Whole Xo. (33. Tarlwvon?h, (Edgecombe County, Ak C.) Saturday, November 20, 1830 Vol XII Jio. 40 Tfr iTarh iroii h Vcss" HI GIMHOK HOWAitU, T ,ih!i-l:,l wci kly.nt Tun Dollars an-! flfluCen's f veitr, if paid n advance or T'irft Oallttrs. at tl xpiratinn nt'th- ",iKcriiinrt v,,i,r- Knr "v Pe,,,M ,, ,h,i.i a yfa'.Tf"'V:Er'Cc7i.t Pr month jlxcrihers are nt libri t vtotli-continue ;. nv f imn. on sivinsr notic thereof an ! infPni ii invariably pay in advance, ;i :v.-nrit'nible re ference inthivicinil . '1v-rtieni',nt not exceeding lt lim s inlfi'Sili (r a square) will be iisertfd a yie-a'? the first imerii.m &.'25cenK each oni'iiiiiauce. Lnjjer ones at that rat" ervry square. Advertisement mui V rinked "om'ieroi insertions requi re I nr di'v wiil continued until other nr If v'l . fl'"' charged accordingly . L,ctpr addrsed to iheKditor nmt ! piist p titl.T iIipv ntnv not be attendul t. EXPEDITION. -::- From Hi 111 mure lo Blikeft.X C. IN TW KNTY SIX HOURS. ir-:tN rthern and Souiht rn Line yfiravi'l. viu Washington f i I y , Frede ick-duirsj, Richmond, Petersburg. Raleigh, &e. ON nml after the fi'ternth day of Oc tober next, travelleis from ,c York and 1'hiladelnlna. reaching Was!. in; tin In the cv.-nin train on t lie Baiti'imre and Washingtn i R.iil Road, uill be for warded inviH-iliai-ly ly the Steamboat to IVtnmac creek, a"d thence by S(as and 'he Kirhinoml hod Frede i ick ?u: K.iil Road rars In Kichmmd, Vi'Cfini i, which plce tht v will reach ! l()h nVI'ick. A. M. leaving Richmond jm. tnp.i ally , tht-y will .iriiv- in P'tf rsbtirg t' l er, an i at the termination of the PetT-imrc Riil RoaiJ, on tin U anoke( at So!ck. P. M ; h-H ihey will he lor-wa'ili-il 1 v he ex pi-d'iirn! lins of J H. Averv Co. lo llaifix, Tarboroijli, Wdrrenion, Raleigh F.'yetteviile, Colum bia, S. C. Angu-rta, Sic. Tp'nrning th Stages from the South will leach Blnkeley Defot (the let minxiiott of th Petersburg R til Roal) a 4 'ciotk. P. M. Pfterb'irg l J P. M. Rii:hii(nl at '2 A. M and Valiingin city in time for liie al'tcrno'irt train of ar to laliini're iiLikin" the trip each way llivern Balii inore ami Blakeley, oi t'u Rnannk, in tlie unprecedented time of 7 w nit y -si iV htm vs The ahip line is e'nrip'-t'd tl'rongJiont. nnd connect at lliik's Krd, with the Hoydtuii, Dunville, nnd fiibnrv line, and Nnriliern and Southern travellers are gna fHnt'n l aain-t detfiMioii at anv point on ide route between Baltimore and Aniita. The Proprietors. Oct. 4. 1S36 40 Strayed, ,R stolen from the lot of the Subscri ber, on Thursday night, the lOlli of om!er, s3r, A dark hay .Ware, Ahout 15 h inds high, ami Mind of an pvp. Any information re-pecting 'her, given to lle Subscri'ier living near Tarboronh, will he thankfully received. Henry Shnrleu. Nov. 14th, ISG. 4" Taken un, !Y the ?nbsi;riiei , living 6 miips from ' Tarhrou'h, on the road to Halifax. i'm s.lav. the Ml insf. A cliesnnt sorrel Mare, I'Plt hifid foot wliiie. blaze face, small e and about 10 years old. The owner s requested to come lorwurd prove pro- erny, pay ciiarges, an 1 take ner away. . eivsom Ciomne,l. Nov. 14th, 1S3(i. 45 AND KOHTII C.iLOLIiWi 70S 1837, Tor sale t this Office at the Raleigh prices, viz: 10 cents each, 75 cents a dozen, 4 dollars lor half a groce, 57 a grnre, &c. October, 1886. r-e WAS .WUYIJM.HXT. :: Board ot .Mannjers of Jhe ti'nth JhL inton Xationrtl Monumental Sodtty i vne ULSIGXS I.. i this Miuciuie, iuim. vlt'l a a memorial of a NATION'S GRATITUDE. It wnuM be to teller ;nio, to prescribe tiv iiiniK to the exercise n its poweig. wh cli sIkihM, liowever in this case, liar :h uoiilv l!end durability, simplicitv nnd Sia.id'iii. Altlionli it is impi acticntde at present In estifsi ile the extent of tl.e con li'.liutioiis that may ! in de, the Designs may te piedic t n mi :n expenditure ol Hot less than one million of dollars. the Boatd -of 'a. rs will not . (Tend meriran genius m nnch as to offer, in Hiis inttiice, a peomiaii rewHid. The rti-t whose Design sliall b- adopted, will f -el amply remunerated; and all the )e s gns v ill be bound anil carefully preserved to which end, tl is requested that they be sketch- d.as near as may be. on paper of a Hint" i in size, ol th- dimension of sixteen bv twenty two itic'ies. The designs In he tliref!et to GEO RGH ir.