tfhole Xo. 023 Tarboroilgh, (Edgecbvibe Coiiiily, JV. C.) Saltirdarj, September (7, 1830. Vol, XllXo. zr. fut "Tarborough Press," rjV GEORGE ItOWAUD, . tl)lislipl werkly, ntTiro Dollars and r,;, Q(1i's pet pau in aiivmice Titts Dollars, at the expiration ol'ilx? irJ cription vear. For ay period less 'h'lU vcar. Twenty-Jive Cents per montli. ..ine. on irinjj notice thereof and P1-' "-..a i in v:iri.il1 v niiv in advance, or unce ; - ' . . . . . : iirrtinients, not exceeding 1( lines e ii-th, (or a square) will he inserted at ocpn!the first insertion Si 25 cents each ,ntinuaiice. Longer one at that rate j' r vfry square. Advertisements must vmarke'I the number ot insertions requi. J or they will be, continued until other nr.lered.and chnrgi-d accordingly, filers addressed to the Kditor must he ,n;t p ill. or they mv not be attended to. from the Wheeling (Va.) Times, Jug. Glk. Execution. Thomas , Wint ringer was yesterday executed in this o'ace, in conformance with Resentence of the Court, for the murder of Jesse Chrisman in A pnl last. A vast crowd from every direction and many from a great distance,' attended to witness this sad spectacle. A warrant for r.i reprieve of Boon Long, the ico-nplice in the murder, until it 20.1 of September, was re ceived from the acting Governor ci Saturday last. It would appear from the fol lowing account, published in the :j:ne paper, that a desperate pro cl for the release of the culprit jasonly defeated by the firmness ii watchfulness of the citizens of Reeling: The long agony is over, at last we hope a respite will now e given to our citizens who ive been harrassed for a week hi to an extent inconceivable by ay one who have not witnessed We has seemed to be under nrtial law. Martial music has wry evening been heard in our et, guards and bayonets have evened in the light of the night bos and the measured tread of jj'.diers on guard, the muttered call to stand, give the counter s', by the patrole in the latter wi'.ches of the night: the restless wdiearful looks ofcitizens as they have gathered in groups and dis cussed the probability of an attack tpon their persons or propsrty for lie rescue of the prisoners confin d in our Jail under sentence of death, have been calculated to can a gloom over every mind. To walk our streets where we lave been free as air, and hear at ttery corner the demand, with a Piserl musket at one's breast, l'nlio comes there," and the an ser, '-'a friend to the laws and ! city of Wheeling." Then the call for 'ihe countersign, or your name and business," has seemed Vastus back near a century into the days when men's lives were preserved only by the sword or hvonet. Yet such has been the ale fot)r citizens, and not with out sufficient cause. Soon after the attempt made to scape by the prisoners in the jail ' this city, there was a rumor that certain friends of Wintringer, the prisoners at Steuben- ll,e) intended making an attempt jj rescue him. The guard about lejail, was then, with a very pro precaution, doubled: but no demerit prevailed until this ru tnr became a certainty from vari sources whence correct infor- na;n had been obtained. It !?s "j'lown, too, that not only the "ends of Wintringer in Steuben ' ebut his reckless and deprav- 3oaSS()cia.les on lhe r,ver' even s Hn to Cincinnati, together with ' ",le ew f the same stamp in J about Wheeling, had entered cri? solemn league to rescue the y mi,al from his impending fate. coni!,,e nearest estimate that fUni1' l,,ese desperadoes number from 3 to 500, ma JJA wh0ril it was known had spared themselves wit!) fire nnns for the expedition. Then the patriotism of our volunteer corps was at once made manifest they came forward, well pre pared to defend the city, and thev have not been lax in their duty as the event has shown. With the increase of their arduous duties their perseverance has increased, and they have nobly earoed and now receive the warmest thanks of their fellow citizens whom they have protected; and we trust they will receive some decided testi monial of the obligations under which our citizens as a body now rest to them. Some have doubted the exis tence of any conspiracy to pre vent the execution; and the fact that every thing has passed off without any more riots than such as always disgrace every public execution, ha increased their doubts, but circumstances have proved to those best acquainted with them, that there would have been an attempt to that effect, a desperate and bloody one, had not the conspirators been overaw ed by a superior, force prepared at all points to meet contingencies. It is now nearly two weeks since a military guard consisting of a de tachment from the volunteer com panies was first called to guard the jail. This for two or three nights was considered sufficient, until the threats of the criminals' associates "to burn the town or free them," induced the placing a guard at the "waterworks, which might have been rendered inejli cieut by a few moments energetic labor on the part of the evil dis posed. The plot thickened as the j fatal day approached Clubs ofj armed men were