i'.! f ) I, Doctor W. EVANS' SOOTHING SYUUr For children Teething, PREPARED BY HIMSELF. To Mothers and Nurses. jH HE passage of llie Teeth tlirocgli ti e gums produces tronoiesome and uau erous symptoms. It is known by moth rs dial there is great irritation in the jiouth and gums during this process. The 411ms swell, ll;e secretion of saliva is in creased, the child is seized with frequent and sudden fits of crying, hatchings, start ing in the sleep, and spasms of peculiai parts, the child shrieks nidi extreme vio lence, and thrusts its finger into its mouth. If these precursory symptoms are not spee dily alleviated, spasmodic convulsions uni versally ssjpei vene, and soon cause the dissolution of the infant. If mothers who have their little babes afflicted with these distressing symptoms, would apply Dr. William Evans's Celebrated Soothing Syrup, which lias preserved hundreds tl infants when thought past recovery, from being suddenly attacked with that fatal malady, convulsions. Jl real blessing to Mathers. Dr W. Evans'' celebrated Soothing Syrup for'chudrcn cutting their teeth. This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds of Children, w hen thought past recovery, from convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gums, the child will recover. This preparation iso in nocent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let its gums be rubbed with it. When infants are at the age of four months, though there is no ap pearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should be used on the gums, to open the pores. Parents should never be without the Syrup in the nursery where there are young children1; for if a child wakes in the night w ith pain in the gums, the Syrup immedi.iiely gives ease by open ing the pores and healing the gums; there by preventing Convulsions, Fevers, Sic. Proof positive of the efficacy of Dr. E vans' Soothing Syrup. To the Agent of Dr. Evans' Soothing Syrup: Dear Sir The great benefit afforded to my suffering infant by your Soothing Syrup, in a case of protracted and painful dentition, must convince every feeling parent how essential an early ap plication of such an invaluable mediciue is to relieve infant misery and torture. My infant, while teething, experienced such acute sufferings, that it was attacked with convulsions, and my wife and family sup posed that death would soon release the babe from anguish till we procured a bot tle of your Syrup; which as soon as ap plied to the gums a wonderful change w as produced, and alter a few applications the child displayed obvious relief, and by con tinuing in its use. I am glad to inform you, the child has completely recovered, and no recurrence of that awful complaint lias since occurred; the teeth are emana ting daily and the child eoj y perfect health. 1 give you my cheerful permission to make this acknowledgment public, and will gladly give any inform iti-m no ibis circumstance. W.M. JOHNSON. 0l7SoM at Dr. W. Evans's Oil e, 100 Chatham street, N. Y., and by all his a gents throughout the Union. AGENTS..). M. Rkdmond, Turbo ro V. S. Makshali.. II dif.ix. Spts wood Si Robkiitson', Petersburg. A. Du val. Richmmd. C. Hall, Norfolk. E. E. Portlock, Portsmouth. Lewis John ston, Washington, D. C. Mojitimeu &t Mowbray, IVihimore. Dt. 4, I 8ot5. Dr. CELEBRATED Fever and dtgue Pills. nil HIS widely extended and most admi rable Remedy for Fever and Ague, and other Fevers, which has already ren dered such benefit, and proved a sure and speedy cure for the above named disor ders, is particularly 1 ceo. amended to pub lic notice. On first feeling the premonitory symp toms occur, it is advisable at once to clear thoroughly the stomach and bowels. In no way can litis be better and less incon veniently elL-cted, than by taking a few doses of Evans's purifying Fills, the value and well authenticated virtues of which medicine have been, and still are, too apparent to call for fuither comment. They lend to promote a healthy secretion of the Bile, and render the system capable of receiving with benefit the invigorating Jlnd strengthening Pills. Sold at Dr. Evans's medical establish-! ment, 100 Chatham street, N. V. and by his authorized agents throughout ihe. Union. At ENTS. J. M.Redmono, Tarbo ro F. S. Mmisiiall, Halifax. Srois wood Si Kobkutson, Petersburg. A. Du val, Kii bmond. C. Hall, Norfolk, fc, Portlock, Portsmouth. Lkwis John ston, YVaskh eum, D. C. Moktimer fe ftiov.xRAY, Baltimore. Dec. 4, 1638. e v Iloolts, Pamphlets, Stationary, fc. rjpHE Primitive li.iptisf, vols. 1,2, and 3, neatly hound anil lettered, A concise Hi "lory of il.e Kehukee As sociation, by Elder .los. Piggs. McNeill's and Horn's Poems Latin Grammar, I listeria? Sacra, Sic. The Patriotic