Whole Xo. 63 3. Tarb orovgh, (Edgecombe County, X. C.) Saturday, December 3, 1836 Vol. XLl o. 47. The "Tarlmrough Presx" ililihpcl weekly , at Two Dollars ami l'-'y:irn Dollars. the expiration til'i Pi, .-.ii.l.on v-r. For any peril In not ! i nereot ami the ;ill),c,,,,.,o.. v.-. i 111 '. ... I. i. ...... in.U.rnnliniip .11 s.ibcritei s arc n. ..... . - "... fiine. on emu Bin - . . ai i p:.rs those re-iuii f em"' invuriahlypay in lvs.nre, oi ri,arf sponsible relVrence inthisvicinily. 'irtvei tisetniil not exceeding lt lines nlenglh square) will he inset ted at o cents (he first insertion &i-2ocf nts each oDlinuaiice. Longer ones at that rate firpvery square. Advertisements :nnst benmWe'l the nnm'ierot insertions requ'i jjortlipy will ! continued nnlilother ie or-l' il.anil charged iircc.i dinzlv. Lt-'ters addressed ttheKdior must ho p.it p.ii J.r tliP.v ntay no! be attemU.I to. 1 FFrv te ex iJ edit: from Bo Hi mure to Blnkeh.PC. C. IN TWENTY-SIX IIOUUS. Great Northern and Southern Line iif iraVel. via Washington city, Frede- icksburg, Richmond, Petersburg. Kaleigh, &c. ON anil after tlie fifteenth day of Oc tober next, travellers frn-n New Voik ami riiitiiellna, ren'hiiig- Washing I in liv tlie evening Hun on the Baltimore anl Washington R.i1 Kad, will be foi nardtrd immediately by the A fcjSW Steamboat to IViomac creek, and thence hy Sl.isrrs and tlie liichinond hml Freclr ritlsliuij Kaii lioad cars to Richmond, Virginia, which jdaoe they will reach t 10J o'clock, A. M. leaving Uirl.inond im meilialely, they will arrive in Petersburg to .turner, and at the termination of tin IVerljurfi: Rail Road, on the R aoke, m o'clock, P. M ; whence they will he for warded by 'he eipeditions lines of J l. Avery &i Co. to Halifax, Tarborongh, Warrenton, Raleigh. Fayetteville, Colum bia, S. C. Augusta, k.c. .nf-rf3 Returning the Stages from the South will teach Bbtkelev Depot (the termination nf th. Petersburg Rail Road) at 4 o'clork, P.M. P-tcrsbnrg at t P. M. Richmond at 2 A. M and Washincton city in lime for the afternoon train of i ar to Baltimore making the trip each way between Balti more and Blakeley, on the RoanoU", in the unprecedented time of Twenly-si.v hours The above line is connected throughout, and connects at Hick's Ford, with the Boydton, Danville, mid nlibm v line, ami Nmihern and Southern travellers are gua rantied against Hpfeniion at anv point on the route bt lwem Baltiinurr- ami Augusta. WASHINGTON JlitJWMltXT. flJlFIK Board nt Managers oft)Pra,. -C inzlon National Monumental Society invne DESIGNS for this structure, inten de.l us h iimmiioi i,i of a NATION'S GRATITUDE. It would be to fetter genius, to prescribe anv lin.it in Hie exercise ol itg powers, wh'ch should, however, in this case, har :ii.ni..uly blend durability, simplicity and SiandiMir. Although it i iinju acticatde nt present to esiim tte the extent of tlie con tiibutions that limy b- nihtle, the Desien ma y be predicateit on an expenditure of not levs than one million of dollars. I he Board of Ma-iagers w ill not offend Arm i ican genius so much as t offer, in itiis instance, h pecuniary rewaitl. The artit. w hose Design shall lie adopted, w ill feet amply remuneratetl; and all the De s gns w ill he bound and carefully preserved to which end, it is requested that they be sketched, as near as may be, on paper of a nnif i ui size, of the dimensions of sixteen by tw. nty-iwo inches. The designs to be directed to GEORGE ir.lTTEMSON. See'ty. $10() Keward. from the subscriber, on I Hes !av niht tin- (ih of September last, my negro man named ' TOM, Aged about 5i years, f ie t high and thin Visaed, 'l oin is no tlotiht lurkioe in the neighborhood, as he has kill d and tnjnietl my cattle, bog--, sheep, iwc. A T'in is a malteiotis negio .intl will eonaiuly reis an mtmpt to take him, I uiil give ihe a!mve re vi nrd for his anprehetisi 'it if taken in any manner ami confined in jail. Jiiiz a belli Cru unveil October 17. 1S3 41 The l'i oprit toys. Oct. 4. lF3f. to Strayed, stolen from the lot of li e nhcri- ber. on Thursday nic-t. tl.e lUt'i of vlvalnbpr, 1S36, .1 dark bay .Move, About 15 hands high, and blind of an ye. Any inf nniation refpectin? 'her. given to 'he Subcriber living near T.uborough, be thankfully received, Henry Shnrley. Xov. 14th, 183fl. ' 45 1 4 Tak 'icn tip. Y the Subscribe) , living t mile from ' Tarbrnuah. on the r n.t to Halifax. " J'uesday.the rth ir.st. i chesuui sorrel .Mure, e't hind foot white, blaze face, small f'ZR. and about 10 years old. The owner 's rf(ues(tM , c.