Sale at Auction. -::- THE Copartnership heretofore exist ing under (he name atttl sty l of jyillinm & John Foreman, levins terminated by the demie of the )fll),-r the undersigned, as surviving I'art"'1"' w'" 'M,0!,e al public vendue, on Tuesday 22 d November next. If fair, if not, llie next (air thy, THE KNTIKE SiOrK OF 'avcs and Merchandize, Belonging to the late Finn The stock on haml i" extensive, and embraces a good itrtmet of STAPLE AND FANCY MY GOODS, Ihnhvare Groceries and CROCKERY. The Mowing m iy be enumerated hs form ing a part of the Stock, viz: Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres, of all colors, Siipiifi'e Linen"!, Lawns, ke. Frints every variety and qual ty, Crsjtfs. VeMings, Laces, belt Ribbons, I i . siery. Gloves, &:. Jterinie, Bomb fcUies, and Circassians, Itrg'-- and well selected assortment of Snawls and Handkerchiefs. An excellent assortment of Flannels and Rose Biankets, Gent ' and boys Hats and Caps of every description, Gent.'s fine calf and kip Shoe, indie L-ather, morocco and prunella ihof-s assorted, Ladies -x va super kid k. prunella Slippers kjJX P'" coarse brogan Shoes, an OlP M-F excellent article for Negroes, Sole l.c.ither, Calfskins, fcc Hardware, Cutlety, China, Glass and Ear thenware, l every style and quality, A good assortment of Cotton Baggin, tagging Twiiie and bale Hope. Cast Floughs, Swedes and American Iron, assorted, K'oroO barrels prime cut Herrings, A few casks superior Madeira Wine, AVw barrels of old apple Brandy. fne sale will take place on the premises of tne Subscriber, a; the storehouse in which W &i J. Foreman conducted l-usi-DtsN light miles above Greenville, on the south siile far river in Pitt county and v'lUlie continued from day to day until all UjoM. Terms six months credit will be t!Ioe on all purchases that are equal to orpxeeed ten dollars the purchaser giving tand ith approved security before the delivery of the articles on all purchases less than ten dolh's, cash will be required. Sale to commence precisely at 10 o'clock, A.M. each day. Merchants, Planters, and i'l others who desire good bargains may find it to their interest in attending the ibove sale. J L. Foreman. Surviving Partner of IV. J. Foreman Pitt County, uct. I2tli, 1836. 40 ALSO, WILL UK SOLD. Before the above sale is closed, One valuable Blacksmith, And one good and new Flut bottom Boat, ith an excelb nt pair a'ds to accompany it, II good and new. i'tco 50 saw Cotton Gins J. F L. Sale Postponed. The above Sale is post pntd until Tuesday, the 3(i of December next. J. L F. AT COST, CERTAIN. Ring fyJEdmondson 'lave now on hand a variety of Spring and Summer Marilwure, Groceries. &c. A" of which they are willing to dispose of At cost tor Cash, rt a very small advance on a credit to Dun. t . . . -"nirti rii4inmf'i&. aii itprcnn ivicntni oiJ paying a large profit on Gods Jh"u!diiot fail t avail themselves of this Great Onnorlnnitn ... 1 1 . "e Wnillrt r,.rlKor w-.u Irv rnol U 'hi for tlie pui pise t making room for larger Slock of Goods h 'he Fall. Call t the sign of . .King, rre the bargains tnay h tounil. King t Edmondson 'UWo', July 1st, 183C. JYoticc. THE CARS Are now running daily on ihe Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail Road, To Maj. R. R Gary's, within 10 miles t.f Halifax. We sha l run WAGGONS from Halifax to Gary's until the road is comple ted to Halifax. The charge against he Owners of Cotton, For the wasnnare from Hai;r. n . o - o - - "iiiuary will be 20 cents per bale the Raj R,'ia(j freight from fiArv's In P.irlaninmk l.- - -..,....,,,, nil! uc 25 cents per bundled. Buck freight from Gary'i to Halifax will be I0ccUts per hun- Messrs. M. & T. Ferrall Will act as AGENTS AT HALIFAX, And will consign Cotton to nv Houses in Portsmouth and Norfolk wiib tlie same dis patch as they would to ourselves. J. ty B. Harris. 