hole Xo. 000. Tarbornnxh. (MMnmbe Vonnly, JV rj Saturday December 22, ,838. r 1 - a-ixKJw mauxi. ttm.'J .... r,T nr.or.ur. mov. au:), od weekly at Tied thllars and Flfhf t .Mum ,MY;ir, if naiil in advance or, T'trrc , tjt, expiration of the subscription ye;ir. ' period lo 5'.iii a your, 'lWity-;ive Subscribers are at. liberty to i, l,r nn I ' ti-iiio at aav tiuio, 01 giving notice thereof , iv"inr arrears -those residing at a distance "'t variably pay advance, or give a respon brvrrnco in this vicinity. ? v lve'ti,"1,,;i?s Mof t1100'1"- n S(ltnro vvill l,(1 -1 at fvf ) rr the first insertion, an 1 "25 every continuance. Longer advertiso- s !.r in like proportion. l-c - n'hvrtisomonN 03 per Court Order and .Tu trrtisements v per ce.n. ne.r'.cr. :i .ni.-pts mnst bo tiiarke.t the nu:n'.Kr of nr thev will be eoiitimied until vr - i in 1 1 r nr-m r. n , , , , irl1iiri i i , - r , ,r w -J7 - - - r r- , doci - thero . 1 i v'u;u,1,,ntMV'n pro-jccompanymS documents, it wilf be seen t lh0 w.v return of the defaulting if pouftisaurj means permitted. Hy with- ofheer apparently exhibited throughout a r h instalment, and eaymg several mil- cd to hi management. I,, however, now horn at Ions; eights with ihe hanks, nrinci- ano,rt tl., T u... .t. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. Fellow-cifhrm of t, Senate and II, tlsc ()f Hepn'sentallves : Ioouattil ueyouon the f.vorable cir cumstances m the condition of our eoun M .unc.cr which you reassmnble for the ncrlormaie of V0l!r (lMtics u' anl,cP:io:w :.i an abundant ''"necrnn which nronerlv hclontr. anrl nr. in, nij(s nave not every where heen real- 'st loft to State rotations and individual nil j , 7 V whole, the labors of the ! '-J-'terprise. host security, in time to come, against for eign or domestic, assault. , T hi.; review of the results of our instilu tions. for half a eentUrv, without exciting ;, spir'il of V;lin exultation, should servo ' to press upon us the great principles from which they have pning; constant and di- i ( i s'.ipervision by the people over cverv puhhe nloa mre; strict forbearance on the part of th (lovcrnmcnt from exercising nv doubtful ordisputeil powers', and a cau tious abstinence from all interference vith or.lorc.l and eltnrpva" accordimrly. j uus-Miiutn m are awarded with a h-mmiful Ut.r- addressed to the Kditor must be post j return; industry prospers in its viriuis r they amy not be attended to. 1 channels of business aid niernrise- ,o AI'PUOVKO patent 'Medicines. Y.y Vi gobble anii bilious PiJU, , c I't.HM cure tor liver omnplaiul, oihous lever in its inciruent wi.l iiviim i ! v lie ti i ! ttift- hi-ft v;"', it1' yonne-s, naiea, lowoess of -pi j-iu. :nl on 'lie sjomacli, and blotched or s3;!-.v ivtmpN von. lie'focillf (inli-d'jspcplic nils 'iVlt' mcuieme ioi me cine 1.1 the veotion ot hiliou- 1 n ,si V. levn. C'dic, &f. Ikrunvd's rem dt) for Jlsinlic r;, i!, r.', chidcra uoMUs, dtarrhre :; c 'trip' ni.ts, colic-, cramps -paen. Carter'' s Southern !!Iwuij:uIt Kn1Ti'ecar''. 1 P'"'dy rure for ih unia-ii-in, c!i I' -lain, sprains, numb.'iCs, ao-j : ii" o? of t!'C j i ii i , ,S:c. Carson's pectoral balm of Car. r?;.' . or Irish mc, a s;!r .mh certain rmfdv for coughs, colds, a-tbm . lnop coiiib, shtnnpss of breath, spitting i i i od. consi.rojrmn, &.c. CmpaiiCs vret title 1'oo'h-aehe ! ';. c-rta:ti a-.d m mediate cui , t;iv i hi;; fin n v-tv lew minute-, ami ttta' !o) mih'Mit any 'j'ir to the te 'h ;.n. It possesses ttie )toper'v ! enltv en- i the ;u..;S when m a moibol -la'-. (d restoring a hcullhy ni d vigorous LCI .n. Che nfiVctrd man's Friend or n rmeti' m inv vu"i much c-debra .i"T the cute of fcer i:ila or king- evil, r;n v irni, -oire, rifluiicd eyes, bures VilU, cbilb! in s'. bu aki g out m chil (Iran's her!