MKUCIIAXT TAILOR, "ID KSPKfiTFULLY informs Lis friend and the public generally ,'lhaj brr ba just received his splendid assottmenl of VIZ: Supeifine hide, black and green Cloth, lirovvn and Cadet mixl d . Reaver and pilot Cloihs, for ovetcoals, Casimeres, of most fashionable sly It-, Drab and bi.ff do. JM.iin dl irk & figured Vrl vets for vest ings. Wo. dtn Velvet and figured Valencia, do. Figured and plain Salin, do. A splendid assortment of Silk vesting-, Net shirts and draws, Plain black & fig'd satin Slocks with bows, do do bombazcen, do Hnsntns Collars, Gloves, Suspenders &c lie invites an inspection of his Hoods as he is cot:nkni they cannot fail to give sjfi sf icnon as respects quality and pi ice. (ptiefillemeu who wi-h their c iothes made up, can have thpm made and tiim mrd in the most fashionable style. A 1 1 or mi ir-un a distance will he punctually .diemhid to. Tarhoro', Octorer, IS39. Cotton Yarn, THE subscribers grateful for prist fa vrs take great pleasure in ad vising their uumerous customers of further decline ofZls Prices OP THIS ARTICLE. They fld'er themselves they are prepucd to sell on as good terms as the article ol the same q'i dtly on he procured else where. Hy assiduity and puortuilily in business they hope toieceive as hereto fore a l.bsral puronge. BATTLE S- BROTHERS. November ISth, 189. Notice. THE Subscriber is anxious to sell or lease the premises which s-he nowoe eupi'-s la the town of Tarboro', The buildings aie in th'inhTe cond repiii and there are two Lots together. She will sell oi base on nasonahle and ac commohtting terms, and possession given Mien de-ired. MARY Mi WILLIAMS. Nov.2 M). Carolina Justice, Containing a summary stafement of the St-ujtes and Cooimon Lw of tin Su e, together witli the Decision i f the Supreme t'nuri, au.l all the moj approv. d Forms and prec dents i 1 1 ting to the (dfice and du'v d a Justice vf (he Putce, and othei Pu-dic Oihcers. according to modern practice. fglME Subscribers having putchaed of the Author, the edition l thi Vitluahlu.Work, now tiircr it lor Sile, to the Public. ! is pronounced tjy th s', c im;ietent to j ilge, one of the most v du able cu.-npdations of toe kind ever put Pished in the Slate, and absolutely null-p-nsahle to the fjiihful diichatge of ulli cial duty. For convenience of reference, this work is divided inta Chapters a'phabetically arranged, coi responding precisely with those of the new Revised Statutes. Eich Chapter consists cl three d pit tmeuts: I -M, a summary of the Statute Law, briefly S'ated: 2 1, a concise s'a-tenient of the points relating to the subject of the Chap ter, so f.r as stilled either hy the decis ions of the Courts or hy the book's of the highest authority on the Com mon Lw. :d, the Forms and Prece dents, necessary for applying the subject matter of each Chapter, accompanied with such Notes and observations as ap pear necessary to reudev the whole intel ligible. This work will be found not only use ful to every class of public Officer?, but will prove a valuable source of informa lion to the general reader, furnishing n v does a plain and intelligible digest of the Lv.y, as understood and practiced in this Stale. The retail price of the Justice is Three Dtllirs. bit a liberal discount will be ni t to thosj who buy to sell again. TURNER cS- HUGHES. lA ig!i, Dceen ber, led? 9. (0" 1 ho subset iher has a few copies 0' the above valuable and useful book lot to i lUe price stated. CEO. '-HOWARD. I as I - t Hooks, Pamphlets, I Stationary, &c. njlllE Pit ml live Hipii- vol. 1,2, and J& 3, orally hound and lettered, A c' eist 1 1 i try f Me Kehukee A sori'i'to, bv Ehh r Jus. Miggs. McNeill's and Hum's P.ems Latin fltammar. I hsUo :jp Sana, &c. Tim Pahiotie Disc-nr-e, Hisket ol Fragments, M'jUS" gnawing