fflHAT on Monday, the 9h of Decern 1 her nxt, ami from flay today unlil II the property i sol. I, will he sold at the fate residence of Ihnashley Atkinson, all Crop and SlocF on hand, CONSISTING OF 7rV or forty head of Horse MnUs, ' forty or fifty head of Cut He, "hi-'N are tK'" or six valuihU ,1 Ke thiee or four hundred head ', f d Ilos, a Lrge number of out noes, :-ntv h'ad ' Sheep. twelve or fourteen , (tt (J h irn l- ol Corn, Fudder, farm (I .0,,s ot all descriptions and alt thr r.,.(h--M and Kitchen Furniture of the , . irnahl:y Atkin-on, and other prop i V l a pori-haM' nature. Six n..".tiw credit will be given the pnr-1,1-. thtv tr i v i i i fo'e ai il security to ij ,,,,rv-d ol by the Subscriber, before ,,. .,. -) i 'v i icmoved. ' JOHN ( C, OR I I AM. Adm'r. Piti c ui,i. 1 2i h N"V. 1SM9, 45 4 A Valuable Plantation FUK SALE. VERY valuable Plantation on Par UiVf r is iiimv offered Inr sale on fcccominoduting tetm. Theiiacl contains 2,1 S3 Acres, And is 1 n E Igecombe County, 10 mile bWeTaiboiV. A p u licular dt ci ip' in., is deemed unnecessary, as it i presume! the purchaser would wish to examine the Ljnil per-onally, before b-iying; but the fact m;iy he stated with conlidence, thai the Luel is i d.'al to any on the River, anil the Plantation is in good order for farming, and may he divided in two fai m without inj'iry to either pirt. And should it not he old before Monday, Wh December next, will then be nff-red at public sale on the premises, on the fol lowing terms Five thousand dollars o! the purchase money paid on the first d y of next January, and the balance in equal instalments, at one, two, and three year credit, bearing interest Irom the first clay of January, 1S40, till paid, on bonds exe cuted with two or moic securities the owner reserving the i :ght of a bid on the land. And should a sale he made of the land, the STOCK, consisting of Horses, CatUe, Hogs fc Sheep, frit li the crop nf Corn, Fudder. II lieu I, and all Ihe plantation tools, wagons, tarts, Ss'c. $c. ili be sold on a credit of six month for all Hims of five dollars and upwanU. 'he purchasers giving note and security before the nrnnnv is delivered and lot all sums under five dollars, cash on the dav of sa'e. P rsnns wishing to pirchasc will p'rae l7 to ihenphilus Parker, Eq Tar Hay Wood. ftitU-igh. O -i. hf r l sso 45 Yoticc T:' hi: SOLD, o-i Wednesday, "s :. f' of i)--eTTi'er ! xt, at -' ! r 'he sui-enMer foro-et I y Iler-ry (?ot ten, d c'd, five ' ; in' on the slag load to liowii g propprt . viz: l''cr. Oafs. Wheat, Peas, Hogs ( -.'U tie, 'ilorscs and Utiles, !.r''S anil iff-nr household and '" ' ' F'irt.iture, and sondry other f" o..v (n,t edtoits In mention. rs. 'ni;,s credit will he given, the ' ' 1 -'i Vir.j IoimI with appmved se Jl h; , letl.e properiv is changed. r Several likely Negroes, ,v .'''"'.'d nten, w. men, boys and girls, ' hf hired out lor the ensuing 3 ear a' ne anie time and place. tVILLLIM CLJEK, Sen. ft. B. Will also be fold, at the same llir and place, likely JMegro man c pod field hand-also, a good family Carryall, 29, 1839. 44 Printing neatly executed, at this orncE kt-ieiJ.tfElCi sllmm fciv4iri tl , J"", ? l i-n.. i'- . t: V M Swift Creek Land. OK SALE. JUIR snhscn,;5,; ial.f KxeeiHor. , lhp , mentol EXUM I Fivrv , , "Ma e l.vi.r ci.jl, " iS 'reque., !x;;:;:;:i;i;:,ose-h----tate to They offer for !e at private contract, The Tract or Land, Ner,r this pWe, lying on Swift Creek, S 12 hom h. fi. I, c.iiiiainiMjr ilboxa 2000 sieves. This tract has considerable cleared land ,a.ml evr:. settlements wi?h dwell S houses, and lies citable to divide into ree or lour farms, nod will be if renui, ed hv purchasers. Persons winhing to purchase land, would do well to look at this, a. it N R ,(U, 'd lively, and suseepti de of much and histtnor improvement, frcin the marl bed that are lound on and near it. A reasonable credit will be given the purchasers, Up in ih ir jjivincr approved se curity. JOHN IV. lewis. 