tfhole So. 0315. 1836 . Vol. XII Jo. 50. I 7V i'iirb ruzh Pretw" ' lU- r.BOIUl!: iiowarp. .. weekUvu Tie it Dollars anti U p ,g.,e t V A f . ' P ' ,l " M ' V A " C - f'-'r "'' ,p",on or,"" Lull'"'" e ...1.1 1.. ...I-,.,,... ' ' ,r Tnr'i fire(i,lsver mom 11,1,1 ,pr -treat liberty lodiconti.ue - n.i living noiict- Ihereoi ann ' qi're t' those residing t " 'I'm'.Kt i',iv:irial"ly,.;iy in advance, o, 13 Lf.po.isibU-n-frrrncf intV.iv.m.ty. ?lTir.tWnienls not exceeding 16 lines . f nffh (r a square) will he i-.spitcd nt 1 the first insertion t25cenls each '''''ncp. Lon-rr ones at that rate vrry fl'iare. Advertisements must f" ''.;r,l the nuni'ierof inertions rcqni bfn11 I'icv will be continued until other r " ,-,r If if. I. and charged accordingly. ,:j'fMersa.lilresspJ t. theEditnr nnil be nrlhev mavnol be attended to. I"1 V li ? Vudlimurc to Elikcli.X. C. ix twkntv six hours. G''ilN1 Tlhcrn and Southern Line of travel, vi : Washington city, Fretle; ickhurir. Richmond, IVlci 'uui g, Raleigh, &c. ON nnl after tl.e fifteenth day of Oc-tolii-r next, travellers from ,iv ikaii.l I'liila nlohia, reaching Washin; i n lv ihe cvenm? train on the Baltimore i:'A W tii.iiiplo Rul Road, will be for wanitJ immediately by the Steamboat to Potomac creek, ami thence bv iM.; s nn 1 thp llt I u ti t and Fred. rickiiiurj Iiii RohJ im is to llio'im ml. 'irgii)in. which place tli y w.U reach at J0j o'clock, A. M. leaving Richmond i:n uJ ialfly, they will irrive in Pptersburg fidnner, and at the termin.ition )f th Fft'bnrii Rail Road, on the lv-anoke, nt S.V.I.irk. P. M ; whence ihey will he for irdpd hy ' he ci peditious lines of J. H. A ?rv Co. to IIalifis, Tai borough, Trenton, Raleigh. Fnyetteville, Colum I a. 5. C. Augusta, L.c. Ke'nrninjr t!ie Slaves from the S mth ilrench Blakeley Depot (the termination '! th" Petorshnrc Rail Road) at 4 o'clock, P M IVtcrsh'irp at 9 P. M. Richmond at I A. M and Vahin2ton city in time for tii" at'terno'.n train of cars to Baltimore I'lakinu the trip each way . between Balii-j tnore and Blakeipy, on the Ro.tnoke, in the unprecedented time of j Tiveiilii-xi.v hours j The aiiove li"- U c i i ir -'.oiif, ! Ji'l conni cm ln U' y i. w t'i j Bnydton, Dnnv ..-ut - i' . i. I . "ori(Vrn and t-. .. i i t -. !.-t . t- j rautit-d a'Hin-t Him,, nt unv ix.iut n ! t ? rr.uti: bi t ween linlti mortf and Anguvta The Proprietors. Oct. 4, 1 S3t. 40 11 EDWARD MANNING, R 1 J till all persons imicMrd to him to come forward and makp immedi- '" P'ymeut. Also, the inhabitants r f J,' lncis No. 15 and IS, to pay their tax- without delay, as he contemplates on to Hip .orlli the 1st ot Mnt w.ll return in six months Those concern- cannot go without a full agistment of . " orion; iiu o-c j.artiiie. I hose ,av'"ff flaims against him will please be ""'n.lescpii.linj. as to present them for "n,P..t with.,, the time prescribed. e will also have a couple rf Horses for talc, li.ilif rh'fh N "'dinarilv jpntle, K " f'' afami,-v R'shr. 'One can 1 .1 : k U' 01 A"5t. n.l the a 1 1,Mf ,t- j'ice re- J," H"d n"crssiy dpm.nds that Ihe -'' ve ankle shall be attended to. I1? Mo,ftn frm 'he lot of the Sul.scri- embVr, IHci, M,S'. '' Wll. of J -m ir, hands high. afH, l)lin) (f i? ':"" rejecting -J,, .J,.,; l.e thankfully reivei 1-,rborou8!' A-il1?5C,V 4". AT 'Mils Ui'TlCK. St rmicrf. 1 1 ' Mi:ilC!IAM' tailor, Is now receiving from New York, d Splendid .Issortmenl of IN HIS LINE OF 1SUSINKS, Suitable for the approncliinr Scaion. Centlcmen wishini; to puuhasp the most fashionable and best soods. nt a small ad vnuce on the cost, w t.l : w ell to call n l examine his Stock, a he is delprminpd to sell very low lor Cash, or on a short credit to punctual rin'miicrs. ,l:fi'ii them ore Superfine bitie, bUck. an I brown Cloths, I2d quality do. of all tlie most fxshionable color, Sop'r curded an.: t laid fancy C.issimpres, White corden drab drills tor pautal nons, ("tape Cnmblets a-id Bombazn es for Ihin Ciill-, A superior assortment Ut" Vesting, of eve. ry description, Plain brown Linens for summer j.tckrts and pantaloons. Plain black and fancy Slocks, (a large