)VhoU tfo. 073. Tarborough, ( Edgecombe Counly, N C.) Saturday, Jninunj 19, 1839 Vol. Xr Xd. 3. ? 3 'flic Ttirborough M9ress, BY fiEOKOE HOWARD, T, !,1w1hh1 weekly at Two Dollars and Fifty , rVOar, if P;id ,n advance or, J nee .I n n period less than a year, 1 wcnt,,-fice ,r. . ..i.inih. Subscribers are at liberty to '"minis'1 at anytime, on giving notice thereof "'T iv'u" arrears those residing at a distance -t invariably pay i" advance, or give a respoii- reference in tn.svu-uu y. . i ivprtisements not exceeding a square will be .-ted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 inr-(f!.r' every continuance. Longer adwrtise " '"p in like proportion. Court Orders and Ju advertisements 25 per cent, higher. Ad iTiiients must be marked the number of in V'ri'iis required, or they will be continued until 'Vrrwise ordered and charged accordingly. t-tters addressed to the I'ditor must be post p-iidor they may not be attended to. II. Johnston, BKTiS leave 'o inlorm hss customer and ihe public, that he has Jleceived hi Fall Supply of 0faJ jlit moot Fashionable Articles, Suitable fur Gen emeu's wear. SUCH AS inerfnte Cloths Cashmeres &. Wtings H tver cloth and Lion skin, lor overcoats O nblet for cloaks, s,(1rks Collars, Bosoms, and black silk Ci avals Spenders of superior quality. He also has a fw Fine black btavt v Ilnts Of the latest fashion. Gentlerren wish to purchase Goods in his line, will do will to call and examine before ihey pur c'mp, as he is-delei mined lo sell low for Cash, or on a short credit to punctual cu!omprs. Y'.rb N'iv 15th, 1838. MKRCIIANT TAILOR, flFPKCTFULLY inlorms his friends and the public gent rally, that he has received his Fall and Winter Consisting ol superfine blue and black Cloths LvNible green and brown do. Sni)H(l and corded Cassi meres of various colors Pijin black and figured Vesting, do black and figured Velvets, Pliin ami figured Valenchs, da da arseilles, Plain black and fancy Slocks, Umbrella", 15)ji, (dollars, Gloves, Suspenders, &c. All of which he will sell !w for Cah, or on a short credit to punctud customers. He Irtish by due attention lo business, an ! hi long experience therein, to give '! e ,uil";iclion to those who may favoi l'i'n with their orders. He ,o will keep constantly on hand an assort men! of Heady mad? Clo'hing, 7Vhnro Nov 5i h, IS3S. fit the cheap Cash Store. JAMES WEDDELL, S now on hand a large and general assortment of ('Merries, Hardware, cutlery t'tin't, Glass and Earthenware, Cot ('in I)nrinr It ope, Twine, Sec $c ,v MIC? he dTjrs cheap lor (ash, country i1' "luce, or on a short credit to punctual Nov. 2Hh, IS38. Slnte of North Carolina, MUI'L t'OURT 0? EQUITY. vs. . Petition for Divorce and ,Mm' nfli,,, JJliawny. Jj'i-James Griffin: Sir, yuu are here by notified personally to be and ap P?ir ..don- the Judge of our said Court at J1"7 Y'UI House in Williamston, on the j1' .niday Februiry next, then and to answer the several allegations ol 'M'pitionof the said Sophia. And it ' n,dered, that you be restrained and en J '"ltd Irom transferring, assigning, or in aI Upy wi,hJwinff from the hands ol Uihason, adm'r of John Robason (1any estate or effects lo which you , v..uu?u ny virtue ol vour mam with ile ..u: ' i ' tho !, oci umy in ine sum oi one ' mnjn an. I . t. r 1(1 dollars to answer and abide such or.le Jr 3,1(1 d?cree as may be had in the MK.lTr8' C" H- " vssell, Clerk and NuJ i our!!!lil1 Court, at office, the 1st Prio ? n IMSSELL, C. M. E. u'ceadv SlO on am stulc of North Carjliiut, KDUKCOJIUE COUNTY. Superior Court of Equity, SEPTEMBER TERM, 1S3S. Martha and Zilly Scarborough vs. Origin- Stephen Woolen & Richard T. ui bill. Kagl.