U. il !L11L!! Land and Negroes fit Public Side. "ILL BE SOU), 10 Uc highest bid der. OH WmIi.m1; ih- 29th ol January next, at Mount Piepect, the re sid nee of lite late Exam Lewis, dte'd, in Kdi P'mhf pmiihi v, Twenty-two ZVcgroos, Of d(fient ;ine- .m l iz ' jno-it 150 or 200 hanels ol Corn, and five shares in the Wilmington and Koanuke Bail Unad. Six months credit will be allowed, liy giving h ltd iind ;t)j)ioved security, with a deduction of the interest if cah p 13 -ments be preferred. ALSO, at the same time and place, (if not disposed of before,) will he s dd. tlx Land lying on ihe south side of Swiii Creek, containing About 1200 Acres. It will be divided into three tracts (as it appears natuially to bt ) of about 400 acre each. The purchaser giving bond and appn-ved sritnitv, a li'end credit will mumI say 'e f t 1 i twi y avs, with an allowatice of the interest if any cash pay nirnis. hi- made. JVrsons wishing to buy the land, would do well .to look at it hi fore the day ot sab, a it lie v til miles o(f. Mr. K in I in Lmvis, living at Mt. Prospect, ivi ride over the land with stici as may want lo view i. JOHN W. LEU 'IS. l . thos c hun ter 5 rs. Mt. Prosp ct. E dgreomti. . N C. . , 16 h D er. I3fl. S If: mm. I lfi .'?'-'. I I hand for Sale. .ico Ai:as. - D& ITT i w oppoiiunities such as the ' present, are r If ;red In those who are in q-.ipsf j hud in this section of the St ile, having those advantages which all d-cm neeessaiy, nan ely a iiealthy loea tion, soil well adapted to any thing, a fine luci large It welling House, i 1 1 mm With other impr-ovements, well watered and of the besi q laiity, ar.d generally ad tniffd fir tin' bt auty ol its location, nn or d'lly io'ig!d)oi ho n! , oul in a word, e verv adv int.'g!' that ihf I o mcr couhl ak for. T;js is a laiihlul description of this Farm, which, Ir.im inv anxiety to engage in -i!U e-.t''pi;K' v n hi he sdd ccr taiul a a gr :ii fner'jive. This phce is well suited to thosp, who IcirMigih" climate ol the lower section of N. Cooliiiit dining ihf sij;T,,!:t.r ;jn( tumnal mont lw, coo; m ody h-.tve home an nu dly at C"n-i If i able inconvenience. Pi-rsons wisVdng to pMrct ase are tf-s pectlully invilfl lure, and 1 will with pleasure show tlutn the premises. side ni e miles below L Miishurg and or. the public road to 11 ditax loan E RULCON Fianklin count v, N. l)"c 's.i tsf JList of JLcllcrs, Iienwjnhir in the Pes! Ojjive at Tarho riiUgh. the 1st of .Liny I 8 m, ivh 'ci if not token out before the t oj SJprit next, will be sent I; the Gene ral Post (JJice an dead tellers. Anderson Henry 2 Knight .1 C Bcnneti Mark Knight I) Bunting Lawrence 2 Kitehan Wm P Bullock Ann Mrs Knight William Batts William Bii.hJy I IS .own D ns n 7?iyan William I) U swell Jesse Long William Lloyd J It L d John Mangum Sarah May.) lit nhen JJiyzu Henry H Mmgiiii Jas S Clerty Lunslnrd R M inning J & V Ciieity Elizabeth M.mning Wtshy Cosway ( ullen McCarty Wm Cross HanI Macnaii Kl;z ' (Iross Su-an ni Mrs Philips .la J 2 Donaldson William Philips- Phereby J 2 D iggau John S PMwa W I) Daniel William Pender Jodiua Dibble C B 2 Price Thomas Kveret D hrougb 2 Parker Hlizihpth T Fieeman Silly Mrs K'ives Jtdin G Geiuge James 2 It ss John ft Gnfii, Edmund liamseA? Wair J Gr.e i W P Siaton'y.ker Garten Joseph J 2 S'atnn Jas A 2 HardySuahotP. ggySievv'i S.imuel Howt II JuliLa jsS Shjriir 2 H trdy Mary 1 Mrs T,'y(), J(1in limes Wilham H Vincen' F I? 2 Hunter C G Wiluiiw MaryMrs Jones Wilha Vi!S()n A ) Judkins Rebecca Wi!Uams Orcwry KillebrewGeialdus.I Wi2gins Wrio-ht jAs. M. REDMOND, P. M. Pleasant Hill Jlcademy. rSI II E subset iber nsidirig on the road Iron. Nashville to SiiUN Cios Roads, near Sills'-, a high healthy location, Nash county, IV. C. Has employetl JMi&s Mann to teach a Ft mde School ihe next ye;if , w lo will teach trading, writing, arithmetic, Jvighsh grammar, g"gt aphy, history, philosophy, geometry, chemistry, otnane.i l medi work, music, drawing and painting I In school will Cf.mniene- tin- 2 1 of January. IVn or twelv - young ladies can b aeemn undated as b aid r. lie is also auihoi i scd lo sHv, ll. 0 tMr. John ?r.iwtll who 1 1 v i s at the same pltce, would take a h.w ioat (h rs. Per session of five months i?,a.d, - - S3') 00 M.isic, - 15 00 Knghsh branches, - 7 50 Drawing and painting, 5 00 JAMES HARRISON Dee'r 29, 1 4 HccttsimicHilcd hy tlc Faculty. Brs. Jl. J IlarrcWs CKLKBKATtl) PREPAItEi) MEDICINES. TlltaE NLW A.N U PLtA ANT JiE.MLUl ES Tlitir jllttrative Extract of Sarsctpirilhi and Liloud Hoot. This is a valuable remedy in the cuie ofati uhdu or King's vv hue swelliiig, j).iiu.s in Hie bones, ulcerous sores, eriijtioU. ol i tie skin, i lii.