discerned in the) woods at evenincr and earlv in the morning in each direction, hi was then thought necessary that! a patrole should be drawn, of a! certain number of citizens frornj each ward in addition to the three! efficient military companies; the fire and horse companies pnard-1 ing their own premise and appa ratus, and ready for action at aj moment's notice. On Saturday last many slran-j gers were seen which ur.s any thing but calculated to excite con fidence, and iu.lhe evening it be came known that the authenticat ed statement of the postponement of Long's execution by the Gov. was carried up the river as fast as horse could move. This was calculated still more to increase, not the alarm, but the general in terest and precaution of our citi zens. On Sunday morning stran gers commenced thronging out streets, and not a moment passed during the day but more or less horsemen from a distance were seen riding to and fro, and en deavoring to obtain quarters; car riages and vehicles of every des cription, came too, several steam boats loaded to the guards with passengers, filled the wharves, and before night our townvas al most a solid crowd. About sunset on Sunday, 100 citizens took possession of that number of guns received from St. Clairsville, and formed into a company, resolved to see the laws of Virginia and of the United States enforced at all hazards: and their resolution was needed, for every arrival from up the river since, announced ihat the excite ment on the Ohio side was great in favor of the criminal, and that a general out-breaking in conse quence of the reprieve of Long and not of Wintringer, was to be apprehended. The night came on gloomy enough; but one reso lution was to be seen among our respectable citizens, and that was to have the laws respected. Late in the night, two men from Steu benville were taken up, and on examination confessed that they were of the gang, and that their obect was at that time to go up the rive'r a short distance, to in- lorm their company that an at tack would be useless: as the town was so weil guarded as to afford them no hopes. Two of our citi zens proceeded with ibem about two miles up the river to the resi dence of the family of Long, where they found nineteen per sons; with the father of the crim inal who suffered yesterday, all armed to the teeth. After learning the stale of things in town, the father, who was the leader of that band, exhausted with want of repose and food, of which he asserted he had not par taken for several days, gave up all hopes apparently, and gave the pistols he carried into the hands of the citizens, acknowledging what his efforts had been, but that he found them useless and would ' not proceed further. All was men quiet until the night guard was relieved. . Yesterday passed off with no signs of agitation. From the Journal of Commerce. Case of Rathbun. Buffalo correspondent of the Albany Ar- remafks: gus. gives some hints in regard to ''That Colonel Burr was a lib the developments made, or to be erline is generally believed; that made, by the correspondence be- ,,e in"aJr ,, hatl ",5tr'pues with tween Benjamin Rathbun and his som.e. females who occupied a confidential clerk Rathbun AI- : Poslt'on 111 Pl iv"te and public es len, while in this city last spring, to timatio" o which they were not which we alluded in a former pub- enl,l,e(1. is hy no means irnproba lication. After stating a number i l),t5 f,,r s,,cn instances may be of particulars relative to the cs. . fd in all ages and in all coun- tent of Rathbun's operations in lr,es l,,al ,,e or any ot,,er real fstatp. niprriiamlW.P cmrroc '' nia" has been involved in exten- mnnufaclures, and every else, the writer proceeds thing I am credibly informed, that it is now ascertained by an examin ation of his papers, that from the commencement of his forgeries to the present time, they amount to about 7,000,000! No crime of the same magnitude, is, I belive, on record. Fauntleroy, in England, though exceeding all European experience, did not more than equal one tenth part of that a mount. But it excites my won der how Mich a course of conduct it . . could os rontmued lor two three years, to so trreat an extent. ! or i without eiving rise to some suspi-1 C0,:i,Mo dignant at the universal cion. Yet -none seems to have j troctioii ot iogs in that city, as been excited, or if excited, to have ! semb,el together on Thursday been made public. It is true that ! eve,un?' we,u m search of anri there were many who supposed I that bankruptcy would be the end ' of him; but none seem to have : anticipated the truth in its whole i extent. He says that for the last four months he has lived in con stant dread of an explosion has felt as if he stood before a loaded cannon with its match slowly burning. To postpone the explo sion, he has been obliged to con tinue and enlarge his evil prac tices, until their extent gives hira a painful elevation above all other criminals. "Notwithstanding his crimes, there is much sympathy for him here. He was always honorable and generous in his dealings. H has given