IZcans Camomile Pills. flp H K camomile flower, (or as it is ofii--ially railed, Antukmis vocims, or Chan uMielum. from (lie (jretk words, Ka mai, on the ground, and .Melon, an ap ple; because it grows on the ground, ami smells like an apple,) is of a dull white color, of (Vagrant odor, and of a biller ar omatic taste. Camomile is a mild tonic, in small do ses acceptable and corroborant to the stomach. It is especially applicable to that condition of general debility, with languid appelitP, which often attends con valescence I'm in idiopathic fevers. To the Nervous and Dtbilitaled, Dr. Bi vans' Tonic Pills. The powers of Kvans' Camomile Pills, are such, that the palpitating beau, the tremulous hand, the dizzy ee, and the fluttering mind, vanish befoie their effects, like noxious vapors before the benign in fluence of the morning sun They hae been long successfully used for the cure of intcriniiieiits, together with levers of the irregular neivnus kind, accompanied with visceral obstructions. This ionic medicine is for nervous com plaints, general debility, indigestion and -its consequences, as want of appetite, dis tension of the stomach, acidity, unpleas ant taste in the mouth, tumbling noise in the bowels, nervous symptoms, languor) when the mind becomes irritable, despou cling, thoughtful, melancholy and deject ed. I lypm houdriacisin, consumption, dimness of sight, delirium, and all other nervous affections, these pills will produce a safe and permanent cure. Evans' Pills were first introduced in America in 1835. j Evans' family Aperient Pills Are purely vegetable, composed with the strictest precision of science and of art; thev never produce nausea, and are war : ranted to cure the following diseases w hich ! arise from impurities of the blood, viz: ; Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, Nervous diseases, liver complaint, dys pepsia, bilious diseases, piles, ulcers, fe ! male weakness, and all cases of hyporhon I driacism, low spirits, palpitation of the heart, nervous it ratibility, nervous weak ness, fluor albus, seminal weakness, indi gestion, loss of appetite, heartburn, gene ral debility, bodily weakness, chlorosis or green sickness, flatulency, hysterical faint ings, hysterics, headaches, hiccup, sea sickness, night mare, rheumatism, asth ma, tic douloureux, cramp, spasmodic af fections, and those who are victims to that most excruciating disorder, Gout, will find relief from their sufferings, by a course of Dr. Kvans' medicines. Beware oi Coiinterleit. JCanlion. He particular in purcha sing to obtain them at I DO Chatham st., New York, or from the REGULAR AGENTS. J. M. I". DM ON I), ) . , ., laiboro', CjF.O. HoWAItl), ) ' M. liussKLL, Elizibeth City. head orv. Extract of a letter of Jonas Snyder, tost Master, Kerntsiille, Pa., to Dr. Wil liam Evans. Among several cases the following is found: An elderly lady, who had been 25 years so afllicted with nervous hypochon dria, debility, &:e. that for the last three years she constantly received medical aid from a respectable physician; but the pressure aiid pain on her heart and biea?t, and especially in her left side, remained immovable, attended at long intervals with weakness in iier head and on her mind, keeping her discouraged to under take any thing. In May she commenced Using Dr. W. Evans' medicines ac cording to the directions accompanying them. A reaction took place; the pain and pressure in her body w as removed; her mind became clear and strong; lit r spirits perfectly good, and up to this time it is in all respects restored to health which for the last ten years she has not enjoyed. (Signed,) JONAS SNYDER. September 7, 1&3S. 03Zfe particular. The genuine is ven ded by Agents only. Evans1 Southing Srvp, Evans1 Camomile Pills, Hunt's Botanic Pills, Goode's Female Pills, i The above invaluable Medicines are sold Wholesale and Retail, at I 100 Chatham street, New Yohk, t 3 South seventh stueet, Philad'a 36 Cornuill, Boston, Mas?. REGULAR AGENTS. J. JU. Redmond, ) , , NT ; Geo. Howard, ,p"boro,N.C. ! F.S.Marshall, Halifax, 1 M Russell, Elizabeth City, j T. Bland, Edenton, Solomon Hall, Newbern ,, I W. Mason, Raleigh, j J. IV. Alwill, Brunswick, Ga I Mark A Lane, Washington, ZS. Seventh strut, Philadelphia, j January, 1840. coffifsjI its.va, All-IUCIIA.M' TA I I.i Hi, Hp KIS this method of informing hi Irieuds and the public gem rally, that In has just received his splendid Assortment of Spring and Summer VIZ: Supeifine blue, black and green Cloth, Black and olive darp d'ele, for summer coais, lack and ribb'd C.issimcres AM.tck Maccdunias, and green summer eaniblel, jlaeU and light drab caimcr, Hard Tunes and buff do. While and col'd thiead drills, Dial) and col'd (i.imhro'in. Plain Mack and fig'd satin Vesting, Plain and fizoreil chally do. Plain and figured Q lillings, do. Plain black & fig'd satin Slocks with how?, do do homhazcn, do Boson s, Collais. Gloves, Su-pendeis. &c lie invites an inspection of bis i.oods, is be is confnhnt ihey cannot fail to give salisfaei ion as respects quality and puce. (jJ(Jeii It-men who vvi-b their clothes made up,can have them made and trim med in the m st fashionable style. All orders from a distance will be punctually Mended to. Tar-horn, Mav 5h IS10 APPROVED Patent Medicines. VRRION'S specific Ointment, foi the cure of ulcer.-, wound-, corns fever sor , chilblains, while Mvellingx biles, pd -s, spider and snake biles. &e It is like wise gi ea' ly snpei lor lo any nit tlicinc heielef .ie dieuveicd for the cba fed backhand limlis of hordes lor li tters, ring worms, chapped lips and in short, for every extei nal bodily evil that may fall lo the lot of man or beal. Car pen lev's compound Syrnp of Liverwort, for Ihe cure of Cough-, -pit ling f blood, Consumption, and Livei Complaints. l)idian hair lUjc, warranted, with one application, lo change light oi red Iljir, to a beautiful hi own or jet black, in a few hours, without staining Ihe skin, or injuiiog ihe texture of the hair: ihe color is permanent, and will not rub ulf or soil the finest lint n. Bernard's remedy for Asiatic rhob ra, cholera morbus, diarrhoci, MJm mer complaints, colics, cramps & spasms Eerkivilh's anti-dyspeptic Fills, .1 most valuable medicine for the cure of tly-pepsia, and the prevention of bi!iou levers, colic, &c. &c. Carter's Southern JUunmalic Embroca'ion, a speedy cine for rheuma tism, chilblains, sprains, numbness, and stillness of the joints, &c. Parson's pectoral balm of Car- ragen, or Iii-b moss, a sale and certain remedy fer coughs, colds, a-lhmas, hoop ing cough, shortness of breath, pitting of blood, cousnmpiion, &c. 7 he afjVcted man's Friend, oi Ointment oi manv virtues, much celebra ted for the cure of scrofula or king's evil, ringwoim, goitre, it Aimed eyes, burns, scahN, chilblains, breakit g out on chil dren's heads, eruptic, n or pimples on the face, breaking out on the moulh, scot butic ulcers, & ulcerated sore legs sore breasts, and caeci tons humors. Printed dir ctions accompany ihe above valuable and highly approved patent me dicines, for sale by GEO. 1IOIVAIW. rarboro', Augu-t 21. ISULSiAKD'S Celebrated Patent Animal and Vegetable OIL SOAP U70R eleansing coat collars, woollen. linen, ami cotton goods, from spots occasioned by grease, paint, tar, varnish and oils of every description, without in jury to the finest goods. The Oil Soap, Possesses very healing and penetrating qualities, and is used with perfect safely for bathing various external complaints, upon man or beast. Instances are loo nu merous lo be certified. Thousands of cer tificates might be obtained of its efficacious effects upon all bone complaints, weak limbs, that have been dislocated, broken or otherwise injured. In almost everv case when applied to corns on the feet, it has effected an entire cure. It is positively the best remedy, if tho roughly used, for sprains, chilblains, poi sons, scalds, bnrns, sore lips, chapped or cracked hands, cutaneous eruptions, or pimpled faces, that is known. For places chafed by