-lTTERSOX. See'rtf. $100 u WAU AV from the subscriber, on I nes !nv ni"ht fi- th ol Sentember last, my negro m to named Aged about .Vi yars, ftet high am! thin visrfi'pd. Tom is no doubt lurking in the t'eiijii.'oi ho,.l. a-he hns kill-tl Hi.d injured my cattle, bocs she. p. Jv:c. A Tr'in is a maii':ions ne;io ..ml ill certainly resist to a'tunpt to 'ake him, I will give the ahove reward for his apprehend n iflnkcn in any manner nnd confined in jail. E liz tbci 1 1 Cro nuc e II . October 17. ISnti. 41 Information Is wanted relative to Christopher fi elden. A native of Cialway in Ireland, who resided i or 4 year nii 1M WILMINGTON, N.C, The idijeet o tins ::d iTtlieui' nt :s to know whtr- CUrilophtr li t Idtn at presnnt he was rather hiii't, and "fa aodv -mplex ion. Atitirei the piniiher oi tne fUl mintor. (X. C.) Adccrtisir. April 22. ""ifl. EDWARD MANNING, ORDFjii-'all persons indel'iiu to him lo come forward and nr'Ue imineili ate payment. Also, the inha)itH'U Di-?ricls N-'s. 15 and D, to pay their tax es without delay, as he conii-uipUtes tu going o th- .oi th the 1st o -ept. an ' will not return in six months Those concern ed will please obey the above mandate, a he cannm go without a full adjns. infiU of his affairs before his departure. Chose having claims again?! him wiil please be so condescending as to present them for adjustment within the time prescribed. He will a!so have a couple f JIarses for fie, iHrfSff 5fT One of which is extraordinarily gentle, ..uilable for a family gi- horse One can be delivered the 1st of August, and the other the 1st of -ept. Strict justice re quires, and necessity demands, that the above ar'icle shall be attended to. Julv 9l h. IfiHti. atale oj North t 'nrotina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Equity. SF.PTF.MBER TERM, 183C. Lewis Jllis ) vs. s Bill of Injunction John Peelp tc other?, S C appearing to the atisfar!ion of said f;ourt that Jacob Home, one of the lt ten''anl in the above case, is a non-rest dent: It is therefore ordered, ihal publica tion be made for six weeks i the Tarboro' Press notifying him to appear at the next session of said Court, to be held for said Com.tv. at the C ourt l..nc in Tarboro on the second Monday in March next, then and there to plead or demur t said bill oi answer the same, or j 'dgment wi! be ta ken pro confesso and said bill be set for hearing ex parte as to him. W i iiess, Isaac Norfleef, Clerk and Mas ter of ?aid Court, at office, the second Monday of September, 1836- NOR FLEET, C.ME. Ih) JVm. NorJleel,D.C.8fc. Frice adv $3 50. HINKTON SEMscrtlatrcoiis, T FiX AS. Tlie vacancy as Commander in C'liir, occasioned by the election of Gen. Houston to'ilie Presiden cy, will l,e filled, it U said, by one of the three candidates, GenPs. Thomas Kusk, Gieen, or Felix Houston. Mexico The new brig-of-war for Mexico, built at Baltimore, ar rived at Vera Cruz, Sept. 22d. She measures 367 tons, and will mount IS pound grenades. She h.is provisions for 6 months, and is to be commanded by Captain I 7 u rs Gen. Rravo, who is appointed to the command of the army a - gainst Texas, will have, it is re- porteti, 10 to 12.000 men. A de- j ro'rtd, and they only wanted the j mg this gas, hie is only snspend taehment of 2000 under Gen a,d ol a cooler, and a few pounds ed, and that the application ol Guarray had refused to march for ' f Goshen butter, to have been , water will restore it either bv con- want of pay. A loan of $800,000' has been raised bv the Govern- ment. Htisiamente, the Ex-President, who it is said has been invi ted to return, is daily expected from FVauce. flT'The ludicrous effect pro duced on a body of armed Mexi cans w ho beheld for the first time, the movements of a Steamboat, is thus described by one of the Officers. At the time of the Texian cam