Whole No. OIL Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, X C.) Saturday February 4, issr. Vol XIII Xo 5. J The il Tarborough Press," BY GliORGE HUW'AKI), 4 i ts published weekly ,nt Two Dollnrs and Fiftu Cents per year, if paid in lolvmice jOi", Three Dollars, at the expiration ol'tlie subscription vear, For any period loss than year, Twenlifive Cents per month Subscribers are ni liberty loilicominue at any time, on ? noiic thereof and paying arrears ihse residing; at a dis tance must in varinhlypay in advance, or five a responsible reference int his vicinity. Advertisements not exceeding 10 lines in length (or a square) will he inserted at 60 cent the first insertion &L25cenls each continuance. Longer ones at that rate for every square. Advertisements must be marked the numherol insertions requi red, or they will be coniinued until other wise ordered, and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to theKditor must be post p;iid,or they may not he attended to. 'SIBILilLQSKB mW AT COT, CERTAIN. King SfJEtlmondson Have now on hand a variety of Spring and Summer Hardware, Groceries, &c. All of which they are willing to dispose of At cost for Cash, Or at a very small advance on n credit to .punctual customers. All persons wishine to avoid paying a large profit on Gol, tbould not fail to avail themselves of this Great Opportunity We would further say to our customers, we I do this for the purpose of making room for J larger Stock of Goods In the Fall. Call at the i-n of 7. King, where the bargains may in found. King Edmondson. Tai boro', July 1st, 1836. 11. JOHNSTON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Is now receiving from New York, Ji Splendid Jissortment of IN HIS LINE OF BUSINESS, Suitable for the approaching Season. Gentlemen wishing to pniclmse the most fashionable and best goods, at a sma'l ad vance on the cost, wij do ell to call nd examine his Stock, as he is determined to ! cell very low for Cash, or on a short credit to punctual customers. Among them are Superfine blue, bbick, and brown Cloths, 2d quality do. of all the most fashionable colors, Sup'r corded and plaid fancy Cassimeres, White corded ii drab drills for pantaloons, Crape Cambists and Bombazines for thin coatf, A superior assortment of Vestings, of eve- j ry description, Plain brown Linens for summer jackets and pantaloons, Plain black und fancy Slocks, (a large as sortment,) Fancy silk Handkerchiefs, : Black silk Cravat, linen Collars, Plain and ruflled linen Bosoms, a new and superior article Suspenders, Silk Shirts for gentlemen, a new article, Also, most every other article comprising gentlemen's wear. He also keeps on band (of his own make) a small assortment of . Heady made Clothes. j He has on h.md a few best white beaver ! Hats, which will be sold at New York cost. ILrGentleiiien furnishing ineir own Cloths ran have them made and trimmed in the most fashionable manner, a.id at the shortest notice. Tarborough, April !4'h, 1836 State Bank Of North Carolina. PURSUANT to a Resolution of the Stockholders of this Batik, at their last annual General Meeting, nil persons having claims on said Bank for Dividends of Capital or Profits D'posites, or Notes isfned by tbe Principal Bank or its Bran ches, are earnestly de-ired to ptesent them for payment to the Treasurer of the Bank, ti or before The first Monday in De cember next, Otherwise, they will be barred, as the Stockholders will then make final divi dend of the effects of the Rank. S. F. PATTEHSONyPrest. lUWgh, D- c. 23, 1S3C. 1 Scotland JYcck Female Seminary. TIIK public are most respectfully in formed that the Examination of the above named Semiiinry will take place on Friday, lite 16th ii st. t the residence nj the subscriber, at which time Parents an i Guardians are particularly invited to at IhiiJ. The Kxenises of the institution will recommence on Monday, the iith of Janu ary next, Under the direction as heretofore of Miss Rowan, of New York Mist Hanks, of .ew York, will superintend - the Muic Department. The iollowing will be the course of stu dies Heading, writing, geography, gram mar, tpelliug, composition, arithmetic, ancient and modern history, history of the United States, rhetoric, lo;ic, natural phi looj hy, astronomy, moral an l intellectu al philosophy, nam -a theology, elements of criticism, chemistry and hotnny: For the above branches per session of five mouths, $10 Latin, 5 Drawing, - 5 Flower Painting, - 8 Painting in oil colors, - 10 French, 1(1 -Music, - - 15 lioaid, per month, . lem. L. Parker. Dec. 9. 1836. 1H TO MERCHANTS. -::- WG have impor.ed by the ships Hark Away. JVlainiura, George V nsli ington, and Ilibei uit, mThe heaviest and best assorted STOCK OF EUROPEAN GOODS, Kver in our possession. 