tflioU Xo. 5S7. Tarboroiigh, (Edgecombe County, JVVC.) Saturday, January , 1836. 7'f "Turh trough IVexx," GEORGE HOWAUI), .. bjied wppkly, fltTirfl Dollars and r " ( Ppr venr'.if pa'l in miIvrhc-Tttf-f Dollars, the expiration nHli "IcrM"'""' e:,r- P"r ""-V PfrU" ' a Ver, Twtutg-fire Cents ,. -r b riber liberty lo discontinue m ,iiiinp. C'vi" "n''0" hereof an.l 'vin arrears those refilling: at tt tit rnuM invariably pay in Hdvanc, or r responsible' reference in thisvicniii v. vertisemenls, nol excflin? 16 lines. ii.-infried at nil cents He lirt imiM- mil ,,e ' . . nfc -25 cents each continuance. Ln- r .Hies n rae for cverv 16 Vlvfrtlscmeirts must be marked the num. iVrn' insert inn requf.n!, or tliey will be j.iiinu il nrui o.lhefa bnieied, and j-rd accordingly. LcilPDi aidressej to the I'ditor niot lie fdt piJ. or ,l,e-v mV no1 b'" tended ,0 Miscellaneous. THl NEW YEAR'S DAY. The New Year's day! in many a change, Tis still kept sacred and apart; And time can never quite estrange, Its young emotions from the heart; There'.-joy within its circle yet, There's hope within its rising ray, The heart can never quite forget The ancient brightness of the day. The voung behold the tide of time In glorious fulness sweeping past, And many a glance of joy sublime Upon its bounding waves U cast; 1 Ley spread their canvass on the sea, They care not how the gale may blow, Ad move in rapture, wild and free As it there were no graves below. Tlx man, with calm and quiet smile, Regards his children at their play, I'nbtuds his heart & leels the while. The influence of the new year's day. He counts the labors of his lift, And says with sorrow, all is vain; Yet, ere he rests him from the strife, He hurries to the field again. Hieaed, on whose snowy brow The storms of many a year have beat, Sees waves of memory rolling now In dying whispers to his feet; ith heart sustained by thoughts of power With gentle firmness in his eye He waits the coming of the hour. That bears the last command to die. For he whose thoughts have learned to rise On strong devotion's upward wing, btes, far beyond these lower skies, , Another new year's day break spring year, that hath no closing day, A year, that knows no wintry gloom year, whose earliest morning ray Bieaks from the midnight of the tomb. "hen let the tide of time roli on: for who would stay its downward j now; Region's undescendini? sun sheds its holy light below. W vainly to tl,e hearts of men " that inspiring promise given, 'neltet shall all be found again, Anddeath conduct to life & heaven. CAPTIONS ! Of the Acts passed by the General i umblu of JV. C. session 1835. i continued from our last.) PRIVATE ACTS. An act making comnensa-! ,ioto tales jurors of Robeson! county. 2. To prevent obstructing the passage of fish up Sugar Town fork of Tennessee river in Macon jaunty. J 3- Making valid certain pro Clings of ihe county courts of J Haywood. . 4 Authorizing the Commis- S0ersof Wilmiricrton to increase rae taxes on all property now jiuedby law in said town, j To amend the act of 1834, ( lak,g compensation to ihejur j0rs of Chowan county court. i u- tor the better regulation of j -younty court of Onslow. u7. To amend the act for the I ' county, and .Eposes. for other 8. P rov idinn- flint 1 1 n rvri"Cnr P11 with seine or net in the iCr ,heAf,and,e W0 be- L e" teat Altgator river and drying p in Tyrrell coun- ty, between sun set and day break. 0. To amend the act of 1829, for the belter regulation of the town of Washinqton. 10. To establish, and to incor porate the trustees of Pleasant Grove Academy, in Currituck comity. II. To establish, and to incor porate tlie trustees of Ford Creek Academy, in Granville county. 12. To repeal the 2d section of an act of 1320, giving jurors' tickets the preference over other county claims:, in Moore, ChovVan and Robeson, so far as regards Moore couniy. 13. To alier the time of open ing and closing the polls at elec tions in Chowan and Gules coun ties. 14. To alter the. lime of hold ing the county court of Beaufort. 15. To provide for paying ju rors in Yaucy county. 16. Repealing so much of the act of 1831, incorporating the Charlotte Fire Engine company, as exempts members thereof from militia duty. 17. Giving time to perfect ti tles to entries of vacant land in Slokes county. 18. To abolish the office of the county trustee in Moore, and for other purposes. 19. To amend the act of 1332, concerning the division of Rowan county. 20. Restoring to credit John Masters, of Yaucy county. 2 1 . Divorcing Catharine Parks. 22. DivorcingTuomas Roberts. 23. Divorcing Tempe Hall. 24. Divorcing Margaret P. Spear. 