S A TURD V, DEC. 3, ISSfi. fXThe weather is unusually severe for the season on Monday nijrht 1 t, we bad a Ml of snow, part of which still remains. Q7A coroner's inquest was held in this county on Thursday last, over the body of Mr. H-irrod Pittman, who was shot the pre ceding by Mr. Joseph George, They were returning home, and when near Teat's bridge, an alter cation took place between them, which terminated in Mr. Citiman's receiving the contents of a pistol in his body, causing his death in a few hours. ELECTION KKTURNS. OFFICIAL. Counties, lran Ihiren. White. Anson, 299 CS9 Ashe, 313 297 Beaufort, 180 GIG Bertie, 442 312 Bladen, 2G3 195 Brunswick. SS 123 Buncombe, Burke, Cabarrus, Camden, Carteret, Caswell, Chatham, Chowan, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Currituck, Davidson, Duplin, Edgecombe, Franklin, Gates, Granville, Grepne, Guilford, Halifax, Haywood, Hertford, Hvde, Iredell, Johnston, Jones, Lenoir, Lincoln, Macon, Martin, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Moore, Nash, New Hanover, Northampton, Onslow, Orange, Pasquotank, Perquimons, Pitt, Randolph, Rich.nond, Robeson, Rockingham, Rowan, Rutherford, Sampson, Stokes, Surry. Tyrrell, Wake, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Wilkes, Yancy, 350 724 332 744 231 440 88 157 152 123 1055 107 599 718 140 203 159 112 324 1S7 GG7 41S 424 33 109 593 GS2 197 1175 90 584 233 2S1 103 494 G64 173 143 335 788 330 495 205 13G 214 253 74 1G9 337 772 448 30G 90 155 281 172 13SG 591 2S8 182 559 179 965 712 10G G44 493 181 481 95 735 150 183 359 446 140 1103 905 155 200 50 1GG 3GS 377 160 349 57 438 472 293 8G0 223 108 1131 449 929 559 297 978 G84 6G5 617 35 189 813 GG5 CG2 8G 48 193 551 1G2 209 744 267 13S CLVVe have received no deci sive news in relation to the Presi dential Election in .any of the States, since onr last paper, ex cept from Louisiana. The Mobile Advertiser, a whig paper, Mates that the whig Electoral ticket has succeeded in Louisiana, by a majority of 32 votes, viz: Whig ticket 3.502, Van Buren 3,470. Whig major ity 32. OyCongress will assemble at Washington City on Monday next, 5lh December. (J We regret to learn that a fire occurred at the Hail Hoad Depot in Petersburg on Tuesday last, which destroyed the machine and carpenter's shops, several Loco motives, coaches, cars, &c. The buildings were insured, but the Company will sustain a loss of from 10 to 5515,000 Governor's Message. We re gret our inability to lay before our readers this week, the inter esting Message of Gov. Spaight. The Raleigh Standard speaks of it as follows: "We would call the reader's at tention to this document, which is alike creditable to the head, the heart, and the principles of its au thor. It is practical in its sug gestions, and distinguished throughout for good sense and sound doctrine. The Governor is very happy in characterizing the schemes of nullifiers and federal whigs to bribe the States with their own money, by collecting from the I people a surplus revenue for the purpose of dealing a portion of ir back to them again, as a "compro mise between Nullification and a Protecting Tariff." But we invite every dispassion ate man to persue the message; and then say whether he does not believe, with us, (hat Gov. Spaight was most unrighteously proscribed last August, by means of a clamor. totally unwarranted by either! truth, justice, or the common; courtesies of life. Court for the District of North Carolina, commenced in this City; the Hon. Philip P. Barbour, As sociate Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the Hon. Henry Potter, Uni ted States District Judge for North Carolina, presiding. No case of much importance came up for decision at this term, and the Court adjourned on