2f?fS- Sfs'fr- .!?v- 5.;-?;. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, IS41. Antlher Suspension. Vhv IVnnsyl vanii Ihnk of the United Stale, gu'c no lice on th? 4th inst. that it would sus pend specif payments, lining shire the 15:h of January las', paid out an amount little if at all short of six millions of dol lars in coin or specie fumls. In conse quence of ihis annunciation, i:s stock fell at New York, on the 6ih, to 32, ami it note, 10 to 15 p- r cent, discount. Seve rilofthe Philadelphia bmks still redeem their notes in specie, hut most of them hive suspended, as well as nil the banks in Bdiimore. The Richmond banks had not suspended on the 9th. It is to he hi ped, tint the Virginii a i l North Carolina banks will brca-ii the t orrent of suspension, and leave the (ie:i Regulator,' and it? subalterns, to regulate their concerns t: ihe best advantage. Congress. The pre-1 mp ion bill, which has so Ion; occupie I he attention of tne Sen.ve ot the United Stut'-s. pissed th it body on the 'J ul inst., by a vote of :3 1 to 1 9 as follow: Yetts -Messrs Allen. Anderson. B mi lon, B i diana t. Clay, of Ala, Fulton. I It-ii dcr"n, Hubbard, King Linn, Lu-np-kin. Mou'on. Nie;olas, Niciolsou. N r v II. Pierce, Porter, Robin-on. S i r, Smith of Conn , Smith of Indi um, Stur r((ii, Tall'iiadge, Tappau, Walker, Wail, Web-ler, White, Wil.ian s, Wright, and Young 31. JVys Messis B tyard. Calhou t, Cla of K n.. Clayton, CriitiMiden. Dix n, (Ir liam, I Iun'ingto.i, Ker, Knig t, M annuo-, Merrick. Pnelps Prentiss. Predion, Rives, Rome, Rogues, and Southard If). In tha Hois ot the G h int. Mr Rayoer, on leive. presented the res dutions ot loe uencr.ii .xssenniy oi tne t ito ni North Carolina, on the suljjci of th.? pub lie domain and the re-opening of Rom oke Inlet; which were laid upon the table, and ordered to be printed. The Adjutant tleneraFs Returns laid before Congress on the 1st inst , gives the following as the number of ihe Militia in the r. spctive Mates and 1 territories: Maine 46.338 New Hampshire Massachusetts Vermont Rhode Island Conm cticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware M n land Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia A lab t ma Louisiana Mississippi Tennessee Kentucky Ohio Indiana Illinois Missouri Arkansas Michigan Florida Territory Wisconsin Iowa District of Columbia Total 2S,72 90.S57 27.307 4.491 43,176 1G2, 1 7'J ?9.l7l 202.21 9. 2. '9 4 6.N64 K5.5 65.2 IS 4S..S1 7 57.312 4 1,332 14 0S 36.0S4 60,982 S3. 335 140.428 53.913 27,3-6 34.85G 2.02S 5,476 827 5,223 1,249 1,492,414 apportionment of Represcn'ation. The lot d population of the United States, according to the Census, will stand about as follows: whites 14,250 000, free colored 400,000, slavt s 2,354,000 toul 17.000. 000 The ratio of 60,000 which h s been proposed as the basis of represcn'ation, would deprive mmy of the stales of pot of iheir present representation, and h ave Very large fractions unreptecnied in :I majority of the States. The New York Express contains a table show ing the clf ct of such a ratio compared with the present. Hy this it api ats that the 13 non-slne-boldmg Suies, whieh under the present ratio of 47 700 have a representation io the House .f Conjiiess of 1 42' member, would bv the ratio propus (I hav e such re presentation increased to 154 members, while the 13 slavehoM.ng su,es whieh have now 100 would i,e decreased to Q5 making249 members i lhe H(JseA' ratio ol 50,000 vvould increase the House to about 300 members Newark Daily Jldo. The State D hiors & the tVhis)Kn ' t he session of the last Legislature, ;4 Hesohuion was pi-sed, calling u the r,'Ca surer for ihe name , f t,e