OUTBARGAINS lM Bargains!! Bargains!!! At the cheap Cash Store. JAMES WEDDELL & CO. ESPECFUbLY announce to tht citizens of Edgecombe and ailj doing counties, that they have on hand au excel lent supply of Foreign and Domestic Goods, Which they have commenced sellingi ff ai Greatly reduced JPrices, their object being to reduce iheir tock a- 5peedily as possiide, to make rjdin lor a large spring Supply. Those desirous o! obtaining Good Bargains, Will do well to call and examine their as sortinenl, confi lent that I hey can offer in dneemenl to cash purchasers ran ly to br met wiih. The following articles are c.flred AT COST, ai;d art ptrtieuloly de-erving the atti ntiiMi of the public, to wit: liioad el-hIk, c is-imeivs Mtiu-tl-, Kentucky j-ans kine ys ker-ey- for negro men'.- S women's wear, Mackinaw ami Wbilnc blankets, I'm rap, Ladies cloak-, men' overcoats, pliin and figured meu:ioe, mmistiii dt- Iain s. -Sc. ALSO, t half price, remnants of silks calicoes merinocs, .").. S: fyz. Tiirboro, Feb 20. I fed I. Cotton ITam. nnilK subscriber has just received a quantity of Cotton 'Yarn, diflTcieii" numbers,which he will sell Jll Deduct d Prices, On reasonable and accommodating terms GEO HOWARD. Tarb. o v. i S10. $10 Reward. 2T2S3 KAN A WAY from the Sub '-eriber, on the 27ih of July, IS40. iHirro n.an DANIEL Said Daniel is about thirty four years ol a;p, the rise of ix feet high, dark complexion, and a little knock knei d, with a scar on one side of his mouth, which side not recollected al-o. a small piece of one of his ears has been bit off in a fight. Said negro weighs the ii-e of two hundred pounds, and was rai s-d in Pitt county, N. C. I foruain all arsons Irom harboring said negro under the penally of the law. I will give the above leward to any person thai will an prehend said negro, and deliver him in near Oak Grove, Edgecombe count, N. C. or confine him in any jtil -o that 1 g-i him again. ABXER TSOX. Feb. 24, 1841. 9 APPROVED Patent Medicines. jTTTARRlSON'S specific Ointment, foi -- the cure of ulcer.-, wounds, corn fever sores, chilblains, while swelling biles, pils, spider and snake bites &C It is likewise greatly superior to anv mt dicine beret f ie di-covercd for the eba fed backhand limb-of horses for letters, ring worms chapped lips and in short, for every external bodily evil that may fall to the lot of man or beast. Carpenter's compound Syrup of Livei wort, for tbecuieol roughs -pit ting of blond, Cousumpl ion, and Liver Complaints. Indian hair Dye, warranted, with one application, to change light oi red Hair, to u heauiiful himvii or jV? black, in a lew hours, without staining; the .kin, or it j ning die texture ol the hair: ihe color i p-rmancni, and will not nib off or soil the finest lim n. Iternard's remedy for Jhiatic Cholera, cholera tnoi too-, di:n hoc , sum mer complaints, colics, cramp & pa-n,s Vurter's Southern lUicnmuiic Embrocation, a -pcrdy cure for ihcuma tism, chilblains sprains nun. hues.-, and stiffness of the joints &e. Parson's pectoral balm of Car. rsgen, or Iri-h mo, a sale and certain remedy for coughs, colds a-thir.as, hoop, ing cough, shortness of breath, spitting of blood, consumption, &e. ' The afflicted man's Friend, or Ointment ot many virtues, much celebra ted for the cure of scrofula,,,. u,r, eVi, ringworm, fi-oitre, inflamed eyes burns scalds, chilblains, breaking ,,, on cnij. dren's heads eruption, or p.tp!t.s on the iace, creaking out on ins mouth, C0 btitic ulcers, & ulcerated sore legs sore breast and cancerous humors. ' Printed directions accompany the a boy-TbooJ,.30G;i'aC,' 2L Life Pills & Phenix Hitters. HP HE perfectly safe, unerring, and sue cessful treatment of almost every species of disease by the use of tlloIfaVs Life ifleilicines Is no longer a matter of doubt, as a refer ence to the experience of many thousand patients will satisfactorily prove. During the present month alone, nearly one bun dred cases have come to the knowledge ol Mr. Moflatl, where the patient has, to all appearaure, cilVcled a permanent c ure by the exclusive and judicious use of the Life uied'uines some ei-Jil or ten of these had been considered