Jllurtin Van Bnrcn OP.NKW VOKK. JUchard M Johnson, or KENTUCKY. 5T has fallen to the humh'.e lot of the im deriened to have presented to the. A tm-iican People, u third edition of tin Bio graphies of the two above named highU distinguished patriotic citizens, whose con stant devotion In the best interests of our Government has led to their designation, AS a testimony of the estimation in hich their services are regarded by the People wnom they haveftfrrved, as candidates for the two first office within tin; gift of a KREE, HAPPY. It till FLM'KISHING NATION. This token of p-specl ghes lo Ihe world additional ruooK that faithful service shall not g. unrewarded. The object of this appeal to the republi can portion of our IVIIua citizens, is to ob tain thir c operation in the circulation of an edition of lOo.OOO copies of the joint Biography of MAKI'IN VAN BURKN i: RICH AKi) M. JOHNSON. enlarged, re-vi-e 1 and corrected, fa as to be valuable to every lover of his country, and alike hon orable, to the .!isii;iuih d citizens whom we the pr.oPLE, intend siill further to honor, by their el. vatioo to the offices of V vsidcnl and Vice Piestdent of ihe United Slut- in the ele. lion of 183(5. Thus we sli - 1 1 pt-rpettiate the principles of Jefferson, which have been so signally reviv. d, no bly ac:ed upon, and tkiumphantlv Car rie I out bv Amirmv Jackso, who, spur ning ail ll,Herv, knew nothing but the Peoi-lk. :ii wit' Pepi.e. and their re spective rights, lesar ilrs ot their fortunes, whei.-fi rich tit poor; thus rendering his nam.. n-: kem.'Wm as durable as the ever- LASTING IIII.Lm" Th in aiigciut nt of the volume will be as follow: 1st. Portrait cf Andrew Jackson To vruni the volume will be inscribed, with an address by the P-ibli.-her. 2d. Portrait of M I'unBuren. T be followed by hi Biography. enlar ged, including several valuable document;-, illustrative of his public character, and ex hibiting the magical powers of his gigantic mind which ha ever been devtcd to sus tain the rights of his country, and ihe glory and prosperity of his fel'ow ci' 3 J. Portrait of R M- Johnson. To be followed bv his Biocraptu, enlai e gcd. including various Speeches, Susijav Mail Reports, and other documents; ill.u trative of hi- long continued public life, which has ever b'tn devoted to the god of his cuntry; including an authentic ac count of the fall of the renowned Indian warrior, I eccmseh, on the ever memora ble 5ih of October. 1813 with an engra ved view of the battle field. The wi.iU will be rotnjdtl: in one vol ume of about 400 pages Ihe piic to fie iixe.i lit the mo fei ate stun of On- Dollar, neatly bound with cloth backs; oi alf and gilt, with the a expense of bind ing The work which is niw in a state of preparation, shall be such as to give entire sati lac ion; as it is in t'ie b -nd of gentb me i who have for nearly forty years, been personally and int'nnatelv acquainted wiih the private and public life of the above na med distinguished citizen. 'Ihe celel rated address of the lion Thomas 11. Benton, of Missouri, l. arm? tenotomy to tlie!. chaincter of Martin Vfl'i Buren; and the eloquent speech of the Hon. Jamct Harbour, of Virginia, in the U b. r-enate. portraying the chivalry of Col. Johnson on the field and in the councils of tie nation, will tie np;ended to the work. As t:eve is among our republican citi zens, an etenive population of German origin, the work will appear simultaneous ly in both the English and Ihe German lan gua s. It w ill, therefore, be i,ece.