1M POUT A NT (I'RSUANT to the provisions of a Het-d nt huroain ami ! I...,...:.. . date the 17iti ult. and executed to the uu dersigited by B, ZtSCKi&KBS &. CO. For certain purposes therein mention J, llie ame being of record in the Register's office for i he county of Edgecombe, we shall offer for sale to the highest bidder, at the Storehouse of the said dim, On Monday, zyth imt. Ami on every day thereafter until all is sold, the following property both real and personal, to wit: Ono Town Lot, Whereon D. Richards now resides. A'so, ONE OTIIKR LOT, on which there is a ; good Gin House, Screw, Sic. Two cotton , Gins, two large Wagons and harness, one ; Buggy Si harness, two Sulkevs Si harness. .The Stock of Goods, ? Wares and Merchandize, the dwelling 'house and kitchen Furniture. Tivelve likely Negroes. , Consisting of men, women, and children; the interest of said firm in two hired slaves. Also, at the Conetoe farm, Hie Stock of Hogs, Cattle, $ farm j ing Utensils. 8fc. &c. ;AI$o, i4wngon Mules and 2 'f Horses. The terms of sale will he Cash for all sums under 310'); and all sums over, t)oiul with approved security, bearing in. 'terest from, and payable six months af 'ter date. 0AI1 persons in Jebted to the said 'firm, by bond, note, or otherwise, are re. quested to make immediate payment, ug no indulgence can be given. B. M. JiCKSON. ) As I C. G. HUNTER.lsign- IV. N0RFLEET ) ees. t Tarborough, May 9th, 1837. TRUSTEE'S HE undersigned., assignees of the estate and effects of Messrs. TANNAHILL & LAVENDER, ;By virtue of a Deed to t hem made lor cer tain purposes therein mentioned, will offer j for sale in the Town of Washington, j On the 7lh of June neatt, j The interest of said Tannahill h Laven jcer, in all their HEAL ESTATE to us assigned, viz: I The Steam Mill, Turpentine Distillery with four Stills, Blacksmith Simps, Lots, t Houses nn Lands. A credit will be jiven on all purchases above twenty dollars the length of credit to be made known before the sale coin, mtmces. B. GRIMES. . A. P. NEALE. I Trus M. SUA IV. C tees. EI). STANLY.) May 8, 1S37. JYoticc. EN order that 1 may be able to settle my own affairs, particularly invite all those indebted to me either by note or account, to prepare themselves for settle ment at May Court next, as the subscriber is anxious to close his business inTarboro'. I. 11 Brady April 22, 1837. Muckle John, ILL STAND the ensuing season at his stable in Edirecomhe rouniv. ' will be let to mares at TWELVE DOLLARS the single' leap, TWENTY Do'lars the season, and FOKTY Dollars to insure a mare to be in foal with twen-ty-fiVe cents to the Groom in every in. stance A transfer of property forfeits 'e insurance. The season will commence the 1st day of March, and end the 1st of 'uly. A fair and liberal deduction will be made if any responsible person will make 'P a club of five mares. Every attention ill be paid, but no responsibility for acci dents, he. Muckle John, Was got by old llarrod, he by old Sir -Archie. IIarrod'8 dam by old Diomede, ins grandam by old Bellair.his g. grandam y the imported Sir Harry. Muckle John's lam by old Collector, his grandam by the ld imported Citizen, his g. grandam by e imported Union, his g. g. grandam bv e imported Buckskin. It is unnecessary o trace him further, as the above is auffi ient to give him a pedigree not surpassed ov any horse in the country. JOHN J. DANIEL, JOSHUA K. BULLUCK, , IV M. G. BULLUCK. l'eh.27, 1637. ffisLtf mop Notice. rgHR subscriber at the Stewart Fishery Jtt. on the Roanoke River, seven miles aoove Plymouth, will Se!l Fresh Herrings For four dollars and fif cents per thou sand, ami corned for live'dollars And fresh Shad For seven dollar per hundred, corned shad fur eight other fish in proportion. Kenneth C. SStaton. April 10th, LS37. JYoticc. WING positively decided on rpiYm l imr tritin Turli.irn' nn fl.u 1 T - - " -"' m- 111 Jllllf, we resneclfullv invite all nnr iri.t ..,r, nave uiisfiufci accomns 01 any description with us. to call and settln the s.