COFFIELD ra'fi, MERCHANT TAILOR, TT ESPKCTFULLY informs his friends and Ihe public generally, thai he ha." just received his splendid assurlment of IMILJL f.V22 WINTER , GOOD! VIZ: Superfine blue, black and green Cloths, 13 row n and Cad t mixt do. Beaver and pilot Cloths, fur ovei routs, Cassimeies, of most fashionable sivh-, Drab and buff do. PI ain black & figured Velvets for vesting. Woolen Velvets and figured Valencia?, do. riguredand plain baliu, do. A splendid assortment of Silk vesting, Net shirts and draws, Plain black & fig'd satin Stocks with bows, do do bombazpen, do Bosoms, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, &c He invites an inspection of his Hoods, as he is confident lliey cannot fail to give satisfaction as respects quality and puce (pfJentlemen who wish their clothes made up, can have them made and trim med in the most fashionable style. All orders from a distance will be punctually attended to. Tarboro, October, 1S39. Cotton Yarn, CHE.1F. HE subscribers, grateful for pvt fa vors, take great pleasure in advising their uumerous customers pf 1 further decline of the Prices OF THIS ARTICLE. They flatter themselves they are prepired to sell on as good terms as the article ol the same nudity can be procured else where. By assiduity and punctuality in business, they hope to leceive as hereto fore a liberal patronage. BATTLE fy BROTH ERS. November 18th, 1S39. JYotice. rglHE Subscriber is anxious to sell or lease the premises which she now oc cupies, In the town of Tarboro', mm. The buildings are in tolerable good repair I andthereare two 'Lois together. She! will sell or b ase on reasonable and ac I commodairg terms, and possession give-? when desired. MARY Mc WILLIAMS. Nov.28. 1S39. SWAIH'S Vorf A Carolina Justice. Containing a summary staiempnt of the Statutes and Common Law of this State, together with the Decisions of the Supreme Cour, and all the mo-: approved Forms and precedents, it la ting to the office and duty 0f a Justice of the Pi uce, m other Public Olhcers, according to modern practice, rjl TIE Subscribers hiving purchased of the Author, thy whole edition ol thi valuable Work, now cflV-r it fur Sale, to the Public, his pronounced by th se, competent to judge, one of the most v.du' able co.TipiLiions of the kind ever pub lished in the State, a:d absolutely indis pensable to the faithful dUeluige of olli cial duty. For convenience of reference, this work is divided into Cinpiers a'piubelic dly arranged, corresponding precisely will, those of the new Hevhed Statutes. Chapter consists of three d p;ntment: a summary of the Statute Law, hiiefly slated: 2d, a concise statement of the points relating to the subject of the Chap ter, so fjr as settled e'nh 'r by th; deris ions of the Courts or by the bok-, of the highest authority on the Com mon Liw. 3d, the Forms and Prece dents, necessary for applying the subject matter of each Clnpter, arc impauied with such Notes and ob ei v,iiidim js ap pear necessaiy to rcudci the whole intel ligible. This work will b? found not only use ful to every cl.m of public O.Iicers, but will prove a v ibubbr j-oiiicj of informa lion to the g'-neral rt adt-r, lurnishing as ir does a pi on and iut Higible dig- st ()f tin .Law, a unUuslood and practiced in this Statp. The retail price of the Justice is Three Dollars, but a liberal will be made to those who buy to sell again. TURNER $ HUGHES. R-deigh, December, lh39. (DThe subscriber has a few copies oi the above valuable and useful book for Ml, at the price stated. GEO. HOWARD: Books,' Pamphlets,- Stationary, &c. WQBm THE Primitive Uapti!, vol-. 