ram1 msi a r.w-ujM jp'apii.jaj'i .flu y .fimtsfmm MERCHANT TAILOR, TTgESPEO I'FLfLLY informs his friends and I he public generally, l Hal he has just received. his splendid assortment of VIS : ; Superfine blue,black and'green Cloths, Drown and Cadet mixt do. Beaver and pilot Cloths, for ovei coats, Cassimeres, of most fashionable style, Drab and bnff do. Plain bhek & figured Velvets for veslings Woolen Velvets and figured Valencia:?, do. Figured and plain. Satin, do. A splendid assortment of Silk vesting-', Net shirts and draws, Plain black & fig'd satin Slocks with bows, do do bombazen, do Bosoms, Collar?, Gloves, Suspenders, &c He invites an inspection of his Goods, as he is confident ibey cannot fail to give satisfaction as respects quality and price.- (QGentlemen who wih their clothes made up, can have them made and trim med in the most. fashionable slyle. Ali orders from a distance will be punctually attended to. Tarhoro', October, JS3.9.. 4 , Cotton Yarn, nnEIE subscribers, grateful for past fa vors, lake gtcat pleasure in advising their numerous customers of 1 further decline of the Prices OF TU1S ARTICLE. They flatter themselves they aie prepared to sell on as good terms as the article of the same quality can be procured else where. By assiduity and punctuality in business, they hope to leceive as hereto fore a liberal patronage. BATTLE &r BROTHERS. November ISth, 1839. Notice. fin HE Subscriber is anxious to sell or lease the premises which she now oc cupies, In the town of Tarfooro', The buildings are in tolerable good repaii and there are two Lots together. She will sell or iase on reasonable and ac commodating terms, and possession given when desired. MARY McJVILLIAMS. Nov.28. 1839, SWALH'S Worth Carolina Justice. Containing a summary statement of the Statutes, and Common Law of this State, together with the Decision ol the Supreme Court, and all the most approved Forms and precedents ' rela ting to the office and duty of a Justice of the Peace, and other Public Ollicers, according to modern practice, fin HE Subscribers having purchased of the Author, the whole edition of this Valuable Work, now offer it for Sile, to the Public. It is pronounced by those, competent to judge, one of the most valu able compilations of the kind ' ever pub lished in the State, and absolutely indis pensable to the faithful discharge of offi cial duty. For convenience of reference, this work is divided into Chapters alphabetically arranged, corresponding precisely with those of the new Revised Statutes. : Each Chapter consists of three departments: 1st, a summary of the Statute Law, briefly slated: 2d, a concise statement of the points relating to the subject of the Chap ter, so far as settled either by the decis ions of the Courts or by the books of the highest authority on the' Com- nion Ljaw. bu, me runns.anu rrece dents, necessary for applying the subject matter of each Chapter, accompanied with such Notes and observations as ap pear necessary to render the whole inlet ligible. This work will be found not only use ful to every class of public Officers, but will prove a valuable source of irtTorma lion to the general reader, furnishing as it does a plain and intelligible digest of the Law, as understood and practiced in this State. The retail price of the Justice ?s Three Dollars, but a liberal discount ,will be made to those who buy to sell again. TURNER 4- HUGHES. Raleigh, December, 19 V G3The subscriber has a few copies ol the above valuable arid useful book for ale, at the price stated. GEO. HOJVARD. Books, Pamphlets, Stationary, &c. flflHE Primitive Baptist, vols. 1,2, and -. 3, neatly bound and lettered, A concise History of the KehuLee As sociation, by Elder Jos. Biggs. McNeill's and Burn's Poems, Latin Grammar, Historic S;icra, &c. Th Pjiiintif Disrotirp. Basket of Fragments, Mouse gnawing out ol lh Catholic trap, and No other than Baptist hurchrs havo a l ight to far called Chris tian churches: by Elder Joshua Lawrence Alo, writing piper whitF, pink, anil straw colored letter pnper- iok powder, quills ' lank cards, , ei1 ,e'til PiN, wraP ping paper, &c. for sale by GEO. HOWARD. IV horn, April 25. Cotton Gins. THE Subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he still continues to carry on the Gin making Business, At his former. stand, In Greenville, Pitt county, N. C. Where those wishing new Gins can be supplied with either German or polished cast steel saws