Hooks, Pamphlets, Stationary, &c. i mis 9 6 rSlHE Primitive Baptist, vols. 1,9, and J- 3, neatly oounu and lettered, A concise History of the Kehukee As soci iiion, by Elder Jos. Biggs. The Patriotic Discourse, Basket of Fragments, Mouse gnawing out of I he Citholic Irnp. and No other than Baptist churches have a right to be. called Chris tian churches: by Elder Joshua Lawrence. Also, writing piper white, pink, and straw colored letter paper ink powder, quills, blank cards, red lead pencils, wrap ping naper, &.C. for sale by GEO. 110 IV AM). Tarboro', April 25. Worth Carolina Justice, Containing a summary statement of the Statutes and Common Lw of this Sta'e, together with the Decisions of the Supreme Court, and all the mol approved Forms and precedents, .rela ting to ihe office and duty of a Justice of the Peace, and other Public Officer, according to modern practice. npHE Subscribers having purchased of the Author, the whole edition of thi Valuable Work, now offer it for Sale, to the Public. It is pronounced by those. competent to judge, one ol Ihe most valu able compilations of the kind ever pub lished in the Slate, arid absolutely indis pensable to the faithful discharge of ofli cUl duly. This work will be found not only use ful to every class of public Officers, but will prove a valuable source of informa lion to the general reader, furnishing as it does a plain and intelligible digest of Ihe Law, as understood and practiced in this Slate. The retail price of the Justice is Three Dollars, bul a liberal discount will be made lo those who buy to sell again. TURNER $ HUGHES. Raleigh, December, ts39. (jjyi'hp subscriber has a few copies ol the above valuable and useful book for sale, at the price stated. GEO HOWARD. liotanic Jtledicincs. Hp HE subcriber has recently procured and now offers for sale on reasonable and accommodating terms, the following Thompsoiiian Medicines, viz : Lobelia, seed and pulverized, 2nd. and 3rd Preparation of do. Composition, Nerve Powder, Poplar Bark, African Bird Pepper, Bay berry, Skunk cabbage, wake robin, Balsam Fir, Butternut syrup, Balmony, Green ozier, Myrrh, Unicorn root, Ginger, Bitter Root, Golden Seal, Oliver?, Pond Lilly, hemlock, witch hazle, Cough powder, raspberry leaves, Prickly ash, slippery elm, barberry, Cholera and Dysentery Syrup, Rheumatic Tincture, Woman's Friend, Strengthening Plaster, No. 6, Thompson's Guide and Narrative, Robinson's Lectures, Syringes, &c. GEO. HOWARD. Tnrboro', Nov. 9th, 1S39. Marks' s Ointment CURE OF PILES. ubscriber begs leave to offer to the attention of those who are subject to that most disagreeable of disorders, TIME PILES, A remedy, the efficacy of which has been tested by the experience of years, and the utility of which has in no instance been impaired from failure to relieve. To those who have been subjected to this disease, it will prove, if applied when re attached, a sure preventative to its contin uance, without the least pmn; indeed ma ny have pronounced it the most agreeable remedy ever applied. There can be no danger in its use, as its component parts are ot harmless vegetable matter. The mother of the subscriber who is the maker of the Ointment, has been in the habit of giving it to her friends and neigh bors for the last five or six years, and in no instance to her knowledge has its ap plication been ineffectual, as will be sten by a number of certificates annexed, as well as the testimony of a medical gentle man who has used it himself and prescii bed it to the relief of rubers. . Those who are suffering will do well to matte a wiai m me remedy. Its eliieacy is guaranteed, and there rn be no doubt but that the disorder may be arrested in its earliest Stale, if no delay be made in its ap plication. The directions for use will be found on each bottle. SAMUEL JI. MARKS. Petersburg, Va. Aug. 31. ttThe Ointment may likewise be ob tained from Messrs. Spotswood Robert ton, Druggists, Petersburg and from the .uhsenber, in Tarboro', where the certifi cate! aoova referred lo can be seen. QZO.IlQlVmWt Agent. THESE Pdls are no longer among those of doubtful utility. They have pas'ed awy from the hundreds that are ilailv launched upon "the tide of experi menf," and now stand before the public higher in reputation, and more extenstve ymployed in all parts of the United .states, the Canada?, Texas, Mexico, and ihe West Indies, than any medicine that ha ever been prepared for the relief ol suffering m?n. 1 hey have heen introdu ced wherever it was found possible to car ry them; aid there are but few town that do not contain some remai k tble evidence of their good elf els. The certificates that have been presented lo the proprietor exceed twenty thousand, upwards of five hundred of which are Irom regular pnicli ,jng physician who are the most compe tent judges of their meiils. Often have I lie euies p rhVmed by thi medicine been the subject of editoria mmmpnt in various new'snaners and journals; ami it may with truth be assor ted, that no medicine of the kind has ever received testimonials of greater value than are alt ached lo this. They are in general use as a family medicine; and there are thousands of fam dies who declare they have a supply al ways on hand. They have no rival in curing and pre venting Bilious Fevers, Fever and Ag'ie Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Sick Head iche, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, ixhen mat ism, Enlargement of the Spleen Piles, Colic, Female Obstructions, Heart burn, Furred Tongue, Nausea, Disten sion of the Stomach and bowels, Incipi cut Diarrhoea, Flatulence, Habitual Cos livenes, Loss of Appetite, blotched or Sallow Complexion, and in all cases ol torpor of the bowels, where a cathartic or aperient is needed. They are exceed ingly mild in their operation, producing neither nansea, griping, nor debility. The Pill are put up in tin boxes, price 50 cents per box. Ffom Dr. Eli Todd, late president, oj the Medical Society rf Conned cut, and Prnc pal of the Insane Hospital at Hartford, dated Si pi. S, 15;JS. My personal acquaintance with Dr. Joseph Priestly Peters, together with the vtry favorable impression of his talents & his character, derived from his friend--, have satisfied me that he is well enti tled lo the medical honors he received 1 Vale College, and that the public may safely confide in his integrity and skill in the exercise of his profession. FEVER AND AGUE. Augusta, Ga.y Feb. 10, 1S39. To Dr. Peters. Sir For upwards of 15 months I have been cruelly afflicted with Fever and Ague, and during that lime could find nothing (tho I had applied to very thing) thai give me any thing like permanent relief. At length, however, your Pills were recommended to me, by ne of our best physicians; and I am most grateful and happy in being able to add, shat I had scaicely used two boxes when I found that they had restored me lo per feet health. Since then vaiious member ( my family have ued I hem with equal ueccssand consequently ! feel it my duty i appri.se you of the fact, and to r quest you in publish ibis certificate, as I am aux lotijj to add my public testimony lo the almost miraculous virtues of your unrival led medicine. Respectfully ycurs, THEODORE JAMES. The above Vegetable Pills are for sab at the Post Office and Printing Office in rarb'n April I, IS 10. fern Cotton Gins. fJIHE Subscriber offers for sale on very moderate and accommodating terms, Two Cotton Gins, One of 37, and Ihe other of 40 saws they are both in prime order and ready fur Immediate use. GEO. HOIVARD. Tarboro, August I- House, Landscape & Ornamental FAINTING. npnE Subscriber respectfully informs -51- Ihe citizens of Edgecombe county thai he lias located himself ' In Tuvborongh, Where he is prepared lo execute all orders in nis line oi business. Those ihing gigs, sideboards, sitting chairs, fire screens and the like painted, win nring mem 10 ihe coacli ihon of Mr I'errell. He will leave town and go into the country, when house painting is required. aii oiuersin ms uneoi business will be thankfully received and faithfully executed on reasonable terms. LEJVIS DE ARQUER. iarooro , beb. 26. 