I 1 1 IIS O bolt Xo. 77. Ta'vboroitgb, ( Hdgtcombe County, j C ) siiturdny January zs- J84t Vol. XrilXo 4 57j? TarboroHgh Press, i 6f GEOHGE IIOWAltD, j U published weekly at Ttvo Dollars and Fifty Verfi per year, if paid in advance or, Three foliar at the expiration of the subscription year. 1 For an) period less than a year, Tvcnty-fwe Irnfs ppr month. Subscribers are at liberty to ; iji-jcontinue at any time, oncrivinT notice thereof nd paying arrears those residin-r at a distance j tniist invariably pay in advance, or give a respon sible reference in this vicinity. Advertisements not exceeding a square will be ; Inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 25 'cents for every continuance. Longer -arivprti.se-1 merits in like proportion. Court Orders and Ju dicial advertisements 25 per cent, hi-rher. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of in igertions required, or they will be continued until 'otherwise ordered and charged accordingly i Letters addressed to the Ivlitor must be post paid or they may not be attended to. Doctor Win. EVAX8' SOOTHING SYRUP For children i'eething, PREPARED BY HIMSELF. "Vo .Mothers and JS'urses. II K passage of the Teeth through the gums produces troublesome and dan gerous symptoms. It is known by moth ers that there is ureal irritation in ih. mouth and uums during 1 1 i - process. Tin gums swell, the secretion of saliva is in creased, the child is seized with freq-ieiu and sudden fits of crying, wan hinns, st iri iuj: in the sleep, and spsms of peculii. parts, the child shrieks u ilh extr eme vio lence, and thrusts its fiiiiZer into its moutli ill' these precursory. symptom are not spee dily alleviated, spasmodic convulsions uni versally supervene, and soon cause the 'dissolution of the infant. If mothers win. Ii.ive tlndi little babes ;ifil . tt d with these ' iliMifSsiiiu symptoms, would apply )r i William Kvaus's Celebrated Soohiuj .Syrup, which lias preeived hundreds ; infants w hfii ihuuejit past recovery, from b'iot: suddenly attacked with that fatal ' malady, convulsions i This infallible remedy has preserved I hnodreds ( Children, when (hoiigln past i recovery, from convulsions. As soon as itlie S r ii p is rubbed on the gums, the child ; will recover. This preparation is so in iiorent, so eilicacious, and so pleasant, that no rliild will refuse to let its gums be rubbed with it. When infants are ai ihe age of four mouths, though there is no ap pearauce of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should be used on the gums, to .open the pores. Parents should never he 'without the Syrup in the nursery where tliere are young children; for if a child wakes in the night with pain in the gums, the Syrup immedi tiely gives ease by open 'g tne pores ami healing tin- gums: there by preventing Convulsions, Fevers. &e. t 'P.. ti. . r r- i' o . ..i .: Syrup: Dear Sir The great benefit afforded to my suffering infant by your Snoihing Syrup, in a case of protracted and painful dentition, must convince every leeimg parent how essential an eailv ap pliraiiou of sin h an invaluable medicine is lo relieve infant misery ami torture. My infant, while teething, experienced such 9pni ... TV .1 . . I I '.i i uir Miuerings, uiai u w as au.icKeri witn I Convulsions, and my wife and family sup posed tliat death would soon release the babe frooi anguish till we procured a hot tie of your Syrup; which as soon as ap plied to the liiims a wonderful change was prodnred, and after a few applications the fhild displayed obvious relief, and by eon V'X'i'ie: in its use. I am glad to inform yn,, the child , as completely recovered, ''id nu recurrence of ih.M :n.vfid i-iimiihiini Since occurred; the leeth are emana- I J"K (kuly and the child enjoys perfect ealUi. I eive you mv cheerful nerniissioii i mRp llns :irliiii, Im,I,iiiih .i..l.lij. .,wl t " Kafii y nive any mfnin ili i;i I 1 ' - this ,rp'nstaurp. : lien chihlreii hetrin to be in pain with leir leeth, slinuhr in (heir unuis, pot a '".I,e 'f lite Syrup h. je, spoon, and "'l die fl!ls;pr e, ,.,,('s gurus he '"Wifd fr hvo or three minutes, three '"nes a div. , msl . p, , lht. j .Aast ,,n htlv. for the milk would je the syrnp nff,ll(l Vel ,,,e peth are , nfi, thro.lub their uu.ns, ;"ll,:rS '""Hi'H n.diatelv apply the sy- fp'P; " W'H prevail ihe children havioe a j;';'1'1 ''-ru .'mur.hat painful p,r... ni I - ,,,r," die B.nv nhi, h :iU ay. toon, iini.-li h inler lo ili'U'i. ,i lie 'H e of Co iiitcE'i'cits. IiiHj y , ; PMi.