Doctor W. EVANS SOOTHING SYRUP For children Teething, PREPARED. BY HIMSELF. To Jtothen and Nurses. THE passage of the Teeth through the gums prodnves troublesome and dau gerous symptoms. It is known by raoth ers lhat there is great irritation in the month and tfums during this process. The gums swell, the secretion of saliva is in creased, the child is seized Willi frequent and sudden fits of crying, watrhings, start iwg in the sleep, and spasms of peculiar parts, the child shrieks with extreme vio lence, and thrusts its finuers into its month If these precursory symptoms are not spee dily alleviated, spasmodic convulsions uni versally supervene, and soon cause the dissolution of the infant. If mothers who have their little babes afflicted with these distressing symptoms, would apply Dr. William Evans's Celebrated Soothing Syrup, which has preserved hundreds of infants when thought past recovery, from being suddenly attacked with lhat fatal malady, convulsions. . real blessing to .Mothers. I)r IV Evans' celebrated Soothing Syrup for children cutting their tteth. This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds of Children, when thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon as the S rup is rubbed on the gums, the child will recover. This preparation is so in nocent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let its gums be rubbed with it. When infants are at the age of four months, though there is no ap pearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should be used on the gums, to open the pores. Parents should never be without the Sj'rup in the nursery where there are young children; for if a child wakes in the night with pain in the gurus, the Syrup immediaiely gives ease by open;, iug the pores and healing the minis; iheie by preventing Convulsions, Fevrs, & . CC Proof positive of the efficacy oj Dr. E vans'' Soothing Syrup, To the Aaeut of Dr. Evans Soothing Syrup: Dear Sir The great benefit afford-d to my suffering infant by jour Soothing Syrup, in a case of protracted and painful dentition, must convince every feeling parent how essential an early ap plication of such an invaluable medicine is to relieve infant miery and torture. My infant, while teething, experienced such acute sufferings, lhat it was attacked with convulsions, and my wife and family snp p')pd that death would soon release the babe from 'anguish till we procured a bot tle ,ff your Syrup; which as soon as ap plied to the gum a wonderful change was produced, and after a few applications the child displayed obvious relief, ;iud by con tinuing in its use. l am glad to inform you, the child has completely recovered, and no recurrence of that awful complaint has since occurred; the teeth are emana ting daily and the child enjoys perfect health. I giveyou my cheerful permission to make this acknowledgment public, and will gladly give any information on this circumstance. WM, JOH.NSON. 07-Sold at Dr. W. Evans's Office, 1U0 Chatham street, N. Y., and by all his a gents throughout the Union. AGENTS J. M. Redmond, Tarbo ro F.-S. Marshall. Halifax. Spots vtood &i Robertson, Petersburg. A. Du val, UiHummd. C. Hall, Norfolk. E. E Poktlock, Portsmouth. Lewis John ston, VV isliington, D. C. Mortimer, h Mowbray, Baltimore. Dec 4, 1838. Dr. W.EVANS'S CELEBRATED Fever and Jlguc Pills. nil iHS widely extended and most admi rable Remedy for Fever and Ague, and other Fevers, which has already ren dered such.benefit, and proved a sure and speedy cure for the above named disor ders, is particularly recommended to pub lic notice. On first feeling the premonitory symp toms occur, it is advisable at once to clear thoroughly the stomach and bowels. In no way cn this be belter and less incon veniently effected, than by taking a few doses of Dr. HvanJs purifying Pills, the vah;e and well authenticated virtues of whic h medicine have been, and still are, too apparent to call for further comment. They tend to promote a healthy secretion of the Bile, and render the system capable of receiving with benefit the invigorating Jhul ttrenglht-riing Pills Sold al Dr. Evans's medical establish mem. 100 Chatham street, N.Y. ail( i,y his authorized agents throughout the Union. AGENTS. 