r. SATURDAY. JAN. 14. 1837. congress. The Senate is p-iucipaHY en- gaged in debating; Mr. rVi'g'j thi Stale, hy granting incorpora resoluiion, rescinding the Ti rau-j tjon to associations of individual ry Order, requiring sp-cie pay-1 nterprize and capital, formed lor ments for the Public Lands and! that purpose. Head first time. the bill for the admi ga ir.lo the Union. don of Michi Thp Mo. nf RpnrPntatirP. r - 7 Has before il a resolution, subm.t- ted by Mr. ise, tor an enquiry into alleged abue ol the h,xecti-; live Dep3ilments of the Govern- j ment and a resolution iniroduc-t ed by Mr. Bell, to provide for! securing the freedom of election? which bid fair to occupy the most of their time during the session. j Richmond M. Pearson, of Da (JGov. Didley s Inaugural , ye coimlv an j J0m D. Toomer, Address will be lound on our first j nf pa ettevil!e. have been elected page- The Slandaul very jusdy Judge's of the Superior Court-remark-: We are not dipoed to ' the former, be reason of the crea quarrel with this Mes?3ge; it is tion ofa new Circuit the latter, mostly a business document of in the place of Ovveii Holmes, re treat interest to the Slate, and si?ned- with some exceptions, must give very general satisfaction. We! hope he any be all that he PronH ises, tne officer ol the State and not ofa parly," and that he may be assisted by able and patriotic councillors. GENERAL ASSEMBLY. The following is an abstract of; such of the oroceedinirs as we rnn-! t 0- - aider interesting to our readers.J SENATE. Mr. Moore presented a Reso lution, directing thejoint Commit tee on the subject ol a Penitentia ry, lo enquire into the propriety of establishing one or more Lunat ic Asylums. Mr. Joyuer, from the Commit tee on Internal Improvement, re ported a bill, heretofore referred ! to them, to incorporate the North! Carolina Central Rail Road Com-j pany, which passed its econd ai.d , third reading-, and was ordered i to be engro-x (I. Mr. J. W. Bryan, from the Jo diciary Committee, to whom the subject had been lelerred, repor ted a bill to restore any person convicted ofan infarnou- crime to the rights of citizenship. Au thorizes such person, three vtats alter conviction, to file a petition in the Superior Court, which tri- hlln il hlil hll'P i iritl.-.! Inn ,1'tl rp l U,,u .1, nr., ... . passeu. The hour of 12 having arrived, the Senate, on motion o! Mr. Edwards, proceeded to the order of the day. Messrs Edward? and Bryan id Carteret were ap pointed a Committer to wait on the Hon. Mr. Memminger, Com misMoner from the Slate of Suuth Carolina, and invite him to the est and benevolent man; and shows sal prepared for him in the Senate how well he deserved the confi chamber. WhereuDon. the bill dei icp nf those who voted tn pt. lo confer bankinir oriviles-es oo . ! . oi ifie lo u i 1 1 ie, ; Cincinnati and Charlelon Had Road Company, was read the second time; wnen vir. Menimin-;,. (Tor rntl nnrl n A A rn. . I (Un W t ot i i .u ... i . . av w.uiucuun; iciiiiiii, dliu Willi; great force and eloquence, in mid- i port of the measure, and in expla-1 nation of the object of his mission. 1 After he concluded his remark ! .. me senate ai ioiimp m.ti d oclock, P. M. The bill making an appropria- non lor carrying on and comple linff the Uamtol ol thp Si-.t ....... rH ikB ihir.i i;m. i . w..v. ... ..... w iiiutr, tiiiicuueo, on iir. iJoia s motion i, so as to ap- in ;.lti-.i t instead of ; Mr pi j , j mt. n4clwaid s ! proptiat- gl 20,000 75,000, and on motion, so as to provide for the ..: ' t"ir :u nic iiiJiiiiiiLt; ui lilt UUlltS I If m w lurn.sh.ns the Capitol; passed and of my new Office, I must invoke Lj,, ,' anJ J"Por ordered to be enirrod. J . . . . usl mue j tunt h umor. V e conv the tol. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. Moore presented a bill empowering l.e Halifax arid Wei don Lad Road Company, to sub scribe I heir stock lo the Wilming ton and Raleigh Rail Road Com- rany, which passed its first read in jr. Mr. Graham, from the Commit. tee on the Surplus Revenue, made . . . . ... i ...... la thliiilrtl report oi me varum I .. .u:t, r,, ...nA In thorn tnirnlllpr liject l''iriiru lu ''vij w r wiih a bill o appropriate Hie pub ic monie-i which hall he received by ihi State. The bill was read ' the tirt lime and passed; and on Loiion o! Mr. Crawford, ordered j to be prii.tt d. j Mr. Satterlhwaile introduced a ! bill to encouraze the culture and i mantifipMirn nf su?ar and silk in Adjournment. Both Houses i lin-u 'trrp 1 tii niiiiiirn sine rlie. . :V . . .7 t .7 journ nn ihp lain nisi- We do not be ,ifive ,Iowever they will he able j j ,0 gel through with the business j before them, by that time, by the 20ih, perhaps they can. Raleigh Register. Elections. A number ol elec tions have taken place since our last, but we are so crowded for room, that we can do nothing but give general results. un luesnay last, James . Guinn, the Representative of the i county of Macon in the House of Com moos, was elected Solicitor of the ne w Judicial Circuit in the ... . i i ntic 5 uu inner ucr s'jii iii ii w iii i ii ti 1 1 ui i, vjiii viici c nric r ; between thirty and forty scatter- - ing votes, chiefly tn favor of Mr.. Gaither, ol Burke. James K- dge, Clerk of the j Senate, has been elected Solicitor ! of the 6th Judicial Circuit, vice William J. Alexander, declined. His opponent was Thomas Wil son, of Burke. ib. Councillors of Slate. We an nounced in our last, the election of five Councillors, leaving two still to be chosen. Since then, Charles E. Johnson, of Chowan y mc) ai,'I Edgecombe, (V elected. ib. dThe bill L. Dancy, of B.) have been abolishing the I Office of Public Printer, and pre srnoing the mode in which the Printing for the Slate shall here after be executed, has become a law. ib. Death of a .Member. It is with sincere regret that we announce the death of Geo. W. Montgome j ry, the Senator from the County of Hertford, who died nn Wednes day last, after a brit f illness of a few davs. ib. Hon. Robert Strange. In liis gentleman's letter, resigning the office of Judge, on his temporary election as Senator, we find the following, which is well worthy! this disinterested patriot and hon tend bU tprm nfnfllr-P tn arc ! Hal. Standard. "Rv ihp nivnroftlif. i.nprl I o, ..iroot.' f,o tw.i . i t .i.i.. i" . i. i uti in jii mine iiiinv iiouuraoie. : ; c? i aa allordinc me a support, w -1 ! i i -, I wl,,ch m;ISl necessarily pan by ccePtmS the temporary appoint- ' me,u lendered me in your letter; a,)d' Iid 1 listen only to the die-. c . i 14";U' unic mierest, 1 snouit preler remaining in my present station. But I am too much a debtor to the State for the many favors I havp nlrp.idv rprpivcrl i i I "Cl naiiu, miu urn iuu urtuiy auec- - t ted with this new mark of the pub- r cj . r i he confidence, to pause upon con-1 . , . , , ' . , , derations merely prudential." 4.1.. .i. ,i:i r i ... 'i"eamehino inuuigence eipe-! rienced for ten ears in the fulfil-;! menthol my Judicial functions,! Important if irue.