fwwmm mm mMmmsumaca m Cd ffichl King, MR IIC 11 ANT TAILOR, MVVING removed lo his new estab lishment, nearly opposite the Court Ion'-, respectfally informs hi friends and the public generally, that he is now open ing a Ictud-ome assortment of JFall ant) OSItntcr Of a beautiful and superior quality, which have been selected with much personal cue itt the northern cities, ami will be made up to order at short notice and in the most fashionable style such as: Superfine blue and black Clolhs, Invisible green and brown do. Clarence brown and mulberry do. Olive and mixt do. ,, Polaski ribbed Cassimere, ,. Plain black and inixl do. do. ,, Lavender, Zebra, Plaid StGrecian do. ,, Striped and corded do. of various colors, Plain black and figured Velvets, Brocade Velvets, a superior article, Plain black and figured silk Ve(iu$s, Brown and drab l i n sham, Black anil brown goat hair Camhlets, Also, a beautiful assortment of stocks, some very superior, Bosom, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, k.c. He trtists by due attention to business, ami his long experience therein, to give due satisfaction to those who may favor him with their orders. He will keepton stantly on hand an assortment of seasonable Heady made Clothing, Of the best quality, manufactured by him self and warranted. A LSO, three or four Journey men Tailoi s oTthe first class, wanted. Tarboro, Nov. 10th. 1S36. Montague's Balm, An Indian remedy for toothache WHICH when applied according I j i ivcli-ns, has never failed to afford tinmt ili i.e and permanent relief, just re reived and lor sale by J. IV. GOTTEN. llth Nor. 1835. Jtlrs.Jl. C. Howard, TOTA just received a Fresh Supply of .a. a. ijuus, aim is now enauieti m mr nish her customers and the public with al most every article for ornament, service, or comfort in the .Millinery Line. In her assortment will be found : A variety of Pattern Bonnets, Tuscan and straw do. of nearly evtry shape and feature, riain. fiurea, and warrred Silks and Sat ins tor dresses, Fanry Gauzes, (or do. Vei!, rhuwls, Scarfs, and Ilanikf rchieft, of different qualities and prices, Head ornaments, hair Nets, Puffs, L Curls, A large quantity of Bibbons, artificial Flowers, Sic. lie. ICTMrs. H. has patterns of the latest fashions. he invites an inspection of her Goods. Mavtua making done as usual. Tarboro', April 23. Look at This. Mr. William Claiborne, BOUT the year lSlfior 1817,remov. . ed from the count v nf AmJi :.. . k. State of Virginia, and settled in some part f North Carolina; since which time, his friends have not heard fr m him or been able to a?certain the plaee of his residence. Bequeathed to him by his wife's Father, John Bagby, Will become payable the 1st f Januarys JS37, and the undersigned Executor of the Estate is anxious that he ,houM come for ward and receive it; and that he, in the wfant.me, do advise the under ed of rhe place of ins residence. If iyfP Clsii borne is dead, or has removed lrom raro. Iina, his surviving relations or any tl- r person who can give y information con cernmg h,m, or his ,, cendants, H m " fer a .vor on the undersigned, by comm.," nesting 5nch information by letter direct d to bun at Kanawha Courthouse, Va. Thos. Matthews, &rr. 1st June, 1S30. Fruiting Press for Sale A PUPHR HOY.AL Prir.tino' Press o M. the old mode of cn.trUciTo'u procured on reasonahleterms. .I ' Jppt.V nt this Office. larboroi-;!,, July 24. , M William V. Grav's Invaluable Ointment, FOR ULCERS, TGMO'JRS.&C Can now be obtained of tht Patentee, at the Office of the Raleigh Register, Single Pol, 1 dollar- One dozen, 9 dollars. WILLIAM IV GRAY. Raleigh, October 4. 1833. Raleigh, September 1. 