-s, t-xV: &e. -t al, J T appearing lo tht- satisfaction of the Couit, that .John R. S. arborooh, one id the ddei.dur . in "this ease, is not ;i reMdeut of thU Siate: It is llurei'ore o deri'd, that publication be made for six weeks successively in the Tai borough Press, notifying said defend inl that unle he Jipjjear at the next wrm of C ur;, to he held on the second Monday n. M uch next, at the Couil llwuse in Tai b. rough, and answer, plead, or demur, j idg ment pro conlesso will be entered .igaiosi uim. Witness, Isaac Norflef-.t, Clerk ol sud Cojrt, at dii, tne second Monday n September, 1 8 US. . NO K FLEET, C M E. Dec. 5th, 1SSS. 1 Price udv 555 00. State of Nort' Carolina, EDGECOMBE S?UNTY. Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions, NOV EM 13 ER TEuM, 1S3S. State ) vs. . Ext sturdy. James E. Lewis, 3 W V appearing lo Ihe satisfaction of the Court, that James E Lewis, the dr fendaoi in this suit, is not a resident 01 l b i 3 State: It is therefore ordered, iha publication he made for six weeks succes sively in the Tarborough Press, noiilyii." said deleodant that unless he appear at llu next term ol this Court, lo he held on tin fourth Monday in February next, at tin Court House in Tarborough, and auswei . plead, or demur, judgm' ul pro cuuleso will be entered against him. Witness .lost Pii Pell, Clerk of said Court, at oflir". 1 tie lourth Monday in November, S'3$ JOS BELL, C. C. Price adv $5 00. 1 6 Stale of North Carolina, EDGECOMBE C'UNTY Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions, NOVEMBER TERM, 1S3S. Slate EJwin Ellis'iohn KncrB"Si"rdV and John 1 arter, Sr. J ST appearing to the s;i islaction of the Court, that Edwin Ellis and Joii.n Ritteh, defendants i i this suit, an .ot resi dents of thU Ste : It is therefor ordered, that publication be made foi six weeks successively in the Taroorougti Press notify mg said defendants that un less the appear at the next term ol 1 1 t -C itiit, 10 be held on the fourth Monda in February next, at ihe Court House in Tarborough, and answer, plead, or demur, judgment pro roulesso will be entered against them. Witness, Joseph Bell, Clerk of said Court, at ellict , the luui th Monday in No vember, lSoS JOS BELL, C. C. Price adv $5 00. 1-6 slate of North aroln , EDGEC-'MBE COUNTY Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, NOVEMBER TuKM, 1S3S. vs. Jami s N01 veil, En. s Taylor, Samuel Taylor, Niney O dom, Ei.zbeih Nuivill, David Norvill, Hrzrkian Langiy and wi.'e Cherry I Petition vs. far sate S'cphe'. Woolen & Ephtaim tf slaves Woolen, adm'is ot Enos I and dis Norvill, dee'd, James lav tnbution lor, Enos Norvill, Eli John ston and wilt Coanty, Ex urn Revel and wife Pa ley, James E. Lewis and wile Penii, and Dorcas wile of Josia- Kail, ST app aring to the satisfaction of th Coon, that Siephen Woolen ami Epiuaim Wooten, administrators of Enos Norvill, dee'd , James I'aylor, Enos Nor vill, Eli Johnston and wife Charily, Exum Revel and wife Palcy, James E. Lewis and w if -Penny, and D rcas wilt of Josiah Kul, defendants in I his suit, are not residents of this State : ll is there lore ordered, thai publication be made f r six wet ks successively in the Tart orougi Press, notilyi'ig said defendants that on less they appear at the next teimol this Court, lo we held on the lourth .Monday in Ft bruary next, at the Court House in Tarborough, and answer, plead, or demur, judgment pro eonfesso will be entered against liitm. Witness, Joseph Bell, Cleik of said Court, at office , the fourth Monday in November, 1SUS. JOS. BELL, C. C. PiiceadvS7 50. 1 G E.EUAL ASSEMBLY, IV. C. From the Raleigh Standard. CAPTIONS Of Ihe rfefs, public and private, and Re solutions passed hy the General s- esmbly oj North Carolina session of public acts. 1. An Act to extend the time for paying in entry money. Gives until the 15th December, 1S4L 2. To lay offaod establish a countr by the name of Henderson, Erects into a new county, all the southern portion of Buncombe county, beginning on the top of Pi"gah mountain on Haywood line, and running to the Rutherford and South Caro olina line. 3. Concerning the election of consta bles in certain cases. Provides that the elections shall be held 30 days before the county court, which may fall on the last Monday of December, or the first Monday in January. 