Tarhovough, (Edgecombe County, X. C.J Saturday, Iktcwbtv y, 1837 Vol xnio. id. TheTnrb trough Press." ,ij.iie, ,v.-..klv at Tu-'t Dullnrsaiul ''JC, ,"! vcir. ifpair.,1 Ua ''t lUUirs ai apii-ali-.ii f '" ''., vr;ir. rr anv peri"! I-' Kl ' .., fremiti firs ta' P" -, .'rs an- af lt!rtv l itii:.iilinm 0tlC' Vn ni s'vii:2 noii-' ili.-irof an! ' a't"r.-af r'i.iii; at a ii . t hiva.-ialil v oiy in H.lvaiuc or V ih (or lv) UiU ,)e iaserlod a I ,,..i I iC " ......... I nee. l.o"Ser :,i '" r,t,r '"" ""ry squ.i'P- Alveilie ni.-nts mint fevJ,i iIip number of inn lion reini- ma'-thev vV'! h? cou,,""et' unt'' dercJ,n1 Clai-ff!.l ri.-or.lily. t f re r lilt V ma v ' atliuloii to. itfisceUaneutts. 4 hi Frani the Now York Miiroi'. I'VE LIVED Ul'Otf TiIV Mlv MOllV. J.: met ''. "' jl'Vflii i nitii lliv memory h'.PLk that thou vvcrt mine IvImP '-t 1 aWc thatti emhliiii; hand, rt'j rsicd those hps ot thine; :u ::' i I Cre uoi what my lot )., wide shoi e may he, jlni;.v k upon th face, :i!'t-ii, my love, with thee. 'velii '- tipon thy memory fair.;::' a long, hmi year. And 'j gh 1 loiter. (1 on the ro.nl, J.Mt'kiit was ever here; Bciitith another .sky I've slept- J; as my tale to mam ifctall my dreams ol happiness Wuenuile of thee unci home. Oh I have watxlercd many miles iFaru'crthe beauteius earth, But never passed a sunnier land Thai that which gave me birth ,k:t bloom the iauest ipse ot all, Wvuniha qtiiet glen; ij;m:ne own Uiat little ilowcr iu.kckkl me back, again. From the Pickwick Papers. THE COBBLCU. He was a sallow rain all cob lersare; and hud a strong btistlv rtard; all cobblers havt; his face usa queer, gooil natured, crook- 'Jtealured piece of workmanship, lamented with a couple of eyes tit must have w orn a very joy- ' Ui expression at one time, for iifyfpaikled yet. The man was sixty by years, and Heaven knows! ow oU hy imprisonment, so thai oU hy imprisonment, so thai ilmiii any look approaching ! ntit th or contentment, w as sin-, in toomih guilt enough. He was a little 'Mi, ami being half doubled up el;iv in bed, looked about as! as he ought to have been ; without Lis legs. He had a great led pipe in his mouth, and was Moling and staring at the rush- not getting all the money, enters a 1;gl'tiu a slate of enviable placidi- 'caveat against it.' iy. j 'What's that?' inquired Sam. 'Have you been here lonuf in- ' A legal instrument, which is as (M Sam, breaking the silence "Wi had lasted for some time. , lh cobbler. 'Twelve years said the cob-1 'I see said Sam, 'a sort ol ;,er. biting the end of bis pipe as' brother-in-law to thehave-his-car-'e spoke. i case. Veil.' 'Contempt?' inquired Sam. 'But continued the cobbler, The cobbler nodded. 'finding that they could not agree ' til then:' saitl Sam, with some' among themselves, and conse ness, 'wot de you persevere quently couldn't get up a case dbsiinii for, vastiug your againt the will, they withdrew the Mows life a vay in this here caveat, and I paid all ihe legacies. IDjSifiei! pound? Vy don't you I had hardly done it, when one ?Uen,and tell the Chancellor-! nevy brings nn action to set the S'!,P that you're werry sorry for!"i'' aside. The case came on n' Ills court contemptible,! some months afterwards, before a auti you won't (To so no more?' j deaf old gentleman, in a back 'e cobbler put his pipe in thelroo1" somewhere down by Paul's tnrn" of his mouth wLiWp I,p Churchyard; and afier four conn- SlBH and then brought it back -oijw old place again, but said tlf.il.!.. 0 I "UllllllfT ViWt yon?' said S am, urg- 0 Qljestinn ctrpniiniultr 'All.' cn'i.t it. KIJ. flon't "ite understand these mat- what do you -suppose ru roe, now?' 'Deri y Sitid Sam, trimming the ""'"Slit, i s'pose the beginnin' filial you got in debt, eh?' 'Wr owed a fardeusaid the 'crj'lrv again.1 'Wll,' Slid Sjhi, yoil hotiht houses, vich i ilelirute RiiLjlTs lor (.iu' ,n id, or i.tnU to buihliir virli is a medical term Cr hein' iiKMirahle.' The hlJtT .shook his head, and $ud 'Try agaiuj'' 'Yon didn't go to l.nv, I hope?' s.titl Sam, suspieitinsl v. 4Nev . ,ny ift.f' i rp!i, t) H, col!)tr. The fiet is, I was rn ittod h having money Iffi tne.' 'Conn, rnme,' saitl Sam, 'thai won't do. I visdi some rich ene my id try to voi k my destniriion in th u ere vay. 1 ei him.' 'Oil. I dare say yon don't be lieve ii' sjid the cobbler, ipietlj smokiitg his pipe. 41 wouldn't il ! was you; but it is true lor all thai.' 'How was it!' inquired Sam, h ill' in dm ed to believe the Tart al ready by the look the cobbler gave him. Just this,' replied the cobbler;' '.in old gentleman that I woikedj lor, down in the country, ami a' humble relation of whose mar- ii d she'? (lend, God bless herj and thank him for it was seized I with a fit and went nil"' j 'When?' inquired Sail), who was growing sleepy, after the nu nienms events l the day. 