j.wjv;;? laaerson. I J ... piUrMl AM) TAILOK, jNF()J.S hi- frirmU t.. il.el JUST UKCKIVKI), and fot "public generally, th-il he " sale, l:itf barrels new MACK ,, rettn i ed from the North, with KUKL. Also, in store, about 'hanJme supply of I 25,000 lbs. following arti (01 cles, viz: ..,orfi-e h!:uk aml CLOTHS, (1,Mity (! do. 3d do. do. do. T.i, (io. ! d. ; Mcri'iof Uuvfl btown do. Dahliu "J'il, Ioval brown do. London do. vpViiiiK- Kiflt (irccn do. Fnncess " do mvrtlc do. ,.K-ifiiteUrk and li$htdrab do. Mul!)cn v. claret, and slate nuxM do. jtcri-ln." & Camlet for cer coats. I ;-evit', a handsome vatieiyol CASSI MERES: n; ck. and Id if Cassinure, r-iif ami white do. ny;d do. d. royal corded do. lli.tidi and Yankee Railway do. lJi:)C.inT.e do. Klectoral c'ueck do, lingual do. Uiickskin do. He hjs al.-o a choice selection of Sattinetts, comprising: cr,cifmc drab Sattinett do. black, mixed and buckskin do. Mixed of inferior quality do. IJciitililul Vesting, consoling of every color, and nearly ail ol il,c best qti.dit) : ji;am black and blue Velvets, Check, plaid, and flowered do. Hooka do. plain and figured d. White Mursaik's, figured Cashmere and Valencia, &c. ;o. in addition to the alnive, a handsome supply of v;;ckN Collars, turtle and plain l'n Minis, Cravats, pocket Handker chiefs, (1 loves, huspeiulers, Hose, !'.Uio and leather Straps, with a general assortment of the " m-:sr trimmings THAI' COULD UK PKOCURKn. Tiuitiil'u! for past fitvor, be hopes f.jra continuance ol public put-ju Tonasc , I a oung fiat can come well recommended, ! a? an Apprentice i Taibro Nov. G, IS35 I Xotice. fPIIK COURT HOUSK COM- .M1SS10NKRS ate requested jomtetat the New Court House! in Tarboro', on Monday of No- '...t ..nnl ."t 11 r I clock. A lull meeting is particu larly requested. j i TUB CHAIRMAN j Oct. 31, 1835. 45-3 i Last JSoticc. fVlV, Subscriber requests all persons indebted to him, by Note or account, to call and set lie the same forhwith, or they vi! prubib'y find litem in the lands of another person, who mav not be qtiile so accommodat i'5 as 1 have b' en. A. A. BELL. I Tarboro', Sept. 24, IS 35 3D iVnt? Gooih! Vcw Goods!! ; October, 1835 FALL AM) WI.NTLIl DRY GOODS. f -4 S. Vender & Son, !.WL0 just returned from the North, respect fully inform ''ifjir bitnds and the public gene 'Hy, that they ate now receiving snd opening at the Storehouse one j!for below S. Pender's Hotel in '1 at borough, their YM Goods, Direct from New Yurie. pressure of business at this foment will not allow us to say .ore, therefore we leave it to the Jpection of tliosfi who will favor s vv itli .i call, as we do not charge tor looking, and as we feel no he i -tation in pronouncing that we win r;Vt, i.l:isf;,.jtion if spiling linv will do it which we den i mined to s ll as low as ''e lowest, if nui a little lower ll-'A anxious to st II out our pre L(H stock to make room for ; pring sunolv. We assure the Jj'io.sc that we consider ourselves KirrmuMitly located in Tarboro'. 1 iJ Uewill gie the highest 'larket prices in Cash or Darter, :I0r ad kinds of produce that a lar "W lias to dispose of, poultry not f ptcd. Solomon Pender. Jos. Jno. B. Pender. (K" IS35. 41 MACKEREL, Bacon and Pork. Prime BACON ami PORK. H ILL. .. ANDREWS. Sparta, 20 July, 1S35. 30 A olice. iiy MONDAY, of November Court, before the Court House door, will he i-fl red lor sale to the lowest bidder, A; negro Girl, (a lunatic J About fifteen years old. the prop erty of the late (Jeorge W. Wood man. Bond and security will be reqiiied, that said negro shall not heiealur become an expense to the estate or the county. BY THE EXECUTOR. Nov. -lilt, S35. 45 2 To the runic. 'M1E Subscriber, alter return- mg his profound thanks to bis burner patrons ami friends, respectfully begs leave to an nounce to them and the commu nity at laig -, that be has just re turned from the Northern cities, naving purchased A very ex le naive Slock oj Ci1 Q) 25 S j Which for q taliiy cannot be sur passed, and which he is prepaied to sell on as moderate terms as iny similar eslabiiAhmeut in the Stale, 11: wishes it to be dis tinctly understood that this is no hIIh null", anil lor ils troth anneals vvj(h Cl)ufi(tMlCe lo judgment ;m lleigenl people. He asks permission further to Ma(, 1;iUn 1L.hawar,tl!:itlhe: milo!it,n n- lis olvn interests tie- petuls solely on the degree el confidence, with which be can in-i spire a generous put lie in his in legiilv, nothing shall be kit un done on his part to merit the same. He deems it unnccessaiy lo en-j umtrale the dilferetil articles com