-.mo iK earliest possible day their convenience will admit. Our business has been of Ion" standing, and our uniform disposition to t ie accommodating to our customers, we , hope will be a sufficient stimulus to insure j a punctual acquiescence to our request, j that we may be enabled to close our busi I ness by May Court, (the longest time wo i think of residing in Tai borough.) This appeal is mane will) h confident expecta lion thHt all concerned will call at our lore us desired. Any claims on ns will be promptly paid when presided. We also offer Jny Goods in our Store A I DUS L . The stock is large, variety very general, quality superior, and bought lo t 15 per cent, uoder piices generally paid for Goods the lust 3 car. Ileal Estate, Store house, ware houses, and Lot, Lare and extensive, the most pleasantly located and arra; ged for business of any in the place indeed it is not ini'erinr to any in the State, fur com furl and extended mercantile opi rations. A large Ihcclling. And out houses of all descriptions, plea, santly located in good condition for a lare family or boarding house, dining room -10 feet long with two Lota of Land attached. Two Tols of Land, With a gin and screw house, a first rate iron screw, imd t?0 saw gin, with room to hold 100,000 lbs seed cotton, and 50 bales when packed a lare stable, granary, fodder loir, ai.d carnage houses, work shop, Lc. not inferior to any in the State. About 200 acres of Land, One and a half miles from to mi conve nient pi ivilege for any resident in Tarboro. Also, plantation on Fish ing Creel; 750 aen s, 15 miles above Tarboro', with a large an J comfortable dwelling house, all uecesnry out houses, large garden weil eiulosed, grape vine.-, selected fruit trees, kc. sur rounded by a large and handsome grove, and as guod water as any below the mountains comprising one of the hand somest and heal'hiest locations in this part of the county. The dwelling i in the pine woods, 1$ miles from the Creek, or main plantation; on which is a good overseer's house, cotton house, neirro houses, he with a large barn and stables, and the best farm yard in the county for raising man ure, all well enclosed cleared land sulli cient to make 600 barrels corn, 40 to 50,000 lbs seed cotton, smalt grain, pota toes, &c. Lc. well divided, with good gales, fences, Sic. and will insure to the purcha ser as profitable investment as any (arm in the county of the same extent. Any person residing down the country would find this one of the most healthy and delightful residences in the State. All or any of the above property ni'l be sold at a great sacrifice. JI.&S. D. GOTTEN S. D. GOTTEN SON. Feb. 24, 1S37. Coach) House, Landscape, and Ornamental THE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Edgecombe county that he has located himself In Tarborough, Where he is prepared to execute all orders in nis mieoi Dusiifss. Those wishiner Gigs, sideboards, sitting chair?, fire screens and the like painted, will bring them to the coach shop of Mr Terrell. He will leave town and go into the country, when bouse painting is required. All orders in his line of business will be thankfii Iv received and faithfully executed tfj ly received aud faithfully tift-dable terms. L Lewis de Arqiier. do'. 