T . I I J 3111 '""aMM"Mi";M31 Ol I II I I ll1wrBt, T-r I TT T i'll I il III in I .IIIHI I ! I n TTTTT U ! I X 70S. "flic jn'',03'os'' Zrcsi 1' "v,.-ir it' I'd n advance or, 7W! 11,11 . n r, v.mp... nr. '',,., nor v f the ovpir-.itin of the; suheriptien vear. ; nrrin-l Iff than a year, Vfvy-7,v .1 SJ ii I.e.-n ' ii-rc Mlt" -O I I Kurt r ... i:'1' h , ;ll ;)ny tune, on giving notice thereof fil ' m:irs those residing at ;i distanci pi!' ,1 wv ;iri ,1,1V pay in advance, or given respon- ....,... Ill I :1 I H I ;ui . ii ...,,Mits net. exceed i tig a ?ntnre will he ... ),, Ihllitr the first inversion, and -2'y '' 1 1 i-vt rv continuance. Lunger advertue- tfiU', j(, jilii. proportion, Court Orders and .!u "'r'l.rtiscinriils -V percent, higher. A-l- '1,!:-.iii'ei linit he nrarkotl tlii' nir.nher of rfrj.'s .juiri'il, or they will ho continued viutil StM-r.lt'rr! -."ul charged according! y. t:f!11(,rsa!!ilfr'il to the L'ditor must ho post. 0r thy';;';; Jlorus Jfluflicairfis. j POUT 1000 Chim.se Mulbeny Trcesj Aol ,in ve.ws gr..v are t ff red lot I I otl f.ivorut; lr terms b v ihe tree, foot j (hlivtr.-blo.i:. the la"l. I hey will: M4 liV i GEO. UOIWIUD. fa,buo-, A"g. ,S0t 13: .Vfr Carolina Fu slice. fSllllS vvo? U, the ?ppe.i rniK e of whirl: 1 J,;, heK'i ti:io;)' . toil! y do!.! VO( for fiii Ih!":"'!'- 1 1 1 - i Kii;wn to the pub jir wjj now he jciii!y uih!ilifil. Ia the c"tsrft.'S"aacl l:i.5:s1I:, few hundred mpus ill Je rnmpleted nd read y for (Kdiv i v i' s-:hn iliei s ami lexers. 7 HE V HO I U1L I UH. Julv 31, ieJl- OJ (he Republican . oi:u next governor. -rpilE REPUnLICAN," lias betn! It will seen by the proceedings vvc A publijhtd in Waslii!)t(in, North; ivc below, that the recommendation in Carolina, for six months, and will be con-jour jasf rcf!rK.c, jn,r rrancmen'ts for brin- liii'jfd so lan as suliicient patronage is received to defray the expense of its pub lication. Il lias now upwards of four Inni dred subscribers, and il is believed ll.at il PromPy responded to. It is unnecessary those friends to whom tbis Prospectus is K,,r U:S at tbis stage oftbc business to cxpa sent will make a little exertion, tbe num-j'te on the talents and bigh standing of ber may be doubled. For the 'support of our paper, we are compelled to rely ul nnst entirely upon our subscription lit, as he advertising patronage is almost exclu sive!) in the hands of the ll'higs; and they (lien li towards our press the most bilte. lijjiiliiv, his important that a Republican pres ! quarter. The meeting was numerously fhoulil be sustained at pi. we. It is pe land rcspccdablv attended, and we have nn tuliarlyi'iip-iriaiii to the Republican par j doubl the example will be speedily follow tyof this Cou-resHoual Dt. ict. TlihvClim all the other counties, loan is nhou, the centre of the DMrhrj A M of ,i,e Democratic Repuhlic We importance o the pre u, ,y ..!, !y , ;,,lS ()f r l (jour.tv, was held in the WiiilrrTedhoiiuhe m ili.;u .ut nod. bitiei :(mrl Houston Tuesday, being th-.- 3rd rwiiii,,, we h ive received from the ,,f September. 'I ho Mt elieg u as organized liics lor onr ctfjrt to e-'ab!ih it. It i )v calling William L. Kennedy to the chair, Iflip'iriant to the whole Republican p M jaud by appointing William B. Rodman. l Xor.li Can.!; ia, that ihU pre-; shuuhl Secietary. The object of the Meeting sustained. Theie U no other lleput.li ! was explained bnelly and appropriately by paper puh!id;cd iu a ciicuii of "ii)! George Houston, jr. He concluded by B'ilr; .v.id if we except the T-m burn I moving the following lepoluions which V,' there i ii me V.ihiu 7.) iniics "vm put separately and earned with unari TuereiN to R. p:,idicun nnp r no!. 'ihed it) unity. Nbern Disirirt. Wc .hanhluil Insolent, As the opinion of th. "rlr.eudsin that Dteic lor the aid ; tbat it is necessary to, the Ropub Huve already received in extend,,- on. j ... parly ol North Larolma, to orgamze tirn,-,,;,,,, i . ,. , i lir l ie purpose ol presenting a candidate UrfHilll! a,,,J ,,mt. , ,,.v , ,,.,, s , 1 . ' , , , v:iif ,, ' 1 itur tl.e oliice oi Goiurnor to he elected 5'U tarilicr. r, .... next summer. "e Dame u our miner indicates its ... i, i t .,.1 .1 It is a want, advocate of tbe , i l .1.1 i "llcromau ( octrnn s ns k tor! i in i " irgiuia an. I Kent. n ky resolutions oi j j'-. It is ilie unspiirint? foe of monopo I It wages nn half-way opposition, but .yir t' the knife and the knife to the ! e will not compromise on this P"1". interests may be compromised, bat ?nKiples never. In the contest now o "'si'i between the monaj power and pop liberty, it ,e foti,t(j as heretofore "us, am we hope, an etii. 