paign, Gen. Guana, from the in terior Province of Guanajuato, j w',e anf seducing the affections while on the banks of the Brassos ' blasting forever the character with his troops, ordered sev n ofja P00"" girl; and on Wednesday his men who could sw im, to go in- to the water and stop a steamboat, filled wifh Texian soldiers that was approaching at the rate often or twelve miles an hour! But as she came roaring on, sending forth columns of smoke, with her sides barricaded with cotton bales, not only the selected seven, but the whole force eight bun- (bed men stood appalled at the i addition to his other vile offences, arrive the next morning after en- -nearly equal to the Austrian em "serpenl ol fire," as they thought : he endeavored to shelter himself joying a good night's sleep, with- Pr- Her acquisitions from Tur- lier. v htn opposite the valiant u.v degrading 111s poor vie- ottr stopping Jor meals in time 10 ,ieJ 111 Jv'rope are ol greater ex army, the iCugineer let off a ter- tim, and absolutely had the impu-! take the boat for Philadelphia, ten! than the Prussian dominions, r;fi blast of steam, and the caval- t'eMCe a,,l villauy instate, that : arrive at Philadelphia at 2 P.M. inclusive of the Rhenish provinces. r ivheeled and fled. The infan- !he yo,,,' woman administered 1 in time for the mail lo New York, Rer acquisitions f ont Turkey in trv broke their lines, dropped tht ir drugs to him to seduce him into! and arrrive at New York at half' Asia are nearly equal in d:men- mnsKets, and lollowed in the re- . treat, and the Steamboat was miles ! away before the soldiery could be! rallied 10 tire a 121111. Iudeed.it! was with the utmost difih ully they could be prevailed upon to ap- proach the banks of ihe river at all, and when they did so, it was with fear anrl tremhliii". A'. Y. Jour, of Com. Ra e Extraordinary. We un- quences. In this country, espe dersinnd. some tinif last tvppk. it ciallv among the Germans, who lawyers and the Judge, on their wav to Lincoln court, in this Stale, were fogging along quite 1 1 "1 I- ." . leisurely, in I. ;dian file, when the fifth horse became alarmed at ed, croup is an exceedingly rare something in the road, and star- disease. Whereas in cities, or ted, upset the gig, threw out the among people who adopt ihe driver, and scattered books, pa- mode of dress common in cities, pers, &,c. in every direction. He this frightful disease is, in propor soon came up with the fourth tion to the population; vastly horse, which also took alarm, and more frequent. During a pre served his driver in the same way. tice of six years among the The two horses now kept going '"Pennsylvania Dutch," he met ahead, and succeeded in over tak-l w but a single case of this af iug the third, second, and fi.-st i fection; and this case occurred in horses, all of which took the i alarm, and went ahead; but think ing their load too heavy, and see ing the advantage their opponents had over them, soon knocked their sulkies to pieces, scattered books papers, lawyers, and all in the road, and then endeavored to overtake Nos. 4 and 5, but wheth er they succeeded or not, we are uninformed. All. of this took place within four or five miles of the court house; and although the five sulkies were knocked into a cocked-hat, we are happy to learn that the lawyers were worse scar ed than hurt. Georgia paper. Despatch. We were yester day, says the New York Gazette, an eye-witness to a specimen o.' despatch, which, had it notf;1lhi! under our own inspection, v should have been scepiical in bp lievincj. It was the operation, at the Pair of the American Institute, "f reducing wheat, in straw, to baked bread in ten minutes. The process was as follows: Twelve bundles of straw were placed in a machine in the garden, which came out threshed in a miuui and a half; the winnowing was effected in a minute; the grinding and bolting occupied a niimtie and a half; the dough was knead ed and the cakes formed in two minutes. The whole contents J twelve bundles were placed in kitchen range