?F7ioZ JVo. 7G I. Tarborough, (Edgecombe County, JV. 6'J Saturday, September 20, 1840 roi. ATI JVo 39. 0 Tic Tar&orotigh Press, BY G ROItij E HOW.VUD, Is published weekly at Two Dollars and Fifty Cents per year, if paid, in a-:Iv.ince-vr, 7Vee Dollars at the expiration of the subscription year. For anj period less than a year, F-oenty-Jioe Cmts per month. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at anytime on ffivin? notice thereof and paying arrears-tho?" residing at a distance must invariably alvance, or give a respon sible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements not exceeding a square will he inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 2" cents for every continuance. Lonrer advertise ments in like proportion. Court Orders and Ju dicial advertisements "25 per cent, higher. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of in sertions required, or they will be continued until otherwise ordered and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid or they may not be attended to. Doctor Win. EVA1'$ SOOTHING SYRUP For children Teething, j PREPARED BY HIMSELF. To .Mothers and jVurscs. THE passage of the Teeth through the gums produces troublesome and dan gerous symptoms. It is known by moih ! ers that there is great irritation in the ' mouth and gums during this process. The gums swell, the secretion of saliva is in creased, the child is seized with frequent and sudden fus of crying, watching?, .start ! ing in the sleep, and spasms of peculiar parts, the child shrieks with extreme vio lence, and thrusts its fingers into its mouth. If these precursory symptoms are not spee dily alleviated, spasmodic convulsions uni versally supervene, and soon cause the dissolution of the infant. If mothers who j have their little babes afflicted with these distressing symptoms, would apply Dr. I William Kvaus's Celebrated Soothing i Syrup, which has preserved hundreds of . infants when thought past recovery, from being suddenly attacked with that fatal malady, convulsions. This infallible remedy has preserved I hundreds of Children, when thought past recovery, Iroin convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gums, the child will recover. This preparation is so in- Inocent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, that iito child will refuse to let its gums be '.rubbed with it. When infants are at the age of four months, though there is no ap pearance of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should be used on the gums, to jOpen the pores. Parents should never be without, the Syrup in the nursery where there are young children; for if a child .wakes in the night with pain in the gums, ;1he Syrup immediately givesease by open ing the pores and healing the gums; there by preventing Convulsions, Fevers, & To the Agent of Dr. Kvans Southing Syrup: Dear Sir The great beotfii afforded to my suffering infant by your Soothing Syrup, in a case of protracted and painful dentition, must convince every feeling parent how essential an early ap plication of such an invaluable medicine is to relieve infant misery and torture. My infant, while teething, experienced such acute sullenngs, that it was attacked with convulsions, and my wife and family sup posed that death would soon release the babe from anguish till we procured a bot fleof your Syrup; which as soon as ap plied to the gums a wonderful change was produced, and after a few applications tht child displayed obvious relief, and by con tinuing in its use. I am glad to inform you, the child has completely recovered. nd no recurrence of that awful complaint fias since occurred; the teeth are emana ting daily and the child enjoys perfect lealih. I giveyou my cheerful permission 'to make this acknowledgment public, and 'll gladly give any information on this Circumstance. I When children begin to be in pain with their teeth, shooting in their gums, put a J'tt'e of the Syrup in a tea-spoon, and ith the finger let the child's gums be rubbed for uvo or three minutes, three times a day. U must not be put to the Kreast immediately, for the milk would Uke the syrup off too soon. When the tfeth are just coming through their gums, mothers should immediately apply tj,e sy' po; it will prevent the children having a 'ever, and undergoing that painful opera tion of lancing the gums, which always lkes the tooth much harder to come larough, and sometimes causes death. Rc.varc or Counterfeits. ; V3Caulion. Be parcicutar in purcha ns to obtain it al 100 Chatham St., iiew York, or from the REGULAR AGENTS. J. M. Redmond, Geo. Howard, C arooro?. M. Russel, Elizabeth Citv. January, 1840. BY AUTHOUITV.l L WS OF THE UNITED STATES PASSED AT THE FIRST SESSION OF THE T1VEN' r"-SIXTH CONGRESS. Private No. 51. AN ACT for the relief of Ebenezcr Lob dell. Be it enacted by the Senate and. House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Secretary of "the Treasury be. and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Ebenczer Lodbell, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise ap propriated, the sum of one thousand and eve;ity-five dollars and thirtv-ninc cents for exira labor in clearing out certain ob structions iti the river Kennebec, not within the terms of a contract executed by him and Peter Grant, the agent of the United States, on the thirtieth d,iy of