Monday, the 14lh inst. ib. Distressing. A son of Giles W. Pearson, Esq of Rowan coun ty, aged about 3 years, was burn ed to death a few days since by his clothes taking fire. ib. Hail Road Meeting. A mee ting of the Stockholders of the Wilmington and Roanoke Rail Road Company was held at Wil mington, on the 7th itist. Dr. Samuel A. Andrews, of Waynes boro' was appointed Chairman. From a Report made to the meeting, it appears that about 30 miles of the Road have been loca ted, and 25 put under contract. The contracts, so far have fallen within the estimates of the Engi neer. Six hundred tons of Iron, spikes &c. two Locomotives, and Wheels and Axles for 30 Cars, have been ordered from England deliverable in March next. Three Instalments have been paid amounting to $41,000, of which there have been expended $37,000. It is the determination of the Com pany to commence the Road at the Halifax end of it, so soon as the Subscriptions, North of the Contentnea, amount to a sum which will carry the Road to some point from which a profit could be expected. Gen. Dudley tendered his re signation as President of the Company, but withdrew it at the unanimous request of the meeting. licleigh Register. Sale of Negroes. N MONDAY, the 2l day of January next, will be (told at public sale, on a credit of six months with interest from the dale, et the late residence of Charles Wil kinson, decV, Two likely Young negro Fellows, Belonging to said estate. HZTAt the same lime and place, the Land and Negroes, Will be rented and hired nut the ensuing year. Bond and approved security will be required before the property is changed. Silas Wilkinson Adm'r. Dec. 2, 1636. FOU SALE, LEASE, or RENT. QrnnE Dwelling House belonging to Ihe iJL Silicriber, now wet u pied ly the Rev. John Siiureltary, In Tar borough, Is for sale, lease, or rent. Fr further particulars apply to C. King, in "larboro'. Thomas D. Gallin. November 29, 183H. 42 20,910 232G2G f7From the subjoined state ment it will appear that this Congressional district has shaken off whiggery by a handsome ma jority: Van Buren. IVhite. Edgecombe, 1 175 90 Pitt, 36S 377 Beaufort, ISO 61 6 Hy.le, 74 UJ Waohingtou, 48 193 Tynell, 35 189 1830 1634 1634 Majorily. 2-46 Raleigh, Nov. 29. Legislature Hot little busi ness has been done so far, and no debate has arisen, as yet, to give variety to the usually dull details of incipient legislation Reg fX7Willie P. Mangum, late one of the Senators in Congress from tins State, has resigned the bal ance of his term, which would have expired on the 4th of March next. .Jnhn M. Skinner, Esq. whig, has bt-en elected to the Slate Sen ate from the Perquimons and Pas quotank district, in place of Jesse Wilson, whip, deceased. John B. Muse, Esq. member elect to the House of (.'omtnons, from Pasquotank county, has re signed his seat, in consequence of extreme bad health; and, as will be st-eu from our legislative pro ceedings, Thursday the 8lh of December has been designated for holding an election supply the va cancy. Raleigh Standard, Meeting of Electors. On Wed nesday next, 7th proximo, the fif teen Electors of President nnd Vice President ffr this State, will assemble in this City, and cast their votes for a President and Vice President of the United States. ib (HWe hail with unfeigned pleasure the arrival amongst us of J one of the Locomotives intended for our Kail road. We learn that another is -oon expected, which will be ordered to Weldon via Portsmouth lo ply on the North ern end of the Road. This looks like going ahead in earnest. A for ourelves who never as yet have taken vat in a Car, the mat ter, is altogether a novelty, and we have much pleasure in antici pation from the ten mile ride, which the Directors promise u on or