3. M.Redmond, Tar ho ro F. S Marshall, Halifax. Spots wood & Robertson, Petersburg jjjj val, Ruhmoi.d. C. Hall, Norfolk, r E. Portlock, Portsmouth. Lewis John ston, Washington, D. C. Mortimer & uiwbray, Baltimore. Dec. 4, 1838. EXTENSIVE ARRIVAL OF JSXtv ami Fashionable Hp HE Subscriber has now received the whole oi his late puichaes, and re p-ct fully invites hi cusloriiets and the public to call :nd examine his assortment, and leain his prices before they buy. Hi ock is very huge and being determine! to reduce it as speedily as possible, will off i his Goods at such I'iVcecdingly low price.. As he feels confident will meet the vieuf of the most rijrid economist. In his assortment will be found THE LARGEST AND MOST SPLENDID Assortment of CIJjICOES, Ever exhibited heie, at extremely low prices. The abovp, together with almost every i.thei Hitieh' in the FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS LINE, Is now ull' it d ai uupr c dt u o low pne s Jit the cheap ( ash Store. JrfS IV ED DELL. Tarboro', 21th N-.v. 1838 25 lit ward. NVVAY from the Subscriber, on the 14ih November, 183b m gro man SPENCER, Asjed about 26 ytar 5 tv t oi 7 inches in height, weighing about 150 pounds, vel low ion. pie x mi , wiih a pleasant look no -cais i.r marks known ol. S.ud nepo lor merly belonged to Moses TVon, in Pit' county where he was raised. Thf ahuvt reward will be paid fur hi appn heiiHo. and delivery to me in (Jreene county, 9 mil from Stantnnburg on th Raleigh road, or lodged in any jiil so that I g t him tgiu. All persons are lorewirned arin.i harboring, employing, or carrying i 0 ai' negro, under penally ol Ihe law. BEX J. C. I) EASON Nov 2.9, 187 48 Cotton Gins. f JIl HE Subscriber it'pectfullv inforim the public, that he still continues u dairy on the Gin making Business, At hi loi mer s'and, In Greenville. Pill county N. C. Wheie tho.e wishing new Gins can be "ipplied with eilber German or polished cast steel saws at the shortest notice. Those having Gins out of order had b'-st send them in al as early a day as con venient. When all wait (as is u;uall tht case) until they lo use them, 'it i sometimes impossible to furnish then' within the lime required. ALLEN TISON, In connection wnh this establishment, con tinues 10 carry on the Lock and Gunsmith business, The making of Saw Mill Poxes. Ifili Inks and Gudgeons, nd Mill Spiides. with Sfeel Collars, (turned,) eq ual to am in Ihe United States. All orders in his line of business will be thankfully received, and fnilhtully and promptly executed on reaot,able ttims. NOR FLEET TVEIi. January 30, 18SS-. ..,mX4m.wtm mm wkar so much so, that they are to be found irt almost their virtues will n? !. : u i 1 -C . l "III every aweiung. iiahe wirm usts yuu uiease ui nn, o. --my .fi this: and I wish it could be made yet more flat-j 8ernnS- nce the coa.nW, J ,nfc ,. tenng as l teel that notnmg 100 iavoraoie can De j heartily Cotton Gins. JpiIE subsjcribr has removed from Tar oorough, and established hitnell 00 the Raleigh road, near thn More of J. C Knight, on Cokey, where he continues The making and repairing Cotton Gins. All those who wish to supply themselves vvith Gins of the best quality , are respect tolly solicited lo apply to the Subscrihet personally, or by letter. All orders lor Gins will be promptly executed. Gins -ut of order will be expeditiously repaired. l'ersons wishing to h ve work executed. will please leave their orders at the store of J. C. Knight, Eq. SAMUEL D. PROCTER. Fohruai v 5th. Notice. rlfIE Subscriber respectfully informs the public, that be still continues to manulacture and repair Cotton Gins, Corn Fans, and Corn Shelters, AT HAMILTON, MARTIN COUNTY. lie also is Agent for the disposal of tiarman s Patent Ihreshing Machine. in this section of the Stale, and will promptly furnish