1 Cotton Gins. THE subscriber has removed from Tar borousdn and established himself on the Raleigh road, near the store of J. C. Knight, on Cokey, where he continues The making and repairing Cotton Gins. All those who wih to supply themselves with Gins of the best quality, are respect fully solicited to apply to the Subscriber, personally, or by letter. All orders for Gins will be promptly executed. Gins out of order Avill bo expeditiously repaired. Persons wishineto Inve work executed, will pleae leave their orders al the, store of . C. Knight, E-q. SAMUEL D. PROCTER. February 5lh. Vegetable JLifc Medicines. np HESE medicines are indebted for their name to their manifest and sensible action in purifying the springs and channels of life, and enduing them wilb renewed tone and vigor. In many hun dreds of certified cases which have been made public, mid in almost every species of disease to which the human frame is liable, the happy effects of XJlcPiHd & 1'heuix Kilters, Have been .gratefully and publicly ac- nowledged by the persons benefitted, and who were previously unacquainted with the beautifully philosophical principles up-, on which they are compounded, and up on which i hey consequently an. The &ife tiled i einrs Recommend themselves in diseases of every form and description. Their first operation is to loosen from the coats of ihe stomach and i lowels, the various im purities and crudities constantly sealing around them, and to remove the hardened fVeces which collect in the convolutions of the small intestines. Other medicines only partially cleanse these, and leave such collected masses behind as to pro duce habitual costiveuess, with alt its train of etils, or sudden diarrhoea, with its imminent dangers. This fact is well known to all regular anatomists, who ex amine the human bowels after death; and hence the prejudice of these well informed men against quack medicines or me dicines prepared and heralded to the pub lic by ignorant persons. The second effect of the Life Medicines is to cleanse ihe kidneys and the bladder, and by this means, the liver h the lungs, the healthful action of which entirely depeuds upon the regularity of the urinary organs. The blood, which takes its red color from the agency of the liver and the lungs before it passes into the heart, being thus purified bv them and nourished by food coming from a clean stomach, courses freely thro' the veins, renews every part of the system, and triumphantly mounts the banner of health in the blooming cheek. JMoffat's Vegetable Life .Medicines have been thoroughly tested, e.nd pro nounced a sovereign remedy fur P pep sin, Flatulency, Palpit ition of iiis? Heart. Loss of Appetite, H eartburu and Head ache, Restlessness, lli-temper, Anxiety. Languor and Melancholy, Costiveuess, Diarrhoea, Cholera, Fevers of nil kinds, Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsies of all kinds, It ravel, worms, Asthma and Consumption, Scurvy, Ulcers, Inveterate Sores, Srar bulic Eruptions, and bad complexions, Eruptive complaints, Sallow, Clndy, and oilier disagreeable Complexions, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, common Colds and Influenza, and various other com plaints which afflict the human frame. In FEVER AND AGUE, particula. ly, the Life Medicines have been most eminently successful; so much so that in the Fever and Ague districts, Physicians almost uni versally prescribe them. All that Mr. Moffat requires of his pa tients is, to be particular in taking the Life Medicines strictly according lo the direc tions. It is not by a newspaper notice, or by any thing that he himself raav savin their favor, that he hopes to gain credit. It is alone by the results of a fair trial. MolfiU's Medical Manual, Designed as a domestic guide to health. This little pamphlet, edited by V. B. iMofiat, 375 Broadway, New York, has been published for the explaining more fully Mr. Moffat's theory of diseases, and will be found highly interesting to persons seeking health. It treats upon prevalent diseases, and the causes thereof. Price, 25 centsfor sale by Mr. Moffat's agents generally. tt?"All post paid letters will receive im mediate attention. Agents. The Life Medicines may also be had of the principal druggists in every town throughout the U. States and ihe Canadas. Ask for Moffat's Life Pills & Phenix Bitter's; and be sure that a fac si. mile of John Moffat's signature is upon ihe label of each bolifeof bitters or boxof nil! These valuable medicines are for sale by CfEO. HOWARD, Agent. Tarboxo1, April, 1840. lii'tjLBmujmmh New and Splendid FALL AND WINTER MILLINER T, $-c. SS now opening her fall supply of Good, selected by herself with the greatest care and attention, sind compiising; an ex tensive and general assortment of the mosl superb and fanciful, as well as neat and useful articles, in the jflillincry line. Among h'-r Goods will be found A variety of beautiful pattern bonnets, la test and mosl approved style, Florence and Leghorn braid, French, En glishnml fancy straw Bonnets, French, velvet and fanny Flowers, Gro de Algiers, Gro de Np, &c Pl.iin, fig'd and watered silks and satins, Veils, collars, cap", cutis, n extensive asoitment of ribbons, &c. S!.e invites an inspection of her Goods, is she is confident they cannot fiil lo givt sitisfaeiion as ropecls quality and price. Tarboro', Nov 9, 1839. EtccosiiEiieisfletl hv the Facullv. 