41 Norfolk, Oct. 17, 18,16. JYoticc. The Subscribers continue to transact Co m m is ion linsiness m NORFOLK. All produce left with their Agents, .Messrs. Simmons & Eure, HALIFAX, W'ill be forwarded without delay bv the wagons now tunning from that place to Gaiv's Depot, the present termination of the Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail Road. The waggonage is 20 cents per bale on COT TON, And the Rail Road fi eight from Garv Depot to Norfolk is 25 cents per 100 bs. James Gordon ty i'o. Nov. 7, 1936 44 gKLECI'ED by the ery first Musician k3 Unit-d Stater, Charles E. Horx. Esq. of New York. The Subscriber hai just received Two Fi alios. Of very superior tone and finish. Thev have lieen examined bv fivi or six musicians, who pronounce t'lem first rate; several of the oldest and most experien red cahtnet makers in this plac e, w ho hve carefully examined tiie exterior, ti i heit a tingly declare them far ahead t .n thing of Ihe kind thv have ever seen in Peters burg. For the quality of the-e Instru ments, ref-r to Charles K. Horn, F.sq. New York; Dr. Thomas Robinnn, Petersluirg; Dr. Rob' rt Emmei Robinson, do ; W'm. M. Robinson, Eq , Richntoiul; Charles Berg, Esq., Professor of Music in this place. Ldtcard F Xash, Bookseller. Petersburg, Va. ug. 23. 37 JYoticc. Miss Frunres Campbell. FTEU tendering her unfeigned thanks to her patrons for past favors bees leave to announce to the public, that she has just returned from iw York, with her Fall and winter supply of Fashww ble Millinery, And Mantuamafcinx Mtiterials, W here the snent several weeks fo the mi' nose of information, h iving bad a va riety of work executed in her line, became acquainted with several of the most fash ionable and experienced 2antau Makis in the city from whom she gained instruc tion of ereat importance in Ihe business, such as will enable her N exhiHt to the fancy of the ladies something new and equally pleasing. Her stock of Are far superior to any of her former pur chases, having had the a oi a Connoisseur in her selections, the s .me was therefore made with great care and exemplary task. Her Stock consist in part of the lollowing articles tio wir.; Fia'd Silks and Satins, Threal and Bobbinet 1- ces, ft1 Tt"t,,?H Blond lace and f.dgtng, Blond Capes and wash blond, French worked muslin, lace Capes, Infant Caps, Bobbinet & muslin inserting, Long silk and kid Gloves, Velvet and oil si-k prous, Puffs and curls. Shtli and silver Combs, Wax and alabaster dolls, Tovs of mHnv kiods, fruits, nuts, kc. Florence, Leghorn, satin, silk, velvet, bea ver and straw bonnes, i? great variety. Together w ith many other things too te dious to enumerate, All of which she offers on moderate terms. VII orders from a distance will be prompt ly attended to, and she hopes by strict at tention to her business to merit a liberal patronage. Tarboro', 17th Nov. 1P36. NEW GOODS, new Goods, new Goods. THE Subscriber takes great pleasure n announcing to his customers and ..r ruouc in general, that he has just re- v.. .,, u,e rtorm, with a complete Jlssortment of Fancy DRY GOODS, AND GROCERIES, Which he proposes to seli on most reason able terms a ereat manv at lead 9. n cent cheaper than was aobl in mar Lot during the last season, such as Bale Rope, LaESiiigf Dianneis, &c. The Mjhscriber has al.o on hand, a great meiy oi neavy Ready Made Clothing, Consisting of Cloaks, over Coat.s, dress Coats, Pantaloons and Vests, suitable for the approaching season. The Subscriber will jmvc in hart pr nr in Cash for Cotton or Corn as much as his neighbors, as he wishes to buy a large quauuiy oi doiii. Isaac R. Rrady. . Tarboro', 1st Oct. 1S36. NEW & FASHIONABLE FALL AND WINTER AlUlinery, ic. Till. Suhscribei informs her custom ers nl th p-iblic that she is now opening her Fall Supply Fancy .Mhlinery, Comprising an extensive assortment of the most fashionable and durable nrttcle for Ladies wear, wliii h