-, trup'i m, or pimph-s on ,c h.1 b-j'.ieg o,n on the m u!i., scoi butic J v ulcer a'rt! sore lei;-, oiv- L: -.1 I... 1.. ... I ' rieauHijram prevails thro-igli our v:h diversity of climate; nothing threatens, from abroad, the co.utinuau -e of extern d peace: nor has an v thing at homo impaired the strength of those fraternal and domes tic ties which constitute the only guarmiv to the success and permanency of our hap py Union, and which, formed in the hour vl peril, have hitherto been honorably taio-d through every vicissitude in our na tiomil afT.mv. These- blessings, whi-di evince the eare and hemiu-ence of Provi dence, call for our devout and fervent grati tude. We have not less reason to be grateful 'or other humifies bestowed hv the same vunilieent hand, and more exclusively our own. The prt sent year closes the first half century of our federal institution'; and out system difiering from all others in the icknou h'dir.-il, prueiieal, and unlimited operation which i' has for so long a period nivcii to the sovereignty of the per. pie has now been fuily tested by experience . The constitution devised bv our fore fathers as the frame-work and bo:. d of that Full informatioo of ' the state of oilr for- Pign nO.tirs having he ui recently, on two d.iiereMt occasions, submitted to Congress, I deem it necessary now to brin io our notice only such events ;s have subsequent ly ocr.urrc I, or are of such importance as to retpiir- j)irtioular attention. I he most amicable dispositions continue to be exhibited by all Ihe cations with whom tho Oovcrnimmt and citizens of the Tni'c I State inve an h bitual iutercour-e. Vt the date of my last annual message. Mexico was the only nation which could not be included in s. rat i fy i n g a rtderence to our foreign relations I am happy to be now able to i.'fo-'m pally iti one section of the country, and more immediately beneficial to it; and, at the same time, ai. ling the banUs and com mercial communities in other sections, hv puoucmonejs .-hortly niter his r.ppoint mcnt, and continued io do so, progressive ly increasing the amount, for the term of more than seven year, embracing 3 nor- TlK!lr-ir,m.i,. K . T I. , . . ' . . tne jMy oeuioi nonas tor du-lt.onol the period durimr which tho miblic ! ,nVr,;,,,,"t , 1,etvvec,1 I tve moneys were deposited in the Bank of the millions cf dollars; by an , issue ot I rc-asury j United States, the w h.do of that of the no.es as a means to enable. he Government .S.atc .k Deposite system, and eonclu Z T I t n:Vloi indul- ding only, on his roiirJnic.it ' from office, e Ch.s butnfi,rd1:1g,at thefao,et,mo,a after.he system had substanti dly failed It tos lor rem.:tance and excuange; and by , in consequence of the suspension of specie MC.l.llly (Joe : llilllir lo wiiui (IV ocooi- i t. 1 , 1 r t . 1 j.y ii ii hi .s, : iesof tiie public revenues, or receive The way in wbi C Z r Ul?r ;lC rC:V.TOS; 0r rPCe,VC T,le wa defalcation w t Ut t rdUSC'1 10 r" -S l0"S and the steps taken I , ' lcnJ PCf i;i hy these meaMircs. j indemnify the United States, as far as prr ied hv the favoiable action of some of; tic ,ble, against loss, will also be present this defalcation was to prac- iho h.ni i... ' win a lso oc presemea 7'7" f.v .suppu.i hiui eo ope-jto uni. The. casein (Jnc which impera ationot a large porMon ot the commun. tivdy claims the altcntion of Congress, t , we navewiLoess d an e oly reusumption an. I furnishes the strongest motive for the oi specie payments in our grc t commer cial capital, prompdy followed in almost every part of the United States. This re sult has been alike salutary to the true in terests of agriculture, commerce, and ma I nutaesurcs io puMic nuials, respect forth you Mut an advance has boon made towards! laws, md that confnlence hetw. en man and the adjustment ot our diliiculties wnh 'nni Republic, and tlie rest-iralio i of the cus tomary good feeling between the two nations. The President then ives a minute de tail of ourex'sting relations with different foreign powers, -and continues: mm which is so essential in all our social relations. ' h" contrast belwcen tho suspension of I S 11 and that of 1337 is most s.rikiuir ''ne short duration of the latter: the prompt restoration of business; the evident bene-i ms resulting from an adherence by the