If tollC. nMlNI rfi A ION on the estate oj 1,1).' I'"' "',ir-v 'ol)n," living boon to th- Mib-erib t, at August term, Vol" i ynl ' ,('nS aM(l 1;ir,rr 1 : Ivireomix cmniy, he will "'' ,,!,!!( s:il--, on Mmday the 2Nt of Jr next, al the shop occupied by the STOCJr OF goq&$ t in(,t Clvi.!ini5 of a ViiriiM y nl Cloih, 'j.j.prf.', a n I "!" ' articles adapted to lot of l will s'll :,t lill H 1,1,0 ,''N a1 the ...LiJ.'nc-' of decM, the Diet II hi;; inse tnd ' h';lchru Furniture, ..Jotlu-r property not neccsary to enu- ' jj .ro" having chums ogmnst the i,J ;iic !.crc!V notifn il to pr--ent them j-rl'IciU'-nt, ami Iho-c indehied lo him ,"rpVq'iiied io make immediate payment. J vmU wdl -ccured, payable six months will he required of pu eha-rr; !,,re w-r y ad 'he eah would he F!firl lor -small -mm. WUJ.UU XOli FLEET. .Idm'r. TO ALIi Vhom il may concern Subscriber would re-qvrl fully in I unit tl:e ;'t'-l c that in premises ire row lor side. In order to devote hisj wi:o!c time to his bu-ine in Florid;), j Inhere he expects to remove shortly) he l' i lift! to any person wishing to f 'iig:ige in The Mercantile business, A ?i'ua! ion rarely to be met with. The Lot on which he now resides is well im proved, with a good Ami s!l other necessary buildings for the CQinloit ami convenience of a l.unily. The Slave Lai Is al-o well improved and the building ive!i arranged, making ample room fur the I.M'iNidion of an exien-ivv business. t. fttis tin hesitation in s:iyinj:, that Stan-lan-'-in is i,(,t inferior to any village in lh? Slate for Ui-dnc, .-Mid at this litre UN o'i! stro:-g- r ind-icem-nt o Mer c'niiJs of coiwib-iahh: capital. It is -?jr-Miindi'-d by a d-n-idy M-t'!ed m it'iHir I'.ooJ of wealthy ami 1 c-jv clahh' Pi inter-, ivi.ere a creditir; busings mav be d.mi Willi as little 1 i k ;in ;iny other ph'ce in tl.i country. Those who m y f rl dipoed toenpe in hnMIl( sS ib,; 1 t-us bill f:elnl as a ! v:ot ;.b!e liine. .Meiehant 3ri'l oMitTs ;Ue jnvji, (J M p. , ;(tj I view 'ta prf:-:nies. Terms of sale u ill b njae acco nmnilatiti. Jox n. iionxn. St.ir,tnnlnir.lu!y 2'2d, iSM). CJ ' he NTewi;cru Sp ctator is rt qur-t Ci 1 1' b'i thf above ;n! vert i-ement lot nvt,th, im,! forward the account "s ITi U.y O'db e'ieo floras i$uilicau!is. i'OU r 10;jt) Ct.ine-e Mulberry Trees ( 01 'his ye.us irowih are offered for " on f,ivor;iiile terms, by the tree, foot !,rlrll-liverab!e i the'la'd. Tli-v will !d. :il,,relb,.r, or io ots to soil c:iJrs. Apply to pur ';Hnro'. A11 z. -SO, IS30 Male of Xailh Cm-nUna, 1: i) ; 1. c o : 1 u i-: c o u n t v. "rl ('f PI? a $ and Quarter Sessions, AUGUST TKKM, 1S39. Tl. . ''Ol Minn: avu if Uubei-t Cob-man, dee'di Petitionor vs. l dower. Heirs at Law, ' f aPP'uinnr (, cpiisfnetion of the , .""1!b that Ghirles Cobmian and j 1 ':a' Coleman, two of the defendant- jjj f,'l's s,1', are not residents of thi J 'l therefore ordered, that publi 'jjn lie made for sjx weeks sueccs-ivel (','l,he I'arborotijrli Pi ess, notifying said ''Sudanis that unless they appear at tb.e et h-t-m ..r 1 1.:., 111 .1.. r "i inn iiowii, 10 ue neio on mo ,,unh Mm..,!.... VT ... ..... ( mi ix'veinoer nex', ai ine lrl House j,, Tarborough, and answer, r demur, judgment pro conlesso k-;:i 1 1.,. vi vii mum uiein. pj'hicss. Joseph Hell. Clerk of said ."'" al office, the foorh M0nd.1v in Jf!"M83a. JOS. Pi ELL, C C. Jj.,ceadv $5 00. 37 G '" 'P fnlnrn,l :.. . . I hrtanic Medicines. j ' subscriber has just received a fresh supply of Gum Myrrh, Com ;. 10n' frican bird Pepper, and Spice "!trs- UlCO. IIOIVMW. 