and came out thoroughly baked in four minutes I making, in the whole, ten min - j ules- The cakes were distributed swallowed in another minute, without the aid of mastication. Another Reverend Seducer nnd Scoundrel Some weeks ago, the j Rev. 1 homas Warren Walker,' living in mis borough, ahandonedi we find it stated that the number ! several rich specimens of anti a most affectionate wife, to w hom! of chartered batdts in that city is q'diies have been discovered in he had been united for several fourtcen, with an actual capital of FVauce. years, and run away with a young) more than ten millions of dollars, j Liverpool, 0-t. 12. Our Cot girl under 18, one of the class lea- There have been imported into ' ton market cmitinuts erv dull; tiers of a class over which this affectionate saint presided. A warrant was issued out against him immediately, for leaving his' j ne was apprehended and brought ! hefor? a magistrate, and convicted ol being a rogue ana a vagabond, and sentenced to be confined in the House of Correction at Wor- ! cester, and there to be kept at hard labor for three calender I months. On being aked what he nai to sa-v m his defence, he PIeaf" g"i"V the charge; but in 1 1 ,u,c ,,,,u ".l ,,ilu ' "muniteu. Kidderminister Messenger. ' Warm Clothing vs. Crvvp. Mr. Fberle, in his excellent work! 011 the diseases of children, sa si the mode of clothing infants with j their necks and upper part of the! breast bare, cannot fail lo render I them more subject to ihe influence ! of cold, and its dangerous conse- are in the habit of clothing their' children in such a manner as to mat any one entertaining an at - leave no part of the breast audtachment for a young gentleman 1 .: C.i I. i c!'i!l nt fln C.ct lower portion of the neck expos a lanuly who had adopted the pre- sent universal mode of suffering the neck and superior pari of the breast to remain uncovered. Useful Discovery by a lady. It is stated in the Ravenna (Ohio) Courier, that an important dis covery was made at Copley, Ale dina county, by h lady. Mr. Vail, his son and another person were digging a well, and the son having gone down first, was pros trated on breathing the noxious damps below. His father des cended to his relief, and ihe third started for a physician. In the mean lime several ladies assem bled at the place and one threw down a pail of water, most of ttliicli fell on tlie face of Mr. V. ho caught breath, rose and seiz ed the senseless body of his son, cu into the tub and was drawn up by the ladies. Water was imme diately appled to the young man, which in a short time produced symptoms of reluming life. iIr. V. in a few hours attained his usu al health and strength, and the young man by medical aid had so far recovered as to be able to walk alwtn, the succeeding day. I ne experiment of letting doun a lighted candle was made, which went out at the distance of six leet from the top of the well. A live chicken was also let down, and at the depth of six feet animation became suspended; but by pouring down water nnou it. animation jwas immediately restored. From i this it appears, that upon inhal- veying atmospheric air contained in ihe water, or from some other cause. C-TIn a notice of the Statistics of Baltimore, in the Transcript, Baltimore, since the commence - ment of the present year, from for eign countries, 123,7i2 btishels of Wheat. Unparalleled rapidity of travel-'' 1CS0. the population of the Rus ling. The travelling North and empire was fifteen millions; South, via Norfolk, is the most ; al the act ession of Catherine the expeditious after all. Passengers second, in 17f2, twenty-five mil leave Halifax, (N. C.) we will say at her death, in 179G, thir on Friday morning; they arrive at, ly SIX millions; and at the death of Portsmouth at 3 o'clock, by the 'the eatperor Alexander, now rail road cars, from which they : eleven 3 ears since, fifty-eight mil immediately transfer themselves : hns. The acquisitions ol Russia lo one of the boats of the Norfolk lro,n Sweden are greater than and Baltimore