SATURDAY, JAN. 16. 1S36. ceeckd immediately to busins, and elected Jos. U S.mmo,.., Treasurer, and Jes Seeretarv-also, contracted wi ill W. Gwvnn, E.q. to .arge t he duties Jf Engineer.... Adv. J7-VVe have the satisfaction to an nounce that negvo D.ivv and Mr. k. White, negro, two of the prisoner who broke our jail on the 1 ;n,t. have been retaken. Mr. Barnes s ncsrr. and the two white men are Mill at large. Presidential.- Massachusetts delegation in Conxrc have issued a manifesto, declaring in substance that in no event wilt Mr. Webster's name be withdrawn from the canvass ba the next Presidency. Thus it is evi dent iiiat the Opposition intend run ning Webster in the east, Harrison in ; executive. the west, and White in the south ; , correspondent of the Peters uut with the hope or expectation of biirg Constellation, u-.der dite electing either of them by the peo-j Washington, Jan. 9, writes thus: pie, but with the view of carrying' Mj. Jhrton, late Charge de the election to the House, whei e Arrjires al ,he French court, has -bargain, intrigue and management ' j amvetj here jvj,., Livingston, may again prevail. ljlc lk, Ambassador, his fat he r- " T . , , i in-law. has accompanied him. We Congress.-I he holyuays ',,,,1, IMPORTANT from FRANCE. Arrival of our Charge iT Af flirts. The packet ship Albany at nved at New York on the Glh invt. She sailed on the 3d till. Mr. B u tnn our laic Charge d' Af faires in Paris has returned in her. The Corn ier and Enquirer says: The eharact' r of the news so far as it n laies to French affairs, will we think, be considered conclu sive as regards the payment ol the stipulated indemnity. All ques tion as to 1 lie intention of France on that subject, most now be re moved; and the most sceptical can no longer doubt, that she has de termined not to do us justice with out a degrading apology from our past, we presume the two Houses , inenlins uil steadily engaSe themselves M Exccillivc. ,or 0w there the busines be ore them. An exci- ' 1 ' T!L can he no doubt that ranee is line .U1U Iiiuimt3' - i i V. ..! , ;(.t ,h, tin.e a2inen!inj her marine and en iiori quesiiun, u.i and attention of the House of Repre sentatives for several days while the Senate has been deliberating up on Mr. Clay's Land hill, and Mr. Caihoun's vurnus projects for distri buting the surplus revenue, regula ting the public deposits, reducing the Executive patronage, &e. 17-Mr. Thos. J. Lemay, Editor of the R.ileighStar, has connected with ; listing seamen, preparing in a word lr the ultima ratio reg nam the cannon and the sword. There can be no doubt tint what ever measures will be deemed re quisite to suppmt the national honor, will be met by a corres ponding feeling on the part of Congress and the people al large. Rumors prevail that commer cia cents. This is epuivaleut to 52 cents on each dollar awarded, without calculating ihe interest already due on the original in demnity agreed on, and which would increase the dividend about ten percent. The whole number of testimonials presented wa3l4S of which about 1560 obtained al lowancesthe balance rejected. Claims on about SSO vessels were presented, and 361 obtained allow ancesthe balance rejected. Up wards of one. million of dollars were awarded on claims not al lowed until within forly-eighl hours of the expiration of the Commission, and which before thai peiioil were considered as re jected cases. id. Texas. We learn from New Orleans papers of the 28th De cember, that Gen. Huston and Col. McComb have arrived in that place, bringing the cheering intel ligence that San Antonio was in possession of the Texians that Gen. Cos had been slain, and that the Texian army is almost daily augmented by the arrival of vol unteers, front various parts of the country. Pet. Con. crn counties; 30 Washington, and I 25 from Newbern 93 of which were bound coast-wise, and 27 to the West Indies I am sure North Carolina does not get credit for one half no for one-fourth of her exports abroad." Wash. fVhig. Small Pox. The Elisabeth City Herald of the 29th ult. slates that there are from 8 to 10 cases of this disease in that town; none of which, however, have termina ted fatally, and the patients are now all doing well. The disease has been carried in the country, and a citizen of an adjoining county, (Perquimons,) has fallen a victim to it. ib. Mexico. The rumor of the Mexican ports being closed a gainst all American vessels it ap pears, is without the least founda tion, it having doubtless origina ted from the attack of Gen Mehia upon Tampico. The 28 unfortu nate Americans who accompanied him under the expectation of be ing landed in Texas to join their countrymen in arms in that coun try, have been most inhumanly butchered. Humanity shudders at the contemplation of a scene, as horrible as it must have been. The New. Orleans Courier con- I -ll l ..... it.. 4'.. 