1 0 THE MArJS Over U-.c Tarborough Course NOHTII CAROLINA. COMMH.MPh! ; 1(0 entrance, SoO forfeiu1o cull. t I ersons wishing lo enter w,i im,Ue 11 oxvn by addressing ,le IVopi ietor. IVl of JcLey Club I'ursP, hvo mi! '"S 200 -CMrat.ce, Sl5 for subscri !'s; 30 lor iion subscribers. Third Kaj-. iV.liMee of Jockey Club Puree, three n.b. beat,, S:iOO-enl,anee, Si20 lor sub--cnbers; SIO for non subscribers. Foiarih Day. A Handy Cap, ;nile bens, best three in live. MOO. and p;rt of entrance money added hereto nirii-ee, 10. (.CTurses liable to ibe loll amount. Ali leltt rs addres.-ed to the Proprietor must be post UrM. FOXILILU Prminctor Q The Pctershurc: I ..tcdlieiic-r, N.r t'oll; Herald, and Warrenl ui li iw t-i vii insert weekly fire times, and forward ace'l immediately U this i ffiee. tiwift Creek Land fjjpitE subsorilets having q-ialifi-Ml a Kxeeu'ors to the lat will and t;, ment ot FXUM LCIi'S, dee'd. rrq-ie-t those having el dins to pie-nt them for payment, and those who owe the estate to make piynv i.t. They olf'r for sa'e at private contract, The Tt'iwt ai' L:iZ2d, Xenr this place, lyini; on Swift Creek, 8 r 10 miles from Tarborough, and 10 or 12 from field, containing .Z&ou: 2000 Zcrcs. This tract has considerable cleared land hi it, and several settlements with dwell ni-j; hou.-es, and lies -uitable to di vide into ihiee or lour farms, and will be if requir ed hy purc!iaspis. P -rsnns wisbir.j to p'jrclnse bind, would do veil l look at ibis, it is r and lively, and :icep! i le id much a id i e-tini i :ept ovt :ru'nf , li e in the marl bed 1 bat are bon d on aiei o ar il. A 1 ea-ionable endit will le m'ven the pnrdi:.ers, up 01 ibeir nvii'LT :i j 1 : v t tl e- eunty. ox n y.;7.v. riKj.s. c. nuxricR. Ml. Prompt ct, V. iecom'..-. S.Vr) 7;h Sept. 10 F.ihl of Jjctlcrs, Iiemniniiix in the Post Office at Tarho rouh. the st f Oct. I S3 9, tvi'ch )f not taken out trf e the 1st (J Jan' next, mill be seit t ) the. (Jen-J-rat Post Of Ice as dead litters. Upaugh ReV II Lee W m Cpt i5,-Van Kohl Morgan Altord UiU W U Mnoie Samuel Urowo J aeeb Ma-gom Sally M'lS iJryan Uttiiqey M rg in J ohu Cajit IJ.il Joseph Moore Lxum liennett Mark 2 Philips K Ur Conway (Jreei.b iry Pill Jauo-s Cotieulobn W 3 Pel way Micaj ih L'oM.mi ll.ndolph Pt'gh Thomas 4 Cobb B 1 j h' Parker Theopbilus Goli hi &"G 1' II Parker Ma.y Mr. 2 n.oiiel J U .1 Ii.yner San...el 2 Duson .lames liamhdph John S 3 Drau"han Wdiiam U bbins J ,e b Danud & dl-ck K. bison John Ldge James II Seaibrougii Naac IMmond-oi.Josepl Sharpc Iier-j.min i:i!is L W Sesum" J Dv LllisSynthiaMiss2SasneH Kain Fumer Asail Sballington L J Dr IMlon Thomas Spicer M's Fountain Spencer L Gounlree Nai.ian N Gaidner Martin 2 Tannahil! VV.II.am (ir.fiin Z.cbaridi Thompson Noah II Griffi.h KdarU WiU,n L D 5 I lodge H G Williams A D Mrs 2 Hopkins Whitmill Weaver Wdlie . I Ha.rell Jesse Williams Sarah M i liyman Theo . West Pali-nCe Mrs llo-hes John F Williams David Cul Johnson UM.ben Watson S K Mm Kj.rhi Willis Ward J I Kelly .f.ri)li Williamston J Dr Ki4t Jesse C Warren Samuel 1 n r,r.o I Flder 2 Whitehurst Arthur ?W1 Tp Winsted Kl-iih ( JJS M. REDMOND, 1 AL f,5-S!S 941. ablcs' Blanks for sale, C UtiOi AT THIS OFFICE. JilL M KUCHA NT TAILOR; gBKSPRCTFULLYinformshiscustom ers and the public generally, that le has received from Xew York his supply of S, Consisting 0f Cloth.s and Cassimeres bf va 1 ions colors, OMve. merino & camblet, for summer coats, W( llington and Highland drill, for panta loon, Queen Oron and Victoria do. very fasli- ionable articles, Plain and rilibed Gambroon, do. Plain and figured velvet