Doctor V. EVANS SOOTHING SYRUP For children Teething, PREPARED BY HIMSELF. To Mothers and Nurses. THE passage of the Teetli through the gums produces troublesome and dan gerous symptoms. It is known by moth ers that there is great irritation in the mouth and gums during this process. The gums swell, the secretion of saliva is in creased, the child is seized with . frequent and sudden fits of crying, natchings, start ing in the sleep, and spasms of peculiar parts, the child shrieks with extreme vio lence, and thrusts its fingers into its mouth. If these precursory symptoms are not spee dily alleviated, spasmodic convulsions uni versally supervene, and soon cause the dissolution of the infant. If mothers who have their little babes afflicted with these distressing symptoms, would apply Dr. William Evans's Celebrated Soothing Syrup, which has preserved hundreds ol infants when thought past recovery, from being suddenly attacked with that fatal malady, convulsions. A real blessing to Mothers. Dr. V. Evans celebrated Soothing Syrup for children cutting their teeth. This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds of Children, when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gums, the t hild w ill recover. This preparation is so in nocent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let its gums be rubbed with it. When infants are at the age of four months, though there is no ap pearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should be used on the gums, to open the pores. Parents should never be without the Syrup in the nursery where there are young children; for if a child wakes in the night with pain in the gums, the Syrup immediaiely gives ease by open ing the pores and healing the gums; there by preventing Convulsions, Fevers, &::. fCf Proof positive of the efficacy oj Dr. E vans1 Soothing $yrvp. To the Agent of Dr. Evans' Soothing Syrup: Dear Sir The ureat benefit afforded lo my suffering infant by your Southing Syrup, in a case of protracted and painful dentition, must convince every feeling parent how essential an early ap plication of such an invaluable mediciue is to relieve iulant misery and torture( My infant, while teething, eiperienced suc h acute sufferings, that it was attacked with convulsions, and my wife and family sup posed that death would soon release the babe from anguish till we procured a bot- i r o i i lie 01 your oyrup; wuicn as soon as ap plied to the gums a wonderful change was produced, and after a few applications the child displayed obvious relief, and by con tinuing in its use. I am glad to inform you, the c hild has completely recovered, and no recurrence of that awful complaint has since occurred; the teeth are emana ting daily and the child enjoys perfect health. I giveyou my cheerful permission to make this acknowledgment public, and will gladly give any information on this circumstance. WM. JOHNSON. (TT-Soid at Dr. W. E vansrs Office, 100 Chatham street, N. Y., and by all his a gents throughout the Union. jJGEYTS J. M. Redmond, Tarbo ro P S. Marshall,. Halifax. Spots wood &c Robertson, Petersburg. A. Du val, Ui. hmond. C. Hall, Norfolk. E. E. P ortlock, Portsmouth. Lewis John ston. V imgton, D. C. Mortimer &, Mowbray, Baltimore. Dec. 4, 1838. EXTENSIVE ARRIVAL. OF JWnv and Fashionable fin HE Subscriber now received the whole of his late purchase, and rt sp-ctfully invites his customers and tin public to call and examine his assortment, and learn his prices before I hey buy. Hi stock is very large and being determined to reduce it as speedily as possible, wil; offer his Goods at snch Exceedingly low price?, As he feels confident will meet the view. of the most rigid economist. In his assortment ivill be found THE LARGEST AND MOST SPLENDID Assortment of lJLMCOJES, Ever exhibited bete, at extremely low prices. The above, together with almost every other article in the FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS LINE, Is now nil' i t tl at uoprt ctck-iitMi iwwpucts Jll the cheap Cash Store. JjlS. IVEDDELL. Tarboro', 24lh Nov. 1S3S. $25 Re ward. ANAVVAY from the Subscriber, on the 14h November, 1836. negro man SPENCER, Aged aboui 26 years, 5 see 6 or 7 inches n height, weighing about 150 pounds yel low complexion, with a pleasant look no cais nrmarks known of. Saul negio lui merly belonged to Moses Tison, in PiH county where he was raised. The ahov reward will be paid lor hi .ipprehcn-ini and delivery to me in G recur county, 9 miles from Siautonburg on the Kdeigl, road, or lodged in any j ol so that I net hin. :g:iin. All perons are loiewarned ;ir,iiuo harboring, employing, or earning oUxdid negro, under penalty of the law. BEiXJ. C. D. ES1SON Nov 29, 1837 AS Cotton Gins. npiIE Subscriber respectfully inform." the public, thai he still continues to carry on the Gin