-sarv for sulscribers who wish to have 'he work in the German, to signify the same on the subscription book. It wil1, in order to give prompt and ex tensive circulation to the work, be indis pensable for a'l subscribers to pay at the time of subscriiing'aW money io be at a proper time lot warded with the lists of si natures lo the publishing committee which will be dul) made known by a no. tice in the Washington G'obe. CDemocralic editors disposed to en courage the work, will confer a favor, which will 1r gratefully acknowledged by the Subscriber, in giving publicity to the above and receiving subscriptions al their resp ctive offices, to whom a reasonable per centage will be allowed. The People's obedient servant, WM. EMMONS. Washington City, June I, 1835. Brandy, tcantcd. TilC Sut JSciibers wish lo purchase 50 barrels BRA 'DV, for which ihe login-si c:is'i p. ice wi I be given. D ti Id MUDS 4- CO. Nov 1 1-.35. EECKWiTH'S Jlnti-d pcptic fills. njllll ,,, valuable medicine for Ihe J2 n.rf.1 iwfp4ia,Hii.,ep!eeuiion ot bb."n f-r.c.&c. i:c is kept , on Stttntl v on IihuI nu I to, .t0 j(j J. ' C'nryv Tafb-ro'. 24 Sept. 18.J.5. J nut I'uhlishcd. 4ik1 for sal al ilii Ofiicc, Trying lo gnaw mi of the C.JTIO.IC TUi iP 'V 'OMIUA LaWP.ENCK Tib.' 10 cent-si,-, or $ 1 per dozen. September, 1S35. JY. If. Rountrec, MAS declined all idea of leaving Tar borough, and to make short ot a long story will confine himself lo a simple state ment of facts, by saying he has received his STOCK OF SEASONABLE Spring and Summer embracing a general variety, all of which ARE NEW, NEAT AND FASHIONABLE Having previously disoosed r i.:. i.i Stock. And he is selling the new one jus! as i heap as any one can or will sell new 1 or old goods of a simil .11' Oll.llll V l!..t s retch of conscience seems to be the or d. r of the day, this will not be taken as satisfactory testimony he is sure. But all those who wish lo purchase Any article in his line, Will please call and price lliem, and ihev will no doubt retire with a more thorough conviction of its correctness. Ta.boro'. iJOih M.IV, 183G. To the Afflicted. RAY'S invaluable Ointment for the If cure of white swellings, scrofula and other tumour?, sore legs and ulcer.', and fresh wounds, sprains, bruises, swellings and inflamm itiotis, &.c. k.c. Beckwith's anti-dyspeptic pills. Kowand's genuine tonic mixture, a per. feet cure for ague and fever. The above valuable medicines may be had wholesale or retail on application lo J- IV Collen, Agent for lai borough. Is3f. wmm Shocco Springs. This cll known Watering place, situated la iVnnen County, NOltTII CAROLINA, Will be ready for the reception of Compa ny by the 13th inst. The Medicinal qua lities of ihe water are so fully established, thai ii is considered unnecessary to say any thing in proof of their efficacy. It'iotns have been prepared with Fire places for invalids, and no attention will be omitted that can, in any way, conduce to the comfort of Visitors. Jii ii Johnson. May 1, 1S3G. 15-10 (L Having apulied lo ihe celebrated Dot tor MU CH LLL, of Philadelphia, Pro lessor of Chemi-lrv. ii.c. for an nnnhin of the wiitcr of iUocco Springs, he has", i.ucn caie, seui me ine loMotving state ment of its mineral ipuiluies: Carbonic acid or fixed u'r in a pint of water, 2 215 Oxygen a, U." Nitrogen gas, 3 23-35 It nlo h-dd-iii solution, Muriate of Magnesia, Sulphate of Magnesia, (F.psom Salts,) Carbonate of Lime; and Sulphate of Lime It may theitfore be classed among the Ac cidulou an 1 Saline Waters, and recom mended as deobstrueut ami corroborant. May 13, 1S36. AXX JOUXSOX. Information Is wanted relative to Christopher H'elden, A native of Galway in Ireland, who resided 3 or 4 years aco IN WILMINGTON, N.C, The object of l Im advertisement is to know where Chritophtr U'clJen is at presenthe was rather short, and of a sandy complex ion. Address Ihe publisher of Ihe It'il minglor. (N. C.) Advertiser. April 22. JYoticc. Till Subscriber has 01 hand a fust-rate Uuggy and Sulky, Manufactured in the latest Newark style J small light Carryall, Which he will sell CHI;AP for Cash, or on a short credit. Isaac B llrady. Jly 7th. 1S3f. HISTORY OF. tih: Kehnltee .Issnchition. Jf11!' l'L;BtL!SIIEDfmlfor.le al the cialMI81"'' f ,hftKH,kee Baptist As,,,, sent lime m "s ysibal ri-e lo Ihe pre- tbe super isio,' "pn uiggs under C Klde-s J....uiKj,,m,"i!lee (consisting 11 f.n an. I uke Ui?r,,Cp. V'iiliain Sly mas Higg, Joseph UrtsVMe,I" Tho ; llassell ) appointed by tliejd Cushion dice SI acb, or JglU per dozeiatibn." lanuary 11. " x t 3 Northern & Southern Daily Mail lioute. THE Petersburg Rail Road Com pany inform the Public that their Road, extending from Petersburg, Vk., to Blakely, North Carolina, on the Roa noke, a distance of 60 miles, and con stituting a part of the GREAT DAILY MAIL ROUTE North and South, is now amply provided with superior Locomotives and Cars, to accommodate all the travel that may offer. The Cars leave each end of the lioad daily, on the arrival of the re spective Mails.- Travellers with their own equipages, can have their horses and car riages transported on tins lioati, witn per fect safety nnd convenience; and thus, peiform in 5 or 6 hours while resting their horses, a journey which would other wise requite two days to accomplish MTIIE BLAKELY HOTEL at Ihe southern termination of Ihe Rail Road, has been re built of brick on an enlarged scale, and no pains will be spared to render its accommodations such as will give satisfaction to passengers and travellers generally. Besides the daily line of Mail Coaches from Blakely for the South, via Raleigh, FayetlevilK &c there is A LINE VTA I ARBOUOUGIl three times a week, con nected with the Mail Line at Fayetlcville, and also n Line from the R-'il Road at BELEIEL1) TO CLXRKSVILLE, MIL TON AND DANVILLL. Another lii-weekly Line from Blakely, passes through WARRENTON, OXFORD, &.c. and connects witn a Line to SALIS BURY, N. C. In the course of the present season, a branch will be opened from the Peters burg Rail al Belfield, t Wilkins' Ferry al GASTON, ON THE ROAN-j OKE, from whence a Rail Road lo cross 1 the river by a Bridge, is now uboul lo be constructed to Raleigh. The ' ail Road from Baltimore lo Wash-' ing ton is now in operation, thence to Poto- mac landing, the Line is continued by ' Steamboats; thence via FREDERICKS BURG TO RICHMOND, a considerable portion of the Rail Road is finished and Ihe lemaindt r is in a rapid course lo com pletion. The Line continues from Rich mond to Petersburg, by a Turnpike Road and thence by ihe Petersburg Rail to Blakely, an before meiui ned, is the main and only DAILY MAIL ROUTE BETWEEN BOSTON AND NEW OR LEXNS j Office of the Peteubuhg I Ii ail Road ( ompanv, v February 2S, 183cA March 1, 1836. 11 STEAMBOAT For City Point. SU I M Ell A 11 ll c NG EM ENT. fipilE public are respectfully informed H that the new nud comfortable btcumhoat Eagle, Capt Chase, has commenced her run to and from Cily Point, departing cverv Sun day, Wednesday, and Friday, at 7 o'clock A. M. in time lo join Ihe James River and Bay Boats, and on Tuesday's, Thursday's and Saturday', will be in time for Ihe return passengers. Travellers may now avail themselves of steam carriage from Blaktly, N. C. to Boston. P. RYAN, Agent, Petersburg, Va March 26. 17.3 Montague's Balm, An Indian remedy for toothache WMIUI1 when applied according u direction has never failed to nflbrd immediate and permanent relief, just re ceived and for sle by J. IV. GOTTEN. llth Nov. 1835. Land for Sale, E WAVING more land than I can cul it ticate, I offer for sale my Mill Plantation, In the county of Edgecombe, Adjoining the lands of Reuben Taylor Henry Adams and others containing , Mout 200 Acres, On which is a goo I Mill, Apple and Peach Orchard, and ninny other. advantages. ANOTHER SMALL TRACT, of very valuable Land, the county of Nash, Lying on the north side of Swift Creek, ad joining the lands of Jacob lng, John Hil liard and others. Apply lo Ihe Subscriber, at his resi dence in the countv of Nash. WILLIAM BELLAMY. Oak Forest, January, 1836 4 Published and for Sale at this Office. PATRIOTIC . DISCOURSE tht North Carol ma Whim's Anolorv f - Ihe Kehukee Association and, A Basket of r ragments, oy tne uev. Joshua Lawrence. Also, A Review of Claik's defence and jus t ficafion