Whole No. 030 Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, N. C.) Saturday, November 12, 1836. Vol. XII JVo. 44. The "Tarb-trough Press," BY OEORrtB HOWARD, . phli!iPl weekly, hi Tir Dollars and fNCenlt per vear. if paid in advance ''nree Dollar s,u the expiration of the than yer,Tiventy-jiveCtnts per month. iubrriher are at liberty iodicontinue at III) " I V I II i; llii'iir inrirvii miti any time- rears those residing at a dis tance m'18' invariablypay in advance, or jrpsrespnnsible reference iutkUviciuity. .Advertisement not exceeding 1G lines nlen?l (or a square) '" inserted at 50 cents the first insertion &i23cents each 0rttiniiance. Longer ones at that rate forever' .,,i,n- Advertisements must ,( marked the numberof insertions requi re I or they will be continued until other fjse ordered, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to theKditnr must he post paid.or they may not be attended to. EXPEDITION. from Baltimore lo Elikety,N. C. IN TWENTY-SIX HOURS. Great Northern and Southern Line of travel, via Washington eily, Fredei icksburg, Richmond, Petersburg, llaleigh, &.c. ON and after the fifteenth day of Oc tober next, travellers from New York and Philadelphia, reaching Washing i, iIia ... .i.., p ! ami Washington Tail Road, wilt be for warded immediately by the Fteamboat to Potomac creek, and thence by Stages and the Richmond and Frede ricksburg Rail Road cars to Richmond, Virginia, which place they will reach hi 10$ o'clock, A. M. leaving Richmond im mediately, they will arrive in Petersburg to dinner, and at the termination of tiV Petersburg Rail Road, on the R -anoke, at 8 o'clock, P. M ; whence they will be for warded by the expeditious lines of J. If. Avery k. Co. to Halifax, Tarborough, IVarrenton, Raleigh. F.iyetteville, Colum bia, S. C. Augusta, fcc. Returning the Stages from the South will reach Blakeley Depot (the termination of the Petersburg Rail Road) at 4 o'clock, P. M. Petersburg at 9 P. M. Richmond at 2 A. M and Washington city in time for the afternoon train of cars to Baltimore making the trip each way, between Balti more and Blakeley, on the Roanoke, in the unprecedented time of Twenty sia; hours The above line is connected throughout, and connects at Hick'g Ford, with the. Boydtun, Danville, and Salisbury line, and Northern and Southern travellers are gua rantied against detention at any point on the route between Baltimore and Augusta. Oct. 4,lS3fi. The Proprietors, 40 List of Letters, Rtmaivinfz in the Post Office at Tarbo rough the 1st of Oct. 183t, uhich yj not taken out before the ist of Jan. next, iritl be sent "to the General 1'osl Qjfice as dead letters. Bmclley barah Mrs Ilorne Guilford Hare Lewi flail I II Dr Jane servant of S D Cotteu Jenkins Roberson Irwin H L Dr Jones MacguiJbry Kea William 2 Knight W illiatn Knight James Lane Levi Law rence Jos Dr Bowers George Maj Afathewson John (I Braily B Mrs Manning John 2 Alo"ie Moses planning Micaj h Medicine Vender of MizclU Perry Mayo Frederick Pender James Powell Joseph J W Purvis Sovereign '2 Dancy Edwin C Dr PoI Sarah Mrs beans Daniel Parker Mary R Miss Kthcridge Lewis Pender J J B Kthend?e Redick Ragsdale M T Miss I.driiundson Joseph Ragsdale A M Miss Ellis William Ruffin Ktheldred Towards Jacob Renick Robert M freeman Josiah 2 Spight Eliz'h V Miss fountain Spenrer Shff Edgecombe t o f'lk Mary E Miss 2 Spicer Moses llton Jobe SauM.y W C 1'oxhall Sarah Mr? 2 Smith John Urndlev Elira Miss ih'udley J.imes liradlt-y J.,hn Uritt Joseph 2 Kari.es James A Barnes Jnmes Brnes Maj E Burnett William 2 Bf II Marmaduke Btll William Bell Alexander Bairon James Bennett Susan Miss Bond Mary Mrs tampell F Mi-s Crotkat W illiam therry Cadet Uixon Henrv Sen I)raiih;m l'z Mrs uvis Jonathan f!irrt'tt John (j"y E Maj Orin.es Thomas Hymnn John Hines Richard Haw kin John Hyman W in Elder Sugg P Dr Singletary J Rev 2 Tolston Rloses Turnbull James Thigpen Jobe Terrell M M Ward J T Higgs Caroline Miss Worsley William Iliiies William II Wilaon L D Gen 2 Maiheway John Wilkins Willis Jus. M. Ht tlmond, V. M ?s $15 m. WASHINGTON MojruMHjrt. THE Board ot Managers of the Wash ington National Monumental Societu invite DESIGNS for this structure, inten. ded as a memorial of a NATION'S GRATITUDE. It would be to fetter genius, to prescribe any limits to the exercise of i(g powers, which should, however, in this case har :nouiouly blend durability, simplicity and grandeur. Although it ii'impracticahle at present to estimate the extern of the con tiibutions that may be mxde, the Designs maybe predicated on an expenditure of not less than one million of dollars. The Board of Managers will not offend American genius so much as to offer, In tiii instance, a pecuniary rewaid. The Hrtut. whose Design shall be adopted, will feel amply remunerated; and all the De signs w ill be bound and carefully preserved to which end, it is requested that they be sketched, as near as may be, on paper of a unif rm sise, of the dimensions of sixteen by twenty-two inches. The designs to be directed to GEORGE WATT Eli SON, Sec'ry. $100 Reward. ANAWAY from the subscriber, on Tuesday nierht the 6th of September last, my negro man named Aged about 5fi years, 6 feet high and thin visazed. Tom is no doubt lurking in the neighborhood, as he has k:lhd and injured my cattle, hogs sheep, kc. As Tom is a malicious negro kikI will certainly resist an attempt to lake him, I will give the above reward for his apprehension if taken in any manner and confined in jail. Elizabeth Cromwell. October 17, lS3f. 41 isceUancous TEXAS. Texas. The following U an extract of a letter dated at the Head Quarters of the Texan Ar my, September I8t!i,and written by Gen. Felix Houston. It was addressed to Col. Louis P. Cook, of the Texan Army, who is at pre sent in New Orleans: "It is my opinion that the war between Texas and Mexico is not yet ended U lias just begun and must be terminated beyond the Kio Grande. Mexico is not blind to her future destiny, and without a severe contest she will never consent that the Americans shall settle to the Rio Grande. Her murderous and barbarous policy has doomed her, and her pride must be humbled before she yields to the superior power of her more warlike neighbors, who have sig nalised themselves, as much by the noble traits of mercy and hu manity as by indomitable courage." artisans who concur in recom mending the work to the favorable notice of mechanics and manufacturers. tt?A negro slave at Darien. jeo. named Tom Scudder, bought himself a wife for $700; but quarreling a little time after, he sold her for $750. This same fell ow is perfectly able to purchase his freedom; but refuses to do it, and follows his trade of a shoe maker daily paying to his mas ter two dollars for his services. a?Gov. Fulton, of Arkansas, has issued a proclamation calling for the organization of ten volun teer companies to defend the fron tier, according to the reouisitiftn of Brevet Brig. Gen. Arbuckle of the U. b. Army. Large number of Emigrating Creeks. No less than tkirtten thousand Creeks, .iccordiuc to the Columbus (Geo.) Inquirer of 15th sept., had. arrived within the 15 days previous, and taken up the line of march for Arkansas. Information Is wanted relative to Christopher ft'elden. A native of Galway in Ireland, who resided i or 4 years :to IN WILMINGTON, N, C, The object of t his u v erluenient is to know where Chrilopher Welden is at present he was rathr $hoi t, and of a saudv complex ion. Address the publisher of the IVil minptor. ( N. C.) Advertiser. Apul 22. M. EDWARD MANNING, KDEli"? all persons indebted to him lo come forward and mflte iinmcdi- aie payment. Also, the inhabitants ;f Districts Nos. 15 and 16, to pay their tax- : es without delay, as he contemplates on ' going to the North the 1st ol Sept. and will j uoi return in six mouths Those concern-! ed will please obey the above mandate, he cannot go without a full aujtis'nient f his affairs before his departure, those having claims against hin wi!l please be so condescending as to present them for adjustment within the time prescribed, lie will also