employment to a great many laborers. He has dono more than any other man to build up and adorn this city, and his works will remain many years to atte&t his taste and enterprise, and to perpetuate also the memory of his offences. And in his failure, he has taken care to provide for all his creditors here, so that none here will suffer in a pecuniary sense from his operations, but ma ny have been benefitted by them. The loss will fall principally upon bankers and brokers abroad, and it is not therefore surprising that a feeling of commisseration for him should exist here. I have not heard any one make the remark which seems to me to follow very justly from this case, and that is, that under no other circumstances than the general spirit of speculation which per vades every portion of the com munity, and 'this part partictdar- ly, could such an extended fraud nave continued so long undetect ed. In ordinary limes, the mag nitude of his operations would have excited attention and suspi cion, and would have led to an earlier disclosure. He has involved his brother and his nephew (Rathbun Allen) in the same ruin with himself. The latter, who was his clerk, was at large for several days, no evi dence being found to implicate him in the forgeries. At length among the filed letters, some from him were found (very strangely preserved) which I understand ex plain fully their mode of opera lions. k. Col. yrtton Burr. The late English papers speak of this gen tleman as "the American warri or." He resides in this citv. and s now ui a very feeble state of ! health. The Philadelphia Ledg- j er, in alluding to the misery it was ( alleged the republication of Col. . I3.'s amatory correspondence wou' produce in a great number of tne most respectable families, sive and extraordinary intrigues, ; which, if known would destroy ' the peact of numerous families, we do not believe; for we repudiate the supposition that such exten sive profligacy as this would im ply, has ever existed among any class of females in the Unites States, distinguished or obscure, exalted or humble, rich or poor, ! who placed any value upon repu- i tation. ib. JWub mxo at Troy. We un- derstand. ays the Albany Eveu- i ing Journal of Saturday, that a ,u,m!)er ofc""i' of Troy, be ,om,tJ lhe P"ons whom the C:rPr;U,1" had delegated that (,ulv' seized l,,t m aml ook them lo a P,ace areei! wPon aml tl)' tnrmshed 'hem with an entire suit of far and feathers! Some of the persons were arrested, but thoy were immediately bailed. OyThe St. Louis Republican says "We hear from Alton, that the materiel of the 'St. Louis Ob server' was treated very uncere moniously on its reception at that place a day or two since. As soon as it was discharged from the boat, the press was broken to pieces, and the type scattered on the wharf. The proprietor, in the last number which he issued, gave notice of his intention to re move to Alton." This was the Abolition paper lately broken up at St. Louis. CCTMr. Storrs, an abolitionist, attempted to lecture in the Metho dist chapel, at N. H. on Wednes day last, but was prevented by a mob, who broke in the windows of the church, and drenched the audience with water, by means of an engine. Eastern Argus. Harlem Rail Road Tunnel. This stupendous undertaking, it is expected, will be completed in about six weeks. The tunnel is already through the mountain about 475 feet on the north side, and 60 feet on the south, and about CO feet more remains to be cut before the workmen meet. This tunnel, when completed, will be the largest, thou not the longest, - in the world, and cut through rock of as hard and firm a texture as can any where be lound. The open cuts on either side of the tunnel are almost ter rific to gaze at from the edge of the summit. They are through the solid rock, and that on the north side is 55 feet deep. The work is prosecuted under the di rection of Mr. Rutler, the able and skilful superintendent, night and day. Skaddy. This is the name of a new article of merchandise, con sisting of old rags, teazled back as nearly as possible to their ori ginal element of wool. Shaddy is wrought into cloths, and gives them a soft character, rather bet ter than new wool, but soon brush es off, leaving the cloth in a ruin ed condition. It is an unworthy sort oi a cheat, ttiougu no more so than a thousand other cheats. It is rather odd, too, that the old and filthy rags of a beggar should be perchance made over, into the new and splendid dress for a lord. JV. 7. Jour, of Com. Bleeding at the nose. Bleed ing at the nose if it be ever so vio lent or protracted may be perma nently stopped by the individual using some salted dried beef which has been grated fine with a nut meg or other grater in lhe same way that he could take snuff; two or three pinches are said to be sufficient to slop any fit of bleed ing. By recent arrivals at New York, advices have been received from France to the 25th July, and from England to the 1st of August. The following extracts from the Courier & Enquirer of September 5, embrace all the items of in terest. We annex a letter from our