'p pt ailv of the r;Klls uj- ,,f, people. It will onate jre- tni(fe an( riV,., nf labor, pp-e tl, iiion of Bunk and State. 5 n,)l less corrupting than the union of 'hurch and Stnte. It supports the pre '"Ut At'- I'Tiinistratioii, and will coutiune lo j0as l(:tg as the Governnml is admi Rrefl on smmd Republican and Slate doctrines. All . Sert Hianaud irreligious matter v ill i.k ,rp""y excluded from the columns ol t:i. ... 'P'lblican." vjnr P'per is fi'ddihd iu tbe midst of Prsanal ilipr: iu fact we are "vvctUy t,f su. j. i t of partonal as- We ho P those to whom tbis is crnl will n le Some e (Tort to procure subscribers. (! r are 1 liree "''ars per annum. flail k 1101 exPecl a Pro11 f one ar beyond the support of the press. ai-ftoroii-A, I , iimw - s waac z I SELKCTED. From the Knickerbocker. "TIMK STILL MOVES ON." Tunc still movos on, with noiseless pace, Afl.l w are loiterprs hy the way: An. I many lose the race, Fur which they struggle, .lay hy day. And even when the nr-ral is jraine.l. How seldom worth the t il it srprns! How litrhtly valued when obtained, I he prize that Hope esteems! Submissive to the winds of chance. We toss on life's inconstant sea; l.iis billow may our hark advance, And that may leave it on the Ice: This coast, which rises fair to view, May thick he set with roeky mail, And tint, which beetles o'er the blue, He safest, for the shattered sail. The ch ad, that like a little hand, Shnv liners when the morning shines. Expands its volumes o'er the land, Dark as a furesl-sea of pines. W hile that which cast a vapory screen Uefore the azure realm of day, Roll's upwards fr nn the low land scene, And from the mountain lops away. Oh, fond deceit! to think the flight Of lime will lead to pleasures strange, And ever brinjT some new delight. To minds that strive and sirf for change. o o "Within ourselves the ?i crof lirs, Let seasons va; v , - i .; y w ill; Oor hearts weuid o.ii! .aur' tho' our skies were bright as those of Eden slill! 'Of. '2 the JVushi nglon Itcpitblicuu. ing forward a Republican candidate as the next Governor of this State, has been the gentleman recommended to that im portant olllcc. We trust he will, in due time, receive a handsome majority of the s ifTi ages of the wh dc Slate. From the fee ling prevailing among all parties here, we anticipate a lavoraole result in this eastern CnI1 Vt.,ltl()ll 0f the Republican parly to be 'j.i. liCSOiCCU. i na, w i ucimi uiuuu .i i i :. . .i lv ,!..i,.li ilw. iliir.l J ontl.,y uf December next, comp sed of ,jt legates appointed in primary as.semblies of the people in tin-several comities for the puri;o.-.e of making a nominal ion. Urd. Resolved, That the Chairman ap point eight delegates subject to the appro ij.nion of ibis Meeting to represent this County in said convention. 4;h. Resolved, '1 hat we, recommend to our Deniocraiic friends in other Counties ol the State to hold Meetings and appoint delegates to the imposed convention. In compliance with the third resolution the chairman nominated the following .'cntlemen as delegates, viz: Vineyard E. Campbell, Col. .John W. Williams, Henry Harding, Henry I. Toole, Benj. F. Latham, Joeph D. Salcb well, George Houston, jr., and Rich ard Respiss; their nomination was submit ted to the Meeting and approved. Col. .John W. W illiams then submitted the following resolution, which was una nimously carried. Resolved, That this Meeting recommend to the attention of the proposed convention for iho office of Governor, General W1L 1 iM i. BLOUN T, of this County, as acntleman eminently qualified to perform jIk; duties of the station a sound Repub lican of the school of 'OS warmly devo . Intro t'its and ardentlv and ICittO 30umwiiiiv.v-.., - sincerely attached to the welfare of his (Edgecombe County, X. C.) Saturday, September 21, 1839 native State. It was then moved and carried 'nat the name of the chairman, William Ivennedv. hpirt,tr,ri i it,,. t:. .it Site.. The meeting was addressed by Henry I. Toolc Esq." lie commended the devotion of General BLOUNT to State Rights and bis adherence to tbe pure doc trines of democracy, as taught by Jefferson, nd expressed an entire confidence in his abilities and integrity, He doubted not that the nomination would be acceptable 'othe entire Democratic party. He was followed by George Itodston, jr., who referred to the known friendship "f Gen. BLOUNT td the Internal Im provement