have a couple f Horses for tale, One of which is extraordinarily gentle, suitable for a family ci hoi se One can be delivered the 1st of August, and the other the 1st of Sept. Strict justice re- quires, and necessity demands, that the above article shall be attended to. July 9th. 183fi. Stale of North Cnrolinu, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Equity. SEPTEMBER TERM, 183G Lewis Ellis" . John Peeie ii others, S ST appearing to the satisfaction of said Court that Jacob Home, one of the defendants in the above case, is a non-resident: It is therefore ordered, that publica tion be made for six weeks in the TarborV Press, notifying him to appear at the next session of said Court, to be held for said County, at the Court House in Tarboro', on the second Monday in March next, tiien and there to plead or demur to said bill or answer the same, or j idgment will beta ken pro confesso and said bill be set for hearing ex parte as to him. Witness, Isaac .oi fleet, Clerk and Mas ter of said Court, at office, the second Monday of September, 1836. NOU FLEET, C.M.E. By tVm. NnrJlcel,D.C.$c. Price adv S3 50. Crops ill Georgia. The worm and rot together have made exten sive havoc in the cotton crops in the neighborhood of Milledge ville, Georgia. One gentleman with a plantation of four or five hundred acres, informs the Sa vannah Republican that one bush el of new forms or blossoms could Curious Adventure A Female SaiYor.-The Philadelphia Chron icle has lately published a very remarkahle story of Miss Maria , a young lady of quite pretty and interesting personal appear ance, and about seventeen 3'ears of age, whose parents reside at ; iiKesoarre, fenn. It appears that she dressed herself in boy's: clothes, and journeying to Phila- delphia, applied for a situation in' some vessel, as sailor boy. a berth was accordingly procured for her on board a whale ship at New Bedford, whither her expen ses were paid without any suspi cion as lo her sex. After an ab sence of three months, she return ed to Philadelphia, and told the person who had paid her passage, that not finding the life of a sailor as pleasant as she imagined it would be, she had on reflection abandon the idea altogether of go ing to sea, and intended to seek employment in the city. Having ascertained that Iter sex had been discovered, Maria immediately changed her residence, and has not been heard of since. She has probably returned to her parents, who were apprised of her singular adventure. locks are to be 200 feet long by 50 wide, lilt generally not to ex ceed 10 feet to each lock. The elevation to be surmounted is 300 feet, consequently there will be thirty locks. This is indeed a gigantic project. Prosperous state of Aeto Or leans. The uninterrupted health of New Orleans has caused an earlier revival of the fall trade than usual. Twenty-five steam boats, either loading or discharg ing, were counted at the levee, September 22; a much larger number than usual at this season. Buildings are going up every where, and common laborers in such demand that they are re ceiving from two to three dollars per day. From Africa. We learn by the brig Norfolk, from the south west coast of Africa, that in con sequence of the death of the Gov- IA . l ( - I i . , riiiur i Ltiiiiinoos e rntuanna de fJC?The annual meeting of the American board of missions com menced on Wednesday last at Hartford, and closed on Friday. The receipts of the year amounted to $176,000, and the expendi tures to about 5238,000. The operations of the Board, it seems, have lately increased more rapid ly than its means. S23,000 were subscribed, principally by the cit izens of Hartford, before the board adjourned. not be found, having all been de-! Olivira, brother of the Marquis all ii . t . . I C.I.I.. I. . i . . . i vouren oy me worms. 