25. Divorcing Elizabeth II. McCaw. 26. Divorcing Elizabeth Silva. 27. Divorcing Margaret Mas sey. 28. Divorcing William HineSi 29. Divorcing Mary Walts. 30. Divorcing Lucy Calvert. 31. Divorcing Frances Cloud. 32. Divorcing Esther E. Nel son. 33. Divorcing Elizabeth M. Starnes. 34. Divorcing Aquilla S. Ren nett. 35. To alter the name and le gitimate Simon Davis. 36. To legiiimateThomas Pet tis, of Surry. 37. To alter the name and le gitimate James Atlas Marks. 38. To alter the name and le gitimate William M. Eatou, of Edgecombe. 39. To alter the name and le gitimate John Pettis Johnson, of Warren county. 40. To legitimate John Wil loughby and Ann Willoughby, of Bertie couniy. .41. To alter the name and le- gumiate Marina Aim screws. 42. For better regulation of the slave laborers in the town and Prt of Wilmington. 43- l,,e r.elief of KacIiel hidwarus. 44. To repeal an act of 1833, directing the Judges of the Supe rior Court of Hyde county not to take up State cases before the third day of court. 45. To prevent the felling of limber in, or otherwise obstruct ing the run of Ellis' Creek, in Bladen county. 46. To repeal the act of 1833, directing the manner in which Constables shall be appointed in this State, so far as repects the counties of Hyde, Greene, Wash ington, Tyrrell, and Currituck. 47. To incorporate the Craven county Rangers. 48. Directing the time of hold ing the county court of Mecklen burg. 49. For the better regulation of the town of Newbern. 50. For the better regulation of the county court of Lincoln. 51. Concerning the inspection of flour in the town of Fayette ville. 52. To repeal an act relative to hands working on roads' in burke and Buncombe counties. 53. To amend an act incorpo rating the town of Stantonburg, Edgecombe couniy., 54. Authorizing the Governor to issue a grant to James Truitt, tor a tract of land in Macon coun ty. 55. To authorize David T. Sawyer to lay off and construct a road, and for other purposes. 56. Relating to the duty of the Sheriffof Chatham couniy. 57. To repeal an act of IS29, concerning the 1st Regiment, Stokes county militia, and other purposes. 5S. To repeal an act of 1822, concerning the town of Asheville, in Buncombe countv. 59. To authorize laying out a road from some point near thei Block H ouse on the South Caro-i lina line in Rutherford to Cain; creek bridge in Buncombe county. J 60. To amend the act of .1830, concerning the couniy couri ofj Rowan. 61. To emancipate Lucy Ann, Emeline, and Priscilla, of Cum berland county. 62. Incorporating a company to make a turnpike road in Hay wood county. G3. to abolish the offices of County Trustee and Treasurer of public buildings in Gates, Chowan and Mecklenburg counties. 64. To amend an act of 1830, for the regulation of the patrol, so far as regards Camden county. 65. To prevent fire hunting in the night time in Hyde comity. 66. Amendatory of an act re lating to the town of Lawience ville in Montgomery county. 67. To aller and amend an act of 1834, appointing commission ers to lay off a road from Ior ganton by Burnsvilleand Biruetts Station, to the Tennessee line. CS. Making it the duly of the Governor to convey to the justices of Haywood county court certain lands. 69. To amend the mililia law. for ihe encouragement of Volun teer Companies in Mecklenburg county. 70. To incorporate Conetoe Academy, in Edgecombe county. 71. To amend an act of 1824, to establish a poor and work house in Jones and Randolph counties. 72. To prevent the felling of timber in, or oiher obstructing the run of Turnbull creek in Bla den county. 73. Amendatory of the act of last session to establish the town,! ficc. of Leachville in Beaufort! county. 74. To amend the act of 1829,1 authorizing the county court of Burke to appoint commissioners j for laying off a turnpike road' from the Lincoln line lo Jacob; Mull's mills, passing through the Laurel Gap, and for other pur poses. 75. Altering the name and legitimating Haywood Waterer. 76. Directing the number of jurors hereafter to be drawn in the county of Chatham. 77. Directing the Entry Tak er in Yancy couniy to issue war rants in certain cases. 78. Altering the time of hold ing the elections in Curriluck aud Camden counties. 79. To prevent frauds on the revenue in the assessment of lands for taxation in Yancy county. 80. Concerning the Patrol in the counties therein named. 81. Altering the name and legilimating Amy Boyd. 82. Altering the name and le gitimating Quiuton Robertson of Gates. 83. Authorizing Hardin Frank lin of Surry, to erect a dam a cross Fisher's river. S4. To repeal an act making compensation to the jurors of the Superior Court of Haywood. S5. Repealing an act of 1830, for the belter regulation of the Fair held near Laurel Hill in Richmond county. 