-tiui.tiii.iii, sa pniiiiic ami uici -Viiri ji iij' t.liotis, deLiililv, mul all itise-ses .iiiahtg lion: unpoiitses ol the blood, til nop. nt d coiisiiuilious Iro.n long liatiits ol ei essive dissipation, price per b aile. J'litir liiijjiovtd tixtruct of 6m snjjunlla and ; ubtba. For the cure ol chimin: llieaes of the niut mis uiciiihrane, such its (iyemeiy, eiu hoi rlit-a. yieels, i icltii es, liei tool i Inn ilat all cliuiis, )ul espet l ally iorgouonhea in .til its ai.iges, catarriis ol mucous sui la ces, mire particularly liie lungs, kidneys, & tlieir appe'idages. Piice l per boiile. I'htir Concentrnttd Extract ofiSuchu and Uca Ursi. For curing diseased urinary organs, such as gravel, morbid irritation and chronic iufl unmatioii of the kidneys, ure ters, bladder and urethra: also, diseases of the prostrate gland, loss of tone in pas sing urine, cutaneous affections and rheu matism. Price $1 2o per bottle Tlieir Febrifuge or Camomile Tonic. For the cure of all debilities, loss of ap petite, but especially for Fever and Ague lor which it has been more particuhtrU pr pared. This medicine is so compoun ded as lo meet this troublesome disease in all its stages, ami its ingredients so powerfully concentrated as to produce an fPctual cure of the most obstinate cases In t;kiug a lew doses. Price s 1 per bottle. their .Ltd spasmodic or Caninhorated 4 A Cordial . Designed to cure excessive vomittiog, diarrhea, cholera morbus, Asiatic cholera, pain in the stomach, cramps, hysteric?., colics, h pocoudi i i, sp isms, convulsion and muiteiing delirium in the low forms ol bilious lever It is a fine, substitute fui p iregoric. Price 75 cents per bottle. Thiir Couih J ixtttre. of Carrageen A toss and Squills. For the cure o( diseased Lungs, chron ic v-Cl i tions ol the stomal h and bowels. and all diseases produced bv-suddeo chan ges iu temperature. ( Price 75 cents per bottle. Tu-ir Slnti bilious Tomato Pills. These pills combine the extract of To mato and Slippery Elm, with several of the most approved remedies of ihe Mate m...i: i :r . .i. i! i i.i .nniii ,i, -riu.i it taiieii according k direefmns, will cure all diseases within the . i. . i' i . leaeuoi nuiuan menus. as a cathartic they are copious and free; as an aperient they are mild and certain; as a tonic they are prompt and invigorating: as an altera tive they are superior to calomel or any other known remedy, and as a purifier of the blood, they are unequalled in the his tory of medicines. Price 50 cents per box. Their Superfine Tooth Powder. For curing and hardening the gums, leaning, preserving and keeping white the te (h, and lor sweetening the breath Price 50 t ents per box. The above preparations are c fl' red to the public generally and Physicians espe cially, not as nostrums, or panaceas, but as neat and con enient preparations made on stiictly s ieulifi pi iuciples. They con tain the-active virtues n their respective ingredients, iu a concentrated form, and will do all iu removing disease that such medicines can possibly t fi'-ci. Since their invention, many afflicted with the prece ding diseases -have been restored by their transcendent virtues; and the great and de sirable reward of. health still awaits those who avail themselves of their use accord ing lo prescribed, directions. They are for sale at the office of GEO. HOWARD, Agent. Tarboro Nov. 20. JYoticc. rg1 H R Copirlneiship heretofore exist ing iu the name of Hin ts 'j llorne, Is this day dissolved by muuitl consent. John U. llorne is aulitorized to attend to all