with Ser former stork renders Iter assortment comd;te. Among trV ailicles ill be found Pattern ilk, velvet ami straw Ronnets, Ladies beaver hais, diflereni colors, O-lrirh .ml fancy Feathers, Head dresses. Capes. Collar?, &C Puffs -ni urls. i f great variety, Plain a. nt figured Silk? and atins, Mo'te, Cra,.e-. Gauzes and Florences, Laces, Edging?, Inei lings and Footings, A spl- ii't-d assortment of Ribbons, artifi cial Klowers, Ilc. ii.c These were selected by herself, ami having hfd an "Xcellent opportu: ity to b come acquainted with the latest North ern lashion-, stie incites those wishing any article in her line to give her a call. Jf. C Howard Tnrborongh, Nov. 4. Herrings! Herrings!! HJr xJF just received and for sale by King is Edmondson. May 30' h, 1836. TO THOSE Whom it ni'iy concern9 THE UNDERSIGNED, Having received His Summer Supply of GROCEMKs. Ailnnt this means of apprising his "con stituents" of this important and splendid accession his old stock It s ems unne cessary ti tie-cant, and but for one ar ticle only. I would forbear. The one alluded to is Cll A MrAluvt f rare stun, inaeeo quite exhilaiating a sovereign remr dy for despondency; or, io ne a- oner as pos sible, it ha? n'evi'r entered the hearts of those who tiav- not tried it, to conceive Pa mmm i the excellencies of my ' rox brand FlvnnpnigneV As much miiht ite said in behalf of many other thi"S nmonj my Mock, wliich con sists f the lollowinp arii. les: A great variety of Candies, Muscatel and bunch Ra sins, Apples, Oranges and Lemons, English walnuts, Palm mi's, Butter and water Crackers, Sugar Crackei s, Pine apple Cheese, Scotch Herrings, best lump Sugar, Princip' and Spanish jegars, CH A.MPAIGNE, very superior quality, Champaigne brandy, French bra idy, Holand Gin. Jamaica Rum Port wine, Irish w-.iskey, New England Rum, Spanish smoking Tobacco, Lemon Syrup, London Purler, Cider in bo'tles, Scotch snuff, tallow Candles, sea Bread, Loco foco Matches, Playing cards, Mar- bles, fax. &c. All which mav be had for the considera ,ion of twenty-five per cent, on their origi nal cost- . . n , , Joseph R. Draddy. July Kth, 1836. FOB Valuable Farm flnd very desirable Residence IN FRANKLIN COUNTY. B-::-Y Virtue of a decree of the Court of Equity for the Countv of Franklin, upoli ihe petition of Henry N. Jasper and thers,VILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION, at the Court llopse in the town of Louis burg, on Friday, the iGth day of December next That valuable tract of land whereon Henry N.Jasper, Esq. lately resided; it being the late residence of Stephen Outerbridge, deed, of Franklin county, lying alioi t three miles northof Lewishnr;!,iinm- diately on the main road to Warrentnn, Hi contains AboUi 1470 A eres. The Land is of good quality and has on it lrge and extensive improvements, which consist of an elegant two story dwelling house, and all neces-ary out houses, and an extensive ap.le and peach Orchard. The situation is decidedly healthy, and has a fine spring of water with a god pring bouse, very convenient lor the use ot a family. To persons desirous of pur chasing either an excellent farm, or a con venient and elegant place of residence, in a healthy country, it is believed none can be found possessing more advantages than this. The above laud will be sold on credit of one, two and three years, by equal instalments, the purchaser to give bonds with approved seen ities. to the Clerk and Master, for the purchase money. a uie. tiomts to bear interest from the daie. Samuel Johnson, CM E. Lewuhurg, Nov. 1, 1836. 4( Notice. SWISH to rent or lease, within two miles and a half of Tarhomugh, on the road lo Sparta, a very good and well finished Jhcelling House, And necessary out houses. There are ilo or 3 Acres. Of cleared Land attached to it, besides a choice selection of truit trees of different kmds. Should an person wish to rent base such a situation, I should be glad fi th in to make it known by the Ut of January next. William Focchll. Nov. 15, 1636. 