the harness or saddle, sprained shoulders, scratches, mc. on horses, there is no composition that txceeds this. Warranted genuine. For sate by GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro' July 30. Pocket Book Lost. W OST, on Sunday evening the 24)h in1. a' leather poeki t book; contain ing i i.ie dollars in mom y, two draft; fur 750 each, accepted by Pope & Ba-kcr villeof Petersburg, in favor of, and udor . d by Samuel L. Ai rington. payable sixt das alter date and dated on or about the I Silt ol April, lie note vs. J. C. Drake, payable to Joseph Mason or ouhr fr about i5l()y, da.ed some lime in IS.'jS, be i;ies some receipts and other pipeis ol no use to the limler. A liberal reward will he paid for said pocket book and p pers if di liven d lo Us in Nashville, or l :Mr. Beimel Bonn, Uoky Mount. IV M. II. SMITH CO. N. B. All persons are forbid trading for the above drafts or notes, as steps ,av In en taken to previ.ni their payment. IV. II. S S? Co. Nashville, N. C. May 25ih, 1S-I0. Dr. COSIOOxVS TONIC MIXTURE, FOR TUB CUKE OP Intermittent orlguc find Fever. (j nnillS mixture punlies the blood, re moves the ague and cons quent l ver. The blood is made from the chyle oi contents ol the stomach, has its ted col our and vitality imputed to it by the action of the lungs iiiul oxygen gas w hich ihe atmo-pheric air contains. The Samp on gland of the system, the liver, se cretes the bile, from Ihe blood catned ! that organ through the Vena Poriarum. These Viscera then aiv the anatomical apparatus by which the blood is made and preserved, and should be the Physician'. - watchword mark well the secretions. This mixture is hamless, and may be given lo infants with perfect safely, as its composition is solely Vegetable, head the certificates below and annexed lethr. I do hereby certify, that in IS37, my son Thomas was attacked with intermit tenl or Ague and fever. I applied to a respectable physician in Portsmouth, he gave him medicine, but in a few days thr ague returned. I then applied lo a physi cian atSomet lon, he prescribed, but found no relief. 1 then applied to Dr. Column, and one bottle of Ionic mixture made spee dy and permanent cure. Given under my hand this 25lh of Febumry. DAVID DUN FORD. Nansemond County, Va. Winton, N.C. At). 9, 1S39. I have acted as A sent for Ihe sale of Br. Column's tonic mixture, and can, from personal observation n commend it to the public for the cure of Ague and Fever, as 1 have sold is to those who had been plagued wilh the ague arid fever for many months a'd tried many other remedies without success, when one hot lie ol ihe mixtute made a speedy cure. Dr. Cohoon is at liberty to u-e this certificate in any publication he may think prop r. LA WHENCE ELY. Nanemond Co., Va , April IS, IS.39. I do hereby certify, that Dr. Cuhoou's Toi.ic Mixture proves an effectual cure for Iheairoe and lever, lor I have taken it and b und it to fail in no stage of the disease whatever. ELISIIA EVERETT. Hertford Co., N. C.,June 2, 1839. I do certifv, that I have, taken Dr. Co boon's Tonic Mix'ute, and used it in my family, and it has proved lo be one of the best medicines I b av ever used or seen given for Ague and Fever. WILLIAM P. BRITTON. Colerain, N. C, July 27th, 1839. I thought to have answered your note .iltr rooenn I til TP tnnffel'. I 1)11 Ve ni'OCII Ullljr ."Own ' - red you an Agent to sell your medicine at Colerain, Wm. J. Hardy, H-q., merchant of that place. I handed over to Mr. Hardy nine bottles of your mixture, and ir. ...u:u I ...Ml .,. keep mysen, wiucu ov-uuuin iu you for. Mr. Ilardy wishes a further sup ..I.. Q iln7on hnlllp. I bnvp iispiI 4 piy, sajf u " - - - bottles of your Tonic Mixture in the course ol I - monins iu my lamuy, anu n has succeeded in every case when every other medicine lhat I had tried had failed; and I say it i preferred to any medicine that I have ever used for the ague & fever. 