Discourse, Huskct ol Pi agmenls, Mousii gnawing nut ol tin Catholic trap, and No otln r than P.tptist chinches have a right to bj called Chris tian churches.: by Ehlcr Joshua Lawrence Also, writing piper white, pink, and traw coined letter piper ink powder, rpiil!, Idank cards fed lead pencils wrap ping p iper, &.C. for sale by GEO. HOWARD. Pjirrro, A pril 2 ". mi Cotton Gins. ripflE Subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he still continues to carry on the Gin making Business, At his lb 1 mer s' and, In Greenville, Pitt county, AT C. Wheie those wishing new Gins can b supplied with either German or polished cast steel saws at the shortest notice. Those having Gins out of order had best send them in at as early a day as con venient. When all wait (is isnsu.iilv the case) until they want to usp them, it is sometimes impossible to furnish them within the lime required. In connection with this establishment, con linues (o cany on the Lock unci Gunsmith business, The making of Saw Aill Roxe.s, Mil. Inks and Gudgeons, and Mill Spindles. with Seel Collars, (turned,) iq ual to an in the United Slates. All orders in Ids line of business will be thankfully received, and faithfully and promptly executed on reasonable terms. NO Ii FLEET I'VE A'. January 30, ls:i8. test Gallon Gins. HFMITC subscriber has removed from Tar- borough, and established himself on the Raleigh road, near the store of .1. C. Knight, on C;.key, where lie continues The making and repairing Cotton Gins. AH those who wi-h to supply themselves with Gin . the best quality, are re-pcl-hilly solicited to apily to Il.e Subscriber isonallv, or by letter. All ordeis lor Gins will !' promptly executed. Gins ut ',f order wili be expeditiously re p . i red. Person-: wishing lo In ve work execul'd. will p't Ms,- h-ave their orders at the store ol I. C. Knight, E q. SAMUEL D. PROCTER. Fc1 rrii v 5'b. W -J a lJA $ House, Landscape & Gniamenlal WMMTING. rUR Subscriber re-pectftd!y inform? the citizens of K lf combe counlv, that he has located himself In Tarbarough) When1 ho i prepared to execute all orde rs in his line ol business. Those wishing giS sideboard-!, itli?-.j chair,-fire scieens and Ihe like painteil, will bring them to the co.cli shop of Mr. Terrell. He will have town and go into the eounlry, when house painting is required. All ot del s in his line ol business w ill be thankloliy received and bithluliy executeil on reasonable terms. LEWIS DE ARQUER. Taibnro', Feb. 26 Corn Shelters. .. o & N exefllrnt new Corn Slieller, mad-, by Mr. John Wilson, of Hamilton, can be had on reasonable ami accommoda ting term, on application AT THIS OFFICE. December 26. THE CAUSE OF Uilious Complaints, Jlnd a made of cure. A WELL REGULATED and propor tionate quantity of bile upon the stom ach is always requisite far the promotion of sound health it stimulates digestion, and keeps the intestinal canal free from all obstructions. On the inferior surface of the liver is a peculiar bladder, in which the bile is first preserved, being formed by the liver from the blood. Thence it lasses into the stomach and regulates the indigestion. Thus we see when there is a deficiency of bile, the body is constant ly costive. On the other hand, an overa bundance of bile, causes frequent nausea in the stomach; and often promotes very severe attacks of disease, w hich sometimes end in death. Fevers are always preceded by symp toms of a disordered stomach; as are also scrofulous disorders, and all sympathetic functional, organic or febrile diseases. From the same cause, the natural and healthy action of the heart, and the whole vascular system is impaired and reduced below its natural standard; as exhibited in palpitations, languid pulse, torpors of ihe limbs, ncope, anil even death itself, in consequence of an overabundance of a pe culiar ofictisive substance to the digestive organs. The approach of bilious diseases is at all times attended by decided symptoms of an existing diseased state of the stom ach and bowels; i. e. wiih those signs which are known to point out their con tents to be of a mm hid irritating nature; liul w henever the alimentary canal hap pens to be loaded with irritating matter, ome derangement of the healthy opera lion, either of the general system or ol some particular organ of the body is the certain result; and when this state happens to be united with any other symptoms ol disease, its fleets are always thereby much iggravated. The progress of organic obstruction is ofieu so rapid as scarcely to admit of lime for the application of such aid as is to be offered by art, yet, in gene ral, the premonitory symptoms of gastric I ad are perceptible for a day or two pre vious to the feverish paroxism, a period, when the most efficacious assistance may be given, by unloading the stomach and alimentary canal of its irritutiui; contents, and thus reducing the susceptibility of dis ease. .HoITaVs JLifc JlctUcincs, Should always be taken in the early stages of bilious complaints; and if persevered in strictly accoidiog to the directions, will I.HkI'IIuIv .