7770.9. C. lIUNPEli. Ml. Prospect, FMsrecomhM. N.C. ) 27th Sept. 1S3U. JYoticc. WILL SELL a t:;el of land, in Nd count v. on the nuldie ni.nl L.i;,... from Philips Store to Enfield, contain ing by actual survey 483 2 Acres. On which is a comfortable Duelling house I I I ILP . . i . B And out houses. The most of" this land is uncl.-ared, and heavilv timbered with pitch pine; :ind lyi" within two mile ol the lil Koad. may oif-r inducements to the g tters of tut pentine. I will s II a UvoiaMe bargain in this laud, if applica tion is eat ly tnade. J.7MES J. PHILIPS. Octobrr 9. IR39. 41 7 Yoticc. r HT II E subscriber expects to continue to ttach SCHOOL The ensuing year, nearer to his own resi deuce, upon the sime terms as the pre--ent, that is, SlO the spsion of 5 months, for the linnrmigp; ?Gi for Arithmetic, Reading, &c; ST J for Eng Gram.,(e"g raphy, Sec ; and J5 a month for ho-rd. AM UK BENNETT. Nov. 4, 1S39. 45 3 Notice. TT T' is rrquoeted, tha' ihe mem hers of t hp Philodemir Society stoeil ' met at the Falls ol Tar R vt-r, 00 tho 25 h day ! Nnvnmhei next, for the purpose of dipi ing ol 'If Library and Treasure Helnnit g to the said S cipty, since i uas appeared to : pmtion of the memhers of said Society, that th gentleman under whnsp care tlic Lihrarv his heretofore re rrnined, exppfs t' remove his residerirp. ami it is leiinuv that ome steps should e taken for thn preservation of the fumU and property belnjjing to tl e Society. Th person holdieg il e funds f t;e S ci p'V will please produce at the time and ll ico a'-ovemetitinned, and aKo the per--O) holding the constitution will phasj lit in" it forward. The nvmhers should g'n r llv at'end, as it is pssential that thi husiness shouhl he attended to. Nov. 4. 15 9. 45 3 'fe aim Botanic Medicines, -::- THE suhcriher has recently procured and now i.fll-rs for sale on reasonable ,r,d accommodating terms, the following Thonipsoiiiaii Hedicincs, liz: Lotielia. -eed ami pulverized, 2nd and 3rd Preparation of do. Composition, Nei ve Powder, P.-pler Dark, African Dird V- pper, Hayherry, Skunk cabbige, wake robin, Balsam Fir, Dulternut syrup Halmmiy, Green ozier, Myrrh, Unicorn root, Oinger, Hitter Root, Golden Seal, Clivers, Pond Lilly, hemlock, when hazle. Cough powders, raspherry leaves, Prickly ash, slippery rim, barberry, Cholera and Dvsenlery Syrup, Rheumatic Tincture, Woman's Friend, Cough Powders, Stienciher.ing Phster, No. 6, ThorrqDson's Guide and Narrative, Ilersey" Woman's Friend, Curtis' Medical Discussions, Robinson'. Lectures, Syiinps &c. GEO. HOnMRD. Tarbiro', Nov. 9th, 159- 1 SPECIE, Treasury .Votes and Drafts. JJ)0LL ARS. half Dollars, and all kinds ol Silver Coin. Doubloons and all kituhof Geld coin. Treasury Drafts Treury Note. P st O.Tice Drafts Collector's Checks. Are wanted, for which the highest PKEMICM will BE PAID CI I E KS on Xe,u York, Philadelphia Baltimore, can b- hoi on application tr, PHILIP I COHEN. Wide water M.. Iiv.nting Roanoke f Sqmre, Norfolk, Virginia. J Oer. 21. l s:i9. 