4 Tomato (aid Slippery MZtm Ip H ERE are many tamily medicines now before the public, some ol which, from their intrinsic virtues have justly gained the confidence and gratitude of thousand'?; but in the light of contrast, and in ihe sc ale of curative merit, Dr. Harrell'h Tomato and Slippery Elm Pills stand pre-eminently above them allj nor is an apology offered for taking this high ground, unless il is the fact of their supe perior, and almost miraculous effects in the cure of diseases. They produce, w hen ta ken, a deep and listing impression lhat they stand at the head ol all other prepar ed medicines of the day. Fevers, Livet affection?, Jaundice, head-ache, loss ol appetile, cosiiveness, female complaints, and every disease within the reach of hu man means; yield readily to the power ful, yet gentle operation of these pills. As a cathartic th,y are copious and free, as an aperient they are mild and certain, as a tonic they are prompt and invigorating, as.an alterative they are superior to Calo mel or any other known remedy, and as a purifyer of the blood they are unequalled in the history of medicines. There is no disease can withstand their life-giving en ergy when taken in time, or interrupt the system at all when they are administered as a preventative. During sickly sea sons, and the prevalence of epidemicks, their occasional use uill preserve the body from attacks of disease. 50 cents per box. $54 per gross. Druggists, Booksellers, and Merc hants are requisite to become agents for the sale of the above medicines. Ail orders (post paid) directed lo Dr. A. Ilarrell, Elizabeth City, N. C. will re ceive strict attention. TESTIMONIALS. Charles Bright, Eq. Pasquotank Co , i. U. cured ol sick head ache, sit k stom ach, costiveuess, and fever. Jnsiah Prichelt, Esq. Pasquotank Co., N. C, of bilious deurisy, pain in ihe head, and soreness of the whole bod v. Plmrlpc Barrel, Esq. Elizabeth CityN. C, his family of bilious and other symptoms. Capt. .1. Smith, Wind sor, N. C, of liver complaint and costiveuess. Rev. G. M. Keesee, Portsmouth, Va., of bilious habit, head ache and nausea. Joseph Rumsey, Esq. Plymouth, N. C, of indisposition. Robert Simpson, Esq, Pasquotank Co., N. C. his wife of loss of appetite, and his servant of diarrhoea. Horatio N. Wil- Hams, ksq. blizibetii City. N. C, of in - "ii. i.ui ny. in. Vy., Ol III- osition. James Ciirtnriglu Esq. Pas lank Co., N. C, of loss of appetite, disposition. quntan and sick siomach. Kev. James A. Rid dick, Randolph Macon Culltge, of symp toms of Dyspepsia. Mr. Zion Culpepper, Elizabeth City, N. C, of loss of appetite,' Rev. Joseph Turner, Elizabeth Ciiv, N.' C, of sick stomach, and fl.uiilencer Jo seph Sharbor, Esq. Camden Co., N C, of foul stomach, and bilious derangement! Mr. Robert Pool, Pasquotank Co., N. C, of impaired appetite and costiveuess. A few selected out of many. AGENTS. James M. Redmond, ) , Geo. Howard, J I arboro', B. Emerson, Norfolk, Va. H. Buff&t Co, Portsmouth, Va. W. Bddliam, Edenton, N. C. W. Fessenden, Plymouth, N. C. M. S. Berry, Hertford, N. C. D. Clayton, Tyrrel, N. C. H. D. Machen, Washington, N. C. F. S. Marshall, Halifax, N. C. N. B. Hassell, Williamston, N. C. Webb & Capehart, Windsor, N. C. W. M. Mason, Raleigh, N. C. S. Small, near Woodville, N. C." S. Hall, Newbern, N. C. VV. h G. Howard, Ocracoke, N. C. Sept. 2i, 1839. iy Brandretlis P7T Cleanse and piss Ify !2se JQ$ ff1 HE application of tht i,t .ncin'o,, nr ifiin-ii uliij d nut ll l fi r-.rt n.ihnn hulrwr nl n.. i 1 'llic ..,:i;,., ;.. .1... . ui OJ Oe nti . r i epical ui iii i y io uit! cure aiul U' tu of disease, it is ol the greatest cr.n to ascertain what medicine js cannM C! producing the desired effect in tho 6 f est, and at