1 lie ear- oaiuannaj who was in me interior ly growth only, will be in part . w 'lb the troops, and a Colonel ap- matureci. l ue grain and provi- j P'niutu in ins place, who acted sion crops are abundant. very tyrannically, the troops at Lioanda revolted, and commenced fear Cotton Crop in .Mississippi. an indiscriminate slaughter of the The Mississippi Free Trader of i inhabitants (Portuguese.) September 30th, after speaking of the rainy weather, which had des- Death from Cold. A man troyed the bolls of the cotton, named Palmer Thompson, per says "It will now require most 's!leJ in the snow storm, on the extraordinary f;iir weather for a ! ninl f l,,e 5m instant, in Smith longer period than we dare hope i 'd township, Bradford county, or can reasonably expert, to eua-! Pe- He had been at a rais ble our planters even to come up I nig some distance from his dwel- lo the short crop of last year." ,mg ai,d in the attempt to return Bill of Injunction. h ome. somewhat intoxicated, in CEight thousand and thirty I the midst of the darkness and the seven dogs have been killrd since storm, he lost his way, and re the law against their running at ' rnained all night in the snow, large first went into operation, at " here he was found next morning a cost of four thousand and eigh-j lifeless. teen dollars and fifty cents. jY. Y. Star. "Saw my leg off!" Many hu morous illustrations of absence of The Erie and Venango Rail' mind have lately been registered Road Distance 23 miles, stock I 'm the newspapers, but the latest 100.000. will be suhsirlhedfor ! and best, is the one we subjoin on the 17th at Erie. At Venango ' from the Eastport (Me.) Sentinel: it meets the Cassadaga and Erie Rail Road of New York, and may be extended to Warren, Penn. ib. The Treasurer of Maryland in conformity to the Legislative en actment has subscribed 3 millions of dollars to the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, and the city of Baltimore a like sum. JS'ew Invention. The Dunkirk Beacon crives an account of an engine for propelling machinery, recently invented by Messrs. bilas P. Griswold and Richard Oolh oudt, of that village, which prom ises to be of great service to the manufacturing public. It is upon the pendulum and lever principle, and its operation has been witnes sed by large numbers of practical Dr. G 1, of the U. S. Ar my, being called upon to perform an amputation at the thigh of one of the men, he opened his ampu tation case, sat down and deliber ately sawed his own leg off! The mistake was not observed by him until he attempted to walk! A Challenge! John Bascorab is ready to run any horse in the world over the Augusta, Georgia, Course for $20,000. Another. Post Boy will run any horse in the world over any Course north of Washington for $20,000. Baltimore Chronicle. fXTThe estimated expense of making the projected ship and steam boat canal around the Falls of Niagara is from two and a hall to five millions of dollars. The Munificent Bequest. The Bos ton Ceutinel says, the hte John Lowell, Jr. Esq. of that city, who died a few months ago near Bom bay, left property to the amount of more than half a million dol lars. We learn, that he has be queathed one half his property to trustees, to be appropriated to found an Institution in that city, for the purpose of the delivery oflectures on scientific subjects. f?Themas C. Elaby, living at the Three Brothers, on the Apa lachicola River, killed his own son by shooting him with a mus ket charged with 24 buckshot, all of which were lodged in his body. The father behaved most brutally after the murder, which was com mitted without any apparent cause. Elaby had before com mitted a murder in North Caroli na, from w hence he fled, a large reward having been offered for his apprehension. Sacrilege. Some villains, tak ing advantage of the storm and noise on Tuesday night, broke in to St. Mary's C hurch, and stole several vessels, They cut to pie ces some of the dresses, for the sake of the lace, and took a quan tity of silver money, which had been collected on Sunday. The censer was left, though of solid silver; the sacrament was laid up on the altar, and the chalice car ried off. PhiL U. S. Gaz. From (he A'ew York Journal of Commerce. Important intelligence from Portugal and