- was conscious that the flattering dis-j rmretl on Saturday and yeer Unction has fallen upon one hav- May n th- authority of letieis ing little to recommend him save i we know not tvhpnpp nr K. integrity of purpose, honest zeal in action, a warm philanthropy for mankind in genera!, and espe cially that portion of it compre hended in the endearing epithet, mv country." Southern Citizen and Man of Business. We have received i he 2d No. of this new paper, latelv established in Ashborough, N. C. by Benjamin Swain, Eq. We believe Urn paper will be de voted to law and miscellany, and eschew politics. ib. Accident. We are pained to state that the Rt. Rev. Bishop Ives met with a serious accident, on Thursday last. In leaving this City for Fayelteville, in a carriage j drawn bv two spirited tiorse, i i " ri.. :..- Laimnd tlio lMe lMOK ,r,"m Jusl i r ttniKO nrnm off a WFV . - . lK1k. unset the vehicle am made a complete wreck of it. iph The Bishop aud his river were both thrown out-lhe former had his shoulder dislocated and was otherwise a good deal bruised the latter escaped unhurt. Jialeigh Register. Clt appears by an Official Report from the Secretary of the Treasury, in the last Washington oaoer. thai the portion of the iiur- plus fund, coining to North Caro- litia, is 1.911,679 53. ib. Le.uuel Turner, convicted cf i i . t i ii tne muroeroi ..apt. narue.i, oi n'.r.. n.r.A Granville c-mnty, pursuant to sen tence, on Friday last. ib. fOn Tiniitni; auuninrr lief , " , M , .', negro named Jim Clark, while G t i c c i ti rr f I..,' 1 ,1 I mimii in U UUUI, H.M U1CIUU11IU, . . . r,..tt , . ' "llru m III a UUUI, ICII UCI UUtHI, ,nt , , ro. . ... s. i i Stage Jisutter.-On Wednes- j da v last, the southern staire. on it J way hither from Wilmington, was upset in Trenton, and sever.il pas- sengers were slighilv iujiKed. We i regret to state iImi Daniel Shine, j Esq., of this place, was so badly hurt that he was compelled to in- , termit his journey homeward. The ' passengers who came through in- , form us that the driver, either in- ientionallv or neolipntU'. rr.nd i the disaster. ib. J -D"3--"V ' " ' I Jf'ashinglon JMarket, Jan. 10.- Turpentine, new dip $2 50 Old $2 50. Tar,$l GO. JVhig. Petersburg .Market, Jan. 9. Cotton, 13 a 14! cents, as in qua lity, sales small. Int. Florida CamDaitrn.. Maior General Jesup has made a requi- al of young Springstead, andoh sition for 300 men upon the Go- j served "that he must have been vemment of South Carolina. The ! ver.v careless or he w ould hav e Governor, considering the uncer- j tain relations that seem lo exist between the United States Govern ment and its commanding Gener als, has prudently forwarded the requisition to Washington Citv, for the "endorsement of the Secre tary of War, and for the funds ne cessary for equipping the troops. The last accounts from the seat of Wr state, that the Wahoo Swamp has been effectually scoured Irom one end to the other " nnomg a solitary Indian. !Tlie P'valeiu opinion is, lhat Oseola has at last abandoned this stronc hod to seek anothpr. nrm . ,. , .i. ii retire to the Everglades. H tlmmgton Adv. fffS U .. .- TI j uJ ;jaeiiger uom jren- sacola, arrived here last evening in ihe Champion, we learn that :the U.S. Ship St. Louis, has reached there from Tampa Bay. . It is reported that she biings in ; tfclligence of Ihe failore of Gen. ! Jessup's expedition. Gen. J. had I lound no Indians and reached , T, .. " destitute condition. . , , has resigned. Mob Tom pa Bav with his tronn? in o Gov. Call Mobile Com. He. inw.nir fm th.. ti. i " Dec. 26th. j received, that the royal party in j Mexico had declared Ihe infan' of Spain, Bon Francisco de