i CURE FOll 6 ill iff . s ppjTFU LEY informs his custom 1'4 'rrs and l,p public iT''eral! y, that h-jusitceivcil'-o AYa iW.- hisMjppSy of VM -Li' rs? J Con'in.: of Cloths and Cassi meres of va- n'det, for summer con! .'M aand Unrlil-uid di ill. lor Qjfcn Oron a:d icloria do. Very fah jofi.JiK ;irliid-. ji,inat:il rihbeu Gam'ooon, do. j'liin ati.l figured velvet VeMings ',; tck and colored figured Satin, do. 1'iiin and fiijui cd Marseilles, j'j.in ;uh! Ij'iiftl Valencia, Yxlu bUd; fam'y Slocks, y;t !i ;h,iI 1 1 l!i d lii.cn Bosoms, a-, f j -!- s G loves, $ V. ii' .i.u cai( is, &c. Ho invites an iopvciion of hi- Goods-, as r is coiili !( nt they cannot fail tu give ijti.liii'ii.Mi as respects qualiiy nod p t i f jiiedlemcn who wish their clothes m:c t.:, can nave ineni made aim trim HI a 1 - . - .iii.i i : . ( .. ... r.. i. .... i . i . ... i . . i 1 aiP,i m u,- imuiMuiu Mjif, aii nnlnrs fr,Ri a distance will he mnu-imdlv . i t ,. ajltMiiui.1 o Tar'-i-.ro'. !5'b MrtV, 1 839 rilllFl si;!)-:-i!)er informs tlie citizens of Ivlt combe couidy, and the public generally, that he has commenced the jlluchrrilil business, In the shop fwmerly occupied by Isaac B. Brady, in Tar borough. Gigs, &c. will be repaired in t he most expeditious manner, and on the mot rea sonable terms. STEPHEN EIUDLEV. April 5. 1839. 14 TEACH KU, rjuahfi.d for tracl the ddL-rent branches of an J'JoL'lish education, is wanted at the Cone toe Academy, Five miles from Tarboro'. Salisf.ctot y lestimotiials as to qualifications, &c. will le rcq!iir-d. JOfX IT D7XEE ) III TO X COIUi. C Trustees. h'm. a Lilian, S May Si), ls39 22 G Ijist o f FivAirrx. toma i it i,,; iu the Pi.st Office at Tarho- -'mgh. the st of dul j). !839, which if not. tukm out hifore the st J Vet. next, mil le .sent to the J cue rut Post OJce us dtud letters. Ad? Alfred . Lewis 11 II A'j'letv.n H,;iry 1 L(e Willnm A,i;)l H..irv Euicaler Joseph I'll Marmaduk'e II Iv.lhan Imu 'fd rtir.mas M-.ran Joldi Capt I) jriii-c t r . r km i , . ?rni R .I.ert Maner P.-nelimc J-ijl'"-d Jolni IJ'lisJuseph M.,..j vuwav N Mi 0 lam .h'i( mi.di Put J.u.lj I G.d 2 Pet way M ic; j dt E 2 P-lwjy Win E V' t way Redding S Prud.-i" J an'.eS r.-t 1 John Poller N Mis U'd) rscn Jouashan Stiickliu Jordan ,hfrV Ja:iC Mrs , Lb Stephca Amos JHb James 'eoohibis S..snclt R.Mldio it ."'JJu, W Mrs Spruill H J j p1" Se n 1 rorouh Isaac )ir(k'"C!em.non! Tvl-r Uichel Mrs p"11"1 Jubn J I) ,ct Taylor Charlotte ,!11u!sp:, Jo.pij -rvj;nn iihi,,.,! (Miss y Josi.,h Thirp n Efin.u l ''It JoM J 3 Wilkios N R MisS Walker John WiUiford Ilartwell Williams Griflir. Wiggins Anna Miss West Patience IMrs jfifiire E IU1C3 1,1 Tli0ma3 II 2 artSL luater V S u Ward Luke jr WhiuneU Weeks , ;,,d J ones T Warre s Oiive Mrs en Joshua jj " mi Luer Williams Henry , ;r,E!itha Williams William j ' JPeil. Richard Waller James s M E Miss WinstcadJol.il G j es A M Miss Wilkerson Nancy Mrs "lso Reuben Windham Josiah MS. A. REDMOND, 1 M. il7 26. "Vln:n V r-, . consumption, &c. T "E Vli(',e Published below, concern- a Jyile nstriousGoelicke f Ger ; cannot A,, of exciting deep and l,M,,,"8 ,mercsl ouglioutour country. TrarsUtLdfrcm the German.) Louis Ollbn Goeiickc, OF GERMANY. ' THE CREATE ST OF HUMAN BENEFACTORS. Ci.s 0f Xorthand South America. Ju Louis Offon Goclicke, M. D of Germany, (Europe) bemus l)e 1,,:,l,lfc b.uior of adding a new and vnv emus nocruiNuto the Science of Medi chip f. : i , " w ,iSC tiiiii;li vehement- .(TP"d by many of the faeultv. (of ! !u'as w-'ll founded in trmh L r.t. ,1.... ....