to ihe Kehukee Association, writ. ten by a lay member of the Association and, Occurrences in the Life of Elder Jo seph Bigg, wrote by himself. K Tarborough, Aug. 9. GENTLEMEN'S CMOl" By !. Jlnderson, DRAPER AND TAILOR, TARBOROUGH, N. C. . WHERE is kept constantly ou hand a handsome assortment of Cloths Cassimeres Veslings. ALSO, Collars, Stocks, Bosoms, Cra vats, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, and ma ny other articles suitable for Gentlemen. June 5, 1836. II. JOHNSTON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Is now receiving from New York, Jl Splendid Assortment of IN HIS LINE OF BUSINESS, Suitable for the approaching Season. Gentlemen wishing to puichase the most fashionable nud best goods, at a small ad vance on the cost, will do well to call nud examine his Stotk, as he is determined to sell very lo w for Cash, or ou a short credit lo punctual customers. v'lmoiig them arc Superfine blue, black, and brown Cloths, 2d quality do. of all (lie most fashionable colors, Sup'r corded and plaid fancy Cassimeres, White corded drab drills for pantaloons, Crape Camblets and Bombazines for thin coat.-, A superior assortment of Veslings, of eve ry description, Flaiu brown Linens for summer jackets and pantaloons, Plain black and fancy Slocks, (a large as sortmeiit, Fancy silk Handkerchiefs, Black silk Cravats, linen Collars, Plain and ruffled linen Bosoms, a new and superior article Suspenders, Silk Shirts for gentlemen, a new article, Also, most every other article comprising gentlemen's wear. He also keeps on hand (of his own nake) a small assortment of Heady made Clothes. He has on hand a few best while beaver Hats, which will be sold at New York cost. (CTGentlemen furnishing their own Cloths tan have them made and trimmed in the most fashionable manner, a ad at the shortest uotice. Tarborough, Apiil 14lh, 1836 FCDUBJBRIT. White $ Ilagur, TTP ESPECTFU ELY inform the Printers MAX, of the Unil.'d Stales, to whom they have been long known as established That they have now formed a CO-PARTNERSHIP In said business and hope fronpTielr united ?kill and experience to be able to give sat i.-laction to all who may favor them with their orders. The introduction of machin ery in place of Ihe unhealthy process of casting lype by hand, a desideratum by the American ami European founders, was by American ingenuity and heavy expenditure of lime and money on the part of Ihe senior partner, first successfully accomplished. " Extensive use of Ihe machine to cast let ters has fully tested and established its superiority over I hat cast by the old process. The letter foundry business, will hereafter be carried on by the parties above named, under the firm of ' WHITE, HAGUR & CO. The specimen exhibit a complete series from diamond to seventeen line pica. The book and news type being in the most modern light and shade. WHITE, H GUR li CO. are agents for the sale of Smith and Rust PRINTING PRESSES, which Ihey furnish to their cuslomers at Ihe manufacturers prices. Chases, cases, composing sticks, ink, and eery article used iu Ihe priming business, kept for sale and furnished at short notice. Old Ivpe taken in exchange for new, at nine cents per pound. ETNewspaper proprietors, who will give the above advertisement three insertions will be entitled lo $3 in such articles as they may select from our specimen. New York, 1836. E. WHITE W. HAGUR. Just Published, And for sale at this Office, a pamphlet en titled, No other than Baptist Churches Have n right lo be called CUIUS! I AX CHURCHES. By Joshua Lawrence. Trice 10 cents single, or $ 1 per dozen. January, 1630. Cotton 3ms. I HE Subscriber, who for several years past has been engaged m The Gin Making business, In Kiaston, has established himself IN GREENVILLE, Where he carries on the above business in all its variou-i branches. Ail those who wish t'i supply themselves with Gins of ihe best quality , are respectfully solicited