. . IS - The Tarborongh Press, by GF.onr.E nowAim, l-miMi-hed weekly at 711-0 Dollars and Fifty n " : i w. ...... !;n ner year, if P'"1 n advance or, Three ) '') at ovpiration of the subscription year, v "ml period less t,,an a yar Tt'cnf-ive S j V per monili. Subscribers are at liberty to V Mtiiuu' at any tim on jjivinjr notice thereof r,j ,vn-j,r arrears tnose. rosining at a distance l iiiv.iriat'ly P '.v in advance, or give a resjon- y,V reference w im '""V ivertisciiicnts not exceeding a square will be in n ! at Oie Hollar the first insertion, and 2S ,. n i"r every continuance ijonjer aiivernse- ..,.v,t in like proportion Court Orders and Ju- " " . - ... . .1- . i ! aiiverusoiiicius ciu. m truer. Ad- , .rtinieiits e marwen me rummer oi ln .''f.j ,.,s re juired, or tliey will be continued until v-rwisi' onlereu and charjred accord in-jfly. " "liters aiKlres-ed to t lie Editor must be post .r' I or they may not be attended to. .1 i-t i t ' s.'i '' Courtship Marritiitr. ' i:ii!i-n-r la -i h'Hi in tlnj way of ljVl. an ! marriage all'iir, took place, iu un-l'Tstaiul, in Clark street, it. Ml C t . . 4 Dill- VilM; " k-.ii ui 'i iv I i . i lu lu l i'-t' d sdu of John Hull, who Ii,s b'M-ii resnlinir in th;- pl.in?, ail j, jyiiii ufiitttlar attention lo a hux lnii irirl, for some titne, made !; Hi-ni ji'Mients to consutntnatc In; h jfipiiu'ss by h iving the hynio hi ) ! k )t lii'il. On that afternoon, !i. iiiifj a hare and buuv, ;nd i,, ,k ii imemliMl to the boost? of a in 1 1 "fi that street, to have the i.ii'iiti riles performed. W'lib pi! j) irations were roinr forwar-t lor the event, a hah" son of the Eui cruM llJ, Ifarinir of tlie eireuni 61 vkc a a J envyni the liappiucss of t!if Ivi.'lisliMi in, resolved lo rob him c! t!i" uiti'iide.d wife nnd convert lit'i to liiaidf. According lv, put tiiiion lii Sand ty's best, h nninr iliii.'iy repaired to the house of mar ri lh eniered iht room whete the v.vre, ami like a bold kmulit of ro mince, claimed the nriiilen i- his property; telling ihe Eoiihsh lover hi: iiiivt at onet? iiv' up alt rlahns; atilic saiiM iim taking posse.ion of his prize. She tindiiu she had trini;s to h:f bow instead ol oiiti, ami having ociMsionally, pr v! i.h, received viits from hereoun ii e an, li ad hi! an itchini; to catch Iii'ii; hut Ins ojjisiiims in never pop puiMhe questMM, h id induced her t) tike tier iLaubsh Iovt ruber none. Fia linj her ueal Irish m hi novv la earnest, after sotne short is;'! in alioa she consented to be t ii'i ln; and not witlistaudin the pr des atioi.s of i.uu lo whoiii she hi ide ih.- eu;rarKuii!i)t, she w.is S''a u tiled to ihe ljismnau, who, u ,t!' f'lis uud tears, was thus com l)!'!; Uu have his anticipations nip Hie hud, .iter all tins trouble, jiim-ty, and expense of horse and j J--' b.-in him to the thresh p'-niish-ippmrss! The gull .ni ,,:ina U lvi)j secured his prize, v" 'lailersirm.J. h iw.wer, so far fto lie, W.,; is to apply a salvo to his tei:lii(fN, by taking (he ri vta!jliiiinioit (tifhi Ii wi.i.: -nul J' )' U' ttin lull ,o h,,d been at; bui jj !',. W fi lends n fused longer to ui(,r the new bride and groom, Uhllliey were forced to leave for other Iodizing, which we learn imauidiately duni, and they ravemf 4 - I Joytully, he exhibiting iht. ni v ni, mat 'plaint heart never won a fair lady.' i,, th,r our Englishman has be reconciled to the -"slip be lw,-:rtlin cup and he lip;" h has Jht ' xpeneneed, or ha3 hung Jr roed himself, from the rlisap Nhnr.m, wo are nol inforine(, clM)o, however, that he will keep I' c-iurasfc, and console himself Quaere is yet us good fish in the j l;u "iciiw that nibble.r at his ,and t.n hooked herstdf to UU I r.f .!. : , uuuler. Auburn Daily Nt cws. Stmt Teachig.--Thi Iliah -''iiT was yesterday nbout noon, ''IomI Uj)(m tly 8PV(.ra rospt)ot ible c,M.ns of South' Ward, Phib.del ? protect their neiahborhood I'.'illl I ,n. likely HIV. disorder nnd eonfusion v to arise by the assemblage of Tarbarongh, arge crowd in i2 Schuylkill 7th. ..i Georgia, near On reaching tilt! ...u suet!! Wns ,,un( fill,,,, ,:,,. Poo,,u collected roU, (1,m,uily , """ "' pamphlets, ,,ilo, Up tile IIMVninnt.t A -i ' ... 1 fi'in,... I . v' " ' .... . : . ' these, Mpearauee l.