1S36. For five or six years previous to the spring of 1834, a negro man of mine had been much afflicted with an ulcerated arm and hand, which rendered him almost use less. The ulcer embraced that part of his arm from the elbow down, including his entire "hand, which was literally a mass ot putrefaction. A ioiot of part of the thumb, perished anddropt off. a moie distressing nutl hopeless case I have never beheld. It was abandoned by his physician as incurable, except by am putation of the hand. The best medical treatment having fail ed to relieve the man, I placed him under the care f Mr. William W. Gray, in this place, who, with his Ointment, has effectu ally cured the . case, although the negro was frequently absent, tor weeks and moi.ths together. He has been entirely well for the last eight months, and I have good reason to believe will continue so. WILLIAM BOY LAN. Brandy,-wanted. Hlb Subscribers wish to purchase 60 . barrels BRANDY, for which ibe highest cash price wi I be given. U. RICHARDS cy CO. Nov. 12, 1835. BECKWITH'S Jnti-duspcptic nils. THIS most valuable medicine for the cure of Dvsvensia. andth ot bilious fevers, colic, he. kc is kept con sianuy on nana and tor sale by J. IV. COT TEN. Tarboro'. 24 Sept. 1833. to., pr Inters find Publishers. -:J: THi: Subscribers have just completed ir new Specimen iook of light faced bok and job printing X?pes, t lower and ovnunients, TJ mm c The contents of which arc herewith partial- Diamond; peat I. iNo. 1 and 2; agate Nos. 1. 2 hi,.! 3; aate on uo -pareil budy; non pared No. 1.2, 3 and 4; miniorette Nos. aa'5 2? nni',n Nos. J, 2, 3 and 4; minion on brevier b,..!: ; .;evier on minion bnd v ; brevier Nos. 1, 2, 3 and A; brevier on b nr. geois body; br: :i r o.i long (-rimer bodv, bourgeois u,i lr vier body; bourgeois Nos. 1, 2, 3 i;nd 4; botirge.ou on Ion primer long primer ?,os.. 1, '1, 3 and 4; b.ng pn.n e on small pica bod); small pk?i, Nos. 1 and '2; pit a on small i.i lirJ.. rL,, v 1; '-' r.d 3; p ca on English bod'; L'ngl.sh fV"; 4 !';i1 2: r,'t r nmer; paragon; dou ble Lnd'sn; d.-nbl! i.ui.-... lu es picHtoUemy; tig" fine pica Gothic -. ..3r , IWVHV. llvp seven lute and t n line pt-a ornamental; six, seven, niive, twelve and fifteen 1'hh-s pica shaded; eight, .v.., ...c.roiMncen lines antique, suaued Jiso, a large and beautiful collection ef Uplift MltflLr. From pearl to seven lines pica, many of which are not to be found i.. n, cimen; a new assortment of ornamental dashes, a variety of ram j near TWO THOUSAND Metal Ornaments, Brass rule; leads of various thickneas- ironoinical, inathematiral and physical signs; metal brares and dashes from'threc to tb.jty ems long; preat primer Si double pica scripts on incited body; diamond and .... ......... ...umcoi various kinds antiques; Usui nn neavy Ce two letter; full face Roman and Italic nonpareil, minion, ... iiimcri,a sinalf pica; min ion, brevier, long primer and other blacks nonpared, nvnion and b evier Greek Hel brew aad Saxon. ' A la-ge variety of Ornaments, calculated particularly for the Spanish and South A mencan market-. Spanish. French and Portuguese accents furnished to order to gether with every other article made,8e of m the Printing business all of which ran be furnished at shorl noike, of as good a q..a!ny and on as reasonable terms as any other establishment. y CONNER $ COOKE Corner of Nassau Ann streets, Neic York. Just Published, And for sale at "'"Office, a pamphlet en No other than Baptist Churches Have n right to be called CHRISTIAN CHURCHES. By Joshua Laatrfkck. Price 10 cents single, or 5 1 per dozen. WASHINGTON MONUMENT. rmHE Board ot Managers of the Wash- JI inglon National Monumental Society invite DESIGNS for tins structure, mien ded as a .memorial of a NATION'S GRATITUDE. - :i J I It would be to fetter genius hiiv limits to the exercise of its powers. . wh'ch should, however this case, liar- mon.ouMy menu uurn.i.my. grandeur. Although .t .s .mpracticHble t present to estimate the extent ot the : eo - ttibuti-as that may be mde, he Designs niaybepred,Cated onanpend,lureol not less than one million of dollars. 