1,2, and 3, neatly bound and lettered, A concise History of the Kehukee As sociation, Dy fcildf r Jos. litggs. McNeill's and D urn's Poems, Latin Grammar, Historian Sacra, Sic. The Patriotic Discourse. Basket of Fragments. Muuse ernawini out of th Catholic Iran, and No other than Baptist churches have a right to b called UhrU- tian churches: bv Elder Joshua Lwreoce Also, writing paper white, pink, and traw colored letttr piper ml; powder, qtnii, hlank cards, ed lead pencils, wrap pmg paper, &c. lor sale by GEO. HOWARD. Pa Thorn', April 25. Cotton Gins. nil HE Subscriber respectfully informs the public, -that he still continues to cairy on the Gin making Business, At his former s'and, In Greenville, Pill county, N. C. Where those wishing new Gins can In supplied with either German or polished cast steel saws at the shortest notice. Those having Gins out of order had best send them io at as early a day as con venient. When all wait (as js usually the case) until they want to use them, it is sometimes impossible to turnish them within the time required. ALLEN TiSON, In connection with this establishment, con tinues to earn on the Lock and Gunsmith business. The making of Saw Mill Boxes, Milt infes and uudgeons, and Mill Spindles, wish cyfeet Lotars, (turned,) cq ual to anj in the United States. All orders in his line of business will be thankfulh' received, and faithfully and promptly executed on reasonable terms. NOR FLEET TVER. January 30, 1S3S. Cotton Gins. rjpniIK subscriber has removed from Tar borough, and established himself on the Huieigh road, near the store of J. C. ivnight, on Cokey, where he continues The making and repairing Collon Gins. All those who wM to supply themselves with (lin of the best finality, are re-nrr!- fully solicited to apply to the Subscriber personalis-, or by letter. All orders for Gins will be promptly executed. ' (Jins out of order will he expeditiously rep aired. Person's wishing to Ivve work executed, will please leave their orders at the store of .1. C. Knight, Kq. SAMUEL I). PROCTER. February 5th. ha1. iw',v. UonsCy Landscape 6f Ornamental FAINTING. fMK Subscriber rosp,.rj f v iforrns ltd . r r . w tt.e citizens oi Edgecombe county, thai he ha- located him self In Tar borough, Where hn is prepared to execute all orders in his lino ol business. Those wishing gigs, sideboards, sitting chairs, fnc scieens and the like painterK will bring them to the coach shop of Mr! Terrell. He will leave town and go into the country, when house paintinir is renuir.t All orders in his line ol business will be thankliilly rtc rved and failhtully executed n ivas0na!)le terms. LEWIS DE ARQUER. Tar horn, Feb. 26 Notice. SSfDfl Mammo"i " hite silk " ' worm Hugs Also, a quantity olMorusMulticaulis, by the tree, foot, or bud for sale. Apply to rp , kt GE0' HOWARD. larboro', Nov. 27, 18S9. jYotice: fjin HE subscriber has received a small consignment of , Very heavy Cotton Bagging, 42$ inches wide, which he offers cheap for cash. JAS. fVEDDELL. Dpc. 5!.h. 1S39. JYotice. T1T FT V. siihsrrihor informs the cil iz?ns of Edgecombe county and the public generally! that he has commenced the Wheelwright business, In the shop formerly occupied by Isaac 15 lirady, in J arborough. Gisrs, &c. will be repaired in the most expeditious manner, and on the most rea sonable terms. STEPHEN BRADLEY. April 5, 1839. 