'Evans9 Camomile Pills. I'TlHE camomile flower, (or as it is offi cially called, Antiilmis vocilis, or Chanioenelum. from i tie (iretk words, JCamai, on the ground, and Jltlon, an ap ple; because it grows on the ground, and imells like an apple,) is a dull while color, of fragrant odor, and of a bitter ar omatic taste. Camomile is a mild tonic, in small do ses acceptable and corroborant to the Stomach. It is especially applicable to .that condition of general debility, with languid appetite, which often attends cun Valescence from idiopathic fevers. To the Nervous and Debilitated, 'P....:.. 0:11 . 'The powers of Evans' Camomile -Pills Bre such, that the palpitating heart, the tremulous hand, the dizzy eye, and tin fluttering mind, vanih before, their effe t? like noxious vapors before the benign in fluence of the morning sun. They have been long successfully used for the cum cf intcrmilteuts, together ith fevers ol the irregular nervous kind, accompanied with visceral obstructions. ' This tonic medicine is for nervous com plaints, general debiliiy, indigestion and Its consequences, as waul ol jippetite, dis tension of the stomach, acidity, unpleas ant taste in the mouth, rumbling noise in llid li.nvfcifc iipriiiii S v 111 1 1 ( 1 1 111 4 hiniMMir ,,,v. ...... , - "V I ? when the mind becomes irritable, despon ding, thoughtful, melancholy and deject ed. I Jypochondriacism, consumption, dimness id siuht, delirium, and all other nervous affections, these pills will produce a safe and permanent cure. Evans' 1J were first introduced in America in 1 835. 12 vans' Family Aperient Pills Are purely vegetable, composed with the strictest orccisiou of science and of art; IIICV I1CVCI liuumc iihujui, umi.uiv ranted to cure the following diseases which arise from impurities of the blood, viz: Consumption, Coaghs, and Colds, Nervous diseases, liver comnlaint. dvs- 'pepsia, bilious diseases, piles, ulcers, fe male weakness, and all cases of hypochon driacism, low spirits, palpitation of the heart, nervous irralibility, nervous weak ness, fluor albus, seminal weakness, indi gestion, loss of appetite, heartburn, gene ral debility, bodily weakness, chlorosis or green sickness, flatulency, hysterical faint ings, hysterics, headaches, hiccup, sea sickness, night mare, rheumatism, asth ma, tic douloureux, cramp, spasmodic af fections, and those who are victims to that most excruciating disorder, Govt, w ill find relief from their sufferings, by a course ol Dr. Evans medicines. Beware oi" Counterfeits. jCaation. Be particular in purcha sing to obtain them at 100 Chatham si., New 5Tork, or from the RFfilll.AR AfiF.VTQ J. M. Redmond, , . , r. ii I arboro , Cico. Howard, ) AS. Kussell, Elizabeth City. REAS A. Extract of a letter of Jonas Snyder, Post Master, Kernesviile, Pa., to Dr. U il liam Evans. AmnniT colon! paccc llio A .11... I.. found: An elderly lady, who had been 25 years so afflicted with nervous hvpochon ,i..i.:r.. .. c, ...... r .1 T . .t " O " "'S vii id, ucuiMij, ccc. uirti lor me in si tnree vears she nuiU'.inili i f iw.,l .... K. ..I " f - from a respectable physician; but the . pressure and pain on her heart and breat, and especially in her left side, remained immovable, attended at long intervals with weakness in her head and on her , mind, keeping her discouraged to under take any thing. In May she commenced using Dr. VV. Evans' medicines ac cording to the. directions accompanying them. A reaction took place; the pain and pressure in her body w as removed; her mind became clear and stroiic': her so'nits perfectly good, and up to this time it is in all respects restored to health which for the last ten years she has not enjoyed. (Signed,) JONAS SNYDEK. September 7, 183S. fcf lit particular. The genuine is ven ded by Agents only. Rvnns? Soothing Syrup , Evans'' Camomile Pills, Hunt's Ifotanic Pills, Goode's Female Pills, The above invaluable Medicines are sold Wholesale and Retail, at 100 Chatham strekt, New York J ?0UTH SEVENTH STREET, IjHILAD'a SG CoRNiiiLL, Boston, Mass. REGULAR AGEjVTS. J. At ?a,;m..,7 F-S. Marshall, Halifax, Jh tiussell, Elizabeth City, T. Bland, Kdenton. Solomon Hall, Newbern IV. Mason, Raleigh. J. IV. Jltwill, Brunswick. G Mark A. Lane, Washington. .. a 3 S. Seventh street,- Philadelphia. January, 1840. Laborers Wanted. , npilE .Muntcnber will piy liberal pri ces by the mouth or year, lur 200 laborers, To work on aw Lake Canal, in Hy'e coouty, N. C Hands hired tjy tin inoiith, will ho paid at -the end ol each mouth; and thu.ve by the year, in two to slalments. " ' One of the sub ciibrrs (Mr. C V. Hawse,) may he seen on the work, or in W ahi: g'on ufifi- the 10ih or I5ib lost. HAWSR' lVrilTEUR.iD, ' Contractors. January 1st, 18 10; , ' '2 Recommended hy tiic Faculty. Drs. Jl. $ J IlarrcWs CELEBRATED PREI.MRE1J 31 K i I C5 X E.S. THESE NEW' AND PLEAiANT KEMED1ES C JintiSE Their .'lUcrative Extract of Sarsapirilla and Blood Liuot. This is a valuable remedy in the cure ofsuofula or king's v hiie w elliug, pains in the bones, ulcerous sores, eruption? ol (he kiu, rheumatism, sv phililic and mer curial ail" ciioos, debility , and all diseases arising bout iuipuritses of the blood, 01 inipaiicd constitutions Iroin long habits oi excessive dissipation, price $1 per botile. Their Improved '.Extract of Sarsapttnlla and (.abibs. For the cure of chronicdiscases of the mucous membrane, such as dysentery, leuchori hea, gleets, strictures, heruiori ho dal affv Ciions, but especially for gonori hea in all its stages, catarrhs ol mucous sulfa tes, tn re particularly the lungs, kidneys, & their appendages. Price 1 per boiih. Their CuncenlraU d Exiract ofBuchu and L'va Ursi. For curing diseased urinary orcans, such as gravel, morbid iiriiaiion and chronic iuil iinmalion of the kidneys, ure ters, bladdt r and urethra: also, diseases' of the prostrate gland, loss of tone in pas sing urine, cutaneous afl'ections and rheu matism. Price $1 25 per bottle. Their Febrifuge or Camomile Tonic. For the cure of all debilities, loss of ap petite, but especially for Fever and Ague for which it has been more particularly prepared. This medicine is so compoun ded as to meet this troublesome disease in all its stages, and its ingredients so powerfully concentrated as to produce an effectual cure of the most obstinate cases by taking a few doses. Price 1 per bottle. iheir Anti spasmodic or Camphorated Cordial. Designed to cure excessive vomitting, diarrhea, cholera morbus, Asiatic cholera, pain in the stomach, cramps, hysterics, colics, h pocoodria, spasms,, convulsions and mutteiiug delirium in the low forms ol bilious fever. Il is a fine substitute for paregoric. Price 75 cents per bottle. Their Cough Jllixiure of Carrageen iloss and Squills. For. the cure of diseased Lungs, chrou ic aff.M lions of the Stomach and bowels, and all diseases produced by-sudden chan ges in temperature. Price 75 cents per botile. Their .Inti bilious Tomato Pills. These pills combine the extract of To mato and Slippery Elm, with several ol the most approved remedies of the Mate ria Medica, and if taken according to the directions, will cure all diseases uiihin the reaehuf human means. As a cathartic they are copious and free; as an aperient they are mild and certain; as a tonic they are prompt and invigorating; as an altera tive they are superior to calomel or anv other known remedy, and as a purifier of the blood, they are uueq-ialled in the his tory of medicines. Price 50 cents per box. Their Superfine, Tooth Powdir. For curing and hardening the gums, cleaning, preserving and keeping white the teeth, and for sweetening the breath. Price 50 cents per box. The above preparations are rfiered to the public generally and Physicians espe cially, not as nostrums, or panaceas, but as neat and convenient preparations made on strictly scientific principles. They con tain the active virtues of their respective ingredients, in a concentrated form, and will do all in removing disease that such medicines can possibly effect. Since their invention, many alllicted with the prece ding diseases have been restored by their transcendent virtues; and the great and de sirable reward of health still awaits those w ho avail themselves of their use accord- r t . !l J .J! mt in prescnueu uirecuons. lliev are for sale at the office of GEO. HOWARD, Agent. Tarboro Nov. 20. Joticc. 