26th Fcb 1836 8 To Uoct. John d. Minnis, Thomsonian Botanic Physician, LATELY OF RALEIGH, N C "Enar7"OULD respectfully inform the pb V lie that he has located At the Falls of Tar River, And offers his professional services to the commnnity, and hopes, that his own indi vidual attention to the practice; with the unrivalled success, that has ever attended, the Thomsonian system, when properly administered, will secure to him trie public confidence and patronage. Rocky Mount, N. C. Feh.20th, 1S37. Yoticc. GTpHE subscriber informs the Stock, holders in the WILMINGTON AND RALEIGH Hail ttoad Company, Residing in the county of Edgecombe, that he has been appointed Collector of the instalments due and that may here after be due from them. All those in arrears will therefore call and pay up, as soon as practicable. Jus. JZ. Redmond. Tarboro", March 14, 1837. Mrs.Jl. C.Iloivard, S now opening her Spring Supply a( Goods, which havinsrbeen seln-ied bv herself she can recommend without any hesitation as being of t-uperior quality. Her assortment is extensive, and includes a geneial variety of Fj noj Millinery. In her assortment .will be found : A variety of Pattern Bonnets, Tuscan and straw do. of nearly every shape and feature, Plain, figured and watered Silks and Sat ins for dresses. Fancy Gauze, tor do. Veils, Shawls, rcarfs, and Handkerchiefs of different qualities and prices, Laces, Edgings, In-ertings and Footings, Head dresses, C'aj'es, Collars, &c Mode, Crapes. Ganzt s ami Florences, Head ornaments, hair Nets, Puffs &. Curls, X Urge quantity of Ribbons, artificial Flowers, k.c. Sic. HZ" Mrs. H. has patterns of the latest fashions. She invites an inspection of her Goods. M'tntun making done as usual. 1 ai boro , April 2S. Notice. THE subscriber having recently dis-po-ed of his Gin making Establishment IN GREENVILLE, To N. TYER, requests all those indebted to him to make early payment. From Ins long acquaintance with Mr. Tver (who has for several years past been in his em ploy) he respectfully recommends his for jier customers to him, ard is confident that al who may favor him with their cus tom will be satisfied. Henry Chamberlain. Cotton (Bins. flHE subscriber having purchased the IL Establishment of Henry Chamber Ittiu, in Greenville, N. C for making Steel Saw Git s, Respectfully informs the public that he will coiiliune the business at the same place. Having an extensive assortment of ma terial on hand, he assures those w ho may favor him with their custom, that their or ders shall be promptly executed. Gins ivill be repaired, Of the best materials, and at the shortest notice. Persons when ordering will pleas tate whether they prefer the German, or polish ed cast steel plates. . iiZiE-nXJ T2S0Z?, Still remains connected with this establish ment, and carries on the Lock and Gunsmith business, He also makes Saw Mill Boxes, and Mill Inks, of a composition invented by Daniel Peck, of Raleigh Mill Spindles, with Steel Collars, (turned,) aud Gudgeons, manufactured equal to any in the United Slates. All orders must be directed to the Sub scriber, at Greenville Norfieet Tyer. January 30, 1837. Stale of North Carolina, EDGECOMBE COUNTT. In Equity, MARCH TERM, 1837. Henry Benson and Patrick Boit and wife Elizbbeth, plaintiffs, J Ori vs. John Peel and wife Elizabeth and j Bill. Jethro Benson, defendants, J ST appearing to the satisfaction of said Court, that the sai l defendants are non-residents: It is therefore ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the Tarboro' Press, commanding them and each of them to appear at the next term of said Court, to be held for said county at the Court House in Tarborough, on the second Monday in September next, then and there to plead or demur to said bill, or answer the same, otherwise judg ment will he taken pro confesso, and the case heard ex parte as to them. Test, I. NORFLEE7) C.M.E. Price adv 53. - Isiiil WLOLESALE TE h"Ve ,his day frned a Copart W nership under the firm of Warren Harris Sc Co. For the purpose of carrying on a Whole sale Grocery. WARREN HARRIS, BENJA. HARRIS, HENRY HARRIS. Portsmouth, Va.21st March, 1S37. WARREN HARRIS & CO. Are now receiving A large general Assortment of txroccmcs, ope. Which will be sold ou accommodating terms. 