delxors to itie Literary an I Internal I m pro vt?inei t KuniU nw,.gsat ft, si, were aiume,! ai the propubiuon, aad evinced a great deal ol . . f .K- dr!,r. hcrrcr at espying tnc . " . nrtat Kill An Itnrr it IVOUI' I .tie ft. y against them to vote down me not. m.uii, tbev consented by tacking on a Resoh.tion, to appoint Commi'.tee to inquire mo the olvotiiW of the debtors. Hut mark the duplicity of whigery. Tbev made a great flourish in passing the Resolution, knoA--ing lint ih-y had a door to creep out at. The Treasurer reported that he had not the B nids, and therefore could not give the names. The Resolution was then re-cori-sidered and laid on the table. The whigs" had, during the el-ct oneering canvass published the fct where if was known that Democrats had borrowed ol this fund, and greatly exagg rated the cae; but when they had the power to mete out even handed justice, they faltered, because justice would not suit their purpo ses of deception and humbug. The Ttea surer would have had no dilficuhy in ob taining the information from the Govern or's Offine; as wp understand he had on other matters. The people had a rig'it to know the names of the debtors; it is ih it money, and the creditor certainly has a right to kiuvv the name of his debtor. Hut 1119, WIH HU""!," . it- T 1 this would not suit the '-whigs," as the members of their parly are undoubtedly the large-it borrowers, and they could not U" 1. r...,.,.!.,.. lUr,!.. .mm i.loiliiiiifioiin.r 111 II IV Ul e. U.I" iL 1 I IV-1 I UUIl i iixuuivviMip falsehoods by their o.vn Legislative acts. Hat. Standard. Thomas Lir'nr. Esa.. Editor of th Vtnn'liird Wc call uoon vou. at the re nitofmauv subscriber, to publish ihe ict pvssc 1 by the late Whig Legislature, which empowers the Governor to appoint an a sent to collect the Cherokee Bonds We h .i n the Bonds amount to 5300,000; h'tthe act allows the agent a commission uf 3 per cen', which would give a salary of 39.000! ! If this be tru ?, it out- Herod's Herod!!! It would bo the largest salary in il. e U.iitel S ales, save the President's, that we can e dl to mind. It increases the p 'tro-Kue an I p over of the executive, by establishing a Sub Treasury Department of 'heSt-tegov rnni' ti', and conferring ti c po.ver o aho Governor, of appointing the sd)Tiea-uiM and repots a dangerous discretion in the officer, for purposes, no doubt nfclcrioncf ring and corruption. The Treasurer an I Literary Board have heretofore, and can always manage such a fund, an l thus we would sve this enor mous sal ')', and prevent a d ingerous in novation upon our old republican u?ag:s. What isthcie. to lo in il. bui either to re ceivethe money ioto ihe Treasury, or sue the debtors in WaUe Superior Court, un der ihe very nose of the Treasur. r? We want also to knovv why the names of the debtors to the Boards o: Internal Improvement, and Literary Fund, were not published. .We want to see f'te ac tion of the Legislature and its progress on this subject. You touched upon it in your last paper; can you not probe it to the bottom? Depend upon it there is some thing at the bottom which our federal ft iends are afraid to let sec the light. AIo whether the Legislature through their committee, made an actual, personal examination into the condition of our Banks. We know the committee pro pounded cettain questions on paper to them, and their Presidents answeied in the sat e way, biit that is not the thing. Paper statements will not do; they can make every thing look vtry fair on paper; ve want a bona fide exam inai ion of their books by a committee. This is the very fault of the Bank of the United Staters: Congress appointed a committee to exam ine into