Vestings, lil.icli and colored figured Satin, do. Pl-iin and figured Marseilles, Plain and figured Valencias, Plain black and fancy Slocks, Plain and rufll d linen Bosoms, Collars, Su-penders, (iloves, ilk Handkerchiefs, &c. He invites an inspection of his Cood-s, as he is cot.fnbnt they cannot fail to give satisfaction as respects quality and ptiee. (tjiientlenjen who widi their clothes made up, can have them made and trim medju the most fashionable style. Ali 01 ders from a distance will be punctually attended to. Tarboro', I5'h May. 1839. Liock and Gunsmiihru. fjTUIK undersigned having devoted tb.e most of his life to a knowledge of his profession, is now pieparcd .Vcnv the Hvitlge, in Tarbovo To execute all orders in L ck and Gun smiibry, in a style at once equal to the be-t London work. ('hick-, va!chc?, musical boxes, breast )ins, finger rii;g, and jewelry and bro ken al ludes of every de-cription will also be repaued at the shortest notice by DJF1U C. 1UCLL. August 1 1th, 1 &39. 3.1 J'oticc. rglUK C (partnership hcrclofjrc exist- iii'S in the name of Hurls & Home, Is Ibis day dissolved by mum d consent. John K. Home is authorized lo attend to all the unsettled business of the concern. WILLL1 m nuin TUnUjtS S. JiUIlT. JO US R. UOiXIC. Stantonsburix, April 30h, 1830. IS 50 Reward. KAM AV AV, a short ttrrr liort '-C-S3 -iiice, two negroes named XiCI) 1 nee, i: r nd A717 , belonging to AZiJfl John S. lliudolph, who recent frrsTRisj, y removed from this county lo Florida. Thee negroes are supposed to be lurking about Tarboi o', and are so well I j known that it is de. med unnecessary to give a description of them. I am author ied lo .(fertile a!ove reward for their ap prehension, or S25 for cadi, if delivered 10 me or secured in any jail so that their owner can get them agon. All person are fmhi l harboring or carrying off said negroes, under penally of the law. D. RICIL2RDS. T;.rboro March 14, 1S39. 1 1 Celebrated Patent Animal and Vegetable "jvOR cleansing coal collars, woollen, linen, and cotton goods, from spots occasioned by grease, paint, tar, varnish, and oils of every description, without in jury to the finest goods. The Oil Sody, Possesses very healing and penetrating qualities, and is used with perlect safely for bathing various external complaints, upon man or beast. Instances are loo nu merous (o be certified. Thousands of cer tificates might be obtained of its efficacious effects upon all bone complaints, weak I limbs, thai have been dislocated, broken, or otherwise-injured. In ahrtost every case when applied to corns on the feet, it has effected an entire cure. h is positively the best remedy, if tho roughly used, for sprains, chilblains, poi sons, scalds, bnrns, sore lips, chapped or cracked hands, cutaneous eruptions, or pimpied faces, that is known. For places chafed by the harness or saddle, sprained shoulders, scratches, Sic. on horses, there is no composition that exceeds this. Warranted genuine. For sale by GEO. HOWARD. Tarbord' July 30. AX HIGHLY Important Caution To the Tublic. "Cave ne titubes" Beware of fulling. JJJOCTOU EVANS, 100 Chatham street, takes the present opportunity of tendering his most unfeigned acknowl edgements to the numerous patients ifilict t'd uiiJ, iie various form of disease inci dent to humanity J who have committed themselves to Itiscue, and he has the sat- slactiou of knowing from many living evidences, that his remedies have removed r relieved their respective maladies, as hir as lies within the compass of human means. How distressing to the afilitted is Dyspepsia