227 bags Rio, Laguira Si Java Coffee, 42 hbls Porto Rico Sugar, fiOhhds do do '20 hhds New Orleans do 5 hhds St Croix do 40bbtsLoaf do 10 boxes do do very superior 125 bbis family and extra S'ip'r Flour, 45 Baltimore Whiskey 30 hhds do 20 tierces New Orleans Molasses, t0 baskets Champaigne Wine 10 half pipes Cognac Brandy, 5 " Holland Gin, 10 qr casks sweet Malaga Wir.c, 10 Pale Sherry do 2 hhds Madeira " do 5 qr casks do do very sup'r, 7300O Havanna Segars, 40 boxes Sperm and patent Caudles, 40 " No 1 Soap, 20 Starch, 50 " bunch Raisins, 50 five gallon Demijohns, 150 kees cut Nails, assorted. 20000 lbs Iron, assorted, 1000 " Steel, do Imperial cy Gunpowder TEAS, Spice, Pepper, Nutmegs Ginger, 1-jO pieces cotton Bag .ig, 100 sacks Liverpool Salt, 100 reams wrapping Paper. Ail ordeis for roods will be punctually attended to, and will be put up at the Lowest Wholesale Prices. Goods sent to our care will be forwarded with despatch. Further arrivals daily expected. Warren Harris & Co. Portsmouth, March 21sf, 1837. To the Ladies. :: THE Subscriber is now opening at lus Cheap Cash Store, the following eiv Goods, Which he respectfully solicits the Ladies to call and examine, (to wit:) Extra rich plain aud figured Silks, Satins, and Poplins, A cieat vari-ty of painted Muslins and Cambrics, of the most beautiful patterns both small and largi, Elegant printed Bishop Lawns, gome w ith silk stripes. Small pattern Belts to match. Beautiful small pattern Challvs, A splendid assortment of needle worked lace and muslin Capes and Collars, tbe greatest bargains aud richest Goods ev er offered, Dunstable. Berlin, Swiss and fancy straw Bonnets, newest and most fashionable shapes, in great variety, Cap borders with flowers, a new article, Artificial sprigs for caps 'and wreaths for the hair, Bonuett, cap and belt Ribbons, to suit ev ery taste, Very handsome belt Buckles k. Bracelets, Elegant assortment of fancy neck Shawls, Fouchttts and embroidered lace Scarfs, entirely new, Lndies and misses Corsetts, of the most approved make, in great variety, A large assortment of Ladies and misses Parasols, of every size, quality & style, Estra rich velvet and bead Bags, Lnce St gauze Veils, of every description, Hem stitch'd linen cambric Handkerchiefs Elastic head' Bands, Chinelle cord, Mohair Caps, Fans, hair Ringlets, Light kid and fancy silk Gloves, White, black, and fancy cftlored plain and embroidered silk and cotton Hose, in great variety, Muslin Edgings and Inscrtings, Thread and bobbinett Laces, Edgings and Insertings, Plain and figured Bobbinett, An elegant assortment of Ladies and mis- ses French, kid, satin, velvet, prunella, seal and morocco Slippers and Shoes, of' the newest style and very best duality. most of which were made expressly to order, gffK pieces new s'yle Calicoes, a Xjfijr mong which are a great ma ny elegant patterns, from 10 to 30 cents per yard, 50 pieces Ginghams, good and cheap, I lain, striped, and check d Muslins for dresses, from 25 cents and upwards, Corded Skirts, various qualities. The above with every other article in . THE FANCY AND STAPLE Dry Goods Line, Can be had in the greatest variety at Extraordinary low Trices, For Cash or on the usual credit, At the Cheap dish Store. JAS. IVEDDELL. Tarboro', April 7, 1637. MI H. JOHNSTON, MERCHANT TAILOR, BEGS leave to mf0Jm ,is customers and the public, that he has just re ceived from New York, Ills Spring Supply 0f IN HIS LINE OF BUSINESS. Gentlemen wishing to purchase elegant Goods on reasonable terms, wilt rtn to call before they purchase, and examine us sioiiv, hs ue is c.eiermitii a to sell low for cash or on a short credit to nuitctual customers. His stock consists of the la test importations of all the ble colored Cloths and Cassimeres, Fine black Bombazines. Crape Camblet, for summer coats and pantaloons, Striped and plaid Drills, ai d plain Linens, oupenor piatn and figured Velvets, Plain and figured Silks L. Satins frr ncli Plain and fancy Marseilles