as- soi tm nt.) Fanry silk Handkerchiefs, 1:1 ick silk Cr-ivil', lin'-n C'jM irs, I'lun ai'd r.f: -.1 u Uosmus, )( ti'"V nnd s ipeiior artule ?i)ieni!ci"ii, Silk ?hirio for uentl.'inen, a new article, Al-io, most every other article comprising gen'lrnif n's wear, lie uUo keeps on hand (of his own make) a small assortment of JUadif uiude P.lnthcs. He has on h t -1 a few hi st w!iifp beaver lldt. wi;ich m11 be sold at Voik cost. mnentlemcn furnishing tlnir own Cloths ran have thetn made and trimmpd in the most fast ionnble mai ner, a;id at the shortpst notice. Tarborough, Aj-iil 14ih, lRG Pocket Book Lost. Sl.OST my Pocket fiook on Tuesday night 2'Jlh of, r on Wed. iiesday. Hie 3'lh, contaniiug $4 in cash; two g!0 bilis on U. S. Bank, two 20 lulls an I a $5 bill on Colum!), is Bank of (,'a. 100 bill on Ch tilestou Bank, S. C. n 3 bill oh Cape Fear Bank, $1 hill o.i rspw bcrn Bank, and a $j Aoitu Caiolina bill, bank not recollected. The ook contained ' note on Buel Mather, dated tli M iy, 183(1, and di l-l ot Januarv , 1 87, pa vah'le to ine, lor $272 37a cents. Abo, rectipts and other papers vnluabie on) v to mvs If. I will gie a liberal rcwaid to any peison who will deliver the book and content at Benjamin Mason's, Vyatt M.yo"s, or any where that I can get i'. The brtok is of jellow calf or sheep skin ol or dinary size. CICERO BROOME. Decemb. r 2d, I "3" OST, on the 2?ih sonww !iei c in JHJ 1 arliorough, or on thp road hading trout t'lence to Mr Silas Lvcictl's, in said county, my POCKET BOOK, Containing one Note vs. Henry Stanrill. Lsq of PiU county, I r 199 or ti 1 dollars and some cents, the cents not recollected the note was dated in May, 185, witli interest from the date. One d". V3. Jonathan Lewis, for 12 or 15 dollarg, intirest from the dale Ihe date of s id ote I think was in the winter of 1834. And one receipt v. John B. Baker, for 7 or 8 d'dhus. If any person has or may in (I said book and papers, they would cooler a favor rn in.- so that I gel them again. I hereby warn all persons against trading for or taki"g in said .Votei, if pie sented. This 29th .Nov. 1836. I towel i'lw ?.s Stale of North Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Equity. SEPTEMBER TERM, 1836. Lewis Ellis ) vs. John Peele Mothers, Bill of Injunction. - - ' a ST appearing to the satisfaction of said Court that Jacob Home, one of the defendants in the above case, is a non-resi-dent: It is then lore ordered, that publica tion be made for six weeks in the Tarboro' Press, notifying him to appear ai the next session of said Court, to be held for said County, al the Court H -n-e in Tarboro', on the second Monday in March next, then and there to plead or demur to said bill or answer the same, or judgment will beta Ken pro confesso and said bill be set for hearinsf ex parte as to him. Witness, Isaac .Norfleet, Clerk and Mas ter of said Court, at. offlce, the second Monday of September, 1836. NO I! FLEET, C.M.E. Jh nrm. NorJlettJj.C.SfC Price a'dv $3 50. Xolcs of Hand, and other blanks, for sale, AT THIS OFFICE. -"""""" ; hi - Notide. ISJrPbrV f'V n' ,hat Pant t order of the Board of Directors n to an ft lie Wilmington &" Rulcicri Aiail Road Comjjany, thcfT.rp ' Eight Dollars on he . Rh-tre, will . requ red of the Stock- ne ' "nVr. trbef,;'e lheJ'1 ""y M-r:.d:Hti,,s ffice Edw'd H. Dudley, ... h.A,L Road Office, I Pre l """"1'ion, Aov. ii, i83t La Vallee JTemaic emmarp rfPnf: ETfUp,f the above Insiitu. J6. to w,H recommenc j n the third Hominy (i$lh) ofJan'y The ..l,.criS, r with much pleasure informs in, P , .V,r" Emma McI:hie co- in ;ps Principal in the Seminary. Hip lollowin wilt bp ..c-ri.