lo apply to the Subscriber personally or by letter. All orders for Gin3 will be prompt ly executed. From the Subscriber's long experience in his business, and from the approbation which his work has hitherto met with, he hesitates not to promise entire satisfaction to all who may see fit to extend to him their patronage. Gins out of order will be expeditiously repaired. The Subscriber takes the libeily of call ing the attention of those who wish to pro cure new Gins, or lo have old Gins repair ed, to the expediency of applying to him in lime. When all wait as is usually the case, until the work is wanted, it causes such a pressure of business, that many are obliged of necessity to submit to a longer delay than they wish. AXsSiSra T5SOBT, In connexion with this establishment, car rie on the Loch&G tinsmith business He also makes Saw Mill Boxes, and A7i7 Inks, and Gudgeons, of a composition in vented by Daniel Peck, of Raleigh Grist Mill Spindles, with Steel Collars, (turned.) These articles equal to any manufactured in the United Stales. All letters and orders must be directed to the Subscriber at Greenville HENRY CHAMBERLAIN July 12, 1S35. Cotton Gins, Tffy 1 1 E subset iber has established himself H in the houses formerly occupied by the late Joseph Lackey, dee'd, near the river, and a short distance below Mr. Benjamin M. Jackson's store, where Ijc carries on The making and repairing Cotton Gins. All those who wish to supply themselves with Gins of the best quality, are respect fully solicited to apply to the Subscriber personally, or by letter. All orders for Gins will be promptly executed. Gins out of order will be expeditiously repaired. Blacksmilhing, of every description, ex ecuted in the best style. OTwo second hand Cotton Gins for sale low for cash. SAMUEL D. PROCTER. Tarboro', 30 h Sept. 183J. VERY BEST Cotton Yarn and Twine FOR SALE. THE Subscribers feel grateful for the liberal patronage which they received the past year, and hope by assiduity and punctuality in business lo merit a continu ance of past favors. They now have and expect to keep con stantly ou hand, the Very best Cotton Yarns, From Nos. 2 lo 18 inclusive. Also various sizes of the best Cot ton Seine Twine. lis durability and strength has been fairly tested, and the StiLscribeig reel no hesita tion in pronouncins it inferior to non if not superior to any in market. Both the ! above articles they , expect lo deliver to purchasers on as liberal terms as anicles of ihe same quality can be procured else-! where. The usual charge for conveyance j will be made. ' Terms of Safe for nil quantities of Yarn : oyer one thousand pounds, four months ere j dit will be allowed for any quantity under one thousand pound, three months, ihe purchaser giving note (without interest) at the time the Yarn is delivered, payable at the above slated lime?. The proprietors of fisheries will do well to apply to Ihe Subscribers for Tw ine for ine iniure, as a very liberal credit will be given. BATTLE BROTHERS. Falls Tar River, Jon 10, 1S36- 100 barrels Flour, Of superior quality, for sale by D. RICHARDS $ CO. Dec. 4th, 1835. $100 -Re ward. RANAWAY from Ihe Subscriber, on the night of 20th September lasl, my negro man nnmeii r a AST n r 20 or 21 years of ajre. 6 feet hirh. black complexion, has a pleasing countenance, inclined lo be knock-kneed, his feel some what turned out, particularly his left foot, his clothing not recollected. He was for merly the property of Asahel Farmer, his mother, brothers and sisters belonging- to said Farmer his father is in Ihe same neighborhood working about as a black smith, nearly as a free man. It is believed he is lurking about in ihe neighborhood of said Farmer, also in Nash county. The above reward will be paid to any person that will apprehend said negro, and deliver him to me or secure him in any jail so thai I get him again. I forewarn any person from harboring said negro, or carrvin" him off, under the strict penalty of ihTlaw. Any infoi mall et respecting him will be thankfully received by the Subscriber, at Oak Grove, Edgecombe county. II I L LI AM BARNES. 