(!. I 1 CHIP . , . , ..v ... ... v.. The mineral medicines often prescribed in these diseases, although they may effect 1 leomorarv cure at the same time create iinl unhealthy stale of the blood and con quentl lend to promote a return of the very disease which they are employed to cure. It is then by the use of purgative, h lusively formed ol vegetable compounds which possessing within themselves m !t b terious agencies, whi h decomposition 'i-mhiuatiou, or alteration can (level. npn 01 ini'ig into action, and therefore capable ol producing no effect save that which is de s red that a safe remedy is found. T2ae ILs&FiHs & Phcsaax E3iUrrs Have proved to be the most happy in their effects in cases id' bilious diseases of any joirely vegetable preparation ever cdiVred o the public, If the stomach is foul, they cleanse it by exciting vomiting or nausea in the stomach stimulating the neighhoriog vicera, as the liver and pancrass, so as to produce a more copious flow of their se cretions into the intestines; stimnlatinu the exhaleut capillaries, terminating in the in ner coat, w bich an increased flow of the useless particles of the body, foreign mai lt rs, or retained secretions, are completely discharged. For sale wholesale and retail by the proprietor. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, Mo I5madway to whom till letters rela tive to the Medicines or orders must be directed. fXjr The Good Samaritan, explaining mole fully Mr. Meflit's theory of diseases, may be had gratis at the office, 375 Broad way. New Y01 k. GEO HOWARD, Atrent. Tarboro', N. C Sept. 1839. Jvoticc. rgl ! 1 E subscribi r iulorms the citizens ol Edgecombe county, and the public generally, that he has commenced Ihe V h chvright business, ?i,y.4 4,- ..- .jj, , In the ?hop formerly occupied by Isaac I J Bradv. in Tarborouh. Gigs. &c. will be repaired in the most xpeditious manner, and on the most rea sonable term. STEPHEN BRADLEY. April 5, 1539. 14 cm PsTciv and Splendid FALL AND WINTER M1LL1JYER Y9 $?c. S now opening her fall supply of Good, selected by herself with the greatest care and attention, and eompiising an ex tensive ami general assoitmenl of the most s ijieib and fanciful, as well as neat and useful article, in the Uliiiinei'y Isbic Among h i Goods will be found A variety of beaut iful pattern bonnet, la test and most approved style, Fiotcnce and Leghorn braid, French, En glish and fancy straw Bonnets, French, velvet and fancy Fhtwpis, Gro de Algiers, Gro de Np, &e. Plain, figl and watered silk and satins, Mode, Florences, plain and figl Net, Thread, tdond and dotted laces, Veils, collars, cap, curls, Vn extensive assoitmcnt of ribb ins, &e.. S!.e invile an inspection of her Good, as she is confident they canno f.il to gtvi satisfaction as respects quabty and pi ice. Tarboro', Nov 9, 139. $25 Reward. PAN A WAV from the Sub scri'ier, at Hamilton, Martin conn ty, on Thursday, I lie 15;h instant. J. ) my negro noun vo 'ui 5 feet 6 or S inches high, 25 or 30 years ol ag , very black and has a good set of teeth. Nelson was partly raised by Spencer I) Oollnn. of Tartiorough. ami h- s a wife a Mr.Grissom Pittman's,S or 10 miles Iron Ei flehl, and is well known Ihrcngh Tar borough and the great' r part of E g combe county. I will give the ab ve i. ward lor his appi elomsinn if dtliv irl t. me. at Plymouth, Washington coun'y, oi if confined in any jiil so that I get Inn agon. A II p'Tsons are cautioned gaius iiat b o ing or cai rying oil' said negro undo penally of the I j w. HENRY DOWNING. Aurot 1 7i h, 1839. 31 100 Reward. JTANAWaY from the Subscriber, on the 1 tih November, 1S3G, in gro man SPENCER, Ag-d about 26 yeari, 5 ice' 6 or 7 inches u height, weighing about 150 pounds, yr I lo v eomp!eXio-t with a pleasant look i o -eais ormai ks known of. S.nd netr,,, i()1 oo rly hi longed to Mosps Tison, in Pi f county wnerc he was raised. I he above reward will he paid for his apprehension uid delivery to me in Greene county, 9 miles from Siautonsburg on the Raleigh road, or lodged in any j dl so that I get him 'r dn. A I! ner-ons are forewrn npil .Krainci harboring, emnlovimr. or carrvinsr oil' saiil negro, under penalty of the law. EENJ. C. D. EASON. Nov 29. 1837. 48 $50 Reward. RAN A WAY, a sliorf time deee, n m-gro man nan e l HARDY, belonging to John S. Randolph, who recent ly removed fiom this counlv to Florida. This negro is supposed to be lurking about Tarboro', and is so well known that it is de.