'l't. t!nu,..t rf MallamTS Will not OlleilCI American srenius so much as to offer, in i lie v-iivi - - . this instance, a pecuniary rewaid. The artist, whose Design shall be adopted, w ill feel amply remunerated; and all the De signs w ill be bound and carefully preserved to which end, it is requested that they be sketched, as near as may be, on paper of a uniform size, of the dimensions of sixteen by twenty-two inches. The designs to be directed to GEORGE 1F.1TTERS0N, Scc'ry. Buggy for Sale. excellent Newark made BUGGY for sale, Apply at this Office. November 9, 1335. & horn it may concern. THE Subscriber tequcsts all those in debted to him to call and settle their account. IT KfXCr January 13. 1636. " Piano Forte for Sale. IH AVE a very handsome PIANO for sale persons wishing to pu. chase, would do well to call and examine it. J. (V. COTTEN. May 21st, 1833. PROPOSALS, For publishing in the town of Tarbnrough, N. C. a stmi-moithly paper, entitled THE PRIMITIVE BAPTIST, EDITED tlY MUK BENNETT, Printed and Published by Geo Howard. Til IS publication ispnncipilly in tended totiefendtheold school United Baptists from the many aspersin3 cast upon them bv deluded persons pro'essing their own f;iith, because tb-y cannot conscimt ious ly engage in the various money-makino schemes of the day, ostensibly intended to promote Christianity, but evidently tend ing to destroy ibe great and fundamental principles upon wuich it is based, by mak ing a ain of godliness. We wish to hare i' distinctly onderatood, that Wu are iot inimical to Masonry, Temperance, tne dis tribution of the Bible, or the soread of the Gospel but we do condemn the mingling of professors and non-professor? of reli gion in societies, and the making a "craft" of religious matters, in every shape and form whatsoever. Believing thst Theological Schools, Bi ble, ML-sionary, Tract, and Sunday School Union Societies, are the same in principle utiscriptural .savor more of "lucre'' than of "good wilUowards men," we are Opposed to theui. Some of t he children of God, surrounded wi:h? and interspersed amongst, the advo cates of V is in nary and other societies, are denied the happiness of conv rh,g with those of Ihe same judgment. Otl.erswl, jle grieved with beholding corruptions of the Gospel, are not able to speak for them selves. This is designed, under God. for their relief. We shall aim not so much to please the fancy, as to inform the judgment more to afford matter for solid and last ing comfort, than la give a momentary glow to the feelings. We const der that the cause of tru'h and of Chri-tian solace s our cause. Deeply impressed with the belief that the blessing even of truth iuelf is ot the Head of the Church, we cast our selves upon Him, and send our little paper abroad, praying the Lord to carry with it some joy to those who are in tribulation nd.a little rest to those who are troubled. ' TERM?. TT,e Primitive Baptist is published in s.iper-royal octavo lGrm of 1 pa-es c" the second and fourth Saturdays i each month-at One Dottar per yea?, p"y Z on rece.pt of the firS, Six copies will sen, to one Post Office or neighbor hood for Five Dollars. Communications mast b post paid and directed to the Publisher. V JjT Persons holding Subscription papers will please snrf themor the names on them, to Geo. Howard, Tarborough, JV C. Published and for Sale at this OJJiee. V I UIOTIC DISCOURSE tht North Carolina Whi'g AdoIov for he Kehukee Association and, A Basket of trngmentg, by the Rev. Joshua