their afTuts, and they did examine in part, but w hen they came to certain books, the Bank refused, and said they had no right In pry into private a'airs We would like to know, too, whether our Legislature took any action on the sub ject of abolition, to which it was invited by the government of Virginia; especially the controversy between that Stale and New York. In fine, many of our democratic friends ate looking up to you, because of your su perior opportunities in Raleigh, to expose to drag to light, the wholesale and shameful extravagance of the last Whig Legislature its proscription, and corrupt abuse of the spoils of office its omission ol duty its ignorance and blunders, and the bold usurpations of the late Whig govern or. Speak out bold! Give us the names andacts of these log cabin hard -cider de magogues, who have cheated lhe people by profess ions of honesty, and are now en joying the spoils of office. Fay. Car. Mr. IVise. The recent course of this gem leman in Congress, has somewhat as tonished the log cabin gentry, and put them all agog to know what's the matter. The N. Y. Herald sys that Mr. Wise is pouting because his father-in-law John Sergeant, is left out of the cabinet. And agon, thai Ale-srs. Wrise and Pickens mi. ml Inro-ing -in alliance, in opposition to f'C comingaomioistration. Be this as it may, Mr. vS tse ha c i tamly broken from the v higtiace, to the mter discomfiture ot mose wno hold the mm. I he idea ot a called session -ihe tliirioiitioo .fihe pro ceeds ol the silo oi puolic lands among m. -Stales Hie tar. H j.ioposed in Mr. Websu r on wines .md mIks, &c. has started hi::t Irom the Hack. Mr. Jcml, r, o .Maiylaud e..is I), e.i reading him a I. etore, and will probably be followed by o luis. We ae much g.atilied to scu Ihaf-Mr: Wise dues "t look at cvti v n.eiMireof Messi Cl u- anu Webster througn Wing Spectacles tli tt ho his ruSb'd the urease and dirt fruin ... nn(l taItM a r,eaP v;ew before ...v. f, -, he nods assent. We .love indepen dence; it is one of the brightest jewels, and Mr. Wise shews that he prizes it highly. ib. Hons. Duncan & Johnson. In out Congressional proceedings of last week, we reported Dr. Duncan, as having called Mr. Johnson, "abase liar, a contemptible puppy, a scoundrel, and an infamous cow ard," in consequence of Mr. Johnson's having been reported in the Intelligencer, inquiring of the chair, while Dr. Duncm was speaking on a former occasion, wheth er 'itwas in order for an individual to charge Gen. Harrison with cowardice, who had himself been branded as a coward on this floor?" Dr. Duncan asserted that no such language had been used by Mr. Johnson, and the chairman, and a gentle man who sat near Mr. Johnson, said the same. Mr. Johnson affirmed lha; be did use the language as reported in tSic I utei 1 i gencer. Dr. Duncan in the course of his remarks applied the above epithets to Mr. Johnson, as reported in the Globe. Next morning Mr. Johnson denies tint Dr. Dun can used any such language as was reported in the Globe, and produced a letter from the Reporter, spying that Dr. Duncan re vised his remarks, before they went to press; but this letter was from the repor ter, in justice to himself. Dr. Duncan sud he did use the language reported in the Globp, and supported his assertion by se- veral witnesses, and he then reiterated, it ! to tne gentleman s iace. lie icpeaieu iuai housed every word of the language, and that he would publish it and put his name to it. Mr. D. said the duelling liw of the District hail as little terror for him. as il appeared to have to others. He said he should trouble the H.mse no more with this matter. It he noticed u a liri. in, wMMldh, i