May eighteen hundred and twenty-nine. R. M. T. HUNTER, Speaker of the House of Representatives WILLIAM R. KING, President of the Senate pro tempore. Approved, July 20ib, 1S40. M. VAN BUREN. Private No. 52. AN ACT for the relief of John V. Faunce and Oliver Perrin. Be it enacted bij the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stales of America in Congress asse?nOledt That the Commissioner of Patents be, and he hereby is, authorized to issue a patent to Jhn W. Faunce and Oliver Perrin, on their specification filed in the Patent Ofiice on the first day of September, eight een hundred and thirty-four, on their pay ing the sum of thirty "dollars and deposit ing a model and drawing according to the existing laws: Provided, That on exami nation, the Commissioner shall be satisfied that the said Faunce and Perrin were the original inventors of the machine des cribed in their said specification. Approved, July 20th, 1840. Private No. 53 AN ACT for the relief of John L Bow man and Enoch J. Noyes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United. States of .Jmerica in Congress assembled, That the collector of the customs for the district of Passamaquoddy, in Maine, is hereby authorized to pay to John L Bow man, and Enoch J. Noyes, owners of the fishing schooner called the George, of East port, in said district, of sixty-tight and thirty eight ninety-fifths tons burden, and to the persons composing her late crew, or their legal representatives, such allowance to be distributed according to law, as they would have been entitled to receive if she had completed htr fishing term; the said schooner havm been totally lost in a gale, after hav; ig been employed more than two and a ha if months of the term required by law. Approved, July 20th, 1840. Private No. 54. AN ACT for the relief of Pierre Molai son, the widow Pierre Richoux, Alex ander Comeau, Alice L. Foley, widow of John Foley, and Francois Martin, of the Slate of Louisiana. Be it enacted by the Senate and House oj Representatives of the United States if America m Congress assembled, mat the claim ot nerre Molaison to a tract of land of one arpen and a half front, more or less, with forty arpens in depth, situate on the left bank of the bayou La fourche, about three milts below the town of Thibodauxville, be, and the same is hereby, confirmed. Sec. 2. JJnd be it further enacted. That the claim of the widow Pierre Rich oux, to a tract of land of one arpen and a half front, more or less, with forty arnens in depth, situate on the left bank of the bayou Lafourche, about three miles below the town of Thibodauxville, and bounded on the lower side by the land of Pierre Molaison, descnoed in the first section of this act, be, and the same is hereby con firmed. Sec. 3. Jlnd be it further enacted, rhat the claim of Alexander Comeau to a tract of land of four arpens front, with forty arpens in depth, situate on the left bank oi the bayou Lafourche, about four leagues and a half from the Mississinoi. and designated as fractional section num ber fifty-eight, in township thirteen, range fourteen east, be, and the same is hereby confirmed. Sec. 4. And he it furher enactcdf Tint the claim of Alice L Foley, widow oi .jonn roiey, 10 a tract ot land in the pir- i-li ot Assumption, on the leu bank of the eighty, of townships numbers fourteen and tourtecn, in range numbers thirteen and fonreen east, be, and the same is hereby, confirmed. Sec. 5. Jind he it further enacted Tint the claim of Francois Martin to a tract of land in the parish of Assumption, on the right bank of the canal, to Lake Verrit, containing one hundred and forty and sixty-three hundredths acres, be. and thr same is hereby confirmed: Provided, That none of the confirmations contained in this act shall amount to any thin-; more i ban a relinquishment of claim on the part uf the United States. Approved, July 20th, 1840. Private No. 55 AX ACT for the relief of certain settler. on the salt-lick reservation in the wes tern district of Tennessee. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ff Representatives of the United Stales of America in Cujignss assembled, That the provisions of an act of Congres entitled An act for the relief of certain -settlers living on what is called the salt lick reservation in the western district ot 1'ennessee," approved on the third day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty- nine, be, and the same are hereby, extended to the first day of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine. Approved, July 20th, 1S40. Private No. 56 AN ACT for the relief of the widow and heirs-at law of the late Lewis Grant Davidson, deceased. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representat ives of the United Slates oj Jimerica in Congress assembled, That it shall be the duty of Eliza Davidson, the widow of Lewis Grant Davidson, late Georgetown, in the District of Columbia, deceased, and guardian of the infant heirs of the said Lewis, to make out and return to the orphans' court of Washington coun ty, in the said District, a full and complete list of all the real estate of which the said Lewis Grant Davidson died seized, lying and being in Washington county aforesaid, distinguishing on the said list such of the said ral estate as is unimproved and un productive, and such as is improved and productive; and it shall and may be lawful, and the said ElLa Davidson is hereby authorized, from time to time, to baigain and sell that part of the said estate which is unimproved a"nd unproductive, or any portion thereof, on such terms as to her may seem most for the interest of the said infant heirs, and, "immediately after any such sale, the said Eliza shall report the same, and the terms thereof, to the judge of the orphans' court aforesaid; and the same having been approved and ratified by the said judge, and the purchase-money having been paid and not otherwise, the said Eliza Davidson is iurlher authorized and empowered, by a deed of bargain and sale to eonvey the premises by her sold to the purchaser or purchasers thereof in fee simple. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the judge of the orphans' court afore said shall have authority to allot and ap portion to the said Eliza, out of the pro ceedsof such sales, an equivalent, or satis faction in money, for her right of dower in the said premises sold and conveyed by her; and, also, a commission, not excee ding five per centum, on the proceeds of such sales; and to pass all sucn orders and decrees relative to the disposal and invest ment of such proceeds by the said Eliza, as to him shall seem proper lor the preser vation and improvement of the estate of the said infant heirs. Sec 3. Jlnd be it further enacted, That the register ot the orphans7 court shall take and state an account of such sales as may be reported, and of such or ders as may be made in the premises, under the direction ot the said judge, and shall be paid therefor such fees as by law he is allowed to charge and receive in the settlement of other guardian ac counts. Sec 4- And he it further enacted, That, as the said infant heirs-at-law of the said Lewis Grant Davidson arrive at law ful age, it shall be the duty of the said Eliza Davidson to account with them for the oroceeds of the said real estate by her sold by virtue of this act, and to pay over to each of them the balance or portion severallv due to them on such account; and, on her failing so to do, her bond, as guardian of the said intant heirs, may be put insuit,and tnesaiu uaiance or portion canal leading to Lake Verrit, and cor.tdn- ,' , ? T & c .i r " of Representatives of the United States ms; ten arpens front by forty arnens in , V n , , . i n i i 3 , 1 f America in Congress assembled, depth, designated as sections numbers one r n ... -.u o. . e . i i j if . i , , , , nit I homas Bennett, ol the Sate of New hundred and forty and one hundred and v . . , ,, . .. severally due me aia neirs, may recovered thereon. Approved, July 20lh, 1840. be Private No. 57 AN ACT fur the relief of Thomas Ben- nett. 5 piaeeu on the pension- rate of thirty dollars per annum during hi naltir.il lift-; to co.nmence on the fourth day of March, eighteen hundreJ and thiriy-one. Approved, July 20 h, 1S40. PrivateNo. 5S. AN ACT granting a section of land for the use of schools in St. Clair county, Slate of Illinois. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States f v'Jmerica in Congress assembled. That one section of the public lands sub ject to private entry and sale in the State of Illinois, be loca'ed'for the use and bene fit ofsi hiols for the inhabitants of town !np one north, range ten west of li3 third principal meridian, in said "Mate, in lieu of the sixteenth section, which has been appropriated by the Govt rnnient for the ue of private claims. Sec. 2. Jlnd be it further enacted, That any person appointed by the county commissioner's court of the county of St. Clair, in the Slate of Illinois, be, and he is hereby, authorized tj locate the said section "named in this act for the purpose above-named. Approved, July 20th, 1S40. Private No. 59. AN ACT for the relief of Captain John Dovvnes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to allow to Captain John Downcs, in the settlement of his account, the sum of seven hundred and twenty-three dollars and sixty cents with which he stands charged twice in his account at the Treas ury Department, and cause the said sum of seven hundred and twenty-three dol lars and sixty cents to be paid to the said Captain John Dovvnes out of any money remaining in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, July 20th, 1S40. Private No. GO. AN ACT allowing further time to the Trustees of Centre College to dispose of the land heretofore granted to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, in the State of Kentucky. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slates of America in Congress assembled, That the further time of two years, from and after the fifth day of April, one thou sand eight hundred and forty, be, and the same is hereby, allowed to the trustees of Centre College, at Danville, in the State of Kentucky, to dispose of the lands heretofore granted to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, in said State of Kentucky. Approved, July 20;h, 1S40. Private No. 61. AN ACT granting two townships of land for the use of a university in the Tern tory of Iowa. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to set apart and reserve from sale, out of any of the public lands within the Ierntory of Iowa, to which the Indian title has been or may oe extinguished, and not otherwise appro priated, a quantity of land, not exceeding two entire townships, for the use and sup port of a university within the said Terri tory when it becomes a Slate, and for no other use or purpose whatsoever, to be located in tracts of not less than an entire section, corresponding with any of the le gal divisions into which the public lands are authorized to be surveyed. Approved, July 20th, 1S40. Private No. 62. AN. ACT for the relief of the legal repre sentatives of William Williams, senior, deceased. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives oj the United States of America in Congress assembled, That John Campbell, James Campbell, Hamilton C. Campbell, and Mary W it iams be, and they are hereby, authoiized, to relinquish to the United States, in such form as the Commissioner of the General Land Office shall prescribe, the southwest quarter of section fifteen, of township ten north, range four east, in the tract appro proated (by the acts appropriated and granting land to the late army of the Uni ted states, passed on ana since me sixuv Tio i or-.rtr.tnrl A.i A O- - I TT i ui r i.'-; uutitll uu iw ijviiji uii-i u 1 1 Jl lilt day of May, eighteen hundred and twelve) for military bounties in ihe Territory of Atkansis; andupon such re inquishment being m ide as aforesahi, and upon satisfac tory proof being also made to the said Commissioner that the said John Camp bell, James Campbell, Hamilton C. Camp hell, and Mary Williams, ore Ihe only legal lepreentatives of the s:dd William Will iams, deceased, the said John Camp hell, James Campbell, Hamilton C. Campbell, and Mary Williams, shdl be, and they are hereby, authorized 1o enter any other quarter section of land, in the State of Arkansas which shall be liable to entry at private sale. Approved, July 20th, 1S-10. Private No. 63. AN ACT granting a pension to the heirs of Leonard Smih. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the Secretary of War cause to be paid to the heirs of Captain Leonard Smith, late of the county of Orange, in the States of New York, the p iy allowed to a Lieu tenant in the army of the Revolution, for six months service, under the act of Con gress passed the seventh day of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-two; said pay commencing on the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and en ding on the death of the said Leonard Smith. Approved, July 20th, IS 10. Private No. 64. AN ACT for the relief of Cornelius Tiers. Be it enacted by the. Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembted That the Secretary of the Treasury pay to Cornelius Tiers, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, one thousand two hundred dollars; the amount of loss by him sustained in delaying to give him orders to make blocks, &c. for a ship of the line, frigate, and sloop of war, contrary to his contract with the United States. Approved, July 20th, 1840. 'Private No. 65. AN ACT for the relief of Mary Perkins. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That Mary Perkins, of the county of Wil liams, in the State of Ohio, be, and she is hereby authorized to enter, within twelve months after the passage of this act, with the register and receiver of the land office at Lima, in said State, the following tractof land, to wit: the west fraction of the south east quarter of section numbered twenty one, in township numbered one north, of range five east, in the Lima land district, Ohio, she paying therefore, as other pur chasers, the price of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. Approved, July 20th, 1S40. Private No. 66. AN ACT lor the relief of William Mar- bury, of Louisiana. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That William Marbufy, of the State of Louisiana be ,and he is hereby, authorized to enter, without payment, at the land ofiice at St. Helena, a section of six hun dred and forty acres of land, in township seven, range three east, in the land district of St. Helena, in the State of Louisiana, in lieu of and as a full equivalent for the same quantity of land to which he had a private claim, which was confirmed, under a certificate numbered seven hundred and ixteen, in October, in the year one thou sand eight hundred and twenty-seven, and which tract of land." Was then required, by an order of servey from the land office at St. Helena, to be run out and allotted to him in the parish of St. Tammany, in the same land district, but which was not surveyed or allotted in pursuance of said order, and was returned as public land; the most valuable part of which has since been sold by the United States: Provided, That before a patent Shall issue for the land, the entry of which is authorized by the provisions of this act, the said Mar bury shall relinquish to the United State, in such manner as the commissioner of the general land office may direct, all hij interest to the land originally confirmed, which should have been run out and allot, . led to him in the parish of St. Tammany. Approvkd, July 20th, 1840. Private No. 67. AN ACT for the relief of the children of Stephen Johnston, deceased. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hovse of Representatives of the United Stales' of America in Congress assembled, That upon the President being satisfied that the claim of the children of Stephen Johnton, named in the treaty mad with' si