Gov ernment t tli3 constitutional standard of establishment of a more severe and secure system for the safe keeping and disburse ment of the public moneys than any that has heretofore existed. Ii seems proper, at all events, that, by an early enactment, similar lo that of other countries, the application of public money by an officer of Government to private uses, should be made a fHony, and isited by severe and ignominious punishment; This is already, in effect, the law in respect to the mint, and has been productive of the most salutary results: Whatever system i ulopted, such an enactment would be w-ise as an independent measure, since An exposition of the fiscal affiirs of thej v ,iU,' instead of sanctioning tile suspen-jmm h of the public mones must, in their Government, and of their condition 'or 'hc!SI 'a ov the receipt of irredeemab'e paper: past year, will be made to you by the Se - ian ' l"e advantages derived from Ihe large rctary of the Treasury. collection and ultimate disbursement, pass twice througn the hands of public olueers, a-naiiitof sp cie introduced into the conn-j in whatever "manner ihev are intermediate The available balance in the Treasory ' UT previous to 1S37 afford a valuable il-1 1 kept. I he Govet nment, it mus" b'j ad- system, then untried, has become a settled . o:-. the 1 st of January next, is esiinnted ai : illsl t 'tiou of the true policy of the Govern-1 milted, has been from its comme cement torm ot iivernmee.t not mil preserving and protctir.n the greit principle upon which it w:s foundetl, but wondei full S2,7(o.3 12 Tl.e receipts of the? year, j meui m such a crisis; nor can the compari-1 comparatively ibrtm.ate" in this respect, from customs and lands, will probibly a-1 SO:1 f ',' reniov- 'he impression that a na- J liut the .-ppointing power cannot always be mount to S'J0,Gl."),r)f)S. 'I nese usual sou: it'oo.d b. .nU is necessary in such emergen-j veh ad vised in its selections, and the ex- promoting individual hajjpiet'ss and pri-lces of revenue have been increased by an is-cc- Not onh were specie )aymcnts re- periene-:- of every con Mr) has shown that vate interests. Though subject to change ! sue of Treasury not -s ofwhiohloss than I sumed wiihout its aid, but exchanges have j public officers are not at ail times proof and C'tire revocation, wiei.cver deemed j eight miliious of doll.r-. inciudi.ij: interest ! a'? 1)(-'"'i more rapidl v rest.'red than whc. ' aainsi temptation. It is a duly, there- and principal, will be outstanding at the en-jit eit-d; I hereby showing that private; fore, vhich the Government, owes, as well ding of tin- present year and by the fa'e j capital, nterprisc, and pruden. c are fully j 1 o the interests committed to its cue as to of one ofthe bonds of the Hank of the Uni- ndequ.de to these ends. On all these points ; the officers themscivt s, to provide every ted States, for $2,25 l,S71. The abrogate I experience stems to have conlirmed tbe I guard against transgressions of this e-arac-( f meaus from t'nes- and oh -r sources, with i view s heictofore submitted to Congress, j ter, that is consistent with reason a'.d hu- the balance on hand on the 1st of Janmrv u ;u''' hvvn saved the mortification ot inanity. Congress cannot he too j.-aio ns of inadecpiaKMo all these purposes, yet such is t'e wisdom of its construction, and so stable has been the public sentiment, tkat it remains unaltered, except in matters of de tail, compar ith ely tmiioportant. It has proved ampU sufficient for ttie various emergencies incident to our condi'ion as.: jlast, has he.