W AT11T1(TM(I m S5lJ -JlkJIi JLjyL0 4L LliJ?h MJ9 4r Miifiia iftu&i4iu&A utsu Xwsr X XLyy 1 e h e )f d y 's )r re n. ! I in ?e st lis lie en icr lie ml ias he u!, are til itl cis otn fC- 1 he our eih rev ;ili- ceJ rjlkt on inct ait led' si 3een and' ;Vm-tith-ihii S & H nieiJ ?I7ioZc No. 780. The Tarbordugh Ivc$s, BY GEORGE HOWARD, Is published weekly at Two Dillirs and Fifty Vents per year, if paid in advance or, Tkrtt thillarsat the expiration of the subscription year, r'nr anj period less than a yoar, Twr.ut -lvc trnts per month. Subscribers are at liberty to discontinue at any time, on grivin notice thereof And paying; arrears those residing at a distance foust invariably pay in advance, or give a respon sible reference in ibis vicinity. Advertisements not exceed in r a sq-nre will be Inserted at One Dollar the first insertion, and 2r, tents for every continuance. Longer ad verti-so-tnents in like proportion. Court Orders and Ju dicial advertisements 05 per cent, higher. Ad vertisements must be marked the number of in sertions required, or they will be continued until otherwise ordered and charged accordingly. Letters addressed to the IMit tr must be post paid or they may not be attended to. Doctor Win. EVAXS' .1 U Ji. For children Teething, PREPARED BY HIMSELF. To Mothers and .Vurses. 1 rflllE passage of the Teeth through the gums produces troublesome ami d.iu gerous symptoms. It is known by moth ers that lliere is great irritation in the tnuuth and gums during this process. The gums swell, the secretion of saliva is in creased, the child is seized with frequent and sudden fits of crying, watching, start ing in the sleep, and spasms of peculiai part?, the child shrieks wiih extreme vio lence, and thrusts its fingers into its mouth If these precursory symptoms are nut spee dily alleviated, spasmodic convulsions uni i versally supervene, and soon cause the dissolution of the infant. If mothers who f have their little babes afflicted with these distressing symptoms, would apply l)r William Evans's Celebrated Soothing Syrup, which has preserved hundreds of infants when thought past recovery, Irom ' being suddenly attacked with that fata! malady, convulsions. This infallible remedy has preserved hundreds" of Children, when thought past i recovery, from convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gums, the child 1 1 will recover. This preparation is so in '' nocent, so efficacious, and so pleasant, that no child will refuse to let its gums be : rubbed with it. When infants are at the " age of four months, though there is no ap pearaiice of teeth, one bottle of the : Syrup should be used on the gms, to open the pores. Parents should never be Without the Syrup in the nursery where there are young children; for if a child , . wakes in the night with pain in the gums, ? 1 the Syrup immediately givesease by open ing the pores and healing the gums; there j by preventingfConvulsions, Fevers, & To the Agent of Or. Evans Soothing Syrup: Dear Sir The ureal benefit afforded to my suffering infant by your Soothing Syrup, in a case of protracted and painful dentition, must convince every feeling parent how essential an early ap plication if such an invaluable medicine is to relieve infant misery and torture, My infant, while teething, experienced such . acute sufferings, that it w as at. u kd ill, , convulsions, and my wife and family sup- posed that death would soon release the I babe from anguish till we procured a hot I : tie of ynnr Syrup; which as soon as ap 1 plied to the uums a wonderful change was produced, and after a few applications the 1 child displayed obvious relief, ami by con fmuing in iis use. lain glad to inform yu, the child has completely recovered. a,id no recurrence of that awful complaint tas since occurred; the teeth are eifiaua- "'K daily and the child enjoys perfect I jtiealih. I give you my cheerful permission to make this ackunw ledgmenl public, and j 'H kIkIIv give any inform ition on this (-'rcumsiatirp. hen children begin to be in pain with Jj'eir teeth, shooting in their gums, put a '"I'e of the Syrup in a tea spoon, and 'lh the finger let the child's gums be rubbed for two or three minutes, three Junes a day. t msl ol lye ,,( to the hrcast immediately, for the milk would tike the syrup off too soon. When the ,,eetb are just coming through their gums, "Others should immediately apply the sy J"P) n will prevent the children having a ever, and undergoing Uiat painful opera '0J f U.Riug ihe'gums, which always tbr I11 t00lU 'm,('U ,uneP 10 ,",e . ,roRli, and sometimes causes cfeath. i Rc arc or Counterfeits. ;?Cnution e particular in nurcha I iNW v (!hlai" h al 100 Chathtim St., I l"ew lork, or from the REGULAR AGENTS. J.M. Redmond,) I Geo. Howard, Tarboro . i Jan,, .M R' lilixabeih City. Tarborough, FOR THE TAltBOKO FRP.SS. TO A F!R LADY. I will not forget Thte. I will not forget thee! the light of thy brow, An 1 the smile of thy lip, is the beam o'er me now; Will rise in my moments of darkness and bring To the winter of memory the greenness of spring. Though thou like the song bird of passage will roam, From our cold-hearted Tarboro to thine ow n home; Yet thy memory will hang round the bliss thou hast made. As the sun leaves its warmth when its light hath decayed. 1 will not forget thee! upon this darki earth, A spirit like thine is more priceless in worth, Than the rock of whose splinters the In dians do sing, That each grain is a jewel might ransom a king. I will not forget thee! thine own gentle powers, Have formed the gold thread which hath joined the heart's fl iwers; And oh! while the wreath in existence shall be Will its fragrance in gratefulness flow unto thee) Farewell! and when age at the close of time's strife Shall breathe his chill air over the garden of life; Among the last flowers that shall yield to her sptll, Is the one 1 now love and favor so well. 13 HURT. COTTON PLANTER. (jfVVe have this day seen a machine for planting Cotton, which, we think, well merits this notice. It was invented in Yanceyville, N C. by two young men of the name ot Minorand Phelps, who are Carriage Makers, by trade; and for which they have obtained a patent right. The merits of the machinery consists in its opening the furrow, sowing the seed, and Covering it, which we are informed and believe it does with more regularity than can possibly be done in the usual way, all in the same, time and with as much ease, as simply ploughing a furrow. It is so con structed as to be ued for planting Corn, either in checks or drills. Salisbury Watchman. (fTA few weeks since two intimate friends, at the Concord Academy, Va. purchased of a fellow stueenta beautiful pair of pistols, each taking one. While exam ining their new purchase, one of them pla cid a cap upon his and pointed it at his friend, saying he could kill him at that distance, and snapped the pistol. His friend then presented his, in a playful way, and said he could kill him the other' re plied that he could not. He snapped the pistol, it exploded, and his friend, to his horror, fell mortally wounded, and died in about ten days after. Neither of them thought the pistols were loaded. This is another of those warnings against the care less use or play ing with deadly weapons, with which all are familiar. The Devil Incarnate. We have to record a series of the most horrid murders ever perpetrated by a single individual who had been raised on human gore. It appears by a verdict of the Jury cal led by Jas. M. Williams, Esq. Coroner, 10 view the dead bodies of Betsy Freeman, Eliza Freeman, her daughter, and two small boys, children of said Eliz?, that on the n-ght of Wednesday, the 22d ultimo, James E. Lanier, living near the White Oak Mountain in this County, accompanied by three negro men (belonging to his fath er,) whom he had procured to aid him in the savage deed, proceeded to the house in which the four persons above spoken of resided, and after deliberately beheading one or two of its inmates, did beat out the brains of the others with an axe which he had carried with him for the purpose. Having despatched his victims, the wretch piled their bodies in Ihe middle of the floor, covered them with straw, which had been previously procured by his accom plices, and having set fire to them and to the house, returned home xvell pleased with the desolation he had wrought. We are sorry to say that the circumstan ces of this tragical event are greatly agera- (Edgecombe County, JV. 6'J Saturday Fthnur.