of the State whether in the East or West. A resolution was introduced and ear ned that the proceedings of this Meeting be inserted in the Washington Republican, ;nd that Democratic papers throughout the State be requested to copy the "same. After a vote of thanks to the chairman, the Meeting adjourned. WM. L KENNEDY, President WILLIAM B. RODMAN, Secretary. strange Adventure. Tennessee may boast a conqueror of the beasts of the forest her eccentric, her lamented Croc kett; and New York may boast nn explo rer of the mighty dcep-her unfortunate, her ill-fated Sam Patch; but to old Rip sup. r mnuatcd old Rip Van Winkle, is reserved the honor of producing a son who wrestles with the monsters of Ocean aye, and conquers them in a fair fight is it a bull on their own ground. Washington Whig. 'Some few days since, Francis Dixon, a Pilot at Ocracoke bar, who stands five I'cct six in bis stockings, whilst on a fish ing excursion in Pamptico Sound, discov ered some large specimen of the finny tribe entangled in one of his nets. His compan ions, lour in number, on closer inspection, discovered that the intruder was a well grown shark, and in dismay fled to their boat and plied manfully the oars to its sides with a view of intimidating the sea bully trom approaching nearer hallooing th L-l while to Dixon (who was wading breast deep on the shoal,) to seek shelter with them: but judge their surprise when they saw that, instead of following their exam ple, the daring pilot making his way to wards the scene, rolling up bis sleeves, and swearing "the d d crctur should not tear up his net that fashion." Up to his word, with clenched lists, he pounced upon bis adversary. His shark-ship, though conscious of his powers, seemed unwilling lo risk an engagement on tbe shoal, and made for deeper water, which in spite of his rider he reached, and commenced his fight by plunging and rolling entirely over, (this turns upon his hack when he attacks,) vet his antaironist with his j left arm und legs retained his bold, aware jtliat the loss ol it would be ceitain death. I For awhile, the chances were in favour !oi 1 1 io shark: he had the advantage ; a blow ! i iih the hand spent its force ere it could be fell underwater; his neck was too slippery to allow choking; his eyes too well pro tected by bony gills to render gouging of any avail: he was in his own element and had unohsti ucted road to the ocean. Dix on could not live very long in this plight, and whenever he should be compelled .by fatigue and weakness to let go, his business would be settled. All these reflections served only to render more cool the too dai ing native of terra firma. At length, as a dernier resort, he felt for his knife; but w hat difliculty in getting a Wet hand into a wet pocket: he did however ami opening it with his teeth, dashing the salt .spray from his brow, he took his aim and buried it to the hill in the monster's throat raking him down to the tail. The tables now turned; relieved of so much weight, ami rendered resistless by this operation, the shark was easily towed to the shoal. i'he companions, animated by the example of the brother fisherman, plunged into the sound and swam to him; but their aid was not wanted now; Dixon alone had sur vived tbe battle. The shark measured uinc ieet two inches. Should any of tbe fallen champion's tribe feel disposed to make a match, the best three in five, for one hundred dollars, to come off any time bc iore White Frost, and at any place inside of Ocracoke bar, by depositing stake at fruxtou's bank, dry shoal point, it will be immediately covered by Dixon's Second. Who says the times are hard? Walk Broadway at the promenade hours, and see the wealth of tbe Indies carried on the backs of the ladies; notice the tasteful and elegant establishments that roll along the carnage paths; see the doors of the fashion able shopkeepers, with as many carriages drawn up before them as if a great man's levee were held at each who says, in the lace of these facts, that the times are hard ? ' Look at the elegant fabrics which Cleo patra might have desired by the way, of Cleopatra. Had Egypt offered a Broad way to go a shopping in, she could have melted the revenue of a province there 1 faster than by dissolving pearls in vinegar j ljouk into the interior of the splendid stores which line the principal thoroughfares in our city turn into the furniture and furnishing warehouses and see the means of gratification for republican luxury. For all these things, which