nf the House. He would address the public through the columns ol 'he newspapers ib. QfCotton is quoted in the Fayettoville Price Current, at from S to 10 cts per ib. (CPAlfivd M. Slade.ofthi State, Uni ted states Consul at Buenos Ayres, died at that place on the 25th of November. Hal. lieg. Casualty. Mr. Richard II. Young, of Matiamuskect, Hyde County, ared about' 51 years, was killed on the lGth ull. IIe,a speech on the Hank question: was thrown from his Horse, and aflerwai els kicked on the head by the animal. U hen found, he was lying with his face in a ditch of water. He dietl probably, in less than five minutes after being thrown. He left a family of several children to mourn his loss. ib. Latest from Florida. On the Sth of January, Col Harney captured and killed in the Everglades, 12 Indians. On the lOih, at Indian River, the command under M aj. Childs, (Lieuts. Taylor, Steptoe, Van Vliet, and Dr. Simmons,) captured 34 Indians and negroes, killed 4 On the 1 1 tli, on the St. Johns, Lieut. Taylor and Van V I i ct captured 5 Indians, killed 1. Col. Harney bad, to return for addi tional force, and is again in pursuit of the enemy. ib. Galliopolis Dank Explosion. Wc are informed that the Cashier ol Galliopolis Dank has absconded, anal that the Presi dent is under arrest on charges preferred against him. An indictment is also pre ferred against the Cashier. The heaviest creditors prefer taking the best of the dis counted paper, to any other chance of pay ment We deeply regret this icauli, though well assured it must occur. The Do n d of Directors, we are assured, are hojiest men, entirely deceived, and per haps the creates! sufferers. lhe real rogue we suspect has escaped. Cin cinnu Hep u blica n . rtiubama. lhe liuntsvuie paper slates that the Legislature of Alabama have adjourned. The banks are authorised to suspend specie payments until the 15th of next November, on which day the Legis la'.ure meets actin. No provision was made for the pa) ment of the State Bonds, SSI 1,000 of which fall due in 14. JThe Marshal of ihe Stale of Missis sippi states in his returns, that he received lor tees last year, the enormous sum of Eighty-seven Thousand DollarsW. Distressing Occident. A little child of Mr. David Akerd, of this county, was burnt to death a few days ago. Its mother had gone from home, and left it and three other small children in the house: and while she was absent, its clothes took fire and burnt ofF, before it could be extinguish ed. The child lived but a few houis afier. Lincoln Republican. New York Poudretle Company. A Company has been formed by the Legisla ture of New York for preparing a Manure ol a superior kind, which is ofleted to hai rnets, liaideners and Florists, who desire a i -Ii ap and convenient feitilizer of the soii, which contains no loul seeds, is inodorous, and may be carried on board vessels or steamboats, in barrels or bags, without of I nee. It has been used by farmers on Long -, n, ui New Jersey and Ntw Kngund, for three successive seasons, with great appiobatiou and success. The Poud relle is a preparation from yard or stable and other manures. It is sold at 3. cents jTbushel, anil shipped to order, by D, K. . - V i Minor, 120, Nassau street, New York. A gill of this prepared manure put into hill of Corn produces a wonderful tfTect, anil it answers wi ll in all other crops, and is especially proper for the improvement of Gjrdens. Jl distinguished Patriot gone home We have lite melancholy duty io inform or anounee to our readers, the death of the Rev. John Lei uid, of Cheshire, Mas sachusetts, aged eighty six. lie was th siedf.st friend of Tnomas JelT rson, duiing his whole political