Paulo," King ol that tine country, France and England had dedal ed in his favor, and had furnished mm wiih resource, to work m to the throne thus offered way him ihat lour French shins ol 4 guns are now off Pensacola, and were about to sail for the neigh borhood of Vera Cruz, where an other 74 had already ai rived, and that these forces were lo stippoit the party about to declare in favor of the infant. An expedition was lately pre paring at Havana, about which public opinion was divided. Ma uy persons supposed it was de tined for Mexico. Late from Europe. Ad vice from Euroue to the 20th Nov. have been received. They give an account ol tlv decline oi pro duce generally, particularly the KreatJVmeric.ui Siaple of Coltou. The depression in the European Market ha" had Us consequent effect here by causing a decline and stagnation in prices. A rumor had pieva.itu to some; extent in ionuon mhi n uruer; in Council would be .;ued di.rc-j tins the Bank ol England to cease j ; Id payments, which is officially ! connadctfd. j II i-umored that the peo- j pie of Nap!e have risen against I neir King, arm utcnitu in iai-i j of l,,e Prince of CaP',a ; , . (rT'There is a nronosition he- i i yj re i ue oouiu vuiuiiiki Ljeiiisui- c i t - -, ture to confer nankmcr m n ilprrpc L. .i r-i i . i r - ' . I nil the I nr vliin anl I ini'innili ! Railway Comnanv. and incorno - rating a bank will, a capital of j i . r - b.()U).( (). uit i nower to in- m -. . . 'the same to 9,000,000, " J 1 , when the Railroad shall ,Mrh crease wilh a double track the Sonthpro' ; boundarv r t ' 2,000,000 when it shall reach the (Jhio river-lhe stock of the oi tventurkv. and to Company to be increased to $ 1 2,000,000, by opening the books again; and if that amount oe raised, each stockholder to be entitled to a Bank Share ;f 550 f,r earn Railroad Share, to be successively raised to $75 and $100 when the Road advances to ,ne P',,ls above named. The Bank is to be called the South Western Railroad Bank. .V. Y. Star. dCfOn the 3d, Samuel Spring stead, a lad of 14, whilst paiug through the woods in Sheffield, Laraine Co., Ohio, was kiiled im mediately by tlic falling ofa dead limb upon him. On the 7th, Mr. John Strong, in the same neigh borhood, w as killed by the same ause- He " been to the funer- avoided the falling limb by which ne was Kiiien, little ttttnUmg at the lime that his own life would so soon end from a similar acci dent. ib. i 111 ii, i i l .. An unfeeling wretch. A young woman, Ann Meliue, residing at io. 2G4 William street, was brought up to the Police for hav ing set fire to the clothes of her mother with the intention of de- strovincr her. and ii wn nlil. rrr,..t irouDie ttiat the names which had already enveloped the mother. could be cot under hv tbo lions nf i cn mo lirtnf . . i "vvwam i me . ; uu.wv. uuujc, uu vias resisted in his efforts by the unnatural dauch- ter. 1 tie motber was rarrlml i.i the Hospital dangerously burnt, ii. Destroying the Cherokees bv frjwA-ey. uov. Schley. Dec. 8,1 made an important communica tion to the Georgia Legislature,! tin-iuaiug recent uespatcnes sent by express from Gov. Wool, touch ing the alarming state of things produced among the Cherokee ' ov ttie shamelul practice pursued ; by the whites of selling to them ' illloxicatino linnnr nn rtiriit., ,1.. I i- : m, .' ' 1 "iiisKey. mis abuse is carried on to great extern at New Kchota and its vicinity, and among ihe despatches is a remonsiranceYroin the principal Chiefs, petitioning the Legislature to prevent the practice. Any person, by the small fee