at the shortest notice. Those having Gins out of order had best send them in at as early a day as con venient. When ail wait (as is usually the case) until they want to use them, it i sometimes impossible to furnish them within the time required. ALLEN TiSON, In connection with this establishment, con tinues to carry on the Lock and Gunsmith business. The makingof Saw Mill Boxes, Mill Inks and Gudgeons, and Mill Spindles, with Steel Collars, (turned,) cq ual to any in the United States. All orders in his line of business will be thankfully received, and faithfully and promptly executed on reasonable terms. NOR FLEET TYER. January 30, 1 833. Cotton Gins. Hp HE subscriber has removed from Tar borough, and established himself on the Raleigh road, near the store, of J. C. Knight, on Cokey, where he continues The ranking and repairing Cotton Gins. All those who vvieh .to supply themselves with Gins of the best quality, are respect fully solicited to. apply to the Subset iber personally, r by letter. All orders for Gins will be promptly executed. Gins out of order will be expeditiously repaired. Person wishing to h ve work executed, will please leave their orders at. the store ol J. C. Knight, Eq. . SAMUEL D. PROCTER. February 5th. House, Landscape s? Ornamental FAINTING. Hp HE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Edgecombe county, that he has located himself In Tarborough, , Where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line of business. Those wishing gigs, sideboards, sitting chairs, fire screeos and the like puintcd, will bring them to the coach shop of Mr. Terrell. ., He will leave town and go info the country, when house painting is required. All orders in his line ol business will be thankfully received and faithfully executed on reasonable terms. LEivrs dearquer; Tarboro Feb. 26 - Notice: -;;( ' Mammoth white silk worm Ee29 Also. a quantity of Morus Multicaulis, by the tree; foot, or bud for sale. A pply To ' GE O. . HQ WARD. Taiboro', Nov. 27, 1839. iff. $ -fei JLock and Gtuismithry flftHE undersigned having devoted ihe -" most of his life to a knowledge of his professionals now prepared' Near the Bridge, in Tarbovo To execute all orders in Lock and Gun smilhry, in a style at once equal to the best London work. Clocks, watches, musical boxes, breast pins, finger rings and jewelry. and bro ken articles of every description will also be repaired at the shortest notice by DA FID C. BELL. August 14th, 1S39. 33 Mags, Mags, Mags! t)- nnHE subscribers wish to pui chase S or 10,000 pounds of clean Jjhun and cotton Mags, For which a liberal price will be givn. H. AUSTIN S' SUN. Nov. 22, 1839 47 Recommended' by the Faculty, Tomato and Slippery Him fflHEREare many family medicines -H- now before the public, some ol winch from their intrinsic virtues have jnth gained the confidence and gratitude ol thousands: but in the light ol cunira.Nl, ami in the scale of curative merit, Dr. Ilarrell's Tomato and Slinuerv Elm Pills stand i pre-eminently above them all; nor is -an apology offered for taking this hi! ground, unless it is the Iact oi ineir sope- pei ior, and almost miraculous t fleets in the cure of diseases. 1 hey produce, when ta ken, a. deep and lasting impression that they stand at the head of all other prepar ed medicines of ihe day. r evers, Liver affection?, Jaundice, head ache, loss of appetite, costiveness, female complaints, and every disease within the reach of hu man means; yield readily to the power ful, yet gentle operation of these pills. As a cathartic th.?y are copious and free, as an aperient they are mild and certain, as a tonic they are prompt and invigorating, as an alterative they are superior to Calo mel or any other known remedy, and as a purifycr of the blood they are unequalled in ihe history of medicines. There is no disease can withstand ihtir life-giviog en ergy when taken in time, or interrupt the system at all when they are administered as a preventative. During sickly sea sons, and the prevalence of epidemicks, their occasional use will preserve the body from attacks of disease. 