-nl r in pur. ha New v i "' " M 100 thallium St., , 1 ,rk r from the H'UJLXR xcknts. Ultmn !.... - J- ' Ri KOMOS'i) ) Ceo fl.,. ..... t rarb oo' KO ' ( anu"y, 1840. From the Iiuleigh Stand trd. CAP HONS Of the Public and Private .let 's and lie soHiims, passed hy the General J2$- ''' o AWA Carolina at the ! sion of IS 40 -Ml. PUHLIC ACTS. 1. To prevent the cutting of timber in the Rivers of Cherokee county. 2. To secure title, and grant jurisdiction to the United Slates over a tract of land on liody's Island, for the purpose of erecting a Light I Ions;. 3. To give longer time to register Grants of Land, in this State Allows 2 years. 4. To repeal so much of the Act ol IS29, authoriz ng the .luticesof Ire dell lo purchase laud an I erect a I'o r No ie, as c nij) Is said land to lie. within 10 miles of Siaiesv ille. 5. To change the time of holding the County Con it of Camden. o'. To ammo the act of ISIS providing for the election of a Magistrate for the town of Wilmington and lor other purpo -e- Tne provision- of sai I Act are not to exiend to citizens of the counties of Bruns wick, Sampson, Duplin, or New ll.nover and to none other but ieidents of Wil mington. 7. To regnla'e the time of holding the Superior Court of Moore. Diiects thv ucAi lci in ui am couri 10 commence oul; week earlier and hold two wteks if nvces-i S. To amend an ac! entitled an act con cerning the seat of (lovernmt nt and Pub lic Buildings. Piovidesfor the appoint ment of an agent to take care of the Public Buildings and public grounds in the city of Raleigh. 9. To abolish the Fair held at or near Laurel Ndl, in Richmond county. 10. To authorize A. R. S. llunter of Cherokee county to remove his biidge. 11. To expedite legal process. 12. To compel Militia Officers to hold their commissions 3 years. 13. Authorizing the Governor to an- point an Ag-nt in the counttes ot Macon r-, .-r ami Cherokee. S.ud Agent is to attend to j 39. To repe d, in p . i t the Act entitled the collection of Bonds given for Cherokee ! an Act concerning Bdls, Bonds, and Pio Iands, and to the general interest of the ' missory Notes. Fixes the rate of dama State in connexion with s.iid land whtther ges at 3 instead ofG percent, sold or unsold, for which S per cent com-! 40. To change the time of holding the pensation is allowed on tho amount collect- ( Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of ed. j Lir.coln county. Directs that they he 14. Concerning Jurors m l ancy coun- ht Id o i the iirsl Monday in June and De ty. Allows 75 cents per day and two cember. cents mileage to .said Jurors. 41. To protect ihe interest of Lessors. 15. Providing for the election of Eire- Exempts from execution or lien of any tors of President and Vice President of the debt until the end of year, the crop or qun United States. I lie election hereafter to be held on the first Monday in November, instead of the second Tiiursdav as hereto fore diiected, in the years which they are now directed to be held. 1G. Repealing the Act relating to Pub lic Road in Buncombe county. 17. Amending the Revised Statute, en titled "An Act concerning Registers.' Provides that heicafier the several" County Courts may order toe books of the Regis ter to be kept at a specified pi ire, and may also compel the Register to attend by himself or deputy, one day in e ch week at the Court House, for the transaction of Itjublic business, and for failure thereof in. o ,.t,.lt,- is. To lay off and establish a County hv ihn nnmpnlNhnlr en., It., ,r.lia v:,...,U "... .. .r M ...i f w., j . ...w '"...iai UUI null l 1MUIII- gomery, the rivers Yadkin and Pedee be- ing the dividing line of said Stanly and Montgomery counties. 1.9. To make FA ctions uniform throughout the Slate, &e. Directs that h'-ieilier, the elections for Members of the General Assembly, Representatives in the Congress of the United States, Go vernor of the Stat -, Sheriffs, Clerks of the County and Sup-u-ior Courts, shall he held in all Hie couutu s of the Sta e, on the 1-t I'liuisdayin ugust, in the cveral years which aul eh ctions are now directed by law to be held, under the sane provisions as heretofore 20 To inc u p Jiaie thv to n of Hender son, in the county d w an vill-. 21. For th - rel'ef d die XVilinnigtou and Rdemh Rail Road Company Directs toe Treasurer to endorse the Bonds of aid Compam fr S300,000. ami pledging w.e Stale lor ihe payment ol the same, under 'eri.dn conditions. 22. To enl ugH the limits of thi town of vV,.dcsboro', in nson count v. Corpoae limits here..f.er to t xtend i onleeavli way from the Court House. 