to the Clerk, may obtain a.licence; Gov. Schley urges the passage of a law totally prohibit ing such licences. Gen. Wool implores the Governor to use hi exertions lo procure such a law, otherwise he fears the worst ol consequence at the approaching assemblage of 1000 Indians at New Echota, to meet the Com missioners. The Chiefs say their people are, by the frequent pota tions of whiskey, becoming de graded to brutes. ib. Farewell Steam. There seems no limit to the surprising inven tive faculties of our countrymen. We learn by the Freehold (N. J.) Inquirer that on the 8th Dec. and following davs there will take tdace at that town under the di- reciion ofan examining commit tee, a series of experiments with a new propelling power for Rail roads, invented by Mr. U. Em mons of that town, and called the Spring Power Locomotive. The , speed is computed at from 70 to ifjO miles per hour! and that en- jjrev effected by springs, of which l)ere ,fe 500 , ,,e jOComol,ve No danger of explosions here...& , Fa(al u 0f Intoication Yesterday about 4 o'clock, P. M. as one of the deck passengers, by the name of Barlow, on board the steamboat Cuba, as she was about to leave for Louisville, was pass ing bv the engine, in an inloxica ? . ' , f . . , . . snail and was pitched forward: l"u,lu UIU "hen bemcr struck bv the wheel. O "J " liwvi, ! UU hea,J was CUl completely off "" J"" ue me mourn oacu- r i .1 i i i t nrf iirnpni in rr n m o c w on mi : PI' Cincinnati Whig i ' r-"--h f!?Elder Parham Puckett is 1 exrwrten In nrpnrli of fllit min ' , j C7k' Wdy, 1 ih Jar., ""J"5 nd?' the ,oth' ,n Fa,b" ro ; Saturday and Sunday, the 14th and 1 5th, at Conetoe; Mon day, the 10th, at Upper Town Creek. Com. I'ricts Current, At Ttirbiro" and New York. JA.N.9. . per Tarboro'. Xetc York Bacon. t. 12 15 12 13 j E?e$s, Sb. CO 23 8 34 Bra'dv,H.p!e g -H'i. 4b 50 34 37 Coffee, tb. 13 16 11 13 torn, bush.' 65 70 81 5 Cosiim, Ib. i 13 14 Ui IS Cotton bng'g. yard.j 20 25 22 25 Fl.mr, gupf. lbl. I CI'.' ?12 fcOO 11 Iron. Ib. 5 3 4 I-nrd, lb. 12 15 12 17 .Molie?, ,'gaU'u 55 60 30 4g S.i-T.brown j lb. M 8 51 Salt, T.I. I.'.u.h f 60 65 3;. -12 Turpentine, j Lbl. 250 275 4.'5 455 uht-at. tuh.- HX 125 l5o 165 Ul,,Wv, ' Lbl 45 TO 34 3.5 Public Sale Of Crop. Stock, sfc. X MOXDVV, th 16th inst. the Sub scriber will st II at Public sale at Id rs ilence, 5 mils from Taiboro ou ihe stae roait to VVajhingion, M hi Crop, Slock, crc. Conisting of a!o-it 13 or 14.0 O lbs seed Coiton. beltv-en i and 3O0 b.irrtl, Com, 60 or 70 bushels Peas. Fodder. i:C. Hnr ss, Calt, nmong wbicn art- a yoke of Oien Slioats sows and P.? a t'O taitoo still, anple mi:l, and a ii, ty of Farming uteni:s. AIo, a Gig a. d barntss. and household und kitchen Furniture. Terms will be made kuuwti on the dv of s:e. Benj. Boy kin. January 9, 1S37 VALUABLE Newspaper Eslu blish men t FOB SALE. THF. sul.scribers hi, ing determined to engage in a uiiltnut pursui , tu Spectator Establishment Js ojfcralfur Safe. The Otln o u well provided h the ne , V "'!. iihti di .g h mere tra.,a,isirt ofihr ,,,. lo tlo litr. ordered it. the patron ! futU hlkt k oilier br .rci. of Hiiues ku,i to the sibcnbr the Itt Wi n I; se aiMouul of capital t rodi.es m. lerpiohs. A the sal i nieieiy a matter of cone nu ncc . i l.e snbci ibers. uu o e i.ed rty s a j chaser who i i0 Str$ia il.f poi.li.at .ii.iCiple vhici thir Si-etUu.i-h.s autoraltd. Vaslcur & Moore. Xertbcrn, -1th rv't. lS3d, SELLING Opf At 'Cost. Burt cj; Horne, T KING vkf-sl," are iiuw utTciin . Cu.