86. Securing to the Trustees of the Baptist church in Charlotte, the right to hold the lot on which their house of worship is situated. 87. To prevent obstructions in the navigation of the waters of Carteret county, and appointing commissioners of navigation in said county. 88. Appointing commissioners to lav off a road from the Deen Gap in the Blue Ridge to Ste phen Thomas' in Ashe county, and for other purposes. 89. Making compensation to tales jurors in Randolph county. 90. To alter the names and legitimate Henry Lewis and Br itain Lewis of Moore. 91. Amending the act of 1830, for the better regulation of the town of Williamston. 92. Amending an art of 1S20, relative to a road from Old Fort in Burke, over the Swannao Gap to Asheville, he. to the southern boundary line of this State. 93. Amending an act of IS16, to establish ah Academy at Will iamston, Martin countv. 94. To encourage the destruc tion of wolves in Buncombe coun ty. 95. Emancipating Delia, a slave. 96. Altering, in part, the divid ing line between the counties of Surry and Rowan. 97. Concerning the navigation of Cypress Creek. 98. Authorizing the captains of militia in 30th, 31 n and 08th regt. to muster their companies once in three months. 99. Relating to the Cavalry of Macon county. 100. Abolishing the office of comity trgsiee and treasurer of public buildings in the counties therein named. 101. Authorizing the trustees of Willi anis' Church in Martin county, to hold and possess an acre of land on which said Church is situated. 102. To amend an act of 1824, appointing commissioners for the! town of Clotnonsville, Davidson county. 103. Amending two acts of 1834, to repair, he. the road! fi om Holeman's ford to the Deep j perty of the company from taxa Gap and to amend and alter the j lion during fifteen years. road from Cass' ford on the Yad kin to the Ashe county line. 104. To amend an act of 1833, establishing a Female Academy in the town of Jackson, Northam pton county. 105. Annexing part of Wilkes county to the county of Ashe. 106. Making compensation to the jurors of Pasquotank county. 107. Repealing sundry acts ie;etofore passed for the belter regulation of the town of Greens boro', Guilford county. 108. Securing to Wm.Tanne hill and Benjamin A. Lavender, ; ana otners, me rignt to navigate ihe waters of Pamptico and Tarj river by steam, tinder certian con-! ditions. 109. Amending no act for the j . , incorporation ol 1 itlsboro Acad emy. 110. Prescribing the time and places of comparing the polls in the several districts therein named. 111. An act to amend the act of 1833, to incorporate the Roan oke and Raleigh Rail Road com pany. H2. To amend the act of 1833, incorporating the VVilmingtou and Raleigh Rail Road company. Provides foe increasing the cap ital n any sum not exceeding $1,500,000 and the mad to be commenced within three years. 113. To increase the capital stock of the Weldon Toll Bridge company m be increased to seventy-five thousand dollars. 114. To amend an act lor cut ting a navigable canal from the waters of the Elizabeth river in Virginia to the waters of Pasquo tank river in North Carolina, passed in Virginia, Dec. 17S7. 115. Incorporating the Roan oke, Danville, and Junction Rail Road company. 116. Incorporating the Ra leigh and Gaston Rail Road. 117. Incorporating the Clare- mont Gold Mining Company, in Mecklenburg county. 118. Incorporating the Hdne Gold Mining Company, in Meck lenburg county. 119. Incorporating the Deep River Gold Mining company. 120. lo repeal in part the 13th section of the act of 1S34, autho rizing the making of a turnuike road in tiuncombe couniy. 121. lo amend an act estab lishing the Merchants' Bank of the Town of Newbern. 122. To incorporate the Cin cinnati and Charleston Rail Road Company. 123. To incorporate the Ra leigh and Fayelleville Rail Road Company. 124 T-o amend an act incorpo rating the Mattamuskeet Canal. aud Rosebay Turnpike Compa1 uy. passed ai lasi session. .... 1 v l 125. To incorporate the Ame rican Gold Mining Company, in Mecklenburg county. 126. To incorporate the Epis copal School of North Carolina. 127. To incorporate the South Buffalo Gold Mining Company. 128. To incorporate the Con rad Gold Mining company. 129. To incorporate the Lin coln Gold Mining Company. 130. To revise and amend an act passed in 1831, to incorporate the Tarboro' aud Hamilton Rail Road company. 131. To incorporate the Frank lin Turnpike Company, and for other purposes. 