ov Indigestion, poisoning all the sources of his enjoyment, and leading in many instances to the mise ries of hypocondi iacism. Long as it has been made the subject of inquiry hy mcdi- (HMOUI& 11 leiuains involved 111 miicli obscurity. Jaundice, Uiarhoea, Cholera; and Colic, also performs a eonspicuou part in the drama of morbid affections.. IJ. I A A Ab has been singularly suc cesful in the treatment of the above com plaints by remedies drawn from the re searches of the most eminent physicians in Ltirope. lie has also had vast experience and success throughout the whole family of delicate diseases, all of which are for the most part aggravated by, and rooted io the constitution, by the conspiracies of ma curuil murderers unprincipled, uneducated and unpractised in any art save that of at tempting to lead the credulous on the road to ruin. Dr. Evans' ofiice is supplied with the choicest remedies trom foreign mar kets, and compounded on the most scien tific principles, a physician is always in at tendance, and all those who come there in '.the hour of need ivill go otf rejoicing. Dr. Wni. Lvatis' Medical office 100 Chatham. J.dhmn, three years' standing. Mr. ttobert Monroe, Schuylkill, afflict ed with the above distressing malady. Symptoms : Great lmguor, flatulency, disturbed rest, nervous headache, difficulty of breathing, tightness and stricture across the breast, dizziness, nervous irritability and restlessness, could not lie in a hori zontal position without the sensation of impending suffocation, palpitation of the heart, distressing cough, cosiiveness, pain of the stomach, drowsiness, great debility and deficiency of the nervous energy. Mr. IL Monroe gave up every thought of re covery, and dire despair sat on the counte nance of every person interested in his ex istence or happiness, till by accident he. noticed in a public p iper some cures effect ed by Dr. (I'm. Evans'' medicine in his complaint, whirh induced him to purchase a package of the Pills, which resulted in comphlcly removing every symptom o. his disease. He wishes to say his motive lor this declaration is, that those alllicted with the same or any symptoms similar lo tlias from which he is happily restored, may likewise receive the same inestimable hem. fit. (ZT Liver Complaint, ten yrars'' standing. "Mrs. Hannah IJrowne, wife of Joseph Hnuvne, North Sixth St., near Second st., Williamsburgb, afflicted for the last ten years wiih Liver Complaint, restored to health through ibe treatment ol Dr. II m. Earns. Symptoms: Habitual constipa tion of the bowels; total loss of appetite, excruciating pain of the epigastric region, great depression of spirits, languor and other symptoms of extreme debility, dis turbed sleep, inordinate flow oflhe menses, pain in the right side, could not lie on her left side, without an aggravation of the pain, urine high coloured, with other symptoms indicating great derangement in the functions of the liver. Mrs. Browne was attended hy three of the first physicians, but received hot little relief from their medicine, till Mr. Browne procured of Dr. Wm. Lvans invaluable preparations which effectually relieved her of the above distressing symptoms, with others, which it is not essential to intimate. JOSEPH BROWNE. City and County of New York, ss. Joseph Browne, Williamsburg!), Long Island, being duly sworn, .did depose and say that the facts as set forth in the within statement, to w hich he has subscribed his name, are just anil true. JOSEPH BROWNE, Husband of the said Hannah Browne. Sworn before me, this 4 lb