Stale of Nortfc Carolina, EDSECOMHE COUNT V. Court of Pi'eus anil Quarter Sessions, NOVEMBER TERM-. 1840. Richard T. Eagles, AdmV,&c. . peHtmn The distributees of John Mil- ( p'J bourne dee'd, ' c' If Appearing to the jfatirction of ihc Court, that Stephen Milbo-.irnc. Edward Williams and wife Naricy, and Fiancis Woo l and wife Betsy, I fendaiits, ate not inhabitants of this State: It is therefore or tiered by the Court, that publication he made for six week successively in the Tar boro' Press, giving said defendants notice to appear at the Court of Plea and Quarter Visions, to be held for the County of Kiltcornhe, at the Court House in Taibo loiib, on the fourth Mond y in February next, then and thereto plead, answer, or tlctr.ur to the said Petition of the Plaintiff; otherwise it will he taken pro coitvsto, and heard ex parte as to them. Witness JoiiN Nohplekt, Chik of said Court, at office, the fourth Monday oi November, A I), ls-tf). JNO. NOR FLEET, Vlk. 2nd January, IS ll. Stale of North Carolina, EDO ECO.MBK C'OUN I V. Court of Pitas and Quarter Sessions, NOVEMBER TERM, 1S40. Celia Edwards, widow, &c. x TJ .... ... I 1 el 1 1 ion vs. ( Addey H. Edwards S: oilers, t f"r heirs at law of Harmon Ed- IJuwer' wards, decM, TT appearing to the satisfaction of ti e Court, that Eason Ciip & wife Zoa Ann Delphi, defendants, are not inhabitants of this Slate: It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication he made for six weeks successively in the Tai-boro' Press giving said defendant notice to appear at die Court of Pleas and Quarter Scs-ions, 10 be held for the County of Edgecombe, at the Court House inTarboro, on the f tilth Monday in February next, then anil there to' plead, answer or demur, to ihe petition of the-plantilT; otherwise it will he taker. pro coiift'sso, and heard ex parte, as to them, x Witness,. John Nohfleet, Clerk of said Court, at office, the fouith Monday of No vember, A. D. 1S10. JNO. NOHFLEET, Cl'k. 2ndJany. ls-41. Yoticc. fWWW. subscriber wishing to settle with all bis cieditors, wishes losell A TRACT OF LAKD. Containing between four and five hor-dud acres. There are a comfnrtatde dw lling house and necessary building" for a ('ami I): also, me other smill Iraned house, with a good brick chimney; on the sano, are orehiuds &c Those that wi-h to pur chase will eall on the sublet i tier, they can view the premises when called on, 1 Will give a bargain IV. D. HOPKINS Aiijn 12th. ism :3 APPROVED Patent Jflcdicincs. ARRISON'S specific Oint.i.. nt, foi the cure of ulcer, wounds cms hvnr sores, chilblains. Wiile welling 'lies pil s, spider ami Mia lit- hit.--. &c h is likewise grea'ly Miieiior to any in tlicine heretef le dicnveied lor the elia Itil backxaml limb- of hoi"c- for tetteis ringworms chapped lips and in shnii. lor every external hodily evil that may fall to the lot of man or beat. Carpenter's compound Syrup nfLivei wort, for tin cum ol Cough", -pil '"'g of blood, Consumption, and Livci umplaints. Indian hair Dye, icnrrnnted. vith one application, to change light h(l Hair, to a beautiful t.iown or jel black, in a lew' hours, without staining me "kin, or ii juiing i he texture of ihe ban: "'p color is permanent, and will not lot' cAor soil the finest lint n. Bernard's remedy for Malic Solera, cholera morbus dial r Loci, sum toer complaints, colics, cramp- & -pa-ms Curler's Southern Ilheumatic Embrocation, a sneedv cuie for rheuma tism, chilblains, sprains, numbness, and the oints, &c. l'ursoiVs pectoral balm of Car. en or Irish moss, a sale and certain remedy for-couirhs. mid, asthmas, boon- lnS cougb, shortness of breath, spilling of . ",uuu' consumption, &c. 0. "le njjlicted marts Friend, oi ,el.n'menl t many virtues, much celebra- rin 1 lllC CUre ol scrn,u,a or king's evjl, scajjorm! goitre, inflamed eyes, burn-, i facen neafls, eruption, or pimples on ihe "lce Xak'" Ut on tne ,nou,b, scorbutic an u,cerate(1 sore legs, sore breasts, an cancerous humors. iie, for Wrwd Pa,eDt m" Urhr PB0- HOWARD. 