1 . .- ,r nirtli'iilir: ii restriction.; only win oe re-1 iams uk iuumv. u. mimv.m.n himself in the management of the -commended to Congress in the I this unprecedented butchery. 10 Editorial department of that paptr, : fust instance these failing, then! Horrid butchery of the Twenty David Uutlaw, Loq.ot Heme, i neic, non-inter will be no change in the political j However complexion of the paper. Turpentine. Our latest intelli gence from New York shows that .Turpentine has risen, in Liverpool two shilling per cwt. nearly a dol lar per barrel. Newbern Spec. Another Warning. A negro boy, belonging to Mr. Durad of ... ! i I this place, lost nis me a tew nays ago by having incautiously put a quantity of gunpowder into his jacket pocket. He was amusing himself with a pistol, from which a spark was cummunicaled to ihe mass, and the poor fellow was so severely wounded by the explo sion that be survived but a few hours. ib. way. The last was a "mast year," and the silly drovers perhaps think we are to have seven years plenty" of acorns, and that we will save our bacon" ourselves. A gentleman travelling through Kentucky, asked an old drover whether they intended to drive many hogs to Carolina this fall. No, sir be no pork carried there from Kentucky." "None! why so?" "Was in with a drovej'myself last fall got only three and a half and four mast year there saw one man with a pig tied to a pole holding it up to a blackjack acorn! abundance of meat among 'em now." Greensboro1 Pat. DIED. In this place, m Satuul, fJ7Il appears that the Seminole Indians are committing acts of hostility in Florida of a truly a larming nature; burning, murder ing and destroying every thing that tomes in their way. The hostile parly is composed of about 1500 warriors and 000 despera does and runaways. Gen. Clinch, with about 300 U. S. Soldiers, is on the spot to oppose them, but his exertions are trreatly limited by the loss of his baggaire and bv the In- Cincinnati and Charleston Rail Road. The bill incorpora ting the Charleston and Cincinna u Rail Road Company, has pass ed the Legislature of South Caro lina. The capital stock of said company is to consist of 60,000 shares, ol $100 each, payable in iiiclilmuiilc n f ,S5 0'i-h A rfn. .1 .i n . Mr. John (arrett If uai couiiuissiuu, cuuipuscu ui iyd" j children the v1d L. Swain, of Ashville; Wade j days old! clM1Sf!t Hampton, of Columbia; John Wil- lldUJ-1, Ml Jilll'AY IIU.j T . I '11' Ik.lW li , I r f ...,;ii. 'iv f I 'I'iCCS Vim ml III UIU II Fill'., I LIIU. UH'I J UI j --lj Kentucky, are appointed to meet j Tar born ,truj $m ylir! at Knoxville, to ascertain the Kepubliani " FOR PRKsiDEVr MARTIN VAN RUi1,A.;(f FOR VICE PRESIDES! RICHARD M. JOHNsox v Mar Kirn In this county, on We,W mng the 6th ist. ,v p evf- cv Bradley. mng i ne oth nist. 1V p :,u 've- Esq.Mr.CWrBVrtolS rv nradtty, daughter f Mr Etheridg'c.vxittf Mr.'i; months, old. dUui't ilirce In this r.onntv nn w i 6th inst. Mrs. SMan (Tll. lilt S'V , .1 j . jf r It,, lb gMrii II). tnisl). Ib. Tnrboru'. 9 In IS 2,1 10 4) 13 l.i 55 ti 10 li 25 ;.i 'Hi 45 l i. ) tVhiat, Wliiskev, lihl. I Ib. j lb. j gall n lb. lub I bbl. j buli. 1 2-? . 7 HI ; course is to lollow.- e;kt prhoncrs taken from Mckia's prov,s,on, captured i,y ll.e . In- , much will depend on ' x pedition.-Wv are iulbrmed by ! ,1,a'':' a,", a ca 1 miue vith ivl-ifh (oiMri,i , i - ' on lietu'gi.i and Alaiiatna lor nd, wnn wi.icn ougu ss . a passenger am ved this morning! , , , , ., I I .i l.i'-li h i I ,. i ii,bl !.j nr ,il I' Jan. ii ivlinln niunhfr nf sharp takfjn in i tcon. shares are sunscnoeo, on eaen ol Loflee, which shall have heen paid $5, ;or"' Ihe Company shall be regarded as iSu l lormed. IVilmington rreas. Flour, suj.f. . ' Iron, (tT'Dr. Francis L. Hawks, of ; Aias, St. Thomas's church, jVew York, j j?uar, brown tide rtonlinorl fli fi n ir 1 11 1 mpi 1 1 rf .alt, 1.1. ntr.