-.i, i , ' ' , " - oMbeKanny Wright school, each o . ' ... Mii-uussiun wert: igage(l in adtlressing the crowd. lh man was manifestly insane, i"d the unfortunate women did not 'PjH'ar to be much better off. On ihe retpiest of the Sheriir, the ' rowd (pnetly dispersed. As night, liwtiver, was annm.ir.liit.rr ......l .i,, Jl'ts of greiif disorder were evidcnily t hand, the jSherifr did ot Hesitate in his course. The man and women having refused to depart quieily, were carefully re ivcd to the watch home, and con veyance having been provided, the 'per ami furniture were all sent 'dter them. Before iimbi r be urn,,!,. burhood was restored to quiet and respect ability. Us usual U. Stuns Gaztllc. Something AVto The "patriot," of Quincy, xMassachuselts, states that tlie Aletnodist chapel in that place, a new ami beautiful edifice, was recently dedicated to Almighty God, and that what added to ihe in terest ot the meeting was the num ber of ministers who were present and assisted in the services, Th first prayer was uflered by lb. Rev. Mr. Miner, a HaHist; the U v. Mr Po.dr, a Methodist, rami tin fi,t (itliem; tin- Rev. Mr. Wolctt, an Episcopalian, read the Scriptures; the Rev. Mr. Spalding, a Mtthotlist, made the dedicatory fo aye-; a hymn was ihen r-ad by th. R.v. Mr. vpal diu, a Univrrsalist, which was sung in fun; style; when that inde fatigable friend of the caiior, the Rev. E. T. l' .ylor, a Mtthodist, de bveretl, what, it ihcjudgmi-nt ol the Patriot is to be ndied on, must have been a very original and eloqut nt Shimon. The choir then sung an anthem, read by tlie Rev. Mi. Ban field, ol ihe society denominated Chrintian; after which ? prayer was (dieted by the Rev. .Mr. Cornell, a Congrcgationalist. I he Rev. Mr. APCreadiug, a Mtihoitist, read the doxoloy; alter tint singing of which, toe benediction was pronounced, says the Patriot, "by that venerable lather of tlie (jop I, ihe Rev. Mr. Whitney of the Unitarian Church. Oh r in tin n States m a n . Progress of Morality The Co lumbus (Miss ) Argus, of October 9, lias tin; following paragraph. In View of these thing-, it may well be asked, "what tire we coming lot" "The week that has just passed, was characterized by repeated vio lalioas of the peace of the city. We have been, and now rTre, infested with numerous "professional sports men," or in common parlance, gamblers, who put law, gospel, and every thing pertaining to good or er, and morality, at defiance. On Thursday an l Friday last, the mili tary were called out. to assist tilt; ci v ii officers in preserving the peace ot the city, and to prevent the wan ton shedding of blood! Good Heaven! Has our beautiful, and once boasted moral and religious city come to this! Are soldiers with loaded muskets and bristling bayonets required lo protect us as if we were in a besieged cityt Can not our wives and daughters tra verse our streets without meeting street fighters, armed with double barrelled guns, pistols and bowie knives at every corner! Wc blush for the fame of our city, and call on our excellent and indefatigable Judge Bennett, in his official capa rirvund every good citizen, who has the weiiare oi uhiuuiuub heart, to take immediate and legal (Mzeeombe Vaunt,,, jr. C.J bttturdaVi Xovcnber ST '...y!"'! scenes of last week. Public opin n has been forcibly expressed against professional gamblers in vn- ,....v.m a loxuirence oi ine nous towns in the State, and it is now limit (im inr.i... to speali out in tones thai this matter." Jl,f-rnal Machine on a netc scale. vvcre yesterday informed on the authority of Col. Haskell, the fa mous pedestrian, of ihe following occurrence, we cannot vouch for its being substantially correct in all its def ails. A gentleman, (whose name wc were nol ab0 to earn)) om, 0f lMe Engineers of the Crolon Works, who resides in the levee, foot ol Bleecker street, has been in the habit throughout the summer of sleeping in an apartment tin lh ground floor with the windows open ihr-.ugh the night. The gentleman was repeatedly annoyed by certain nocturnal visitors, who without leave visited his rear premises and occa sionally a human head would pop into the window. Thinking that bete riighi prowlers purposed no g od, and as he could never by anv chance detect them in any acts of villany, Mr determined on i plan which should effectually de cide ihe question. Accordingly he fixed a couple of bowie knives into a board, in which he attached a small spring, and set ting it in such a position as lo strike a certain blow tot any mender who should attempt to enter the apart ment via