)Vhole Xo. 039. Tarborough, (Edgecombe CoWnlyNC) Salurday, November 5, 1836 Vol XII Vo. IS fae uTarbornugh Press,' BIT GEORGE HOWARD, T, published weekly , at Tieo Dollars and FiftuCenlsver year, if paid in advance or ThreeDollart, at the expiration of the ,Ucription vpsir- For an-v P"0'1 ,,,ss tM a year, Tictnly fictCents per month. Sulxrribers are at liberty todUcontinue at av time, on civinr notice thereof and paving arrears thse residing at a dis tance "must invariablypay in advance, or responsible reference inthisvicinity. Jveilisements not exceeding 16 lines in length (or a square) will le inserted at &0 cents the first insertion fc'25cents each foniinnance. Longer ones at that rate for every square. Advertisements must j,e marked the numberot insertions requi rej0rthey will be continued until other wise ordered, and charged accordingly. LeMers addressed to theKditor must be post p.id,or they may not be attended to. EXPEDITION. From Ballimore to BIukely.N. C. IN TWENTY-SIX HOURS. Great Northern and Southern Line cf travel, via Washington city, Fredeiick-burg, Richmond, Petersburg, Raleigh, &e. ON and after the fifteenth day of Oc tober next, travellers from JVen York and Philadelphia, reaching Washing ton bv the evening train on the Baltimore and Washington Rail Road, will be for warded immediately by the Steamboat to Potomac creek, and thence by Stages and the Richmond and Frede ricksburg Rail Road cars to RichmonJ, Virginia, which place th-y will reach nt JOJ o'clock, A. M. leaving Richmond im mediately, they will arrive in Petersburg lo dinner, and at the termination of the Petersburg Rail Road, on the R anok-, at 8 o'clock, 1. M ; whence they will be tor warded by "he expeditions lines of J !?. Avery Co. to Halifax, Tarborongh, Warrenton, Raleigh. F.iyetteville, Colum bia, S. C. Augusta, he. Returning the Stages from the South will reach Blakeley Depot the termination of the Petersburg Rail Road) at 4 o'clock, r. M. Petersburg at 9 P. M. Richmond at 2 A. M and Washington city in time (or the afternoon train of cars to Ballimore makin; the trip each way. between Balli more and Blakeley, on the Roauok?, in the unprecedented time of Tzventy-sLv hours The above line is connected throughout, and connects at Mick's Ford, iih the Boydtun, Danville, and Salisbury line, and Northern and Southern travellers are gua rantied against detention at any point on the route between Baltimore and Augusta. The Proprietors. Oct. 4, 163f. 40 List of Letters, Rtmainihg in the Post Office at TarbO' rough the st of Oct. 1S3, which if not taken out before the 1st of Jan. next, irilt be sent to the General Post Office as dead Utters. Brilley Sarah Mrs Home ( nil ford Bradley Klua Miss Hare Lewis Bradley J.-mes Hal: T H Dr BraiJley John Jane servant of SD Britt Joseph 2 Cotten Barnes James A Jenkins Roberson Barnes James Irwin H L Dr Barnes Maj E Jones Macguilbry Burnett illiam 2 Kea William 2 Bell Marmaduke Knight W illiam Bell William Knight James Bell Alexander Lane Levi Barton James Lawrence Jos Dr Bowers Gorge Maj .Va'hewson John II Bra.lv I R Mr Manning John 2 Bennett Susan Miss Bond Mary Mrs Camppll F Miss Crockat William Cherry Cadet Dixon Uenry Sen Draushan HI is Mrs Moore Moses Manning Micajnb Medicine Vender of M'Zells Perry Mayo Frederick Pender James Powell Joseph J W Purvis Sovereign 2 Davis Jonathan Dancy Kdwin C Dr Peol Sarah Mis Deans Daniel Parker Maty R Miss Etheridge Lewis Pender J J B Etheridge Redick Uagsdale M T Miss Edmundson Joseph Ragsdale A M Miss Ellis illiam Rffi" Ktheldred Edwards Jacob Renick Robert M Freeman Josiah 2 Speight Eliz'h V Miss fountain Spencer Shff Edgecombe Co Folk Mary E Mis 2 Spicer Moses Felton Job Sanlsby W C Foxhall Sarah 11ri?2 Smith John Ciarrett John Suce P Dr ray E Maj Grime Thomas Hyman John f Ilines Richard SinsJetary J Rev 2 Tolston Moses Turn bill I James Thigpen Jobe Terrell N M Hawkins John ll.mi. Wo. rider Ward J T Higgs Caroline Miss Wnrsley William iLneg William H Wilson L D Gen 2 Hatheway John Wilkins Willis Jas. JL liidmondj l M. 98 $IG 93J. r JJ Ik. 3 PIANOS, g ELECTED hy the very first Musician in the Unit-d 'Slates CHiRrrt V. Hons, Esq. of New York. The Subscriber has just received Tit o Pianos Of very superior tone and finish. They have been examined by five or six musicians, who pronounce them first tate; several of the oldest and most experien ted cabinet makers in this place, who have carefully examined tiie exterior, unhesita tingly declare them far ahead of any thing of the kind they have ever teen in Peters burg. For the quality of these Instrument!.