Lawrence. Also, A Review of Clark's defence and bid t fication to the Kehukee Association, writ . ten by a lay member of the Association., and, Occurrences in the Life of Elder Jo seph Biggs, wrote by himself. January, Ibjo. . t?3, GT Peach Brand if D 1WISH to pn, chase 10 barrels best Peach BRANDY, for which the highest price will be paid in cash. J. IV. GOTTEN. Tarboro', Nov. 23d. 1635, Vine Culture. rifl HE Subscriber has more than twenty ' Some of these are enerllv known as ex ... , ... . - .... , Lt-iflfiiik iui touir usr ui whit- fit. nv wv-- pern()ng, the Halifax. Isabella, Catawba, Jbp.. Madeira, &c The price for u rojtpd v.()e .g r ef of R doar )U wm,,e d()Zei Qf ,)un, of f hnx direction to one respon- . . . . . . ' simt nprann a hnrnimnut iloilurf inn IS made. For furlher particulars inquire of be Editor of the Tarboro' Press, or SIDNEY IVELLER. Biinkleyville, N. C. Oct. 4. M White 4' Hagur, fP '.:SPECTFLii.LY inform the Printers ti of the United States, to whom they have beu long known as established That they hve now formed a CO-PARTNERSHIP In said business and hope from their united skill and experience to be able to give sat Wfactio.i to all !.n may favor them with their orders The introduction of machin ery in place of the unhealthy process of casting tpe by hand, a desideratum by the American and European founders, was by American ingenuity aud heavy expenditure of time and money on the part of the senior partner, first successfully accomplished. Extensive use of the machine to cat let ters has fully tested and estabbshed its superiority overthat cast by the old process. The letter foundry business, will hereafter be carried en by the parlies above named, under t'u- fnui u WHITE. HAGUR & CO. The specimen exhibits a complete series from diamond to sever. teen line pica. The book and news type being in the most modem light and shade. WHITE, HAGUR Si CO. are agents for thebaic of Smith and Kust PRIMhXG PRESSES, whirt they furnish to their customers at the m (Mufactttrers prices. Chases, cases, Crtiiij.rtsing sticks, ink, and eeiy article used in the pnming business, kept for sale and furnished at short notice. Old type taken in exchae for new, at nine cents per pound. , WHITE. New York, 183C. W. HAGUR. For Hire, d Gig and Harness, Apply at this Office. Information Is wanted relative to Christopher tVclden, A native of Galway in Ireland, who resided n years ao IN WILMINGTON, N, C, The object of this advertisement is to know whert- Chritopher IVttden is at present he was rather short, and of a sandy complex ion. Address the publisher of the Wil mington (N. C ) Advertiser. April 22, Notice. THE Subscriber has on hand a first-rate Buggy and Sulky, Manufactured in the latest Newark style 2 small light Carryall, Which he will sell CHEAP for Cash, or on a short credit. Inaac B Brady. July 7th, 1836. t... . -t HISTORY OF THE Kehukee Association. JUST PUBLISHED, and for sale at the office of the Tarboro' Press, A con cise History of the Kehukee Baptist Asso ciation, from iu original rise to the pre sent time by Elder Joseph Bigcj$unnr the supervision of a committee (consisting of Elders Jos'.-ua Lawrence, William Hv m.n, and Luke Ward, aud bietrtrt n Tho mas Biggs, Joseph D. Bi2gS, and Cushion B Hasell.) appointed by the Association " Price SI each, or $10 per dozen. October 2. .. S"P EXPEDITION. From Baltimore lo Bluheft,N. C. IN TWENTY-SIX IIOUUS. Great Northern and Southern Line of travel, via Washington city, Fredei icksburs, Richmond, Ptftersbur, Raleigh, &c. TKN and after the fifteenth day of Oc H? tober next, travellers fiorn New Yoikand Philadelphia, renching Washin? ton bv the evening train on the Baltimore and Washington Rail Rnad, will be for warded immediately by the Steamboat to