23. To attach a pari of Iredell to Wilkes rountv. Attaches a few acres of land in i i ii . tir-ii Iredell to Wilkes 2 4. Concerning the collection of fines and costs from free negroes and free persons of c dor. Repeals so much of the Act of lS3Sand'."9, entitled an Act to amend he 5Sth chapter of the Revised Statutes, entitled Insolvent Debtor, so far as it ex tends or may he construed to extend to free negroes and free persons of color. 25. i o ive the County Court of Chero-i uee. jurisdiction over the State Road in iid county. 2G. To am Mid the Revised Statutes con ccrning Pilots and Commissioners of Navi gation of Cape Fear River. Provides r" , ' ?f S?, C"'"Uy R, Commissioners of Wilmington shall ap point live and the qualified voters of Smith ville one, ol the six Commissioners of Pi lotage and Navigation of Cape Fear Ri ver. 27. To amend the Act laying off a Ro.nl f om B.irnsville to the Tennessee Line. 2S. To lay off a new County by the name of Cleavelan I. Erects the County out of p u ts of Lincoln and Rutherford 2'J. Directing the conveyance of the Commons a 'joining the town of Murphey in Ch rokee to the chiirm in of the County Co irt, upon the payment of 50 cents per ere. 30. To regulate the Jury in the coumy of Burke. 31. To amend the Aet concerning the K-h-ction of Governor. Provides for more certain returns. 32 To lay off a new County by the name of Cal.lwt II. Erects the County out of pwU of Burke and VYjlirs. 33. To amend the law concerning the lees of Coroners. Allows 55 for each in quest, and authorises the County court to make allowance for burial expenses. 34. To lay off a road down the Blue Ridge from the Vancy Line to Turkey Cove CiCek. Appropriates $ 1000, provi ded the citizens ol Bui ke and Ynncy will f-xpciid 5500 in labor or money on said road, and the S1000 to be paid when the Commissioners certify to the Treasurer, that such expenditure has been made. 35. Giving lo Cherokee county a Supe- j rior Court of Law and Equity. 3G. lo repeal an Act entitled an Act to appoint a Committee of Finance for the count y of Richmond, p issed at the session of 1829-'30. 37. To amend an Act passed at the last General Assembly, entitled 4 'an Act to prevent obstructing the passage of Fish up the Pedee and main Yadkin rivers. 3S. Giving to the county of Henderson ;a Superior Co;rt of Law and Equity. ; tit v nf m-airi that the Lessee agrees to tav his landlord. 42. To repeal an Act of 1 S3 1 , giving exclusive jurisdiction to the Superior Courts of Moore. Gives jurisdiction to the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Moore over all pleas and prosecutions of the State, which are now cognizdjfe and exercised by the other county courts in this State. 4 3. For the better regulation of the county court of Cumberland. Authorizes a majority of the acting Justices ol the county to elect annually from among themselves a special Justice, who is to receive 5S per day for ever v day that he may attend and hold the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be paid by the county trustee. 4 1. To amend the Revised .Statute en titled an Act concerning the appointment of guardians, and the management of Or phans, and their Estates. Grants power to the Superior Courts of Law and Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to commit the tuition and custody of Ihe orphans lo one, and the charge ol his estate to another person. 45. Providing for restoring to the lights of citizenship, persons convicted of infa mous crimes. 46. An Act supplementary to an Act passed in 1S39, chapter 30, entitled an Act to amend the Inspection laws. In thcis a fine of S100 o:i .n lusp ct-T ihat nisnects .vw-niiil lumber bv any rules idfereni If -m thoe pr. s. riocci u me in spection laws one half the fine to go to ihe informer or person suing, and the other naif to the use of the county where such lorfeiture shall be incurred. 47. To amend an Act passed at the last session of ihe General Asembly entitled an Act to au h orize the making ofa Turn pike Road in H .y woo.l coumy. The cap iial .tocK of sai l com p iny to be S6,000, instead of 54,000. Ihe Roal to com mence at John B. Allison's and run the j most practicable route through C'sher it .i " v'"-"v Valley, to the So-uh Carolina line. 4. iMakins an ft 9 f - nppropriation for com pleting the capnol ol the State The ap propriations are as follows: S2.000 for completing the two rooms d. signed for lie Supreme Court and Library; and the two rooms designed forth" Door -ker-per-: n I for furnishing with proper cises ami fini'h the Olli e designed for the cnmp'rol h r; S20.000, v ii n iut rest from the I Gin day of November, IS 10, to be piid to the Hank of the State of North Caroliai, to piy up the Bonds given by the chairman of the Cummissro-iers