making Business, At his lot mer --and, In Greenville, Pit county, AT C. Where those wishing new Gins can be supplied with either German or polished cast steel saws at the shortest notice. Those having Gins out of order had best send them in at as early a day as con venient. When all woit (as is usually the case) until they want lo use them, it i sometimes impossible to furnish then within the time required. ALLEN TISON, In conneclion wnii this eM;ihlishment, con tinues in carry on the Lock and Gunsmith business. The ma kin? of Stun At ill 1 Inks and Gudgeons, and Mill Spindles. with Steel Collars, (turned,) eq ual io an in the United Suites. All orders in his Imp of business will hf thankfully received, and faithfully anr promptly expctj'tv! n reasonable turns NO R FLEET TVER. January 30, 183S. fTJlHE following was forwarded to Dr. Peters, j by a highly respectable Planter of Wake Co. No. Ca., March 3d, 1838: Dr. Peters. Dear Sir: By request of your awnt, Mr. Harrison, I send you a few lines re- iKo !ilmrif m5rfn1rm efTft rvT vnur in connection with my name ,in any manner I About 8 months ago, my boy, a slave, was la- Aaam nrnnpr. 1 fineak of the r mprits frnm vc" "J " ""V. -"f''m SO ITiUCii bu, in a i uiej wc w uu iuuiiu 111 uuuuoi, men virtues, Will K every dwelling. Make what use you please ot.j g- uy Jl)lu this : and I wish it could . be made yet more flat- b omce.'e commenr?m tenng as 1 teel thai Doming loo lavorabie can De said of your Pills. Sincerely yours, JOHN FINCH. Kexv Glasgow, Jlmherst'cot Va. Nov. 8, 1837. This is to certify that I have seen Peters' Vege table Pills used in a case of dropsy, and am pre pared to substantiate, that a most perfect cure was them, in connection with my name, in any manner , Ab?ut 8 m0,s a 11 j I oMf r u; Jta - ken down by the above experience, as I and my family have taken up-! wgly I called in a phys.cian, bu he afforded him wards of thirty boxes in three years; and so great I fehe then bad recourse, by the reeommen Ze the benefits we have received from thein in I dall" of a former sufferer, to the pills alluded to; general, that I would rather purchase them attenld"u C11CVL -' - . . . ...... .! tha rktiont wo a ?c wo ?a over. Br. W. EVAAS'S CELEBRATED Fever and Jlgue JPills. fJP MS widely extended and most admi rable llemedy fot Fever and Ague, and other Fevers, which has already ren dered such benefit, and proved a sure and speedy cure for the above named disor ders, i particularly recommended to pub lic notire. On first feeling the premonitory symp toms oceur, it is advisable at once to clear th oroughly the stomach and bowels. In no way can this be better and less incon veniently effected, than by taking a few doses of Dr. Evans's pnrifnins: Fills. the value and well authenticated virtues of which medicine have been, and still are, too apparent to call for further comment. They tend to promote a healthy secretion of the B.le, and render the system capable Of receiving with benefit the invigorating And strengthening Pills Sold at Dr. Evans's mediral establish- mem, iuu tuauiam street, N.Y. and by his v4i..wi rtrm uirougnoui the Union AGENTS. J. M. Redmond, Tarbo ro F. S. Marshall, Halifax. Spots wood U Robertson, Petersburg. A Du val, Richmond. C. Hall, Norfolk.' t- PorJlock, Portsmouth. Lewis John mvnuuAi, oanimore. Cotton Gins. nrUK snhccrihr . . v, , dl horoucrh, and established himself on Ihe Raleigh road, nar the store of J. C. Knigh!, on Cokey, where he continues The making and repairing Cotton Gins. All those who wish to supply themselv with Gins of the best qualify are respect fully solicited to apply to the Suhsciihet personally, or hy letter. All orders foi Gins will be nrnmntlv executed. Gin nil of order will be expeditiously repnired Person wishing: to h ve work executed. will please leave their orders at the store of J.C. Knight. E-q. SVJMUEL D. PROCTER. February 5th. Notice. rjpHE Subscriber respectfully informs me puouc, that he still continues to manufacture and repair Cotton Gins, Corn Fans, and Corn Shelters, AT HAMILTON. MARTIN COUNTY. He also is. Agent for the disposal of Harman's Patent Threshing Machine. in ttiis section of the State, and will promptly furnish those who may desire e ol them. They area very useful and durable article. Dec 4 ififl i uujy IX. Hnltnrs a box than have mv house without them. 1 will not enumerate the afflictions they have re lieved us of; but I can assure you they wore many, and of very apposite natures, which has fully proved to me that your medicine is a simple puri fier of the system, and therefore equally the ene my of every disease. I will mention one ease. I have a sister who had been for a long period se verely afflicted with dropsy in the chest and was brought by it to the very verge of the grave. She was attended by the most eminent