about the 1 5th June next. Wilmington Jidv, Public Sale of Negroes, Crop, Stock, &c. Tuesday, the 27lh December next, will be sold at public sale, at the late I residence of Harrod Pitman, dee'd, on Swilt Creek, 18 miles noiiii Ii.mh l'alor', ; and about 10 utile east from the Falls Tar River, on a credit of twelve months with j interest from the date, About 25 valuable NEGROES, Most of them good young working . hands. JIUo, the Crop Of the present year, consisting of about ' lo bale of Col ion, 2 or 30U barrels Corn, j L,c. Ami the Stock of i Horses and Cat lie ! About 60 fat Hogs, ell the firming Uten sils, household and kitchen Furniture, lie. Mb mi. 11 : i lit i i am in ion i Will be rented for the ensuing year. ft is now in fine repair, and Ihrre is enough : cleared Ind t woik 12 to 15 hands to j advHntape. (EXPersons indehjed to the above estate ' ar. notified lo make payment immediately and Ihose having claim- against it, will present them pronerly authenticated for adjustment. Pocket Book Lost. tLOT my Pocket Book on Tuesday niyht 2yth of November, or on Wed nesday. the30lh, containing $ 174 in rash; two glO bills on U. S. Bank, two 20 bills and a $5 bill on Columb'is Bank of Ga. $100 bill on Charleston Bank, S. C. a 53 bill on Cape Fear Bank, a gSI bill -n New hern Bank, and a go Norm Carolina bill, hank not recollected. The book contained on-mile on Buel Mather, dated 9th May, 1836, and du- 1st of January, 1847, payable to me, for $272 37j cents. Also, receipts and other papers valuable only to myself. I will give h liberal reward to any person who will deliver Ihe book and contend at Benjamin Eason's, Wyatt Moye's, or any where that I can et it. The book U of yellow calf or sheep skin of or dinary size. CICERO BROOME. December 2d, 1836. JYotice. tf OST, on the 28th inst. somewhere in Tarhorough, or on the ro;ul leading lioni theme to Mr Silai Everett's, in aid county, my POCKET BOOK. Containing one Note u. tinny Sianr.il!, Esq of Pill county, for 199 or 201 dollars and some cents, the cents not recollected the note was dated in May, 181;5, with in! "test from the date. One do. vs. Jonathan Lewis, for 12 or 15 dollars, interest from the date ibe date of sid Note I think was in the winter of 1834. And one receipt vs. John B. Baker, for 7 or 8 d V.l.ws. If any person lias or may fnid. -aid book and papers, lliey Would confer a favor en me mi that get I hem ag-iin. I hereby warn all persons :iiii,t trading for or taking in said Notes, it pie sentcd. This 29t!i Nov. 183C. Uowtl !'ho:tius 1 SCHUYLER'' 220 Broadway, New York. C? Information for ... J atronsl THERE are some Brilinn , to be (trim n in 1) , tfr'n which tjfler (rreal induce, J','l'f,,r Arab! ;nct,n n "'"U,,,. fitahle investment at b'hi Tl. Wi 1 r stantly revolvioe. and -.hi.. Is rn. may be som few k 'c" "r a Leader," vet there U hU,, , . d"c,i Ihe locker" for those who -a.,,,, , Ill'- s 'h-iiu SI Notice. Der. 2, 1-36. Redmun Bunn, ) xfS Henry Bryan. ) Petersburg .Market, Dec- I. f'otton. 111 fair dmaiid at IGa 1G cts. receipts large. hit. Washington Market, Nov. 29 Ttirntntine, new dip, $2 50; Old $2 50. Tar,$l GO. Whig. Cotton Crop. The Memphis (Tennessee) Knq'irer says: "that the planters in the Western Dis trict are flattered with the pros pect of a more abundan Cotton Crop than has ever before been produced there. Our planters here, say, that with a favorable fall we will make good crops. There is more Cotton already open than was gathered from the fields during the past season and it is said to be of good quality. DIED, In this county, on Tuesday last, Mr. James Bradley. He was in this place the preceding day, I apparently in gootl health. fXTThe Governor having, on the finding of a Jury of Inquest, offered a reward for the apprehen sion of Richard Barnum. who was supposed to have flrtl from Justice wc arp now desired to say, that Dr. Barnum has returned arid stir, rendered himself to the SherifTof Wake county, to abide any pro ceedings that may be had against him. ib. United States Circuit Court. On Saturday. 