46 4 JYoticc. HE Cpirineihip heretofore exist ing in the name of Burls Home, Is this day disSulved by mutual consent. lohn R. llorne is authorizetl to attend to all the unsettled husiness of the concern. ll'ILLMM BURT, THOMAS S. BURT. JOHN R. HOllNE. Stantonsburg, April 30'h, IS39. IS JHorus Jflulticaulis. nour 1000 Chinese Mulherry Trees ui mis years gro wi n are en -reu tor sale on favorahle terms, by Ihe tree, foot or hud, deliverable in the fall. They will be so altogether, or in lots to suit pur ch .sers. Apply to GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Aug. .SO, IH3 M KUCHA NT TAILR, ESPECTFULLY informs hi friend and the puldic generally, that he has just received his splendid assoitment of VIZ: Supptfine blue, black and green Cloths, Drown and Cad't mixt do. Heaver and pilot Cloths, for oveicoats, Cassimeres, of most fashionable style, Drab and buff do. Plain bliek & figured Velvets for vestings, Woolen Velvets and figured Valencias,do Figured ami plain Satin, do. A splendid assortment of Sdk veslings, Net shirts and draws, Plain black & fig'd satin Stocks with bows do do bomhazi-en, do Dosoms, Collars, Gloves, Supenders, &c lie invitps an inspection of his Goods as he is confi h nl they cannot fail to givw satisfaction is rpsppets quali'y ami p icn (JJG eoth men who wish iheir clothe mole up, can liavp meni maup aiui mm med in the m-'St fashiooahle styl- Al orders from a distance will be punctually attended to. Tarhoro, Ortoher. IS30. ? Boarding School, Ft r the Education nf Yonw? Ladies, WiLL be opened a mv reider.-, in w w the vicmity ot Littleton U- pot. Warron, on Alomtay. b li ol . anuary nPtt. lii noint of healtl'. this locality can no he sip pissed. I h ivp engg d the service of a Ldv, who has had consider a'le cxp'-ib'oce 'n Mer vocation, and who ro nes highly rppommnded. t find her w. II qiahfi d fr the duties slu- has un dertaken. Everv attention shall hp paid lo the morals of the voung Li lies by Mrs. Hmge ami myself, as well as by their Teacher. For Hoard ami Tuition, during the scholastic year. blOO. For Muhc boO. WILL MM BUHOi;. Nov. 1st, IS 3.0. 46 6 Loch and Gunsmithry. rrnilE undersigned having devoted the most of his life to a knowledge ol his profession, Is now piepared Xcar the Hridgc, in Tarbdro r Pvp,.iitp nil orders in Lock and Gun smithry, in a style at once equal to the best London work. Clocks, ivaches, musical botes, breast pins, fmger rings, and jewelry and bro ken articles of every description will also he repaired at theshortet notice by DJIF1D C. BELL. August 14th, 1S39. 33 Turner $ Hughes9 NORTH CAROLINA AIiBlAPfAC, FOR 1840, rr nle at this Office at Raleigh prices viz: 10 cents single, 75 cents per dozen, S3 50 for hall a fcross, etc. AN HIGHLY Important Caution To the Public. 11 Cave ne tituLes" Beware of f idling. JJOCTOK EVANS, 100 Chatham onrci, i.iues ine present opportune of tendering his most unfeigned acknowl edgements to the numerous patients affliel- wish ihe various form of disease inci dent to humanity J who have committed inemselves to his tare, and he has the sat isfaction of knowing from many livincr evidences, ihat his remedies have removed or relieved their respective maladies, as tar as lies within the compass of human nieaus. How distressing to the afflicted is Dyspepsia or Indigestion, poisoning all the sources of his enjoyment, and leading in many instances to the mise ries of hvpocondriacism. Long as it has been made the subject of inquiry by medi cal authors it remains involved in much obscurity. J.iundice, Viarhoea, Cholera, and Colic, also performs a rnuspicuous part in the drama of morbid affections. DR. EVANS has been singularly suc cessful in the treatment of the above