8D0ro', Auguif 24. - : : .i - Emus': Camomile Pittsx rJ'HE camomile firmer, (or as it is offi cially called, Antiikmis Vocilis, or Cliaiiice neliim. from (he UretU words, Kamai, on the ground, and Milan, an ap ple; heeause it grows on the ground, ;m.i "rnells like an apple,) is of a dull white color, of fragrant odor, and of a bitter ar omatic taste. Camomile is a mild tonic, in small do ses acceptable and corroborant to the stomach. is especially appliralde in that condition of general debility, with languid appetite, which often attends con valescence limn idiopathic (Vveis. To the jYtrvous and UtbUitatcd, Dr. Evans' Tonic PiiSs. The powers of I'vans Camomile Pills ire such, that the palpitating heart, the H emulous hand, ihe dizzy eye, and the lintieiing mind, vanish hel'ore iheir e (Fee Is like noxious vapors before the benign in iluence of the morning sun They have been long successfully used for the erne 1 inlei miuents, together iih fevers ol the irregular nervous kind, accompanied with visceral obt ructions. This tonic medicine is f.r nervous com plaints, general debility, indigestion and us consequences, as want of appetite, dis tension of the stomal h, acidity, unpleas ant laste in the mouth, rumbling noise in ihe bowels, nervous symptoms, languor, when the mind becomes irritable, despoil ding, thoughtful, melancholy and deject ed. I lypoi hondi iacism, consumption, dimness of sight, delirium, and all other nervous affections, ihese pills will produce j a safe and permanent cure. j Evans' Pills were first introduced in j A nieriea in I 835 j Evans' Family Aperient Tills j Are purely vegetable, composed with the t I iciest precision of science and of art; they never pioduce nausea, and arc- war ranted to cure the follow ing diseases w Inch arise from impurities of the blood, viz: j Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, Nervous diseases, liver complaint, dys pepsia, bilious diseases, piles, ulcers, fe male weakness, and all cases (d'hvpochon di iacism, low spirits, palpitation of the heart, nervous ii ratibiliiy, nervous weak ness, floor albus, seminal weakness, indi gestion, loss of appetite, heartburn, gene ral debility, bodily weakness, chlorosis or green sickness, flatulency, hysterical faint nigs, hysterics, headaches, hiccup, sea sickness, night mnre, rheumatism, asth ma, tic douloureux, cramp, spasmodic af fections, and those w ho are victims to that most excruciating disorder, Gout, will find relief from their snflViings by a course of L)r. Evans' medicines. Beware of Counterfeits. Oy Caution. He particular in purcha sing to obtain them at 1(J0 Chatham si., New Yoik, or from the KEGULAU AGENTS. J. M. IIkdmond, ) ... , , .I I arboro , Gko. IIowakd, ) V.. Russkll, Elizabeth City. HEAD OAr. Extract of a letter of Jonas Snyder, Post Master, KernesVille, Pa., to Dr. W il- liam Evans. Among several casps ihe following is found: An elderly lady, who had been 25 years so afflicted with nervous hypochon dria, debility, Sic. that for the last ..iee years she constantly received medical aid from a respectable physician; but the pressure and pain on her heart and breast, and especially in her left side, remained immovable, 'attended at long intervals with weakness in her head and on her mind, keeping her discouraged to under take tiny thing. In May she commenced using br. W Evans' medicines ac cording to the directions accompanying them. A reaction took place; the pain and pressure in her body was removed; her mind became clear ami strong; her spirits perfectly good, and up to thisliiiie