- n:.i. n.. 7."' Pontine, :ii5sioiiary uianuj) in iew kji- t leans. ; In making this announcement, the New York Herald observes: j "We cannot help thinking that the Doctor has made a good decision. Such eloquence, power, talent, and patriarchal Christian piety as i he possesses have field enough a 20 75u 8' m H 5 1' It) 35 4 ,u -J ii 111 GO 65 3J x; 3h 33" 5:.' it i U) h, Ihe tone will receive the commui ication to inong the savages and sinners of New York. Let him lay aside a JVoltcc. AVIN'G r-olvel to rrmove t0 1 , wf st, I will sell a bargain inmv Houses and Lot$, In the town nf IVamnlo NORTH CAROLINA. I presume no person ill purchase without viewing the premises, llierefire n piriicu IT-We learn from the Raleigh ; bp m.lJe lo lhem. Standard, thut h meeting was held at j rt Flense in that city on tin 2d int. "to devise measures tor con in the briir Attaknpas, whence she; it. i. .1,0, o-!iven. dililcii iJU nit; j i in nii. inu i . which will no doubt be promptly I little of his squeamish and double ! ?r dsa iptiuu is unnecessary. Thrdeii. I ru rprfMTifiniai n i.ivi nrr iiip . r.. -i i r thPdiurt nn,P in that citv on the . . w . r- , , Americans, o r rent imteii, ami - " - -- , iir;i w nun n in iii-vl- ri!i- ni .innis. ermans, were few j..... ..v...v ...v. . -..v : i.prmaiis. were shot mere a siructi,,; a Rail Hay htnee to the ,." "r":davs previous l Ins departure. Koa,,oke river, (at oLon,) .hue to . en ""P" . T,;e 0'l)jcrt , ,e exicans wa4 . . ., , Mondav n-xt, in consecpience ol! ,J . ... . ... , form a junction with one, now nearly .... ... , 1 .. . not only to kill them, out to make i . I 'he inclemency ol Ihe weather, I , J c. .. . completed, leading thence to 1 eters-, , J . them softer as much as posihle .. do not suppose any (ongres- 1 . burg." Alter some discussion the J before this w as e lected for this A ineeiiug has been held in Charleston for the purpose of sending Volunteers to Florida. .ii. Standard ohserves: On motion of Mr. Devereux, an informal subscription was then opened, in order to ascertain the amount that could be obtained from our citizens; and during the day, more than $150,000 were pledged. Whereupon, C7i's F. Osborne, Esq. President of the Petersburg Hail lload Company, who was present at the meeting, and imparted to it some useful in formation in relation to other rail roads, immediately subscribed for $15,000 on behalf of the citizens of Petersburg, which he had been authorized by them to do, as soon as that amount should have been taken by the citizens on this end of the route. Thus has upwards of $300,000 of the stock been taken in one day: which, according to the terms of the charter, will enable the com pany immediately to go into oper ation; and from the enthusiasm and determined spirit manifested by our men of capital in behalf of this important enterprize, so animating to the hopes of citizens, and holding out such encouraging prospects for our City and State, there ran no longer he any doubt "but that the work will be commenc ed, so soon as the necessary sur veys are made, and be prosecuted loa speedy completion. sional business will be transacted. The President is to lay the stone. An oraiion is to be delivered, &c. &c. which may prevent there be ing a quorum of the House at least, in attendance. The Presi dent's message on the French af fair may be delayed, but I believe it will be sent early in the week. There is no longer any motive for postponing it. The sooner we now prepare for the worst the better. Some hopes had prevail ed as to the settlement of the question by England as a "Coin tr.ou Arbiter;" these hopes, how ever, have died away. There is another rumor afloat, that a spe; cial embassy will he sent by France herself to adjust matters; but these are only part of the ru mors with which this city is rife at present. purpose, their guns were fired within a few pares of their bodies, and aimed at those parts which 1 Jackson City. The new city to be located al the South sibnt- i ment of the Potomac Bridge in the District of Columbia, is to be oiled JACKSON, in compliment to the President of the United States. This tribute of respect is CTUpwards of 200,000 dollars were subscribed to the