7 worm Etrs Also, a quantity of Morus Multicanlis, bv the tree, foot, or bud for sale. Apply to GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Nov. 27, 1839. Tp!IE subscriber respectfully, informs his friends and the public in general, tiiat he has commenced the Saddle and Harness Making bu-?nc in Tarhoro, oppviite tin Court limine, vvhere h is prp ired to ex eeu'e all orders in hi line. Old Saddle &. ll.unes repaired in the ne.nest 'manner. Being d'terniincd-io do his work vveli and at short notice, he asks a share oi" tlx public patronage, assuring jhem Ibey shali not be displeased in workmanship or price IV M. PRARCE. Tarhoro', Jan'y 14, 1840. 3 Joticc. ' s 1 1 ii'i sunscriner r.as autnotiseu iir. Jesse Mercer to collect the dcblsdu the estate of Di Joint J, Daniel, dee'd, And also to pay all claims against said es taie that may be properly authenticated. M P. DANIEL, Ailnix. Jan. 15. IS 10. 3 (j Joticc. iLh 15 ir,i 1 iA), lor iho pics cut year, on Tuesday in Ftbruaiy Court week next, The House and ILot, i: In the town of Tarhoro', belonging to the Estate of Dr. John J. Daniel, decM. M P. DANEL,Adm'x. Jan. 15. 1840. 1 6 WSIO WAIVTS Better Evidence? WOULD refer the reading public to the numerous voluntary letters publish ed recently in this paper and in the Good Samaritan, relative to the happy and bene ficial effects of the administration of And i'licnix BiUers. Those who have perused the letters above referred to will observe that in al most every case they attest. the fact, that no inconvenience of any sort attends the taking of tliese Medicines, in ordinary ca ses, but that the patient, without feeling their operation, is universally . left in a stronger and better slate of healih than was experienced previous to being afflict ed with disease; and in al( cases of acute suffering, great relief is obtained in a few- hours, and a cure is generally effected in two or three days. ' . . In cases of FEVER, of every descrip tion, and all bilious affections, it is unne cessary for me to- say ought, as I believe the Life Medicines are now universally ad mitted to be the most speedy and effectual cure extant in all diseases of that class. The LIFE MEDICINES are also a most excellent rnlief in affections of the Liver and Bowels, as has been proved in hundreds of cases where patients have come forw ard and requested that their ex perience in taking them might be publish ed for the benefit of others. In their ope ration in such cases, they restore the tone of the stomach, strengthen the digestive organs, and invigorate the general func tions of the whole body, and thus become to both sexes (for they are perfectly adapt ed to each) an invaluable means ol pre venting disease and restoring health. In affections of the head, whether ac companied with pain and giddiness, or m uked by the grievous calamity of im paired mental energy; in palpitations ol the heart, fl -ltulence, loss of appetite and strength, and the multiplied symptoms ol disordered digestion, the Life Medicines will be found to possess the most salutary efficacy. Constitutions relaxed, weak, or decay ed, in men or women, are under the imme diate influence of the Life Medicines. Old coughs, asthmas, and consumptive habits are soon relieved and speedily cu red. Poverty of blood, and emaciated limbs, will ere long meet the happiest change; the chill watery fluid will become rich and balsamic, and the limbs be cov ered with flesh, firm and healthy. Nervous disorders of every kind, and from whatever cause arising, fly before the effects of the lAfe lledicincs, And all that train of sinkings, anxieties, and tremours which so dreadfully affect the weak, the sedentary, and the delicate, w ill in a short time be succeeded by cheer fulness, and every presage of health. For weakness, deficiency