-, refer to Charles E. Horn, Esq. New York; Dr. Thomas Robinson, Petersburg; Dr. R'ibi rt Emmet Robinson, do ; Win. M. Robinson, Esq , Richmond; Charles Berg, Esq., Professor of Music in this place. Edward V. JN W, Bookseller. Petersburg, Va. ug. 23. 37 $100 lie ward. TTD AN A WAV from the subscriber, on MM Tuesday night the 6th of September lust, my negro man named Aged about 66 years, 6 feet high and thin visaged. Tom is no doubt lurking in the neighborhood, as he has killed and injured my cattle, hog?, sheep, &c. As Tom is a malicious negro and will certainly resist an attempt to take him, I will give the above reward for his apprehension if taken in any manner and confined in jail. Elizabeth Cromwell. October 17, 1S36 41 Information Is wanted relative to Christopher Heldeiu A native of Galway in Ireland, who resided 3 or 4 years ago IN WILMINGTON, N,C, The ubjert of this t ei ti.enx nt is to know where Chrilophtr IVtlden is at present he was rather shoit, and of a sandv complex ion. Address the publisher of the tl'il minglor. (N. C.) Advertiser. April 22. "mTedwaro MANNING, fOvUDKUs all persons indebted to him HJ to come forward and mUe immedi ate payment. Abto, the inhabitants cf Districts No. 15 and. 16. to pay their tax es without delay, as he contemplates on going to the North the 1st ol Sept. an't will not return in six months. Tho.se concern ed wdl please obey the above mandate, as he cannot go without a full adjustment of his affairs before his departure. Those having claims against liiiri will please be so condescending as to present them for adjustment within the time prescribed. He will also have a couple f Horses for rule. One of which is extraordinarily gentU, suitable for a family gii hone. One can be delivered the 1st of August, and the other the 1st of Sept. Strict justice re quires, and necessity demands, that the above article shall be attended to. July 91 h, IS36. MONUMENT. THE Board ol Managers of the Wash' in-rton National Monumental Society invite DESIGNS for this structure, inten ded as a memorial of a NATION'S GRATITUDE. It would be to fetter genius, lo prescribe any limits to the exercise of its powers, wh'ch should, however, in this case, har moniously blend durability, simplicity and grandeur. Although it is impracticable at present to estimate the extent of the con tiibutions that may be mnde, the Designs may be predicated on an expenditure of not less than one million f dollars- The Board of Makers will not offend American genius so nuch as to offer, in this instance, a pecuniary reward. The artist, whose Design shall be adopted, will feel amply remunerated; and all the De signs will be bound and carefully preserved to which end, it is requested that they be sketched, as near as may be. on paper of a uniform size, of the dimensions of sixteen by twenty-t wo inches. The designs to be directed to . GEORGE WATTERS0N, Sec ry. Constables' Blanks for sale AT THIS OFFICE. Miscellaneous. Prom the Raleigh Standard. We have annexed the following statement to the forcible Address of the Democratic Committee, and leave the people to judge for themselves, if it be not as plain as day-light, that Hugh L. White is run, not for the sake of electing him, (for that is impossible) but!a.re l,,e candidates In the late fnr itiu mum r t . C A C. . '. an election by the people! di(ates lblai(ied an apgregate ma- Jamc.Entitled to 10 votes: ijority of 3000! Showing a deri This State is decidedly for Van j ded republican gain, and civing Buren; Harrison is the opposition! reason to believe that Maryland candidate. The State elections j wiJ vnle fr Van Buren. are just over, and they show that j Virginia. Entitled to 23 votes: .Mr. Van Buren will obtain the j I thi State Van Buren is the re vote by a very large majority. publican