132. Incorporating Campbell Creek Gold Mining company. R3. Incorporating the Long Creek Gold Mining company of Mecklenburg county. 134. Incorporating the Con cord Gold Mining company. 135. Supplemental to an actof,ien the present session, to amend the act of 1833, incorporating the Roanoke and Raleigh Rail Road company. jLxeinptjng the pro- i jo. r or tne oetter regulation of slave laborers in the town and port of Wilmington. RESOLUTIONS. 1. Requiring Ihe Public Treas urer to procure specie change, for the redemption of the Treary notes. 2. In favor of Barlleit Dills, Jr. 3. Authorizing the Committee of Finance lo burn such Treasury tiotes as may be in the Treasur er's office. 4. In favor of Jesse Wright. H. In remit a forieiluio nt forfeiture 200 against Neill M'Alpin, She- rid ol uoueson couniy. 6. In favor of Leonard Buch anan. 7. Directing George Gilbrailh , . . ... to deliver the public arms in his to the commander of the 74th regiment. 8. For employing additional engrossing clerks. V. In favor of Zachariah Cand ler. 10. Relating to the Wilming ton Marine Hospital Association. . 11. Providing a residence for the Governor, and appropriating S450 for lhat purpose. 12. In favor of James G. Slockard. 13. In favor or John Cooper ol Rutherford couniy. 14. Preamble and Resolutions on ihe subject of incendiary Pub lications. 15. lo favor of Matthew Miller. 16 In favor of James C. Tut reniine. 17. Relating to the sale of Crierokee lands. 18. In favor of Mark H. Hill. 19. Directing the Public Trea surer not lo commence suiis upon the Cherokee bonds, until the 1st Dec. 1S36. 20. Requesting aid from the General Government for the im provement of the navigation of Core Sound. 21. Releasing Daniel L. Bar ringer from his obligation to th tale for ihe purchase of certain lots of land in Raleigh 22. Providing for Contingent expenses. 23. Directing: the sale of the Dredging Machine. 24. In favor of Richard Ashlon. 25. In favor W. T. Bain. 26. Directing the Public Trea surer to hav the nrL ll,. Senate for certain acts and jour nals, for the use ol the Senate. 27. In favor of ihe widow of James Grant. 2S. In favor of the Door Kee kers. 29. Authorizing the Public Treasurer to borrow rnorey on behalf of ihe Stale, if necessary. 30. In favor of Nathan A StefU man, Comptroller of Public Ac counts. 31. Authorizing the Adjutant General to repair ihe Arsenal at Raleigh and FayeMeville. 32. Directing the Comptroller to credit the Public Treasurer with the amount of Treasury Noies burnt by the committee of finance. A CAUCUS of the whig and nullifying members of the legis lature, ws held iu the Commons Hall on Tuesday evening last, to nominate a candidate for ihe Pre sidency, &.c. &e. Col. Joyner, of Halifax, presided. Some impas sioned haranguing took places during which, as is the habit with. these very decent, sweel tempered' politicians, the viiestepiihets were- applied to our venerated Presi dent, and the coarsest abuse, and most ihamehsi s'anoers, heaped npou Mr. Van Burtn. Judge While, as we understood, was nominated for the Presidency; bat the meeting could not aiee upon any gentleman, to run on l eir ticket for the Vice Presi- A caucus of the whiz members- of the Virginia Legislature, was held a few days since, at which, likewise, Judge White was ndop ted as the Whig candidate. Query: Mr. Van Buren having bee i nominated by d emocra tic Delegates, called tcgelhe" h.v the? people themselvus,--and 5udgo White, in the first instance, by a litilrt caucus at Washington Citv. and altei vv.uds by b gisiative cau cuses, we may be permuted to inquire whose, 'uo'v, h the "cad cus" candidate? Eh! Raleigh Standard. (fJ"A correspondent informs ns, that o i Thursday of la t week a countryman brought to this City a load of CATS! which he Mated two or three of our citizens had contracted with him u deliver, at tvjo dollars a piece! crowd gathered round Ihe can, att ifCed by so singular a traffje. The per sons, on vvhese assurances this novel cargo of live stuck was brought to market, in endeavor ing to examine the "article, " were so unfortunate (or perhaps mis chievous) as to "let the cats cut of bags," and away they scampered and away the -contractors scam pered alter them; and, so far as our information goes, the country man has found but few of the cats, and none of ihe contractors: late in the evening, he was in search of a lawyer, to advise on the legal course to be taken for the recovery of the value of his eats. Whoever perpetrated this mischief on innocent countryman, ought to be sentenced lo a nlghlly caterwauling for "twelve calen dar mouths, & pay all costs."... t"6 i

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