4. Appointing commissioners to lay oil a Public Road, from Burnsville, Yancy county, to the Tennessee line. Appoints John Roberts, John Ramsay and George Gahagan, commissioners for this purpose, at S2 per day each. 5. To amend the thirty-ninth section of the Revised Statutes, entitled, "an act concerning Courts of Justice, Practice, Pleas and Process." Repeals so much of said act as gives authority to bring suits in counties other than that in which the de fendant resides. C. Supplemental to an act passed by the present General Assembly, entitled "an act to lay offand establish a county by the name of Henderson." Provides that all Officers, of whatever kind, living in the portion of Buncombe erected into a county, shall exercise the same power, authority and jurisdiction, as if appointed specially for the County of Henderson. 7. To compel owners of bridges to con struct draws. Imposes a line of S50 on all owners of Bridges, who relusc to con struct a Draw within DO days from the time that notice is given them to do so. 8. To amend an act, entitled 'an act for the relief of such persons as have been disabled by wounds, &c. Repeals so much of said Act as requires the certifi cate of the County Court, to be counter signed by the Speakers of the Legisla ture. 9. To amend and supply the defects of an act passed at the present General As sembly, entitled "an act to extend the time for paying entry money." 10. To extend the time for registering grants, mesne conveyances, powers of attor dey, bills of sale and deeds of gift. Ex lends the time two years. 11. To improve a part of the State road leading from the town of Franklin in Ma con county, across 1 he Nantahala and Val ley river mountain, to the new town site, called Murphy. 12. To amend the Revenue laws of this State. Provides that in those counties where assessors have not been appointed under the act of 1S36, for valuing lands, it shall now be done; and legalizes the ap poiiumenl where the same was not made in the time required by that act, gives to the county court the power to remit double tax, &c 13. To prevent the malicious obstruc tion of rail roads. Imposes fine and Im prisonment on all persons placing obstruc tions of any kind on rail roads. 14. For the relief of the Raleigh and Gas ton Rail Road Company. 15. To appoint commissioners to lay olTa part of the great State road, from Presley7 Sheprd s to rredcrick SeaverCs 16. To authorise the lay ing off and es tablishing a turnpike road lrom Cove creek, in Rutheiford countyr, to Joseph Garies in Buncombe county. Appoints commissioners and authorizes a subscrip tion to the amount of is 10,000, in shares of 50 each, the company to be styled the Hickory Nut turnpike Company. 17. To provide for the election of En grossing Clerks. 18. Supplemental to the act erecting the county of Cherokee. 19. Concerning the Public Revenue of this State. 20. To alter the time of holding the Su perior Courts of Law aud Equity in Stokes and Guilford. Provides that, in 1S39, two weeks shall be allowed to Stokes to enable that county to bring up its business, which will have the effect, for this year, of bringing Guilford C ourt on the 4th Mon day after the 4lh Monday in March and September. 21. To amend the Act incorporating the Fayetteville and Western Koad. Autho rizes a subscription of thlee-fiths by the State, instead of two-fifths, as prescribed by the Act of 1S36. 22. To amend the Charter of the Cape Fear Bank. 23. Limiting the time in which title to land heretofore entered and paid for may be perfected. (Limited to 1S41.) 24. To establish Common Schools. At the regular election in lo39, all who are in favor of raisins bv taxation Si per every $2 furnished by Literary Fund, lo luic-ouiwi inose opposed to it "no School." State to be divided in Districts, not less than 6 miles square, and these Districts agreeing, to receive S40 from ihe Literary Fund. The lax to be levied after the first term of the county court in IS 10. . j 25. Making an appropriation for carry ing on and completing the Capitol of the State. Appropriates 575,000 more to fin ish the building. 