12th inst. the Fall term of the United States Circuit A BALI ILL be fuitiished at Mr. Solomon Pender's Mall, on Tuesday evening n. e 27th inst. Taiboro', Dec. 2, 1S36. i Notice. S3 hereby given, that pursuant to an order of the Board of Directors of the IVilminglon $f Raleigh Rail Koacl Company, fourth instalment ni Eight Dollars on ihe share, will be required of the Mock holder on or before the 1st d ol January i.r-kt, payuble at this olhce, unless otlur. wie ordertd. EdwHl ;. Dudley, Rail HoadOffice, ) Preit. Wilmington, A'ov. 18, 1S36. ) Sale, Hiring. t$'c. jTkN TUElAV,lhe3d.lay of January U 11 .. :n i.. ..r. ... -i r. .- . ii, ' iirai, .tin ic uiirirn ni me plantation of Col. m. II. Uibatd. the crop of the present year, consisting of From 3 to 400 bawls Corn, Fifty siaeks Fodder, a quantity of P as Also, stock of difierent kinds, includ ug Sows and pigs, A3 TI1F. Subscriber informs the pnMir, th;i in rouHfqiipnce of the increasel price of food, kc. the Stage Contractors have been compelled, under the new ar rangement, to Raise the Fare From Rlakly to Fayetleville Ibe fare now is S'3, and o in proportion all !on the road Six Dollars from Taiboro' to Ra leigh, and shorter distance in ptoporiion. Stephen Sampson, Jig, Nnv..24, 1836 4fi A FOSrilYE -::- IN order lo clear out my present Stock as early as posihle, I will actually of ler iin I sell any article in lb wav of BKY GOODS, Dots, Shoes, A variety of Farming utensils, carts, w.?g gons, kc. The Plantation is for Leas?, For one or five ears. Pcr.-ors desirin : valuable and healthy farm, had better n. dy to the subscriber before the day of sale If it is not disposed of privately, it will then be offered tor rent. D, Richards, Jlgcnt. -: TJTAT the same time and place, will be hired out for the ensuing year. About 35 N en roes, Men, women and children belonging to Mary Toole. If. iichards, Gaunt n. November 29, lb'3lV Valuable Land YOU SALE. TIlC Subscriber intending to remove to the State ol Mississippi, offers for sale on very accommodating terms, that Valuable Tract of Land, Whereon he now resides, containing About 800 Acres. It is admitted to be inferior to no fann in Ihe county of Greene to the quantity of iicres, lies on the north side of Great Contentnea creek, five miles below Stan tonsburg. There ore on the premises J good Dwelling House, And out houses and attached to it A valuable Grist Mill, Between 3 and 4 0 acres of ch ared Land, well adapted lo the cultivation of the sta ple productions of the country, particular ly cotton. The terms will be made ver.v accommodating, and likely young negroes taken in pHymeiit at casn prices. For further particulars those who wish to pur chase can come and judge for themselves. J. Speight, November 29, 1S36. 4't Crockery, Glass, Hardware, or Pots, Ov ens, spiders and skillets much lower I ban the usual prices for similar goods in this market. A new supply of handsome Clolhs, cassimeies, sattinetls, Ulauket?, negro Cloths nnd wool lla's, ate also of fered :it the same cheap rates. Please call and judge for yourselves. JY. . Rountrce. Tarboro, 26th Nov. 1S3. Caution. THE public are cautioned against re ceiving a Nole of Hand, given oy the Subset iber (rtithBeiij r-harne as se curity ) to Elislia Little lor $175, dated 19th inst. and payable 1st January next with interest ftoni the date said Note having been given in payment for a horse, the title lo which was in dispute at law ut the time of