50 cents per box. $54 per gross. Druggists, Booksellers, and Merchants are requisite to become agents for ihe sale ol the above medicines. All orders (post paid) directed to Dr. A. Harrell, Elizabeth City, N. 0. will re ceive strict atteution. TESTI MONIALS. Charles Bright, Esq. Pasquotank Co , N. C. cured of sick head ache, sick stoin ach, costiveness and fever. Josiah Prichett, Esq. Pasquotank Co., N. C, of bilious pleurisy, pain in the head, and soreness of the whole body. Charhs Han el, Esq. Elizabeth City, N. C, his family of bilious and other symptoms. Capt. J. Smith, Windsor, N. C, of liver complaint and costiveness. Rev. G. Al. Keesee, Portsmouth, Va., of bilious habit, head ache and nausea. Joseph Ramsey, Esq. Plymouth, N. C, of indisposition. Robert Simpson, Esq, Pasquotank Co., N. C. his wife of loss of appetite, and - hU servant of diarrhoea. Horatio N. Wil liams, Esq. Elizabeth City. N. C, of in disposition. James C;irtwrighl Esq. Pas quotank Co., N. C, of loss of appetite, and sick stomach. Rev. James A. Rid dick, Randolph Macon College, of symp toms of Dyspepsia. Mr. Ziou Culpepper, Elizabeth City, N. C, of loss of appetite, Rev. Joseph Turner, Elizabeth Citj, I C, of sick-stomach, and fl atulence. Jo seph Sharbor, Esq. Camden Co., N. C, of foul stomach, and bilious derangement. Mr. Robert Pool, Pasquotank Co., N. C, of impaired appetite and costiveness. A few selected out of rnanv. r-::- AGENTS. James M. Redmond, ) , , , Geo. Howard, J Tarboro , B. Emerson, Noifolk, Va. H. Buff Si Co, Portsmouth, Va. V. Badham, Edehton, N. C. W. Fessenden, Plymouth, N. C. M. S. Berry, Hertford, N. C. D. Clayton, Tyrrel, N. C. H. D. Machen, Washington, N. C. F. ,S. Marshall, Halifax, N. C. N. B. Hassell,,Williamston, N. C. , Webb h Capehari, Windsor, N. C, .W. ,M. Mason, Raleigh, N. C. S. Small, near .Woodville, N. C. S. Hall, Newbern, N. C. W. 8i G. Howard, Ocracoke, N. C. Sept. 21, 1839. - Jy h'e 7 arid Splendid PALL AND WINTER MIL L IjyjER r, '$ci Wr8. c. no umsisp, i"S now opening her fall supply ol Goods, s- lecled by herself with the gieatesl rare. and attention, .nd compiising an ex fensive and general assortment of thp most superb and fanciful, as well as neat and useful articles, in the lflillincry line. Among her Goods will be found variety of beau i ful pattern bonnets, la tent and most approved style, Flortnc and Leghorn braid, French, En glishnnd fancy straw Bonnets, French, velvet and fancy Flowers, Gro de Algiers, Gro tie N p, &c. Plain, fiM ami watered silk1 and satins, Mode, Florences plain and figM Net, Thread, blond and dotted laces, . Veil-, collars, caps, curls, An extensive assoitment of ribbons, &c. S!.e invil-s an inspection of her Goods as she is confident they cannot fail to give salisfa' ioo as resprets quality and pice. TarborV, Nov 9, 129. $25 Reward. RAN AWAY from the Sub scribpr, it Hamilton, Marlio coon 'y, on Thursday, the 15ih instant, ny negro mn IVELSOIV, iboul 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high, 25 or 30 years of agf, very black and has a good set of teeth. Nelson was partly raised by Spencer D Cotton, of Tarborough, and has a wife a Mr.Grissom Ptttman's,S or 10 miles Iron Enfield, and is well known through Tar borough and the greater part of E 'ge combe count'. I will give the above re ward for his apprehension if delivered tr me at Plymouth, Washington coun'', oi if confined in any jail so that I get him ag.iin. All persons are cautioned agains harboring or cai rying off said negro undei penalty of the law. HENR Y DO IVNING. August 17ih, 1S39. 34 $100 Reward. JgANAWAY from the Subscriber, on the 14th November, IS36, r)er,0 man Agd about 2G years, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches n height, weighing sihout 1 50 pounds, yel o-v t oiopU jcion, wiiii apleasiinl Iook-.no cars or marks known of. S.tid ncro for oerly belonged to Moses Thon, in Pi I county where ho was raised. 'The above reward will be paid for his apprehension mil delivery to me in Greene countv. fl mnes trom Maotoosburg on the Raleigh road, or lodged in any jail so that I get him 'g-m. AH person! ure forewarned arnini harboring, employing, or cam ing off said negro, under penally of the law. BENJ. C. I). EASON. Nor 29. 1837. 48 $15 Reward. KAN AWAY, a short lime .sioce, a negro man nan ed JACK, belonging 0 John S. Randolph, who recent ly removed. from this countv i Flurida. 