stock of the "Wilmington and Koauoke Hail Road Company, in Wilmington alone, in the space of three days. Raleigh Star. (JTWe invite the attention of our readers to the proceedings be low, of a meeting of the Halifax and Weldon Rail Road Company, by which it will be seen that James Halliday, Esq., was elected President; Andrew Joyner, E. H. Etire, Thos. Ousby, B. F. Moore and James Simmons, Directors. We learn that the directors pro- FO REIGN. Postscript. No papers were received from New York by the mail of yesterday. We are in dfbted lo a friend for a letter from that city, from which we make the following extract: Extract of a letter dated New York January 7, 1S3C: "We have Liverpool dates of the 7th ult. Cotton had declined rd; and some of the new crop had been sold at Id decline. This will cause a decline in our marke t. UIIU tlllllCU ill UIU3C IJH 13 llll. II I . ,, . ' . , w. I both handsome and appropriate; would not cause instantaneous . ,. - 1 , ... ... r .i and merited by none livitm more ueaiu; in mis way some oi mem were shot ten or fi'teen times, be fore life became extinct. Our informant further says, that their clothes were set on fire by the waddinu of the guns, and sulfered to burn off them. Among the number shot, were two youths, apparently about 17 years of age. A large, pit was then dug, and af ter these unfortunate, but brave men were stripped of shoes and boots, they were indiscriminately thrown in. A few moments be fore they were shot, one of them, an American, implored the guards, in the present )f a priest, for a drink of water; which was refused. Appointments by the Presi dent, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Powhatan Ellis, to be Charge d' Affaires to the United Mexican Slates. . M. Patterson, to be Director of the Mint. J. C. Pickett, to be Fourth Au ditor. Edward D. Ingraham, Henry Toland, Cheaey Hickman, James Rogers, David Henshaw, lo be Directors of the Bank of the Uni- uur cnaige, im r. uanon, nas re-1 leJ Slates, for the year 1S36 turned; out it seems io nave cau sed no further apprehensions res pecting our relations with France Pet. Int. Jan. 11. Claims on France. The Board of Commissioners for the adjust ment of the claims of our citizens under the French indemnity trea ty, adjourned on the 31st ult. hav ing concluded Iheir labors. A correspondent of the Baltimore American says: "The. Com mis sioners allowed claims on 3G1 vessels to the amount of nine mil lion three hundred and fifty-two thousand, one hundred and nine ty three dollars, and foriy-seven Petersburg Alarket, Jan. 8. Coltoncurrenl at 15 els. Con. fXVVe are indebted to the po liteness of a gentleman at Ports mouth, for the following commer cial information: "1 kept an accu rate account of the vessels passing out through this Inlet, during ihe month of November last, and find there were in all 123 sail, with full cargoes of cotton, wheat, corn, naval stores, lumber, he. which a mount to at least, halfa miilion of dollars. There were, of the num ber above, 59 sail from the north- uy none living than the present Chief Magistrate of ihe Union. The Corner Stosse is lo be laid to-morrow (Sth inst.) at 12 o'clock, in which ceremony the President will participate. Pet. Con. distilled delicacy, and come out a i bold Bosquet a Massillen or a I Paul the Apostle. He can do j more to correct the errors and j licentiousness of the fashionable j life than any other man in this i city only he must mingle togelh ; er in one dish the boldness of a I lion the meekness of a lamb ihe wisdom of a serpent the pu rity of a dove and the knowledge of a savant. He has all these qualities in separate portions all that is wanting is lo put them together properly." OCA committee of ihe citizens of New York, appointed lo ascer tain the amount of the loss sustain ed by the late conflagration in that city have made a report, from which it appears that the whole loss in Buildings is estima ted at $4,000,000 Merchandise, 13,115,020 Singular Death. We have the unpleasant duty ta announce the death of Mr. Henry Stizel, of Richmond township, Berks coun- i ty, Pa. occasioned by the sling of j a bee, on the 25tb ult. He was in j the act of drinking cider, in which i there was a bee unperceived, which stung him upon the tongue and caused his death in less than one hour. Redding