-n applied tothe payment of ap- eing the distresses ot the community for nation. A formidable fore'nin war; ajrita nropria'ions U Crmiri Css. The whole ex-! die. third time seized on to fasten upon the ting collisions between dom.esiie and, in j pendituf; for the year on their account, in-j country so dangerous an instimtion; and some respects, rival so ereiomi-'s; tempta- eluding the redemption of more than eiht tions to interfere in the intestine eotnmo- millions of Treason notes, constitutes an tions of neighboring countries; the dan- aggregate of avout for tv .uillims of dollars. iircrous mlloei'Ccs that an-c in period.s of t and will still leave in Treasury the balance ' j excessive prospeiity; .m.! Hie anti-ivpi. on- lean tendencies ot associated wealth t!ue, crrisnu'n adhesive piaster, jar with other trials not h ss formidable, h ive ?;;: i -to ,e, 1 1 . :, t s, hiiln-rto b'-e!di- 'ail been encountered, and thus far success- C' v I'. s .o I':.- : r.- tv In eons, rjoenco oi it anoizmsi q'.'i'ioi n is eui'jied, 'bat litis v ;i ni iini.un its !,!! wr h pei h ale re nunc other car. b- had r s" c-i .i a!!, lint i t is peiOctly s(.,niy s i it t!j re js nothing whatever urita I" . k ( .,rr; 'son. Pitnb'i! 'iieetto!)s accompany Ihe abnv :ji.d highly appt oved patent tru- !0I sab- jit nils; or Fir:. A the cheap Cash titorc. JAMES WKODtiLL. is :ew .,n ii.oel a huge onl general a'irtmcnt id f'-ucrriV.s, lumhvnrc cutlery. C .(7 Am awl Earthenware Cot ton Ihin icpn Twine. &c iVc 1 iPH lie dT"r cheap for fash, cunm J !i-0, ni ot) a s-ho.'t crcii' 'o roioenie ' Nov. 2 I'ls.'lS.'i.S Stale n' fortli ' vroiinn, '.Dorcn.Min; coUNT'V. "I'Kh'IOU Cdl'Rr OF LAW. Srptenbff Term, lS.iS. z,'f 1 liciiueii ) c Vs Petition for Divorcv '"'T''" " Br nnt tt, jN 'au cs" it is ordered hy the Conn '"''i publication b ' made in the Tai be ) if i t Eii n. ami Noilh Carolina Stand tor thtie months, notilying th de 1,rH to j)p r a nie next term of sa'm li!b " be held for said county at tb 'loose m 'I'ariKtrough, on the sec M md.iy in March next, then an' ;n' ,() nriswcr. nlcad. or demur to th. iff s petition, or the same will be t-'dl'd I V rviri. I"" c- C'st, H'lLLMM NO ft FLEET, Clk. " 5 ;' 1SS. ic, olv $6 25. 1) tan Com Shelters. N' excellviit new Coin Sheller, mad 7 Mr. John Wilson, of Hamilton, e had on reasonable and accommoda 5 lerr,)s, on application AT THIS 0FF(CE. fully iesist'd. It was reserved for the American Union to test the ad vantages of a Government en tirely dependant on the continual exercise of ihe popular will ; and our experience Ins shown that it is as beneficent in pr. ctice as it is just in theory. Each succossiveeh.uigu made in our local institutions has. contribu ted to extend the rii;ht of suffrage, has in creased the direct influer.ee of ti e mass of the community, given g?eter freedom to individual exc rtioe, ui : restricted, more and more, the lowers of Government : et the intelligence, prudence, and patriotism ofthe people have kept pace with this aug mented responsibility. In no country has rdnc.nl ion been so widelv diffused. Do mestic peace has nowhere So largely reign ed. The clon; bombs of social intercourse have in no instance prevailed wkh such harmoiu over a space so vast. All forms of religion have united, for the first time, to diffuse charity and piety, because, for the first time in the" history of nations, all have been totally untrammelled, and absolutely free The deepest recesses of the wilder ness have been penetrated; yet, instead of the rudeness. in the sochl condition conse quent upon sue!, adventures elsewhere, nu e crou3communieesnavespiungup,:tlready unnvallel in prosperity, gen rai intelli gence, iuicrnal tranquility, and the wisdom of their political institutions. Internal mi provement, the fruit of individual enter prise, fostered hy the protection of the Slates, has added new links to the confe deration, and fresh rewards to provident iedu stry. Doubtful questions of domestic policy have been quietly settled by mutual forbearance; and agriculture, commerce, and manufactures, minister to each other. Taxation and public debt, the burdens which bear so heavily upon all other coun tries have pressed with comparative light ness'upmi us. Without one entangling al liance, our friendship is prized by every nation; and the rights of our citizens are every where respected, because they are known to be guarded by a united, sensi tive," and watchful people. ... To this practical operation of our insfi ..t?rtn so evident and successful, we owe he. for" slut, d N " li ly eic;h? millions of dollars of Trea sury e d.'S aie to he paid during the coming year in ad. 