the unsettled business ol the concern. WILLIs M BUliT TWMsiS S HUIiTm JOHN U. UOHNi:. Stantonshnrg, Ajiril 30' h, IS:). is Notice. Tj hereby given, thai 1 h ive taken ihe Guardianship f KVivsoxi Hell, Son of Whitmeil Bell, df ee;.s. d. . AUSTIN. N v. 2, 1S39. THE CAUSE OF Bilious Complaints, Jind a mode of cure. WELL KEGULVTED and propor tionate quantity of bile opou the stom ach is always requisite for the promotion ol sound health it stimulates digestion, and keeps the intestinal canal free from all obsli iu lions. Oil the inferior surface oi the liver is a peculiar bladder, in which, the bile is first preserved, beinn formed by the liver from the blood. Thence it passes into the stomach and regulates the indigestion. Thus we see when there is a di liciency of bile, flie body is constant ly costive. On ihe other baud, an overa bundance of hjlef causes frequent nausea lo ihe stomaeh :iud nfo u m-oiuotH v to v severe attacks of disease, which sometiu.Js end iit (le;tih I'Wrs'ari always preceded hy symp- loms ola disordered stoma. I, : as are also!""1 .'P'. P"y-"..au aiwny in i scrolulous disortlei s, and all sympathetic luoi tioiial, organic or febi ile diseases. From the same cause, the natural and beailiiy action of the bearl, and ibe whole vasi tilar system is impaired am) reduced below its natural standard; as exhibited in palpitations, languid pulse, torpors of the iimbs,sy ucope, and even death itself, in consequence of an overabundance of a pe culiar ollensive Substance to the digestive: organs. ! The approach of bilious diseases is at all times attended by decided symptoms of an existing diseased state of the stom ach and bowels; i. e. with those signs which are known to point out their con tents to be of a morbid irritating nature; but whenever the alimentary canal hap pens to be loaded with irritating matter, some derangement of the healthy opera tion, either of the general system or of some particular organ of ihe body is the certain result; and v hen this state happens to be united with any other symptoms of disease, its efieets are always thereby mm h aggravated." The progress of organic obstriu lion is often so rapid as scarcely to admit of time for the application of sm h aiil as is to be oflercd by art,' yet, in gene ral, the premonitory symptoms of gastric load are perceptible for a day or iwo pre iousto i!u 'eeri?h paroxism, a period, hen the most efficacious assistance may he given, by unloading the stomach and alimentary canal of its irritating contents, and thus reducing the susceptibility of dis ease. llGiTm'iVs ILife rflcd'icims, Should always be taken in the eartystages id bilious complaints; and if persevered in sirii 1 1 according to the directions, wi oositivelv efiV'i t a cure. The mineral medicine often prescribed iu these diseases, although they may effect a.temp irarv cure at the same time create and unhealthy state of the blood and con s queutly tend to promote a return of the very disease which they are employed to cure. It is then by the use of purgatives, exclusively formed of vegetable compounds which possessing within themselves no deleterious agencies, which decomposition combination, or alteration can develope or bring into action, and therefore capable ol producing no effect save that which is de sired that a safe remedy is found. The "Lsic Pills & Placnix Batters Have proved to be the most happy in their effects in cases of bilious diseases ol any purely vegetable preparation ever offered to the public. If the stomach is foul, they cle.n.se it by exciting vomiting or nausea in the stomach stimulating the neighboring vicera, as the liver ami paucrass, so as lo produce a more copious fltw of their se cretions into the intestines; stimulating the exhalent capillaries, terminating in the in ner coat, which an increased flow of ihe useless particles of the body, foreign mat ters, or retained secretions, are completely discharged. For sale wholesale and retail hy liV proprietor. WILLIAM B. -MOFFAT. 