- o ies. V,,ri..g, bpe.l,nC, Con.po- noil Grammar. Elementary Ueo-raphv. -o, ,,HIPS ,lMorv Arithmetic, An cient and Modem HiMorv J.'oiwr,,! ography, including Ancient Geoff,nhv. American H.story. Rhetoric, I.,.gic, Nall't ral t hdosophy. Euclid, Alff-hra. Astrono my, Moral a d intellectual Phdo-ophv, Natural Ti.eoloev. Elpmpi.ta .,f cr;,... ChPmistry and Botaov: for h i...,..' cbes, per session o five months. lli OO Latin . . g5 00 lrcnch - 750 urawmg Painting in Oil Colors Muic. on the l'iano Forte, Music on Guitar, Hoard 5 oo 10 00 15 00 10 00 40 00 Mall ihe Board in advance. Tippno S. Rraxv ilow. Halifax co N C. Dec 7. NASHVILLE Female Jcadcmy. THE entire control of this Institution for ihe euuing yar has been com- equal fooling w it It ih- Female Academies oi Tarborough and Louisburg To do this 1 have engaged Mi Mary llagsdale to lake cherg- of lh.:. school. Miss Ra-sdale h s i ad the charge of this school the last sm'mi iii ine year, anu oy tier un wearied attention, together with 'he rapid advance of her pupils in iheir various sin dies nave given i mire satisfaction to her employers. diem il unnecessary lo say iik.i-p about her qualifications tor she is so well known among an extensive acquaint ance in Nash anil Edgecnmhe. and parti cularly in Nash a an instructress, that I i feel justified in the belief that! v'llllllll ,lli-n tlMKIiril IU OCT management will have nothing to fear. I he first session will commence on Monday, HMh JanUj, 1837, Xnd enl on Fri-liy, lh" 231 of June. The 2 l se-sion dl oiMii--r ce on Al.uidav, I'm-3 l it .folk , en l on Friday the 8th "I 1 1 ce.iili. i . To- pi ii e of Tuition the same a at Tarbui 'igh, ihat is. Ten Dol lars per session ur the lower classes, and Twelve Dollars per session frlhe hicher. No student will be received for a less term ' mull one session, unless providential acci - .tottoZ 15 Electoral voies of the State this Electoral College, to e,.ds nd in such case ihe tuition will be for Martin Van Ruren as Presi- l,,e vacancy caused by the m charued only for the time at school it is dent and Richard M Johnson as al),nt37 of Col. Robert Love, one r,:.::r!: St:, tw";:" j Vice President, of the Unhed f "' Elector, elected by the peo mitted to remain durmg the session, that i States, as will be seen on reference P'e lo alter,d "le nieetiug ol this the teacher may have an opportunity of j lo tie journal of the proceedings ' College. doing justice t herself and her pupils; lor j .."., ; f..,.. IJ1.,.. r,I. , t, ii is designed that an Kmin.iiJn shall be of the College, in another Dart of vven Holmes, Lsq. then nom- held at the end of each session. Board can be had in a few families upon as cheap or cheaper terms than in Tarborough or Louisburjr. It is hoped that this school will be liberally patron-zed, for no pa.ns! will be spared to mak it worthy of the confidence of the public. i 1. J. Battle. December 15th, 1836. 4t WILLlAMSROROUGii Female Seminary TIII3 Institution will be re-opened for the reception of Boarders qnd Pupils On Monday, the 9lh of January next. Mrs. Smith assures her friends that ev ery attention will be paid to their morals and their instruction, in the several bran ches which she propose to teach. Eight or Ten Young Ladies can be accommoila ted with board in the family, at $40 per session. Terms for TUITION per session. Orthography, Reading, Writing -iand Arithmetic, - S6 00 English Grammar, Geography, Chemistry, Sec. - 8 00 Drawing and Painting, - 5 00 Music, - " 15 00 Needle work no extra charge. Mary smith. JjTianos tuned and repaired by the 8Uhscriber. All orders in the country promptly at tended. Dec 10, 1835. 49 Miscellaneous. Legislative Post Masters. t wiii be seen on reference lo the mr lhe who' period of his politic proceedings of the Legislature,! al j- that resolmions have been adopted1 "e def 'ares it as his opinion, in both Houses, to inquire into the !,,al nee'eftion of Mr. VTan liuren constitutionality of Post Masters I? a 'ar more i'"Prtant triumph to holding seats in that jody. Southern Republicans, than even It was certainly amusing, tn av' tl,e success of Mr. Jefferson in the least, to witness tbe agitation produced among thehig and nullifying members, on the intro duction of these resolutions. Five sixths, at least, of the members who are Post M such at time of their election, be- lonir to that oartv. And nt standing we have repeatedly sta ted and reiterated the statement, that two-thirds of all the federal office-holders in this State, were nnllifying whigs; yet they now aflVn to be astounded at the deve lopement. r ....v. ....... alll In the Senate, Dr. Bunting's; resolution tvas most pugnaciously! resisted by the nullifying whig! spouters; they railed against it, as no less discourteous to the Senate, than indelicate to the members whose seats were called in ques tion; and they seemed all al once to have been smitten with an espe- i r ... .. ... 