GREAT Expedition to theJYbrth! HpR A VELLERS are informed thai the Kail Road between Petersburg and Jlkhmond is finished, comph 1 ing the Main Mull Line of Hull Roads BETWEEN IVorfh Carolina and the IVorfh. Th. tilth rent Companies on the route non ;!art a Line from Halifax on the days ihe Wilmington Rail lioad Co.'s Sieges Reach there, which ona'des Passengers to reach Now York Twelve hours in ad vance of any other Line. THE FOLLOWING IS THE Schedule of this Line. Leave Halifax 5 to 5 l M. reach Pe tersburg 1 A. M. Leave Petersburg 1 5 A. M. reach Rich mond 3 A. M. Leave Richmond 4 A. M. reach Wash ington City 3 P. M. Leave Washington 4 P. M. reach Bal timore 61 P. M. Leave Baltimore 7 P. M. reach Phila delpuia 4 A. M. Leave Philadelphia 6 A. M. reach New York 2 P. M. Only one night's rest is lost on this route: the second night Passengers sleep I on boaid the PHILADELPHIA STEAMBOAT, From Petersburg this is ihe Main Mail l.iilC and thf" difT'lpnt fl.imninipe oru! Ibound in heavy penalties to run throu-'h in ihe schedule time. Haveners wncn iney reacn liahlax will please apply to the Petersbuig Rail Road Co.'s Agent, llr. II. E. Ilalsey, l Who will affjrd them every facility. I Besides the above Fast Line there ate other independent Daily Lines running on j Ihe rep'-ctive Rail Roads, so that in no ( case can Passengers be delayed more than rn ii .i tt . halt a day. On the Petersburg Rail Road from fiv.' to six engines are running dailu. and Passengers at almost any hour have j a chance to reach Petersburg, j In case any Passengers wish to remain I at Halifax all night, an Engine of the Pe j tersburg Rail Iliad Co. will be found next :, morning at Gary's Depot. Petersburg Rail Road Office, ) May 1G, 1S3S S Examination Ball. 13 ALL will be given at Mrs. Grego ry's Hotel, in Tarborongh, on Thursday tvening, 7th June. THE MANAGERS May 15, 1S38. Jtfasonic Notice. c- A liEETIIYCi OF Concord Chapter, No 5, Tarhoro Will be held at the Lodge on Tuesday the 29th of the present month. The members are requested to attend. D. RICHARDS, See y. Tarhoro', 15:h May, 1S33. Slate of North Carolina, EDGECOMI5E COUNTY. Superior Court of Equity, MARCH TERM, 1S3S. John Joiner ) vs. Original Bill. Kinchen May and others, N jTT appearing to the satisfaction of said Court, that the said Kinchen May is not an inhabitant of this State: It is there lore ordered, that publication be made for six weeks itMhe rarboro' Press, notify ing him to appear at the next term of said Court, to be held for said county, at the Cuurt House in Tarborough,on the second Monday in September next, and then and 'heie to answer, plead or demur, other I u'i$e judgment pro confesso will he taken I1 and the case set for hearing ex parte as to Test, . NO Ii FLEET, C. M E. 11 ice adv gi 50. IMPORTANT jpiIE Subscriber will sell at Auction, in f fn??iCUriy' on the Potation of Mr. JOHN P. DAVES, deceased, about ujuesirom 1 reuton, Seventy or Eighty SE.2TES. This is the most valuable family of No grocs in the State Amongst them are a bout 30 or 35 young negro men, and near Iy all tbe others are young and likely wo men, boys and girls. ALSO, A large and valuable Stock of Morses, Mules, Cattle, Hogs, $c. Amongst the Hor ses are q ymS forge, and ivell bred Stallion, o ix oiooa lUares and three Colts. ALSO, all the implements of H n,lvn.l J rji ... ' , . r on the I lantation, together with all the perishable gools and effects, including Corn, rodder, Vr. Pork, Vr. Thi .:ii i i inis sale will he made on a credit of Nine months, with interest fro m 1 st -Tn no me purchasers giving bond with two securities to be approved by me. This Sale will commence on the 29th dayoOlay, 183S, And contin.-ie from day to day until eve ry thing is sold. It the same time ami place, I will sell at auction, on a credit nfonn and two years, with interest from thn it June, 1S3S, the ' Jo!VP: Davcs deceased, in Jones coun adioinini: James W. Howard nnd .In- seph Whitley and others, containing Or thereabouts, more or less. This is nne of the handsomest Farms in North Caroli- It is in good order and well imnroved Any person wishing to sec t he Land ma .1 i i . uu so uy applying to I hornas Lee on the premises. There is a Crop in the eround and tho Subscriber reserves the right of determin ing at and before the sale whether he will rent the fields in inn nr cf!l tlm Crop with the Lands. Due notice will he given of his conclusion on this point before the Land is put up. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, That on the 1st tlay oIFune, At the late dwelling house of Mr. John P. Daves, deceased, in the town of Newborn, I shall sell at auction, on a credit of nine months, with interest from 1st June, 183S, Twelve very valuable Neiro Most of them house servants. Also, a handsome pair of bav HORSES, well broke and gentle, a CARRIAGE, and all his household and kitchen FURNITURE. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE. I shall sell the undivided, interest of John P. Daves, deceased, in 13,000 Acres of Land, On the south side of Trent River, com monly called Swamp Lands. These Lands were patented to Speight, Daves, and Sin gleton. The interest of Mr. Daves is be lieved to ho two-thirds of an undivided one-third of the whole of said Lands Also, a vacant LOT in the town of New bern, No. 203, at the corner of George and Broad streets. Also, the LOT, No. GOG, whereon the said Mr. John P. Daves lived at his death, together with the DWELLING HOUSE and eut houses. Also, an undivided moiety of 150 ACRES of Pine Lands in Craven county, on the north side of Neuse river. These Lots and Lands will be sold on a credit of one and two years with interest from the 1st June, 1838. The purchaser in every in stance will be required to give security, to be approved by me. The privilege of a discount at the Banks in Newbern, to the amount of S10,000, will be extended to the purchasers at this sale, and notice will be given when the saic, tfiiu nullum win uc; givun iviicii iim property is set up, which will be sold for nnfnc rrrrri ioKlo it ilnn H n n Ir o notes negotiable at the Banks. The public are assured that this sale will be made without reserve, and it is every way worthy the attention of purchasers. (JJWherc any person purchases an a mount not exceeding one hundred dollars, the credit will be only six months; where the amount is unucr htty dollars the credit will be 90 days only, and where it is under 10 dollars, cash. WILLIAM H. HAYWOOD, Jr. Executor of John P. Daves, dee'd. N. B. The creditors of Mr. Daves who nave iioi uiicuuy uuuiiuu uiu ui 1 1 j u u uu- mands against his Estate, are requested to send me a statement of their claims before have not already notified me of their de the sale, and where they have security, communicate it to me at itaicign, i. v. Price adv SH. Notice. rmwr o..i -t U ouuMjnucrs are now receiving their supply of Which we are determined to sell as cheap J. $ J. LAWRENCE. iarhoro IS April, 1S3S. Mrs. Jl. C. Howard. JNFORMS her customers and the pub lie, that she is now opening Her Spring Supply of Comprising a handsome Assortment of ar ticles in the Millinery Line, viz: Pattern Bonnets, of the latest and most approved fashions, Cottage Bonnets, a superior article, English Straws, Leghorn braids, Grecians, mix ed Straws, &c. Drawn Bonnets, various colors and patterns, aTnd,:fiAu'e.d r dresses, iueu niuia iMIK, uiacK Mode, Florences, Crapes, Thread Ed-incr3, Blond Edrinrs and F OntintrQ I n sort i n rro Grecianett and Bobbinett. Ha : 1 v "P8 auu sonars, neaa urnaments, A splendid assortment of Ribbons, Flowers, &c, Caps, Capes and Collars, head Ornaments. I nese Looilstwere all selected by her self, and are of the most fashionable and 'est quality. They will be sold at a very ma!l advance for Cash, or on the usual credit to punctual customers. I arborough, May 5, 183S. f CURE FOR MAI&B TIMES At the cheap Cash Store. npiIE Subscriber, m announcing to his customers and the public crenerallv. the arrivil ol his Spring purchases, takes pleasure in assuring them that his present Slock comprises the 3Iost spiciitlid ami Cheapest ASSORTMENT OF Seasonable Goods, Ever exhibited in Tarborongh. And respectfully solicits a call from those wttoto reject is to buy. rVcw and Fashionable Goods, At extremely Loiv Prices. Having made hi- purchases principally tth Auction Sales W lee Is confident in saying he can not only exhib it