45 wVew Goods! N7C Goods!! xzjoziXiir IMPORTANT To the Public. -::T TH E Subscribers tender their grateful acknowledgments lo 'heir former cus tomers and the public generally, for their lib ral patronage, and hope to merit a con tinuance of the anv by their strict atten tion to business. We are now in possession of our spring supply of STAPLE .4XD FANCY DRY GOODS. Embracing every useful as well as new and fashionable article in our line, cheap And cheaper than ever. Now is your chance Bargains, good bar gains, no mistake. We have a large as sortment ot staple and fancy Dry Goods, FRKSII FROM New York and Philadelphia, Selected with direct reference to your bel ter judgments. Call anil let us show you our varieties of spring Gifods-, which were purehased on the most favorable terms in th'-se cities. We feel assured that we will be able to accommodate the public with as liberal bargains as they can buy elsewhere. The proofs are in trying call and see. A very large assortment of Boots and Shoes, cheap Also, a few Drugs, comprising Laud i num, Ess. Peppermint. Bateman's Drops, British Oil. Castor Oil, Stanchion's Bitters, Copal Van ish, Opodeldoc, Gum Foetid. Camphor. Nutmegs, Indigo, Olive Oil. and Lemon Syrup. S. Fender & Son. Tarboro', April 29 Jotice. JUST RECEIVED, and for sale, an Assortment of MOLASSES, By wholesale or retail APPLY TO t'saac B. Brady. July 7th, 1636. Wanted. r N (APPRENTICE to ihe Printing SmL business is wanted m this Office. A boy between the ages of 12 and 18 years, wtioj can read tolerably well, will meet with good encouragement if application is soon made. October I. HERRINGS, Bacon and Lard. f IJHE Subscribers have just received a Jl supplv of best quality CUT HERRINGS. ALSO B.icon and Lard for sale, by tf. D. Cotlen & Son Tarboro', May 24. New Advertisement. 3T)HE Subscribers offer foi sale a good iJL second handed Carri age and smile Gig, On terms to suit the purchaser. Austin & Son. N- B. The subscribers want to purchase Thirteen shares 0 the Bank of the Slate stock. 19th October. 1836. 41 Coffield I&ing, MERCHANT TAILOR, AVING removed to his new estab lishment, nearly opposite the Court liaise, respectfully inlorms bis friends And th public generally, that he is now open ing a hand-ome assortment of Fall and ! inter Of a beautiful and supeiior quality- which have been selected with much personal care in Ihe northern cities, and will be made up to order at short notice and in fie miM fashionable style such as: Superfine blue and black Cloths. Invisible green and brown do. Clarence brown and mulberry do. ,, Olive and mixt do Pnlaski ribbed Cassimere, ,, Plain black and mixt do. do ,, Laveod. r. Zebra, Plaid SlGrt cian do. Striped nnd corded do. of various colors, Plain black aid figured Velvets, Siocade Velvets, a superior Mticle, Plain black and figured silk Vetiuog, Bri wn and drab Petersham b lick and brown oat hair Camblets, Also, a beautiful assortment of Stocks, some v erv superior. Bosom?, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, tc He trusts by due attention to business, and His long experience therein, to give du- satisfaction to those who may favor him with their ordeis. He will keep con stantly on hand an a-sorlnieniof seasonable Reedy made Ci thing, Of the best quality, manufactured by him self and warranted. LSO, three or lour Journey men Tailora of the first class, w anted. Tarboro', Nov. loth, 1836. Jlwfid Disclosures, HY MARIA MONK, Of the Hotel Dieu Nunnery. MONTREAL, n D EVISF.D, with an Appendix, con JAW taining Part f. Reception of the first edition. Part II. Sequel ot her Nar rative. Part III. Rei'-w of ihe case. Also, a Supplement giving more particu lars of the Nunnery and grounds. Illus trated by a plan of 'he .Nunnery. For sale