(),e forward, prove pro '1(f,v, pay charges, and take her awtiy. A ewsom Cvo v.nv e I. ov. Hi I), 1R3H, 45 Information Is wanted relative to Christopher clrfciL A native of Galway in Ireland, who resided i or 4 year-. a-'o IN'VILMINGTON, N, C, Th" object l this ..' v ertueiip tit is tf know when- L'hriluphtr WtlJen at present he was ratlierMu.il, ami of a safiov romp'ex- i ion. Aiioreis tlie piilih.tier ol the h il- minglon ( S. V ) Advertiser. April 2 M. EDWARD MAflNiNcT ORDEH ad persons indhud w Li'n io come f. t ward and m;-he imn.edi ale payment. Also, (be iohabila .i s .1 Di-tricts N'.s. 15 and 16, to pay iheir tax es without delay, ; he contemplates on going to tiie .North the 1st ol re;t an I will oo reiur.. in six months Those concern ed will please obey the above mandate, a he cannot go without a full hi jus.ineut of his affairs before his departure. i'hose having cla ins against him wi I pi. ae be so coiidescendiug as to prese.it them for aujustinert within the time prescribed. He will also have a couple i.f Horses for -ale.. One nf which i p-ttrnordinaril senile. suitable for a family gi. home One ran tie delivered the 1st of August, and the other the 1st of -?ept. Sirid justice re quires, ami necessity demand-, that ihe above article si. all be atleuiteu to. July J:h. 1830. AND KOHTH C.1LOLLW1 r rikt mt tor srnt vi FOE 1337. For sale .,t this OfSce at" the Raleigh prices, viz: 10 cents each, 75 cents a dozen, 4 dollars tor half a groCl. a gtoce kc Uctoljcr, 1S36. blate of North Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Equity. SEPTEMBER TERM, 1835. Lewis Ellis ) vs. Bill of Injunction John Peeie Si others, ) If appearing to the satisfaction of said Court that Jacob Home, one of the defendants in the above case, is a non-resident: It is therefore ordered, :hat publica tion be made for sis weeks in the Tarboro Press, notifying him to appear hi the next session of said Court, to be held for said County, at the Court ll'.ue in Tarboro on the second Monday in March next, then and there to plead or demur to said bill or aiimer the fame, or judgment will beta ken pro coufesso and said bill be set for hearing ex parte as to him. Witness, Isaac .Norfleet, Clerk and Mas ter of taid Court, at office, the second Monday of September, 1836. NORFLEET, C.M E. By JVm.NorJleet,D.C.8fC. Price a'dr $3 60. VJ the Contentnea Tlanti'lt l.u . r,r. . u ' house, 21,r, 22rf, and 23d days of October, I S36 ? rril ' FRIDAY, Orioht-r 21st. 1 ho introductory discourse was IHivercl hy M(,rk ir fn.m (Uocn. xv,. 17,18.) Now I b4li y(,, lru hren, m;,rK then, which Cdii divisions and ,xZe, Z V (JOt;trine W,,i,'h ye ve lHHrne,!;. aill avoid liui.. Ior hey ihataresticli 8rve not our Lord Jeu ; , ir?',b0,,y; aml hy words and fair &pe?c!lic;s itjciv Uie hearts of the simple. The (felmrates then HsscmhM for business, and after prayer chose Thomas Dupn e Moderator, Mark Dennett V! John A- A,kin Clerk Assistant. Corresponding Messengers and brethren it. the ministry from corresponding Associations, were invited to seats wiib lis; m. rivMAsr from Kehuke, ; Hurwkll 'I'kmplk. ili IIoeea.nd, James K Harbour from Litile Uiver- ul nam rfCKKT from White Oak; John Stadlkr. Thorn,, w Ivobert McKee, Stephen I. Chandler and Jo-I JJoIion, Irt.m Country Line; and Ashley fiwiM from the Abbot's Creek Union Association, took seats Willi us. 1. Reatl the Constitution and Rules of Decorum. 2. Appoimrd Benj. Bynum and Sherrod Tice a com miit e of Finance. 'o. Letters from the several churches wen? read, their delei-ates' names enrolletl, and their changes since last year's silting noted as follows: Rnpti'zul 5, received by leiter 1, dismissed by letter 10, excluded 19, defeased G, members 42G. j 4. Petitionary letters were enquired for. ! 5. The circular letter was called for, handed in, and re ferred to a committee, consisting of 15. Bynum, J. A. At kinson, J. Siadler, A. Swnint, and the moderator. G. Letters of correspondence were enquired for, A h tter and file of minutes from the K hukee and White OmI Asoci tti(its, and minutes from the Little River, Country. Line and Abbot's Creek Union, were presented by th ir messengers above named. 7. Thos. Dopree, J. A. Atkinson und Mark Bennett were appoint'et! to visit th- K huke Association; Jacob Precltir. I. Moore and B. Bynum, the Lit le River; B. Bynum. Win. Exum and James Griffin, tin- Country Line, ami B. Bynum and James Griffin the Abbot's Creek Union; and I. Moore ami M. Bennett io visit the White Oak. Adjourned to Saturday, 10 o'clock, A. M. SATURDAY, October 2&.d. The list of delegates was called over, and absentees rioted. 