candidate. At the Spring A ew-Hampshire Entitled to j elections, his ticket prevailed a 7 votes: Here also the strength gaist the whole opposition enm of Van Buren is so overwhelming, ! bined Judge White was at firt that even his enemies "give it up;' mentioned, aiid electors chosen for there is no ticket for White, his support as a southern candi Harrison is nominated by the p-1 date. Lately Judjie White is position. ' found not available, and Harrison Massachusetts. Entitled to 14 has been taken up by the sanie voles: The opposition ticket in electors. The plan of the Fede this State is for Wfbster, (who ralists and Nullifiers is to leave resides in Massachusetts;) the plan ; the electors to vote for Harrison, is to enlist the State pride of the j well knowing that if it were hoa- people of Massachusetts in lavor of Mr. Webster, so as to throw iway iiicir vine un mm, anu eua- ble the federalists and i unifiers to prevent any election of Prrsi - dent by the People of the Union. His probable that Webster will gel her vote. Rhode-Island. Entitled to 4 votes: The Kepublicati party in this State succeeded in electing their Ticket to l oncress at the lici pUeii.m niwl ih lrtinn this year exhibits an increase of re- for misdemeanors, when they are ticket was carried by a trtmen publican strength. Khode-lsland too poor to pay them? The re-1 dous majority. Judge White is may be put dwn ascertain for publican press the genuine spir-, t be dripped, and Harrison star Van Buren. Harrison is the op-, it of freedom in the Old Dominated, but it will be "no go," Van position candidate. ion the people of Virginia, an-; Buren is safe in Illinois. Connecticut. Lntttled to 8 swer that they will have nothing; Jllaoama trained to 7 votes:, consider well what energetic men votes: Mr. Jefferson predicted that to do with the trick that tney 1 Van Buren and White the candi-: sures they must now adopt for the Democrats of Connecticut will vote for Van Buren. '.dates: Toe election of members to their own and their country's in- wouhl one da v triumph; and the last elections have verified this pred'u lion. A Van Buren dele- gallon in Congress; a Van Buren Legislature, and no doubt there is a majority for Van Buren as Presideut. Harrison on the op- position ticket. Vermont. Entitled to 7 votes: In this State the late electious show a reduced majority against the Republicans, and opposed to Van Buren. Harrison, the oppo- mmi mnr ir aiP. I'rnhnhlv h will obtain her vote. votos for a law to sell poor white .ew York. Entitled to 42 men as slaves, for 5 years, to pay votes: This is Van Buren's own their debis! What a republican is State, her delegation in Con- here! what an associate for Judge gress and in the Legislature, her White! Governor, (elected by the people,) South Carolina. Entitled to and her Lieut. Governor, Sic. all 1 1 votes: The electors are ap Van Buren Republicans. No pointed in this State by ihe Ltgis randid man doubts about New lature, and not by the people: the York voting for Van Buren. nullifiers have control of the Slate Harrison is the opposition candi- and of course Van Buren stands date. i 110 chance. The Charleston Mer- JVew Jersey. Entitled to 8 cury lately put down South Caro votes: Van Buren and Harrison lina for Harrison! That press is are the candidates. The people the organ of the nullifiers and ne of New Jersey instructed Freling- ver speaks but by their authority. Ituysen and Southard, turned out Judge White may be regarded, the former, and elected thorough then, as dropped here too: the nul Republicans to Congress; and a ' lifiers find he cannot succeed, and friend writes from that Slate, they will not throw away their "there is no doubt of New Jersey going for Van Buren." Pennsylvania. Entitled lo 30 votes: Van Buren and Harrison are the candidates. The opposi tion prelend that Harrison is a fa vorite in Pennsylvania, they have been saying so for months, but it looks very unlike it, that they should send oil for Harrison, and take him a tour of electioneering: this they are doing now. One of the best informed men of that State, wrote to a friend here a few days since, "Beyond all question Pennsylvania is for Van Buren." The