'Iluw sdiould I know where he went?' said the -cobbler, speaking through his nose, in an intense enjoyment ol his pipe. 'He went oil" death' 'Oli. that indeed said Sani.! 'Veil.' Well i.iiil the cobUer, Miel It It five thousaiid pounds behind j him.' j 'And very genteel in him to doj so said Sam. t 'One of which continued the! cobbler, he kit to me, 'cause 1 married hia relation, you sec.' i Vcrry god,r inuiiniiicd Sam.' ''And being surrounded by :i i great number of nieces and ncvy s,: as was always lighting ami quar-j relling among themselves ab. tit the propeily, he makes me his executor, and leaves the rest to me in trust, to div foe .nuong em a w ill provided. 'Wot do you mean by leaviir it trust,' inquired Sain, 'if it ain't -ready money, vere's the use on 1 Ml s a law term, that s all, saidj the cohhh r. 'I don't think that said Sam, shaking his heaTl, 'there's very; the cobbh r mile trust at mat shop. tiow-; ever, go on. j 'Well said the cobbler, 'when I j was going to take out a probate ol ; ihe will, the nieces and nevys, who was desperately disappointed at! much as to say, it's no gt replied sels had taken a day apiece to bother him regularly, he takes a . I ,1 week or two to consiuer auu icuu the evidence in six volumes, and then gives his judgment that how the testator was not quite right in his head, and I must pay all the monev back again, and all the costs. I appealed; the case came on before three or four very slee py gentlemen, who had heard n ail before in the other court, when they're lawyers without work; tin otdy difference being thai iheyV called doctors, and in the other place delegates, if von understand thai; and they very dutifully con finned the decision of the old gen tleman below. After that we went into Chancery, where we are still, and where 1 shall always be. My lawyers have had all my thousand pounds long ago; and what be tween the estate, as they call it, and the costs, I'm here for ten thousand, and shall stop here till I die, mending shoes. Some gen tlemen have talked of bringing it before Parliament; and 1 dare say would have done it, only the hadn't lime to come to me, and I hadn't power to go to them; and they got tired of my loiig letters, and dropped the business. And this is God's truth, without one wonl of snprfression or exaggera tion, as iiuy people both in thi place and out of it very well j knmv' j lite cobb.er paused to ascer- j Niin what efl'eit his story would have upon Sam, but finding that he had dropped asleep, knocked the ashes out of his pipe, sighed, and put it down, diw the bed clothes over his head, and went to sleep too. livmnrkable Presentiment. One of the married ladies of Charleston who embarked in the fated Home steamer, and who had passed the summer in the north, resided for several months previ ous to her departure with a rela tive in this city . On several oc casions, while silting alone in her room, she related to a number of persons in the family, and to fiieiuls who visited her, thai she could not account for the remarka- j hie apparitions that almost dajly were conjured up before her. Though at work in her chair and awake, she would constantly have, her icchngs wrought up a!moi to hysterics hy the sight of some dreadful shipw reck, the parting of ; during the night was 226. Of the vessel .into fragments, and the j those, all but 10 or 12 either radi-r!t-nvninjx f crowds of people, ated from a point io the head of print i; div her family and friends, , Leo, or moved in lines, which, il engulfed in the angry billows. It j continued, would have passed wotdd st em by the narrations ; through that point, which have hv t u made tons, that! The maximum, or period of though little dieamitig then tliat J greatest frequency , has usually oc she w as to t onte to the aw ful i e- ! cur red about 4 o'clock; hut on alizttion of her horrid imaina-; lions, she foresaw w ith prophetic exactness all the details of that : di tadhd event u hit h has drawn form for the next three hours, forth the sympathy of every Ame-1 averaging nearly one per minute, rican bosom. She frequently ask- The various meteorological in etl her friends w hat these visions j Strumeuts were attentively inspec cttttld be; and what is so extraor- 'ted during the night, but nothing dinars is, that they came to her in 1 remarkable was observed, open day, and when she w as per-j The spot; on the sun (which feclly awake and in the best of some have supposed to have a health! A few weeks after the connection w ith the zodiacal light) new steamer Home began to be! are very remarkable at present, talked of, and immediately, as if and peculiarly deserving the at