physicians that money could procurp; but all their efforts to restore her to health, or even to mitigate her sufferings, were fruitless; and accord ingrly, we all considered her immediate death as inevitable. By good for tune, however, as she was in this situation, ex pecting every day to be her last, your pills were introduced into my family, and so speedy and pal pable were their effects that three doses visibly relieved her, and in less lhan three months she was perfectly restored to health. This case! and all who were w itness of it, (but more especially the suffering party,) considered to be the next thing to miraculous; and yet I should mention many more of an equally desperate nature, in which your pills were equally successful in rescu ing the patients from the jaws of death. Need I add that the popularity of your medicine amounts to enthusiasm in this section of the country but this I presume you know from the immense quan tity yt.u dispose of. I may mention, however, that notwithstanding its general uce, 1 never heard an indivividual complain of its effects" My resi dence is 1 miles from Raleigh, on the road to Fayeltevillo. I am, with sentiments of regard, yourob'dt servant, A. G. BANKS. Suffok Va. Feb. 7, 1838. To Dn. Peteus. Dear Sir : It will no doubt be gratifying to you to hear of one among the ; many of the wonderful cures which have been j effected by 3rour medicine in this placei For j three years or upwards 1 had been awfully afflict jedwitli the liver complaint, dyspepsia and en largement of the spleen. My hcbdmuinal mus cles were greatly contracted, and it was really frightful to contemplate the size of my spleen. Added to these, I had costiveness and piles for my constant companions, and in short, the multi tude of my afflictions had brought mv. lo the brink of etrnityt During the en ire period of my suf ferings 1 was attended by various pnysieians, but their prescriptions at best, only afforded a tempo rary relief, so that 1 was in a state almost amount ing to despair, when it so happened (and I bless God for the circumstance) that I was advised by a friend (who had himself been greatly benefitted by their use,) to make trial of your pills. I did so, and the result was that from the first week of their application 1 bgan to improve a pace, and am at the present writing in the enjoyment of perfect health. I suppose that in all 1 have used about fifteen dollars worth of your medicine. You may make whatever use you wish of this letter, and believe me to be Yours, very truly, VM. HOLMES. Suffolk, Va. Feb. 7, 1S38. This is to certify that I am intimately acquaint ed with Mr. JJm. Holmes, and am fullv aware that the above document, through all its circum stances, is perfectly correct. My means for being so positive of this is, that 11 m. Holmes is one of my nearest neighbors, and the mediciue of which he speaks was purchased at my office. I would add that this is only one of a number of cases equally desperate, which have come within my Knowledge as heing cured by "Dr. Peters V ege teblo Pills." I need scarcely say that they are more popular here than any other medicine, and such I have no doubt will be the case wherever they are known. ARTHUR SMITH, P. M. Charlotte, N. C. Nov. 11, 1S37. Dear SiRt Your Pills are so extremely popu lar here, that the people are but few, and far he tween who think of using any other. Calomel, blue pills, and the whole catalogue of patent me- dicinps which were in vogue in these parts, have i i i r .i i . . vanisnca oeiore mem, like mists hetore the sum 1 have recently purchased two thousand boxes from your general agent, Mr. Harrison, and there has been such a demand for them, that! believe I will shortly have to trouble you with another or der. H. B. WILLIAMS, P. M. Petersburg. Va. Jan. 9, 1837i This will certify that I was afflicted for several years with VJromc Hepatitis, (Liver Complaint,) and after using various preparations of mercury, &c as prescribed by physicians, without any ef fect, that reters Vegetable 1'iIIs have produced a complete curei My complaints were pain in the head and side. dizziness, sourness of stomach, capricious appe tite, lurrea tongue, costiveness, &c, which have all been removed. I am fully convinced thatmv life has been preserved by the use of Peters' Pills, and in many other cases I have known them to be used with eqaully beneficial results. JAS. IV. SCARBOROUGH, Union Hole, ItuXeieh, N. Ci Jprild. 