Republican press of that State affirms the same thing; can did men of the opposition, admit it is so, and every intelligent ob server of political events knows it. The recent election for members of the Legislature resulted as fol lows: Van Buren 72, Harrison 28. Delawtrc. Entitled to 3 votes: Van Buren and Harrison are the candidates. At present the pros pert is somewhat doubtful in little Delaware. Maryland. Entitled to 10 votes: Van Buren and Harrison viiiiiMi iii ijici u.n uj Tine i w j estly confessed that Judge hite I was dropped, it would expose , their neluNOUS SCIiemes l lite peo- pie of other Slates. And what jwill the people of Virginia say to ; an unpledged ticket? w hat will ihev, and the honest supporters of Judge White, say to this plan of coupling the Judge with an A- Oolitionist? Federalist of 1798? : a Tariff man? a man who voted in the Ohio Legislature to sell whit eii'iTniK fnr rots nnrl fines jYorth Carolina. Entitled to 15 voles: Every day brings the 1 c vuicfi ljci v uajf uiiua 1111. --"j j most cbeeriug accounts that the , ren inen, and ihe aggregate demo Governor's election was not a lesticratic vole of the Slate plates Ai- of Van Buren's strength. Ourlabama fumly on ihe side of Van friends need not despair; but ihey must be active and the day will be; ours. The people now see that While has no chance to be elect- cd, and they will not throw away their voles on him to help Harri- son a man who, while he "longs lo see the day when the sun will not shine nn n neirro s ave." veil voles on him in South Carolina. Will the republicans of North Ca rolina be less wise? Georgia. Entitled to 11 votes: Van Buren and White the candi dates; the former is run by the U uion party, the latter by the nulli fiers." Van Buren's election is certain. Every member of Con gress from Georgia is Van Bu ren man. At the recent Con gressional election, the Union tic ket succeeded by about 500 ma jority. Kentucky. Entitled to 15 votes: Van Buren and Harrison the can didates. Probably for Harrison Tennessee. Entitled to 15 votes: Van Buren and White the candi- dates. Probably White will get the vote of this State Ohio. Entitled to 21 votes: Van Buren and Harrison the can didates. No Stale elections have taken place in Ohio this year; but it is undeniable that Gen. Harri son is not very popular in his own State. He was run for Governor some years bark, anil got distan ced. He run for the Legislature in his own couutv, and trot beat. He has been opposed to the peo- i"- ."' yciw utu- uiuic. Both parties claim Ohio; but what will not the opposition claim! Keturns have been stnre received of the recent elections for members of the Legislature, which give to Van Buren 58, to Harri son 50. Indiana. Entitled lo 9 votes: Van Buren and Harrison the can didates. The election for Legis lature is just over; a majority of members elected in favor of Van 3orn. All can'iid men give up Indiana to Van Buren. ' Mississippi. Entitled to 4 votes: Van Buren is the Kepubli-! can candidate. White was until; lately, the sole candidate of the, nullifiers. But the Stale elec tions proved that While was not available; and the nullifiers are ! tacking Harrison to White, that I they may hunt in couples.! Their i ucMgu 15 jjiam cuuugu, uui mc in 5 lelligeut people of Misisippi see 'it and will take care to eleel the President themselves. Illinois. Entitled to 5 voles:! ! 1" this State, Van Buren is the republican candidate, White was j the opposition candidate, uniil the close of their Stale elections for I members of Congress, &tc. in Au- 1 CUSt, when tfie whole Vail Btireil 1 the Legislature has resulted in the; ! choice of a majority of Van Bu- I oureu and republicanism, against: u hue and lalse panics. Missouri. kolilled to 4 votes: van miren ana mute ine canui dates: In this Slate the nullifiers have been routed, "horse, loot and dragoons." A Van Buren Governor elected over the most popular man in Missouri; a Van Buren Lieut. Governor elected; more than two-thirds of the Leg islature fur Van Bureu; and both the members lo Congress of same politics. Missouri wauls no Jlpos tate, as a Southern candidate. Louisiana... Entitled to 5 votes: Van Buren and