for rebuilding tiv capitol; S9,374 4G !opy the outstanding account! for arthd. s furnished and lab r done on the caproh 49. To authorize the laying off and es tiblishiiu a Turnpike Road from Lixton Lyoch's, in Rutherford. Said Roid to commence at Laxton Lyneh's, thence ah-ng or near the St.de Road! rrossing the Blu Ridge at ihe Hickory Nut G .p, lo the widow Sail's. 50 In favor of Poor Dobto-.. Ex empts Iro n Execution to every p Ton having a family, one c w and calf, two oarrels of corn, fiity pounds of Baron, or I orU, or titty pounds ot Beef, or one bir- lellofhsh. This Act to take effect alien the first day of neM March. j 51. To prevent free persons of color! trom carrvimr fire inns. 52. To amen I the Revised Statute enti- tied at Act for pieventing of fraiuU and fraudulent conveyances, and third section thereof. to repe. tin 53 For the estab'isbme it and b Iter regulation of common Schools. Provides that the net annua! income of the L:terar Fund (exclusive of moneys arising from the Silo ol swamp Iaous) shall anuu.dly be distributed among ihe several counties of this Stale, in the intes of their Federal population, to be ascertained by the census nfxl preceding such iiitrib.;tion The (Joints nf Pieas and Quarter Sessions of the counties which voted fcr school.- under the provisions of the Act f 183S, at the first term which shall be held after the 1st day of January in each and every ear, or at the succeeding term of said court, a ma jority of the Justices of the Peace being present, shall appoint not less than five nor more than ten superintendents of common schools. The hareofthe Literary Fund to which each county may be entitled is to be p iid to the ehaiiman of the Board of Superintendents, and before Mich distribu tion is to be had, the payments to which may have been nnnle to the c: unties under the Act of 1S33, is to be deducted from; ,o .-. . i .u . . i ! suuic ui .-aio county , auu me excess oni piid over. Eaidi county, by a levy of a lax, is to raise one-half ot the estimate i a mount to heivctived byT said county foi that ) ear from the Literaiy Fund. Tie board of superintendents are required, within three months afier their appoint ment, to lay off their counties into school districts, in such form and size as ihey may ihink most conducive to the conve nience of the inhabitants of sud county, with power to alter the houndaties of s ud districts. Un the hist Monday alter tin expiration ol one month afier the said ' February and August. school disn ids shad have been I . id off, I 6S. Concerning Juiors in Burke coun the free white men of the several scho- 1 districts, who are entitled to vote for! 6.0. Supplerne ntal lo an Act passed at Memhcrsofihe Geneial Assembly, shall I 'he present session of the General Assem voteby ballot for three men lo be entitled Mdy author izing i he Governor to appoint an the "school coinmitUe;" and whenever the districts fail to make an ehc ion the board of sup- rintendents shall appoint the;f'n sud Agent, giving the names and a school committee," ho sh ill continue in office till odiers are chosen ai the next an nual t lection. The school committees are to contract with a suitable teacher for their respective districts lor such time as the moneys to wi.hh said districts may he entitled, will pet mit. Any branch of Eng lish tducation may be taught in said schools; and all white children under twenty -one years shall be permitted to at tend iheschool of their district a scholars. The chairman of the hoard of sup rin tendi nis lo give bond and se. urity lor the faithful application of tne funds which may come to his hands, in sm-fi penalty as Ihe Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions may prescribe: Provided, however, that when the cnatrman is required to give bond as aforesaid, he shall he allowed to retain five per cent, of the moneys which shall pass through his binds. The Sheriffs of the counties in which a majority of the voters, under tiie provisions of Ihe Act of 183, were for "No School," shall give notice by advertisement in every election pre cinct, when they advertise the next elec tion lor memheisot Congress, that an elec tion will be held to acenain the voice of the people upon the suhject of common schools. This Act shall not be so constru ed as to prevent any county which has le vied and collected a tax agreeably to the provisions of the 8ih section of the Act of 1838, from drawing from the Literary Fund, at any lime before the 1st day ol September next, ihe amount to which said county may be emitted.. The teachers ol .niy cjminon schools shall be exempt from performing military duty, working on the roads, or serving on th jury, wh 1st engi ged in leading in saiil s -h"ols. 51 Fixing i he time 'or holding the Su perior Courts of law ;md Equity in the Seventh Judicial Circuit. 