by some fatal impulse, she persist- tenlion of astronomers. Yester ed with her husband that this! day (the 13th) eight distinct should be the vessel slie would go croups were visible on the sun's home in. The name seemed to disk, even to the smallest teles possess a charm in itself, that invi- j copes. These, with larger pow ted those who were preparing to ers, could be resolved into more escape our winter for the balmier skies of their own South. Her husband had resolved lo defer his return lo a later period, but it was lo no purpose. The lamented wife ; seemed bent on her first resolu- lion, and thus perished tire whole of this interesting family. I ir'-.r. i,n oa.lct limps thp I IUIH HIV. - . v w truth of such narrations of pre-j resicht. have been science, or foresigl impressed upon the belief of the! least credulous and superstitious minds. VYp do not undertake m scan the mysteries of mental ope rations, nor the secret and un known sympathies, which may connect the memorial and imagi native facilities, as it were, by a transparent mirror, with the events of thepitst and future. But cer tainly, though many facts of a si ngular kind have come attested to us of our own personal knowledge in all their dreadful certitude, we never heard one more clearly en hanced in all its links than ihat which we have related. It is one calculated to fill ttic soul with hor ror, and to dispose the mind t. come to the awful conclusion that the entire circle of this universal being is already a wink carved and pictured out on the map ol creation, with as positive limita tions, as to what in our notions of time lies yet unrevealed in the des tinies of the future, as to that which has already been consigned to the annals of the past. A'. Y. Star. Tke Jlanuul Meteoric Shoicer of 13th JVovembtr. Vho Nw Haven Herald contains an inter esting paper, from Professor Olm sted, detailing the particulars1 ol ! his observations of the annual me teoric shower on Monday before last. We make from it the follow - in!i extracts: In order that every part of the firmament might receive its due share of attention, the four ooar- ters of the heavens were parcelled out among eight persons, two to each quarter, one to obseive and one to record. The full moon, however, shone with so strong n light as almost to hide the stars; permitting none lo be seen btlow the third magnitude; of course, no meteois but those i.l unusual brightness could be visi ble. No shooting stars were observ ed until five minutes past one o' clock, when they began to appear at considerable intervals, emana ting as usual from the head of Leo, which c nstellation was then as cending the eastern sky. The meteois gradually increased in number and biightness until day- light. Nearly all, as they darted forth, left visible traces of their paths. Some of these were bril liant, and all must have had a nigh degree of brightness to have overcome so strong a moonlight The whole number counted the present occasion, alhr3o'- clock, the numbers rapidly in- creased and remained nearly uni-j than sixty distinct spots. Suicide. A Coroner s Inquest was held on the body of Henry Weaver this morning, before G. Lansing, Jr. Esq. Weaver was an old and respectable citizen of this city and highly esteemed for his maiiv private virtues. He J I m held at the time "of his death, the office of messenger to the Govern- or. The following letter was iomm vy mc v.v,..v. ... ...v. et of the deceased : 'I have destroyed myself on ac count of my owing about 400. I owe this to different gentlemen of this city and county. I have not got money enough to support my family three days ! All I have in thisx world vou will find in my pockets, which is not enough to burv me. " I grieve to think that I have brought this trouble on my beloved wife, one of the best ol women. May she rely on God lo support her under this affliction- My children I recommend to the , roteciion of God." Albany .'V. Yimj)Kr. i ' Baltimore A or. 2 1 . W learn that the case of Louisa Wallace vs. Dr. John Sappington, both of Hartford county, for a breach ol promise of marriage, has engaged the attention of Baltimore County Court during the past week, ami vvni submitted lo the jury on Sat urday night, with instructions from the Court to bring in a sealed verdict on Monday morning. At the o'pening of the court yesterday a verdict w as rendered by the jury of $5,000 for the plaintiff. Chroniile. Florida. The Pennsv lvania Inquirer extracts from a recent letter of a Philadelphia!! now in Plorida the following passage: "Although we have captured Osceola and other principal chiefs Jones, a leader, with six hundred savages under his command, has just sent word to General Jesup, that he will continue