those who may desire ne ol them. They area very useful and durable article. JOHN IVILSON. Jan. 2, 183S. THE following was forwarded to Dr. Peters, by a highly respectahle Planter of frake Co. No. Ca., March 3d, 1838: Pb. Peters. Dear Sir: By request of your arpnt, Mr. Harrison, I send you a few lines re cnprtinir the almost miraculous effects of your pills; and 1 would add, that you may make use of them, in connection wiia my nanif, 111 any mauuei you deem propen I speak of their merits from experience, as 1 and my family have taken up wards of thirty boxes in three years; and so great are the benefits we have received from them in general, that I would rather purchase them at ten dollars a box than have my house without them. 1 will not enumerate the afllictions they have re lieved us of; but lean assure you they wremany, and of very apposite natures, which has fully proved to me that your medicine is a simple puri fier of the system, and therefore equally the ene my of every disease. I will mention one case. I have a sister who hvd been for a long period se verely afllicted with dropsy in the chest and was brought by it to the very verge of the grave. She was attended by the most eminent physicians that money could procure ; but all their efforts to restore her to health, or even to mitigate her sufferings, were fruitless; and accordingly, we all considered her immediate death as inevitable. By good for tune, however, as she was in this situation, ex pecting every day to be her last, your pills were introduced into my family, and so speedy and pal pable weTe their effects that three doses visibly relieved her, and in less than three months she vviis perfectly restored to healthi This case I and all who were witness. f it, (but more especially the suffering party,) considered to be the next thing to miraculous; and- yet I should mention many mre of an equally desperate nature, in which your pills were equally successful in rescu ing the p-.xtients from the jaws of death. Need I add r.hatthe popularity of your medicine amounts to enthusiasm in this section of the country? but this I presume you know from the immense quan tity y u dispose of. I may mention, however, that notwithstanding its general use, I never heard an indivividual complain r f its effects" My resi dence is l'J miles from Haleiah,on the road to Fayctteville. I am, with sentiments of regard, yourob'dt servant, A. (i. BANKS. SitffnU; Vtt. Feb. 7, 1838. To Da. Peters. Dear Sir: It will no doubt be gratifying to you to hear of one among the many of the wonderful cures which have been eflected by your medicine in this placet For three years r-r upwards I had been awfully afflict ed with the liver complaint, dyspepsia and en largement of the spleen. My hebdominal mus cles were greatly contracted, and it was really frightful to contemplate ihe size of my spleen. Added to these, I had eostiveness and piles for my constant companions, and in short, the multi tude of my afllictions had hrouyhr me to the brink of eternity! During the en ire period of my suf frrings 1 was attended by various pnysicians, but their prescriptions at best, only afforded a tempo rary relief, so that I was in a state almost amount ing to despair, when it so happened (and I bless (led for the circumstance) that I was advised by a friend (who had himself been greatly benefitted by their use,) to make trial of your pills. I did so, and the result was that from the first week of their applicatiofi I began lo improve a pace, and am at the present writing in the enjoyment of perfect health. I suppose that in all 1 have used about fifteen dollars worth of your medicine. You may make whatever use you wish of this letter, and believe me to be Yours, very truly, WM. HOLMES. Suffolk, Va. Feb. 7, 1838. This is to certify that I am intimately acquaint ed with Mrt Jim. Holmes, and am fully aware that the above document, through all its circum stances, is perfectly correct My means for being s.i positive of this is, that Hm. Holmes