375 Br a iway to whom all letters rela live to the Medicines or orders must be directed. " ' (XT The Good Samaritan, explaining more fully Mr. Moffat's theory of diseases, may be bad gratis at the office, 375 Broad way, New York. GEO. HOWARD, Agent. Tarboro', N. C. Sept. 1839. AN HIGIILiY Important Caution To the Public. "Cave ne tituhes" Beware of falling. gjOCTOU EVANS, 100 Chatham street, takes the present opportunity ol tendering his mr.si unfeigned ackuoal edgements lo the numerous patients affiici fd with the various form of disease inci dent to humanity who' have committed themselves to his care, ami he has ihe sat isfaction of knowing from many living evidences, that bis remedies have removed or relieved their respective maladies, as lar as lies within the compass of human means. How distressing to the afflicted is Dyspepsia or Indigestion, poisoning all the sources of his enjoyment, and leading in many instances to the mise ries ol hvpneoudi lacism. Lone as it has been made the subject of inquiry by medi cal authors it remains involved iu much obscurity. Jiundice, Uiarhoeat Cholera, and Colic, also performs a conspicuous part in the drama ol morbid afiections DS. EVANS has been singularly suc cessful in the treatment of ihe above com plaints by remedies drawn from the re searches of the most eminent physicians in Europe. He has also had vast experience and success throughout the whole family of delicate diseases, all of which are for the most part aggravated by, and rooted in ihe constitution, by the conspiracies of mvr curiirf murderers unprincipled, uneducated and unpractised in any art save that of at tempting to lead the credulous on the road Ur. Evans' office is supplied uith lM( ' 'u),resl remedies Irom loieign mar- k(' "'"1 ' ''mpouuded on the most scien- tendance, and all those who come there in the hour of need will go off rejoicing. I. Wm. Evans' Aiedical office 100 Chatham. ml.'lhmn. three years' standing. Mr. Ilt.beft IMonroe, Schuylkill, afflict ed with the above distressing malady. Symptoms: Gi eat languor, flatulency, disturbed rest, nervous headache, difficulty ol breathing, tightness and stricture across the breasl, dizziness, nervous irritability and restlessness, could not lie in a hori zontal position without the sensation of impending suffocation, palpitation of the heart, distressing cough, costiveness, pain of the stomach, drowsiness, great debility and deficiency of the nervous energy. Mr. ii. Monroe gave up every thought of re covery, and dire despair sat on the counte nance of every person interested in his ex istence or happiness, till by accident he noticed in a public paper some cures effect ed by Dr. Wni. Evans' medicine in his complaint, which induced him to purchase a package of the Pills, which resulted in completely removing every symptom o. his disease, lie wishes to say his motive for ibis declaration is, that those flicted with the same or any symptoms similar to those from which he is happily restored, may likew iae receive the same inestimable benefit. 'XT' Liver Complaint, ten years' standing. Mrs. Hannah Brow ne, vv ife of Joseph Browne, North Sixth si., near Second st., Williamsburgh, afflicted for the last ten years with Liver Complaint, restored lo health through the treatment of Dr. Wm. Ecinis. Symptoms: Habitual constipa tion of the bowels; total loss of appetite, excruciating pain of the epigastric region, great depression of spirits, languor and other symptoms of extreme debility, dis turbed sleep, inordinate flow of the menses, paiuiu the right side, could not lie on her left side, without an aggravation of the pain, urine high coloured, with other symptoms indicating great derangement iu the functions of the liver. Mrs. Browne was attended by three o. the first physicians, hut received but little relief from their medicine, till Mr. Browne procured of Dr. Wm. Evans invaluable preparations which effectually relieved her of the above distressing symptoms, with others, which it is not essential to intimate. JOSEPH BROWNE. City and County of New York, ss. Joseph- Browne, Williamsburgh, Long Island, being duly sworn, did depose and say that the facts as set forth in the within