1837, Dear Siri Having been for several years af- iuciea wim Mver uompiaint and general debility, I had recourse to your inestimable Vegetable Pills, and the result is that I am now in the, enjoyment of excellent health. I am never without them in my own family, and I descant upon their virtues to all my friends; but the latter is nearly labor in vain, as they are already extremely popular here. J. C. B LATCH FORD. Greensborough, N. C. Jan. 1837i This vyill certify that my wife was severely af flicted with Liver Complatnt and Dyspepsia for ten years, and had nearly lost the use of her right arm that she had been under the care of several eminent physicians, and made use of a variety of popular meaicines, an ol which tailed in the de sired effect until she had recourse to your Vege table Pills, ten boxes of which have completely restored her to health. I myself am troubled with Head-ache and Colic, and have never known an instance in which your Pills did not afford me speedy relief. JV, TV. fFOODBURN. "Mecklenburg county, Va, Feb. 4, 1837i Dear Sir. I have been using your Pills for the last eighteen months, and have this day pur chased twelve dozen boxes of Mr. Harrison, who wished me to transmit you my opinions touching their merits. For myself, I never found any me dicine that has done me so much good; but I have yet higher authority in their favour, for I have sold a great number of boxes to the physicians around here, all of whom have expresssd them selves highly gratified with their effectsi This of course has made them very popular hire; indeed, the patient was as well as even EDWARD A. CABELL. Edenton, N. C. April 10, 1838. Dear Sir. I have been using your pills in my family, for the last twelve months, with the great est satisfaction. In Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Sick Head ache, Costiveness, and Debility, they are indeed invaluable. I have to add in their favor, that I have recommended them to many of my neighbors, not a few of whom, have since informed me that they believed their lives were saved by their use. Yours, &c. STEPHEN ELLIOTr. PREPARED BY And for sale at the Post Office and Prin! ing Office in Tarboro'. Oct. 20, 1838. Moffat's Life Pills And Fhcvnijc Hi Iters. npHK high and envied celebrity which this preeminent medicine has ac quired for its invariable efficacy in all the diseases which it professes to cure, has rendered the usual practice of ostentatious puffing, not only unnecessary, but unwor thy of them. They are known by their fruits; their pood works testify for them, and they thrive not by the faith of the cre dulous. In all cases of Costiveness, Dis pepsia, Hilious and Liver AflVctions, Asth ma, Piles, Settled Pains, Rheumatism, whether chronic or inflammatory, Fevers and Agues, obstinate Headaches, Impure state of the Fluids, unhealthy appearance of the skin, Nervous Debility, the sick uess incident to females in delicate health, every kind of weakness, of the digestive organs, and in all general derangements ol health, these medicines have invariably proved a certain and speedy remedy. They restore vigorous health to the niosi exhausted constitutions. A single trial will place the LIFE PILLS and PliCE MX HI TIE US beyond the reach of competition, in the estimation of every pa tient. Happy and grateful in the possession of a medicine which eflects so much real an; permanent good for his fellow creatures., Mil. MOFFAT begs to say, that he can not abuse the gift of Providence and as sail the health of the community by adopt ing the mercenary practice of recommend ing them to be taken in inordinate quanti ties From two lo five pills is an adequate and proper dose of any good mediciue in this form; and the excessive quantities which the public are advised to take by other practitioners, only engender the hu mors and corruptions which they profess to remove. Uemove them they may, but they create them first, and the debilitated patient is doomed to be a pill swallower to the end of his days. Mr. Moffat wishes to benefit the public health, and not to destroy it tor money. (T?Offire 2G7 Broadway. From the jY. Y. Sun, Oct. 25, 183G. Dr. Moffat's Phocnix Bitters. In addition to the numerous and strong testi monials of the admirable efficacy of Dr. Moffat's Phoenix Bitters, which almost daily appear in the public prints, we take pleasure in adding our own humble com mendations of its merits, it having been used in the family of one of the editors of this paper, with a benefit ial result wholly unlooked for, and which many other pop ular medicines, perseveringly and faithful ly applied, had wholly failed to produce. We therefore heartily recommend it, par ticularly to females, afflicted with pains in the breast or side, general debility, SiCt Sua Office, July 25, 1838. Mr. Moffat Dear Sir Permit the writer of the above paragraph, after a lapse of nearly two years; during which he had almost weekly opportunities of further testing the merits of your incomparable medicines as well in his own family, as in a large circle of intimate friends, to reite rale in as public a manner as lo you may seem proper, the high opinion of them which, upon a former occasion, he