is one of my nearest neighbors, and the medicine of which ho speaks was purchased at my office. I would add that this is only one of a number of cases equally desperate, which have come within my know led sre as being cured by "Dr. Peters' Vege table Pills." I need scarcely say that they an more popular here than any other medicine, and such I have no doubt will be the case wherever they are known. ARTHUR SMI TH, P. M. CJiarvf!u A. C. Nov. 11, 1837 Dear Sir. Your Pills are so extremely popu lar here, that the people are but few, and far be tween who think ot usinsl any other. Calomel, blue pills, and the whole e Waltrue of patent me dieirn's which were in vonuo in these parts, have vanished before them, like rnists before the suui I have recently purchased two thousand boxes trorn your general agent, Mr Harrison, and there has been such a demand for them, that I believe I will shortly have to trouble you with another or der. Ht B. WILLIAMS, P. M. Petersburg. Va. Jan. 9, 1837i This will certify that I was afflicted for several years with Chronic Hepatitis, (Liver Complaint,) and after using various preparations of mercury. &c. as prescribed by physicians, without any ef- lect, that Peters' Vegetable fills have produced a con.plete cure- My complaints were pain in the head and side. dizziness, sourness of stomach, capricious appe- Mie, lurreu tongue, costiveness, &cc., which have all been removed. I am fully convinced that mV 1 ii .i . J iue nas oeen preserved oy ine use ol reters7 Pills, and in many other cases I have known them to be used with eqaully beneficial results. JAS. W. SCARBOROUGH, Union Ifotc, Baleiffh, N. Ci JJpril 9, 1837i Dear Siri Having been for several years af- nicieu wun L.iver complaint and general debility, I had recourse to your inestimable Vegetable Pills, and the result is that I am now in the enjoyment of excellent health. I am never without them in my own family, and I descant upon their virtues to all my friends; but the latter is nearly labor in vain, as they are already extremely popular here. J. U. U LATCH FORD. Grccnsboretigh, N. C. Jan, 1837t This will certify that my wife was severely af flicted with Liver Complatnt and Dyspepsia for ten years, and had nearly lost the use of her right arm that she had been nder thppar nf cpvcnl eminent physicians, and made use of a variety of .,i !:: n l- 1 r -i j .. . I"'luidr iiieuiuiurs, an 01 wnicu iaiiea in mo de sired effect until she had recourse to your Vege- tanie I'll is, ten boxes ot which have completely restored her to health. I myself am troubled with Head-ache and Colic. and have never known an instance in which your Piiio ,j :.i ir j . 1 i- e mo uiu uut oiiuiu nits ctpeeuy reiiei. W. IV, fFOODBURN. "Meckhnbursr county. Va, Feb. 4. 1 837i Dear Sir. I have been using your Pills for the last eighteen months, and have this day pur chased twelve dozen boxes ot Mr. Harrison, who wished me to transmit you my opinions touching their merits. For myself, I never found any me dicine that has done me eo much good; but I have yet higher authority in their favour, for I have sold a great number of boxes to the physicians around here, all of whom havw exDresssd them selves highly gratified with their effectsi This of course has made them very popular here; indeed, said of vour Pills Sincerely yours, JOHN FINCH New Glasgow, Jfhherst coi Va. Nov. 8, 1837. This is to certify that I have seen Peters' Vege table Pills used in a case of dropsy, and am pre pared to substantiate, that a most perfect cure was the issue. About 8 months ago, my boy, a slave, was ta ken down by the above complaint, and accord ingly I called in a physician, but he afforded him no relief. I then had recourse, by the recommen dation of a former sufferer, to the pills alluded to; and the effect was, that in less than three months, the patient was as wrell as ever. EDWARD A. CABELL. Edenton, N. C. April 10, 1838. Dear Sir. I have been using your pills in my family, for the last twelve months, with the great est