prised in his slock, but will only say. that they are in every ropect adapted to the season. (QThc highest prices in Cash or bailer, will he given for all such articles of Country Produce. as are usually bought in this place for the N01 them maikets or lor exportation. Call at the first door above the Planter's Hotel, on Main street. HENRY KING. Tarboro, Oct. 2'J, 1 535. riensc to coll and settle. K S 1 have sold off the most of my Goods at cost, I think thete ts no impropriety to give all those indebted to me, without ex ception, fair notice, lo come and settle the same on or before the first da' of January next, other wise I shall be under I he disagree able necessity ol placing their claims in the bands of an officer for collection and all those hav ing claims against me, will pre sent them for settlement. 1 still continue to sell the fol low! rig articles at cost, viz: Fur and wool lints, DRY GOODS, Crockery mid Tin ware, Collins', Kind's and Harrison's CAST STEEL AXES, And llardivure in general And many other articles. Any person wanting the above named articles would find them positive- ly cheaper than they could other-1 w ise procure them in this place. .' . . N. H. ROUNTREE. Tarboro,' 28th Oct. 1S35. AND NORTH CALOLINA 70E 636, For sale at this OlTice at the Raleigh prices, viz: 10 cents each, 75 cents a dozen, 4 dollars for half a groce, 7 dollars a grocr, &c. Oct. 1S35. Dissolution. T' 90P:,rlnei'sn'P heretofore exiting between the Subscri pts, under the firm of Mm I'm & lira?!:. Ceases this day by limitation. Persons having claims against said concern win nresent th tor navmer.t. and oil I Pil ni, 1.1 . . 1 c I"KM' 10 feme llieir accounts by Hond or otherwise without delay, as a speedy settle ment of the business is desirous. Kit her of the partners are au thorised to receive and grant dis charges of the debts, due the con cern. a: m. hmrtix. i). iv. bragg. Petersburg, Oct. 5, 1S35. 414 Copartnership. VTATII'L M. MARTIN hav ing associated with him DA VID DON NAN, Jr. will contin ue the Commission and Grocery business at the old Stand, under the firm of 4V. Ji. .Martin &f Donnan. Their best exertions will be used to give entire satisfaction to those who may employ them. NJTFPL M.huiriTIX. IXrD DONNAN, Jr. Petersburg, Oct. G, 18.15. T . r it !... 1 ! uon Mutitu teiuins n,s 0 yK?s. nyPs! you are request thanks to his friends lor their ve-1 ,Mj t call, ry liberal encoui agernent ol 'Mar- And examine 'the Groceries I've tin cS- Brags, :,,1l hopes by purchased thi fall; prompt attention to merit a con- j y v aol lment, I assure you, is tinuation ol the same in his new; erij'rv poninloip business. 4 1-10 Joticc. r ALL Cotton inlen- Jtled for the Subscri bets, will be received by their Agents at Halifax, MtsM-s. Ilalliday Mar- j shall j free of expense to the ow ners. Their arrangements for sending the proceeds ol sales lo their cus tomers, will iivsorp ff-.p i-pppint ot , r.'0. 1 in -nun. in 11 -tin.-' hi 1 11 in'i 11 Hi They will keep constantly on hand. a snjiply of Cotton Dagging and Dale Rone, which will be sold as low as cats be afforded. Cotton consigned to Mr. '. . J7.V, at Halifax, will be re ceived as above stated, free of ex pense to the owners. N. M. Ma rt in & Donnan. Petersburg, Oct. 7, IS35. September, 1835. FALL AM) V I NT Kit BUY 01)0) S. Edwin 'James if Co. T0JA) respectfully inform their friends, customers, and the public generally, that they ate now receiving by the ship Tally II from Liverpool, their entire importation of . F.rilisli Dry Goods. Th"se with others bought in the different markets will be opened with all possible despatch; their assortment will he fully eq'ial to any heretofore offered. Particu lars in a future advertisement. Petersburg, Va. Sept. 14. JYoticc. Trustees of the Nashville Male and Female Academies will continue to receive proposi tions from such as are disposed to take charge of those institutions for the ensuing year, until the 1st of December next. Communica- - i.i . o.