COFFIEIiD IIVG, M KUCHA. NT TAILOR, ESPKCTFULLY informs his friend and the nuhlic generally, that h't ha- just received his splendid assortment of r.sijSj i.yj winter GOOD! VIZ: Superfine blue, black and green Cloths, Brown and Cadet mixt do. Ik-aver and pilot Cloths, for overcoats, Cassinu-res, of most fashionable style, Drab and buff do. Plain bhek & figured Velvets for vesting Woolen Velvets and figured Valencias,do Figured and plain Salin, do. A splendid assortment of Silk vesting, Net shirts and draws, Plain black & fig'd satin Stocks with bows do do bombazeen, do Bosoms, Collars, Gloves, Suspenders, &c He invites an inspection of his C.oods, as he is confident ihey cannot fail to give satisfaction a respects quality anil price. (Jjp'Genllemen who wi-h their clothe made up, can have them made and trim med in the most fashionable style. All orders from a distance will be punctually attended to. Tarboro', October, 1S30. Cotton Yarn, CHEAP. TIIK subscribers, grateful for past fa vors, take great pleasure in advising their uumerous customers of f further decline of the Prices OF Til IS ARTICLE. They flaller themselves they are prepared to sell on as good terms as the article ol the same qudily can be procured else where. By assiduity and punctuality in business, they hope to receive as hereto fore a liberal patronage. BATTLE $ B R OTHERS. November ISlh, 1839. Notice. nil FIE Subscriber is anxious to sell or -"- lease the premises which she now oc cupies, " In the town of Tarboro', The buildings are in tolerable good repair and there are two Lots together. She will sell or lease on reasonable and ac commodaling terms, and possession given when desired. MARY McWILLIAMS. Nov.2S. 1S39, SWABI'S JVorlh Carolina Justice. Containing a summary statement of the Statutes and Common Law of this State, together with the Decisions of the Supreme Court, and all the most arjnroved Forms and precedents, rela ting to the office and duty of a Justice of the Peaceam other Public Officers, according to modern practice. fin HE Subscribers having purchased of the Author, the whole edition ol this valuable Work, now offer it for Sale, to the Public. It is pronounced by those, comnetent to iudge, one of the most valu able compilations of the : kind ever pub lished in the Slate, and absolutely indis pensable to the faithful discharge of ofli cial dutv. For convenience of reference, this work is divided into Chapters alphabetically arranged, corresponding precisely with those of the new Revised Statutes. Kich Chapter consists of three departments: 1st, a summary of the Statute Law, briefly slated: 2d, a concise statement of the points relating to the subject of the Chap ter, so fir as settled either by ihe decis ions of the Courts or by the book of the highest authority on the Com mon Law. 3d, the Forms and Piece dents, necessary for applying the subject matter of each Chapter, accompanied ,vvith such Notes and observations as ap pear necessary to render the whole intel ligible. This work will be found not only use fal to every class of public Officers, bu will prove a valuable source of informs tion to the general reader, furnishing as i does a plain and intelligible digest of the Law, as understood and practiced m llti Slate. The retail price of the Justice is Three. Dollars, but.a liberal discount will made to those who bu to sell again. TURNER HUGHES. Raleigh, December, 1&39. be (QThe subscriber has a few copies ol the above valuable and useful book for tale, at the price Mated. geo. Howard: Imfmi liiT rf TrTft' hit r if n rl Books, Pamphlets, Stationary, &c. imiaQft'- finilE Primitive baptist, vols. 1,2, and J- 3, neaiiv nounu anu icut-im, .A concise'History of the Kehukee As so'ciation, by Elder Jos. Biggs. McNeill's and Horn's Poems i i : r ... . riicioi iip S:rra. &c. Jiill III v I H Hi iiicii , - The' Patriotic Discourse, Basket ' ol . . r i. . , Fragments, Mouse gnawing out . u. Catholic trap, and No olh. r than Baptist churches have a right to b" called Chi is lian churches: by Klder Joshua Lawrence Also, writing paper white, pink, and siraw colored letter paper ink powder. qmJN, blank cards, red lead pencils, wrap mng paper, &c. lor sale by GEO. HOWARD. IVhnV, April 25, Cotton Gins. nnilH subscriber has removed from Tar boroii"h, and established himself on the Raleigh road, ne;r the store of ,1. C. Knight, on Cokey, where he continues The making and repairing Cotton Gins. MI those who wish to supply themselves with tlins of the best quality, are respect fully solicited to apply to the Subscriber personally, or by letter. All orders lor Gins will be promptly executed. Gins out of order will be expeditiously repaired. Persons wishing to Inve work executed, will please leave their orders'al the store of . 