bv n it i Oct io. ' i Ft Brady. Coach, House. Landscape, and Ornamental THE Subscriber respeci fully informs the citizens of Edgecombe county thai he has located himself In 'Farborough, Where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line of business. Those wishing Gigs, sideboards, sitting chairs fire screens and the like painted, will bring them to the coach shop of Mr. Terrell. He will leave town and go into the conn ry, when house painting is required All orders in his line of business will he thankfully received and faithfully executed on reasonable terms. Lewis de 2rquer. Tarboro 26ih Feb 1S35. 8 rt ' TO MERCHANTS. -- WE have imported by the ships Hark Away. Marmora, George Wash ington, and Hiberoia, The heaviest and best assorted STOCK DF EUROPEAN GOODS, Ever in our possession. Our assortment of Ami icon Gotls Is very extensive nnd complete. These Good? we will sell WHOLESALE, e ve rily believe as low, and in some instabcea lower than similar Good can be hnnght in any Northern Market, and on as literal terms, thereby saving to the Conntry Mer chant, Insurance, Freight, and other imJ ileutal expenses. Faul, Mollan ty Co. Petersburs, Va. Sept. 12. 37 HERRINGS. JUST RECEIVED, a supply of best quality Cut Herrings, taken in Albe marle Sound below the Frying Pan which will be sold at $7 per barrel. S. ender &f Son. Tarboro', May 3'). JYoticc. T. ' E Subscribers will in a few days be in receipt of their Fall purchase in New York and in Petersburg, of a general Assortment of Groceries, And the important articles to the Planter al this season of Ihe year. We also intend to keep three wagong employ d in the transportation of Cotton from this to Halifax, and will at all times give the highest prices for baled Cotton delivered in this place. D. RICHARDS $c CO. Tarboro", Oct. 14, 1S35. p IMPORTANT To the Public. Having on hand a very large and extensive STOCK OP Winter Goods, f now offer them J9t a reduction of 10 per cent. On last mouths prices those desirous of" obtaining Goods at a trifling advance on New York Cost, will most assuredly find it to their interest to call and learn my pri ces betore purchasing. In wy Assortment will be found: Newest style daik and light Calicoes, fron 10 cent' to 30, Circassians, every color, 20 to 50 cents, Black and colored Silks, in great variety, 35 cents to $1 25, A great bargain in men's and women's Cloaks, from $3 to $8, Supeifiue Br.adclnlhs, from $2 to $7, Satiinetts, from 40 cents to 1 25, White and red Flannels, 25 cents to $1, Rose Blankets, $2 to $6 per parr, Point Blankets, 60 tents to lr Negro - loth, all wool, six quarters wide," only 60 cents, do. do. three quarters wide, 35 cents. Cloth and blanket Overcoats, 6$, to 8, Ladies lawn und r sleeves, Ladies and gentlemen's si?k Handker. chiefs. L'5 cents io 1 50, Bonnet, cap and belt Ribbon, ciieap, Men's and boys HATS and Caps of --very description. The largest and cheapest Assortment of Roots and bhoes, Ever exhibited in Tarboro' t Uousit:) Men's B -ots, $1 75 to 53 Men's li'ed and bound high quartered' -hoes. 87$ t.. $1 12i, Hiirh and low quartered boy Shoes, 25 to 75 tents. Girl's lemher shoes, 60 cents, Women's leather shoes, 40 to 90 cents, Women's leather and morocco Boots, 16 cents to 1, Women's morocco and prunella shoes, cents to 1 25, Extra fine kid &. prunella Slippers, $1 25, Negroes coarse high and low quartered shoes, 40 cents to $1, Men's morocco and, seal skin Pumps, 7i cents t i 51 25. Sole Leather, 15 to 17 cents. With every other Article in the Dal and Shoe line. ALSO, a large and well selected stock of GROCERIES, Hardware. Cutlery, China, Glass Earthenware, All of which are now offered at th Cheap Cash Store Yor Cash or Barter 'j. . . ..r: Or on the usual credit, at most Extraonti nary Low Prices. J.iS. IVEDDELL. ' Tarbora'.Jan. 14, 1836.

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