1 rt:ll loin fiir ll.a n(T.. I. ..I. I gainst whom they have hitherto uttered such bitter objurations. Rut Mr. Edwards, always a leauess anu auie cnarnpioii ol Hies ... i : ! i"-tj"i r-i ij, uii mis occasion handled these "new born wine" apologists of the legislative office holders, with more than usual se verity; and eventually forced them inio the inquiry, by which it is hoped to purge the Senate of those holding seats there in con j Constitution. Here, then, we have renewed ' . . ' . ' , . i eV,dfc,1Ce tnat theillllllfiers and j federal whigs are the real otlice holders that theirs is the greedy pons party." Hal. Standard. Another Triumph! David H. who returned thanks for the honor Kenyon, Esq. the member elect conferred on him in brief but ap frora Pasquotank, in place of Mr. propriate terms. Muse, resigned, has arrived in the city. He is a Van Ruren Demo - crat in his politics; and was elect- ed, we learn, by a majority ol GO to 70 votes over ''arter Barnard. This will give the Republicans the ascendency in the Legislature... The Electoral College of Xorlh Carolina, Assembled in this Ci- 1 ty on Wednesday last, and cast f this week's Standard. The triumph of the Democracy of our Stale, has thus been con-! snmma,e(J q-,e Ueacon fires . . . . ... , . , , which the coalilion whigs and uul- lifiers raised upon the mountains token of momentary success in AiifTiicr hiii'P liPPn r.i..irrici.o,i. r r 3". and the unquenchable fires of the Democracy relumined in their stead, and are now diffusing light and liberty throughout the remot est borders of the State. On the annunciation of the vole of the College, a salute of fifteen guns, was fired from a piece of or dnance previously arranged for the purpose in the State House yard, by William K. Kearny, Esq. of Warren county. The presence of the venerated Patriot, and Father of the Repub lican party, the Hon. Nathaniel Macon, President of the College, and of the venerable Messrs. Wil fong and Parker, added three fold interest to the thrilling scenes of the day. All were rejoiced to find them in the enjoyment of ex cellent health. Mr. Macon ap peared at a loss for language to rj express his patriotic emotions, at the success of ihose pure principles oi uemocracy, of which he had been the devoted champion dur- Both were triumphs of printi- ptc; nut .Mr. Jehersnirs nativity and residence, were calculated to concentrate the whole South in his favor; whole State pride, southern '"B. ar,d eveT local considera- l,w,,t we? arraveo acainst ;Mr. -it r- . w v an iuren m lorth Carolina; and that the Republicans should iiave succeeded in this embittered con test, with such odds against them, was as Mr. Macon sincerely be lieved, the best evidence in the world of the indomitable Demo- ! cracy of our people. ib. Raleigh, Dec.1. 183G. The Electoral College. This being the day, appointed by law, for the assembiiug of the Electors of President and Vice President of the United Stales, the Electoral i i v,arol College for the State of North ina convened in the Metho- ! d l V p i , r l ? "C Ock' P' M'ihe !o"?wl L" ,"Cl,'S ansuered lo .r names, Hon. Nat. Macon, Jno. Wilfong, Esq. Col. Geo. Rowers, A. Henderson, Esq. John Hill, Eq. John Parker, Esq. Col. Wni. A. Morris, Abm. VY. Venable, Esq. Dr. J. O W atson, Col. Win. R. Lockhart, Dr. G. C. Marchant, Gen. Louis D. Wilson, Wm. P. Ferrand, Esq. Owen Holmes, Esq. On motion of John Wilfong, Esq. the Hon. Nat. Macon was elected President of the College; On motion of Wm. P. Ferrand, 1 Esq. Thomas G. Stone, Esq. of Franklin county, was elected Sec- relary of the Convention. - On motion of Col. Wm. R Lockhart, Thos. R. Wheeler and Isaac Truitt, were appointed door ; keepers. " motion