it is in all respects restored to health which for the lasi ten earsslie has not enjoyeii (Signed,) JONAS SNYUEK. September 7, 183S. (7e paitirular. The genuine is ven ded by Averts only. Evans1 Southing St,rvp, Evans Camomile Pills, Hunt's Hotanic Pills, Goode's Ftmnle Pills, The above invaluable Medicines are sold Wholesale and Uetail, at 100 Chatham stkekt, New York, L 3 SotJTH SEVENTH STKEET, PhILAD'a 36 CoiiNiiiLL, Boston, Mass. REGULAR AGENTS. J-M Uednxond, Tarborcj, N C Geo. Howard, f 5 Marshall, Halifax, At. Russell, Elizabeth City, ,, T. Bland, Edenion, Solomon Hall, Newbern JV. Mason, Raleigh, J. W. AtwiU, Brunswick, Ga . Mark A Lane, Washington, 3 S. Seventh ttrut, Philadelphia. January, 1840. General Commission And Forwarding Stoi c, PORTSMOUTH, . tvymi, Fierce 4' Co. fjnijE uotlersigued, u.,., r Ihe abov firm, have associated themselves in hu-iev in Portsmouth, and are prep i ing to condoci oo the most extensive the Receiving, Forwarding, and Gen erul Commission llusiness. They have estihlished corresponded in all i:.e prineipd commercial cities ol he United S ate, as well as those ol Kn gland and the continent of Europe. They i!l It aoMnil and irnf t I Pnuluce, Good and Alerciiandize to and from any Ame rican and European ports on the hei firms and uitli de-patch. Those who a ay lavor them with consignments and l'll,,'S oay depend on th, ir pmnji at lent ion. '.A T'E II GIV) 'NN, W ' FIEUCE, J C. MclL'JE. N"V. 14. IS 10 47 JYoticc. WILL SELL OU LEASE, for a term of years, the lulluwing Real Estate, to w i I : That valuable Plantation and Tract ol Laud on Swift Creek, whereon I former ly lived, containing about b70 acies, ol whicii 100 acr. s are I w grounds; with ihe improvements thereon, consi"lin- ol ' a Deeding house, kitchen and otherout! iioiie, wnii extensive orchards and a great v.riety of fruit irec"', and one of the 'est mill seals on the cr?ek. The land i" siiuited in the mo"l healthy pat I of the comity, being blessed with excellent wa i. r and lying on t)e road leading from I i 1 1 1 1 .i x to Ualeigh, thiee miles west from II 1! ardston. AImj, another Tract adj dning thesamet eonaining 750 acres, with the improve ments thereon, consisting of a Dwelling housr, Ui'chen and smoke hoti"e and or chard. This land has also 50 acres ol 'ow grounds. A No. one other Tract on Sappony creek, whereon Jno Lewis now lives, containing 200 acres. A ho, my Houses and Lots in the town of Nashville, with the improvements thereon, consisting of a two story Dwell ing house, 80 feet in Iront by 26, con taining 15 rooms ami 13 fire places, with every necessary out hoU"e lor such an esiablhhmcnt, together with all the household ami kitchen furniture belong ing lo the same. As no person will buy or lease, with out firsl viewing the premises Ji j. ihought that a further description ol them h unnecessary. The term wjll he made suitable lo pur chasers, & made known on application to JNO. H DIIAKE, Sen'r. Nahville, N. C. Nov. Gib, IS40. THE Jllatchless Sanative, Invented by the immortal Louis Off on Goelickc, JL D. OF OEItMANV, EUUOeE, ... . i S astonishing the world with its mighty victory over many fearful Jisrases, which have been pronounced IN'CUKA HLE by physicians iu every age, being the most valuable medicine, and the most unaccountable in its operations of any ever prepared by human hands; a medicine ob tained'EqUAi.LY from the animal, mineral and verrrlnble kingdoms, thus possessing a G7T!inKE FOLD powEUO? a medicine of more value to mankind than the united treasures of our globe, and for which we have abundant cause to bless the benefi cent hand of a kind Providence; a medi cine, which begins to be valued by physi cians, who have heretofore opposed it, w ho ai-f. ibtilv witiiessioc its astonishing cures of