14 Recommended by the Faculty. Tomato and Slippery JElm PILLS. rSHHRRE are manv fnmilv medicines ri J . . now before the public, some ol whu h, from their intrinsic virtues have juilv gained the confidence and gratitude of thousands; but in the light ol contrast, and in the scale of curative merit. Dr. Harr ell's Tomato and Slippery Elm Pills stand pre-eminently above them all; nor is an apology offered for taking this high ground, unless it is the fact of their snpe perior, and almost miraculous effects in the cure ol diseases. 1 hey produce, when la ken, a deep and lasting impression that they stand at the head ol all other prepar ed medicines of the day. Fevers, Liver afleciion?, Jaundice, head-ache, loss ol appetite, costiveness, female complaints and every disease within the reach of hu man means; yield readily to the power ful, yet gentle operation of these pills As a cathartic t.V'y are copious and free as an aperient they are mild and certain as a tonic they are prompt and iuvicoratincr as an alterative they are superior to Calo me! or any other known remedy, and as a punlyer of the blood they are unequalled in the history of medicines. There is no disease can withstand their life-givine: en ergy when taken in time, or interrupt th, system at all when they are administered as a preventative. Dunne: snklv sea- sons, and the prevalence of epidemicks, their occasional use will preserve the oouy irom attacks oi disease. OU tents per box. 54 per cross. Druggists, uooksellers, and Merchants are requisite to become agents for the sale ol the above medicines. All orders (post paid) directed to Dr. A. Marrell, Elizabeth City, N. C. will re ceive strict attention. TESTIMONIALS. Charles Bright, Esq. Pasquotank Co , . C. cured of sick head ache, sick stoin arh, costiveness, and fever. Josiuh Pricbett, Esq. Pasquotank Co., N. (J., of bilious pleurisy, pain in the head, and soreness of the whole body. Charles Harrel, Eq. Elizabeth City, N. C, his family of bilious and other symptoms. Capt. J. Smith, Windsor, N. C, of liver complaint and costiveness. Rev. G. M. Keesee, Portsmouth, Va., of bilious habit. bead ache and nausea. Joseph Kainsey" ksq. riymouth, I. U., ol indisposition. lUbert Simpson, Esq, Pasquotank Co., N. C. bis wife of loss of appetite, and bis servant ol diarrhoea. Horatio N. Wil liams, Esq. Elizabeth City. N. C. of in disposition. James Cnrtvvrieht Eso. quotank Co., SJ. C, of loss of appetite, and sick stomach. Kev. James A. Hid dirk, Randolph Macon Colleue. ofsvmri toms of Dyspepsia. Mr. Zion Culpepper, IMizaOeih Uity, . U., ol loss of appetite, Rev. Joseph Turner, Elizabeth City, N.' C, of sil k stomach, and flatulence. Jo seph Sharbor, Esq. Camden Co.. N. C. of foul stomach, and bilious derangement. Mr. Robert Pool, Pasquotank Co., N. C, of impaired appetite and costiveness. A few selected out of manv. AGENTS. JAMES M. REDMOXD.Tarboro', R. Emerson, Noifolk, Va. II. Buff fa Co, Portsmouth, Va. W. Radham, Edenton, N. C. W. Fessenden, Plymouth, N. C. M. S, Berry, Hertford, JY. C. D. Clayton, Tyrrel, N. C. H. D. Machen, Washington, N. C F. S. Marshall, Halifax, N. C. ' N. B. Hassell, Wiliiamston, N. C. Webb fa Capehart, Windsor, N. C. W. M. Mason, Raleigh, N. C. S. Small, near Woodville, N. C. S. Hall, Newbern, N. C. W. fa G. Howard, Ocracoke, N. C. Sept. 31, 1639. Jy Tew and Splendid FALL AND WINTER MILLINER Y9 Sfc. ITS now opening her fall supply of Goods' sdected by herself with the greatest rare and attention, and compriii.or ;in ex tensive and ffener;il assortment of the