'ii ion to ihe ordinary appropria tions for th- support of Govei nmrnt. For both these purposes, tlr resources of the Treasury will undoubtedly be sufficient, if the charges upon it ate not in m ased be yond ihe annual estimate. Xo excess, however, is likely lo exist; nor can the we may a!so hope that the business of indi viduals will hereafter ho relieved from the injurious effects of a continued agitation of the conduct of those, who are et trosced with the public money", and 1 shall at oil times bo disposed to encou.iage a watchful discharge of this duly If a more direct co-operation on ih" part of Congress, in the supervision of the conduct of the officers that disturbing subject. The limited in -1 entrusted with the custody and application flueti'-e of a national hank in aver'ing de- j of the public money is deemed des.irahle, it rang'meoi jr, the exchanges ol the country. I '.vjll ?y; me picture to assist in the estab or in compelling the resumption of specie; lishment of any judicious ami constitutional payments, is now not less apparent than , pi. -n by which that object may be accom its tendency to increase inoidinatc specula- j plished. Vou will, in your wisdom, deter tion by sudden expansions and contrac-1 mine upon the propriety of adopting such lions; its disposition to create panic and j , plan, and upon the measure necessary for embarrassnv nt for the promotion of itsiiis effectual execution. Wh n the late own de-igns; its interference with politics; j Hank of the United Slates was inecrpora and its fl(r greater power for evil than for iu-el, and made the depository of the enblie. igood, either in retard tothe local mstilu-; monev s, a right was reserved to Congress nostnoned instalments of ihe s',rnl.is reven ue be deposited with the St.-ues, nor any ! tions or the operations of Government it- to inspect, at its pleasure, hy a committee considerable, appropriations beyond the es-self. Wh :t was, in ih sc respects, butap-0f ib.at body, the books and the proceedings tima'es be made, wiihout causing a defi-' prehension or opinion when a national hank ;0f the Dank. In one oi" llu; Sttewhoe ciency in the Treasury. The great caution. ! was fnstesiablishedj now stands confirmed j banking instutions are supposed to rank advisable: at all times of limiting apprnprt-, by . humiliating experierre. The scenes ; among the first in point of stability, they at ions to the wants ofthe public service, is; through which we have passed conclusively j are subjected to constant examination by t endered necessary at present by the pros-! prove how little our commeree, agriculture, : commissioner appointed for that purpose; pociiveand rapid reduction of the tariff; ma nu tactttres, or li nances, require such an and much of the success of it banking sys w hil the vigilant jealousy, evidently ex- j institution, and what dangers are attendant j iCm is attributed to this watchful supervi-ritr-d :imonMlip oeonle by the occurrences i on lis power a power, 1 trust, never to be ! sjnn. The same course has also, in view of ihe last few years, assures us that they ! conferred by the American people upon i 0; jls beneficial operation, been ad. pted by expect from their represeniatives, and will sustain them in the exercise of, the most rigid economy. Aluch can be effected by postponing approprial ions not immediately reqoired for the ordinary public service, or for nnv pressing emergency; and much by reducing ihe expenditures where the entire and immediate accomplishment of the objects in view is not indispenSa When we call to mind tbe recent and ex cessive issues of bank paper, aggravated by tbe unforeseen withdrawal of much foreign capital, and the inevitable derangement ari sing from ihe distribution ofthe surplus re venue among the States as required by Congress; and consider the heavy expenses