0. Knight, Ksq. SAMUEL D. PROCTER. February 5th. JXoticc. HE subscriber has received a small consignment of T Very heavy Cotton Baggiis 42$ inches wide, which he offers cheap for cash. JAS. IVEDDELL. Dec. 5lh. 1S39. BULLAKD'S Celebrated Patent Animal and Vegetable llOri cleansing coat collars, woollen, linen, and cotton gjods, from spots occasioned by grease, pnint, tar, vanish, and oils of every description, wi.hout in jury to the finest goods. The Oil Soap, Possesses very healing and penetrating qualities, and is used wiih perfect safety for bathing various external complaints, upo'i man or beast. . Instances are loo nu merous to be certified. Thousands of cer tificates might be obtained of its efficacious eflects upon all bone complaints,; weak limbs, that have been dislocated, broken, or otherwise injured. In almost every case when applied to corns on the feet, it has effected an entire cure. It is positively the best remedy, if tho roughly used, for sprains, chilblains, poi sons, scalds, bums, sore lips, chapped or cracked hands, cutaneous eruptions, or pimpled faces, that is known. For places chafed by the harness or saddle, sprained shoulders, scratches, Sec. on horses, there is no composition that exceeds ibis. W arranted genuine. For sale by GEO. HOfl A III). Tarboro' July 30. House, Landscape & Ornamental PAINTING. rjllIIE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Edgrcombe county, lhat he has located himself In Tarborongh, Where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line of hiiNiness. Those wishing gig", sideboards, sitting chairs, fire .screens and the like painted, will bring them to the coach shop of Mr. Terrell. He will leave town and go into the country, when house painting is required. All orders in his line of business will be thankfully received and faithfully executed on reasonable terms. a u LB BE AliQUJSR. Tarboro', Feb. 26. Lock and Giinsmithry. rflllE undersigned having devoted the most of his life to a knowledge ol his profession, is now piepared Xear the Bridge, in Tarboro To execute all orders in Lock and Oun smithry, in a style at once equal to the best London work. Clocks, watches, musical,, boxes, breast pins, fifger rings, and jewelry and bro ken articles of every description will also be repaired at the shortest notice by DAVID C. BELL. August 14th. IS39. 33 Rags, Rags, Rags! c - THE subscribers wish to pui chase 8 oi 10,000 pounds of clean IaUicii and cotton Hags, For which a liberal price will be given. . AUSTIN & SON. Nov. 22, 1S30. - 4 7 l&ccoumieiulccl by the Faculty. jBiBg EiosaasaaEa's-". '. Tomato and Slippery Elm . HIP HERE are many family medicines now before the public, some of which, from their intrinsic virtues have justly gained the confidence and uralilude ol thousands; but in the light of contrast, and in the scale of curative merit, Dr. Harrell's Tomato and Slippery Elm Pills stand pre-eminently above them all; nor is an) apology ollered lor taking this lug ground, unless it is the tact ol their sune- perior, and almost miraculous effects in ihe cure ol diseases. 1 hey produce, when ta ken, a deep and lasting impression that ihey stand at the head ol all oilier prepar r , . eo medicines ol the tiay. r evers, L.ivei affections, Jaundice, head-ache, loss of appetite, costiveness, female - complaints and every disease within the reach of hu man means; yield readily to the power ful, vet cenile operation of these pills As a cathartic th?y are copious and free, as an aperient they are mild and certain, as a tonic they are prompt and invigorating, as an alterative they are superior to Calo mel oranv other known remedy, and as purifyer of the blood they are unequalled in the history ol medicines. J here is no disease can withstand their life-giving en ergy when taken in time, or interrupt the system at all when they are administered as a preventative. During sickly sea sons, and the prevalence of epidemitks, their occasional use will preserve the body from attacks of disease. 