in elegance surpass any thing which Xerxes knew, there is appircntly no lack of purchasers, and yet times are'hard. Vatch our young men, catching with anxious promptitude the list new fashion, and going from extreme to extreme as dissimilar as the fluctuations and the changes of the butterfly all costing money, though the butteifly's mutations cost none, and are more beautiful. Wait until night fail, and hear the click of the cue, and then the rattle dfthc ballsuponbil liard tables. Look in at the elegant places of public resort, and seethe refreshments under discussion upon marble tables. Take an ice yourself, and sit half an hour, to hear or see, if you can, any indication that times are hard. Visit one only thea tre now open, and see if there be such a falling oil in the audiences as bespeaks pov erty. Listen if the lauh at Burton be less cheerful, or the attention to the specta cle less intense, than when times are ac knowledged easy. Ride upon the avenue, and notice the fast goers that trot by you. Look at the equestrian parties notice the stately esta blishment of "old families,'' and the gau dy turn-outs of new millionaires. Trav el farther to the Spring-, Saratoga, Bran dywine or Sulphur; go up the Hudson to Niagara to Trenton Falls - to Ca nada Nahant, any where and see if you find any body travelling beside yourself1. See rath'T if all the world has not turned birds of passage in these hard times. Mon ey is not to be had ergo they travel for nothing. (all in at tho markets, and learn if the choice cuts go begging. Point to some one who bw-rs shins, liver, or rumnsteaks. or buys fish for economy's sake. ' I 3 Walk iome with that young gentleman who has sent a week s provision for a garrison to feed his family of half a dozen, and who will call to morrow for as much more. As you walk, he will be sure to tell you that motley is awful hard. It is a little strange that the hardness of money is so seldom indicated by the outlays of those who complain most bitter ly. They cannot cash a tradesman's bill upon presentation because there is no danger of a protest upon refusal. They cannot show debtors any grace or give extensions and they are actually compel led to pay from one to two and a half per cent, per month for money to lift their notes. All this time, however, they do not remember that twenty dollars saved of their personal expenses or household dis bursements, will be so much less that they will need to borrow. When the stake is counted in thousands and hundreds, tens and fives are passed as of no conside ration. The very desperation of shinning and borrowing makes people more extrav agant when tbe day's work is done; atld the wives and daughters of merchants find them most liberal when they can least afford to be. The parties themselves may noi be a ware of tbe true reason of this but it is a desire even to impose upon their wives an appearance of greater piosperity than they are enjoying. They ore too many however who arc compelled to realise the truth of hard times, when they do come. These are the tradesmen whose accounts are never paid too promptly, and which are put aside as long as possible upon the pretext of "scar city of money. Always counting the cost before their purchase, even in good times, they are yet more careful during a season of reverses. After all, theirs is perhaps the most satisfactory lot; for by proper pru dence they suffer less than those in gilded misery who arc subjected to the mortifica tion of turning away demands which they know should he paid. Their bank account may not be injured by such refusal to pay but their conscience is pricked, if they have any. "Those who have found the golden mean Ami live conientedly between 'I'he littln and the great" suffer less from reverses and crises than those who npe the rich in business and style of living; and even less than those who possess actual property,- to be affected by reverses. As to poveity it is not what it is cracked up to be let philosophers say what they choose. (jpA recent London publication makes the following classifications of the vicious population of that city 600,000 Sab bath breaker;: 100,000 who live by gam bling SO, 000 who live by fraud 20.000 wholive by begging 23;000 annually ta ken up drunk 100,000 systematically de praved amounting to upwards of 7S3, 000 persons, more than three times the population of the city and county of Phila delphia. If this statement be true it is a lamentable state of affairs indeed! Vol XV Xo. 