0 The committee to whom the circular was referred lor examination reported: They find no fault with if, but reeommend it to the consideration of the Association. It was then reatl in tlie Association; and ordered to be al taehed to our present minutes. 9. The Committee of Finance reported as follows: B iK?'ic rem:iinin; ir. llifv irraury last year, - 522 IS Cooti ibuiioos ai this Asocijlion, - . 10 G5 IVul for printing; minutes last year, P..id Itr U Tor sei vires, Kidt-r Duprec for at lending Kchukee As-r-oeialiun, S3S S3 SI0 00 10 00 2 00 22 00 SI 6 S3 -hv iu ihe treasury - - Silucl October, 1S3G. SIIKRROD TISON, n 13KNJ. 13V;UM, S Lom" 10. Appointed J. A. Atkinson to write a circular to accompany our next mmuies. 11. Appointed Wm. Ilyumn, John Stadler, and Ashley 'waim, lo preach on Sunday: to begin at 10 o'clock. 12. Agreed that our next annual meeting be at Town Cr. ek M II Fdjjecombe County, to commence Friday! befote the fourth Sunday in October 1837; Benjamin By num to pie eh the introductory sermon, or Ichabod Moore in case of failure: worship to begin at 11 o'clock, A. M. 13. Appointed. .Mark Bennett to prepare these minutes for the press, to have 400 copies printed, and distributed; as uun, and to record one copy on the Association Book. 14. The minutes were read and subscribed by the mode rator and clerk. Thpn adjourned to the lime and place appointed as above. THOMAS DUPltEE, Moderator. MARK BENNETT, Clerk. SUNDAY, October 23rd. Brother Thomas Gibson introduced worship by singing and prayer; after which brother Swaim preached from Neb. vi. 17. Wherein God, willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath. Brother Stadler next preached from 2 Tim, ii. 7. Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things. Brother Uyman concluded worship, after a few per&nent remarks, by prayer and ginging. The word of the Lord was faith fully preached. Our hearts felt, Bless the Lord for such oreachina; our lonoUes said, Bless jbe Lord for such preaching; and bur pen lecords, Bless tbe Lord for such preaching. CIRCULAR LETTER. 'I ho delegates and brethren compoMiig the ConleMnta Uapfist As--ocialion. assembled at While Oak meeting house, KdM combe county, N. C. 22d, 23d nnd 24th of Odoher, to Uie several churches of said Association, wiih brotherly kindne: Dear brethren in Christ, God io his providence has granted ': he privilege to mceS and sit together again according to our last year's appointment. It affords matter for unteignvd humility and thankfulness that, amidst all our frailties, follh s and ects-es, our sloth, ingratitude and lukewarmness, our worldly-knindedr.ess, Vant 'V and pride, we yet enjoy these manifestations that the loving kind ness of our God change not, and his tender meicirs laii not. Pray ing that we all may feel 'deeply sensible o! this jr.eat grace, and that we may pass the lime of our sojourning here in fear, and in the loVe ol God, we will rail your attention to a lew remarks, louchin THE. WASHING OF ONE ANOTHER'S FEKT.& And fir-t: 'Ought thh To be observed ax a practice amongst the people of God. cr not? Secondly: If it ought to be observed, then. ! stances should it be -practised? Thirdly: Have not the chcumsiances under uhich it is to be ; performed, been made the occasion for shunning this condescend ; ing duty, and so. of evading the cross of Christ? r list: uuit this to be observed as a pructtce amongst the peo ple of God, cr not? With respect to the obligation, our Lord has said, Ye also ought to wash one another's fret. (John, xiii. 14.) We consider that it would ho vanity and impiety for any lo argue, that the loim of this injunction differs from an express command, by sayinir, for instance, in the institution of the Supper there is an express command- ibis do; while in the cae of washing feel n is said, ye 'ought. For if -we can exercise a discretion t di-pense with what ClniM has said we ought to do, then it is difficult to say where such a diseitlion might not carry us: and whether it might not lead us to dispense with any. of his commands. The obligation is enfoi cod hy Christ's exan pie: As I have washed your feel, so ye also ought, &e. With regata to tne people concerned, they were Ihe people of God. The words were addressed specially to them, and to