to fi"hl till the senintr of ike sun." Frightful Mortality. The N. Y. Journal of Commerce says : 'A letter from the Captaiti of the shin Nestor, hence lo New Or leans, stales lhai of 212 passen gers who went out in that ship, 102 died previous to Oct. 4th, chielly of Yellow Fever, and that on the 19th, only tea out of the whole number survived. The Nes tor left New York on the 23d of August." .1 urriagc Extra o rdin a r u . tV e copy the following notice from the Indiana American, as a speci men of how they do thmgs in Hoosierlaitd : Married. On the oih of Octo ber, by Daniel Wilson, Kq., Mr. Timothy Green, to Mrs. Julia Jacobs all of Whitewater town ship, Franklin county. From the justice who officiated at the above wedding, we learn the following rather extraordinary particulars. The above named Mr. Green is about 30 years old, and Mrs. Julia is his second wile. But what is more, ami almost in credible, Mrs. Julia Jacobs is about 50 years old, smd Mr. Green is her a'ghlh husband, till if whom are living, except one ! We wish some friend in Whitewater tc.wn idiip, would furnish us, and the world, a .history of the above named Julia Jacobs, and how she has disposed of so many husbands! It might be of benefit to some other unlucky dame who is tired of her voke-lellow. From Montreal. The excite ment has abated. The Montreal Vindicator, the leading opposition Journal of the insurrectionists, is. il is said, to be transferred lo Bur lington. Vermont. A volunteer corps has been raised in St. Johns. Fatal AffrayMr. S. Y. lilackburu died the Otli inst. at Williamsport, Tennessee, from a dreadful fracture of the scull made liv .n blow from a loaded whin, re- j ...' ( i l . iV . I. . . I ceiveci during an anray in tuai i own between him and Mr. Fd iniind Hale. The butt of the whip penetrated three inches into the brain. Mr. Hale is under bond of 2000. Gen. Kobt. Y. Hajne, Presi dent of the Louisville, Cincinnati and Charleston Hail Uoad (.'om pany, made formal application on die I lib iust. to the Legislature of Tennessee, for banking privileges ami pecuniary aid by state sub scription for the company. The. Grape Vine in Ohio. A gentleman near Cincinna ti, this season,, on lus.s ihun half an acre nf grnuut!, raised of tin; Isabella, Cape, and Cnlawbfi jrptJ, t-uflirieiit to make 700 inlli ii of pure wine, valued ul one thou sand dollars. Cy-Thf Kpleudid s-tnitie of Washington, made in l'-dy, ntiil prcpfiiW'tt to lite .New Orlctui Exchange by" John Hasan, K?q., . vn en the 2Gih uli. plftced on its pe tfr.stttl back nf the Portico. Carlo llichi, of Carrara, was the sculptor. '! he lather of his country it seated, and in Roman log" and armor, the tablet of his farewell address in his left hand, his eight rai sed as if speaking, a I his feet his swonl. The- liktiiess is exact. The cost of ihis gift, so honorable to Mr. Ilagun. uasSM.OUO. QTJames Decker, who. was found gniliva! the Over and Terminer held in Goshen, Orange county, hist week, of i nticing from her parents and mariin her against their consent, a girl under 14 years.of age, was sentenced to 15 days imprisonment in the comity jail. 'J he Court we understand, declared the marriage valid, and it is said that Decker intends to claim his bride as soon as she is fourteen years of tige. iV. I7. American. he Secretary of War has directed the practice of selling spiritous liquors to the Indians on our frontier to be discontinued, and also forbids the giving of liquor to i lie United Slates troops at the diO'eretit posts. Caution - to Rail Road CotnjHinits. T h e 1 3 h 1 1 a d e 1 -phi t GaZeUtf contains a re pent of,(he trial of John Ev ans vs. the Westchester Hail Road Company, in which l he Jury .awarded the platn uff S'3,500, for injuries he sustained through tho care lessness of the defendant's driver. Astonishing Fact... An in dividual who had no faiih in anim tj magnetism, was ad vised to magnetise somebo dy, for evidence that would convince him. That he might not be duped by his patient, he selected a cat that had fits and other nervous disor ders, hoping that he might cure them. After putting the cat to sleep, he willed her to wag her tail. She did so. He then willed her to lie it up in a knot. She did so. Greatly agitated with his success, he waited a few moments to become tranquil ant) then vvilled her to speak; whereupon her "mouth slowly opened, and she be gan to mew in a pilcous manner, so as to convince the magnctiscr thai she was in distress; he therefore willed that she should a wake. This individual is now a fnm believer in ani mal mauni'tism, and has no doubt that the next time tho cat is magnetised she will pronounce words. N. Y. Star.

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