1 am yours truly. J. WATFORD. AGENTS. GKO. KG WARD. ? Tarboro., at c. JOHN WILLIAMS, $ JAMKS K. VVriKiva. i a?quoianK eo. JOHN ASKKW, Pitch Landing, N. C. F. S. M A ivM nuLii iidiiirtA n k. i-. . lunWP" P.J.V. Winton. :V f7. JOSKPH HORNSBY, Suffolk, Va. LAVVRENCK & VAUunrtiaiunrees- AT C Dorougu, - tin i t it k I If ARHV. Cnlprdin AT r ARTHUR T. FOSTER, Bryerfield, Va. March, 1S40. 13 Constables' lllanksfov sale, AT THIS OFFICE. Cotton Yaniy it. 33 3 i . 'UE subscribers, grateful for pat fa v..r, laUr meal ple.i-ure in advinng l heir numerous ctinmtrs of f further tlvelinv of Ihe I rices OF THIS AUTICLP. Thev fldier themselves they aic prfpueil to sell on as ..od i. rms :t tle article o the same nudity can be oior'ni.il dn win ic. By assiduity and punciu dity in )iiinesi, they lo pe to icccive as hereto fore a l.b.-i .d ) u on ie. BATTLE cS- BROTHERS. No vein In r ISlh, I So.9. Police. 0 r HI II E Sobci iln r informs her customer--- aul the public, thai she has just ie turned wiib her Spring Supply of Goods, compilin g In r usual variety. A. C. HOWARD. Tarboro', May 7, 15 10. Rccimaisat'&EiIcd by ISse Faculty 3 Drs. Sf J IlarreWs CKLF BltATEl) PREPARED MEDICIXES. THKSK N i'.W AND P L K A A N T Kfc.MEDIES C' xMl'UISE Their Alterative Extract cf Sarsaparillis Olid Blood Boot. This is a valuable remedy in the cure40 (iinghams, at 15 cents, formerly of st mluL or king's while swelling, pains! sold nt 30 ct-nis, pat iu the bones, ulcerous sores, eruptions of the skin, rheumatism, s phililic and mer curial ;.fV. t lions, debility, and all diseases arising (rum imptniises f ihe blood, of impaired cousiiintions from long habits of excessive dissipation, price $ per bottle. Their Improved Extract of Sarsaparilla and Cubibs. For the cure ofchronic diseases of the mucous membrane, such as dysentery, leuchori hea. gieels, strictures, heruiori hoi dal HllVclioiis, but especially for gonori hea iu all its stages, catarrhs of mucous surfa ces, more particularly the lungs, kidneys, & their appendages. Price $ per bottle. Their Concentrated Extract of Buchu and Uva Ursi. For curing diseased urinary organs, such as gravel, morbid irritation and chronic infl imuiatiou of the kidneys, ure ters, bladder and urethra: also, diseases of the prostrate gland, loss of tone in pas sing urine, cutaneous afl'ections and rheu matism. Price .$1 25 per bottle. Their Febrifuge or Camomile Tome. For the cure of all debilities, loss of ap petite, but especially for Fever and Ague for which it lias been more particularly prepared. This medicine is so compoun ded as to meet this troublesome disease iu all its stages, and its ingredients so powerfully concentrated as to produce an fiectual cure of the most obstinate cases by taking a few doses. Price $1 per bottle. Their Anti spasmodic or Camphorated Cordial. Designed to cure excessive vomitting, diarrhea, cholera morbus, Asiatic cholera, pain in the stomach, cramps, hysterics, colics, hypocondri a, spasms, convulsions and muttering delirium in the low forms of bilious fever. It is a flue substitute foi paregoric. Price 75 cents per bottle. Their Cough Mixture of Carrageen Moss and Squills. For the cure of diseased Lungs, chron ic a (lections of the stomach and bowels, and all diseases produced by-sudden chan ges iu temperature. Price 75 cents per bottle. Their Anti bilious Tomato Pills. These pills combine the extract of To mato and Slippery Elm, with several ol the most approved remedies of the .Mate ria Medica, and if taken according to tin directions, will cure all diseases within the reach of human means. As a cathartic they are copious and free; as an aperient they are mild and certain; as a tonic they are prompt and invigorating; as an altera tive they are superior to calomel or any other known remedy, and as a purifier of the blood, they are unequalled iu the his tory of medicines. Price 50 cents per box Their Superfine Tooth Powder. For curing and hardening the gums. cleaning, preserving and keeping white the teeth, and for sweetening the breath. Price 50 cents per box The above preparations are offered to the public generally and