of natural strength, and relaxation of the vessels, by too frequent indulgence of the passions, jj S I H I this medicine is a sale, certain, ami invalu able remedy. Th'$.e who' have long resided in hot Hi mates, and are languid and relaxed in theii whole system, may take the Life Medi cines fchh the happiest fferts; and per sons removing to the Southern States or West Indies, cannot store a more import ant article ofhealih and life. . The billowing cases are among the most recent cures eflVcted, and gratefully acknowledged by the persons benefitted: Case of J icoh C. limit, New Windsor, Orange county, N. Y. A dreadful tu mmir destroyed nearly the whole of his lace, nose 'and jaw. Experienced quick lelieffrom the use of the Life Medicines, and in less than three mouths was entire ly cured. (Case reported, with a wood engraving in. a pamphlet now in pess ) Case id Tlios. PurceU, sen'r, 84 years of age was afflicted IS year with swell ings in his ley was entirely cured by taking 42 pills iu'3 weeks. Case of Joan Daultou, Aberdeen, Ohio rheumatism 5 years is entirely cured has used the Life Medicines for worms ii. children, and found them a sovc reitn remedy.' Case of -Lew is Austin periodical sick head, aches always relieved by a sma'.l dose now entirely free from it. , Case of Adon Ames cured of a most inveterate and obstinate dyspepsia, and general debility. - . Case of Adah Adams, Windsor, Ohio rheumatism, gravel; liver affections, and general nervous debility, had been confi ned seven years was raised from bier bed by taking one box of pills and a bottle of hi ters a most extraordinary cure; she is now a very healthy and robust woman attested by her husband Shubel Adams. Case of Mrs. liadger, wife of Joseph Badger nearly similar to above result the same. Case of Sarah Goodarant, a young un married woman subject to ill health sev eral years a small course of the Life Medicines entirely restored her is now hale and healthy. Case of Miss Thomas, daughter of Eli Thomas cough and symptoms of con sump'ioo curtd in four weeks. Her sis ter cured of a severe attack of inflammato ry rheumatism in one week! Case of S. Colvin cured of a severe at tack of scarlet fever in a few days by the Life Medicines. Case of Harriet Twogond, Salina, N. Y. was in a very low state of health a year and a half did not expect to reco ver. Miss-T. is now able to walk about, and is rapidly recovering both health and strength. Case of Betij'n J. Tucker severe case of Fever and Ague cured in a very short spue of time. Directions followed strictly. Case of Amos Davis affection of the liv er after try ing doctor's remedies for a long lime, was cured by the Life Medi cines without trouble Extraordinary case of Lyman Pratt, who was afflicted with phthisic 20 years effected a perfect- ore in 24 hours by the use of the Life Medicines. Thousands of persons afflicted in like manner, have,,by a judicious use of I Ail" FiSJs & Piserslx Cillers, Been restored to the enjoyments of all the comforts of life. The Bitters are pleasant .!..' i 11 ,1.. . .1... r. ' .V " ",. ! . , -.i ' ' limes oi me muimui ii, iiiui tiyc uiui ijiiiijci tensity which a good digestion requires. As nothing can be better adapted to help and uour'h the constitution, so there is nothing more generally acknowledged to be peculiarly efficacious in all inward was liugs, loss of appetite, indigestion, depres sion of spirits,' trembling or shaking of the hands and limbs, obstinate coughs, short ness of breath, or consumptive habits. The Life Medicines possess wonderful efficacy in all nervous disorders, fits, head aches, weaknesses, heaviness and lowness of spirits, dimness of sight, confused thoughts, wandering of the mind, vapors and melancholy, and all kinds of hysteric complaints are gradually removed by their use. In sickness of the stomach, flatulen cies, or obstructions, they are safe and powerful, and as a purifier of the blood, they have not their equal in the. world! For further particulars of the above Me dicine see MOFFAT'S GOOD SAMA KITAN,' a copy of w hich accompanies the medicine. A copy may also be obtained of the Atrents who have the medicine for sale. 0C?French, German and Spanish di rections can be obtained on application at the office, 375 Broadway. 