steamboat line, and "hat remains of lhat kingdom, proceed to Baltimore where they ' Her acquisitions .in Poland are past IU. In a word, they leave Halifax N. C. on FViday morning states of Germany. Her acquisi and go to bed at a seasonable timis in Tartary have an area not hour in New York on Saturday inferior to Turkey in Fuiope, "'Sht and that too, with as little ; Greece, Italy, and Spaiti. The latigne and as much comfort and j acquisitions she has made within expedition as it is possible to meet I l,,e last sixty-four years are equal with in public travelling in anyj'n extent and importance to the part of ihe world. Jor. Herald. Notice, Ladies. We see that frontier has been advanced to at a meeting of young ladies ! wards Berlin, Dresden, Munich, in county (Ga.) some weeks ; Vienna, and Paris, about one hun- back, it was unanimously resolved j shall at ihe first opportunity say i to him "snio." to which his reolv ing"snap" is to be taken and held so much of a marriage treaty, as to render his retreat dishonora ble. Nevertheless any gentleman withholding the responsive mono syllable, shall continue to be re ceived as before. Wonder what the ladies hereabouts would say to this plan? jforeijjn. From the A". Y. Courier and En quirer of the I Ith. Later from England. The Packet Ship Westminster, Capt Moore, from London, arrived yesterday morning. She sailed from Portsmouth on the I7th of October. We have received by her London papers to the evening of the 1 4th ultimo. The money market in London is evidently in a very unsettled state, ami the rale of interest ad vancing; a slight improvement h he price of Consols took place however, on the last day of which we have accounts. The situation of Portugal does! not pppmr much bfilfr. 'I he late rent!iin 5rems to be gener ally unpopular ai.d to nit el with j little support. The difit retires between Frnnre and Switzerland .., m the prim i pal topic of dis tsioii in lire FVenrh papers. Tie ion?n:tttii caiin between the two roinitrtes is almost entiielv closed We cannot, hnwevt-r, think this state 'of limits will lead to any ir: pt.rt ant consequences. I liese roeas ures of non-intercourse mesf t v dfiuly be as injurious to the pnri adopfmg them as lo the pa r against which they are diiect-.d. In Spain all is still confusion and anarchy. The new ministry are becoming unpopular. - 'I he engagement Viliarobleo, which the liberal party claimed as a de cisive victory, iloes not appear to have been ol much importance, ag Gomez subsequently continued his route towards Andalusia, with the view of cutting off the commnni- j cation between Madrid and Ca- die. The lirittsh lecion had again been engaged wiih the Car- ! lists, without any other result than , the loss of life. i but without any material change in prices. Russian a(rrrrni,dizements. At i the accession oi Peter the first, in s,ns to tne wnoie ol the smaller :unoie empire sue nan in Europe j before that time. The Russian ,JrefI miles; towards Constantino- ;Pu nve nunnreo mile; towards j StockhoJm, about six hundred and ! thirl V inilec f uu nrde Ttdiorun nna thirty miles; towards Teheran one thousand miles. Progress of Russia. FROM HAVANA. Havana, Oct. 22 Tfu long looked for Spanish Correo arriv ed last night, afier a passage of 43 days, from Corunna. She brought a Royal Decree, dated 1 Dili August, declaring thai no alteration is to b made in this Island unless it be directed by ihe Cortes, which will meet on the 24 1 h October. Consequently, the Constitution oflS12 will not be proclaimed here, for sometime at least. The Mexican schr. Artrevido arrived at Havana from Catnpea cy; the authorities immediately arrested the Captain and confined him on board a ves.se! of w ar and seized the schr. OCThe'New Orleans Bulletin of the 3d iost. says. "By ihe bris Octavia, Weems, from Ha vana, 24th inst., we learn that a revolution had broken nt io St. Jago de Cuba. Gov. Tacon, had ordered two ships of war from Havana to that port.

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