'This negro is supposed to be lurking about Tarboio', and is so well known that it is deemed unnecessary io give a description of him. I am author ised to offer the above rewaid'for his ap prehension, if delivered to me or secured in any jail so that his owner can get him agin. All persons are furbid bar loring or cat rying. off said negro, undei penally of the law. D. RICHARDS. Tbrboro', March 14, 1S39. II Cotton Gins. rglll E Subscriber offers for sale on ver moderate and accommodating terms, Two Cotton Gins, One of 37, and the other of 40 saws they are: both in prime order and ready foi immediate use. - GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Afignsl 1- Constables Blanks for sale, AT THIS OFFICE. APPROVED Patent JMcdicines. mT0FFAT'S Life P.lls and PllQSnx Diners, a certain and speedy renie dy in all cases of cotiveoes, dyspepsia bilious and liver affections, asthma, piles' settled pains, rheumatism whether chion! ic or ii.fliiminatory, fevers sod agues, ob. tinale' In adaches, impure state of the flu ids, Unhealthy appeaiance of the skin nervous debility, the sickne.ss incident to females in delicate health, every kjnt 0f weakness of the digestive oigans, and all general derangements of health. Evans' camomile Pills, a saje and speedy cure for dyspepsia or iridis iion, jaundice, diarrl.ee.;, choleia, cholic liver complaint, &c. ' Evans' fever and ague Fills a sure cure for those disoidets. The pu ifying pills tend to promote a healthy se crelion of the bile, and render the systefn capable" of receiving with benefit the in- vigorating and strengthening pills. Evans' Soothing Syrup, for children teething. This invaluable reme dy has preserved hundreds of children, when thought past recovery, from con vulsions, levers, &c. Goelicke's Matchless Sanative, a medicine which is obtained equally from the veg table, animal, ami n.ireial kingdoms, and thus p e-ses a three fold power a medicine which, though design ed as a remedy for consumption .solely, is possessed of a mysterious influence over many diseases ol the human system, viz: pil.sy, fits, dropsy, emaciation, pleurisy, gout, piles, dysentery, gravel, spi,je com plaints, nervousnos, rK-ihma, &c. Vetera vegetable anti-bilious Pills, a certain cuie for liver complaiul. jaundice, bilious lever in' its incipient stage, fever and ague, dy-pepia,jck head :che, nervousness, nausea, lowiiess of spi rit, bile on Ihe siomiich, und bloiched or sallow complexion. Bediwillfs anti-dyspeptic Pills, a most valuable medicine lor the cure f lyspepsia, and the prevention of bilious tevers, colic, &.c. &c. Btrnard'8 remedy for Jlsiatic Cholera, cholera morbus, dianhcea, sum mer complaints, colics, cramps & spasms. Carter's Southern llhcumalic Embrocation, a speedy cure for rheuma tism, chilblains, sprains,, numbi. ess. and stiffness of the joints, &c. Farson's pectoral balm of Car. ragen, or Irish moss, a safe and certain remedy for coughs, colds, asthmas, ,0CJ. ing cough, shortness of breath, pitiing of blood, consumption, &c. The afflicted man's Friend or Ointment ol many virtues, much celt bra ted for the cure of scrofula or kingS evil, ringwoirn, goitre, inflamed eyes, burns, scalds, chilblains, breaking out on chil dren's heads, ei option, or pimples on the face, breaking out on the mouth, scorbutic ulceis, & ulctiaieil soie legs, 80re breasls, ami cancerous humors. Harrison's adhesive plaster, far superior to any that has hitherto been dis covered. In consf quence of its amazing adhesive qualities it is engaged, that this Plaster will maintain its hold with perti nacity where none other can be had to stick a! all, thai it is perfectly sedative, and that there is nothing whatever irrita ble in its composition. Printed directions accompany Ihe above valuable and highly approved patent me dicines, for sale by GEO. HOJVARD. Tarborn', August 24. Motanic Jllcdicines. rjnHE subcriber has recently procured and How offers for sale on reasonab'e and accommodating terms, the following Thouipsoniaii Kledicincs, riz: Lobelia, seed and pulverized, 2nd and 3rd Preparation of do. Composition ,Nerve Powder, Poplar Bark, African P.rd Pepper, Daybfrry, Skunk cabbage, wake robin, Halsam Fir, D itlernut syrup, Djmny, Green ozier, Myrrh, Unicom root, Ginger, Hitter Root, Golden Seal, .Clivers, Pond Lilly, hemlock, witch hazle, Cough powders, raspberry leaves,' Prickly ash, slippery elm, barberry, Cholera and Dysentery Syrup, Rh-umatic Tincture, Woman's Friend, Strengthening Pf.stcr, No 6, TuompWs Guide and Narrative, Curtis' Medical Discussions, Robinson's Lectures, Syringes, &c. GEO., HOWARD. Nov. 9ih, 1S39.' Tarb oro Turner $ Hughes' ' NORTH CAHOI.INA AIL MAN AC, FOR 1840, For sale at this Office at Raleigh. price wtz: 10 cents single; 75 cents per dozen, iS 50 for half a gross, &c.

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