out ol lb Ca'holie lr:p. and N otln r than Hip'i:; -hurches have a rigit to b -called Chris nan churches: by EU( r Jo-liua Ltwrence Also, writing piper white, pink, am! traw colnred letter p p r ink powder, quills blank cards, ''d lead pelted, wrap ping piper, &c. for sale by GEO. HOWARD. rarbrro', April U5. mm Cotton Gins. nPlIE subscriber has removed from Tar borough., and established himsell on the Ualeigh road, m ar tin? sfnre of .1. C. Knight, on Cokey, where he continues The making and repairing Cotton Gins, All ihosp who wih to supply themselves with (ijns of theles qualit), are respect fully solicited to apply to lie Stibsciiber personallv, or by letter. All orders 'or Gins will be promptly executed. tlins out of order will he expeditiously repaired. Persons wishing to h .ve work execulid, will please leave their orders at the store of I. C. Knight, h-q. SAMUEL I). PROCTER. Februai v 5ih. Joticc THE stibscriber has received a small Very heavy Cotton Bagging, t2 inrhes wide, which hp ofTV cbrnp fnt I)-v. 5'h. if?n (.'eltbratctl Patent Animal ami Vegetable III SOAP. ROR rleansing i oat rnllars, woollen linen, and eottoii god-4 tVoin spots oceai uiel hy urease, p: i t, tar, vainidi, anil oils of eveiy les ii,ili it, uidioul in jury to the finest uonds. TUc Oil Soap, Pisspsses very he.diog and penetrati u ( latities, and is used with p rlVri sfei fur bathing vaiious external complainis, iip.Mi man or beast. Instances are too no ui'Tous he certified. Thousands of eer tifi ate might be obtained of iis i ill arinu. t-fiVeu iipuu all bene complaints, wenU iiinhs, have In en di.sloc.iied, broK n, or otherwise iejtired. In nliunsi eier case when applied to corns on the feet, it has fl cted an entire cute. It is positively the best remedy, if tho roughly used, for sprains, hilhlains, poi sons, scalds, burns, sore lips, i h apped or cra lied hands, cutaneous ernpti uis, or pintfded fares, thai is known. For places ch tied by the harness or saddle, fpraiued shoulders, s rat lies, Sic on hors s, ihet r is ik rouiptsition that ixceds this. Warranted genuine. For sale lv GEO. UOlVAIiD. Tarhnro' Julv 30. House, Ltnulscape -if Ornamental PAINTING. rglUE Subscriber respectfully ' informs the citizens td Edgecombe county that he has located himself In Tav bo rough, Where he is prepared to execute all orders in his hue ol business. Thoe wishing gig, sideboards, sitting chairs, fire screens and ihe like piintef. will bring them to the coach shop of Mr. lentil. He will leave town and go into the ountrv, when house painting is required All orders in his line of business will he hanklully receivetl ;md failhlully execute! n i e a so u a hi e- ter ntr t L LEWIS ' DE ARQUER. i Tarboro', Ftb. 58. . Lock and Guh&mithry. npllE nndersigfied Jiaving devoted the most of his life to a knowledge of his profession; is now prepared JNVnr the Bridge, in Tarbovo To execute all orders in Lck and (Inn sitdihry, in a style al once equal to the tiest L'Midon wot k CI cUj, watches, musical boxes, breast pi"S fi ger rings, ;tnd puvelry autl b;o :cn at tides of every description will also ue. repaired al the shortest ilttice hy DA FID C. BELL. -Aii2'i i4ib.-lS3) 3 Hags, Hags, Mags! c r"Sl ITE subseri'es wi-h to pui chase S o iO.OOtJ .o inds id ch'an Ktincn and cotton Hags, For which a literal pice wi I De givrn. AUSTIX &- SOX. Nov. 22, issy. 47 Uccoxiamcndcel hy the Faculty. ' " E) IP? iif& CTS Tomato and Slippery Elm glilEEE are m my family medicines inv In fore tne pnb!', S"ine of w ld h. front their iutriiode iltns Imve j'e-ih gained the t'onfideuce and grttimde ot Imus;ui(1s; hut in the ligt't f conirat, ami in the st ;le of mraiite merit, Dr. Martell Tom ttct and Slippery Eiut 1'ills stiiioi pre-eminenil v above them