day of Janu ary, 1S37. PETER riNCKXETT, Com. of Deeds. Paralytic Rheumatism. A perfect cure effected by the treatment of Dr. W. Ev ans. Mr. John Gibson, of North Fourth street, Williamsburgb. SlGEXTS j. M. Rfdmond, Tarbo ro'. F. S. Marshall, Halifax. SroTs- wood & Robertson, Petersburg. A. Du val, Richmond. C. Hall, Norfolk. E. E. Poutlock, Portsmouth. LevVis John ston, Washington, V. C Mortimer Si MowBiut, Baltimore. Dec. 4, 1838. JVciv ami Fashionable ll the Cheap Cash Store. JA3IES TEDDEL.L., AS received and is new opening hi spring supply of RICH FANCY AND STAPLE Dry Goods, Hats, SlweSj China, Glass. Earlhemoure, IlanU ware, Groceries j And other seasonable Goods, which iri point of style, quantity, quality, and eve ry nquisile which will recommend them to the attention of his customers and the public, be feels confident that no such ir ducement has been offered in this marlttt as he can now present. He will not a' tempt to enumerate the many desirable ar ticles of which his Stock consists, but rey pee.lfully solicits those who wish to obtain Tasty , Seat and Fashionable Goods Jit how Trices, To pay him a visit. Tarboi 0 April 19, 1S.19. NFOIiMS her customers and the pub", lie, that she has received her snrin? supply of Goods, which with her former Mock makes her assortment complete. comprising the usual variety of Bonnets, MnnancN, blowers, bilks, Satins, Laces, Edgings, Inserting?, &c. &c. adapted to the ft ml Mantua-making business. She invites an inspection of her Goods; as she is confident they cannot fail to give saiisfaction as respects quality and price. Tarboro', April 17, 1839. $25 Reward. . RAN AWAY from the Sub scriber, at Hamilton, Martin coun ty, on Thursday, the 15ih instant j my negro man IVEIiSOIY,- About 5 feet 6 or S inches high, 25 or 30' years of age, very black and has a good set of teeth. He is well provided with clothing, one bluejacket and trowscr?, one white .Jacket, new felt I. at, hew pair of shoes, and a very good blue plaid cloak. Nelson vvas partly raised by Spencer D. Cotton, of Tarborough, and has a wife at Mr.Grissom Pittman'$,S or 10 miles froni Enfield, and is well known through Tar- "borough and the greater part of Edge combe county. 1 will give the above re ward for his apprehension if delivered to me at Plymouth, Washington county, or if confined in any jail so that I gel him again. All persons arc cautioned against harboring or cairying off said negro under penalty of the law. IIICXRY DGJVNIXG. August 17th, 1S39. 34 JYorth Carolina Justice. rp HIS work, the appearance .of which has been unexpectedly delayed for causes heretofore made Known to the pub lic, will now be speedily published. In She course of next nicntl:, (AUGUST,) A few hundred copies will be completed and ready for delivery to subscribers and purchasers. THE PROPRIETOR. July 31, 1839. 100 He ward; ANAWAY from the SnriU J W .1... I..!, vr J t 7 uje i -mi iovernuer, iaat), iir"ro man Aged about 2G years, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches in height, weighing about 150 pounds, yel low complexion, with a pleasant look no -cars ormarks known of. Said nero for merly belonged to Moses Tisoniin Pitt county where he Was raided. The above reward wilr be paid for his apprehension ind delivery to me in Greene county, 9 miles from Stautonsburg on the Raleigh road, or lodged-in any jail so that I get him again. All persons are forewarned against harboring, employing, or carrying off said negro, under penalty of the law. BESJ. CD. EASON. Nov. 29, 1837, 4 ri"'. '! I: ft- ;:! i e r If?!' f 1:,