-y (5, 184 1 vated by the fact, that the two boys werej mt u;niun 11 ui iuc uiui uci er, ami 111:11 ue was prompted to the hellish deed by the desire to rid himself of the legal liabilitv of providing For their support. It appeared in evidence that one of the hoys (a little fellow about four ye:trs old) alarmed by ihe murder of his mother and grandmother caught the monster aronnd the leg ami implored him in piteous ac cents to spare Ids life. lie had scarcely uttel'ed the request when his head was severed from his body by a single blow. We regret to stale that the murderer his not been apprehended. His accom plices are in Jail. Danville Va. Rtp. ft Man Eat en by Hogs. An inquest was held yesterday at Mrs. Margaret Xevius, No. 274 Seventeenth s'reet, on the body of William Nevius, her husband ' aged 50, a native of England. He was a cooper by trade, had been married 2S years, bad several children, and worked in a shop on a lot in the rear of his resi dence. Mis. Nevius went out at 10 o' clock in the morning, and returned at half! past 2 o'clock, and finding her husband absent, went out and called for him as did also her daughter, but received no answer After a time, she looked into the shop, and iounu ner nusoanu lying on the ground in one corner of it, and the hogs tearin" the fljh from his lace. She screamed and called assistance, &. the body was removed into the house. Doctors Wells and Horsefleld made a post mortem examina tion, and pronounced that the deceased 'lied of apoplexy. N. Y. Star. Fatal Disease. A disease, most fatal in j i's attacks has made its appearance in Ten nessee. I he Paris Press of the 4th ult. records four deaths in one family, and a number of others had taken place. The victims were taken with a dull, heavy pain across the forehead, accompanied with some difficulty in breathing, soreness of the throat, a slight, vague shudder of the system that could scarcely be called a chill, followed by a general and rapid prostration of the nervous system, which terminated in death in the course of a few hours. fl rogue caught in his oivn trap. A singular incident occurred during the holy days on the opposite side of the river. Two ladies who resided in Illinois came to the city to make purchases. A well-dressed man followed them into several stores, at one of which one of them got a ten dol lar bill changed, receiving the change in small bills. In the evening, on their return home when a short distance from the Fer ry in thepraiiie, the same man they had seen in the city rode up to them and de manded their mony. The one who had the money drew- it out, and in attempting to hand it up to him the wind caught the bills and carried them off on the ground I he man dismounted to picu tnem up and as soon as he was down the ladies put ... . . whip to their horses and made off as fast as possible. On their way they heard the clatter of a horse's hoofs following them, but were too much terrified to stop or look back. V hen they reached their own gate, behold, the lobber's horse was with them, a fine animal with a good saddle and a pair of saddle bags, &c. but the man was no where insight; the) suppose his horse es caped while he was picking up the bills. On examining the saddle-bags a large sum of money was found and several articles of wearing apparel, but nothing by which his name cou'ld be discovered. Up to Satur day last no one bad appeared to claim the horse or property. The above facts we have from a respec table gentleman of this city, who assures us that, singular as the circumstances may appear, they are strictly correct. S7. Louis Republican. Ticelve rnonllis Clock. A correspon dent of (he Newark, N. J. Advertiser has furnished the editor of that journal with the annexed account of a curious and im portant invention by an ingenious mechan ic of that city: I sen in your paper a notice of a Clock recently indented by Aaron D. Crane, of this city. Having had some opportunity of scein and testing its movements, I can assure you, Mr. Editor, that it is a most remarkable piece of mechanical ingenuity and must form quite an epoch in the histo ry of Horology . Mr. Crane's ingenuity has been exhibited on former occasions. The clock which he erected in the steeple of Trinity church, in this city is probably unequa.fed as a chronometer by any in the U. States. During the past season it has hardly, at times, varied more than a min ute in a month. The time-keeping part is down in the body of the steeple, just above .he fiont door by which you enter the church, 60 feet below the dial, while the only connexion is a slender wire. Of course it is entirely unaffected by wind or weather, and always indicates the true time, even when the hands on the external dial are stopped by incrustations of ice or any derangement in the works above. n-r-r-r rr-i'm mm mnmn The principle on which the cl ick' is con rooted ii s prodigy that of a ip-chrono- meter, 01. ly that the pendulum in used in place of the balance. The pendulum ihere for c is wholly detached and there is the least possible amour.t of friction. liul Mr Crane's grniu.s was not satifje! to rest here. His busy mind was contin ually 0:1 the alert, until one of those acci dents, as it were, which have ushered in almost all the great discoveries of inodero ''imcs. suggested to liim a new nd .