Spain. By the Empress, which arrived here yes terday in 28 days from Malaga, we have received Portuguese and Spanish papers, which announce another revolution in Portugal, and an important victory obtained by the Queen's troops over the Carlists. It appears that for some time back a general dissatisfaction was evinced by the people against the Miuister Freire, and that on the arrival on the 9th of September of some opposition deputies from the provinces of the Duoru and Up per Beira, this dissatisfaction was manifested by the demonstrations of joy with which these deputies were received. The Tagus was covered with boats filled with peo ple, and on their landing at Lis bon, they were accompanied by an immense crowd to their lodgings. At night the battalion .f the National G uards were under arms, joined the iroc ps of the line, and proclaimed ihe constitution of IP22. A deputation was sent by them to the Queen, requiring her to proclaim the constitution of 1822 and dismiss her minister. This was immediately conceded, and the Count He Lameares and Viscount Sa da Bandeiro were di rected to form a new ministry. The breaking of ihe wim te.vs of the palace of the Duke de l;almel la was the consequence. The ex-ministers, Fieire and t'avbiiho, had disappeared, and it was supposed they were secret ed in the Queen's palace, whose husband, Don Fernando, vas be ieved to be opposed or inimical to the change. An apprehension was entertained that the Queen would endeavor lo escape on board of one of the vessels of the English squadron in the Tagus. On the morning of the I Oth, a deputation of officers repaired to the Queen, to demand atitl ex pression of her adhesion to the constitution. The whole corps diplomatique ere with her, with the exception of the Spanish Min ister. Her Majesty, after confer ring with the British Ambassador, signed the above Decree. The Count de Lameares prevaiitd on the Queen and her, husband to swear to the constitution in the Municipal Hall, whether she pro ceeded in a carriage with l im, and there tl.ey both took the oath required. It was said that all the foreign Ministers except tlie Spanish, have protested against the act of the Queen, which they assert she was compelled to perform A despatch was received at Malaga on the 25lh ult. from Ma drid, announcing the complete de feat of the Carlist armj', consist ing of 14,000 men, under the command of General Gomez, (by the Queen's General, Alaix,) with the loss of several hundred killed, and 3,000 prisoners. The cholera was still prevailing in Hungary, and Bohemia. Locusts in Syria. The Bostoli Advertiser has files from Smyrra to July 30th, which colitain some interesting particulars respecting the great destruction of locusts by order of Ibrahim Pacha in Syria, who, in this novel experiment, has employed the destructive propen sities for which he is said to be characterized to some good pur pose. An immense flight of these animals appeared in the begin ning of summer and threatened serious ravages to the crops. All the population of Aleppo and oth- tr districts were put into requisi tion and turned out lo hunt lo custs. Ibrahim's troops were em ployed in the same manner. Af ter 40 days the country was rid ot the nuisance. The number destroyed as measured by order of the Pacha, are 427, 1G0 ardebs. For the information of ihe Eng lish reader, it may be proper to state that the ardeb is equal to a fraction over eight bushels, This enormous quantity is oulv the amount of what were destroy ed by the troops and population of Aleppo; but there were besides in the villages ol the Arabs, and in the districts of Killis, Aintab, Hanimah, Marrah and D.im iscus, immense quantities destroyed which were not measured. fXAn army of Spanish Flies. almost as formidable as the lo custs, have invaded a portion of lielgium from the southern parts of France, and done creat mis chief to the crof s. C7TIe treasury of Brazil, at Rio Janeiro, was robbed between the 23d and 25lh of July, of 500 millions rais, (about 100 millions of dollars.) i J1 fj