statement, to which he has subscribed his name, are just and true. JOSEPH BROWNE, Husband of the said Hannah Browne. Sworn before me, this 4th day of Janu- arv, IS37. PETER PINCKNEY, Com. of Deeds. Paralytic Rheumatism. A perfect cure effected by the treatment of Dr.' W. Ev ans. Mr John Gibson, of North Fourth street, Williamsburgh. AGENTS J. M. Rfduond, Tarbo ro'. F. S. Marshaix,. Halifax. Spots- wood & Robertson, Petersburg. A Du val, Richmond. C. Hall, Norfolk. E. E. Portlock, Portsmouth. Lewis John ston, Washington, D. C Mortimer Si Mowbray, Baltimore. Dec. 4, 1838. assortment op IVetv and Fashionable Just received and for sale ai astonishingly LOW PKICES, 11 the Cheap Cash Store rjnHE Subscriber solicits a call from his customer and ihe public generally, confident he can exhibit by far the LARGEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL &!oc2c of Fancy and Staple Ever feccxi i:i Tarborougli. Having made hi purchases principally at sJuction for Cash, he has succeeded in laying in his Hoods greatly below their value, and is deli -indued to sell at a very small advance for Cash or Country I'roiiticc In his assortment are Suppifjne btoad Cloths, from $l to SS, Cussi meres, very low, 50 pieces Sattinctis, from 35 cents lo the finest made, 2S ps Kentucky Jeans, from SO cts to 62, .SO ps white & red Flannels, 20 to 1 124, 34 ps plain & figM Merinoes, very cheap, 60 figured and plain colored Silks, of the most fashionable colois and patterns, at low price-, 10 ps black and plain figured Silks, of a most superior quality, and at prices that must please, 56 p-5 Mouseltn de Lain?, among which ate some elegant patterns, 30 cts to Si, Chaliys, handsome and cheap, lit-sutiful broche, chinclle, merino and plaid Shawls, in great variety, cheap. Piaid satin Scarfs, and rich fancy Hand- kerchiefs, cheap, Fashion aide bonnet, cap, and belt Ribbon-;, in immense variety, 6Tjf4A p CALICOES, of the newest 0 FW Myfl) tlon) 6x lo 35 cer),s lhe greatest bargains f ver offered, , French Prints, handsome and cheap, 50 pa furniture Calicoes, from S to 20 cts. 200 Women's straw Bonszct i'Cri CK r 'mi From 37 cenls lo the finest mnde, Misses Bonnets, Plain flowered andcheck'd Muslins, evc - ry variety, Bleached and brown Shirtings, Sheeting?, and Jcan, 20 ps bed Tick, 10 cK to the finest made, A very largo? stock of tv gro Blankets, at won el r I ! y low prices, Rose and Mackinaw Blankets, cheap, 50 ps negro cloth, 20 cents and upwards, 21 di zm wool ILits, 40 cts. and upwards, Men's and boys Fine and common Ias, cheap. Fur, cloth, and sealed Caps, an immense variety, at very low prices, Men's Cloaks, S'i and upward?, Biauket and cloth OvercoalsJ, Women's Cloaks in great variety, from $3 lo the finest made, 6 dozen ready made Vest?, cheap, Ladies and Misses Corsets, Lacels, &c. Victoria and corded Skirls, Silk, col Ion, and woolen Hosiery, of eve ry -variety, Ladies silk, kid, Berlin & beaver G!ove? Men's hoskin, buck and wool-m Gloves, Bubhinelt Laces, Edgings and Inscrlings, 4 4 white and bl.ck Bobbiucll, Black Lace lor I rimming, 150 natr-mpn's rnnrs tipunr 1 " s.w.. .HUIJ fetes Men's calf Boot, Piutif lla quarter Boots, 600 pair men's russet and black Brogans, from No 6 lo 14, Ihe greatest bargain c ver offered, 200 pr boys black and russci Brogan?, all sizs, 400 pr men's lined and bound kip Bro gaus, cheap, Men's high and low quartered calf Shoes, Mens pumps slippers and niocasjns, Ladies extra fine kid and French morocco Slippers, black and colored, most fash ionable style, Ladies' colored silk Gaiters, Prunella, morocco, and leather Shoes and Slippers, of very variety, Women's leather and morocco Boots, Girls and children's Shoes and Boots, of every dcsciiption, ? Sule and upper L athpr. ' A large and jjeneral acoitmpnt of Culle iy. Hardware, China. Glass, and Crockery ware, GROCERIES, c. Besides the above will be found, almost every article usually kept in similar Es tablishments, all of which is now offered at such exceedingly low prices, as cacnot fail to meet the views of the greatest economists. JAS. WEDDELL. i Tarboro', Nor. 4, 1539 n