of Abram W. Ven- ab,e Lsq. James K. Love, Hay- wood county, was elected a mem inated Martin Van Muren, of the ! State of Ne.w York for President OI ,he United States ot Ameri ca; and Gen. Louis D. Wilson, nomin ated Kichard M. Johnson, of the State of Kentucky, for Vice Pre- sment ot the uniled states ol America. On motion of Arch'd Hender son, Esq. Dr. Josiah O. Watson, Dr. Gideon C. Marchant, were appointed a committee to receive and count out the votes of the Electors. On collecting and counting the ballots, the committee reported thai Martin Van Ruren had fifteen votes, the whole number given in, for President; and that Richard M. Johnson had also received fif teen votes, the whole number giv en in, for Vice President. The President of the College then announced the result; that Martin Van Ruren, pf the Slate of New York, had received the unan imous vole of this Electoral C ' lege, for Presideut of thes- J"1,led j n --ner, that Rich And, in like r ' ard M. Johnson, of the- State o Kentucky, had received ihe unan imous vote of this Electoral Col lege, for Vice President of these United States. On Motion of Col. George Bowers, Col. Philo White, of Ra leigh, was elected Messenger to convey the votes of this Electoral College to Washington ( ity, ami deliver then into the hands of the President of the Senate of the U nited States. On motion of Abram W. Vena ble, Esq. the thanks of the Electo ral College were presented to their President, the Hon. Nat Mocon, for the dignified and impartial manner in which he had presided over their deliberations; for w hich, Mr. Macon thanked the Electors in warm and affectionate terms. On motion of Abram VV. Vena ble, Esq. the thanks of the Col lege were tendered to the Pastor and Members of the Methodist Church, for ihe use of their House of Worship, in which the College is now assembled. On motion of Gen. Louis D. Wilson, the thanks of the College were presented to the Secretary and Door-keepers, for their ser vices. On motion of Abram W. Ven able, Esq. the College then ad journed sine die.. Attest, THOMAS G: STONE, Sec'y. Standard, . (QThe Annual Conference of ihe Meihotlist Proieslant Church for the District of N C. mei al Bradford's Meeting Houfe, Halifax county, on Friday the 9th insiant. Considerable num ber, both of Ministers and Lay men, were in attendance. They consulted together with grind or der, unanimity and biolhetly love for ihe welfare of 1 ht Itdeemers kingdom and the salvation of their race, until Monday evening, when after having parsed thinugh Ihe business presented for iheir consideration they adjourned sine? flic, lo meet the 1st Friday in. December next, at Shiloh Ran dolph county. The Ministers and Preachers, are stationed for the present year as follows: Alson Gray, President. Albemarle Ct. - Leonard Pra- ther, Sup. Joshua Swi;tt Harmon Forkington and John Giles, as sistants. Slantonsburg St. Selh Speight Supt. Battle's St. Wm. Bellamy, Supt. Roanoke Ct. S. J. Harris, Supt. Richard Davison and Al hriltain Jones; assistants. Granville Ct. Joseph Holmes Supt. Willis Harris, James Hunt and Ciwell Prakr aMstants. Orange Ct. - Wm, Lineberry, Supt. Charles L. Cooly, James H. Christie and Chastine Allen assis tants. Randolph Ct. --Alexander Bob bin, Supt. S. Y. McMasiers, Jo seph Caudy, N. Robbins, John Gray & Jesse Golmoie assistants. Guilford Ct. Joh F. Speight, Supt. John Cue, John Moore, Isaac Coe, assistants. William 11 Will. John Craig, Ira C. Norman, Junes II. Harris, Horrace A. Burton, John Birr and Samuel J. Parker, unstalion &. Halifax Advocate. Roanoke. Danville and Junc tion Rail Road. The citizens of Norfolk have had a town meet ing, and, so far as they had au thority, have instructed the Com mon Council of the Boiough lo subscribe S400,000 to the Stock of this Company. (3The -'"tenants of New Orleans.'1 lssai(j 'he Standard f y" Cl,y a,e qil'ti'& their sub eripiion to the northern naner?. that they may Mhe belter afford to pay liberally for advertising in, nd for the support of their own papers." j

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