-, uo.y vv i n a doctrine, noon the vemy ol whirl, are suspended the lives ol of our race, and which he holdlv hallengos his opposers to refute, viz": Consumption is a disease alwaysoccasioned .; a disordered state of lis ViUc or Life Principle) of the. human Lodn: (Tr often gently lurking in the system for years de jure there is the hast comolaiul of the Lungsand irhich may be as certainly, though not so quickly, cured, as a common fold a simple headache. An invaluably precious doctrine this, as it inmarts an im portant lesson to the apparently health; of! v-, . .. v uilll MII3 IIIMIll" c r... i i n"uim iiieoi mat mis insuii ",,sl"c 'it; nn unooservett mutate o tlu,ir "cLu-ev I,..p , ... I..,.:... .t v 't j agine themselves secure fiom its nn.udo I teaching them that the great scent in the art of preserving health is to pluck out the disease while iu the blade, and not ivuil all thcfull-gruiun ear. 1 his illustrious benefactor of man is also entitled to your unfeigned laii'ude, and the ratuude d" a world, lor the in vention of his MATCHLESS SANA TIVE, whose healitur li at may justly claim 'or it such a tide, since it has so signally triumphed over our tr.-ent cuninicn enenn CONSUMPTION, both in fhe Him and last slaves a medicine which has thoroughly filled the vacuum iu the Mate ria Medici, and thereby proved itself the ff?GoNqiJEKOIl OF Plli'SICIAXS3) a medicine, for which all mankind will have abundant cause to bless the beneficent baud ol a kind Providence a medicine, whose wondrous virtues have been so glowingly portray ed even by some of our clergy, in their pastoral visits to the sick chamber; by which means they often become the hiippy instruments of chauinix desponden cy into hope, sirkness into health, and sad ness of friends into joy fulness. H V K Y p S;. 1 J. -j . fJpialchlcss aualitc, A medicine of more value to man than the vast mines of Austin, or even the unhid treasures of our ulobe a medicine, which is obtaimd (jitidty from the vegetable, ani mal and mineral kioL'.doms, and thus pos sesses a TiiUKE-FuM powe a medicine, w hicii, though de.siyned as a eiui.-lv lor cousumjitioii solely , is possesseil ol a mys terious iidluence over many diseases ol the human system a medicine, which beifius to be valued by 'hysicia ns, who art daily witnessing Hs astonishing cures o m-wiy w hom they hai resigned to the c. :rasp of j I the Ixsati aim,:: (Jiiwk. DOS'.C of the S.mativr, for adults, one drop; lor children, a hall drop; and for in fants, a (piarter drop; the directions ex plaining the iiKvuner of taking a half or a quarter drop. Price. Three and one-third rix dol lars ($2,50) per half ounce. A German coin, value 75 cents. The Sanative Is above all estimate, as a general preven- tive d' coNTAoi us DISKASES, i-'ll 1 l)V im ntv it is said to be a never fail in ' auti dote though the inventor does not clothe it with such infallibility. The patient, while using this medicine, should eat and drink (in kind, not quanti ty) w hatever the appetite dictates, and not be compelled to force down, against nature, every medley which the teudercst friends and kindest nurses often impru dently recommend. It is here worthy of remark, that in al most every instance wdiere cures have been wrought by this remedy, less than a phial has removed the disease and, in no case, whether resulting fatally or successfully, has a patient used two whole phials. The above precious medicine (the ori ginal discovery of Dr. LOUIS O. GOE L1CKL, of Germany,) is for sale, whole sale and retail, in Boston, by D. S. ROW LAND, General American Agent for the discoverer, where numerous letters, certi fying the good effects of the medicine, may be seen. . . Also for sale by retad, in most ol the towns in