0'ir assortment of America n Goad, Is very extensive and complete. The?e Goods we will sell WM0LK8ALF, we ve rily believe as low, and in some instances lower than similar Goods can be bought in any Northern Maikei, and on as liberal terms, thereby saving to the Country Mer chant, Insurance, Freight, and other inci dental expenses. Paul, Moll an 8$ Co. Petersburg, Va. Sept. 12. 37 . Notice. JUST RECEIVED, and for sale, an Jissortment. of SUCiim AND MOIi ASSES, By wholesale or retail Al PLY 10 Isaac Pt. Brady. July 7th, 1S36. Chinese Mulberry. THE subscriber has for disposal seve ral hundred rooted trees and cut tings of the noted Morm Multicuules.or New Chinese Mulberry; Found doubly advantageous for silk cul ture, and one of the most beautiful orna mental trees, of moderate size, the eye can rest upon. Of the ease of propaga ting this tree and its rapid growth the pub lic may judge when informed that from a Miiall rooted plant, for which a dollar was pafd at Baltimore about four years since, the subscriber has disposed of a large number, and has yet as above stated, and that his fust propagated trees are near twenty feet high and beautifully propor tioned. The leaf is a dark green color and often 16 inches long and 11 broad. The price, (now reduced) is 0 cents each for plants upwards of 6 leet high, and proportionate for those of a smaller size &. when a number are taken at a time. SIDNEY IVELLER. Brinkb yville, Halifax county, N. C Dec, 15, 183d. J P. S. Mr. Geo. Howard is my Agent for vines and trees at Tarborough and vicini ty, and those desirous of any plants would do well to make early application, so that they may be included in a boJt about to be sent to Mr. Howard. S IV. S Strayed, ifTktl stolen from the lot of the Subscri Hjr ber, on Thursday night, the 10th of November, 1S36, J dark bay Mare, About 15 hands high, and blind of an eye. Any information respecting her, given to the Subscriber living near Tarborough will be thankfully received. Henry Shurley. Nov. 14th, 1886. 45 Miscellaneous INDIAN WAR. Latest from Gen. J sun's Ar my- The Savannah Republican oi the J bin inst. says: We are in debted to the politeness of Capt. rleubard, of the steam packet Florida, arrived this morning from Florida, fur the following . ' o tuiormation: Capt. Mebbard states that an Express arrived at Black Creek on Sunday last with news ihnt the army under Gen. Jesup, caotmed on the night of the 9th inst., 1G Iegroes belonging to Omenta's tones anil that bo more were ta ken on the 1 1th, among them the fellow Primus, sent out by Gen. Clinch as a spjy in March 1836, and never returned. TJie Negroes that were captured state, ihat Oseola was in the Cove of the Withlacoochee, sick. Gen. Jesup had sent troops donn on each side of the W'uhlacoochee, in or der to take him, if possible. Captain Hebbard further states that it was reported that Primus was to have been hunc on last Saturday. Jacksonville, January 12. In dian signs are reported to be plen ty between Black Creek and New nansville. A body of men under Col. Wnrreri, composed of de tachments from the companies of Militia of this and neighboring counties, in the service of the Uni ted Stales, have gone to scour that section of country, and to give the Indians battle if they can be found. It is supposed there is a body of Indians between Orange Lake and the Ochlawaha. We ha ve no late news from Gen. Jesup. That the Indians in con siderable force are between us and the army, is ahnost certain from reports received. More Creek Hostilities. We understand, says the Macoii Tele graph of the 5ih inst. that a fresh irruption of Creek Indians has broke out. Two plantations twenty miles below Columbus, on the Hatchachttbby Creek, have been ransacked and burnt, and one or two negroes killed. A great alarm prevails in and about t'Ohimbus. A Company ol hlty men started in pursuit of the In dians, but with what success we have yet to learn. Cherokees. Gen. WTool has re turned from Valley river, and we understand will leave to-day for the Cherokee Agency, on his way to New Echota. He informs us that the North Carolina Indians are unanimously opposed to the treaty, and there is, at least a probability that they will have to be forced from the country. One of their Chiefs applied to the Gen eral to have their arms returned to them, but being informed that their arms could otdy be returned upon their agreeing to submit to the treaty they refused to take them upon that condition. The discontented Indians inotherparts of the nation are moving into North Carolina, and it is doubted whether they will leave there pea ceably. They have always re fused to receive rations from the Government this portion ol them. There is, however, no present dan ger of hostilities, and perhaps no actual resistance to the treaty will be made, but nevertheless it is ve ry probable the Indians of North Carolina will have to be forced off. Tennessee Journal. Threatened Indian War in the North West. Great excitement prevails among the Sacs and Fox es in consequence of the murder of several of their tribe by the Sioux. large body of the Indians have cx turned to hunt, by written per mission, on the land they lately ceded to the United States. The Iowa Gazette, in copying the a- bove intelligence from the Galena Advertiser, doubis its truth, as Oen. Street, the Indian agent ai Rock Island, ii an efficient offi cer, and had not transmitted any such information to Gov. Dodae.ib. TEXAS. From Texas.