i Whole X). 0-10. Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, X C.) Saturday, January 28, 183?. Vol XIII Jo. 4. The "Ttirboraugh Press," Bi' GKOKGR HOWAIID, I published weekly .at Two Dallftrs and Fifty Cents pr vear, if paid in ntlvnuce or, TurceDollars, a the expiration of tin Subscription y ear. For any period less than a year, Twen y-fiveCenls per month 'Subscribers are at libert vOMliscoutinue ni any time, on eivin- noi: t hereof anl paying arrears those reitii r ;u dis lance must invuriahl ypav in advance, or jive aresponsible. reference inthivicinit v . Advertisements not exceeding l( lines in length (or a square) will he inserted at 60 cents the first insertion &&25cents each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every square. Advertisements must be marked the mnnbprof insertions requi jed.orthey will he continued until other Wise ordered. and charged accordingly. I Letters addressed to thefcditor nuist he post p lid.or they mav not he attended to. !!S!bMS!l(3 BPS1 ! AT COST, 1 CERTAIN. ! -:i- ; King SpEdmon dson Have now on hand a variety of j Spring and Similiter llardivare. Groceries. rc. i . . fAU of which they are willing to dispose of j At cost for Cash, Or at a very small advance on a credit to punctual customers. All persons wishing .to avoid paying a large profit on (oiU, should not fail to avail themselves of this i Great Opportunity IWe would further say to onr customers, we do this for the purpose of making room for j A larger Stock of Goods fin the Fall. Call at the si:n of . King, I where the bargains may hi- fiund. King cf lidmondson. Tarboro', July 1st, 1836. Si m II. JOHNSTON, M12KCIIANT TAlI.OIt, Is now receiving from New York, 1A Splendid Assortment of i j IN IIIS LINE OF mJSlNKS, Suitable for the approncliin Season. I (lentlemen wishin to pmrhase the most fashionable and best goods, at a small ad- vBnce on the cost, will Io ell to call mid ; xnmine his Stock, as he is determined to n !l very low for Cash, or on a shwrt credit I to punctual customers. Among them are j Superfine blue, black, and brow n Cloths, j 1M qualify do. of all the most fashionable 1 colors, Sup'r corded and plaid fancy Cassimeres, 3 White corded i drab drills tor pantaloons, Crape Camblets and Bombazines for thin j coat?, ' A superior assortment of Vestings, of eve- Iry description, Plain brown Linens for summer jackets and pantaloons, Plain black and fancy Stocks, (a large as sortment, ) Fancy silk Handkerchiefs, ftlack silk Cravat linen Collars, Plain and ruffled linen Bosoms, a new and superior article Suspenders, Silk Shirts for gentlemen, a new article, Also, most every other article comprising gentlemen's wear. I lie also keeps on hand (of his own make) a small assortment of Beady made Clothes. I lie has on hand a few best white beaver Huts, which will be sold at New York cost. I U 1 uciiiiciiiii luiiusiinig ii J Clorhg can have them made and trimmed in the most fashionable manner, a.id at j the shortest notice. Ta Thorough, Apiil 14lh, 1836 State Bank orth Carolina. 5 URSUANT to a Resolution of the stockholders of this Bank, at their last annual General Meeting, all persons having claims on si. Bank for Dividends of Capital or Profits IVposites, or Notes issued by the Principal Bank or its Bran ches, are earnestly desired to present them lor payment to the Treasurer of the Bank, on or before The first Monday in )e c ember next, Otherwise, they will be barred, as the Stockholders wilj then make n final divi- "end of the effects of the Rank. S. F. PJlTTMiS(JN,Prest. ftfcigh, Oec. 23, 1836. Scotland JYeck Female Seminary. THV. public are most respectfully in formed that the Kxuminatiou of the above named Seminary will lake place on Friday, the 16th ii-st. at the lesidenre of the subscribe , at which time Parents and Guardians are particularly invited to at tfiid. The F.xenWes of the instituii'.m will reoinmence on Monday, the ifith of Janu ary next, Under the direction as heretofore of Miss Rownn, of New York Mm Hanks, of .ew York, will superintend the Muic Department. The following w ill he the course of stu dies Ueadin, aiiiiug, geography, gram mar, sjeiling, composition, arithmetic, ancient and modern history, history of the (Jniled States, rhetoric, loaic, natural phi losophy, nstronomy, moral and intellectu al philosophy, natural theology, elements of criticism, chemistry and botany: For tli above branches per session of five mouths, $10 Latin, - - 5 Drawing, - 5 Flower Painting, - 8 Painting in oil colors, 10 Fiench, 10 Music, - - 15 Board, per month, - 7 Lent. L. Parker. D c. 9 163i. 1 M ME LS CHANTS. - WE have in-poiied by the ships Hark Away. Minnoia, George Wash ington, and llibcruia, The heaviest and oest assorted STOCK OF EUROPEAN GOODS, Kver in our possession. Our assortment of American Goads, Is very extensive and complete. These Goods we will sell WIIOLF.S LK, we ve rilv believe as low, and in some instances lower than similar Goods can be bought in any Northern Market, and on as liberal terms, thereby saving to the Country Mer chant, Insurance, Freight, and other inci dental expenses. Paul, Moll an Co. Petersburg, Va. Sept. 12. 