America. TIMO. TERRELL, Agent forXash county. Rocky Mount, Jan. 1, 1S39. . SOOCCOSPRINGS. jL ,K',?o1"ul summer retrcnf, so jnstly celehiatrd J'or its mineral va -'nieel society, and comfortable ac fominod nions will be opened for the re caption of visitors The. V roprietress, .Mrs. Ann .Joiinson. e-poctf.dly slates, that her charges will as follows: PRICES J Jnanler?, per day, as formerly, families per month, each person, Si. 00 15.00 i-mwiren and Servants, half price, llorses, per dav, - . o.75 There will he A BALE at Shocc , on I uesday, August ISth, 1S30. Shocco. June 10th, 1839. 20-9 JSoticc. Copartnership heretofore existinn under the firm of Home JD crisis; Is dissolved by mutual consent. JOHN U. DEIUXG. S-antonshurs:; N. C. July 1 1th, 183S. J Police. : rn n ? n . ! i r TlT111' C 'P'tnersh.p heretofore, exist- 1 1 1 ir in the name ol J 3 nv Is & Home, Is ibis day IisoIved by mutual consent. John R. llorne is authorized to attend to all the unsettled business of the concern. irLLL'j.u nuin TIPJALs S. JiUIlT. . JOUX II. IIOIINE. Siantonsburg, April 30ih, 1839. IS Ttf9 i ' 11 WILL RENT, for the balance of the year, and give possession immediately, The House and Lot, Wherron I now live. The place is well adapted for a private or public residence, having a good garden, two wells of excel lent w.Mer, good stables, anil other out houses.. The silnation is in a beautiful and 1 1 e a t by par t of the town. An y p e rso n w:ihin.'g ' to rent, would do well to call and" See:'"' ' J 0.1 XX, 1 TF. .QIIIIIXGTON. Nashville, N;idi county, N. C. 5th July, 1839. 28-2 S P i t t.s h oro' 2c a demy. rjpUK Exercises of this Institution will c'.mmence on the Sth July next, un der l l.o superintendence of the former in structor, Mr. J. JSL Lav-jay. TERMS: Classics, SIS J- Per Session. English, 15) The following are the brjncbes taught iu this Institution, viz: Latin, Greek, French. Ah?cbra. Arithmetic. Geometrv. 1 1 iMo'ry, English Grammar, Ancient nod .M'-tlt rii Geography, Navigation and Sur veying, Reading, Writii gand Spelling In addition to the preparatory course in j the Classics -Mr. Lovi I V Will give unre- i milled attention to young gentlemen, in lgebra, Geometry, History, Ancient and .Modern Geography, and will permit no scholar to pass out of his hands without a competent knowledge of the above bran ches. The Trustees of this Institution, under a deep sense of the great evil fl iwing from imperfect teaching in some of our Academies, hesitate not in recommending ibis School to the public, having had am ple testimony, during a twelve months residence among us, of the ability, propri ety and general intelligence of Mr. Love- j oy in all mutters connecieu wun leacntng. Pittsboro', June 1839. 8 -4 50 Reward. RAN AWAY, a short time since, two negroes named NED end HARDY, belonging to John S. Randolph, who recent ly removed from this county to Florida. These negroes are supposed to he lurking about Tarboro', and are so well UnoW'i that it is deemed unnecessary to give a description of them. I am author fscd to offer the above reward for their ap prehension, or S25 for each, if delivered to me or secured iri any jail so that their owner can get them again. All persons ;ire forbid harboring or carrying off said n proes, under penalty of the law. " D. RICHARDS. Tarboro', March 14, 1S39. 