the window. M then safely locked tlie room, and left word at home that he should be absent for n lew days. The plan succeeded to admiration. Yesterday morning a man was found bleeding and insensible, lying ai some distance from the machine, a o-cep and dangerous cut in his side.: On examination the bleeding sulf r er was found to be a notorious (hit f, who had long infested the neigh bourhood. He was taken to his friends, where he now remains in rather a critical situation, a warning lo all house-breakers. N. Y. Express. The Coitgnve Rochet. The very flight of the Congrevc rocket is startling; it springs from the ground in a volume of flame, and then rushes along with a continued roar, with its large head blazing, and sinking point blank and with tremendous force, at the distance ol a mile or more. In a siegi it is al ready extiemely formidable. Ii bursts through roofs; it fixes itself wherever it can bare its way, and it inflames everything that is coinbus tilde. Stonewalls only can repel it, and thtit not always. This wca poll may be regarded as almost ex chinively English in its use as well as its origin. It will be like the English bow in the fifteenth century. In the next war what an extraordi nary change will take place in all the t'Stablihi-d instruments of pulling men out of the world! We shall be attacked at once from above, around and below. We shall have ihe balloon showering fire upon us from miles above our heads; the steam-gun levelling us from walls and ramparts, before we can come within distance to dig a trench; the Cougreves setting our tents, ammu uition waggons, and ourselves in a blaze in our first sleep; and the steamboat running and doing mis chief every where. But of all those mischief makers I should give the palm to the rocket. No infantry on earth could stand for five minutes within five hundred yards of a well served rocket battery. Half a do zen volleys of half a dozen of ihese fiery arrows would break the strong est battallions into fragments; lay 10, 1838 o ground, o,,,! he other blazing and torn nvr rt. held. The heaviest fire from guns is nothing to their effect. It "wants me directness, the steadiness, the flame, and resulting from all these, Ho terror. If the British troops shall ever come into the field with out an overwhelming force of rock etters, they will throw away the first chance of victory that ever was lust by national negligence. Noth ing can he more obvious than thai this tremendous weapon has not even yet arrived at its full capacity for war on a great scale. Blackwood's M(". m"LoC$ IVife."-Mr. Colman, in his agricultural address last week, illustrated the folly of modem fash' iouable female education bv an an ecdote. A young man who had for a long while remained in that use less state designated by "a half pair of scissors," at last seriously deter mined he would procure him a wife. He got the "refusal" of one who was beautiful and fashionably ac eompbshed, and took her upon trial to his home. Soon learning thai lie knew nothing, either how to darn a stocking, or boil a potato or roast a bit of beef, he relumed her to her father's house, as having been weighed in the balance and found warning. A suit was commenced by the good lady, but the husband "Hedged that she was not "up to the sample," and of course the obliga tion to retain the commodity was not binding. The jury inflicted a fine of a few dollars, but he would nave given a fortune rather than not to be liberated from such an irksome engagement. "As well might the father have the original Venus de Medicis placed in his kitchen," said ihe orator, "as some of the modern fashionable women." Indeed, con tinued he, "it would be much better to have Lot's, wife standing there, for she might answer one useful pur pose; she might salt his baconl" Northampton Cour. Cin ions Typographical Error. The celebrated printer, Henri E l enne, son of Robert, (both known in tin- learned world by the name of fctephanus,) was once engaged in the printing of a splendid quarto .Missal. The great number ol sub scribers seemed likely to make am pie compensation for the heavy ex pense required by the undertaking. After the sheets had been corrected with the utmost care, the work was printed AT, splendidly bound, and delivered to the subscribers. It would be impossible to describe the astonishment of the learned printer, when one copy