many whom they had resigned to the grasp of the Insatiable Gravelly a precious and powerful medicine, w hich has thoroughly filled the great vacuum in the materia medico; and thereby proven itseii to be the Conaucror of Physicians. ITT Hose of the Sanative. For adults, one drop; for clnldien. a half drop; and r.. ;.. fiiie. a nuartcr drop. The direc ts, ns explain the method of taking these portions, ana contain a msiury j ie nntt its aiSliniruisntu IllVtlllUl. (jy Price. i hree and one-iiura ri dollars ($2 50) per half ounce. G. VICK, .igent. Stanhope, Nash co. N.C.June, 1840. Q7A fiesh supply of ihe above ir.vaJU- ble medicine jnst receiveu ana ior saie uy Geo. Howard, l arooro . Turner $ Hughes' NO ft Til CAROLINA Just received and for sale at this Office at the Raleigh prices , viz: 10 cents single, 75 cents per dozen, 553 50 for half a groee, S6foragroce,&c ... Nov. 1840. 5Ta"3 And Magnificent Goods, C03IPRIS1XG EVI3UY Variety of Foreign and Domestic Manufacture, Can now be hud at the Cheep Cash &iore, AT WONDERFULLY LOW PRfGES. JAMES WEDDELL, S j.jsl reiurned f,, the .Nonhen. CviS. and the wl ole ol U c-ktmyive nnr- H ....v, .MMveo, and are m,w icady fr iriM eetion. Hi, Stock is ,t. Inr. -est nml ,no, v .ned w inch ha, ever been submit I. d lb. public ,pp,oval. comb , , Xra,sS ,l,;il,,,, , Xr,ic"-M toanexten, u, puU-ltUd, and unug a Mock ol every description of 1 1 Rich and Splendid, Useful and Ornamental, IN THE GREATEST PROFUSION AND At most astonishingly Low Prices. 1 noC desirous of i.ui rLuin.r P4 ,.1 vanuly lu sJtcl It,,,,,, ill fi,,,l j, , - - T.-irbnrnugh, N-.-( tii'ier 20 h. I ?s K). JYolicc, 'JHE SnWriber elfers for sale on wr moderate and yccomtnodatii.g lerm", good Cotton Gin, Ol 37 saws ii is in prime order and reaily for ?nmediufe niie Aho, one ol Uarn au's patent Tnresh ing Machine?) which with one horse il is said will thresh from 125 lo 150 huh h ol wheat, rye, ea's and rice, ami I mm 150 to 200 bushels ol pea per dav. GEO. HOnVJTiD. Tarboro, October 21. Cotton Yarn, CIIZ12. rjpiIE subscribers, grateful for past fa v .is, take great pleiMjre in advising their numerous customer of Ji further tlccUnc of the Prices OF THIS AKTICLK. rhey flatter themsel ves they aie prcnared to sell on as good terms a ihe article ol the same O'idilvcau be nrorured Js where. Hy assiduity and nunciualilv in business ihey hope to leceive as hereto fore a liberal pationage. BATTLE S- BROTHERS. November ISlh, 1839. Just Received, And for sale at Low i'riccs, Jit the Cheap Cash Store, ripURKS Island and sack Salt: Cotton bugging, rope and twine; sugar, cof fee, lea and molasses: naih, window glass, and white lead; linseed oil. A general assortment of Hardware, guns, pistols, cunery. c. crocuery, cm na, glass and earthenware. JAS IV ED DELL. Trbro Nov. IS. 1840 JIIOFFAT'S Vegetable Life Pills And Fhciitx Bitters. Hp (I E high celebrity which these excel lent medicines have acquired, in co ring almost every disease lo wincii ine human frame is liable, is a mailer familial with almost ever intelligent person. They became known by their fruits - their good works have testified for them they did not thrive by the faith of the credulous. In cases of Costiveness, Dvspepsia, Uni ons and Liver affections, Asthma, Piles, settled Pains, Uheumatisin, Fevers and Agues, Obstinate Headaches, impure state of the Fluids, Unhealthy appearance of the skin, Nervous Debiliiy, the sickness incident to females in delicate health, eve ry kind of weakness in the Digestive or gans, and in all general Derangements of health, these medicines have invariably proved a certain and speedy remedy. They restore vigorous health to the mosi exhausted constitutions. A single trial will place the Life PUls and Phenix Bitters, Beyond Ihe reach of competition, in the estimation of every patient. Prepared and sold, wholesale anil retail, at WM. U MOFFAT'S Medical Office, 375 Hmadway, New York. N. B. None are genuine unless ihey have ! the fac simile of John Moffifs signature. 