an immense variety ol Jew and Fash ionable Guods, but is enabled and will sell them at tuch prices as cannot fail to satisfy the greatest economist, and prove a partial (if not an entire) remedy for the "Haul Times." (tj,l''l? subjoined arc a few of the leading articles : pM"h pieces printed Muslins, small and large patterns, from 20 to 73 cents per yard," Printed Lawns and French Prints, A beautiful assortment of black and colored Silks, very cheap, t1tA pieces Calicoes, from 6 to 33 cents OUHyP per yard, Ginghams, 15 to 25 ceats, New style silk Scarfs, Cravats, and Handker chiefs, Muslin and Lace worked Collars, lOnglish thread Laces, Edgings, and. Insertings, Parasols anil Umbrellas, Irish Linens, Long Lawns, and Diapers, Ladies Corsetts, from $1 to 6, Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, Ladies and Ulisscs' Sonnets, Superfine broad cloths, various colors, cheap, Cassimeres, plain and ribbed, A variety of styles of Goods, for Gentlemen's summer wear, Men's long and short nap Rearer and Silk Hals, Of every variety of shape, quality and color, from $1 to $G each, 30 dozen palm leaf Hats, from lOcentseach. 547474Th yards bleached and brown Shirt PO?4VHy ings and Sheetings, from GJcts. Ladies English kid, French, morocco, and pru nella Slippers, of the very best quality and most lasnionaDie snape, Women's morocco, prunella, and leather Shoes cheap. lasnioname snape, Misses and children's Shoes, Men's and Boys' Shoes & Boots. In great variety, very cheap, With every other article in the Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Line. ALSO, a very large and general As sortment of Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, China, Glass & Crockery icare . . All of which he now offers at very low prices for Cash, or on a short credit to puuetual men JAMES WEDDELL. Tarboro April 27, 1S3S. JYotice. npiIE Clerk of the County Court of .ugecomhe requests all those Justi ces oi the Peace ot said county, if any ineie De, tnat have not received 1 copy of the Revised Statutes OF NORTH CAROLINA. To come forward and receive them at or before May Court next, as lie is bound to maiie a return to the Governor of the num ber delivered and of those remaining on nana, mat they may be forwarded to him, U1 uimi-iouicu as he may direct. JOS. BELL, C. C. April 10, 1838. MUCKJLE JOHN, ILL STAND the ensuinsr surinsr at the stable of William O. Bullock. at ihe lollowmec prices, (to wit:) TWEN i-rivr, UUL.L.AUS the season, and FORTY Dollars the insurance, wtth fiftv cents to the Groom in every instance. Every exertion will be carefully observed to prevent accidents, but no liability will oe incurred it any should happen. it is entirely unnecessary to make anv comment upon this thorough bred horse, is his Pedigree which is given below, should, independent, of the fine nerfor. mancesof the few colls of his set. on the racing Turf, recommend him. to all un prejudiced judges, as a horse that should not as to genuineness of blood, stand infe rior to none others in the State of North Carolina. The many good crosses both of American and imported stock, should iust- ly entitle him to a reputation sufficient, o entitle him justly io an exlensivapal ronage, by all those, who are anxious to raise race horses of never flinching game. connected also with no small degree of peed. With correct and proper croses his colts cannot fail to figure as sulerdidlv on the Turf as any other in America for an account ot his colts7 races see lurf Register and Spirit of the Times. II this opportunity is not accepted by those who are anxious to improve their stock, a source of regret may hereafter be occasion ed, as another so favorable may not be Sjiven. A liberal deduction will be made f any responsible person will make up a club of live mares. The season will com mence 1st March and end 1st July. MUCKLE JOHN is fifteen years old this spring, and now possesses all the liveliness ot action as a colt ol 3 years old. Pedigree. MUCKLE JOHN was got by Old Har rod, he by Old Sir Archie. Harrow's dam by Uld Diomede, his grandam by Old Bellair, his g grandam bv the Imported Sir Harry. Muckle John's dam by Old Collector, his grandam by (Jhl Imported Citizen, his