- The correspon dent of the Courier at New Or leans, states the arrival of the schr. Velasco, from Velasco. All was quiet in Texas. Emigrants and settlers from the United Slates are pouring in in large numbers. Eight or nine vessels were pre paring to sail from New Orleans, Jan. 7, with goods and passengers for the same destination also 300 emigrants from the Colorado Co. were expected at New Or leans from New York, on their way to Texas. The new city of Houston, fixed for the seat of Government, has already become an object of much speculation in the market. The lots, which are 6000 in number. already commanding at New Or leans the price of 80 dollars a piece. 7The Globe ofihe ISth inst. announces the arrival of Santa Anna and his aid, Colonel Al monte, in the city of Washington. Santa Anna has had two inter views with the President since his arrival at Washington. We have received the Texas Chronicle of the lOlh November, with a note on the margin intima ting that it is the last of the Mohi cans, the Editor having given it upas a bad job. It states that Gen Bravo is about to put him self at the head of 20,000 men to make a descent on Texas, and that the Mexican government has raised 800,000 to carry on the war. Bustamenta is to be recall ed from exile, and olaced at the head of the Administration. Newbern Spectator. Licking Frost. The Salem Chronicle slates that a boy who had been licking the frost off of a waggon tire, had his tongue so badly frozen that it was with dif ficulty restored by the aid of hot water. OTThe N. York Conner and Enquirer publishes an account of - t a. . a ngiit w n icn occurred in that city, between Mr. Jo. S. Jones of Shocco and F. W. Randolph of Camden Cty. N. C. Ii seerns ihat Mr. Randolph put certain queries to Mr. Jones through the Enqui rer, which insulted the latter gen tleman who declared them false hoods, and sent to Mr. Randolph enquire if he was the author. Air. Randolph denied the authorship: the lie passed a squabble ensued Mr. Jones knocked Mr. Ran dolph down "with the flat of his hand" (he must be a weak man,) and while dowti, broke a wine glass (!) over his head. We are not advised whether there was any wine iu the glass at the time of its fracture. Mr. R. has sned Mr. J. for damages. (tTWe learn ihat Mr. Kinne Morgan, of Cabarras county, was stabbed on Friday last j by one of his own negroes. The circum stances as related to ns hy a friend are these: There had been previ ously a misunderstanding between the boy and his master, and while engaged on Friday in greasing a waggon Mr. M. told a little boy who lives with him to scotch the wheel and to place it before the wheel; the negro told him to place it behind. Mr. M. shoved the negro one side, we suppose, to do it himself, the negro seized him, drew his knife and stabbed him in two places; one in the hip, the other in the side; the wound in hi side entered his liver and caused his death. The negro fled and had not been taken when our in formant left home.. CharloUeJour. A Coach made of the wood of the Constitution. A beautiful coach has been built entirely of the old frigate Constitution, at Amherst, Massachusetts. It is intended as we are informed, for New Year's present to Gen. Jack son, and was paid for by the con tributions of several gentlemen in this city. It is now at Washing tot?, packed in a large box from which it will be taken on New Year's morning. jV. Y. Ev. Post. (Notwithstanding the report of Mr. Poindexter's death, it ap pears that he is still alive, and re co'vering from his illness. OCThe United States Arsenal) at Watertown, Mass was on Wed - nesday entirely destroyed by firejved a complete failure. We le with 70,000 stand of arms Loss' one million of dollars. Singular Delusion. A barn iti New Haven was lately destroy ed by fire, the torch having been applied by a deaf and dumb boy named Piatt, who indicated b signs that had committed the act under the belief that he would be translated to heaven by it like Elisha of old in a chariot of fire but was soon convinced by the severe scorching he received, that there was no spiritual or allegori cal allusion in the business, but a matter of fact toke that obliged him to escape from the chariot and take to his legs. fXThe sugar crops of Louis iana do not remunerate the plan ters many of whom shall conse quently have to cultivate rice, in digo and cotton; and some may turn