- nons auuiesseu io oi-im., post paid, will be promptly at- i tended to. This notice is directed lo be published in the Warrcnton Re porter and Tarboro' Press for six weeks. Dy order of the Doard, . BLOUNT, Secy. Nashville, No. Ca. r 5th Oct. 1S35.S N. B. For the information of applicants the Secretary thinks proper to remark, that it is the wish of the Trustees to avoid re sponsibility 'lesirous that the patronage of the Schools should depend solely on the merits of the Teachers. Mr s.A.C. Howard, now opening her Fall Sup ply of GOODS, comprising a moie extensive and Fashionable Assortment of Than she has ever before exhibit- Pl I III till tll.wiA, 11.,..:.... "s eil and pitrchased the mi ides her self, and had an excellent oppor tunity of becoming acquainted with the latest Northern fashions in the Mi Hi nary and Mantua making line, she feels herself competent to give entire satisfac tion to her numerous customers and the public in general. In her assortment will be found Pattern Velvet, satin & silk Bonnets, do. Turbans, Caps, Capes, &c. Plain, watered, figured, and plaid Silks and Satins, for dresses, Silk Velvets, Gtuze Veils, &c. Black Mode, Crapes, and Florence?, Tuscan, Swis, Gipsey, and Fancy straw Bonnets, all qualities, VVhite and black ostrich Feathers, Feather'd and fancy Flowers, Superior hair Puffs and Curls, Blond and worsted lidgings, Laces, lusertings, (lutings & footings, A superb assortment of Ribbons, &x. Mrs. II. invites a general in spection of her Goods, as she is confident they cannot lail to meet general approbation, both as re girds quality and price. Tarboro'. Oct. 22, 1S35. J'oticc. j 1 My store likevie is nearly re- pleie. With all those good things which w ill hunger destroy, And makeati epicure leap for joy. Then fear nothing, fiieuds, and t. be of good cheer, Sctilch hetiing-j and crackers are 'Vall'd severe;" I have apples, oranges, butter and cheese. Such things 1 am sure will your hunger appease. My drinkables loo you may be sure. Are unadulterated "real Simon Pure;" Then call on me all ye that are athirst, For here you can allay it with none ol the worst. 1 have several baskets of the best champ.tigne, Who can from diinking such li quor refrain; Besides I've brand', rum, whis key and gin. And bottles and jugs to put the 'Miuck" in. Tobacco 1 have too, I think half a ton, Manufactured in Richmond, call'd Krown's No. 1 ; Dest Spanish cigars, Loriliard's Scorch snutf And packs of those papers with which you play bluff. My candies u ly on it are of the bet kind, That I could in the meiropolis find; For instance, my peppermint, rock, aJ lemon, Are sw eet ( n tigb to make a saint of a demon ; Also jujube paste, this I am told, Is an excellent remedy in case of a cold. AH of these things, and a great many mote, Mav be bought al my confection ary' store. JOSEPH B. BR ADD Y. T:trboro Oct. 14, IS 3 5 42 Lost, N Thursday night, the Slh inst. a stnail purple colored Wallet I'ucktt Book, Containing a due bill against Mr. Kbenezer Price, of Martin coun ty, for Si 50, and several other papers not now recollected. A reward of One Dollar will be giv en to anv person who will return said wallet and contents to the Subscriber. All persons are for bid trading fr said due bill. IVM. THOMPSON Oct. 14, LS35. 42-3 Printing Press for Sole ly SUI'F.K ROYAL Printing Press, on Ji the old ni(tt- ot construction, can be procured on rragoiiahlt: terms. .';; at this Of ice. January, 1SJ4. I&ciari 4 Hamilton, Ami Commission Agents, PETERSBURG, VA. Andrew Kevan, IVillinm B. Hamilton,) Oct. 1835. 42 9 JS'olice. IHE Subscribers will in a few days be in receipt of their Fall purchases in New York and in Petersburg, of a general Assortment of Groceries, And the important articles to the Planter at this season of the year. We also intend to keep three wagons employed in the transpor tation of Cotton from this to Hali fax, and will at all times give the highest prices for baled Cotton delivered in this place. D. RICHARDS Sc CO. Tarboro', Oct. 14, 1S35. JYcw JUillinary. .Miss Mitchell, BEGS leave to (ff inform her Cus- public generally. lh:t she has just returned liom ffl New York with An extensive Assortment Of almost every article in her line of business. She deems it unnecessary to enumerate the various articles comprising her stock, but flatters herself that or, examination it will be found extensive and complete, having spared no pains in its se lection. Miss M. returns her thanks to the public generally for the libe ral patrotiage hitherto bestowed, and hopes by unremitted atten tion to continue to give satisfac tion to all those who may favoi her with a call. She would lur ther add, that having purchased her Goods under advantageous circumstances, she is enabled to dispose of them at unusually low prices, and it is her determina tion to UNDERSELL all those who may come incompetition. Halifax, Oct. 12, 1835. VALUABLE Plantation and Toxcn Lots FOR SALE. I WILL SELL, on terms to - suit the purchasers, the Planta tion situate on the north side ol Tar River, known as the . PORIE LAND, Adjoining the lands of Fred. Bell, Benj. Batts and others, five miles front Tarborough and immediate ly on the river. Also, LOTS No. 93 and 94, in the town of Tarborough, now oc cupied by Mrs. St i I man. Those wishing to purchase will make application to Benj. M. Jackson, Fqr. JOSIAII COLLINS, Senr. 20th April, 1S35. 