-t thrir en tiff ""! Stock of .Mvvvh:nulit U ST ANTONSBURfc For casli, or on a cruln tin the fir,f j of Jun-iary wiih iui-it,c from ih e (Uy of Ari! Ail tl.i-e in arr-a uti 10 iht fi : will t asp to laUt- i. t tc thai ;ijmi.llt parlicularty r- iynt-3 ed on or .i,ti,e first day oi Ajui'. 11 Tli remises, f On which ihy me now d.in b-ijineg CJll li hunitl an I omcsh n iri by firt of April. 'J he :i Har.iagfi.us jjU? lion of i ii place for biuiuA is so known they N eiu it iuii.ec-s:ai v to 9nv Ct r t hup p . -r. ' . g'vt Gocd siove house, wart house?, U house, j Aho afir.t rate coiton Screw on the pre,, a" " hich be sold low and ti accornniodntuig urm lo any persou wiSi ing; f piirci.ase curh a siluai.on. Si.nr..n-it,irp, Jan. KUh, 1S37. I allclcd j Worth of (loads at Cost. Wm, B'iri fV Son. ARE NOW Selling Off nl c st, A la S And liailluilit sorlmnl i.? FA S'C Y A Vfl STAPLE !7 A credit till ihe first dai of J.tntinry i le given, with im-resi lixm tue flr.-t Ujr of April. All those who hare not settled their a: count for the ito itl ;lf ;ise call un do so on or Liluie thr- firi nay of Aipil. i neir iots, And all appurtenances thereto attacheit. dre for sale. mere h a large new two story dwtllin: anil nil nlhr nMiian hr. venience of a family on the premises, be sides a large well arrang- J Store' house, vare house, gin house and cotton scrnv. As they intend movi.ig to thv t. il n wi'loCerto any person a good l.ari. i. who may ih to pnrlae. Stantoiij.Ijisrg, Jn. 10, 1S J7. Joticc. IS hereby given toall the creditors of Nathan Sestnms. dec'il, To pree"! th.-ir claims in tnr iu mofUx for liquidation at the 4.ie hcu-p cl' I! Austin i; Son. on fhe ISO. cf Jaminrt next. On lit d.y I l.e U. ir aio ceas-ed viil atteud for ire r"p .f si'i tling the del.t ,Ue by the nee ae. AL persons indebted are"req.?esied to rvA payment at same ti.ne- Pi s i.oiice be pltad iu b.r of rrcverr. The Heirs. 30ih Dec. 13-la. L2 And .Man of business. IThat do ice lire for. but to iw prove car selctt, and be utfful to one ai.olher? THF. subscriber pr .p.nrs to publish in the tonn of liboroiiih, R4ndolb c. unty. . C. a weekly neusii;,j cr uujtt the above title. From mature rriection on the subject and some cnusuhatiou with men rf eipt-ri- ne'e. it is brliewd. thai..bv comif dir.-; the ordinary variely of a .Newspaper, wiia practical legal maiiius. advice. pproei formt. k.c- in ti.e trao-action o busines the pnblicaiion may Le rendered us. I"'i'. and generally arce tUe, at least to ll citix-r of thi State Is is difilculi ia enumerate beforehand ll the Mitijects that xvmx b- ronVi.b red witijin It.e design of tl( f(i; but amon other tI. due t:eii..n will l.e pnid Rtf itfMU, tMl.tT,FdUi ti.M. Pol tic. AJ- tk tdwr. . Commerce. i.c lo-etrt r w ith the rewf he day. f:ricn and domestic. Ihe Imismc- mailer will be similnr i chatrti totti hkh appeait jn the l and 2d rots, of the "-.Man nf bnsinf ss;" nrul it necessary, some of tl subjects the treated of. will lie more fu!!y xptainr- In po!iucs. the publication i pleled to party. Aud it is h..pd aixl believed that no improper prejudice "ill be indulg ed AM rait rs shall have f,r nL Thi Editor promises m ii hoot reserve, li e strict et attention to the rl.asii'y f hi col umns; and far a prrtiri"e f render the publication exactly n h a every wor thy citizen vrtfl t-ke pleasure in in' rod U c.ng tj xbi notice of ii: family i. fricu J:. TERMS: The Citizen will t'e issued every Pa'ur tar iuoi q'ii', on a fine suj'er-rm hrt, at S- Jer an .urn in d or i! not pa 4 wi'hin t! r-e .i . t vm the tla'e u j I f :ke firs' iff HKXJAMIX sii'Anr. Ash rru-Ji, tvloT.