11 Constables' Blanks for sale, AT THIS OFFICE. i i f 'r-- AX IIICIIL.Y Important Caution To ike Public. "Cave ne titules" Beware of falling. IJOCTOR EVANS,- 100 .Chatham street, takes the present opportunity of tendering his most unfeigned acknowb edgements to the numerous patients alllict "iih the various form of disease inci 'ut lo humanity who have committed i;selves to his care, and he has the sat- isJactiou ol knowing from mnnv evidences, that his remedies have"remoed or relieved their respective maladies, as lar as li?s within the compass of human means. How distressing to the nfilicttd is Ity pepsin uv Indigestion, poisoning all the sources'of his enjoyment, and leading in many instances to the mise ries of h vpocondi iacism. Long as it has been made the subject of inquiry by medi eal authors it remains involved in much obscurity. Jaundice, Diarhoerl, Cholera, and Ct)lic, also performs a conspicuous part in the drama of morbid affections. DR. EVANS has been singularly suc cessful in the treatment of the above com plaints by remedies drawn from the re searches of the most eminent physicians iu Europe. He has also had vast experience and success throughout the whole family of delicate diseases, all of w hich are for the most p u t aggravated by, and rooted in the constitution, by the conspiracies of mer curial murderers unprincipled, uneducated and unpractised in any art save that of at tempting to lead the credulous on the road in i inn. uv. Ivans' ollice is supplied with the choicest remedies from foreign mar kets, and compounded on the most scien- title principles, a physician is always in at tendance, and all those w ho come there in the hour of need will go off rejoicing. Dr. Win. Evans' Medical office 100 Chatham. Azthnia, three years' standing. Mr. Robert Monroe, Schuylkill, afilict ed with the above distressing malady. Symptoms : Great languor, flatulency, disturbed rest, nervous headache, difficulty of breathing, tightness and stricture across the breast,-dizziness, nervous irritability and restlessness, could not lie in a hori zontal position without the sensation of impending suffocation, palpitation of the heart, distressing cough, cosliveness, plain of the stomach, drowsiness, great debility and deficiency of the nervous energy. Mr. R. Monroe gave up every thought of re covery, and dire despair sat on the counte nance of every person interested iu bis ex istence or happiness, till by accident be noticed iu a public paper some cures effect ed by Dr. Win. Evans' medicine iu his complaint, w hich induced him to purchase a package of the Pills, which resulted in completely removing every symptom o. his disease. He wishes to say his motive for this declaration is, that those afllicted with the same or any symptoms similar to those from which he is happily restored, may likewise receive the same inestimable benefit,'' $3 Liver Complaint, ten years' standing. Mrs. Hannah Hrowne, wife of Joseph Ilrowne, North Sixth St., near Second St., Williamsburgh, afilicted for the last leu years with Liver Complaint, restored to health through the treatment of Dr. IVm. Evans. Symptoms: Habitual constipa tion of the bowels; total loss of appetite, excruciating pain of the epigastric region, ,rreai denression of snirits. InnrMinr nni! other symptoms of extreme debility, d is- turbed sleep, inordinate flow of the menses. pain iu the right side, could not lie on her left side, without an aggravation of the pain, urine high coloured, with other symptoms indicating great derangement iu the functions of the liver. Mrs. Ilrowne was attended by three of the first physicians, but received but little relief from their medicine, till Mr. Iirowne procured of Dr. Win. Evans invaluable preparations which effectually relieved her of the above distressing symptoms, with others, w hich it is not essential to intimate. JOSEPH BROWNE. City and County of New York, ss. , Joseph Browne, Williamsburgh, Long