g grandam by the Imported Union, his g. g. grandam by the Imported liuckskin. It is unnecessary to trace him further, as the above is sufficient to give him a pedigree not surpassed bT any horse in the country. WM G. BULLUCK. JOHN J. DANIEL. Feb. 24, 1S3S. Cone toe Jack, ILL STAND the present season at Ezekiel Staton's stable, near Cross Roads meeting houseand at Hamilton, in Martin county and wilL be let to mares at FIVE DOLLARS the season, and TEN Dollars to insure a mare to be in foal; with 25 Cents to the Groom in eve ry instance. A translcr of property for feits the insurance. The season has com menced and will end the 1st of July. Ev ery attention will be paid, but no respon sibility for accidents, &c. COJYETOE J.1CK, Is eight years old this spring of large siz? and good form, and has proved him self to be a sure foal getter. G. M. MOORING. March 23, 183S. The Young Jack, lEBGECOMBE, WILL STAND the ensuing season at mir cfaTtlo" nn t V n nnrlK ! .1 . I T wijr oiouiv, vt nib iiuim Biue ui jar River, on the road leading from Teat's Bridge to the Falls Tar River, three miles above the bridgeand will be let to mares at THREE DOLLARS the single leap, FIVE Dollars the season, and TEN Dd lars to insure a mare to be in foal with twenty five cents to the Groom in everv instance. A transfer of property forfeits ihe insurance. 1 he season will commence the 10th March and end the 10th Julv. Every attention will be paid, but no res ponsibility for accidents, &c. ERGECO.llRE. Is five years old, and a very large sized Jack to his age. His appearance is the best recommendaiion that can be given. R. D. WIMBERLEY. March S, 1S3S. Goods at Jltiction. rfP H R Subscmers have determined to vvind up their Mercantile business in Tarhoro', and therefore, will offer for Sale atub!tc Auction, on Monday in May Court, 2S'h inst. their emire - Stock of Goods, Wares and Merchandize. Their as-rorlmeu? consists of DRY GOODS Groceries, Ilarilware, &c. Which have been all recently purcha sed, and are well worth the attention of those who desire to procure excellent Goods at very low prices. Terms made known on day of Sale. PENDER $ POPE. May 10, 183S Flour for Sale. ntlHE Subscriber has received on con signment, and offers for sale, 21 barrels Flour, Which has been lately ground, and is from the best mills in the State. JAS. M. REDMOND. Tarhoro', April 15, 1838. CUT f A!D ROE o npHE Subscriber has received on con oiguiiieui, a large supply oi VERY SUPERIOR Cut and Roc Herrings, Which he will sell low for Csh. JAS WEDDELL. Tarhoro', 4ih May, 183S. Notice. npHE Subscriber, being somewhat pressed for money, and wishing to secure all debts due him as far as possible, hereby notifies Jill Persons indebted to him, To come forward immediately, and either settle their bonds finally or renew them, otherwise an action will be brought against all delinquents at February Court next. HENRY SHURLEY. December 27th, 1S37 $100 Reward. US ANAWAY from the Subscriber, on Wednesday last, the 14th inst. my negro man, Aged about 36 or 37 years, 5 feet S or 9 inches in height, dark complexion, stout built, and a very likely and intelligent fellow his fore teeth are out, & his others very bad he generally goes well dressed and has no doubt a considerable sum of money with him. Jack has a father liv ing as a free man at Mr. Clark's planta tion in Scotland Neck, and he prcbably may be lurking in that vicinity, or may be turning his course towards Plymouth, as he has heretofore been boating on the Roanoke or, he may be making his way to the free States. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and de livery to me in Edgecombe county, N. C. or if secured in any jail so that I gel him again. All persons are cautioned against harboring or carrying off said fellow un der penalty of the law. GABRIEL PURVIS. Fib. 16, 1838. For Sale, at this Office, sM OH ATEOBT, On Banking, Education, &c. Delivered at the Queen Street Theatre, in the city ol Charleston, S. C. July 4th, 1837. ALSO, an Oration on The Freedom of the Press; To which is appended Ihe doings of a Pub lic Meeting held in Charleston, July 2Sth, 1S37. Ry Thcophilus Eisk. March. Constables' Blanks for sale, AT THIS OFFICE.