incurred' by the removal of Indian tribes; by the military operations in Florida; and nn account, of ihe unusual large appropria tions made at the last two annual sessions of Cengress for other objects; we have stri king cv ilence, in the present efficient state of our finances, of tho abundant resources ofthe country to fulfil all its obligations. Nor is it less gratifying to find that the general business of the community, deep ly affected as it has been, is reviving with additional vigour, hastened by the lessons of the past, and animated by the hopes of the future. By the curtailment of pa per issues; by curbing the sanguine and ad venturous spirit of speculation;' and by the honcrahle application of all available means to the fulfilment of obligations, confidence has been restored both at home and abroad, 0,,t mC'r ,er Exhibit.;,... -rami ease and facilUy secured lo all the JSr and will prove .heiri operatic of trade. their Government, and still less upoo indi-! nn ndJoiniiiff State, favorabh koo.vu for vidtnls not responsible to them for its tJn- j the care it hai always bestowed upon what avoidable abuses. ever relates to its financial concerns. I sub- My conviction of the necessity of fur-jmit it to your consideration whether a com ther legislative provisions for the safe kep-1 mittee of Congress might not be profitably ing arid disbursement ofthe public moneys. .un ployed in inspecting, at such interval and my opinion in regard lo t lie measures! ;)S might be deemed proper, the affairs and best adopted to the accomplishment of those j accounts of officers entrusted with tho cus objecls, have been already submitted to ; t0jy 0f ihe publi moneys. The frequent oil. These' hare been strengthened In' j performance of thi?i duty might be m -dc recent events; and, in Ihe lull conviction obligatory on the committee m respect io th.t lime and exoeriei.ee must stall timber demonstrate their propriety , I feel it my dut , wiih respectful deference to the con flicting views of oihefs, again to invite your attention to them. With the' exception of limited sums de posited in ihe few banks still employed under the act of lS3G,thc amounts receiv ed for duties, and,- with very inconsidera ble exceptions, those accruing from lands also, have, since the general suspension of specie payments by the deposite banks, been kept and disbursed by the Treasurer, under his general legal powers, subject to the superintendence of the Secretary of the Treasury. The ptopriety of defining more specifically, and of regulating by law, the exercise of this wide scope of Executive discretion, has been already submitted to Congress. A change in the office of collector at one of orrr principal ports, has brought to light a defalcation of the gravest character, the particulars of which will be laid before you in a special report from ttie Secretary ofthe Treasury, By this report, and the those ofiiccrs who havebrg0 s'mis miheir possession, and left discreiio'r-iy in respect toothers. They might report to the Ex ecutive such defalcations as were found to exist, with a view to a prompt removal from office, unless the default was satisfac torily accounted for; and report, also, to Congress, at the commencement of each session, the result of their examinations and proceeding-. It does appear to me that, with a subjection of this class of public officers to the genera! supervision of tho Executive to examinations by a commit tee of Congress at penodsof which they should have no previous notice, and to pro secution and puniihineut as for felony for every breach of trust, the safe keeping of the public money s, under the system pro posed, might be placed on a surer founda tion than it has ever occupied since the es tablishment of the Government. The Secretary of the Treasury will lay before you additional information contain ing new details on this interesting subject To these I ask your early attention. 1 hat it should have given nss to great diva ty

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