all; nor is him apology idied for taking this high ground, unless il is the (act ol iheir snpe pet ior, and a I urns I mil uculou t HVt is in tin enre id diseases. Tl t'V prodm e, w hen la ken, n deep and I isitug impression thai (hey Stand al (he bead ol all other prepui- ed medicines id the day. Fevers, Livei ifi' lion?, J uitidice, head ache, loss of :ippe"iile, co.siiv eius, female c"Otfip!.iint. and every disease within ihe reach td hn uiaii means; ield readilv to the power ful, et un'ile operation of pills s H ralhai tic t!i y are ropioos and tree. is an aperient they are mild ai d ret tain, as a touie they are piottipt and iuvigot ntip . a no alteram e they are superior to Cain uiel or any other known reuied, and as ; put ifv er of ihe blood they are nmq taller n the histor of medicines. There is m disease can withstand llnir life-giving en eruy when taken in lime, or iuternipt tin system at all when th-y are administer') is h preventative. U-iring irkly sea st'its, and ihe prevalence of epidetnii k. their oteainual use will preserve tin body from attacks of disease. 50 en per box. per t;ros. Dmtlgists, lJ.ioks Hers, and Merchant' are requisite lo become agents for tin sale ol the abve medicines. All orders (post paid) directed to Dr. . Harrell, Eliz.beth City, N. C. will re ceive strict attention. TESTIMONIALS. Clnrles B.ighl, Eq. I'asquotatdi Co. . C. cured of sick head ache, sick stout ach, cosiiveness, and fever. J.siat richett, En l'a(iuotank Co., N. C, tf bilieus pleuriy, pain in the head, am. sorenes-s of ih whole body. Charles' llarrel, Esq. Klinbeth City, N. C., hi- t a mi I v ol bilious and other symptoms. Capt. J Sniiih, Windsor, N. ol livet eouiplaiut and cosiiveness. Kev. G. .M. Keesee, Porlsiuoulh. Va., of bilious h ibil. head ache and nausea. Joseph ! une, Lq Pi unoit b, M. ('., of indisposition llch. rt Simpson, Eq, I'asquoiauk ('a., i. C. Ids wife of loss of appetite, and bi servant of di;n 1 1 re i. Horatio Si. Wi. liatns, Esq. Kliz tbein Cil . . C, of iu- dispo.ilion. J lines Co lv i igbt Es(j. las qnofank Co., Vi. C, d loss of appetite. and sick stomal h. Hev. James A. Kid dick, K oulolph Macon Colli ge, id smp toms f Dyspepsia. Mr. Z"n Culpeppft Khxihetli Cn, N. C, of loss, f a pnte, Uev Joseph Turner. El Z ibeth Cilv, N. C., of sick stomach, and fluuleine. J.- seph Sharhor, Eq. Camden C.t N C. d ln sto.iiacb, ami bilious ileraiiuHiuetil . Mr. Uolitrt lol, I'asqtiotank Co., IS C, of impaired appetite and cosiiveness. A few selected out of nian. A GEN I S. James M. Hedmoxd. ) , , Geo. Howard, Tarboro, H. Emerson, Noifolk, Va. H-BnlT8i Co. Portsmootli, Va. W. Uadiiam, Edentoii, N. C. W. Fessenden, Plymouth, ,. C. M. S. Herry. Hertford, V. C. D. Clayton, Tvrrel, ,. C. H. I). M atdien, Washington, A. C. P. S. Marshall, Halifax, N C. N. . Hassell, Williamsion, N. C. 4 Wehti Capehart, Windsor, N. C. W. M. Mason, R .le'mh, N. C. S. Small near Woodville, 4. C. S. Hall. Newbern, N. C. W. h G. Howard, Ociacoke,N. a Sept. 21, 1839. ly IVcw and Splcnilid FALL AND WINTER MILLINER Y, $c. .Ill's. .1. C. IBOllMRgf, TT now ojiening her fall supply oi Good-, st leried by kersi If w ills the gteales' are and attention, :ilid cuoipii-ittg an ex ten-ive aul general assoi intent of the mo- s-ipeib and fanciful, as well as neat am' useful articles, in il.e ' IfXiliiaicry line. Among h i tjood will he lotind variety of heau iful piUern hoitncts, la test and most ap;u oVed s p, Flon nee and Legtioro brain, Ptench, En i;l sti and fane.y siraw li unels, P. Iiefi, Vtdvel and faiv Flowers 'mo de Algiers Gut de Np. & . Plain, fi'd and waleied -ilks a.,d aiins, Mode, Florences plain and figd Net, Thread. I I o'td and dot'ed laces, Veil-, rollai'S caps, etitls, Vn ext' n-ive assmtmi n of nbb mis Slc. S!.cnvit',s :n inspection d her Goods, s s,p is- coi hd-nt they cannot fiil to iv salisfaetion as re-p. els rj :;d y and puce Tarboro'. Nv 9, '3U. OF THE Journal of Ihe American Silk rich) and llnral licunumifit, EIT.ED BV GIDEON 15. JMIII1. flIlIS Journal was i stahlislw d by U Auo i cm Sdk Society, lor the put pose ol ili(nsi,g piac ICal I it t oniial ion ot he col me o sjU in tin Loiti d Stale-. J a-, now been pubd-hed toe yai, am. oi fie consiilei eil a work o' .sio,dai eli racier. The liisi ai j u ! JCiimr. C mi pi i-ii g 1 1 e fii ! volutin , contains , tia-.s of valuable inhu usalloii and it u i: teilw oij (v of llie Editor lo make n -- cond tqud in all respect-, if nut mi ei i r, to li e first. The important l;. is now esia li-hed b-V'"d aov question, bat the people ol Ihe Uni'eil jMati -i e. i. nake silk cht aper bud fietier ihui at) thei la'ion up n eat di II has hi i proved hy unimpe.iclia''h' ttsiniiony, lh i'u? entile cost ot pioducing Silk le;ul or mat Ke, does not exceed Itvo dolhu ml ivein five cents pi T pound, ami i ov(s v.ilue is li.ur tloilais and cents; al.-o, that one acre ol gtoun olattted in n oin- tr nl'icanlis, will pti :m -c. the first yetir the treta are jitdnlvd. oii tgnl p-ui.dsid sjK, h iiViig a ctetn prtfit t the prdncr ol one hniiltti. not i ipl.l ililho-! It has also I 1 1 1, piov I thai thet hihlitti and ft malts ol an) aimer's family can, with the greatest ,joihe ta-, produce from fifty to a nindied pounds ol silk every year, with ui any col whatevt r to the expenses ol H,e farm alter ihe lites are planted; anil therefore, that the whole amount of -k vill he so much clear gain, say from to S-I5f). With these facts we -ii'imil to n intelligent people whethet i is not a gieai and unp utaut o'J ct, r them to introduce the culture of nlk. -n ( very farmer's family in the Union. lo enable all our homers lo make silk, he J.Mlrnal of the American Silk SoCic v' was esia'ishid; it contains plain itactical directions for cultivating ih le"-, f eding and rearing silk worms, r-elieg ihe Mlk, and preparing it for naiki1,&;', beside- all other informa it iti that can be nq tired to ena'de an) pt-r-nn to enter upnt the business, eith er on a lare or small SiMle. Every 'rtend ol his country, into whose bamls t his pap r m iy tall, will he doing a p i 'not and philanthropist's woilc ly itulu eiog his friends and to ighbotits to t?iitei heir names op n Ihe li-t nf suheri' es. The .lournil of the Amiricm Silk Seciety is published monthly, m p.i ripl. hi forio; each uurnher contains thirty t wo octavo p ges, pi toted on new t pe not handsome paper, with a pr inletl col our d CoVT. Trrms : Two dollars a year, or six lot ten ilollais. always to tio 'efnie the wot U is sent.- .All solisenp ions to begin 'villi the first number 'Iv- year, and in no ra-e will the wor ;te sent to any snhseri it r longer than i stiall have been p liil lor, fJ3New Suh.rr ilieis, who tnkn tl . fp si and w cond Volumes, will be chai ged only Tbieel) II us lor the two yeat- HaJtimof-r, 1 js 40. J7T5Si.b criptions for the above pnb'i ation r ceiv d al ih. Office. Cotton (wins. ffflHE Subscriber Ifers; f0r sale on vrr a' moderate and aceommodaiing leim- Two Cotton Oins, One of 37, and the other of 40 saw thei ot: both in prime order and ready l immediate use. GEO. HOWARD. TvboraYAqgusi I APPROVED Patent Medicines. OFFAT'S Life P.tls and Vx llillers, a ceitain and six tdv tiy in all cases ol coviiveness, dyspf p,ja nilions and liver affections, asthma, pic5' settled pains, rhtumatism wlutht r chrotu c r ii (1 iinmaiory, fevers -nd agues, ol. siiuate to adaches, impute la!e i f ihe fl(J. Is, tinhealtl y appeaiance of the .skin neivous debility, the sickness inenknt emales in del. rate health, every fcimj ,,f eakness of