26. To give effect to the Revised Stat "tes, as the same have been published. Provides that the printed text of said Stat utes, as published, shall be held and taken to be the true text. 27. Authorizing the making a turnpike road in Haywood county. 28. To incorporate the Highwasse Turn pike Company. 29. Preventing obstructing the passage offish up the Pedee & main Yadkin rivers. 30. Concerning appointment of clerks of the Superior Court. 31. To incorporate the town of Mock ville, Davie county. 32. To amend an act entitled "an act concerning the action of replevin. 33. To amend an act passed in 1S37, en titled 'an act concerning the public print ing of the State." 34. To amend the inspection laws. 35. Concerning infant children where parents shall be divorced. 36. To incorporate the Weldon Rail Road Company. For the raising of a sub scription lo the amount of 200,000 in shares of 5100 etch, for the purpose of ef fecting a communication by a rail road from some point on the Raleigh and Gas ton rail road between Littleton and the Roanoke river, and the termination of the Portsmouth Rail Road at Weldon. 37. To amend the charter of the Bank of Cape Fear. 3S. To lay off and establish a county by the name of Cherokee. (Erects that por tion of county, recently sold under author ity of the State, into a new county .J PRIVATE ACTS. 1. An act lo change the time of holding 2 Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions the for the county of Wilkes 2. lo establish a toll bridge over the South Yadkin river, near Hall's mills in Davie county. 3. Making valid certain survey s made by ihe deputy surveyor of Haywood coun ty. 4. To circumscribe the corporate limits of the town of Milton. 5. Concerning the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the county of Iredell. 6. To alter the mode of electing consta hies in the State, so far as relates lo the counly of Martin. 7. To authorize Robert Walker, of Wilkes county, to build a mill on his own land on Roaring river, at or near a place called the Rock House. S. To appoint commissioners for the town of Hertford and other purposes. 9. To incorporate the town of Morgan ton in the county of Burke. 10. For the belter icgulation of the town of Greenville. 11. To emancipate Caroline Cook and her four children. 12. To incorporate the Trustees of Pleas ant Grove Academy, in the counly of Pcr quimons. 13. lo compel the jailor of Stokes coun to live in the jail, and for other nurnoscs 14. To repeal the act of Assembly 01 1815, allowing compensation to the jurors in tne counly 01 lancy. 15. To incorporate the Trustees of the Rutherfordlon male and female academies in the county of Rutherford. 16. Allowing compensation to the war dens of the poor, in the county of Wayne. 17. I o incorporate the Tiustr.es of the Greensboro' Female college in the county of Guilford. 18. T o empower the Court of Pleas and Uuarter Sessions ot buncombe, to draw jurors for each week of the Superior Court ol said county. 19. To amend an act, entitled "an act to establish a Literary and Manual Labor institution, in the county of Wake, passed in the y ear 1S33. 20. To incorporate the Rockv Mount Manufacturing Company. 21. lo incorporate the iliirh Shoals Manufacturing Company. 22. lo incorporate the Lexinirton Ma nufacturing Company. 23. lo incorporate the Cane Fear and Western Steam Boat Company of .North Carolina. 24. To appoint commissioners for the town of Beltjama, in the county of Stokes. 2o. lo alter the times of holdine the Superior Courts 01 Law and Equity lor the counties of Stokes and Guilfoid. 26. To amend an act passed in, the year 1822, entitled, 'an act to incorporate thH male and female Academy in the town of Charlotte, in Mecklenburg county. 