no other-: Ye ought to wash one another's feet. As it regards Ihe contiiitiai.ee as a f rdctice, our Saviour does not express how often his disciples should repeal it, hut simply speaks the obligation and leaves the suhject. Yet 32 years after the command vas given, the apostle Paul, who understood the subject, tientions it as a requisite prac tice amongst the saints. (1 Tim. v. 10.; We therefore conclude that it ought to be observed as a practice amongst the people of God. Secondly: If it ought to be observed, then. Under what circum sla7ices should il be practised? Should it not bepraciised in the churches as a church ordinance? We answer, No. llecnuse, 1. women performed it. (1 Tim. v. 10.) 2. Women were no where required to administer or to assist in the public ministration of, church ordinances. 3. 'Member of the church were not requin d in the management of their nouses and fimilies, or in entertaining the brethren, to practice a church ordi nance. But it should oh performed 1. by b th. mt u and won.t n: 2. at their own private dwellings: 3. to professors, of religion who come to lodge with them: 4. as an act ot kindness and hopuaJjfy in affording them hearty entertainment: 5 as among ihe "-ood works which Christians should he careful to maintain 6. and ihe whole in honor to Christ. Let not a widow be taken into the number un-d-r threescore yars old, having been tbe wile ot one man, ;vel! reported of for good works; if she h ive brought up children, il she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saints Iter, if he have relieved the jifibced, j sl have diligently followed every good work. (1 Tim. v. 9, 10.) These aie th ehie'f of the circum stances by which this pmrtice should b regulated. Thirdly: Have vol lh tircumsluncm under tihirh it ; h performed, been mode thr occasion for shunning this condes cending uuiy, ana so, oj cvuaing the cross vj Christ i ....". mere are. among the Ifapihis. those who think leel washing should be publicly celebrated in Ihe chinches, as an aeeomnfli.impn1? cf the Supper; yet the more part have given up this point as un tenable. Having once settled the question that it i; not lo be prac tised in the churches, many have, it is to be feared, hid aside the suhject as having no farther concern with it. The act requires a stoop which the old man in everv Ch riStilll. ff!s 1 riiMlir,i.iniu 1 make. And if it is to be performed as an act of hospitalb v in cases of necessity, then we too easily persuade ourselves that such cases of necessity seldom or never occur. We are apt lo take up Ihe proverb, and plead that, in sandy Countries where people travel afoot, feet washing becomes necessary: but in our own country and by our manner of travelling, the necessity of the, practice is su perseded. Besides, say pride, it were impolite to ask a manor a woman at our houses to have his or her feet washed. But we think, Brethren, it is safer to abide by the scriptures. Abraham did not think it impolite. (Gen. xviii. 4.) To ask them to eat, lo drink, to go to rest, 10 wash their face, are acts of kindness; and Chris tians, diligent to follow every good work, would ask them to have their fret washed; and the humble Christian would not refuse. If it were to be conducted before the eyes of Ihe church, few, per haps, would draw back: but as it is, we can -neglect it without our brethren's knowledge. Hence we think that the circumstances connected with its right pei foi mance, have been unjustly rendered an occasion for shunning this du'y, and evading the ciosC If we are not mistaken, Beloved Brethren, the practice of washing one another's feet, has long been almost entirely neglected. It ha" not hy many been praciised in any form. We wish vou lo exa mine this our Circular, and compare il with Ihe scriplue: and if you find we have laketi a scriptural view of the subject, lei us with one consent agree not to pass it by a a thing nought, hut practise, among all other good works t hml which is our duty, and the humblest stoop in ihe Christian's lie. And yet in another ense it is no stoop, Huctt it is in conformity with the example of our Lord and Saviour. Trust in the testimony of Jesus. Try to ve in the faith and patience of the saints. May the Lord preserve vou by his grace, and keep you by his power through fai'h unto -alvation ready to be revealed in the last lime. Worship God. Unto him be glory i" lhe church by Christ Jesu, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.