their attentioq to silk some to preparing wood for fuel, con sidering the present exhorbitant price. Whatever can pay best soonest must of course merit chief attention. We have heard that the sugar planters in the aggre gate or on an average, nave not realised more than 3 per tent per annum any year since 1829. New Orleans Standard. Splicing Newspapers. XV e have seen a reason given by a poor fellow for marrying. It was that the winter was coming on, and he had but a single blanket, his Dolly also had but one, and they proposed to put the two to gether, and round both of them. The printers in this stale are find ing this policy necessary in thtse hard times. The Wiscaset and Bath papers have united; the Brunswick Regulator (fas stop ped; the Caina Orb has struck in to a new comet at Belfast; the Working Men's Advocate' has joined the Bangorean, and both together have united with the Mechanic and Farmer; the old Hallowell Advocate, after swal lowing up first the Workingham's Advocate at Augusta; and then the Free Press at Hallowell, has final ly been merged iu the Kennebeck Journal; the Christian Pilot and Gospel Banner have united; and now the Bangor Whig tells- us that the People's Press and the Commercial Advertiser at Bangor, (Van Buren papers) are to be united. This reduction in the number of presses is inevitable unless the pri ces are raised. Kennebeck Journal. Indiana Judges. Governor Noble, in his message to the Le gislature of this State, says iht office of Supreme Judge is vaca ted, because the emoluments would not support the family of the in rumbeni, and that the seat had been offered to all the prominent I lawyers- in the state, Mid refused for want of an adequate compvii sation. Sfovtiqxu From England. The St:uh America, from Liverpool, luh.gs dates to lhe2Ist Dec Ti tle is nothing of importam e. I he Duke de Neinutirs arrived at Toulon on the l3'h Dereii bt r It is calculated 1 500 men periled In the affair of Constantine, and there are at Bona from 3000 to 3500 sick and unnm!! IV other expedition against Constat) :ine will be sent until April, when an army of 20 or 25,000 nun will be despatched for that purpose. Clause!, it is reported, was lobe superceded by the Duke ef Mon temart. A letter dated Dona (in Algiers) Nnvrmhir rflili envc Vi r ril'Pfl Iiptp line innntiftnr fVjn P'nu- 1 &tnntino O mained three days before Con stantiuej we threw 1400 projec tiles into the place, and made imo assaults on it, but all iu vain. Re treat became unavoidable; the men had nothing to eat, and the horses were without forage fof three day, and we were surround ed by 10,000 or 12,000 of Ach met's horsemen; who expected that not one of us would escape. We ttere within eight days inarch ol' Bona, arjd our ammunition almost entirely exhausted. Still we ar rived here, but in what condition and at the price of what sacrifices) How many unhappy wounded) and men exhausted with fatigue were we obliged to abandon tri the mercy of' the Arabs'. Wbal sufferings for the remainder! More than one fourth of our army has perished, and these who have been fortunate enough to return, are iu the most deplorable state imaginable. As iu the campaign of Moscow, the elerwems were a gairtst us. You can form no ideaV of the rain and hail of this coun try. Snow fell during seven daysi Numbers of our soldiers died of cold; but what is Still worse, a multitude of them have had their feet frozen and mortified. Con stantine being situated in the midst of mountains, snow is as fre quent in its environs as in the north of Europe. Jill the Bonapartes coming to the United Slates. The paper called "La Presse" says, that ill consequence of friendly intima tions trom various quarters, all the Bonaparte family will emigrate td the United States, except two fe males whose age incapacitates them from sustaining the fatigues of the voyage. This will be a wholesale accession of royalty to our population, and 1fall of them act with the circumspection and benevolence Joseph did, they and their money will be a valuable acquisition. It Is asserted that orders are already issued for the sale of their large estates in Italy and elsewhere. We strongly doubt if they can forego the luxu ries and distinction which they haVe enjoyed in Europe, even since they have been a fallen dy nasty. Jerome, the weakest, has, in n measure maintained his royal position, and been the luckiest of all of them, &t of course will remain. Meteoric Showers Jlgain. The memorable night of the 13th of November, was anxiouslv - j watched by the Parisian Astrono mers for the annual return of what we shall take the liberty to de nominate the Asteroids ol Profes sor Olmsted, of New Haven. It is admitted 150 shooting stars were counted, but nothing of the shower seen in America, the first year, nor the numerous brilliant meteors seen at that lime every year since in our country. il