expres sed Ihro' the columns of the Sun. When I say that such is my faith in their efficacv that in the incipient staee of everv kind of sickness, I would allow no medicine what ever to take precedence of yours; and lhai when disease through negligence or mal treatment, should become confirmpH mv first resort would be to the matchless anti dotes wliirh linn loitiA C I i j"" vc nappiiy uirnisnea a world much abused bv emoiricism nnrt quackery. I say no more than a vpi-v pi. tensive observation and experience make my uulJ to say, and no more than trnr, within the range of mv acauainonrp have at my solicitation, tested and realized present . year, I have ?tnet't of amount of benefit deriv 7 d your alone, .h.! ron Z Pharmacology besirU , uu . .cju. -e mat the general l and experience of the i, 1 of your medicines are increL eni5 tending as rapidly and uniVer ' ng happy to learn from various p Union, that they are. V U itis Letter from ft. j. 1tdd B. St. Bartholomeiv, Oct im The undersigned had been fn T1 twenty years laboring under verJ k attacks of indigestion with all it unt dangers and u,pleaSamne 'Cf0nC(1 with frequent attacks of the lv ' rendering him very often unfit r '0,!dri, remedies of almost every descrin various Physicians, were of no fr,!II the importation here of Moffat' V niil Life Pills and Phcenix R;.. e.ored "'"CIS. Mo., i IB. a C 111 f 1 tft rl .1 a .huuku iu iry inem, and declare lo a speedy result of is ha restori PPJ lo Ion a ner. id to health and sniiits. I. ii,r. '"S him entiously testifies to the effiracv r , valuable medicine. ' 01 l,U B. A. KEDDERHYERta Letter from Elizabeth Thm,ls Prospect Hill. Newark, Jan. 24 iq ' To Mr. M.,ff,.-Dear Sir: opportunity of addressing i,es fcw 1 io you, whic-u you are at hbrriv m J"-' ;lfll K-IV Viill lliinl r " "I lime past I have been afflicted wnh , vous affection, and was so reduced as have no hones I cliriulsl ..... . . . I recover. imu uccii uuuer me care ol an ohvsirian mnnv mnmlie u vruisr, i appnen io a cei great notoriety in New Yo . i .... i .i i mat ne was tue only man i ihe United Slates who could cure me, but hisrl. being enormous, and my son constat! urging me to try your "Life Pills," Ide- terminea to do so. I commenced taking t.em, but did not place any confident! their efficacy; judge of my surprise at finding myself, when I had taken only half a box of Pills, able lo turn myself in bed, which I had not been able to do for several months previous without assistance. uiien t nart laken two boxes, I was as I uuw dm, in periect neann, and not in il,e least troubled with my late complaint. To the public I would earnestly recommmd vour rills as superior to any otlier medicine I know ol. Accept, dear sir, tne oest wisnes or a gratelul patient for your health and prosperity. Yours re- spectluliy, ELIZABETH THOMAS. Letter from Jknjumin V. (irumhs, St. Bartholomew, Sept. 27, 1633. I, the undersigned Benj.imin P.Grurobs, do hereby certify and declare that I labor ed under a most horrid specips of Scrofu la, which, were I minutely to describe, would be as disgusting as it w onld be in credible to ihe reader; and was from gene ral debility reduced to the brink of the grove. Through the humanity of some gentleman, I was enabled lo procure a sup ply of Moffat's celebrated Life Pills and Pl'ceuix Hitters, that on taking them I be gan to feel immediate relief, and in ihe course of one month under divine Provi dence, I am raised from a bed of lingering misery', and of course, ultimate death, to health and strength to attend to my voca tion. I most freely offer this certificate as much for ihe benefit of others who may suffer as much as I have from diseases of that nature; as a humble meed of praise to the efficacy of that valuable medicine. E. B. GRU.MBS. For further particulars of the above medicine see Moffat's Good Samaritan, a a copy of which accompanies the medifine one opy may also be had at the rwf ing Office in Tarboro', where the medi cine is for sale. PREPARED AND SOLD BY WILMAM B. MOFFAT. 3G7 Broadway, Aew York. 0?A libera! deduction made to those who purchase lo sell again. GEO HOWARD, gent. Tarboro', Dec. 183S. , Books and Pamphlets. i .l. TRIOR SALE, A concise History on" Kehukee Association, by r-lucl Big- Also, the Patriotic Discourse. DasKei oi v raiments, iiou J, .L. of th Palhnli, Iran, nnrl No Other HM" r . no Christian churches: bv Joshua Lawre" Baptist churches have a right to be called Also, an Oration on Banking, Nci' i ! t- i riroi nn on tne nun, va.1.. - emu, an wj".w- - , dom of the Press-by Theophihw GEO. HOfrw- rarboro', Oct. 25. Corn Shelters AN excellent new Corn Sheller, m by Mr, John Wilson, of Hamil can be had on reasonable and iccomwo ting terms, on application AT THIS OFFICE December 26.

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