0C?"AII post paid letters will receive im mediate attention. Agents. The Life Medicines may also he had of the principal druggists in every town throughout the U. Slates and the Canadas. Ask for Moffat's Life Pills U Phenix Bitters; and be sure that a fac si mile of John Moffat's signature is upon the label of each bottle of bitters or box of pills. These valuable medicines are for sale by GEO. IIOIVARD, Agent. Tarhoro1, Jan. 1840. Fruiting neatly executed, JlT THIS OFFICE. LW Jd X- . ASSORTMENT OF " IVeiy and Fashionable "GOODS, Jus! received and for sde at aMonishingly LOW PRICES, It the Cheap Cash Store. TSi II E Suhscriber.sobcits a cn'I fron? his customer iiml die public generally, confident he can exhibit by f:ir the LARGEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL Stork of Fancy and Staple Evcl seen in TRvH;orcm;5s. Having made his purchases principally at Auction for Casi, he has succeeded in laying in his Goods greatly below their value, ami is dH.rniined to sell at a very niall advance lor Cash or Country I reduce A large and general assortment of Cutle ry, Harihvate, China Glass, and Crockery ware, G UOC Rlil ES, tSr. Besides the above will be found, 'almost every article usually kept in siniihn- K tablishmcnts, all of which is now tffered at such exceedingly low prices, :s cannot fail to meet the views of the greatest economists. JAS. IV ED DELL. Tarhoro', Nov. 4, 1S39 J9olice. fp MR Copartnership heretofore exisl ing in the, name of Burls & Home, Is this day dNsnJvetl by muuial consent. John R. Home is authorized to ollcnd to all the unsettle! business of the concern. ItTLLTAM BURT. THOMAS S. BURT. JOHN E. HORNE. Stantonsburg, April 30h, 1S39. IS Cotton Yarn, ipME subscriber has just received a quantity of Cotton "Yarn, different numbers, which he will sell on reasonable and accommoclating terms. GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Jan. 1S40. Horses for Sale. THE Wilmington & Ra leigh Rail Road Company, have SO to I OO .Superior Horses for sale. Apply to the Subscriber, or to Mr. Duncan b ergerson, agent on the vv ilming ton and Raleigh Rail Road Company Stage line. ALEXANDER MACRAE, General Agent W. & R. R. R. Wilmington, Dec. 14, 1S3.9. 4 Jflarhs's Ointment FOR THE CURE OF PILES, "E Subscriber beKs leave to offer to ta , . y iiic aitciiiiuii ui uiusc who are subject to that most disagreeable of disorders, Tim PUjES, A remedy, the efficacy of which has been tested by the experience of years, and the utility of which has in no instance been impaired from failure to relieve. To inose wuo nave uecn suujecieu 10 tins disease, it will prove, if applied when re attacked, a sure preventative to its contin uance, without the least pain; indeed ma ny have pronounced it the most agreeable remedy ever applied. There can be no danger in its use, as its component parts' are of harmless vegetable matter. The mother of the subscriber who. is the maker of the Ointment, has been in the habit of giving it to her friends and neigh bors for the last five or six years, and in no instance to her knowledge has its ap plication been ineffectual, as will be seen, by a number of certificates annexed, as well as the testimony of a medical gentle man who has used it himself and prescri bed it 'in the relief of others. Those who are suffer iris will do well to maliP a trial nf thf rpiliedv. lis vftimrv ic guaranteed, and there can be no doubt but that the disorder 'may be arrested in its earliest state, if no delay be made in its ap plication. The directions for use will be found on ' each bottle. SAMUEL Tl MARKS. ' Petersburg, Va. Aug. T. CT'The Ointment may likewise h oh taiued from Messrs. Spctswood 4 Robert son, Druggists, Petersburg and from the suhscriber, in Tarboro', where the certifi cates above referred to can be seen. GEO. HOWARD, Agent. November 24. Mh221