-implo phwi by vvhich to nscaMiiv the progress o! time. He had for some purpose or other suspended a weiglit by a slender spring and given it an impulse which communi cated a rotary motion. After a certain lime the motion was iev r.ed by the re-action of ike .spring; We have seen t'u same thin-jj probably an hundred limes. Many an apple fell b.fore Newton's time and many u tea kettle lid was raised before Fulton made his steamboat. Hut it was reservtd for a mechanic of our city to ap ply s simple a movement to the art of time-keeping. It was the thought of an instant. And I well icmcmber the ex prcssion of countenance, w hen he came to me immediately afterward and communi cated his discovery. It certainly was with the feeling, if not in the language oi Archimedes when he iiishe 1 for h from his baih with th solution of the problem respecting Iliero s crown. The principle once discovcrc 1 there was still great difficulty in its application, and it has not been until afn. f month (nearly a year, indeed,) of patient study and toilsome labor, that he has at length brought hi plan to perfection, and produ ced a clock--the f.llow of which the world has never seen. In the train which belongs to the time-kecpirg part theie aie but four whc ls two additional bents re ts quired for striking. The whole is moved by one power, hardly equal to that of on eight-day clock, and when onre wound up will go with the sun thioughout his annua! course. In bulk, it is ;.bou! equal to the common French mantel dock, and can be made to suit any taste or fancy. Hut its most remarkable property and greatest excellency, is the extreme accura cy with which it is calculated to keep time. A great variety of experiments have enabled him to supply a spring which is perfectly isochronal, arid of course when properly regulated, the movement must be entirely faultless. Having now secu red a patent, as well in Europe as in this county, the clock will doubtless soon be before the public, when they can judge for themselves. JO Henry Woods, Esq. late Postmas ter a! Groton, Mass, committed Hiicide on Tuesday afternoon in Chatlestown, by hanging himself. He was intelligent, amiable, enterprising, and upright in his business and intercourse wiih his fellow was independent in his citcumstan- res and happy iii his domestic and social t 1 . 1.1 . pip... . : : relations, ami me aci 01 sen nesting ion is attributed sole'y to the deranged state his mind. of Double Suicide The fleets f passion terribly illustrated yesterday by Ihe sui cide of a husband and wife under the fol lowing circumstances. A pav ior named Daniel Hoan, aged 42, residing in the up per part of the house No. IV.i Mulberry street, had an altercation with his wife yesterday about two of his children by a former w ife. They were sitting at din ner, from which he jumped up went into another room, and took a musket loaded with ball, and p'aecd it in such a position as to enable him to fire the contents into his left side The ball passed upwirds through his heart, and killed him instan taneously. The wife heard the repoif, and heard the noise caused by the fall of her husband's lifeless hotly on the fl ?or. Herself and the children, about whom thev had been hotly in dispute, ran into ihe" room, and the appalling sight which presented itself so affected her that she instantly snatched up and swallowed a quantity of bed bug poison corrosive sub limate. The shrieks of the children and the noise of the gun bad, by this time, a larmed ihe other inmates of the house who on discovering what had occuricd sent for medical assistance, which was immediate ly procured, and directed to the woman, but it availed her nothing. She lingered for a few hours in great aony and died. The tongue was enormously swollen, and protruded from the mouth and therlomach presented the usual appearance of intense inflammation. A small poition of the con tents of the bottle remained, and on being tested, were found to he what was suppo sed, a strong solution of the corrosive mu riate of mercury. Verdict in both cases, death by suicide. Hogan was a respec'able tradesman, and both he and his w ife had always borne good characters. frfFromlhe following paragraph from tolES calTrooi on the o.her side of ihe Atlantic. Verily it would seem iol. ATZ1 JVo fi. that the present g' notation is ready for any