com plaints by remedies drawn from the re searches of the most eminent physicians in Europe. He has also had vast experience and success throughout the whole family of delicate diseases, all of which are for the most part aggravated by, and rooted in the constitution, by the conspiracies of mer curial murderers unprincipled, uneducated and unpractised in any art save that of at tempting to lead the credulous on the road to ruin. Dr. Evans' ofiice is supplied with the choicest remedies from foreign mar kets, and compounded on the most scien tific principles, a physician is always in at tendance, and all those w ho come there in the hour of need will go off rejoicing. Dr. Win. Evan1 Medical office 100 Chatham. i.lhmn, three years' standing. Mr. Robert Monroe, Schuylkill, afflict ed with the above distressing malady. Symptoms: Great languor, flatulency, distiii bed rest, nervous headache, difficulty oi breathing, lightness and stricture across the breast, dizziness, nervous irritability and restlessness, could not lie in a hori zontal position without the sensation of impending suffocation, palpitation of the heart, disiressieg cough, cosliveness, pain of the stomach, drowsiness, great debility and deficiency of the nervous energy. Mr. U. Monroe gave up every thought of re covery, and dire despair sal on the counte nance of every person interested in bis ex istence or happiness, till by accident he noticed in a public paper somecures effect ed by Dr. H'm. Evans1 medicine in his complaint, which induced him to purchase a package of the Pills, which resulted in completely removing every symptom o. his disease. He wishes to say his motive for this declaration is, that those afilieted w ith the same or any symptoms similar to those from which he is happily restored, ma likew ise receive the same inestimable benefit. QfmLicer Complaint, ten yrars' standing. Mrs. Hannah Hrowne, wife of Joseph Hrowue, North Sixth St., near Second si., Williatnshurgh, afflicted for Ihe last ten ears with Liver Complaint, restored to health through the treatment of Dr. fi'm. Evans. Symptom: Habitual constipa tion of the bowels; total loss of appetite, excruciating pain of the epigastric region, great depression ol spirits, languor and other symptoms of extreme debility, dis turbed sleep, inordinate dow of the menses, pain in the right side, could not lie on her left side, without an aggravation of the pain, urine high coloured, with other symptoms indicating great derangement 10 ihe functions of ihe liver. Mrs. Browne was attended by three o. the first physicians, bul received but little relief from their medicine, till Mr. Browne procured of Dr. Win. Evans invaluable preparations which effectually relieved her of ihe above distressing symptoms, with others, which it is not essential to intimate. JOSEPH JJROWNE. City and County of New York, ss. Joseph Browne, Williamsburgh, Long Island, being duly sworn, did depose and say that the facts as set forih in the within statement, to which he has subscribed his name, are just and true. JOSEPH BROWNE, Husband of the said Hannah Browne. Sworn before me, this 4lh day of Janu ary. 1837. PETER PLXCKNEV, Com. of Deeds. Paralytic Rheumatism. A perfect cure ffecled bv the treatment of Dr. W. Ev ans. Mr. John Gibson, of North Fourth street, Williamsburgh. AGENTS J. M. Rfdmosd, Tarbo- . - at . , . 