-med unnecessary to give a description of him. 1 am author ised toofTerthc above reward for his ap jire.hension, if delivered to me or seemed in any j;ul so that his owner can get him again. All persons are forbid h.ir noting or carrying off said negro, undei penalty of the law. D. RICHARDS. T;,rboro March 14, 1 SM9. 11 Cotton Gins. fglHF, Subscriber offers for sale on vrr moderate and accommodating terms, Tzvo Cotton Gins, One of 37, and the other of 40 sa w the sire bo ib in prime order and ready fut immediate vse. GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro, August l- Constables ttlanhs for sale, AT THIS OFFICE. Halifax Counttr. r . rmilE undersigned having opened m Mor, in Scotland Neck d S the m.me of Clark's Store, have estabf h ed themselves under the style and firm of Peebles, Fenncr fc Co. Design commencing sale on Tuesday nP the 15'h inst., will keep on hand a eener al assortment of b Say, Groceries, Fine Liquors, TJnj Goods of all description, Ciitleri, Crockery, Stone ware Some Medicines, Shoes & Boots Saddles and Hridles, 5 Castings assorted, Good and superior Tobacco, ami other articles loo ltdions lo note. They beg the favor of the citizens of the Neck and its vicinity to call and ex mine their stock of Goods, a i hey are lisposed to sell on reasonable terms. They being well acquainted with all ihe principal merchants ol Petersburg Ulj sake pleasure in having Cotton or anyoih r pioduce sold if delivered at Ibdifajf entrusted to their care, their set vice rendered gratis. JAS. M. PEEBLES 42 5 IV I L L A M FEXXKft J NO U PR RULES APPROVED Patent Jflcdidncs. WOFFAT'S Life r,jj ;uui p!fV i!; BitU'is, ,i cftlaiu and sp?tdv inn dy in all c.ises of eosti vene.--. dy s,,; iulious and liver alf-ctioiis, s- tl r.'i;: settled pains, t hi umn) i.-tt- uhej j, r , ?.r0!i. c or it fl tmniatriiy, fevei s -a il nr stinate headaches, impure sue of p,e :ds. uidiealthy app;3i ance of iii- k . nervous debility, ihe sieUness im'ivi.i i 'emales in del.cate healib, e.v-r k,; a 'eakness of the tligesiive c.igaus, neial derangi-ments of be.dth. Hvan& cumomilv Vilh, a if; ai d speedy cure lor uy speps.n or ,0;; 'ion, j-uiudice, diin hies, cbob i; , e; liver complaint, &.c. Evans1 (ever and am f'M, i suit cure lor those disou r?. 1 ; t ily tnjr j.ulls lend to prr-mote a l.e.-.oi.v se cretion id' the bib-, and m.det the. .system c:tpjt)le of receiving with hem fit the in vigorating and stn ngthening pilis. Evum Soothing tyrup, far children teething. This invaluable reme dy has preserved hundreds f children, wnen thought past recovery, from con vulsions, levers, &c. GoeUche's Matchless Sanative, a medicine which is obtained equally from the veg table, animal, and nmaial Kingdoms, and thus presses U,ree fold power a medicine which, tin uj?ii ii-i.- ed as a remedy for ruiisumiiiou stddy, is possessed of a mysterious influence over many di-cases of the human system, viz: pdsy, fits, dropsy, emaciation, pleurisy, gout, piles, dysentery, gravel, spine com plaints, nervousness, asthma, &c. Peters' vegetable anti-bilious Pills, a certain cure for liver complain!. jaundice, bilious fever in its incipient si;i:e, lever and ague, dyspepsia, sick head -iche, nei vou-ncss, nlusea, lowness of spi rits, ij.; on the stomach, and blotched or sallow complexion. llehicitlCs anti-dyspeptic Pills, a most valuable medicine for the cute ef dyspepsia, and the prevention of bilious fevers, colic, &c. &c. Carter's Southern Eheumalic Hmbrocation, a spet dy cure for ilnuma lim, chilblains, sprains, numbness, and stillness of the joints, ike. Parson's pectoral balm of Car- ragen, or liish moss, a sale and certain remedy for coughs, colds, asthmas hoop ing cough, shortness of breath, spilling of blood, consumption, Sac. The afflicted man's Friend, or Ointment ol many virtues, much celt bra ted lor the cure of scrofula or King's vil, ringworm, goitre, inflamed eyes, burrs, scalds, chilblains, breaking out oi. did dren's heads, eruption, or pimp'e- on ie lace, breaking out on the muulh, scot b :! ic ulcere, & ulcerated sore leg, soie bi easts, and cancerous humors. Harrison's adhesive plaster, far superior lo any that Ii3s hitherto been dis covered. In consequence of its amazing dhesive qualities it is engaged, that tht Plaster will maintain it hold with perti nacity where none other can b- had to stick at all, that it is perfectly sedative, and that there is nothing whatever irrita ble in its composition. Printed directions accompany the above valuable and highly approved patent me dicines, for sale by - GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', August 24.

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