Vestings, su perior quality. Silk Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Gloves, Plain and ruffled linen Bosom , r-.tt-rc Suspenders, Hosiery, black silk Umbrellas', ...... ccijr o-ner article usually kept in such establishments. All orders from a distance will be punctu ally attended to at the shortest notice. As he has first rate w orkmen in his em ploy it will enable him to execute his work i'l the most fashionable manner and at the shortest notice. He will also retail any Goods he has on hand to Gentlemen that wish to have them made elsewhere, at a small profit on the New York dost. Tarboro, May 4th, 1S37. Look at this. -;t:- THE firm of $. Pender Son having been dissolved by mutual consent, the business will be continued at the same stand by tbe subscribers under the film of Tender & Tope. S. PENDER. IV. A. POPE. CTAll those indebted to S. Pender Son by note or account, are requested to come forward and settle, as indulgence cannot be given. 8 Tender & Son. Tarboro. April 20, 1837. Roanoke Trade. GASTON, 5th April, 1837. THE undersigned respectfully in. forms the Planters and Merchant! of North Carolina and Virginia, and the puuim generally, tnat the Greensville and aoanohe RAIL ROAD Is now completed, and in successful ope ration, and that he has located hi mself' at Gaston, the termination of said Road, for the purpose of transacting A Commission, receiving and Jorwarding business; And is now prepared to rrive attention tn all consignments. The undersigned, in commencing business at Gaston, was un der the impression that the shippers of i'roaace, and receivers of Goods, both of the country aud towu of Petersburg, would find it convenient and advantageous to have a regular correspondent ami disin terested agent to attend to their various interests, and especially to the order and condition in which boatmen and wagoners receive and deliver thir cargoes at Gns ton, from and to the Rail Road Company, and particularly in procuring boats and wrtgons, for the immediate dispatch of merchandize, Lc. to its place of destina tion. Under this belief, he offers his sr vices to the public, promising to devote his time and services to their best interests, and assuring them that he will discharge the trust which may be reposed in him, with care and fidelity. The undersigned, in offering his services to the public, begs leave to inform them that he has, for the last two or three t ears. devoted his time in an extensive ship bro kerage and commission business in the town of Petersburg and flatters h iinaelf. that the knowledge there obtained in this urancn 01 Business, will enable htm to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their business His charges w ill be very moderate: merely sufficient to pay for the time these duties will require at his hands. SAML. IV. PUGH. Rates of charges on some of the most promi nent articles: Tobacco, merchandise, Sic. per hhd. 25 cts Cotton,per bale, 25 do Merchandise, per peck, 10 do Flour, per barrel, 0 do Manuiact'd tobacco, per box Si keg, CJ do Salt, per sack, 5 do REFERENCES. Petersburg. Chas. F. Osborne, Presi dent Petersburg Rail Road Company, Messrs. nowieti, uoper &, Noble, L. E. Srninback. Son Ar Pv P .:o t. r .... James M. McCulloch & Co. Dunn, Mcll- waine & Brownley, Hurt, Patterson JL Wills. Holderby LMcPheters. Giston W. W. Wilkins, Esq. Mecklenburg Dr. Lignal Jones. Clarksritlc, Va. Alesirs, A. W. Venable Si Co. J. L. Thomas, lcq. MilCon, X. C Wuikios St Farley, George W Johnson Si Co. Danville, Fa. Geo. White, T. D- Neat, Em, Gig for Sale. THE subscriber has for sale a second hand Gig and Harness, Which he will sell cheap and on accom modating terms. . Geo. Ihward: Tarboro', 1S37. JYoticc. tkt Subscribers continue to transact Commission Hnsines IN NORFOLK. All produce left with their Agents, Messrs. Simmons & Eure, iialifax, Will be forwarded without delay by the Wagons now tunning from that place to Gary's Depot, the present termination of the Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail Road, The waggonage is 20 cents per bale on Cot TON, And the Rail R0iUi fieight from Gar.., Depot to Norfolk is 25 cents per 100 lbs. James Gordon $ Co. Nor. 7, 1S36. 