Potomac creek, and thence by Stages and the Richmond nd Frede ricksburg Rail Road cars to Richmond, Virginia, which place they will reach at 10$ o'clock, A. M. leaving Richmond im mediately, they will arrive in Petersburg to dinner, and at the termination of the Petersburg Rail Road, on the Rnanoke, at 8 o'clock, P. M ; whence they will be for warded by the expeditious lines of J. H. Avery &. Co. to Halifax, Tarborough, Warrenton, Raleigh. F.iyettevillc, Colum bia, S. C. Augusta, lie. Returning the Stages from the South will reach Blakeley Depot (the termination of the Petersburg Rail Road) at 4 o'clock, P. M. Petersburg at 9 P. M. Richmond at 2 A. M and Washington cily in lime for the afternoon train of cars to Baltimore making the trip each way . !etween Balti more and Blakeley, on the Roanoke, in the unprecedented time of Ttventy.sicc hours The above line is connected throughout, and connects at Hick's Ford, with the Boydtun, Danville, and Salisbury line, and Northern and Southern travellers are gua rantied against detention at any point on the route between Baltimore and Augusta. The Proprietors. Oct. 4, 163G. 40 Pocket Book Lost. 5L03T my Pocket Book on Tuesday night 29th of November, or on Wed nesday, the 30th. containing 174 in cash; two S'O bills on U. S. Bank, two $20 bills and a $5 bill on Columbus Bank of G. $100 bill on Charleston Bank, S. C. a $3 bill on Cape Fear Bank, a 1 bill on New bern Bank, and a 5 North Carolina bill. uanK not recollected. I he book contained one note on B-tel Mather, dated 9th Mv. 1836. and dc 1st of January, 1837, payable to me. for $272 37j cent." Also, receipts and other papers valuable only to myself. I will give a liberal reward lo nur n'erson who will deliver the book and contents at Benjamin Eason's, Wyatt Moye's, or any where lliat I can get i. The book is of yellow calf or sheep skin of or dinary size. CICERO BROOME. December 2d, 1836. To the Afflicted. u.l a invaluable Ointment for the cure of white swellings, scrofula n.i.i other tumourr. sore lee-s ami ulror. ...! fresh wounds, tprains, brumes, swellings ana inuammntions, &c. uc. Beckwith's anti-dyspeptic pill. Rowand's genuine tonic mixture, a per feet cure for ague and fever. The above valuable med had wholesale or retail on amiliraiini i r nr . . . , "w 1830. Stale qf North Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Court of Equity. SEPTEMBER TERM, 1S3. Lewis Ellis 1 John Peele Mothers, 5T appearing to the athfaclion of said Court that Jacob H defendants in theabova dentr It is therefore ordered, that publica tion be made for six weeks in the Tarboro' Press, notifying him to appear hi the next "i saiu wourt, to le beM for in id Countv. at the Court H ' - jfiiirtiiij, on the second Mondav in Marrh ni i. and there to plead or'demur to said bill or answer the same, or judgment will b-ta ken pro confesso and said bill be set for neanng ex parte as to him. Witness. Isaac Norfleet, Clerk and Ma- 17 I faii' Court' l omce, the second Monday of September, 1836. NORFLEET, C.M.E. By Wm. NorJleet,D.C.&c. Price adv $3 50. Just Published, And for sale at this Office, Trying lo gnaw out of the CATHOLIC TRAP. Br Joshua Lawbexce. Price 10 cents single, or $1 per dozen. September, 1833. ' Cotton ins. THE Subscriber, wl, ff,r years past has been engage j 11 The Gin Making bnnhtn In Ki.iston, has established l.i,,,,,- L GKEIi.WILLE, Where he carries on the above busing. iiu ii.i fnimw min nr. All lliosc .. i. - i.. .i i , ,.. V,i vih f supply themselves with Gi "ill Of ,1,. best quality, are respectfully 8(,ir;, , apply to the Subscriber per-.,i,v ' ' lyexechted. From 1 he Subset iinr's i 1 l'i'Oiti:,. experience in his bnine5s. and frr,ln ,,! approbation whieh his w oi k b a 4 1 1 met with, he hesitates