37 JYotice. JU3T RECEIVED, and for sale, au Assortment of Vy n ho'woide or retail AITLY '10 Isaac B. Brady. July 7th, 183d. Chinese Jflulbcrry. THE subscriber has for disposal seve ral hundred rooted trees and cut ' tilths of the noted Aloi us Mnlticuules, or New Chinese Mulberry; Found doubly advantageous for silk cul ture, and one of the most beautiful orna mental trees, of moderate size, t lie eyp can rest upon. Of the ease of propaga ting this nee and its rapid grow th the pub lic may judge when inlormud that from a small rooted plan!, for which a dollar was paid at Baltimore about four years since, the subscriber has disposed of a large number, and has yet as above stated, and that his first propagateJ trees are near twenty feet high and beautifully propor tioned. The leaf is a dark green color and often 16 inches long and 11 broad. The price, (now reduced) is 60 cents each for plants upwaidsof o leet high, and proportionate for those of a smaller size Si when a number nre taken at a time. SIDNEY IVELLER. Brinkleyville, Halifax county, N. C Dec. 15, 1S36. J P. S. Mr. Geo. Howard is my Agent for vines and trees at Tarhorotigh and vicini ty, and those desirous of any plants would do well to make early application, so that they may be included in a box about to be sent to Mr, Howard. S W. Strayed, OR stolen from the lot of the Subscri ber, on Thursday night, the 10th of November, 1836, A dark bay Mare, About 15 hands high, and blind of an eye. Any information respecting her, given tn the Subscriber living near Tarborough, will be thankfully received. Henry Shurley. Nov. 14th, 1SS6. 45 Miscellaneous INDIAN WAR. Florida The brave Tennes sean volunteers are returning liome from Florida. They were the flower, it may be said," of the western chivalry in their beau tiful steeds, complete equipments, &c, and though they have fought certainly as gallantly, and effe': led more than any other troops perhaps, that Golgotha for our army both as to its impenetra ble (tiorasses and Osceola's rill has proved equally disastrous to them as to their predecessor and companions in arms. Not more than two-thirds of the fin brigade who left Tennessee, anil most of whom were planters of fortune, will, it is said, ever return home. And to this 500 of their horses, which were chiefly of blood races and the best of cavalry, have perished in the lagoons and ham mocks. About 300 of the Ten nesseans have arrived at Mobile the rest have gone direct to New Orleans. A. V. Star. The Court of Enquiry. The proceedings of the Court of En quiry have been rendered more in teresting by the arrival of Gen. Gaines at Frederick. The vete ran, it seems by the reporter of the Baltimore C hronicle, is highly excited, and insists, in some man ner, of examining Gov. (.'ass, the late Secretary of War, now in France. The General, in full uniform, walked into Tourl and reported himself ready for trial; he stated that lie was ordered to appear before the Court that lie had done so, and charged the Court with proceeding illegally, and claimed the right of cross ex amining the witnesses. The Com t intimated its willingness to give Gen. Gaiue? every facility after the case of Gen. Scott was dis posed of, but the old Chief was jnot satisfied and interrupted the tvotirt until it was cleared, and finall y the Protest of Gen. Gaines was accepted and recorded, and the examination will progress tranquilly. ib. From .Irlcanscts. Tuck-e batch-t-had-jo, with his body of Creeks, two or three thousand strong, has stopped above Pott's, it is said, and will go no farther until it suits him. lie says he is west of the Mississippi, and there is no power to compel him to pro ceed. CCKlack lawk has been drowned by the upsetting of his canoe in the Iowa. His life has been one of despondency, and chagrin since General Jackson, af ter exhibiting him in his triumph al train, caused him to abdicate in favor of Keokuck. He has drunk the cup of bitterness to its dregs, ant met with a death w hich must have seemed ignominious to this chivalric warrior of the north ern tribes the only legitimate successor in bravery and skill to Tecumseh. Texas. By the correspondent of the Courier, under date of New Orleans, Jan. I, we learn by late arrivals from Velasco, that all un easiness respecting the invasion of Texas had ceased. The army remained at their quarters. The citizens were all armed, and it was calculated there were from 8 to 10,000 riflemen in the country. There are said to be two great parlies in Txas, an Austin and Houston; but their opposition to each other is conducted with mod eration. Emigration activrh continues, both by sea and land. Santa Anna. The Lexington (Kentucky) Intelligencer, of