beyond all hope by their medical attendants. Such happy results are a source of great pleasure? to Mr. M. and inspire him with new confidence to re commend the use of his medicines to his fellow citizens. The Life llcdicines Are a puiely VEO'E IWULE preparation. They are mild and pleasant in their ope ration, and at the same lime thorough acting rapidly upon the secretions ot the system earning off all acrimonious hu mors, and asimilatiug with and purifying the blood. For ibis reason, in aggravated cases of Dyspepsia, the Life medicines will give relief in a shorter space of time than any other prescription. In Fever &L ague, Inflammatory rheumatism, Fevers of every description, sick head ache, heart-bom, Dizziness in the head, pains in the chest, Flatulency, impaired appetite, and in eve ry disease arising from an impurity of the blood, or a disordered state of the stom ach, the use of these medicines has always proved to be beyond doubt, greatly supe rior to any other mode of treatment. All that Mr. Moffat asks of his patients is, to be particular in taking them strictly according to the directions. It is not by a newspaper notice, or by any tjiing that he himself may say in their favor, that he bones to train credit. It is alone by the results of a fair trial. Is the reader an in j valid, and does he wish to know whether the Life medicines will suit bis own case? If so, let him call or send to Mr. Moffat's agent in ibis place, and procure a copy of the Medical Manual, designed as a Domes tic Guide to Health, published gratuitous ly, lie will there find enumerated very many extraordinary cases of curei and perhaps some exactly similar to his own. Moffat's Medical office in New York, 375 Broadway. GEO. HOWARD, Agent Tarboro', Oct. 1840. npiIE immense and increasing popula rity of these pills, is another proof of the infallibility of the old adage, that "truth is powerful and will prevail." Oth er pills are only puflVd, but Dr. Meters' are purchased and praised, and recommended until the demand for them has become al most universal. Dr. Peters would impress this fact up on the public, that his pills are not a quack medicine; but a scientific compound ol sdmples, which has been ihe result of ma ny years intense application to a profes siou in which he was regularl v bred; hence it is as popular with ihe regular fac ulty as with the people at large, One of the in ;my peculiar virtues of the Vegetable pills is, that while very power- : ful in their t fleets, thev are ivn iiinl Ji ... . ' j i j ihild and gentle in their union. Unlike the generality of medicines, their application is never attended with nausea oi griping. Peters Vegetable 1'iUs Are now regarded by -hose who have had an opportunity to decide upon their mer its, as an inestimable public blessing. VY ithoul an exception in any age or coun try, no medicine has spread with such rapi dity, and given such universal satisfaction Prepare,! by .JOSEPH PHIESTLY PETEUS, M. D., No. 129 Liberty street, New York. The pills are neatly put up in tin boxes, price 50 cents per box. Extract of a letter from Dr. Ilopson, of Bangor, Me tJnn 9,1233. I Hey are a pe uliarly mild, yet efficient purgative medicine; and produce little, il any, griping or nausea. I MVe prescri bed them with much surress in sick head ache and slight bilious fevers. Ertcact of a letter from Dr. Joseph tVU Hams, of Burlington, Vt. July 9, 1837. i cordially recommend Feters' pills as a "j '"--, tuu in no case dangerous u.i.y medicine. I hey are peculia? ly in flueutial in osiiveness and all the usua diseases of the digestive organs. Extract of a letter from Dr. Edward Smith of Montreal, U, C. Srpt. 29, 1336. i never Knew a single patent medicine uiai i couid pin iie slightest confidence in but Dr. IVin.' Va .... i I. n. . Tci.ioie pins, w men are realty a valuable discovery. I have no he sitation in having it known,that I use them extensively in my practice, for all com plaints & they are not a feu whiih have their source in the impuiity of the blosd. ClI The above Pills are for sate at the I ost office and Printing office in Tarboro1. October, IS-10. House, Landscape & Ornamental FAINTING. nnUfc Subscriber respectfully informs -- the citizens of Edgecombe county, that he has located himself Jn Tarborough, Where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line of business. Those wishing gigs, sideboards, silting chairs, fire screens and the like painted. will bring them to the coach shop ol JMr Terrell. Ue will leave town and go into the country, when house painting is required All orders in his line of business will he thankfully received and faithfully executed m reasonable terms. LEWIS DE ARQUER. Tarboro', Feb. 26. Dr.COEIOOxV.S TONIC MIXTURE, FOR THE CURE OF Intermittent origuc andFetcr. rSTUllS mixture purifies the blood, re- moves the ague and consequent lever. I lie tilooa is made irom tne chyle oi contents of the stomach, has its red col our and vitality imputed to it by the action of the lung and oxygen gas w hich the atmospheric air contains. 'The Samp sou gland of the system, the liver, se ereles the bile, from Ihe blood carried to that organ through the Vena Portarum. These Viscera then are the anatomical apparatus by which the blood is made and preserved, and should be the Physician' watchword mark well the secretions. 'This mixture is harmless, and may be given to infants with perfect safely, as ii composition is solely Vegetable. Read the certificates below and annexed letter. I do hereby certify, that in 1837, my -on Thomas was attacked with intermit tent or Ague and fever. I applied to a respectable physician in Portsmouth, he gave him medicine, but in a few day- tin ague returned. 1 then applied to a phyi cian atSomerton, he prescribed, but found no relief. I then applied to Dr. Cohoon, and one bottle of tonic mixture made spee dy and permanent cure. Given under my hand this 25th of February. DAVID DUSFORD. Nanscmond County, Va. Winton, N.C. Ap. 9, 1S39. I have acted as Agent for the sale of Dr. Cohoon's tonic mixture, and can, from personal observation recommend it to ihe public for the cure of Ague and Fever, as I have sold is to those who had been plagued with the ague ami fever foi many months and tried many other remedies without success, when one bottle ol the mixture made a speedy cure. Dr. Cohoon is at liberty to iie this certificate in an publication he may think prp. r. LAWRENCE ELY Nanscmond Co., Va., April IS, 1 c .1 9 . I do hereby certify, that Dr. ('ohoon' Tonic Mixture proves an effectual cure for the ague and fever, for I have taken it and found il to fail in no stage of Ihe disease whatever. ELISIAl E VERE TT. Hertford Co., N. C.,June 2, IS3D. I do certify, that I have taken Dr. Co boon's Tonic Mix'tite, and Used it in my familj', and it has proved lo be one of tlu tet medicines I have ever used or sec-i given for Ague and Fever. WILLIAM P. BRITTON. Colerain, N.C, July 27th, 1839. My Dear Sir: I thought to have answered your note somciime since, but negligence is tht only reason I have toofler. 1 have procu red you an Agenl to sell your medicine at Colerain, Wm. J. Hardy, K-q., merchant ol that place. I handed over to Mr Hardy nine bottles of your mixture, and keep :i myself; which I will account to you for. Mr. Hardy wishes a further sup ply, say 3 dozen bullies I have used 4 Dottles ot your Ionic Mixture in the course of 12 months in my family, and it has succeeded in every case when every other medicine that 1 had tried had failed: and I say il is preferred to any medicine that I have ever used for the asue & lever. I am yours truly. J. WATFORD. A CENTS. CKO. HOWARD, Tarboro', N. C. .IAJUKS K. V KICKS. Pasquotank co. I0HN ASKEW, P.tch Landing, N. C. F. S. MA US HALL, Halifax N. C. KAWKENCK ELY, Winton, A" C. I0SKPII H0KNSUY. Suffolk, Va. LA W 11 EN CE & V A UGH AN, M urfrces- horough, N. C. WILLI AM J. H ARDY, Colerain, N C AR THUR T. FOSTER, Bryerfiehl, Va. March, leio. 13 Botanic Jtlcdicincs. Hp HE subcriber has recently procured and now offers for sale on reasonable and accommodating terms, the following Tkompsonian Medicines, viz: Looelia, eed and pulverized, 2nd and 3rd Preparation of do. Composition, Nei ve Powder. PopUr Hark, African Pud P- pp", liavherry. Skunk cabbage, wake H'bin, Hal-am Fir, llulierntit syrup, llilmouy, (Ireen czier, Myrrh, Unicoi n root, (linger, Hitter Root, liol len Seal, Clivers, Pond Lilly, hemlock, wi eh ha'.le. Cough powder-, ra-pbeiry leaves Prickly ash, lippi ry Int. narberry, Cholera and Dysentery Syrup. Rheumatic Tincture, Woman'.