Physicians espe cially, not as nostrums, or panaceas, but as neat and convenient preparations made on strictly scientific principles. They con tain the active virtues of their respective ingredients, in a concentrated form, and will do all in removing disease that such medicines can possibly e fleet. Since their invention, many afflicted with the prece ding diseases have been restored by their transcendent virtues; and the great and de sirable reward of health slill awaits those who avail themselves of their use accord ing to prescribed directions. They are for sale at the office of GEO. HOWARD, Agent. Tarboro', Nov. 20. NcwGoods, NcwGoods! Onater Bargains than ever, .11 t!ic Cheap Cash Stora JA3IES WEDDELL, HS now opening a large and most spletx did assor; metil of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, Bought principally for Cash; at the Auc tion sales in New Yoikj at woiuhrfully low priee- and will be sold at a very maii advance lo cash purchasers hta motto slill is, "The nimble sixpence bel- lier than the slow ssh 1 1 i i r SC. " 'Those desi rous of purchasing Good:, CHEAP, and ;d the same lime have a Large, IVcw mid Fashionable ASSORTMENT QV Seasonable Goods To select from, will unq'iestiotiably find it to th-ir inttr. st to give him a c!l. In his Assortment will be found 70 pit ces figured and pl dn colored Silk? at 50 cell's and upward., 10,, black figured and plain do. very che:t(i. G handsome plaid silks, for apron?j lihick ahd coloied Mouse de Laine "and challys, cheap, AO pieces printed muslins, 20 cenfs antl upward, .SO ,, piinted lavVns, handsome and chedpi ,, riencii calicoes, oo. tio. G ,j yard wide ginghams, suitable .for ap roriSj 90 calicoes, ai the low price of 5 cents and o'i c nts, 200 calicoes, al 8, 10, and 12 cents warrtn'ed fast color, 150,, ditlbi id 15 cenfs and upwards handsome pattern, good qualities, and cheapj Go ,, furniture calicoes, 10 cents and up wa ids. 120 3 unbleached domestics, al 5 and 6 cents 250 yard wide do. do. at S, 10, and 12 centSj the greatest bargains ever oiler d, .. 150,,yrrd wide bleached Domestic, at 6 and up to the finest made, 100 unbleached Jeans, 10 cenfs, 30 bed lick, at 10, 15, 17, and 20 cent? very cheap, 20 j, yard wide apron checks, at 10 cents and finer, 40 Irish linens, at 25 cents to Si, 1 great bargain, 50 j, brown linen at 121 cents and up wards, 22 linen drill, plain and striped, cheapi 3S striped and printed jeans, low, 200 Jackets, vests, and pants Very cheap, Flag silk handkfs, at 25 cents and up wards, 200 needle worked collars and cape?j from 30 cents lo 150 tamboured do. do. 12$ lo 25 cenfs, Ladies fancy hdkfs and scarfs, iu endless variety j Cambric, jaconet, swiss, book and mult miblins, very cheap Hishop lawn and x barred mus.'ins, cheapj lionnet and Cap ribbons, in great variety cheap Ladies and misses bonnets, handsome and cheap Men's and boys summer hats, of every style, Black and drab fur bats, of tvuy quality at low prices, Boots and shors of every size, style and quality, astonishingly cheap. A general assortment of Cutlery, Hard ware, China, Glass, and Crockcrt) ware, GROCERIES, $c c. c. c. The above, With every other article usually kept in similar establishments; will posilivey be sold chedper For cash than ever before offered. Please call ami see. Tarboro', May 6, IS 10 Lock and Gimsmitlipy. fJPHE undersigned having devoted the most of his life to a knowledge of his profession, is now prepared Near the Bridge, in Tarboro To execute all orders in Lock and Guri smilhry, in a style at once equal lo the best London work Clocks, watches, musical boxes, breast pins, ringer rings, ahd jeweiry and bro ken articles of every description will alsd be repaired at the shortest notice by DAVID C. BELL. August 14th, IS39. 3.3 Cotton Yarn. IHHK subscriber has just received a quantity of Cotton Yarn, different numbers,which he will sell on reasonable, and accommodating terms. GEO. HOWARD. Tarboro', Jsu. 1540.

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