44 relit Gulph Cotton Seed. -:$:- THE subscribers have received frora New Orleans, 250 bushels Petit Gulph Cotton Seed. They have also on hand aid are now re ceiving a general assortment of GROCERIES. All of which they offer for sale on reason able terms. N M. Martin $ Donnan. Petersburg, Va. Feb. 18. 8 6 Chinese Jtlulbcmr. THE subscriber has for disposal seve ral hundred rooted trees and cut tings of the noted Morus Multicuules,or New Chinese Mulberry; Found doubly advantageous for silk cul ture, and one of the most beautiful orna mental trees, of moderate she, the eye can rest upon. Of the ease of propaga ting this tree and its rapid growth the pub lie may judge when informed that from a small rooted plant, for which a dollar was paid at Baltimore about four years since the subscriber has disposed of a larpe' number, and has yet as above stated, and that his first propagaieJ trees are near twenty feet high and beautifully propor tioned. The leaf is a dark green color and often 16 inches I-mg and 11 broad. The pri-ce, (now reduced) is 60 cents each for plants upwards of 6 lect high, and proportionate for those of a smaller size It when a uuniber are taken at a lime. SIDNEY WELLER. Crinkleyville, Halifax county, N. C lec. 15, 1S3S. P. S. Mr. Geo. Howard is my Agent o vines and trees at Tarborough and vicini ty, and those desirous of any plants wouLl do well to make early application, so that they may be included in a box about to be sent to Mr, Howard. S. W. Young Jack, WILL STAND the present season, which has co.mnenced. He wjil be ai J C. Knight's store on the ISth and 10th of the present month, and longer if necessary then home and stay eveu days, then back to Knight's store so on till the 1st day of July, when the teaeon will expire. He Will be let to mares at FOUR DOLLARS the leap, SIX Dollars the season, and TEN Dollarg to insure a mare to be in foal, wilh 25 Cents to the Groom in every instance. The season and leap money to be due at the end of the season the insurance from the first day of January next. Marts put if not mentioned otherwise at the time they are first pt, will be charged by the season and when charged no alteration will be made. Great tare will be taken to pre vent accidents, but no liability if anv should occur. Any person putting a marc hy the insurance and fails to attend the stand, will be held bound for the insu rance money whether she gets in foal or not. A transfer of property before it is ascertained whether in foal or not. forfeits the insurance money. U. G. Baker. 13th March, l37. CI have a Jinny colt which I win ! ,ow- D. G. B. liEANBER WILL STAND .he J at his stable four miles west or Cl. Sharpe's. seven miles east of Utmer Town Creek meeting house He will h let to mares at FIVE DOLLARS th leap, SIX Dollars the season, and EIGHT Df "anrr nS,U,ela m' e in foal, with Co Cents to the Groom in every i. V,lCe', , LeaSO" wiU mence ih 10th of March and end the 15th 0j(Jv next. I he leap and season money vejf, be due at the end of the season, nd that with interest the tnsuraoce money iu be due the lit of Jan..rv . - soon as the fact is ascertained nr the property changed. Aor oersoo outtinir 1... j - r- -j III ). surance and fails to attend the stand, for feits the insurance money. All care will be taken to preveuf accidents, but no lia bility for any that may happen. Leander, Is nine years old this sPrigKis mules are well calculated o draw fhe -WM of any person that wants lip-top mules John II. piu. 13th March, f?37.

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