life. No man has ever lived probably, who was? more sine n ly opposed to binks and o'her monopolies, than this distinguished -divine; none more firm I j devoted lo I he came of eq i il politi cal rights." I le w is a brilliant 1'ght in lhe - IT Baptist denomination, lie rests from bis labots, and his works will follow him. Old lKm. The Mormons This sect appears lo be in a very flourishing conditio.", despite all the persecutions it has exp. rieneed. The society now publishes a newspaper, rep'etewi'h information in regard lo their success and pmsp'-cls. By it we learn that they have 2e5 membeis in Philadel phia, 210 in New York. 69 on Long Mand, 151 in New Jersey, 135 in Ches:er county. Penns3'lv.mia, 84 in Lancaster county Pennsylvania, and several in sundry other places. The increase in England has b en more rapid than in this country, and at a late meeting in Preston 1800 members were present. The society believed that the lime of k g ithering" had artived, and accordingly have selected certain point j where the Latter Day Saints" are to con- .. trieirale. A l.iriv hodv are in the nei h- It " " . - "s ik i . i i- x: i i i . i uo' """ UI 'uvoo, in, ami m,s paper states them lo be ma nourishing condition. Wjen they lo -a:e a place, they call it es tablishing ''a stake,'' and accordingly, they have just established one at liumus 111. I his place is eight miles north east of Car thage, Ihe c oumy seil of Hancock county Illinois. Fay. Ctr, J2n honorable example The follow ing we find in the Maysville Eagle. It is related of Mr. Cr-ddoek, a member of the Kentucky Senate from the counties of Hardin ad Meade, who had been making ir, said Mr. C. what I have said bete lo day has been said in a rough way, and if; i ,ns wounded any Senator, 1 hope he will j attribute it to no unkind feelings, but to j m want of ihe polish of education. Sir, 1 your Superiutendant of Common Schools j has said, that there are many men of fami ly in this Common we dth, who can neither , read nor write, and it is but too true; my own marriage bond has my mat k to it, and my son, who now sits in the o;ht r House, was a stout boy when I learned lo read. "Mr. C. is now not only a respectable Senator, but a good lawer. What mere need be said in his praise?" Erasing an Endorsement is Forgery. The Supreme Court of Ohio decided, recently, th il an endorsement on a note purporting that :i partial piyment had been made, and which endorsement was wt i ten by the maker in the presence, wi h the concurrence, and by the direction of the payee, is a receipt ihe alien' ion or erasure1 ol which by the paee will bo forget v. jForctjju. From Europe. The packet ship Em erald, at New York, from Havre, brim's dates three days later, un lo .Ian th The Cotton u.arke: is unchanged. The substance of the news by the above and former arrivals is this: The complete success in the objects of lhe British expedi tion to China. The r.fT-r of the Emprror to treat with Admiral Ediot, either at Canton or Niug po The promise of an indemnity uf three millions sterling, the island of Chusau to be held till it is paid. The disgrace of Ihe High Commissioner Line. A reported forcing ol the Bo; e Tigris, and attack up on Canton. Ine Cabul and Afghaniciian war is also terminated. Dosi Mahommed, afier another defeat, is, in the hands of ihe Brit ish. Tne Betooches beaten every where. Khetal re-ocropied by the Dritish. In shlll llbolti.iti.il . . . ... . i. . i ,Mr omnipotent in niiJia. Nor has ihe British arms less success in Africa, for Mehemel Ali seems now but a Briiih vassal. The effect upon the markets was elec tric too. Tea fell seven pence sterling per pound in a single day, which fall will ruin many in London, and take a million or millions fr0m the pockets of importers in the United States. East India cotton also had a rise. Washington AfurJcef, Feb. .10 Corn wholesale, J5l 75 a tf2. Bacon sides 9 a 10 cents, hams 12 cents. Naval Stores- New dip, 451 90: Old. 51 SO. Scrane. 