50 cents per box. $54 per gross. Druggists, Booksellers, and Merchants are requisite to become agents for the sale ol the above medicines. All orders (post paid) directed to Dr. A. Harrell, Elizabeth City, N. C. will re ceive strict attention. TESTIMONIALS. Charles Bright, Esq. Pasquotank Co , N. C. cured of sick head ache, sick slom ach, costiveness, and fever. Josiab Pricbett, Esq. Pasquotank Co., N. C, of bilious pleurisy, pain in the head, and soreness of the whole body. Charle Harrel, Esq. Elizabeth City, N. C, his family of bilious and other symptoms. Capt. J. Smith, Windsor, N. C, of liver complaint and costiveness. Rev. G. M. Keesee, Portsmouth, Va., of bilious habit, head ache and nausea. Joseph Ramsey, Esq. Plymouth, N. C, of 'indisposition. Robert Simpson, Esq, Pasquotank Co., N. C. his wife of loss of appelite, and bis servant of diarrbcea. Horatio'' N. Wil liams, Esq. Elizabeth City. N. C, of in disposition. James C;irtwrighl Esq. Pas quotank Co., N. C, of loss of appetite, and sick stomach. Rev. James A. Rid dick, Randolph Macon College, of symp toms of Dyspepsia. Mr. Zion Culpepper, Elizabeth City, N. C, of loss of appetite' Rev. Joseph Turner, Elizabeth Cit , j C., of sick-stomach, and flatulence."' Jl seph buarbor, Esq. Camden Co., N C, of foul stomach, and bilious derangement' Mr. Robert Pool, Pasquotank' Co. N C. of impaired appetite and costiveness. t lew selected out of many. AGENTS. James M. Redmond,)-, Geo. Howard, 5 Tarboro1, B. Emerson, Norfolk, Va. H. BuffSi Co, Portsmouth, Va. W. Badliam, Edentoti, N. C. W. Fessenden, Plymouth, N. C. M. S. Berry, Hertford; N. C. D. Clayton, Tyrrel, N. C. H. D. Machen; Washington N C F; S. Marshall, Halifax, N.C. N. B. Hassell, Williamston, N. C. Webb h Capehart, Windsor, N. C. W. M. Mason, Raleigh, N. C. S. Small, near Woorlville, N. C. S. Hall, Newbern, N. C. W. h G. Howard, Ocracoke, N. C. Sept. 21, 1839. Jy IVciv and Splendid . FALL AND WINTER - MILLINER Y, c. Jllrs. il. C. IIO JIXIIZD, SS now opening her fall supply of Good-;, selected by herself with , the greatest rare and attention, and computing an ex ten.ive and general assortment of the mosi superb and fanciful, as well as neat and us-elul articles, in the . . . . Millinery line. Among her Goods will be found A variety of beautiful pdiern bonnets, la test and most approved Mvle, Plot ence anil Leghorn braid, French, En ijlish anil fancy str;iw Bonnets, French, velvet and f.tney Flowers, (iro de Algiers, Gro de Nap, &c. Plain, Og'd and waited s i I k and satins, Mode, Fl orences, plain. and fig'd Net, Thread, blond and dolled laces, Veil collars, caps curls n extensive asxutmtnl of ribbons, &c. ' S!.e invites an inspection of her Goods, as she is confident they cannot fail to give satisfaction as 1 epecls - quality and pi ice. Tarboro, Nov 9, lb39. $25'Meward. f RAN AWAY from the sub scriber in February last, my . Negro man if;;, Commonly called Amason hop pins Bob, well known in the neighborhood of Slanlonsbtif g. . He has a free woman for his wife, one of old Ste phen Mitchell's daughters.' She and old M i' in the neighborhood ofThe ophilus Eison, in the edge of Grtene county, where it is supposed Bub is lurk ing aliout. All persons ate forwanxd employing, harboring or giving him'aid, or countenancing liim in any ' way, nuclei penalty of the law. I w ill give the above teward of $25, and all reasonable exprn ces paid, to have him confined in any jail so that I can get him again or delivered to Mr. William Barnes, on While Oak, in Edgecombe county. JOSEPH J. M. BARNESJ I January, 1S40. $100 Reward. TO AN A WAY from the Subscriber, on the Hih November, 1S.3G, negro man SPENCER, Aged about 20 years, 5 leet 6 or 7 inches in height, weighing about 150 pounds, yel low i oniplexion, with a pleasant look no cars ormarks known o . S.-iid r,. merly belonged to Moses Tison, in Pi It county where he was raised. The above rewatd will be paid for his apprehension on uitivery to me in Greene county 9 miles irom Mantonsburg on the Raleigh road, or lodged in any jail so that I gel hPm gain. All persons are forewarned ainj harboring, employing, or carrying off said egio, uuuer penally ol the law. BENJ. C. D. EASON. Nov 29, 18:7. " 48 Cotton Gins. rglHK Subscriber otfers for sale on very moderate and accommodating terms, Two Cotton (ins, One of 37, and the other of 40 satv iliov ate both in prime order and ready fui wnmcuKue use. GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro',' August I- , Stale of Nortli Carolina, EDGECOMBR COUNTY". Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, NOVEMBER TEUM, 1S39. Chapman Norvelle ille ) f Far ran I levied on Amos Jenkins, 3 Land. U T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, lhat Amos Jenkins, the defen dnnt i n thip suit, is not a resident of this State: ll is therefore ordered, that - publi cation be made for six weeks successively in the TatborouVh Press. notilVincr o;.i unenuani inai unless lie appear at the next term of this Court, to bu held on tin fouith Monday in February next, at tin Court Huust? in Tarboruugh, then and there to make his defence, the said land will be condemned to be sold lo sal My plaintiff's demand. Witness, JosErn Bell, Clri-k of said Court, at office, the fourUi Monday in November, 1839. JOS. BELL, C.C. Price adv $5 00. ; 3 6 1 r 1 APPROVED Patent Medicines. OF FAT'S Lile Pills and Vlx liters, a ceilain and smedv dy in all cases of costiveness, il y f)enia bilious and liver affections, asthma, pji,.s' settled ains, rheumatism whether chron' ic or ii.flanimaioryi fevers aiid agues, oh', stinate he adaches, inquire sta!e of UiJ fful ids, unhealthy appeal ance of the skin" nervous debility, the sickness incident l females in del. cale health, every k,'n(j cf of ihe digestive organs, and all general deiangemeuls of health. JiVitm' camomile Pills, a saje and sjxnly cure for cJypepsia or indiges. 'i-n, jaundice, dfarrhasi, cholera, cholic, iver complaint, &c. Evans1 ftvev and ague Pi7 i sure cure for those disoidtrs. The pu. ifving pills tend to promote a healthy sp. creiion of the bile, and render the system capable of re ceiving with benefit the in- vigoratirig arm sirengtiiening puis. AVaiia' Soothing Symp, J(jr hildren teething. This invaluable renie ly has preserved hundreds of children when 1 hough I past recovery, from con. vulsions, levers, Sic. G oc li eke' 8 Matchless Sanative, i - medicine which is obtained eouallu from the vegc table, animal, and mineral kingdoms, and thus possesses a threefold power : medicine wnicu, though design. . . o ed as a remedy lor consumption solely, is possessed ol a mysterious mlluence over many diseases ol the human sy stem, viz palsy, fits, dropsy, emaciation, pleurisy, gout, piles, dysentery, gravel, spine com plaints, nervousnc ss, asthma, &c. Peters' vegetable anlUhiliom Pills, a certain cure for liver complaint. jaundice, bilious fever in its incipient stage, fever and ague, dyspen-ia. sick hear! ;iche, nervou-ness, nausea, lowness of sni. rils, bile on the stomach, and blotched or sallow complexion. , BerkwillVs anli-diispentic nils. 1 most valuable medicine for the cure cf lyspepsia, and the prevention of bilious levers, colic, &c. &c. Bernard's renudu for Asiatic Cholera, cholera morbus., diartbcea, sum mer complaints, colics, cramps & spa-ms. Carter's Southern llheumutic Embrocation, a speedy cure for ih unia- tism, chilblains, sprains. nunh.P nnrl aliflness of ihe joints, &c. Parson's pectoral balm of Car. ragen, or Irish moss, a sale and certain remedy for coughs, colds, asthmas, been ing cough, shortness of breath, spilling of blood, consumption, &c. - afflicted man's Friend or Ointment ol many virtues, muclr celebia ted for the cure of scrofula or king's evil, ringworm, goitre, inflamed, eyes, bunts, scalds, chilblains, breakin'g out on chil dren's heads, eruption, or pimples on the face, breaking out on the mouth, scorbutic ulcers, &. ulcerated sore legs, sore breasts, and cancerous humors. Harrison's adhesive plaster, far superior to any that has hitherto hrer, di. covered. In eonsi nnpnpp nf ;t adhesive qualities it is engaged, lhat this Plaster will maintain its hold with perti nacity where none other can be had to stick at all, that it is perfectly sedative, and that tlure is nothing whatever iirita b!e in its composition. Printed directions acoomnnnir ito valuable and highly approved patent me- nines, lur saie oy GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', August 24. Botanic Medicines. npilE subcriher has recently procured and now offers for sale on rpasnn iK'o and accommodating terms, the following Tliomiisonian illedicincs. vi. Lobelia, eed and pulverized 2nd and 3rd Preparation nf l Composii.on Powder, Poplar Bark, African Bird P,ppor, Bayberry, Skunk cabbage, wake "robin, Balsam Fir, Kll ornul It 7 i ",.,,u;T!,,uP uJimony, Ureen ozier, iviyrrn, Unicorn root, fil Bitter Root, Golden Seal, Clivers Pond Lilly, hemlnr.k. witk ' n " ' ,, VyOUgh DOVVC Prs. ra.rk, ...... I leaves, rnckly ash. si I D IIP r T7 (,1m kl Cholera and Dysentery Syrup, Rheumatic Tincture, Woman's Friend, Nrengthening Plaster, No. 6, " ..uo.pson s tiuide and Narrative, Lurtis's Medical Discussions, Uobinson's lectures, Syringes, &c. rp , , XT GEO. HOWARD. I arboro Nov. 9th, 1839. Turner Sf Hughes9 NORTH CAROLINA ALMANAC; FOU1840, 1 For sale at this Office at Raleigh prices, viz: 10 cents sinertp7j cPni 3$ 50 for half a gross, &c. " '