Island, being duly sworn, did depose and sav that the facts as set forth in the within statement, to which he lias subscribed his' name, are just and irue. JOSEPH BROWNE, Husband of the said Hannah Browne. Sworn before me, this 4 th day of Janu ary, IS37. PETER PINCKNEY, Com. of Deeds. Paralytic Rheumatism. A perfect cure effected by the treatment of Dr. W. Ev ans. Mr. John Gibson, of North Fourth street, Williamsburgh. AGENTS. J. M. Redmond, Tarbo ro'. F. S. Marshal!., Halifax. Spots wood Robertson, Petersburg. A. Du val, Richmond. C. Hall, Norfolk. E. E. Portlock, Portsmouth. Lewis John ston, Washington, D. C. Mortijier & Mowbray, Baltimore. Dec. 4, 1833. 2Ycv. and Fashionable GOODS ill the Cheap Cash St ore i JA3IES AVKDDELIj, llTAS.recelVt(I and is now opening h!l spring supply of RICH FANCY AND STAPLE Lry Goods, Hats, Shoes s. China, Glass. Earthenware ilur&s ware, Groceries And other seasonable Goods, ivnich 18 point of sty le, quantity, cjuality, dnd eve ry requisite which will recommend (hcrri to the rttenthn of his customers and the" public, lie feels confident that no such in ducement has been tflered in this market as he can now present. He will not at tempt to enumerate the many desirable ar ticles of which his Stock consists; but res pectfully solicits those who wish to obtairi Tasty, Neat and Fashionable tloorfi Jl Low V rices, To pay him a visit. Tarboro', April 19, 1S39. Wrs. ml. C. MOHXIIliii; "INFORMS her customers and the put lie, that she has received her spring supply of Goods, which with her former Stock makes her assortment complete; comprising. the Usual variety of Bonnets,' Ribbands, Flowers, Silks, Satins, Lace.s; Edgings, Inserting, &c. &c. adapted to the find Mantua-making business She invites an inspection of her Goods,' as she is confident they cannot fail to givd satisfaction as respects quality and price. Tarboro', April 17, 1839. Stale of North Carolina EDGECOMBE COTJNTT. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions; MAY TERM, 1S30. Jarr.cs G. Barnes vs. v Original Attachment: John Andrews, ) Richard Hawes, Cad. Ilawes, and jamei 1). Rarnes, summoned as garnishees. TTT appearing lo the satisfaction of the Court, that John Andrews, the defend ant in this suit, is not a resident of this State: It is therefore ordered, that publi cation be made for six weeks successively in the Tsrborough Pi ess, notifying said defendant that unless he appear at the nest term of this Court, to be he,ld on the fourth Monday in August next, at the? Court House in Tarborough, and answer; plead, or demur, judgment pro Cohfessd will be entered against him. Witness, Joseph Hell, Clerk of said Court, at office, the fourth Monday id May, IS39. JOS. DELL, C. C. Price adv S3 00. 25" 6 100 Reward; "gj ANA WAY from the Subscriber; brl L the 14th November; 183(5, negro mail Aged about 2G years, 5 feet 6 or 7 inchei in height, weikhin? about 150 nounds. vp! . low complexion, with a pleasant look no scars or marks known of. Said negro for merly belonged to Moses Tison, in Pitt county wdiere he was raised. The above reward will be paid lor his apprehension and delivery to me in Greene county, g miles horn Mantonsburg on the Raleigh road, or lodged in any jail so that I gel hini again. All persons are lorewarned against harboring, employing, or carrying off said negro, under penalty of the law. BENJ. C. D. EASON. Nov. 29, 1837. 43 Cotton Yarm npHE subscriber has just received a quantity of Colton Yarn, different numbers, from the factory at the Falls T'r River, which he will sell on ieasonabf and accommodating terms. GEO. IIOWARb. Tarboro', February 27. I r f j II