Paris correspondent, subsequent to the date of which we find an annunciation in the Moiriteur to the following effect: "The Minis ters assembled at the house of thf president of the Council. They afterwards went to il IP Ivinrr nt Neuilly. It was decided that no review should take place on the 29th July." This measure ap pears to have been adopted in consequence of serious apprehen sions that another attempt Would be made on the life of the King at the review, with which the fetes usually given in commemoration of the revolution of July, were to commence. All Paris indeed seems in a state of great agitation. The Correspondent of the Journal du Havre says, "One would sud pose that political exasperation, which had slumbered for a year past, has revived with all its form n .., 1 . vi luij unu vengeance, it is xvhispered that a vast conspiracy as uceu uiscoverea, mat many hundred gulity or suspected per sons have been arrested, and that lists of names of a still greater number have been seized, arms it is said, have been found, prisons nave been opened at Doullens and other places, that the military are deeply involved, and that dark projects were on foot for the so lemnity of the 29th of July, which have been happily discovered. This much is certain, that the King, M. de Thiers and M. de Talleyrand, have returned to Pa ris: that the review of the 29th is countermanded, and that the al cove constructed around the Tri umphal Arch has been removed. Vague rumors are in circulation of a vast conspiracy, the ramifica tions of which -extend to Lyons, as well as to several regiments oi the Line. Nothing less is spoken of than a Society uuder the title of Avengers 0fJUibeaud. Cholera in' Vienna. A letter from Vienna, of the 7th of July, says: uThe cholera still spreads mourning and desoialion. In all the localities hitherto affected by it ho new character has been ob served in it from what appeared on its first breaking out. There is hardly a place along the road to Trieste that has not been affect ed by it. h is Said at Trieste to have redoubled its intensity in the Friou! and at Lay bach. In Hun gary it has made its appearante at Presburg, wliere its effects are severely felt; some cases have eve been declared at Pesth and Bud&." MEXICO. Firm the JVcw Orleans True A merican, Aug. 23. A Battle Fought. By a pas senger from Vera Cruz, we learn that a bailie was fought on the 13th July last, at Etta, Mexico,) between the government troops, 900 men and three pieces of artil lery, commanded by General Canalrzao, and the federal troops, (revolutionists) CUO men, com manded by General Asavado. The action lasted half an hour: the revolutionists were completely routed, and their destruction very great. Gen. Asavjrdo taken pris oners, witli three other field offi cers, who were shot the next morning in the public square. The loss of government troops was comparatively small. Our informant, who was chief of artil leuy in federal troops, says that the interior of Mexico is in a very agitated state, and that a great deal of difficulty will ensue to the Central Government, owing to tire revolutionary movements. The Mexican squadron were at Vera Cruz on the 9th August, getting ready for a cruize, viz: the brig Fama, and schr. Bravo. From the Louisiana Advertiser, of the 2bth Avgust. By the arrival of the schr. La dy Hope, in seven days from Tampico, we learn that the Mexi can republic is in a frichtfullv convulsed state, the intelligence received at Tampico, previous to the sailing of the schr. was of a most painful nature, plotting, treachery, and strife being the or der of the day, party pitted against party, and all in open ' hostility throughout the distracted land. No battle of note, since that of Etla, has been fought, in which, it will be remembered, the Con stitutionalists were worsted; they are not, it appears, dispirited or broken by their defeat on the contrary they are encouraged by the accession of numbers to their ranks and the rapid extention of their principles. If this is correct, the overthrow of the present gov ernment is the likely result, but it will not be effected without much destruction of life. Still further front Mexico. The New Orleans Bee of the24lh ult. gives copious extracts from a file of the Cosmopolita, a liberal journal of Mexico, on the subject of the affair at Etla or assassina tions in Oajaca, in order to better enable us to appreciate the true condition of that country under its present slate of revolutionary ex citement. The execution of Alcevedo and others at Etla by the commandant of the Government troops Canali zo, is denounced as a repetition of the bloody scenes of the despotic reign of Bustaraente. The liber als are contemptuously called sans culottes, and the priesthood are said to be using all their influence in the pious effort to exterminate them at the point of the bayonet These excesses are compared to the conduct of Danton and Robes pierre, but the day of retribution as then is prayed for, in the recur rence of another 18th Brutrj aire, which shall put an end to the reign of terror. 4