- Friend, Stieng'hening Ph-ler, No C. Toompon's (Juide and Nu rative, U-'binson's Lectures, Syiines GEO UOIWIUD. Tarbnn Nv. 9b, ISS9. Rcconiiiieiidcd by the Faculty. , c Tomato and Slippery Elm PILLS. fHl II ERE are many family medicines now before the public, some of which, from their intrinsic virtues have j'tk gained the confidence and gratitude ol thousands; but in the light of contrast, and in the scale of cnraiive merit, Dr. HarrelPs Tornalo and Slippery Elm Pills stand pre-eminently above them all; nor is an apology offered for taking this high ground, unless it is the fact of their supe perior, and almost miraculous effects in the ! cure of diseases. 'They prod-u e. w hen ta ken, a deep and l isting impression thai they stand at the head of all other prepai ed medicines of the day. Fevers, Livei afTeciiou:, Jaundice, head ache, loss ol appetite, costiveoet-s, female complaints and every disease within the reach of hu man means; it hi readily to Vie power ful, yet gentle operation of these pills. As a cathartic t!i y are copious and free, as au aperient they are mild and ertain. as a tonic they are prompt and invigorating, as an alterative they a.-e superior to Calo mel or any other known remedy, and as a purifyer of the blood they are unequalled in the history of medicines. 'There is no disease can withstand their life-giving en ergy when taken in time, or interrupt tin system al all when they are administered as h preventative. During sickly sea sons, and the prevalence of epidemicks, their occasional use will preserve the body from attacks of disease. 50 tcntr per box. $'54 per gross. Druggists, IJ.odxSi Hers, and Merchants are requisite to become agents for ihe sale of i lie above medicines. All orders (post paid) directed to Dr. A. Ilarrell, bliz-im-ih City, N. C. will re ceive s 1 1 i c t attention. TESTIMONIALS. Charles H.ight, E q. Pasqiotank Co. N. C. cured ol sh U he;id nrlie, s i U Stom ach, cosiienes and fVver. J isi.ih Prichett, Eq PiMpiotauk C., N. (.., of bilirus pleuriy, p.iin in j,e head, and soreness of the wind. body. Charles llarrel, Emj ET.Z-ibeth City, ,. ( ,js family of biliuos and mher syiuptiu.-. Cap:. J. Smith, Windsor, N. C.' of liver complaint and costivenes-. R, v. G. M. Keesee, Portsmouih, Va., if tiili.Mis li.tbil he ad ache ami nausea. Joseph !,imsey, Esq. Plymouth, .. (;., f indispsitioli. Ki.herl Simpson, Esq, Pasquotank Co., N. C. his wife cfloss ofappeiite, and Lis servant of diarrl re i. Horaiin N. Wil liams, Kfq. Eliz ibein City. N.C, of in disposition. James Carl'w light Eq. Pas quotank Co., N. C., of Joss of appetite. ami sicii stomal h. Kev. James A. (lid dick, Kamlolph Macon College, of syinp- tms ol Dyspepsia. Mr. Z.on Culpepper, r.nzaoeiu -wity, i. U., o loss of appetite I. 'f .. ' ixev. ji..-epo j iirner, hz.ilieth Cm, N. C, of sirk stomach, and flatulence. Jo- I. C I ... I r. epn ouaruor, sq. Camden Co., N C, oi loin sto.nach, aixl bilious deranemeiil Mr. Kobert Po.d. PH.;nnoaok C, M Cj. tC Ifltri'iilriifl ' t"",r" ppeuie and cosnveness. a lew selected out of many. AGENTS. James M. Redmond, ) ,n , Gko. Howard, Tarboro', R. Emerson, Noifolk, Va. H- HnfT8i Co, Portsmouth, Va. W- Hadham, Edenton, N. C. V. Fessenden, Plymouth, M. C. M. S. Uerry, Hen lord, . C. t- Clayton, Tyrrel, N. C. H. D. Macheo, Washington, i. C. S. Marshall, Hal. fax, N C. N. H. Hassell, Williamston, N. C. Webb h Capehart, Windsor, N. C. W. M. Mason, Raleigh, N. C. S. Small, near Woodville, N. C. S. Hall Neubem, N. C. W. &t G. Howard, Ocracoke, N. C. Sept. 21, 1839. )y XJI till II . Cleanse ami lmrif njllIEappbeationofthe " 7. Hion being aIlowe(I;P eopor greatest utility in the cure amU 1 ol iseae, il is ol ,,e greahs, , P'eVe to ascertain what medicine ; "tn producii z Ihe desire,! '. Iuble is o.,... i . ' of si, a..d at Ihe ?ame lime ir, ihe tna! ma tin r. In il, - n m0i eff 1 1 i the blind ptcj.uicef ?et,,d H 'i-n of the p-.blic; h Z "?n tho-e few who still are ,le,P,nii y, -killed ace ,,, lo lut. , JI1,,,J o,. nli- nt i!rl i I n (. I i ' lift - " ""iioi nave a V leliTn vtp Hu m." ut, tb,ik !0 ciieuia'iim oi iiew;:pap S ,.,. ,. e -neralddfn-ion of know-lul "Jf.'f "e ble, nineteen twentieths . VlIK p.!11, PLE to read ami judge for lhcm'P o..w we no longer believe in swill hat deadly miueial Mercury ;' !r8 o cure-but universally tav,;,i wr-e condition after its use. 