather above ately arrested. the middling size, stout built, very . 'dark, and we should judge near Long Lijc. Norfolk paper j thirty years old there was a mentions the death of Phillis j piece of blue cloth tied round his .'alk; uidiiv u;iiii, vruu vt as born-in Strawberry Plains, , ' , . tf ill' lori-v lJ o i lie lit Princess Anne county, Ya. in the vear 1720, and consequently at ihe lime of her death, was in the one hundred and fifieenth year of her age. She was the mother of twenty-one children, and her descendants are almost innumera ble. Daring Highway Robbery. We learn that on Sunday, as Messrs. Locke & Weils, of Charlestown, provision dealers, were riding on the Salem turnpike, their horse was stopped and their money demanded by two despera does. They instantly sprung from their chaise and Mr. Locke seized a club, which fortunately died natural deaths, and were in lay in the road, attacked one of J tended as subjects for dissection the robbers and succeeded in fell-i although that belief is snmc- inghimlothe ground, when he was attacked by the other robber. Mr. Wells immediately came to his rescue, took ihe club w hich Mr. Locke had wielded so suc cessfully, and by a blow broke the guard of a sword and one of the fingers of the assailant, w ho took lo flight, Wells pursuing him. Another horse and chaise, with two gentlemen, and another per son whom they had found lying in the read, driving up, Mr. Locke requested that the' would go to the assistance of Wells w hile he held his man down. They com plied, and the other robber was soon captured. In the mean time, the man they had picked up in the road, recovered his senses, and re cognized the robbers as the per sons who had robbed and left him for dead in the road. The two scoundrels were secured, examin ed before a Justice of the Peace in CheUea, and committed to our jail in Leverett the same night. Their names are given as Thomas Rraden and Thomas Forsyth. The name of the person found ap parently lifeless, is Mauley H. Smith. We are at a loss for words to express our admiration of the spirit and resolution w ith which Messrs. Locke & Wells pursued the two ruffians. A few such examples would have a salu tary effect upon the gangs of high waymen, burglars and incendia ries, that prowl about the commu nity. Boston Centinel. C5We were called upon as a juror, yesterday, to examine the dead bodies of three negroes found packed in tierces, similar in make and size to those used for packing fine New Orleans sugar. It appears they were forwarded from Baltimore lo Philadelphia by the Union Line Company and labelled ". G. Francis." They were put on shore at this place on account of ihe disagreeable odour that came. from them while lying on board of the steam boat and upon a suggestion being made that they contained human flesh, one of the tierces was opened, which was occupied by two It male negroes packed face to face the casks were accoidingly re moved from the wharf to the pub lic burying ground, and there opened, and an inquest of twelve men called to examine the bodies who returned a verdict "that the said persons came to their death by means unknown to this Jury." The decomposed slate in which ihe bodies were found pre vented a thorough examination of die same the necks of the two fe- i males appeared to have been dis forced from their sockets 'whe ther this was done previous lo their death, or caused by forcing them into the tierce, is uncertain. l'.irrrp riiMir mp. anir i mav iihvr i u -a ' - ! I I I . I. ..... I .... I. . ... concerned, for a particular pur pose. One of the females was nearly white, the other a bright yellow a plain brass riner was j found on one of the first mention ed right hand fingers ihey were all without any covering, and packed in straw and corn blades. Afler the examination was over they were buried in one grave, together with the tierces thai con tained them. Various conjectures have natu rally arisen as to the probable manner in which these persons were depriv ed of life, and the uses for which they were intended our opinion, is however, that they what staggered when we consider the particular season of the year, j and the fact that neither of the Medical colleges of Philadelphia, have as et commenced their reg ulai course of lectures. This name is fictitious, with out doubt, and was written upon a card, and nailed to the head of each tierce. JVew Castle Gaz. Jllichizan Election. The De troit Free Press of October 10th says that sufficient returns have been icceived of ihe recent elec tion in the Teritorv of Michigan to warrant the statement that Ste vens T. Mason is elected Govern or, and Edward Monday, Lieu tenant Governor, Isaac E. Crary is elected to Congress. All ihese gentlemen have been chosen with out any serious opposition. New York. The population of the city is found to be, by a census just taken, 2G 1,000. Liberty of the Press. By the proposed new law in France eve ry Editor is obliged to deposite $40,000 with the government as security fines. Soise of the fra ternity in this country would find it a hard matter to deposite the four-hundreth part of that sum. Beauty Spots. The Boston Commercial Advertiser says that ,4no less than four clusters of spots are now visible on the sur face of the Sun. one of which is very large and extremely beauti ful. Thev of course will soon disappear." fJTMan' of the evils which oc casion our complaints of th? world, are wholly imaginary.