ihe digestive oigans, aj g iietal lit i angements of health. liv. ills' 'camomile PilLi, a salt t ti sp.iy C.UM. i,.r dVsp, pN3 , , ltl(litr ion, j, li ri I CD.w, choltia, cholic iver complaint, Sic. Lvans' fircr and ague Vilh suie cure tot those disuid. is. Tin ptl! ityinir pi'.U tend to pii moie a be dthy le! r. tn n . I ii,e bib , a, d render Ihe s) steiT1 .tpjf.leol MC iVHg will, f-etofit (be ,n. . igoralii g and sin i thenii g pdls. I'lvans' Sio thing ?yri;p. j,r bildivi, teething. I his n iaiua de r. n,e. ly has piwi v d hundreds if ihihiin, vi,et, it, tight pisi u-covety, lio.n coin vul-ious. Il VI s, &.C. dor I i cke's .Mulch-ess Sannl'vc which is o!:ai,1(.(j f. out t ie v.i r-h.hh ,, and ,, ,.,;a! ..gib,:,.-, ;Mll ,h. p t.,v s ; jf ';d pouft "i nn d;c in whifl , th. no dts,., . d as reined) l r 'Mi.-urnn i, -. j!S .osse.sid ,tJ ;, u,,,!,.,;,,,,, 'any dis,aS,., of ih,- hurnai. s st v ; idsy, lit., dr ;s), rriraeialiisn, p n,)Mt P'1"- lv-ei.ierv , gtav. I. -p(e Con,! ..iaints, of j y,,Msfi , as' hma. &.e leltr.S rcgttahtv uuti-lit ':.! I'd!-, a (( t rain cure lor I v r i , fJ , . joiieiic, tidious lexer n. its f re. fi vet and agti", dy-p, ps,,, S,L. t ' ( ehe, lii i vi-u-ne-s, it iu-i a, it v rs ,.j it-, iu.- on the siomoe!', .md t .. C;,t ,i .,i allow con ph xion. He: Invi Ill's anii-dijsprpHc. V'tli most v lia' li nmliciue I t t;,t nut I !y-pepsia, arol ih p .vjutioo of btir..u. Vi l, colic. vVe. lit mai d's u mtdij fur .Isiutk boh r . chob ia inor i.u, thai i aa, m . m i c i plaints, colics, i i uiji pa-ii,. Carter's outturn lihtumutic iinliii cation, a pt , ty cull. ft,r rh, ia. Mn, - chilblains spiams, nun.b-ess, and -lilloess of ti e j uriis, Parson's pectoral balm of Cm: agen,,or In-h muss, H safand ct rtm M it.edy fi r coughs, colds, asibno, h,. mg c- ugh, shortness of breath, spilling uf blood, con-nmp'ioi!, &e. 7 he ajjlictid marts Friend or Ointment ,.i many virtu, s, much ctlibia i d lor ihe core ol scrofula or kfng vil, ringwoint, goitre, ii Aimed eyes, buns, scalds, chilblains, brtakii g out on chil- , tli en's beails, eruption, or pimples on il.e laee, breaking out on ihe mouth, srr; buiic uleeis, & ulccialed soie legs, sole brtash, and eaiiC- rotis humors. Harrison's adhesive plaster, for superior to any Ibat has hitherto luen di. covered. In consi quence of its amazing ooesive quiiines ii is eniraged, that this I'lasti t will maintain its hold with nerli- nacify where none other can b" had 1u -'lev at an, mat it is pc i It cl ly sedative, nd that th re is nothing whatever iiriu. bh in its composit mn. I rutted din ctions accomnanv Hip ntifive i valuable and highly appioved patent me- tieines, 101 sale by GEO. HOWARD. Botanic Medicines. fIIE snhcrihrr has recently mnrnrml JL ... .! ,r .. . . v r . t ,T . . . J 1 . . ...... i u is mi sale on ipa-nn t;C ami teeou.niod ,ting iefms. i.e ollowini: Thompouiaii Icdiciucs, viz: Eo'ieila, -eeil a; i puVi nze.l, 2nd and 3.d Piejiaia'ion ol do. ro.nposi,,.,,,,,,. pulvd.-r, Popl i Hatk, Alnc tn Mini i. pp..,, .n berry. Skunk C;ibbo,r,., u.,;e n bin, IM-am Fir, Ii Hei nut s)rup. Udmouy, (irecn i ziti , .Mirb. lToie. in root, (Jiir r, Hmer Unot, (J.d leu S. al, Cliverc, P'M.d Etlly, lieudock, w. eh I.mzU. C 'ugti powders, i i-petry leaves t'nckly ash, v,pp, ,v iT, i-arhirry, Clioleiaanl U sent, ry Sy t up iiu uma'ie Tir'.e.,,,,., Woman's Fiiend, ei.gdienins PJ.sier, No C. I ' o i pv,M, 1 1 j 1 1 ? r and N irrativr, '.'uMis'x M, .,;,. , f),-o. s-m ns, 'V bil.SOIj's L . CtUIK. Sinie-:. f. GEO HOWARD. Tirhnro', X v 9 -I., Turner 4 nghcs' NOK I II .MOI.IN ALMANAC1, FOR 1840, j For sale at this Office tit K Jeigh prices z: 10 cents single," 75 cents per dozen i$ 50 for half a grow, &c 5, r

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