Press. The Commercial Advertiser re marks that this amount exceeds by more than two millions, the estimate heretofore made, and when the expense of clearing a way the ruins is brought into the account, another million may be added. j The Mormons encouraged. I Pratt, a Mormon leacher, who $17,1 15,02 j thought himself so wise that he j could prattle and preach to ihe 1 ni'Onlp nf Mpntitr in Dliir, u-l, I 1 " vm, lie- ther or no, was refused admittance Mexico. The latest news states that a dreadful civil war is threat ened in Mexico, and thai the des tination of Santa Ana's expedition against Texas, of 1500 men only, it was expected, would be changed to Tampico, the fort at that place having been captured by General xMejia. It is also stated that a non-intercourse between the Uni ted States and Mexican ports, had been declared, as a retalitory mea sure against our Government for its supposed sanction given to volunteers in aid of Texas. house is comfortable, containing sew rooms well finished; the out buildings e! arranged and convenient, with three anda half acre of ground well inclosed aw handsomely divided, with a choice stler tiwii of various kinds of fruit, tlit whole in a highly improved state of cultivation. One other Lot, Well inclosed and highly improved, con- nuniug a beautiful oflice, wiili two utii finislifd rooms and a well of most nal lent water, the Lot beautifully shaded tin Urge oaks and set with Hue gra-s aul tlovi-r. due other Lot, Adjoining; the public square, on wlii'h isi good dwelling house, containing loin roua, with all out housf s a beauliml Inlk garden some excellent fruit, am! in good state of cu'tivation. Th'sisaiiesir able residence for a merchant or luecin nic, being in liter of busiue-i. Also, 7d .Jfl'M Of wood land, one mile from town, co ta ning wood .sufficient for family uw which would be a handsome anient !0 Ibe town properly. For a summer residence, WarrenM" not surpassed by any village in the Sta'? the society very good. t In the absence of the Sul"diher, V Michael Ratican will show the iil'" and stale Ihe price. , N. B. 1 will give a bargain, and Ca?h, ftearoes, or goo.l Bomls- THOMAS BUMiO. Jan. 9, 1836. "'l accounts. January 13, 106. Fattening Pork in N. C. Every body knows that country pork is selling about here at six dollars. This unconscionable price is in part owing to the cir. cumtlanrc that the Kentucky dro vers have not been through thi Whom it may cancel rmHr. S., ifnurftsilil ho5e"" into the meeting house, when he j debted 10 him 10 ca:l "tr.lT ionic t.i tlio ctrc Wl.;tQ t "VV - tJ. ni - over the pages of the golden-leaved bible, a company of wags as sembled with drums and trumpets, and gave him a reeeption some what similar to the turn-out of our "Calliothumpians" of a Christmas eve. For which innocent rebuke, Newell, the leader, was fined, as we learn by the Chardon Specta tor, 47. Why not fine the im postor who committed the first tresspass on the public peace? Were thejury Mormons? Again, Sidney Kigdon, a Mor mon preacher, w ho was indicted in the same county (Geauga) for marrying without license, was al so permitied lo escape punish ment. Verily, Mormonism vvax eth strong in Ohio.. JV. Y. Star. IT Elder George IV. Carrowan is eipec led to preach at Conetoe meeting house n Thursday, 2lst January; Friday, the 22.1, at Cros Roads: Saturday, the 23d at larbornugh; Suuday, the 24th, al Co' neu. ; Monday, the 2.5th. at Flat Swamp; I uesiiay, the 26th, at Greal Swamp; VV,','. nesd iy, the 271b, at Red Bauks. Cou. Ferry at Sparta. 'JW. Subscribers having '"!ft menls for keening up the H"lU this place, take pleasure in iiifornm-g ' , people Ol I lie neigiionrnoiiu , generally, that thev heempl""1' , Ferryman with a good Flat,!"'"1' times b ready to wait on eojde the least delay. DANIEL ROPKl JOHN MAYO. t Sparta, 2d Janary, 1636J Five Cents Reward. . v IV 4 V fr.,171 thC riber, on Sunday the indented mulatto bo ,' Hichanl Ketle Aeed .bout 19 ffiV. or i "chcs . -S complected, a scar on n i r u very knocK-knepl. H h.- -went awav a brow n fPy Ctnt! roundabout. A reward i'l tie b0,. be given for the PI-'!,eI,s?" !0.'uh. r if delivered to n.e n'ar l CfH-finedlnanyjao''"'' All persons are i 'b('r r r0i' .ng, or carrying off a,u Uj January 12, l$3d .

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