55. To enable the commis-ior-ei s of Ra leigh to a p)int Trustees of the R. x Hns pitd Fou l aed U) rtOfl su h I'm-tccs in'O i liody corporal.- and lo- otSi- r p itp -es 56. Sop demenial to An Act pas -d nt the pte-em si'vsiojMd" the General Assem bly entitled An xcttolav off and e-td Iislt a count by the i ante of Cleavel.Mld. 57. To au'l.otize th- making a Turtl pike Road -n the coonty d" Henderson. Capital S ock S2. 000; t "e Um to rmn nien e at so.ii" suitable pi o-e on t'u- Bun eombe Turnpike Ro. i y twen Green River and it e South C uol na !ine, run ning thiM.ce to the outh C o ohn line at or near where t ie G p Cic -U Roa 1 strikes. 58. To a-nind the Revired statute nti tled an Act to drain the S.v:m.p L-m r- of titis St ;tc an I to create a foil I fir Common Schools. Authorizes the President and Directors of t lie Literary Fu.nl to employ counsel to aid and assist them in 'he invrs tig ition of the State's title to s'.ch of ti e wamp Lands as in their opinion have rot neen duiy enieretl ami granted to individu- -'I". Al-o t purchase sev r;d tracts of laud owned by indiuidu ds, whenever, in the process of draining ii mav be necessary. 59. To regulate the measurement ofTon and square timber anil s.iw-niill lilmber. i Scale of measurement, sup- r licial or board m -asure and all l.ulur. s to be governed by ibis Act, shall be bah'e to a line of S10. This Aet does not ex'end to the counties of Tyrrell, Washing'on, Gates, Bertie, Chowan, and North unpton. GO. To amend the 5Stb chapter of the Revised Statutes entitled Insolvent Deb tors. 61. To repeal a part of the lth Section of the Revised Statutes entitled an Act con cerning Ihe Supreme Court Takes the duties of Marshal from the Sheriff ol Wake county, and gives the Judges of Supreme Court )ower to appoint their own Marshal. 62. Relating to Vagrants. 63. To provide for the e lection of cer tain M ditia Officers' of the 5th Division of Noith Carolina Militia. 64. To alter the tune of holding the Sup erior Com t of Law and Equity, and the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the county of Carteret. The Superior Court to be held heieafter on the Tuesday afier the 3rd Monday after the 4th Monday in March and September. The Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held on the "Tuesday after the 3rd Monday in Ftb uary. May, August and November. 65. Altering ihe mode of drawing Ju rors for the Suptiioi Courts of Rutherford county. 66. Cone- ruing the Superior Courts of Ihe counties of Hyde, Noi ihamptou and Davie. 67 Toaherthe lim-s of holding the Superior Courts of Law and Equi;y lor the counties of Cabarrus and Meckhnburg. The Superior Couit oft 'ab-rf us to be held on the 3.-d Momfiy in February and An nust ; in Mecklenburg the 4ih Monday in A neii t to coll ct the Cherokee Bonds. Instiuctsthe Treasuier to take a receipt mount of ihe ob!ig-rs on said Bonds. 70. To amend the 102nd chapti r of the R vised Statutes entitled an Aci to pro vide for the coded ion and management cl a revenue for this State. Rcquues Si er 'ffs whi n they make thetr returns to include Taxi s collected on nulisti d pr iperiy. 71 To purchase a Lihrarv. Re-enacts' the annual appropriation of 500. 72. To authorize the makingof a Turn pike Road from G itesville to the Chowan River and to incorporate a Company lor that purpose. Capital Stock $ 1000 Road to commence at Gatesville and run to romc suitable point on the Chowan River, and from the opposite side of said River to the high land in Hertford county. 73. To amend the Revised Statutes en titled an Act concerning last Wills and Testaments. Requites th.d after the 4th July next that Wills bequeathing Personal Estate to be executed v-.iih the same for malities as are required in the execution of Wills of Rejl Estate. 74. To regulate the time of holding the courts of Rutherford and ClcaveUnd coun- ies. Limits the holding of the Superior Courts of Rutherford to one week, and di rects the county court of Cleavelanu to he held.on the second Monday of January in stead of the third Monday, as heielofore directed. 75. To protect churches. 76. To prevent the transportation of s'aves upon Rail Roads, Steam Boats, or Ha e coaches, without written permission from their owners. Penalty S500. 77. To amend an Act entitled an Act to incorporate the North Carolina Central .... i

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