27. To incorporate the Washington Mi ning Company. 23. For the better regulation of the County Courts of Rutherford. 29. To incorporate the Phoenix Com pany in the town of Fayetteville, Cumber land county. 30. Concerning the militia of the county of Bejufort. 31. To authorize the construction of a bridge across Trent river. 32. To establish the Salisbury Female Academy, and incorporate the Trustees thereof. 33. To incorporate the Yadkin Manu facturing Company. 34. To amend the 16th section of the revised statutes, concerning the Militia, so far as relates to the county of Jones. 35. To alter the time of holding the County Courts ot Rowan. 36. To amend an act, entitled "an act to establish Clemmonsvillc Academy, in tho county of Davidson, and to appoint Trus tees thereof. " . 37. To incorporate the Buncombe Warm Spring Company. JS. I o incorporate the Junto Academy in the county of Orange. 39. To authorize the Justices of the County Court of Perqnimons to purchase the Float Bridge across Pcrquimons river, and to confirm all contracts for the same. 40. To revive an act passed in 1S21, to incorporate a company entitled the Roan oke Inlet Company. 41. Authorizing the Justices of the Peace in certain counties lo class them selves for the purpose of holding the Coun lyr Courts. 42. To alter the lime of holding Person Counly Court To be held hereafter on the third Monday of March, June, Sep tember and December. 43. To incorporate the Trustees of Da vidson College. 44. To exempt Lock Keepers on the Dismal Swamp canal, from the working on the road, &c. 45. To authorize Archibald K. Houston to move the bridge by him built across Highwasse river. 46. To incorporate the Trustees of the Randolph Female Academy, Randolph county. 47. Relating to cleaning out Rockfish creek, in Duplin county. 48. To regulate drill musters in the S7th regiment of C. militia, in David son county. 49. To amend the several acts, hereto fore passed in relation to the burning of the Court House and Record of Hertford coun- 50. To incorporate the Weldon Manu facturing company. 51. 1 Voviding for a county Trustee and Treasurer of Public buildings, in the coun ty of Columbus. 52. To incorporate the United Fire In surance Company. Resolutions. 1. Resolution in favor of Wm. Ashley. 2. In fa vor of the Public Treasurer. Allows him S 1297,67 in settlement of his accounts, being Ihe amount of Treasu ry Notes burnt by Committee of Fi nance. 3. In favor of Thomas Winkler and oth ers. 4. In favor of Benj. Hawkins. 5. In lavor of certain enterers of lands paid for and not granted in Wilkes. 6. Concerning the Secretary of Stale. 7. In favor of Osbourne Bovvers. S. In favor of Turner & Hughes. 9. In iavor of Mathew Waddcll. 10. In favor of B. B. Smith. Compen sating him for the House in which the Leg islature sat. 11. Directing Secretary of State to issue certain grants. 12. Directing the Secretary of State lo issue grants for lands sold at the sale of the Cherokee Lands in certain cases. - 13. In favor of Hiram'Higgins and Sol omon Perry of Ashe. 14. Relating to the Public printing. 15. For the repairing the steeple of the Presbyterian church. 16. Concerning delinquent sheriffs. Acquits from all legal liability, those Sher iffs who neglected to make proper return, of the Governor's election. 17. Relating to the General Government. 18. In favor of the Sheriff of Ashe, 19. In favor of Charles L. Hinton. 20. In favor of Flealden Hensly and oth ers. 21. In favor of Wm. Leach of Randolph counly. 22. Concerning the .books, nanprc and the furniture of the General Assembly. in iavor 01 Samuel Uhunn. 24. Relating to the Public Domain. 25. In favor of John M'Gee. 26. In favor of James C. Turrcntine of Orange. 27. In favor of Dove Pennell. 28. In favor of Simon R. Smithwick. 29. Concerning specie chance. fRe, quests our Senators and Representatives to have an act passed authorising the coining of Specie change at the Mint. 1 )

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