nol to p-omise HiIr satis faction to all w ho may s-r fit i flf to him their patronage. Gins out of qJ will be expeditiously repaiied. The Subscriber takes the liberty u fi ing the attention ot those who wi"i, j0 ' cure new Gins, of lo have old V,lU5 rp ;' ed, to the expediency of applying t ij' time. Wlien all wail a i usually tlie cj until the work is wanted, it causes sucdj pressure of business, that many are obii of necessity to submit to a longer dt'n than they wish. In connexion with this establishment o ; rie on the Lock& Gunsmith businei He also makes Saw Mill Boxes, and JJ Inks, aud Gudgeons, of a composition' vented by Daniel Perk, of Raleigh C Mill Spindles, with Sleet Collars, (tun. These articles cqtial to any mainfrtctj;. in the United. States. All letters and orders mustie dirtci. to the Subscriber at Greenville HENRY C U AM BE It LAW July 12, 1S35. Cotton Gins. TW HEsuhscriber has etab'ished hints , U. in the houses fruiei y occupied hyr late Joseph Lackey, dee'd, "near tlie iiir and a short distance below Mr. BenjitiL. " M. Jackson's store, where be cnriieson The making and repairing Cotton Gins All those who wisl to supply themselv with Gins of the best quality, are rep fully solicited to apply to the Subset persoonlly, or by letter. AH order I Gins will be promptly execnted. Gin?o. of order will be expeditiously repaired. Blarksmiihing, of every description,!!, ecnted in the best style. ffirru-oisecood baud Cotton Gins sale low for eh. SAMUEL D. PROCTEl Tarboro', 30 h Sept. 1S35. . VERY BEST Cotton Yarn and Twine FOR SALE. THE Subscribers feel grateful for th I ilera! patronage which they recti the past year, and bope by assiduity m punctu;lily in business to merit a coutiwr auce of pa w favors. They now have and expect to keep ceo . stnntly on hand, the Very best Cotton Yarns, From Nos. 2 to 18 inclusive. Also various s'zes of the ben Cotton Seine Twine. Its durability and strength ha been fairlj tested, and th-i Subscribers feel no lieit tion in pronouncing it i.i fei i r to n.nt.:: not superior to any in market. Both tin above articles they expect lo 'deliver purchasers on as liberal terms as article of the same quality can be piocured el where. The usual charge fur conveyance will be mad. Terms of Sale for all quantities of Yarn over one thousand pounds, four months at dit will be allowed for any quantity utuif one thousand pounds, three mouths, iSf purchaser giving note (without interest) " the time the Yarn i deliv'eied, paynbleal the above tinted limes. The proprietors of fisheiies will do well to apply to the Snb-cribi rs for Twine fr the future, as a very liberal credit will b given. BATTLE $ BROTHERS. Falls Tar River, Jan 10.1836. $IOORctvartl. ANAWAY frorn the subscriler, on the night of 20lh Sotember f;it. mV ' negro man named DANIEL. 1 20 or 21 years of are. 6 feet hirh. black complexion, has a pleasing countenance, inclined to be knock-kuet d, his feet some, wliat turned out, particularly hi left fo"i his clothing not recollected. He wns f"' merly the property or Asahel Farmer, hi mother, brothers and sisters belonging 10 said Farmer his father is in Ihe sam neighborhood working about as a bhitk- smnn, nearly as a tree man. It is believed he is lurking about in the neighborhood f said Farmer, also i Nash county. The E&2 above reward will be pant to any person that will apprehend s;ud negro, and deliver him to me or secure him in any jail so llnd I get him again. I f uewarn any person from harboring said negro, or carrying him ofT, under the strict p unity of the In. Any information i es peeling him viM thankfully received, by the Subscriber, ' Oak Grove, E'lgecombe County. U ILLIAM BARNES. 24th Aug- 13- 3.

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