purchase, and is so still. November 23, 1836. John Taylor, 4 STONY HILL Academy. THE Examination of the Students in this Institution will take place the -4u) and 2th inst. at which time Parents and Guardians are respectfully invited in attend. ' Ihe Exercises will re-cnminence on Monday, 9tli January nexi,Ht $40 per ses sion lor Board, iic. Tuition u ill vary from 10 lo 15 dollars per session. Book's and candles furnished at cost. STONY HILL Is one mile from Suns' Cross Roads, in a high and healthy country; an evid-i ce ol which, but one case of sickness has occur red during the present session among 45 ttiudents. CoiuYiiunications directed to the Piim-i-pal at Hansom's Bridge, Nash county. K. Garrett, I'rin. Nov. 12ih, 1836. 46 7 hip." The l,iahv, . ' ii, in Nev York in a whole lithi ? ri?11 SCHUYL Eli's, viz; SotMw I?11"' .V Dey, Erq. ofl.d.thy. ' ' An,h- ook Ahead" irtr'ci0- $ 10,000, 4,0Olt, 3,01.0, 50 Prizes of $1,000 04 " " o,,a, i hitc' t. fi6Xo '"""-'j-- 1 port ion. ' j Dec. 7-The Gi-and Consoli.lnto.i flI t-1 s 48 uili be drawn- ALL '--o Capitals. $lf,' ((.,. l.tHHt, ;1H, -10 f i.iXMt-jo.,! 5:.0, ; ' Jc. ice. Tickets $.-1.lv,s,V Ltery tK ket n, (! .Prv (vjj ( ; enutled to , 5()nett, if a OUk, atl'd 5? lor on- di ai u number. ! DeCm l0-Vv.''!,,,-,rv""'--'i i.'.1,iiHVir. gmnt ioiioik l.otiei), Cl.us y. auolh r Grand AU'iirt a,,ii;.Js $30,000! $10,000! 6,000,3,140 3,000! 2,500, 2,000, and 50 of 1,000!!! 20 of $5W!2i vf S J -23 of i(r! &.:. 2- ,o. i-2. drum l.ii!ot lick. ts 11 Dollar, Sf-ares in j.ro p irtioti. Der. 15 Grand Conso'idated lottery Class 49, 13 tli-Mwn hjil,is. Cajdlali $2.(M), l,7f3, 5 .if SI O O, 5af6o0. U f5u , 12 uf SnU-o,vt 30, 13,) and 200 of loo. Lc ac. l itk-ts ?haies in prnporiimi. Dec 17 Another splendid hfTur Virgi nia, Lefslmrg Lofterv, CJasS. Capitals 40.000 Uollars! $15,000, 10,000, 5,000.2,500 j 2 of 2,000,3 of l,5ti0,5..f 1200, ZOO of 1,000 ! ! 20 of 30085 f .200, be. Tickets $10 Halves $5 75 o. Lottery, 11 drawn Ihois Ortiers for Tickets in this Lottery must he !"ent early. Dec 21 Grand Consolidated Loliery, Class 5U. Cap tals 815.000, 7,000, 4,000. 53.00, 230, 10 of l. I'd. 10 .,f 300, 20 of 200. ive. 75 No. Lottery, 12 diawn ballots, Ticke'.s 4 Halves 2-Quar-ters I. - Dec 21 Maryland State Lo'tery, Cl.w No. 27. ALL PRIZES Again'. Capitals $SOOO! 4,OOf, 3 l. 2,200, 2.(00. 2 of 1.6(H), 2 of l.OUO, 10 of I, WO, 20 of 50". 20 of 250, 30 of 2i Lc Lc lick'N 510 Sliares in proportion. All TicVu in his Lottery hnrivg none of the draun vumbtrsoH Hunt will each he eetiti-Ml i i"3 Nelt, and one Number as u.ual 5 10. This is a veiy p pi Lir Lottery and tlit Tickets vil pn ofTiajiidty. Dec. 26 The Virginia Pcteohnrp Lotte ry Thi Lottery will he cmm'ii.ei.t t' renew tickets in ( pita's $3,000, 2,500, 1,600, 1,300 and 50 Prizes of 1.000! 20 ol 5300, 3i of 2' 0, 50 of J-jO, , &c 75 No. Lolterv, 12 drawn ballots. In ets$o Halves $2 50. The last chance this Year! Dec. 31-Virginia Well-boigh, Cl Capitals $10,000! $6,000, $5,000,4,000, 2,500, 2,000, 1,700, an J 25 of 81,000! 2 of .100. 28 of 300, 200 of :, 75.o. Loif ry-J3diay..l:i",s !".v; els tqiO Shares in propodi'in also'a favo. it.- scheme. P r.on -ri-. by mail and enclo-dn? ert.h vtiru. Tickets are assmed iht llieyff"!"1' fectlvsnfe when ldresed lo sciiber. Out of the mary ilmu""" m" ney letters addressed to tv t." scarce ever he.r a complaim l n.-cjr-riaCe. Letieis promptly relum of m,il, and !) den tial. Addre- Anthony II. Scbnijle J'ew 0r1C. Who has been enabli-herl in hus 1.. f-rc in the tnOM ff- tnoreinan iu jvt, , ..l ui.l. Sp,ClM. Ilo.'ses in Nevv.-.k 1 phia, Baliimor. - Wosta, t" Uu . splI'dw high emzEs n. n an n Ihe wo-t.'. tvnlinsnathjt.j:ecnled.

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