thing. Cerlain it is thr.t no Imposture can he too gross in these days, to receive a prompt and cordial icception any where. And if we mistake, not, old England is likely to become as much indebted to this country for improvements in theology ami morals, ns she is for her supplies of cotton and tobacco. Ji New Sect. One of the most recent j developments of fanaticism is the appear ance et a new sect in 1 ilkienl nans 01 Enghiiu!, ci.iitkd, '-Latter day Saints." We lulu e that it made its first appear ance in Ilerifoidshiie and Leicestershire, from which counties gr at numbers of its members have lately emigrated to the Uni ted St t s. The sect has extended to Lau easfcridiro and Yorkshire by the l ibor of its preachers, and is now ttavelling vnoiih-; ward in1o Durham, and Northumberland: The "Latter day Saints" assume to do ma ny ex'raordinary things. Among other accomplishments peculiar to tho-e who be lieve in the new doctrines, they are de cided to possess ihe power of casting out devils or curing the sick by hying hands on them, of resisting the operations of the deadliest poisons, of speaking with nt-iv tongues, and of working miracles of va tious kinds. In addition to the Bible, ihey state that they are in possession of another work of equal authority, entitled, "The Hook of M01 moil," the original of which was found engraved in brass plates in the central land of America. Finally, 11. ey consider ihss is the last generation of mankind, and that tlvy have been sent in to the world expreoly on purpose to pre pare the way fur the Sou of Man!- Leeds T.ints. Mahommediins and Jews. Striking c lunges have, within a few years, taken place in ihe character of M a horn rm danism. vVhat it WiiS in the year 1 SSiJ, appear s from the following passage copied Irom the QuaMerly Observer" of that year. Mahomine(ianism his iis principal s at in Turkey. Heieiofore it has raised there a haughty front against the religion of Je sus Christ. Its laws have imposedjiribute, or the forfeiture of life, on unbelievers, & denounced inevitable death on apostates. " Its aitiiiuie is now far different, as will be seen from the following paragraph from an English paper. "On the 30:h of November, art assembl) was convoked at Constantinople, at which the Grand Seignior, the high offi cers of Si;.te, of tbe Army and of HeMgion, Representatives from Foreign Powers, and the Heads ol the several Lnristiau Sects, weic present. Before thtm and the people, the Hah Pasha, ihe Commander in Chief, in the name of the Sultan, read the Haiti Scheriff, which is a Proclamation t'f Religious Liberty to all. On ibis interesting event, ihe Editor of the "New Yoik Star," Mordecai M. Noah, himself a Jew, makes the following remark: "This -at onre raises to the degree of citizens and freemen, four millions of Jews, many of whom inhabit, as captives, the land of their heritage; Dispenses to each; equal liberty and equal law and if honestly carried out, is the most important step in ihe restoration ol the Jews, which has been taken since their dispersion, and may be deemid a wonderful sign in the East." Ji late London n;per says: There st ems to be a movement among the Con tinental Jews in relation to the late events in the East. The following is ihe conclu ding paragraph of an address to the Jews, published!, the Der Oiienf, a German new paper: . "People of Jehovah, raise yourselves from your thousand years' slumber! Ral ly round leaders! hive really the will, a Moses will not be wanting. The right of nations will never grow old; take posses sion of ihe land of your fathers; build a third lime ihe temple of Zion, greater i-nd more magnificent than ever. Trust in the Lord, w ho has led ou safely through the vale of misery thousands of years. He al so will not forsake you in your last con flict." Repentant. The Si. Louis Gazette of the 4th inst., slates that Mr. Mitchell, of that city, had on thai morning received, through the post office, "fifteen dollars, for a fourteen dollar shawl which was taken a few days since fion his store." Attempted Murder. An actor at the Theatre in Washington, D. C, on Satur day, was about to tire a pistol al Miss V. Monier, in the play of Zarah, when taking a notion to examine H, he lound 11 loaueu with ball! Another pistol which wa to have been discharge.! at a Mr. Johnson was also found loaded with ball! When the pistols were first loaded uuy &imp-y contained pow der. Amalgamation. & report has been made in the Legislature 01 aiawav i,, i. ft of - bid the marriage of blacks and lutes. Ii