1 1 I : f c ro . r. 3. iMARSH.M, naiuax. SPOTS- WOOD U Robert son, Petersburg. A. Du val, Richmond. C. Hall, Norfolk. E. F. PnnTi.ocK. Portsmouth. Lewis John ston, Washington. D. C Mortimer & MowbraT; Baltimore," JHq 4, ASSORTSIENT OF IVctrand Fashionable GOODS, - Just received and for sale at astonishingly LOW PRICES, tit the Cheap Cash Store. nnHE Subscriber sol. cits a tall from his cistomersand the public generally" confident he can exhibit bv far the " LARGEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL Stock of Fanci) and Staple ver seen in Tarborough. Having mnde hi purchases principally at Auction for Cash he has succeeded in laying in his Goods griatly below their Value, and is determined to sell at a very small advance for Cash or Country JProi1ucc.y . In his assortment 3re Suprifjne broad Cloths, from $li to $8, Cassimeres, very low, 50 pieces Sattinetts, from 35 c?nts to tho finest made, 2S ps Kentucky Jeans from 50 cts to 62, 30 ps white & red Flannels, 20 to I I2, 34 ps plain & fiM Merinoes, very cheap, GO figured and plain colored Silks, of the most fashionable colots and patterns, at low prices, 10 ps black and plain figuied Silks, of at most superior quality, and at prices that must please. 50 ps Moustlin de Lains, among which are some eh gint patterns, 30 cts to Sl Chally, handsome and cheap, Beautiful broche, chinelle, rherino and plaid Shawls, in great variety, cheap, Plaid satin Scarfs, and rich fancy Hand kerchiefs, cheap, Fashionable bonnet cap, and belt Rib hons. in immense variety, IfBlOl f,s CALICOES of Ihe newest 2Hyy style from" 64 to 35 cents, the greatest bargains ever offered, French Prints, handsome and cheap, 50 ps furniture Calicoes, from S to 20 cts. 200 Women's straw Sonnets, From 3J cents to the finest made, Mioses Bonnets, Plain flowered and check'd Muslins, eve ry variety, Bleached and brown Shirtings, Sheeting? and Jean, 20 ps bed Tick, 10 cts to thfffinest made A very Inr sc tock of ngro Blankets, at wonderfully low prices, Rose and Mackinaw Blankets, cheap, 50 ps negro cloth, 20 cents and upwards 21 d z?.n wool Hals, 40 cts. and upwards, Men's and boys tfiiie and common Flats, cheap Fur, cloth, and sealed Caps, an immense variety at very low prices. Men's Cloaks, and upwards, B'anket and cloth Overcoats, Women's Cloaks in great variely, frocl S3 lo the finest made, 6 do2en ready made Vest, cheap, Ladies and Misses Corsets, Lacels, &c. Victoria and corded Skirts, Silk, cotton, and woolen Hosiery, of eve ry variety, Ladies silk, kid, B rlin & beaver Gloves Men's ho-kin, buck and woolen Gloves, Bobbinett Laces, Edgings and Inserting?, 4 4 while and black Bohhinctt Black Lace fur trimming, , OJBOOTS f,VX SIIOES.fi 150 pair men's coarse heavy Boots, Men's calf Boots, Prunella quarter Boots 600 pair men's russet and black Brogans, from No 6 to 14, Ihe greatest bargain ever offered, 200 pr boys black and russet Brogins, all 400 pr men's lined arid bound kip Bro g'jn cheap, Men's high and low quartered calf Shoes, Mens pump, clippers and mocasln, Ladies extra fine kid and French morocco Slippers, black -and colored most fash- iora'de style, Ladie colored silk Gaitpr, Prunella, morocco, and leather Shoes and Slippers, of every variety, Women's leather and morocco Booti Girls and children's Shoe3 and Boots of every description, Sole and upper Leathrr. A large and general asniiment of Cutle ry, Hardware, China, Glass, and Grockcrij ware, GROCERIES, $c Besides the above will be found, almost every article usually ktpt in simiUr Es tablishments, all of which is now offered it such exceedingly low prices, as cannot fail to meet the views of the greatest economists. JAS. IVEDDELL. Tarboro', Nov. 4, 1S3T . p V f

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