'D 1 We no longer believe in ,heaL J notion 'hat Inflammations 0f an -7 .an be cured by absl racli.,. ou? ! , OUR DLOOD. It i-nowuel -lood that an inflimmation is a tiwiHce u( nature, a signal i)al Cr' quires Ihe assistance of purgative cine to ease herof.be oppressive b,, which she pn.ves by the heaV) fcV(r toe strong poUe, is wanted .obei In olhtr w otds, the body calls'lur a r ill ' Vfp. atrly eli ansmg. o BrundretV Vegetable universal r. quire no skill in their alrnjjjlraj ' the printed direction only )as ,0011' observed, and they decribe the just J i)i)i tion ol the mairnitmle nf it, ,i. ... ' ' c' be cured. o 'c Usea$ei) Lei all persons read the foil;,. pinion of a genlleunm who vvtH ihe qualities of these Pills. 1 Brandrcth's nils. This medicine is acknowledged lobe one of the nio-l vatuahle ever di-covertd a- a pitifhr ol the blood and fluids. is -operiur lo Sarsaparilla, wleili.rasj odoi ilie or alterative. It tands ii !ii,iitf !' fore all the preparations oi ctHi.binaliiiii t Metcuiy. It- purgative pi openies aie d. i.e ol me deniable value 1 r lltl'ili- ay taken daily for am period A'r -ie,.d o wi a l en in g by ihe vaiharnc t flee. Ley add strength by taking away ilictitis I weakness. 'There is no good Mcicuit Iocs, which thee Pill-do not likewi Uut ii. ey have none of the mirerabi If ct- td thai deadly specific. The let!) ire not ii jured; the hones and limbs art ot paraliztd no but in ihe Mead of thie di!tifcMng symplon.s, new J i fe arj cens quent animation is evident in tvery ooveineni of the body. Brandnlfo Piis are indeed a univrsal Remedy, kr hey cure i pposiie distn-es; tlie) cm It-flu mmu t iou and chronic rheumalm I hey cure diabetes and sraugua' 'Tin- cuie (fysetilxry and constitution co rcis. I hey will cure all the apparently opposite diseases, bccuiM they cleanse, and pur fy the Mood, pu- deI, Iiowi ver, natuie is io: beyuntl all human ASlSTNt E Fi.ur yeais lls medicine has now been In lute tin' puU t mi tin- Ui.ited Stales; when ver il lias life: intiodncid, it ha -upet.-eded all olic: i eoied n-s. Thi- inedicin" h.w bf en made tlf -u' j- (-.' of much im minent llimugli in United Stale-, while it- mili'V lJ) een exlen-ivelv ac know led -red. nitit e--ion seems to he gimmg rountf hat Hramlieth's mrdiucie may be f' (d i)e.l wi h safely and t fll-ct, a- a remt-iy or onln-aiy i fiimilies. TliCte m ttiy s nsih.- per-on- in this cily, as tttil i-oilu r put- ol the country, ::: get propriety te-lify lo ihe good iff-c'! -I llraudielh'- PilN.lrom In quenl ePCI" oienl-; & no vd may he apptt -fiended the u-e of them accottling to ihe d'rfC' ton--. In diricing pihlic attention lo'e Iraiuli( th oiPitieinM. ivp on hone.-t convictions, I hut Ihe liraudreih Pill- have done more service to ihe I,re;' t-iil general i m, than all Ihe patent niea'j cine which have ever been introtluc into general ue. Br Rraudrelh's Offices in New Vo'' a.e 241, HUOAUWaV: IS5. M"' -trei t, a.tl 276, Howery, between PrinS and Houston streets Renu mber Druggists are never gents 195 Main Street 19 Ji f w doors below the Old M"r' Richmond, is 1)14. IIENJ. RA UKIIT.N VIU(;iMA OFFICK. The follow ing gentlemen ,aV!. ,Pjj. ppoinied agents lor Ihe sale of eth- Pills: (; EO. 1 1 0 W A R D, Tarhorn S ieven-on & hryan, Waynesboro j : IV-k. Raieizh: A p. Nmihatn. Wn. field: 15. & II. IJ..kcr. Louisbvrgi ; 'j ker & Pacheh.l, EnJieUf. ,u. I'.-...'. CV,..,cAv,r. l. FtrN". , tifx: B. B. Paniel, lleathv'dUi Uj" o Pn'cheii, Brinkleyvilic n$s 'The metlicine can he jnuciired o i every county in the State, at r hox. w iih din clinii-. -ccit Eich agenl ha- an ergnved cer ignf d B. Brandrcih, M D Match, 1840.