most superb and fanciful, as well as neat and useful articles, in the Jrlillincry line. Among h r Goods will be found A variety of beamiful pittern bonnets, la test and most approved style, Florence and Leghorn braid, French, En glih and faiipy straw Bonnets, French, velvet and fancy Flowers, flro de Alirier". Gro d Nir, &c. Plain, fig'd and watered s i 1 k m,d satin, Mode. V lorences, plain and fir d Net- Thread, hland ami dotted laces, veilo-, collars, cap?, curls, An exit nsive asoitment of ribbons, &c S!.e invites nn inspection of her Gnnd. as she is conhdent Ihev cannot fail to "ivi .tauMariioii as re-pr-cls quality and price j arooro', iov 9, 139 $25 Reward. xgsp rtWAi irom the Sub ff frihrr, rt Hamilton. Martin coun U; ty, on Thursday, the 15ih iuitant, my negro mnn ibout 5 feet 6 or S inches hih, 25 or 30 years ol ag-, very black and has a good set ol teeth. Nelson was partly raised by Spencer D Cotton, of Tarhoroush. and has a wife a. Mr.Grissom Pittman's or 10 miles from Kr. field, and is well known through Tar borough and the greater part of K Ve combe county. I will -ive the above rr r i . . . ward for his apprehension if del.vvred to meat Plymouth, Washmgion county, or if confined in any jail so that f get him asain. Al persons are cantinnPr! - .M,,,Z hdrhnrinm ....... . T I 1 . " a kj ji in- ui i.iii viijk iu baiu ncffi o um pi penalty ot the law. HE NR Y DO IVNING. August 17ih, 839. 34 $100 Reward. ANAWAY from the Subscriber, on ine I nn :Noveml r, 1S.S6, nr ir,0man SPENCER, Aered about 2fi vr ore ; , -7 - j u or inches n neigut, vveighinjr about 150 nmm,k ,.i low complexion, whh a pleasant look ,!0 cars ormariis known of. Slid .,r.-rt r... merly belonged to Mnes P;.. county where he was raised. The abovp eward will be paid for his apprehension nd delivery to me in n.of n.. miles from Siantonsbury on ih 11 .i..;.i. road, or lodged in any J 1 1 so lhat I get hfm gin. All persons are"!,,.:-... harboring, employing, or carrvimr Sv c.;.r r,. I , . . J C v" oaiu "c6iu, unuer penalty ol the law. BENJ. C. D. EASON. Nov 2.0. 1837. AS $15 Reward. RAN AWAY, a short time -in re, a neirro mnn 1 dACIi, belonging' to jo Krodo'ph. who ly removed Mom this i. Florida. hi III . ".""'lll Ml be lurking about raHuirn n...r ., s ne?ro i tni,r.,.'....i know,, that .1 is de. med uum cesary t, g.veadoscriptionof him. I am author ed todTerthe ahove reward fr hi ap prehension, if delivered to me or secured any jnl so that his owner can him ag.m. All persons a,,, f(lr!,i.i h?ir or or. ving oir said negro, under penally of the law. , D. RICHARDS. larboro , March II. IS;9. 1 Cotton Gins. nnriF. Sobscnber offers for sale on ven moderate and accommodating tt-rms. Ikuo Cotton Gins, One of 37, and Ihn oihrr of 40 .aw-thei re boil, in Vrinu order and ,i.. rl immediate use. 1 GEO. HOWARD. I arboro , August l- Constables' lUariks for sale, AT this or r ICE. APPUOVED Patent Medicines. "OFF AT'S Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters, a certain and smedv rom dy in all cases ol costiveness, dysnensin i i:. (r... .. ' ' ' ,di uiiiifua niiu uvci aut-Luons, asinma, piles, settled pains, rheumatism whether chron ic or inflammatory, fevers i.d agues obi finale ht adaches, impure slate of the' flu! ma, uiiiicdiiii upptui anee oi the kin nervous debility, the sickness incident i females in del.cate health, every kinJ r weakness of the digestive oi-rans an I i .fhPi-al, r i . u a' jr. m. id sp-rrly cute for dwnonwlo J v "... j ' j ji unitize, "n, jmndrce,, cholera, cholii