satisfaction In Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Sick Head ache, Costiveness, and Debility, they are indeed invaluable. I have to add in their favor, that I have recommended them to many of my neighbors, not a few of whom, have since informed me that they believed their lives were saved by their use. Yours, &c. STEPHEN ELLIOTT. PREPARED BY And for sale al the Psi Office and Print insr Office in Tarboro'. Oct. 20, I83S. Moffat's Life Pills dud VluvniiV hitters. ra1 HE liigli and envied celebrity whieli this preeminent medicine lias ac quired fur its invariable elficacy in all tne diieaes which it professes to cure, has rendered the usual practke of ostentatious ptiffi ig, not only untiet r ssary, but unwor thy of them. They are known by their fruit?; their pood works testify for them, and they thrive not by the faith of the cre dulous. In all cases of Costiveness, Uis pepsia, Bilious and Liver Aft ctions, Asth ma, Piles, Settled Pains, Rheumatism, whether chronic or inflammatory, Feei and Agues, obstinate Ht-ad.tches, Impure state of the Fluids, unhealthy appearance of the skin, Nervous Debility, the sick 11 ss incident to females in delicate health, every kind of weakness, of ihe digestive organs, and in all genej-al derangements o: htalili, these medicines have invariably proved a certain and speedy remeuy. They restore vigorous health to the mot haused constitutions. A single tnT. will place the LIFE PILLS and Ph(E MX LNTIEtiS beyond the reach ot l oatpetilion, in the estimation of every p;. tient. Happy and grateful in the possession ot a medicine which e Herts so much leal ai! permanent ood lor - his fellow creature. MK. MOFFAT bes to say, lhat he can not abuse the gift of Providence and a sail the health of Hv community by adpt ingthe mercenary practice ol recommend ig them to be taken in inordinate qnanti ties From two to live pills is an adi quale nd piper dose of any good medicine 111 ihis form; and the excessive quutitifS which the public are advised to take b uher practitioners, only engender the hu mors and corruptions which they profess io remove. Remove them they may. but they create them first, and the debilitated patient is doomed to be a pill swallower to ihe end of his days Mr. M- fTn wishes lo benefit the public heahh, and not to destroy it lor money. CTOffi. e 207 Broadway. From the N. Y. Sun, Oct. 25, 183G. Dr. Moffat's Phocnix Bitters addition lo the numerous, and strong testi monials of the admirable efficacy of Dr. Moitu's rhceitx Bitters, which almost daily appear in the public prints, we take pleasure in adding our own humble com mendations of its merits, it having been used in the family of one of the editors o this paper, with a beneficial result whollv unlooked for, and which many other pop ular medicines, perseveringly and faithful ly applied, had wholly failed to produce. e tneieiore heartily recommend it. Dar licularly to females, afllicted with pains in the breast or side, general debility, &c. Sun Office, July 25, 1838. m r. .moffat Sir Permit ihe writer f the above paragraph, after a lapse of nearly two years; during which he had almost weekly opportunities of further testing ihe merits of your incomparable medicines as well in his own family, as in a large circle of intimate friends, to reite rate in as puoiic a manner as to vou may seem proper, the high opinion of them wnicn, upon a lormer occasion, he expres sed ihro1 the columns of the Sun. When I say that such is my faith in their efficacv that in the incipient slaire of everv kind nl sickness, I would allow no medicine what ever to take precedence of yours; and that wnen oisease through negligence or mal treatment, should become confirmed, my first resort would be to the matchless ami totes which you have hapnilv furnished world much abused by emDirirism anri quackery. I say no more than a vervex. tensive observation and experience make 11 my amy to say, and no more than scores within the range of ray acauaintanee. !. haveai my solicitation, tested and realized present vear I "ernt-h, Pharmaco otV h0.;,i.. ror the , 01 do I rejotre lhat ihe c and most sinr kl- and experience f Ihe.t, 'Sh "com are "Kreasi and, of your medicines tendin? as ranil. 