38. Distressing Shipwreck flint lives lost. The Norfolk corresnondpnt of the Ex change under date of Friday, siys: "A fjanux loo cicw ui me snip Miiicugeviuc, Capt. Porter, arrived at Norfolk this after noon, and brinn distressing: accounts of the ship. She sailed from New York on th! 21st of August, with a valuable cargo and a number of passengers, bound to Savannah, and on the Thursday morning following she xvent ashore on Cbickamacomico, about twenty miles to the northward of Hatteras; eight passengers, among whom Was a female and a sailor, were drowned. The ship has gone to pieces. Capt. Potter, was tett on the beach, attending to sucn part of the cargo as was washing ashore." 13 alt rfmer. War! War!! War!!! The Mi ans and lowians are just now engaged in a most sanguinary war upon pape-, about the boundary line between those two power ful emnire. It. seems that there is a small portion of territory over which the authori ties of both claim jurisdiction, & it isevider.t that that portion of the worid is likely for a time to be governed too much. The tax gatherer from Missouri made his appearance upon it, and the intimation is very plainly given that if he again comes, quarters will be found for him in some Iowa jail. Gov ernor Lucas, of Iowa, knows something cf marching up the hill & then marching down again, on boundary questions, as the event. of the "Toledo War" will abundantly testify, and we doubt not a similar res lit will follow this "oozing out" of His Ex cellency's courage. Better be quiet tni warm weather and wait until Congress s : tics the question, before nnv thing rash is undertaken. Baltimore Chronicle. JSeizurcs of English goods continue to be made, in large quantities, at the cus tom houses in Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, lor false enines. I he frauds generally have been prepared by the Eng lish consignor. JThe interest upon the debt of Penn sylvania is not less than one million five hundred thousand dollars. The nett in come from her canals and rail roads, aftef defraying current expenses and repairs, will scarcely pay one third of that sum. (ff'fhe interest upon the debt of Mary land is annually g600000. (jyit is noticed in several papers that the State of Indiana has recently lost a large sum of money by her Fund Commission ers The Cincinnati Republican states as the current report that the Commission ers placed bonds of the State to the amount of Si, 000.000 in the hands of a broker, signed and executed, and the broker was to obtain the funds. It seems he did so and failed, and left the Fund Commissioners an empty bag to hold. Baltimore Patriot. (pf'The Western (III.) Star cays that while Mr. Wilson Corey was cutting down a large oak, a flash of lightning came down the tree, tore off all his clothes, en tered the ground beneath his feet, making a circular hole about five feet in depth, and burying him in it opto his neck, so that he was utterly unable to extricate himself. On the following morning he was found and rescued by his friends. What is no less strange, the Star add?, that four panthers which, without giving Mr. Corey the slightest intimation of their presence, were concealed in the upper branches of the tree during the whob) time he was at work on it, were all killed by the flash! Mexico. Accounts from Galveston Texas, to Aug. 23, state that Thamaulipas, Coahuilla, and Niievo Leon, have thrown off the oke of the central government and declared tnemseive independent. j ne Texan Secretary of WTar is about organi zing d large force to prevent any coalition of the Indians and Mexicans. rll Sorts of a Yankee. The Hamilton Gazette relates art anecdote under the pregnant caption of "Tennessee Yankee isrti,"ota manin the upperend of that coun ty, who, wishing to '-do the Slate some cr- vic," caught a couple oi old wolves tooK them home, and, in trie course oi yeats, has reared a brood of law-offenders, which he executes from time to tifne, as they rpach the nroner ace. receivinc for their - - i - i c: a scalps the premium in such casej made and provided! iTFor the last two or three hundred years there has been as many schemes for making money out of nothing, as to cons' ruct a nernfetual motion. The one has been a harmless amusement, while the other has produced the most distressing results. (T' Do make yourselves at home, ladies," said a female to tier visiters one day. "I'm at home, myself, and wish you all were," "Tuer 1339,

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