0C?"The Life Pills are sold in boxes Price, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 each, accordiugjo the size; and the Phenix Bit ters in bojjdes, at $1 or $2 each, with fuli direction For gratuitous distribution An inte resting liitfe pamphlet, entitled Mortal's medical Manna!, Designed as a domestic guide to health; .containing , accurate information con cerning the' most prevalent disease, and the most approved remedies by Wm B Moffat. ApplV to geo. Howard, Agent. (CJust received, a fresh supply of the above imvaluable medicines. TarboroOct. 1640. 2.0CI OF RIC SI ,.. , iiiu .ii iiht -.inn- nine nave ltlH lQt u.caii ;il li an immense A1KUCIIAM' TAIhuK, nn t i r t . . JJ. V.r ",,s me,,l"o of informing his Irieiuh and the public gem rally, hat lu ha jusi received his splendid Assortment of Fall and Winter GOODS, VIZ: Superfine blue and black Cloths, ,, green and brown do. ,, Woe and Black pilot do. for overcoais PI ain black and fancy L ndon Cash meres, Plain black and figM Velvet Vesting, Figured woollen and merino do. ., London, Valencia, and Cashmere do Plain black ami fancy Slocks, Bosoms Collars G loves. Supenders. &c. He invites an inspection of' hi i.ooih, as he is confident they cannot fail to give satisfaction as respects quality and pice (J(ientlemen who whh Iheir clothes made up, can have them made and trim med in Ihe most fashionable style. All orders from a distance will he punctually attended to. Tarboro', Nov. 10th, 1S40. Jtfarks's Ointment FOR THE CURE OF PILES. npHE Subscriber begs leave to offer to the attention of those who are Subject to that most disagreeable of disorders, TIME PZZsES, A remedy, the efficacy of which has beeil tested by the experience of years, ami ihe utility of which has in no instance been impaired from failure to relieve. To those who have been subjected m disease, it will prove, if applied when re attacked, a sure preventative to its contin uance, without the hast pain; indeed mail- have pronounced it the most agreeable lemedy ever applied. There can he no danger in its use, as its component parts ire of harmless Vegetable matter. The mother of ihe subscriber w ho is the maker of the Ointment, has been in ihe habit of giving it to her friends and neigh bors for the last five or six years, and in no instance to her knowledge hae its ap plication been ineffectual, as will be seen by a number of certificates annexed, a9 well as the testimony of a medical gentle man who has used it himself and prescri bed it to the relief of others. Those who are suffering will do well to make a trial of the remedy. Its efficacy is guaranteed, and there can be no doubt but that the disorder may be arrested in its earliest stale, if no delay be made iu its ap plication. The directions for use will be found on each bottle. SAMUEL H. MARKS. Petersburg, Va. Aug. 31. fThe Ointment may likewise he oh tair.ed from Messrs. Spoiswood 4 Robert son, Druggists, Petersburg -r.nd from the subscriber, in Tarboro1, where the certifi cate ab ve referred to ran be seen. GEO. HO IV A K I). A sent. The Subscriber. JHl AS just rec ived a large supply of boot ano sooes, meacneo auu un bleached domestics, bed tick-, nrgro cloths saMinelts, Kentucky jans Maeki niw, ro"Cf Whitney, and negro tLmkels Ladies ch-aks al all prices, and an endless variety f shawls ami handkerchiefs, bought at auction for cash and nowi fJVred Jit Lotv Prices, At the Cheap tTasIt Store MS. IVED DELL. TarboroNov. 17. IS40 Constables1 Jilunks jbr sale, At THIS 0J7JCI.

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