after another was returned to him, till all were s nt back. He enquired the reason of this extraordinary circumstance; and was informed that in one place the compositor had put ici le pretre otrra sa culotte, (here the priest will takeoff his bn-eches,) instead of calotte, (small black cap,) and the error escaped the correctors of the press. In vain did the poor printer offer to make a cancel; the subscri hers who were almost all ecclesias lies, positively refused to take the work on any terms. This unfortu nate affair is said to have been the first and chief cause of the derange ment which afterwards caused Henri Etn nne to be confined in the Luna tic Hospital at Lyons where he diet! in 169oV There is a copy of the Missal with this unlucky error, in the royal library at Paris. . A certain and Speedy Remedy for tke Diarrhaz. 15 grains Sails of Wormwood; 30 grains powdered Rhubarb, to be mixed in a tabb spoonful of lime or lemon juice, and taken while in a state of eflferves cence. Half the quantity for a child. If taken just before going to bed al Vol. XirAo. 45. night, the patient will be well the following morning. - " Pickle for Bedbugs.- A strong" solution of salt and water will kill bedbugs immediately, if applied to them. Those who are so unfortu nate as to be troubled with such vi sitors, can thus get rid of them in a cheap manner, by applyiag pickle to their carcases.- Com. Bulletin. Paper making at home and ar broad. A New York paper says: In the presence of 78 persons in London, a parcel of rags were re cently taken, made into paper, dried, and printed on, in five minutes! When this celerity becomes univer sal, loafers must dodge paper mills, or their ragged vestments will be whipped off; and tucked under their noses in the shape of a handbill ad vertising vagrants before they know it. The Philadelphia Inquirer, in publishing the foregoing, remarks : Poh! This is nothing. The same thing has been done at the Inquirer Office time after titne within the last year or two. The very steam by which the first operation is effected, also performs the last, as our printing presses are all worked by the steam engine connected with the paper manufactory. John Bull is no doubt very ingenious, but Jonathan is quitd a match for liim. Dreadful. G regret to learri that on Saturday afternoon n bear, which has been exhibited at (Colum bia Garden, Camden, for some time past, made its escape,. and attacked an interesting child of one of the proprietors, said to be three or four years old, and pressed, it so tightly with its fore legs as to cause tho death of the child, in a very short time. Phil. Herald. Child caught by an Eagle.- Tho Nouvelliste Vaudois, French paper, states .that last year a young child disappeared near St. Maurice, in tho Valais, and this year a similar event having also occurred, ho trace of the children could be found, except a shoe and stocking of the one last lost; and the opinion prevailed that some wild beast had destroyed them. Two eagles of enormous size bad, however, been for some time observed in tin neighborhood, and ii was concluded to watch t hem, to find if possible, their nest. Alter long search, ii was disenveree a lew days since among some lofty rocks, and found tube that of the golden eagle. The old birds were away at the time, and two fine eagles, stand ing two feet high, were brought Iroin it; but at the bottom of ihe nest, and on the rocks near it, w re tho blanched bones and remains of the dresses of the two poor children above alluded to. Tomato Pies equal to fine En lish Gooseberry Pies -The other day we partook, for the first time of a Tomato Pic, and were so much pleased with the treat that we in quired into the mode of making them. The tomatoes are skinned and sliced, and after being mixed with sugar, are prepased in the same manner as other pies. The tomato is likely to become one of ihe most useful plants. Pennsyltanian, The Human Heart. It appears from the researches of an English physician of eminence, Di. Glen- derwing, published in the Medical Gazette, , the medium weight of the heart is nine ounces in man, and eiglt ounces - in woman. A re markable factr and one hitherto un known is, that the heart of man btV comes heavier as old age approach es, w hile of that woman diminishes. in weight after the thirteenth veaf i.

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