the same lime in Hie most eir 1 1 1 i I m inner H'C ll has now no longer io contend the blind prejudice .T ti e greatest lion of the p'tblic; it ,s onjv j3 r 'hoe few who still are iletpi mine,! j"1 "killed accoidmg to luTe," 1,0 pie of old who ''would I ave a Kjp reign over tlum." But, thanks Iq ) circulation of new :pnpt rs 1 1 n n k s )o '! general diffusion of knowhd. wjjdjj ' ! ibls nineteen twentieths l Yliv . PEE lo read and j'idge for Humbly,, now we no longer b bevn J?; svai.nvj that deadly mineial Merctrry, pi0(Vjv' to core but universally avi,- r , 7 worse condition alter us u-e. We no longer believe in Hie abi ' notion 'hat Infhmmations ol any Jjju ; 'an be cored by abstracts C,U. j,' OUR BLOOD. It Nnowlvdl Ull lool lhat an infl jmmalion is a Vje f" diKnce of nature, a signul i hn t .ie ,0 q ires ihe assignee of pur-itive mHj. cioe to ease her ot the oppressive burden which she proves hy the v'3 fever y, ti'.e stror.g pul-e, i-; . jintnl 'o he rtmov.,. In other words, the bod) Calls fur av( ! able clrani' . J Rrandreth Vegetable universal n quire no j-kill in Iheir nfl:iiiMjvtrajj the printed direction vvy has t0 observed, and they describe ihe j-ist r.r portion of Ihe magnitude of the disease to be curtd. Eel ail p-crons rcvid the follo'vir? pinion id" a get tleir.- n who wtli Li,c the q'laliiies of t!u se IMIs. ZZramZrctWs Fills, This medicine is acknowledged tot; one ol the mo-t valuable ever di-covered, as a puiili. r ol the blood and fluids. 1; is superior In S,ns:iparil!,i, tvheihtt asi sodorifjc or alterative. If shmds ir-fmiy b lore all the preparations or co r binalitn? f Mercury.. Its purgative properties sr; ahme of incalculable value for these Pi!.; may be taken daily for any period, Mi slead of weakening by the cathartic elite:, they add strength by taking away the cause if weakness. There is no good Meicuty doe?, which these Pills do not likewise lint they have none of the miserable t ffects of lhat deadly specific. The leeih are not ii jured; the bones and limbs sie not paralized no but in the stead c; these distressing symptoms, new life art! consequent animation is evident in tnr movement of the body. Iirandn Pills are indeed a uiitvrsal Remedy, lor ihey cure opposite diseases; they cars Inflammation and chronic rheumatism I hey cure diabetes and sfrangunrvu They cure dysentery and conslifulionJ cost 1 vene.ss- I hey will cure all th-M apparently ojposile diseases, Ixctr-1.-iliey cleanse and purify i,e hloeii, j;r-;v-dfd, h'iw. ver, na-ine is 10; bevi'mi 'i-l human ASS1S IW INit'K. Pour years ri:5 medicine has now been b:feie the puii: in the United Stale"; wherever it h;i i-n introducid, il has suj Ctscdcd a!i cII.lT remedies. This medicine hi? ben ma;? t': subject of much menimenl llircj!' tin: United Stales, while its uliiiiv been extensively aeknovlcdre'l. 'H-? impression seems to be gaining grouro. bat Hrandreth's nielincie m:iy be em ployed with safety and i (foci, a a renieiij .'or ordinaiy it firmities. There many sensible persons in this cily,ast! as other pnrts of the country, vvho gre:t propriety testify to the good cff:C'! of lJraudrelh's Pills. Irom frc quent cxpf'!" 'nents; & no evil may be apprehended ircm the use of them according to the cJ'rec lions. In direc'ing public attention to'" Mrandrcth medicine, we only express o: honest convictions, that the liran(jf-n Pills have done more service to the prf;' ent gpneriiti ni, th:in all ihe patent me cines which have ever been introduce into general us"1. Dr Rrandreth's OJices in Ncv Vo:-' a.e 241, liHOA 1)V A V; 185, H" strett, a-.tl276, Bowery, between Fm :-' and Houston slreefs FiPIM-mlivf I) rtrrr ir 1 ' t 1 1 ttma n riTI' 1)12' Lqj .0(0 III C !.,. . Agents 1 7vlaiii Street 105, A ft-iv doors below the Old Mm' Richmond, is Dl. UK N.I. MMU" UKiirs viiujinia orpfCK. Tlie following gentlemen have bff,' appointerl agents for Ihe sale of J'ia; reth's P,Ms: C KG. HOWARD, Tarboro N C:'' Ptek, Raleigh-, A. P. Nor t ham, field; 13. & II. Hiker. Louisburg; iKcr & Patchelor, Evfiehh l'vop, Stanfonsbnrg: M. Frrall y lifax; R. II Daniel Ffeattvilei jC!c md Piitchelt, Brinlcleyville. .. ' The medicine can he procured of 3? ,. in every county in the Slate, al 25 Celi per box, with directi us. Eich agent has an crgnved certify ' signed Ji. Brandrethy M D March, 1S40. 12 r