the 30th Dec. has the following para izraph: Gen. Santa Anna, Presi dent of Mexico, arrived in thi ity, on his way to Washington, yesterday. He is in bad health, and will, we understand, remain in this city until he recovers so as to be able to travel. A lucky escape for Santa Anna. -It wns probably a very fortunate circumstance for Santa Anna that he was slopped by the ice between this city and Louisville, and that, in consequence he was induced to take passage by land via Lexing ton. We understand that a gentle man of this place who had a fa vorite son slain at the time of the massacre of Fannin and his partv, (which massacre it will be recol- eiiea was occasioned by order of j under him. An Aikansas paper banta Anna,) so soon as he heard j says of Santa Anna's arrival in Louis-j The circumstances of this crimi ville, started for that place amply! nal outrage are aggravated by armed with pistols and other dead- the fact, that the evidence against ly weapons with the full determi-i the negro was of such a charac nation of shooting the t) rant ati ter, that there was no chance of sight. Fortunately Santa Anna' his escape from a just expiation had taken another dirpninn ulUrhiirnmn k., t i i thus eluded the vengeance of an injured father. Cincinnati Whig. Fatal effects of Intoxication, Yesterday about 4 o'clock, P. M. as one of the deck passengers, by the name of Barlow, on board the steamboat Cuba, as she was about to leave for Louisville, was pass ing by the engine, in an intoxica ted state, he stumbled over the shaft and was pitched forward; when being struck by the wheel. - his head was cut completely off Irom just above the mouth back wards, presenting a most awful spectacle. ib. flTThe great Internal Improve ment Bill of Indiana, pledging the State to the prosecution of public works for several millions, has been lost in the lower house G4 to 33. This is richl perhaps when considered maturely. There is! mm ii u.uigri mi matting inese heavy pledces and apnrom iations of public money in prospective. fX7The Rev. Samuel Strong has been reprimanded before the Bar of the Ohio Legislature for his attempt to bribe a member. Ancient American Citadel with Unck n alls. The Chicago j the help of steam, is exhibited in American has h tiiagram of an in- j Loudon. It is complex, but per closure of a very ancient d.tie, i feci in its construction, and works lately discovered by some persons beautifully. The following is a of Milwakie, on the Crow -fish riv-; desci iption: er, a branch of Hock river. h; "The moving part of the mod i.s an oblong square, walls of brick el does not exceed 1 cwt. but ol about 12 feet thick, now quite de- the machine itself, which is in use cayed, enclosing the remains of at the quarries near Arbroath, the about 50 houses. The vestiges of moving part weighs two tons, and a longer wail, about three miles I may be compared to a vast hand i,ua.c, uic visiuie, oi me same material, the whole timbered over like the adjacent country. The names of individuals are given and the American seems to credit the report. Cleveland Ohio Gaz. A Man Killed by his (Fife. We are informed that a man by the name of Terry L . Burns, a resident of Greece, in this county, died on Sunday morning last, a boul 8 o'clock, from a blow re ceived at the hand of his wife on Saturday afternoon, under the fol lowing circumstances. Burns was engaged in mending shoes, when his wife asked hitn logo and get some wood, but he refusing to do so, received a blow in the face from her hand, which lie re turned, or attempted to do, when his enraged wife seized a stool and struck him therewith, and felled him to the floor. The stool used had one of its legs projected through the seat, which prejection came in contact with his temple. Finding him severely wounded, .lie neighbors were called in, who Assisted to place him in bed auu iressed his wounds. He spoke a few words while undergoing the operation, but not afterwards. lie died, as stated, Sunday morning, and was buried on iMonday.--The coroner, as we are informed, was twice sent for, but did not at tend, consequently no inquest was held. Why was a death under circumstances so aggravated pass ed over unnoticed by a public officer, whose duty it is to exam ine into matters of this kind? Burns was about 54 years of age, and has had three wives. Bochester Daily Adv. m 0C?The negro who murdered his master and 4 slaves in Arkan sas, and afterwards burned their remains, was taken lately from the Sherilf. tied to a trrP. nrnl r nntum. ed by a slow fire which was built ! - j Km. ins coiiuem- nation was next to certain. A Bcvolulion in JYaval IVar- fare. A correspondent of the National Intelligencer alludes, in the following positive manner, to an extraordinary invention of which we had already heard some vague rumors: "It is very probable that it will not be long ere th whole system of naval warfare will be changed. The