1 happy to learn from various nl , 1 a Union, that they are p rli of Letter from li, j Bff . B. St. Bartholomew, Oct in, k The undersigned had bee twenty years laboring under Ve B?e m.uhsoi indigestion with an-.' "ent ""it dangers and unp.asam cc vviih fiequent attacks of i,e hn rendering him very often i,fij Tfy "S emedies of almost every descri "S,,les. various Physicians, were of 0 P"',n froH lie imooitation here of MnflVc "V'1 "ni'l Life Pills and PbcenU fCi 1 a as induced to try them, and Uh Mle declare to a speedy result of rtsl( lB to health and spirits, he iherelMre'' Hotionsly testifies to t,e tffi valuable medicine. 't B. A. REnDRRiiYERTi Letter from Elizabeth nim, Prospect Ilill. Newark, Jan 24 ift - " To Air. M..ff.-Uear Sir: iX,. opportunity of addressing ,leS(. fe'lv , " 5 u you, which you are at liber.y ,u J5 any way you think proper. For a I lime pasi I have been afllicted wnh a y . " HI J pur vous affection, and was so reduced a have no hopes that 1 should ever recov I had been under the care of an emJi physician many monihs but still etlin worse. I armliprt in . a -rr... . r,ldiu doctor of Kicai uuiurieiy in new York, w!,0 stated that he was the only man in ihe Unj,f( States who could cure me, but his c oeiug enormous, aiul my son mmmL urging me lo liy your ' LilV pilsrie. leimmed to do so. I commend latin i em, but did noi place any confidence ij iheir efficacy; dge of my surprise a finding myself, when I had taken only alf a box of Pills, able to turn msdl "in oed, which I had not been able to do for sacral months previous without assistance. Whew i had taken two boxes, 1 was, as I now am, in perfect health, am not in ihe east troubled wiih ray late complaint. Ta he public I would earnestly ret-ommfiid vour Life Pills as superior 10 an) mUr medicine 1 know of. Accept, dear sir, he best w ishes of a grateful patient fur your health and prosperity. Yours re 'pectfully, ELIZABETH THOMAS. Lelltrfrom Benjamin K (itumhi St. Bartholomew. Sept 27, 1S3S. I, the undersigned lituj imiu P.Grumfcj, do hereby rerlify and declare tliat 1 labor ed under a most horrid species of Scrofu la, which, were I minutely 10 describe, would be as disgusting as it wonld be in credible to the reader; uud was from gtie ral debility reduced 10 the brink l' il.e grave. Through the humanity of sme gentleman, I was enabled lo procure a sup ply of Moffit's celebrated Life lM'sand Pi.ccoix (fillers, that on taking tin m I be gan lo feel immediate relief, and in 'I e course of one month under divine Prmi- deiH-t I am raised from a hed of lingering misery, and of course, ultim-ue dath, to health and strength lo attend lo my voca tion. I most freely ofPr this certificate at much for the beopfii of others w ho ny sufTer as much as I have from diseases of that nature; as a humble meed of praise to the efficacy of that valuable medicine. E. B GRU1IBS. ff?For further particulars of the above . medicine see AloUat's Good bamariian, a copy of which accompanies the mediae one "opy may also be had at ihe Print; ing Office in farboro where the oe!f cine is for sale. PREPARED AN'D SOLI) BY WILLIAM B. 3IOFF AT. 367 Broadway, Mew York. tt?"A liberal deduction made to l!l0se who purchase to sell again. GEO IIOIVMD, Sent' Tarboro', Dec. 183S , Books and PampM& ",c'0""r , llOR S ALE, A concise B'ory a Kehukce Association, Dy r.i- BipR-AUo, the Patriotic D'J Basket of Fragments Mous gnawiDj, , of the Catholic trap, and N i n,"er ,,ej Bapiist churches have a right K beca Christian churches: by Jhua AUo, an Oration on Hanfcms, - lion. anil, an (Jr;i'IOO " . doui of the Press-by Theophilu ' GEO. HOIVM Tarboro' Oct. 25. . Corn Shelters. 1 ffl3(jg AN excellent new Corn nc"CI'ioD he Mr. Jnhn Wil,on, of H ' can be had on reasonable and accom ling terms, on application JJT THIS vr December S(k