White the Candi dates. In this State, a majority of the Legislature (just elected) are for Van Bureu: the Slate is claimed by both parties. Jlichigant Entitled to 3 votes,, (if she comes into the Union:) Van Bureu and Harrison are the can didates. This new Slate is decid edly for Van Buren. For this cause alone, the opposition endea vored to prevent her admission into the Union last winter. Arkansas. Entitled to 3 votes: Van Buren and White are ihe candidates. In this stale the first elections have been held. A Van Buren Governor, a Van Buren member of Congress, and a large majority of Van Buren men elect ed to the Assembly. No doubt about Arkansas going Buren. for V an Lower Canada The Crisis. We are in possession of the Que bee papers of ihe 3d inst. Tin House of Assembly, after an ex tended and exciting debate, ha tdopted an answer to the King"' reply to the address of last ses sion, which brings the difficulties between the popular and conser vative branches of the Govern ment to a crisis. The address does not allow the Minister's as sumption that their proceedings, in the last session, arose Irom misapprehension, but persists in all former demands, and in the re solution to withhold all supplies, and to cease the exercise of all legislature functions, uutil those demands are granted. Among these demands are some to which the parent Government can never assent, at least not until the Con stitution of that Government shall have undergone a radical change. Of course Lord Gosford has no other alternative but lo dissolve the Parliament- The Quebec Mercury adds of the answer of the House: "It clearly shows that no good can result from the authorities in Downing street continuing lo bandy words with these agitators; they must art vigorously and promptly, for greater evils will arise from following a system of "insinuations, parley, and base truce," than from a manly resist- ance lo the revolutionary spirit which is now arrayed against the Government and Constitution as it at present exists. The address concludes with some favorable ex pression towards the Governor, personally, whirh his excellency can hardly receive as a compli ment, coming, as they do, at the rail of a tirade against the meas- tires which bis Lordships friends 1 have adopted in regard to this colony." The Montreal Courier of Mon day, says: The Crisis may now, therefore, be said to have arrived. We are glad of it, and would call upon all who dissent from the party pro ceedings of the House of Assem bly, and those w he scorn to be the slaves of a national faction, to terest. Something must be done. Russia and the Caucasus. The people of Caucasus to the j number of 60,000 are moving a- gainst the Kussmns. I he popu- btton number 600,000 and 80,- 000 for an adverse force to a pow- er so much detested can Hardly be overrated. The tribes of Dag- bastan. and Sohircuam, and the inhabitants of Miugrelia, Imerilia and Georgia are more anxious to declare their hostile feelings to wards the Russians than they are to conceal them. In the mean time Russia cannot depend upon her own soldiers. They wait but an opportunity to declare our hos tility. From a late number of the German Courier, we are led to anticipate a revolution among the Russians, inasmuch as an im mense body of the Caucasus have combined against them. To sub due the Circassians impossible in their primeval forests and defiles; and extermination is the only war fare Russia can hope to use suc cessfully against such a foe. Rus sia, however, still hopes to put down this and all such combina tions in the almost undivided hos tility which one tribe bears against another. While they hale Rus sia they despise each other, and here Russia expects to continue her triumph, over a powerful but divided foe. Suicide. A letter from the Clarmont (N. H.) Eagle, states that the Honorable William C. J rvis, late speaker of the Massa chusetts House of Representatives, committed suicide at Wethers field, Vt. while iu a state of men ul derangement, by shooting him self through the heart with a pis ol. Adv. Lake Erie is higher than it has been known to be for seven years.

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