ingenious U. L. Stevens ol Hoboken, has invented a shot which is hollow, and is filled with some kind of fulminating powder, which is ignited by the compres sion of air when it strikes the sides of a vessel, and on its explosion, as nas been proved by experiment, will tear all to atoms! This sys tem, when perfected, will super sede the use til first rate men-of- War; for two Shots from a slnnn i wa would as easily destroy a 100 : gun snip as a gun boat. Sloops of war would, therefore, be the class ol vessels most required; and our waters are sufficiently deep for this purpose." Useful Invention. The new machine in Great Britai ., for planing rough masses of rock as if they were pieces of timber by plane Si 1 leet in length, traversing bed of stone, with as much ease, apparently, as the tool in the grasp of the hands of a carpenter. During the last summer there were at the Leystnill's quarries six of these machines at work, which planed upwards 170,000 feet of pavement; and the whole number of the machines were propelled by one steam engine of six horse power, which, besides, w orked two inclined planes, up one of v hich the stones are dragged from the quarry to the machine. Where stone is plenty, and not exceeding ly valuable, the invention must he of great advantage to the proprie tors of quarries." CTWe see it stated that the Germans have succeeded in ma king an excellent Beer from Pota toes. It is the color of wine, is very strong and very agreeable to the taste. Burning the Scriptures. The Gieek clergy at one of the mis sionary stations, as we have re ntly learned, required the peo ple to bring in all the books w hich they had obtained of the tnissiona- ries, and caused them all, to the number of five or six hundred copies, spelling books, geogra phies, arithmetics, pentalmchs, psalters, New Testaments, &c. to be burnt in the church yard. 05 A man named Brown, at Baltimore, who. had been three months married, and lrd a very unhappy life with his wife, went into a porter house, and laying himself down on a bench, drew his hat over his face, and then ta king a pistol from his pocket, dis charged it at hi& head aj$d killed himself. C7At Krie, Pa. on the 23d ult. a man by the name of H. Francisco, was imprisoned on a charge of killing his w ife, by ad ministering laudanum, about three weeks after their marriage. Mobile. As one of the morn ing papers has announced a report of thirty failures in Mobile, we deem it proper to stat, that let ters received some days ago to Dec lGth, mentioned 5 failures, and named some 15 other houses which would be obliged to sus pend payment, if not relieved in u very few days. The report wat current on Saturday in Wall street, that thirty houses had fail ed. The whole difficulty results from the low slate of the rivers. The crops of cotton upon which the Mobile merchants had accep ted, as is their custom, to immense amounts, lay piled up on the banks of the rivers waiting the rising of the waters. Ifihe rivers had but risen at the usual time, the cotton would have come to hand and been sold, and all would have gone off very well. But the a mounts are too great to be sus tained long without the property, and thus a calamity has been in duced, the extent of which in the confusion it may introduce, it is difficult to foresee. The Mobile houses which have suspended, are most, if not all of them, of ac knowledged wealth, and their final solvency is not doubted. A. Y. Jour. Com. Freezing. A young man in this town froze his foot, w hich was perfectly cured in less than 24 hours, by the application ol a poultice made ofyeast and Indian meal it is equally beneficial when applied to a burn. Boston Silk Manual. little sweet oil with nut meg grated over it, given twice a day to children with the whoop ing cough, is said to be a sovereign remedy if administered in the first stages of the complaint. It can do no barm and possibly good. A Reason for Dissent. When I resided at Iluricoru,J there was a woman of the name of Mrs. John son, who gave the best reason for preferring one place of worship to another that I have heard. Mrs. J. having left the eslatjlished church and gone to the melhodist chapel, was asked the reaon for so doing; to which she replied, That it was on account of her pi being exactly ready when the melhodist chapel came out; where as, when she attended the church, it was always overdone.' It would appear that Mrs. J indulged her self on the Sunday with a pie, (not a bad Sunday's dinner,) which she put into the oven vvhen she went to church, and as the morning service of the church cf England is rather long, she found that her pie was always loo much done when she came out, and not so juicy as she could have w ished. The melhodist service was rather shorter, and her pie was done to a T. This pie, very properly, de :ided Mrs. Johnson's religion. English Paper.

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