70 cents. Tar, SI 15. Fish shad, S a S9. Herrings, cut, g4 00: whole, S2 50 a J3 00 Pork, S4 50 a S5 00. Hep. DIED, At the residence of Mr. Moses Beck- with, in this countv. on the 29lh elt. Mr. Alfred Joiner, tun of Mr- HowelJoiner. tarboroushanA . 4 . FEU. 13. Bacott, 13 randy, apple, Coflee, Corn, Cotton, e" York. Cotton bafin Flour, Iron, Lard, Molasses, -Sugar, brown, Safi.T 1. -Turpentine, wheat, whiskey, J.- ! I I I j I k I hoi him in hiisiii r ... T U i . I.. ..... . : . '"fits 1 1 ll . ..wMiirsx id ujiuie ui! O lder t he fr m () Ue l't"l-iCIl Jamc Wccldcll & Co. MMES N (tr i'bose ,i.bleho . ! ent er are earn ally and set I their reieivi.... a.. e anxious lo cl.,.e bis old !Usin ' ; ii'V a possible. ' j'!"' Taiburo'. .1 .si'y 231, 1S I Joli ICC. m 1 1 ro' early in ihe cou.h.g ., se prepared to Inmil, ,,e ' ' w i ee ' :' k .vi'l. I.esb m,.au,.r. '' .i. i.i v," (t " "j ' le to me season llt having becv.s, s,s ,IMJ!0ilt lmh " tor sale on foo', will p,.;, .IJIy )o'4: S.7MUEL S VY.U1 1 a i bun.', Iei. 10, Ls. j ' Cotton Yam. 'rillK subscriber has j, r((.riv,(j q-'anl..y nf Colin,, y.n .um!)ers, which he will sell .il I'eilucid Prices, On reasonable and aecnmmiuhtinjj tprmi GEO. llOiVJUlb Tvi-"c : . js io. JYoticc T the 2G'h insta t I .hall pr(,mi s II to Hie lug .ei bi l(t.- ,,i ihgl,. res dene- of Mrs. Esther Johmlt, dee'd, all the household and kin In n I. nittiTe, stuck f horses, h..gs ami s'w; com foil 'er, oats, firming utensil-, ic. At Ihe same p!a;'e I shall uLo tHrx sile. Four valuable IVcgrocs, IJ longi. g to aid estate. The s;if InC'U lintif two days and the N moes lo; soM the last day f sale (the 27il.) Tei ms, six months credit with spprc: d -ecurii v JO.WiS J CjIRII. Eremhi K l o inb- t;,.. p fj 2 !. IS1I. For Sale. r'0RN FA.NN. of a MiD' tinr'.i' bv .vritf 1 VV'aslsiegt .n, I'eaulnit I'.'inHy, .1 inuai v 5th, lill- 20 Slop the Thief! VE DOLL IS KKWAlIDwi-l 'iveu bv I be siibri i! r lor the v rv and deliv'i l y ol my son's ove'Ct"' v! ieh was si b n from m V li.'.i? i; niicht . i be 30; h ol .laui.iry last. Th overc-at is a cloth 0n, with v t o ' t ae collar, cufTs ;tnd porki-': b ea-i o! the c ut is f iced wfdi Vih'"" lb" cover on the buttons l. Iiiml i" w ' oir At 'he same linn , was st. lc i ;tZ,(' c'oik, wih vi Ivei C 'll;.r (be rl,,r ' li t wore,) belonging to my ovc."tr,ir also my wile's 'iding at To the iloye s:im will b aM 1 i s-im of live d dl ir for ilw i hief. fiEiJ.MlS $lMn? 2-.d o" Feiou irv. 1311. Wanted, A TEACHER, n.al.fi.d trarli various Inanchesof an r'-'g'1'1 ,lJ caiion, to take charge of the Turhoro' MaU Acinic Immediate application r'qf ..nil- THE TRUSTED F brtnry 4. IS40 " Fresh Garden Seed A UJIUIE subscriber ba opened a'"' (.ffrs for sale his MMply ()i Garden Seeds, among which are;" Early turnip beet Eaily York Ct J Long blood do aoo Cucumber e,,,,J. Early frame do Short prickMo ; L-leDru n,ariy name uatiis" , r . i ptiuce Lonearlet "do Drumhead Jit T lb 9 0 sV S 5 lT' a S fr. ...... 9 i JJ barrel 25 1:. ,5 Salon 40 45 ' I, , ll 10 i.n I buslul CO ie ,6 j iso , o : i buslifl 5 J 2j. gallon 3a li0 13, JVollcc. ( rnr ill.. ..i 'rur- -r'i-.ci luvm,,s , White Naples do ,, Turnip do Early horn Carrot Lima pole beans Dutch rur.her do China dwarf do Vh MS. Tarboro', Jan. 6, Imperial ou Lrge greeny E'.rlv do d Red Onioo Salsify : 1841.

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