1? Coach & Gig Manufactory. THE Subscriber re spectfully informs his friends and tbe public in general, that he Iia8 romntenceil business for himself on his lot in Tarborough, near the Bridge, where he will be prepared to carrv on the above business in al its vari ous branches. He served a regular ap prenticeship under Mr. Thos. Cobbs, of Kaleigh, who cartied on the bu?ine.s very -xteiisively ami kpt in his employ regu lar northern workmen. If several years acquaintance with the business in one of the most extensive establishments in the State could ensure his success, he feels con fident he should meet it; but he is perfectly aware that Attention is equally necessary, and this attention he is determined to ren der. He hopes, therefore, that all prrsous who mav lavor him with their patronage, will never become dissatisfied or disap pointed. His work shall be faithfully exe cuted and of the best materials. He ex pects to have in ft short time a general as sortment ot materials iroin IMew York, which will enable hint to do his work not inferior to any done in this section of coun try. Repairing done tvith neatness and despatch. . Nathaniel M. Terrell. Tnrburoug'u, Jan. 1st, 1S35. 1 Printing neatly executed, AT THIS OFFICE, CORJ FAjYS Ami Cotton Gins. r5MlE subscribers have on hand four Corn FANS and five ('ni ton GINS, which they are dispo sed to sell on liberal terms. B. M. JACKSON $ CO. TarhoroWlulv 2, 1835. 27 Commission liusiness AND General Jlgcncy. 'pHE Subscriber takes this mc tbod of informing his friend and the public, that he still con tinues the Commission Business, and will attend to the receiving. forwarding, selling and puich:.--ing Produce or merchandize f any kind. He also continues to transact the business of General Agent and Collector, and will faithfully attend lo every thing in that lit e which may be confided to him. HENRY WILKES. Halifax, N. C. ) Sept. H,1S35.S JYotice::JSw Firm. having withdrawn himself from the Copartnership 'heieto fore existing under the firm of Knight, Garrett Co. the same is therefore dissolved by mutual consent. The business will heteaf ler be conducted tinder the firm of D. Knight & Co At the old Stand. We take the liberty lo remark to our friends and the public generally, that we are thankful for their past favors, hoping that their future ones if not increased will not be dimin ished, as we shall endeavor to give general satisfaction to all who may favor us with their cus tom. We are now receiving our Fail i-J Winter Supply of Which we are determined to sell as low as the lowest, being anx ious to sell out our present Stock in order to make room for a more general assortment in future. We assure the public that we consider ourselves permanently located in Tarboro' for life, unless sunk by tn earthquake or blown up by bankruptcy, and we are happy to ay that we have as litlle appre hensions of the latter as of the former of these horrible catastro phies, provided we are so fortu nate as lo continue to share the 'Moaves and fishes" of public pat ronage with our neighbors, which we shall endeavor to merit with all our might. D. KNIGHT & CO. Oct. 15lh, 1S35. Just Published And for sale at this Office, T?-ying to gnaw out of the CATHOLIC TRAP. Br Joshua Lawrence. Price 10 cents single, or Si per dozen Sept. 1S35. $25 Reward. RAN A WAY from the Subscriber, on the night of the 20ih September last, my negro man nam ed DANIEL, 20 or 2-t ye?rsofage, 6 feet high, blade complexion, has a pleasing coun tenance, inclined lo be knock kneed, his feet somewhat turned out, particularly his left foot, his not recollected. lie was formerly the property of Asahel rarmer, his mother, brothers and sisters belonging to said Farmer his father is in the same neighborhood working a bent as a blacksmith, neat ly as a free man. U is believed he is lurking about in the neighborhor d of said Farmer, tdso in Nah county. The above reward will be p "I lo any person that wdl apprebeiul said negro, and deliv. r him to me or secure him in any jail so that I get him again. I forewarn any person from har boring said negro, or carrying him off, under the strict ,aily of the law. WILLIAM BARNES. 24th A 0.2- 1 855. 35 Constables Blanks for sale AT THIS OFFICE.

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