j liver rniTint ii..! ' i . (,. o,.. . . a suie cure for tho.e disoidt t. The pu tlying pills tend to nromole a I.Psdihv L cretn;!, ol the bile, aiK render ihe system capatdeof rtc-ivii,g with hem lit the in vigorating and streithenii g pis. Kvans S;olliiir tui-nti fn hihlmi le. tl.ino:. Th,s iv yi .i.u dy Iijk prrx-rv. d of children when thought p.ji r.cov.Tv. vulsious, levers, &c. GoilicLc's Matchless Sanative medicine which is ,,,.... from the veg.tihle, animal, and roif,al kingdoms, and thus Disseises a ihrrp n.1,1 power a medicine which. Ihouffh ili.i,m. ed as a remody r,,r ronsumpiimi sdely'7 is possessed of a nivMerjons ii h.-.n ,,ia,)y di-rases of ihe human sten, viz: P:,,sy dr.ipsy, emaciation, plrutiy' i'"r-, ienen , gravel. pu,e com plaints, nervousioss, Mhina, &c. relerb9 vegetable untlbilimm Pill?, a certain cuie lor liv.r jaunuice, bilious lever in its i.wii .mf s,:'e lLVer a,ul ", dy-pep-ia, sick 'head rcht' nei vuuni:5s, n.iusca, of spi- s on Mle s,ocli, blotched or ra,,uW complex ion. lienltfvilh's an ! ,,v nr V:ir.. .. mnsi v,l ...i,t. mr.. ' . iHiun iiic or ine cine nt dyspepsia, and the pre ventioo of b i o levers, colic, &c &c i, ' uui u s rcmcUU lOV Asid iC. eu-i, -i . " uitra, cnciera niorhu.-., diarr baa, soir. mer con.plaiuts, colics, cramps & .-paMns. Carter's Southern IUi turn a hi Embrocation, a spet dv cure fnr ih.,,n.- tism, chilblains-, spra'ins, nun. b., ess, and stiflness ol ti e joints, &c. Parson's pectoral balm of Car. t moss, a saie ami certain remedy lor coughs, colds, asthmas, 10Cp. ng cough, shortness of breath, spitting of blood, consnmprion, &c. The afflicted man's Trir.mi n rarrpn r r- l.;i. Ointment o. many virtu.-?, much ceh bra ted lor the cure of scrofula or king's evil ringworm, goitre, inflamed eyes, burn.! scalds chilblains, breakirg oul on chi. (Iron s heads, eruption, or pimples on the lace, braking 00. on the mouth, scoi bulic ulcers, & ulcerated soie legs, 8orc breas, and cancerous humors. Harrison's adhesive plaster, far superior to any that has hiihrr.,. K covered. I c.nsi quence of its amazing , , . engagefi, that this t faster will maintain ils hold with naeity where none other ran h I ' ,1 Mick at all, that it is perfectly sedative, iriii ll, ..1 1 .. .1 J ....,o, noming whatever irrita. u'e in its composition. Printed directions accompany the above ublc and highly approved patent me! Iieiues, for sale by GEO. HOWARD. I arhoro A ugust 24. J3U LARD'S Celebrated Patent Animal and Vegetable Olli soap ?OR cleansing ,oat collars, woollen, men, and cotton .'ooil.c fr.w "crasioued by mease niim 1., , ..i r r J PaM" (ar, varnish, .'d oils of every desri iminn ......... j .ry ,0 the fines, goods. The Oil Stan Possesses very healimr aiwl 'Ol Oallllnr V:riiiili: ov... 1 . . J 0 'ciai coinnla ins upon ma,,r beast. Instanr r?.. J . ' nerons lo be certified. Tim...,..;. ..r 'c . "iJMiicis 01 rer nhcates might be obtained of i m ' '--.-riaintvk ,,ave" disl.M-acpd, broken r otherwise injured. I,. ., when applied ,0 eo, s on the fee.. U "s etiected an entire cine. H 3 positively the best rrmp,?., tr rougbly used, for sprains. chilh!.,. ;icald.,br.i;, lipi,'ed or craeked hands, cu.aneous eruptions, or pimpled faces, that is known. u chafed by the harness or saddle, sprained shoulders, scratches, Sic. on l,r .hpr. is no cocnpositio.uhat txceeds this. warranted genuine. For sale by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro July 30.

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