21th Am. IS3. 3 OTPeach Hramhjt rj) SWISH to purchase lu 1. , .IWi BRAMJY.fuVw price will b? paid ', Ci)s(. l'" '''Sl pan in cash. J IK COTTFV Nov. :.! 100- Tarboro', Nov. 23d, 1S3. Mrs.Jl. C. Howard . A of Goods, and i, now, "f mh her customers and tbe puijic 1 , '"V most every article for ori,it,.Ulli af or comfort io the un'te, Millinery Line In Iicr assortment will bft,UIlll. A variety of laii..rn r u Tuscan and straw do. of Iiear, shape and feature. y Cs'y Plain f. ...I 4 - ..fiU.r... u watered s tj 0 ms for dresses, nJ Sat' Fancy Gauzes,' lor do. Veils, Shawls. Scarfs, and Ilan lk,,,!- , of different qualities and ,.ricei HealTornaijients, hair pnfi-'fcr A nS '"'"-."-iS OWIrs. H. has a!o an elent pat, Dress, and other patu-rns 0f .,e i fashions. She inviu-s an inspection In 1 arboro', April 2 i. Buggy for Sale. N excellent Newark made BUGGY fQr sa,e Apply at this Office. November i), 1833. Fresh Arrival. JUST RECEIVED, an addiinal sup. ply of Butter, Oranges. Lt-mons, Ap ples, Candies assorted, Raisins by the box or rttaii, &:c. Jsic. Joseph B. BradJy. Dec. 10, 1835. ll'hom it may concern. THE Subscriber requests nil those in. debted to him to call and settle their accounts. I'tyri January 13, 1836. A.t. Pinna Forte for r:ule. HAVE a very handsome IMA NO for sale persons wishing to tun chuse, would do well to call and examine it. J. IF. C0TTEX. May 2It, 1S3". For publishing in the laicn if Tarburoig'i, N. C a semi-monthly paper, cnliltd THE PRIMITIVE BAPTIST, EDITED BY MARK CCN.xr.TT, Printed and PublUud by Geo. Uoicarl Till 5 publication isprinctpllyinfeiiJ?d todefend Iheold si iioul United Baptists from the many aspersh-ns cast upon them by deluded persons professing their on faith, because they cannot cnuscinitioui ly engage in the various nioney-uiaiug schemes of the day, ostensibly intended to nrnmote Christianity, but evidently t tid ing to destroy lite gieat and fundamental ptinciples upon which it is based, by mak ing a gain of godliness. Weilf it distinctly understood, that are a t inimical to "Masonry, Teroperaure, me dis tribution of ihe Bible, or the spread of the Gopel but wc do condemn the muigliug of professors ami non-professois of reli gion in societies, and the making a "cratt of religious matters, in every shape aJ fonn whatsoever. Believing that Theological Schools, bi ble. Missionary, Tract, and Sunday School Union Societies, are the same in prni uuscriptural savor more of "lucro than of "good will towards men," we are opposed to them. , Some of the children of God, surroumlea with, and interspersed ainong,f, the advo cates of Missionary and other societies, are denied the happiness of conversing with those of the same judgment. Others, grieved with beh Ubog coi nations t"e Gospel, are not able to sj.ea't fr Hem selves. 'Il'is is designed, 'itulfr Cod. nr their relief. We shall ai.n not so much to please the fancy, as to inform the W1 more lo afford matter far solid and lai ing comfort, than lo give a momentary glow to the feelin-s. We consider The cause of truMi and of Chri-twn snlacf. is our cause. Deeply impiessed wilti t" bt-lief that Ihe b'esiing even of truth U.W is of Ihe Head of the Chu.c!., we ctou.. selves upon Him, and send our little pap" abroad, praying the Lord to carry i some jov to those who are ... nib, io", and a little rest to those ho ate troubled. TEUJH. Tlie rrimilire Baplhl is published i stipcr-roval octavo form of 1 l,are' j the second and foml-. Saturday a mouth at One Dollar per ar, pV -on recent or ihe firi i....ri'.er. 3'.' r willent to one Post Offue or neig-1 hood for Five Dollars .. Communiiatioo m st hi-post paid directed 10 tlie I'ublisher. rXT Persons holding SAcnphon p .rill please send them or the nam's v M- t la Cto Hot ird, T.ifloroiiji, - k